W W W . A R T S D AY S L E T H B R I D G E . O R G
2017 Artisan Market Family Activities
Workshops Theatre
Word On The Street
Guided Tours
Film Screenings
Affair on the Square
Celebrate allied arts coun cil
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Thank You! Event Partners
Event Sponsors E xp erie nc e
Flora Matteotti
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Media Partners Event Supporters Aaron Hagan Casa Drunken Sailor Galt Museum and Archives Helen Schuler Nature Centre Lethbridge Public Library
Southern Alberta Art Gallery Plum Trianon Gallery uLethbridge Art Gallery uLethbridge Faculty of Fine Arts
Thank you to our host venues, we appreciate you opening your doors for the arts!
A special thank you to Lethbridge’s creative community. Your dedication, talent and hard work truly enhance our City.
Thank you to our dedicated volunteers. Your contributions are truly appreciated and we couldn’t do it without you!
Sat urday 23
Word on the Street Festival – Lethbridge Public Library, Main Branch, Parking Lot Lethbridge Artist Club Mix and Mingle – Meeting Room, Casa
2 4
Lethbridge Artist Club – Nikka Yuko Japanese Gardens Mimosas, Muffins and Movies – ATB Financial Community Room, Casa
4 4
Lethbridge Drink and Draw with Slaughterhouse Slough’s Eric Dyck – Owl Acoustic Lounge
Artist Talk with Casa Artist in Residence Tracey-Mae Chambers ATB Financial Community Room, Casa
Sunday 24
Tuesday 26 Wednesday 27 Thursday 28
Timmy, Tommy and the Haunted Hotel – ATB Financial Community Room, Casa 50 Years of Music and Music-Making uLethbridge Centre for the Arts & ATB Financial Community Room, Casa Little One by Hannah Moscovitch (Theatre Xtra) David Spinx Theatre, uLethbridge Art Walk Quilt Show – Galt Museum & Archives New Media Film Series: Two for the Road - Lethbridge Public Library, Theatre Gallery Drawing Bar – uLethbridge Art Gallery Eat Your Sins, Culinary Art Event – Plum
14 Annual Art Walk – City of Lethbridge On the Streets: Buskers and Street Performers – Downtown Core Timmy, Tommy and the Haunted Hotel – ATB Financial Community Room, Casa 50 Years of Music and Music-Making uLethbridge Centre for the Arts and ATB Financial Community Room, Casa Little One by Hannah Moscovitch (Theatre Xtra) David Spinx Theatre, uLethbridge Oktoberfest YQL – Galt Gardens Art Walk Quilt Show – Galt Museum & Archives Tipsy Mermaid Drawing Cabaret – Drunken Sailor
6-9 10 5
SAAG Pancake Breakfast – Southern Alberta Art Gallery 50 Years of Music and Music-Making uLethbridge Centre for the Arts and ATB Financial Community Room, Casa 14th Annual Art Walk – City of Lethbridge On the Streets: Buskers and Street Performers – Downtown Core Artisan Market – Rotary Square, Casa DodoLab, hands on activities – uLethbridge Art Gallery Little One by Hannah Moscovitch (Theatre Xtra) – David Spinx Theatre, uLethbridge Faculty & Friends Gala Concert - Southminster United Church Oktoberfest YQL – Galt Gardens Art Walk Quilt Show – Galt Museum & Archives Gallery Stroll
Artisan Market – Rotary Square, Casa Family Affair on the Square – Rotary Square, Casa Art Walk Quilt Show – Galt Museum & Archives AAC Selfie Time Capsule Project Installation – Foyer, Casa
11 12 5 5
Fr iday 29
Sat urday 30
Sunday 1
10 5 5 10 2 5
10 5 5 5 5
10 6-9 10 11 2 5 10 5 5 8-9
Thursday, September 28, Main Gallery, Centre for Fine Arts, uLethbridge
7 – 9 pm
Materials are provided or bring your own Drawing activities for grown-ups with a cash bar. The evening will have a loose theme to give a starting point, but people can also simply come for some social art making. The gallery will provide basic materials for new comers, or those who are less picky, and staff and volunteers will be on hand if assistance is wanted. Knitters also welcome.
Saturday, September 30, University Atrium
11am – 4pm
Join DodoLab in hands-on art activities that invite visitors to find new ways to think about the future of our environment by exploring a different kind of preparedness training for disasters.
Ed Pien: Liquid Being, Main Gallery Ed Pien: Up in the Air, Helen Christou Gallery Curator: Josephine Mills Shows run September 14 – October 20 uLethbridge Art Gallery is pleased to present two projects by internationally renowned artist Ed Pien. Playing with light and shadow to explore our relationship to water, Liquid Being is an immersive installation featuring hundreds of monstrous fish in the Main Gallery. The Helen Christou Gallery features drawings and images for kites produced in Pien’s workshops in Lethbridge and on the Kainai reserve. This exhibition is part of You Are Here, a series of exhibitions, workshops, performances, and presentations designed to invite a diversity of people in Southern Alberta to find new ways to think about the future of their environment. The project includes local and Canadian artists as well as uLethbridge Art Gallery’s first foray into presenting new work by International artists.
