ArtsBridge Spring 2008

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The morning of my fiftieth was something of a welcomed conundrum. As I lay looking at the ceiling I wasn’t entirely sure how to proceed: Should I wonder how fifty is different from thirty? Or should I firmly plant my feet on the floor and look to the heavens with a glint in my eye knowing that fifty is the new thirty? My choice was all about the rhythm of life.

directors message The AAC turns 50 years on 20 March 2008. And isn’t it true that the arts, too, have rhythms? The first AAC executive was comprised of President Dr. Van E. Christou, Vice-President Ted Godwin and, David Howell and Jessie Baalim as Treasurer and Secretary, respectively. It was a time when respect for the arts was prevalent just as they are within the community today. It was then, on 03 May 1958, that the Allied Arts Council would sponsor an appearance by the National Ballet of Canada, an earnest reminder of how the industriousness of spirit that was common then emerges today as we see an explosion of arts networks, webs and communities. We, the AAC, couldn’t be more pleased or proud to salute our civic arts pioneers as we recognize the renaissance of arts so bountifully apparent in Lethbridge today.

We are pleased to introduce you to ArtsBridge, a new masthead for our newly refurbished newsletter that will be yours to enjoy thrice annually. Through 2008, ArtsBridge will recall the early days of the AAC with ArtTracks personal reminiscences from leading arts aficionados whose dedication to a fledgling AAC was as inspiring as their determination was limitless. Issue #1 features Dr. Van E. Christou, 1st AAC President.

We welcome our contributing writers, each one a new member of Lethbridge’s growing chorus of arts professionals and enthusiasts: Ryan Doherty, the new curator at SAAG and, Jeffery Carlson, a new City Councilor ripe from the stages of New West Theatre.

The AAC annual fundraiser Carnival for the Arts held 26 January at Galt Museum Viewing Gallery was exemplary of the planning for our 50th Anniversary year. A unifying link through the year is the AAC Passport to the Arts: Your golden ticket to arts activities presented by AAC member organizations. Become immersed in your self-guided tour capturing the riches in Lethbridge’s own exceptional arts community. Look to the Calendar of Events (pg.7) for upcoming Passport to the Arts events and contact our offices to learn more about starting your arts adventures. The first 50 years of the AAC established it as a grassroots assembly of artists and devotees who were determined to open their passions for the arts to the greater community of Lethbridge. Today the AAC is thriving as the leader of the civic Arts Re:Building initiatives, stewards of the Civic Arts Policy and as the home to 40+ members who have openly applauded the AAC for its responsive, collaborative candor. It is the rhythm we choose. Suzanne Lint Executive Director

318 . 7 Street South Lethbridge, AB T1J 2G2 403.320.0555 F: 403.320.2450

Administration Suzanne Lint Executive Director Teresa Ternes Special Events

Programming Claire McNab Education Services Facility Services Darcy Logan Gallery Services Jana MacKenzie Office Services & Finance Kimberly Hanna Evening & Weekend Assistant

ARTSBRIDGE ISSUE 1 | March 2008 Publisher The Allied Arts Council of Lehtbridge Managing Editor Laura Kenwood Design & Production Maya Ichikawa Photography Henriette Plas Printer University of Lethbridge Print Services Distributors The Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge The Lethbridge Herald For additional copies contact the AAC office No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