Weekdays 9 am – 4:30 pm Thursdays until 8:30 pm Open Saturday, September 30, 11 – 4pm. Admission is free, all are welcome. 2
to e m o Welc
Arts Days is here again, September 23 – October 1! We invite everyone to share in the many activities and festivities the Allied Arts Council and our arts community has planned. 2017 marks Arts Day’s seventh year! Throughout the week, we celebrate our talented local artists and the diversity in our arts community. The arts are a vital part of the city. Arts Days continues to exemplify the Allied Arts Council’s mission to provide leadership in advancing and enhancing the arts in Lethbridge.
The calendar is full of opportunity to discover the arts in Lethbridge, including the 14th annual ArtWalk on September 29 and 30, which includes over forty exhibitions installed in local businesses and venues throughout the downtown. The Allied Arts Council gratefully thanks all the artists, businesses and organizations who make ArtWalk a highlight of Arts Days. Don’t miss the many literary, theatrical, dance, and new media events in our program. From Word on the Street, hosted by the Lethbridge Public Library on September 23, through the Family Affair on the Square on October 1, we invite you to discover the talents found in our thriving arts community.
Amanda Berg President, Allied Arts Council Every day during Arts Days, we will be releasing a prompt on Facebook to stir the creative juices in relation to an activity taking place on that day. Take 15 minutes and respond in any medium that seems fitting. Sketch a doodle, write a poem, compose a tune or dance your response. Try out different mediums! Push yourself beyond your limits.
We’d love to see your responses. Post them to Twitter and Facebook with the hashtag #YQLcreates
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BONUS! Enjoyed each days prompts? ������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������� 3
Saturday, September 23, 11am - 5pm Lethbridge Public Library, Main Branch, 810 5 Ave S An outdoor festival hosted by the Lethbridge Public Library featuring author talks, family activities, music, food and more! Featuring authors Sharon Butala, Svetlana Chmakova, Louise Bernice Halfe, Ian Hamilton, Joy Kogawa, Heather O’Neill, Barbara Reid and David A. Robertson.
Saturday, September 23, 1 – 4pm Meeting Room, Casa, 230 8 St S Membership Mix & Mingle. Catch up with old friends and enjoy some refreshments! Learn more and join the LAC.
NIKKA YUKO EXPERIENCE with Karina Mak, Sue Wilkie and Amy Dodic
Sunday, September 24, 8:30 am – 12:00 pm, $45 + GST Register at Casa, draw at Nikka Yuko Japanese Gardens, Mayor Magrath Dr S Enjoy a fall day in Lethbridge’s Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden which has offered us beauty and inspiration for 50 years! Small groups will be guided by three experienced plein-air artists. The garden is an excellent location for drawing or painting outdoors as it provides so many visually appealing vistas. Participants will meet at the garden. Registration includes cost of admission to the Garden. A supply list will be provided upon registration.
Sunday, September 24, 10am – 12:30pm ATB Financial Community Room, Casa, 230 8 St S Admission by donation, Mimosas $5, Pyjamas optional Spend Sunday morning watching an Art Documentary in your PJs with mimosas and muffins at Casa. KEHINDE WILEY: AN ECONOMY OF GRACE (USA / Jeff Dupre /2014) Known for his vibrant, larger-thanlife reinterpretations of classical portraits featuring young African American men, New York-based visual artist, Kehinde Wiley, has turned the practice of portraiture on its head — and in the process, has taken the art world by storm. Wiley recently embarked on an exciting new project: a series of classical portraits of African-American women — something he’s never done before. The film, Kehinde Wiley: An Economy of Grace, documents the project as it unfolds, tracking Wiley’s process from concept to canvas and coming to know the women whom he selects to paint.
Presented by: Helen Schuler Nature Centre / Environment Lethbridge Tuesday through Sunday, 10am – 4pm (closed Monday) Helen Schuler Nature Centre, Indian Battle Rd S Show runs September 11 to November 5 Lethbridge has seen many changes to its natural environment over the past 150 years. Some of these changes have been positive, such as improved environmental management and the establishment of parks and conservation areas. Others, such as the decline in native fish and wildlife populations have been less so. Because these changes happen gradually, it is easy to overlook the historic natural state of our environment. Join us as we explore the past, present and future of our impact on our natural environment through historical maps and photos in this installation in the community art gallery.
LETHBRIDGE DRINK AND DRAW WITH SLAUGHTERHOUSE SLOUGH’S ERIC DYCK Tuesday, September 26, 7 - 11 pm Owl Acoustic Lounge (all ages until 10pm) 411 – 3 Ave S Sketching, doodling and commix jamming
Wednesday, September 27, 7pm ATB Financial Community Room, Casa Casa’s FNMI Artist in Residence for the fall, Tracey-Mae Chambers will be creating a site specific installation from string and paper soaked in encaustic wax that replicates honeycomb. The artist is keenly interested in promoting discussion about the demise of bees and our responsibility to intervene on their behalf. 4
Thursday, September 28, 12am - 9pm, Friday, September 29 & Saturday, September 30, 10am - 5 pm, Sunday, October 1, 1 - 5pm Galt Museum & Archives, 502 1 St S Beautiful quilts created by members of the Lethbridge Centennial Quilters Guild. The quilt show is free (Admission applies to regular museum exhibits).