NEW & RENEWED MEMBERSHIPS 11.01.07 > 02.22.08 Individual > Karen Brownlee . Tom Buchanan . Sarah Burger . Carolla Christie . Karen Christie . Van Christou . Susan Cochrane . Lisette Cook . Michael Cormican . Robert Croskery Barb Cunningham . Shirley DeBow . Tasha Diamant & David Howell . Amy Dodic . Wayne Dwornik . Mary Falconer . Valerie Falconer . John & Barbara Fisher . Merri-Ann Ford Rick Gillis . Barb Goodman . Chuck Graves . Peter & Olive Green . Evan Gushul . Aaron Hagan . Helen Haynes . Barbara & Eric Hillman . Tweela Houtekamer . Bobby Hunt Angela H’Wood . Akira & Lorita Ichikawa . Morris Katz . Laura Kenwood . Jeanne Kollee . Ike & Diane Lanier . Loreen Law . Ken & Kathy Lewis . Arlene Litchfield . Vickie MacArthur John D. Macdonald . Bev Mazurick Val McMeekin . Peggy Mezei . Glenn Miller . Joy & Dave Morris . Peter Mueller . Anne & Nick Myshok . Lorraine Neal . Nathaniel Newlands Mary & Martin Oordt . James T. Palmer . Adelaide Passier . Bernhard Pohl . Nefertiti Porcelli . Ian Randell . Katherine Rasmussen . Diane Rossetti . Christina Samson . Elizabeth Songer Patricia Sorensen . Judith Tudor . Sue Wilke . Blake Wilson Allied > Busker’s Association of Lethbridge . Chinook Calligraphy Guild . Lethbridge Community Band . Lethbridge Irish Dance Assoc. Lethbridge Musical Theatre . Lethbridge Photography Club . Oldman River Writers . Sound Proposal Association . Southern Accord Chorus . Southern Alberta Art Gallery . SUCH Players Symphony Women’s League . Trap\door Artist Run Centre . U of L Recreation Services . Vox Musica Associate > Actors Academy Inc . Ammena Dance Co . Davidson & Williams LLP Fall Into Christmas Fine Arts & Craft Sale . Ferrari Westwood Architects . Joy’s Dance Factory . Move 4 Him . Puddle of Mud Theatre Productions . Southern Alberta Community of Environmental Educators (SACEE) . The Center for Board Development . The Slice Bar & Grill . The Dam Gallery . The Studio . Torry Lewis Abells LLP . Wall Décor & More

Allied Arts Council Of Lethbridge ORIGINAL MEMBERS 20 MARCH 1958






Dr. Van E. Christou


For nothing short of 50+ years the residents of Lethbridge have had the strong, compassionate public voice of Dr. Christou speaking on behalf of civic-wide arts advocacy. His commitment to placing Lethbridge in the forefront of nationally recognized arts centres was evident from the earliest, formative days of the AAC. As the first AAC President (1958) Dr. Christou oversaw the first general policies for the AAC; led the first AAC delegation to City Council; welcomed the first 16 arts organization into the AAC; and in 1960 introduced Archie Key (Calgary Allied Arts Council) to the AAC and local service clubs, a personal and civic association that eventually led to the AAC locating in the Bowman Arts Centre. In 1966 Christou was appointed to the Founding Board of Governors of the University of Lethbridge and in 1967 was instrumental in securing the financial support of Charles Bronfman (House of Seagram Ltd.) for the aquisition of “Moses” (Sorel Etrog, artist), the first art object placed on University grounds. The Christou family has played an integral role in the establishment and growth of The University art collection from a single sculpture to approximately 13,000 works valued at more than $34 million. In looking back Van recalls that one of his most daunting tasks as a member of that Founding Board of Governors was to convince the rest of the Board members into voting to spend one half of 1% of the capital building expenditure to start the University art collection. In 2002 the Helen Christou Gallery opened in the new library. After spending two summers at the Banff School of Fine Arts (1954 and 1955) and painting for several years with a group of local artists, Dr. Christou began his own photography practice in the mid-1960’s as an early member of the San Francisco Multi Image Society. He has had a number of public exhibitions of his work; has conducted summer photographic art workshops in Waterton; and, has published two coffee table art books: Land of Shining Mountains (1997); and, Garden of Serenity (2006).

the arts:

Alive, Thriving & Living in Lethbridge! As someone who has been involved in the local Arts Scene for more than 25 years, it is exciting to see that there seems to be no stopping the amazing growth that is happening in all segments of the arts in Lethbridge. Over the last few weeks I have been treated to an array of arts activities that have included three live theatre performances, at least half-a-dozen musical performances, a highly informative and entertaining museum exhibition, and an amazing celebration of all arts at the AAC Carnival for the Arts. Whew. The last time my ‘arts calendar’ was this full, I was living in Vancouver, a city where I could only afford to merely look at the posters of what was available to me. We are fortunate indeed to live in such an arts-rich city where the opportunities for experience and involvement continue to grow. The growth in the area of a live theatre alone has been staggering. When I was very young and still had a full head of hair, Lethbridge had two amateur theatre companies - Lethbridge Musical Theatre (LMT) and Playgoers of Lethbridge. Each provided one offering per year. With the opening of the ‘Theatre Lab’ at the University of Lethbridge, following with the now defunct ‘Performing Arts Series there were suddenly more productions feeding Lethbridge’s growing appetite for live theatre. Today as my hairline recedes by the minute, the addition of six to eight productions from the University of Lethbridge ‘Mainstage’ and ‘TheatreExtra’ programs bless us. Together with as many as three amateur companies and one professional theatre company live theatre is thriving in our midst. As our junior and senior high Schools continue to amaze us with the calibre of performances they are creating, it is a rare week indeed when there is not at least one theatrical offering to be found in our city.

“A.Y.[Jackson]’s brother Ernest S. Jackson was always welcoming his brother’s artist friends into his home on 5th Avenue South. On this particular evening we were invited over to celebrate A.Y.’s 75th birthday and what an entrance he made. Just in from a northern painting stint at Gunnar Mines, Jackson brought out a carrying case full of wet panels - 10” x 12”, - and each and everyone was still wet. We set these wooden panels on every perch and slant all over the living room in order to enjoy and for me to photograph them. It was quite a sight and to this day I treasure the slides I made of those beautiful freshly painted oil sketches.”


Dr. Van E. Christou January 2008 in conversation

passport to the arts Your Golden Ticket to the Arts awaits as the AAC rolls out all the stops in celebration of its 50th Anniversary year.

I truly believe that this ‘renaissance’ of the arts in Lethbridge has only begun. City Council recently adopted a Civic Arts Policy in which two of the guiding principles are: The Arts are recognized as an important part of a vibrant City of Lethbridge, and; The Arts play a leadership role in the future of Lethbridge.A person only has to read the “Heart of The City Master Plan” to see that the City of Lethbridge truly believes these principles, and is striving to create a beautiful, accessible downtown core which is enhanced by a strong arts presence. It is my pleasure to be a part of the Lethbridge City Council that recognizes the arts - in all their forms - are essential to a beautiful quality of life that we are dedicated to providing and enhancing for our citizens.

The AAC has 500 Passport to the Arts for 500 lucky passport holders who have the easy task of choosing an arts event, taking along their Passport that holds space for as many as 50 stamp entries. Once your stamps are collected, drop your Passport off at the AAC office to be sure your name is eligible for a draw at the AAC 2009 annual fundraising event ‘Best of the Best’.

In closing, I would like to thank all of you who supported me in my decision to run for City Council. Continued support for the arts ranked high among the main ideals of my campaign as I believe that the arts define who we are; the arts catalogue and contain our best memories and emotions; the arts remind us what is best about human nature. The arts are alive and thriving in Lethbridge, and are growing every day!

Bowman Arts Centre . Empress Theatre Society . Galt Museum Kiwanis Club of Lethbridge . Lethbridge Artists Club . Lethbridge Community Band Society . Lethbridge Folk Club . Lethbridge Irish Dance Academy . Lethbridge Musical Theatre . Lethbridge Public Library . Lethbridge Symphony Association . New West Theatre Nikko Yukko Gardens . Playgoers of Lethbridge . Southern Accord Chorus . Southern Alberta Art Gallery . University of Lethbridge Faculty of Fine Arts . Vox Musica . Wall Decor & More

Jeffery Carlson joined Lethbridge City Council as a new councilor, commencing November 2007. For 21 years, Jeff was a writer and Associate Director with Great West and New West Theatre companies.

Complete Passport to the Arts event information is available in the monthly City of Lethbridge Leisure Guide, the AAC bi-weekly email Arts in Lethbridge, the ArtsBridge Calendar of Events on pg. 7, at our website or by contacting our office.

Your rewards are not air miles or travel points or a free upgrade from economy. Your rewards are first class arts experiences. Where will your wanderlust take you? Your 19 ports-of-call include:

Creative Opportunities & Flourishing Communities I first came to Lethbridge with the intent of getting in and getting out - two years of science before transferring to the University of Alberta. That I switched to a degree in art, stayed for eight more years and have now moved back indefinitely to take on the role of curator at the Southern Alberta Art Gallery speaks to the vibrant cultural scene that percolates here year after year and that continues to leave me reeling. Truly there is no place quite like southern Alberta. It is a region filled with remarkable individuals and organizations that refuse to be restricted by its modest size or relative isolation. The arts flourish here, helping to provide our communities with energy, vitality and a strong voice in local, national and international dialogues. It is this spirited voice that helped to guide my career as a curator and drove me to search for ways to foster the development of art and its many roles in our society. It is this same voice that drew me back to Lethbridge after my graduate studies at the Center for Curatorial Studies in New York. There is little doubt that the art and related programming coming out of southern Alberta is of a caliber no different than that of Manhattan, Berlin or any other world center.


“It was Ted Godwin - one of our group of painters - who knew Dimitri Gouloubeff [who was] the City of Lethbridge Recreation Director. Ted had arranged with Dimitri for the group to use the Curling Rink during the summer months to continue its studio sessions. It was during one of those late Friday afternoons that representatives of City Council arrived to do a site inspection and there we were - 6 of us - absorbed in a [nude] figure drawing session when the doors opened. We looked up in surprise.

Not only can Lethbridge offer a rewarding curatorial career, it is also a warm and generous community in which my partner Jaclyn and I are proud to raise our new son Quinlan. Southern Alberta has earned the right to celebrate when organizations like the Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge can boast an astounding fifty years of successfully nurturing the arts. Even so, we can all take comfort knowing that no one is resting on their laurels. Our many communities can look forward to an exciting new year of art and art programming and more, the start of what might be a full-fledged renaissance as funding and general support continues to escalate with renovations and new cultural initiatives. I am very excited to be a part of this dynamic moment in the development of the arts - privileged times during which we can build on the legacy of our past by drawing on the energy, commitment and innovation of our present. Together we can help give shape to the next fifty years of the arts in southern Alberta and I am confident they will be extraordinary. Ryan Doherty joined the Southern Alberta Art Gallery (SAAG) as Curator, January 2008.

The City Councillors stepped in, looked over and they blinked. A collective nod of greeting was gestured. They left and we finished our brush strokes. Were we red-faced?...oh, sure. But what we all remembered so clearly was Mayor [A.W.] Shackleford never once lost his stride nor as a good friend did he ever again refer to that surprising occasion.� Dr. Van E. Christou January 2008 in conversation

homage to henriette support the arts AAC membership

I have just come from one of the most enjoyable volunteer assignments I have been given: Acting as official greeter for the 50 Faces photo shoot at the studios of Henriette Plas Photography. My colleague John Fisher dropped by early for a debriefing for his stint the next day and ended up staying for the fun.


o New Member o Renewal Name


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o Friend to the AAC


o Family Friend to the AAC


o Other (Donation) Donations are tax deductible Cheques are payable to the Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge CREDIT CARD INFORMATION o Visa

Without any deep analysis as to the reason for my enjoyment, suffice to say that is was due in large part to the infectious energy of Henriette Plas who interacted with the wonderful array of personalities who came to lend us their faces. The 50 Faces photo shoot was about generating photographic images of 50 Lethbridge residents in symbolic honour to each of the 50 anniversary years of the AAC. The entourage consisted of babies and toddlers to eighty year-olds all with extraordinary energy. They crossed boundaries from city councilors to street buskers. They were classically trained musicians and edgy rockers. We had the first president of the AAC and the last one, too. Henriette’s job was to get a ‘mug shot’ of each person and send them on their way but she is far too creative to be happy with a single shot. With the basic shots complete, Henriette somehow convinced even the most reserved to loosen up and do some pretty wacky things for her camera. And all within a 10-minute time frame. Four year-old Kyra danced for us, did a bit of yoga and some extremely fast judo chopping. Ali jumped, then tried a back bend in order to make her dreadlocks appear at their best. Dot gave us some surprisingly ‘cheesecakey’ poses.

o Mastercard

Total Donation and/or Membership amount ______________ Card # ______________________________________________ Expiry Date _________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________ o I am interested in becoming an AAC volunteer Please send me an application

I left Henriette’s studio somewhat exhausted and I blame Henriette for my fatigue. Just watching her squat, stretch, crane and bend made me feel like I had just finished a rather rigourous workout. On behalf of the AAC Board of Directors, I tip my hat to you, Henriette, for your beautiful work and wonderful style. You are a delight. Amy Dodic is an AAC Board Director and artist.

AAC Annual General Meeting Wednesday 19 March 2008 7pm City Hall Reception to Follow


Joan Waterfield Award Deadline > 01 May 2008

AACE Awards Deadline > 30 June 2008

Presented Saturday 21 June at the Summer Solstice Soiree to recognize those individuals who have made a substantial contribution to our local society in an area of the arts: visual arts, music, dance, theatre or literary.

Presented Thursday 11 September at the 3rd Annual Mayor’s Luncheon for Business & the Arts. Awards presented in these categories: Individual, Business and Service Organization


Nominations accepted from all AAC Members > Information: Teresa Ternes 320.0555 or

calendar of passport events *

MARCH 2008

01 Lethbridge Winter Roots & Blues Festival 3pm El Rancho Convention Centre [329.SEAT] 01 U of L Faculty of Fine Arts presents The Horse, The Bison & the Deer 8pm David Spinks Theatre [329.2616] 01,06,07 & 08 New West Theatre presents Mending Fences > 8pm Sterndale Bennett 06 & 08 1pm Matinee [] 02 U of L Faculty of Fine Arts presents Abbondanza > 6pm CoCo Pazzo Italian Café [329.2616] 04 SAAG noon film Isamu Noguchi 12pm Turcotte Library [327.8770] 04,11,18,25 The U of L Faculty of Fine Arts hosts Music at Noon > 12:15pm Recital Hall Each week a new group of musicians [329.2616] Ammena Dance Co. presents *An08Explosion of World Dance and Music 5:30pm Yates Memorial Centre [330.9084] 11-15 U of L Faculty of Fine Arts presents To Kill A Mockingbird 8pm University Theatre [329.2616] 12 Galt Museum & Archives Café Galt Chivalry and Crusading in the Medieval World 7pm [320.3898] 14 & 15 Empress Theatre Society presents Quartet > Sylvia Tyson, Caitlin Hanford, Cindy Church & Gwen Swick > 8pm [553.4404] 15 Lethbridge Folk Club presents Rob Snider & Bob Wiseman 8pm The Wolf’s Den [] 15 Galt Museum & Archives, Collections Tour 1:30 – 3pm [320.3898] 17 Lethbridge Symphony Association presents The Wonder of Amadeus 8pm Southminster United Church [328.6808] 19 SAAG Cinema Mon Meilleur Ami 7pm Galaxy Cinema [327.8770] 28 & 29 U of L Faculty of Fine Arts presents Global Drums 8pm University Theatre [329.2616]


APRIL 2008

02 U of L Faculty of Fine Arts presents Kind of Blue U of L Jazz Ensemble 8pm University Theatre [329.2616] 04 U of L Faculty of Fine Arts presents Wind Orchestra Concert 8pm University Theatre [329.2616]

05 U of L Faculty of Fine Arts presents U of L Singers Celebrate > 8pm Southminster United Church [329.2616] 06 Empress Theatre Society presents Pavlo > 8pm [553.4404] 06 U of L Faculty of Fine Arts presents A Tribute to George Evelyn (Farewell to an Old Friend) 2pm University Theatre [329.2616] 08 & 09 Empress Theatre Society presents Lorne Elliott > 8pm [553.4404] 09 Galt Museum & Archives Café Galt Silent Voices > 7pm [320.3898] 16 SAAG Cinema The Diving Bell & The Butterfly 7pm Galaxy Cinema [327.8770] 19 Lethbridge Folk Club presents Rob Szabo 8pm The Wolf’s Den [] 26 Southern Accord Chorus presents 10th Anniversary Show Do Divas Wear Pink 2pm & 7pm Sterndale Bennett Theatre [329.6882] 25-27 Empress Theatre Society presents Cinemagine, Annual French Film Festival 8pm [553.4404] 30 U of L Faculty of Fine Arts Fine Arts Fashion Show & High Tea 2:30pm Lethbridge Lodge [329.2616]

MAY 2008

05 Lethbridge Symphony Association Master Series Youthful Wonder 8pm Yates Memorial Centre [328.6808]

exhibitions BOWMAN ARTS CENTRE Movement & Dance Group Exhibition February 28 - April 12 Points of Importance Group Exhibition March 01 - April 10

811 5 Avenue South :: 327.2813 Monday - Saturday 9am - 9pm

GALT MUSEUM & ARCHIVES Once Upon a Time.... Knights, Castles & Common Folk February 02 - April 20 Prisoners of War May 09 – September 21

502 1 Street South [5th Avenue South & Scenic Drive] 320.3898 Daily 10am - 4:30pm

LETHBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY AAC Member Exhibitions March > Southern Alberta Art Gallery April > Lethbridge Artist Club May > Lethbridge Photography Club June > Oldman River Potter’s Guild Photovoice > Allan Watson School Students through 30 April

810 5 Avenue South :: 380.7310 Mon-Fri 9:30am - 9pm Sat 9:30am - 5:30pm Sun 1:30pm - 5:30pm

SOUTHERN ALBERTA ART GALLERY History of Light | works by Shary Boyles March 08 - April 27 hunter/gatherer | works by Vid Ingelevics March 08 - April 20

601 3 Avenue South :: 327.8770 Tuesday-Saturday 10am - 5pm

TRIANON GALLERY Potluck: U of L Department of Art Faculty & Staff Exhibition March 08 - April 18

104 5 Street South :: 380.2787 Mon - Sat 10am - 5pm

U OF L FACULTY OF FINE ARTS Annual Juried Student Exhibition March 14 - April 08 Main Gallery

07 Galt Museum & Archives Taste of Downtown > 5 - 8pm [320.4219]

Tasty Treats: Works from the U of L Arts Collection March 20 - May 30 > Helen Christou Gallery

09 Lethbridge Symphony Association Chamber Series Voices of Romance > 8pm Southminster United Church [328.6808]

BFA Art Graduate Exhibition April 25 - May 30 > Main Gallery

14 SAAG Cinema My Kid Could Paint That 7pm Galaxy Cinema [327.8770] 16-18 Empress Theatre Society Windy Mountain Music Festival > 8pm [553.4404] 24 Lethbridge Folk Club presents Tim Williams 8pm The Wolf’s Den []

Location Land Matter series 06 June - 31 August > Helen Christou Gallery 20 June - 05 September > Main Gallery

4401 University Drive West 329.2666

Main Gallery: W600 Centre for the Arts Mon-Fri 10am - 4:30pm Thurs.10am - 8:30pm or by appointment

Helen Christou Gallery > LINC Level 9 Daily 8am - 9pm

On Thursday February 14 & Friday February 15, 2008 the AAC welcomed participants to its “50 Faces” photo shoot at the Henriette Plas Photography Studio. The AAC expresses its sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone who accepted our invitation to join the fun. Jerry Arnold . George Arsene . Doris Balcovske . Becky Baunton . Ray Bonnetti . Bryan Bradfield . Mark Campbell . Karen Christie . Van Christou . Conner Conine Teresa Conine . Zoe Conine . Rick Dietzen . Ryan Doherty . Dot Durksen . Virginia Fawcett . Lloyd Flaig . Ali Friesen . Barb Goodman . Olive Green . Peter Green Bill Halma . Audrey Hildahl . Sam Hilgersom . Julia Horvath . Shawna Hudson . Brian Kenwood . Barbara Lacey . Kyra Lam . James MacKenzie . MaryAnne McTrowe Diane Marshall . Peggy Mezei . Erin Miller . Geraldine Ohene . Jon Pfeffel . Tanya Plonka . Donna Postman . Ian Randell . Jody Roetman . Tony Rose . Dori Rossiter Dino Scavo . Hiroshi Shimazaki . Marilyn Smith . Kylee Sorensen . Ellie Swenson . Connie Swenson . Jack Tamaki . Dan Westwood . George Westwood . Tyson Wiebe

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