Thursday, September 28, 7pm Plum, 330 6 St S $140/ticket, limited quantities. $25 from each ticket will be donated to Outreach Southern Alberta. Contact Plum to purchase tickets in advance at (403) 394-1200 or email info@uncorkplum.com Join the Chefs and Sommelier of Plum Restaurant for a unique culinary art experience based on the tradition of the seven deadly sins. Guests are invited to partake in a very special evening during which they will be invited to eat their sins in the form of a seven-course meal and pairings. Music and theatrical entertainment will heighten the experience and assure that all attendees will leave absolved of any past transgressions.
Thursday to Saturday, September 28 – 30, 7pm David Spinks Theatre, uLethbridge, 4401 University Dr W Directed by MFA candidate, Lindzi Spackman, this strange tale of two adopted children dives into a revealing dimension.
Thursday, September 28 at 8pm & Friday, September 29 at 2pm & 8pm ATB Financial Community Room, Casa, 230 8 St S Tickets at $20 regular, $15 student/senior/artist When sisters Timmy and Tommy get trapped inside the old Barrington Hotel, they will have to work alongside the ghostly inhabitants if they ever want to make it out alive - or home in time for dinner. Using original music, humour and puppetry, Timmy, Tommy and the Haunted Hotel is a dark comedy about death, change and a couple of ordinary kids. Rated PG 13 for Mature Language and alcohol use.
Friday, September 29, 7pm to late Drunken Sailor, 323 6 St S $10, RSVP at Drunken Sailor Underwater fantasy! Grab your art supplies and draw lost sailors and prairie merpeople at this cabaret-style art evening. Themed models will primp and pose for the delight of your pencil. 18+ Limited seating. Refreshments included.
Friday, September 29 & Saturday, September 30, 11am – 11pm Galt Gardens Oktoberfest YQL is based off the world famous Bavarian festival held in Munich, Germany. Pogo Bros Inc. is excited to offer a welcoming and inclusive family festival in the heart of downtown Lethbridge for the community, guests and visitors to our vibrant city. Come on out to sample 13 varieties of German beer, wonderful entertainment, eat some German food and raise your stein high as you shout out some “Zigge Zagge’s” and “Ein Prosit’s.” Oktoberfest YQL will certainly make you leave feeling WUNDERBAR!
Sunday, October 1 Foyer, Casa, 230 8 St S See the sealing of the AAC Selfie Time Capsule at Casa. This time capsule will be secured to the building to remain sealed for 50 years and opened in 2067. The surround for the Time Capsule was created by local artist Peter Gilligan. 5
2017 13
Scenic Drive
12 11 10
8 7
1 ����� �������� �������� 4
5 Street
4 Street
3 Street
36 To University of Lethbridge
St omp ’n Stamp
How many venues did you visit? Collect stamps from 9 venues and enter to win an original pastel painting by Marcella Cooper. See inside back cover for your ballot or pick up extra ballots at the Allied Arts Council Office on 7th Street or at Casa.
14 15
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 & SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 10AM TO 5PM A self-guided tour of arts venues, exhibitions and public art throughout downtown Lethbridge. 37 38 1 Avenue
2 Avenue
3 Avenue
21 19
22 23
18 17
25 26 27 28 29
35 4 Avenue 30
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5 Avenue ����������� 34
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11 Street
10 Street
6 Avenue
8 Street
Stafford Drive
7 Street
4 5
6 Street
Outside the Core
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s e u n e V d n a s Art ist
1 Galt Museum & Archives 2 Helen Schuler Nature Centre
502 1 St S
Art Walk Quilt Show
Indian Battle Rd S Past, Present, Future - Environment Lethbridge historical photos Listen 713 4 St S Michelle Coté Mural
3 Mocha Cabana 4 Royal LePage South Country 526 5 St S 5 Peter & Clarke’s Hair Co. 506 5 Ave S 6 LA Gallery 2.0 421 5 St S 7 The Studio 407A 5 St S 8 Monique’s En’ 4th 505 4 Ave S
9 10 11 12 13
The Penny Coffee House Ten Thousand Villages Infamous Boardshop Draffin’s Pharmasave Trianon Gallery
331 5 St S 329 5 St S 323 5 St S 319 5 St S 104 5 St S
14 Kapow Ltd. 15 The Shoe Tree
320 6 St S 326 6 St S
16 Blueprint 17 Drunken Sailor
519 4 Ave S 323 6 St S
18 Potemkin Too Studio
317 6 St S
AAC Permanent Collection Lorie Gray Various local artists Various local artists Gerard Plettell Painting demos throughout the day Lethbridge Artists Club Various local artists Ivan Bering Oldman River Potter’s Guild - Potpourri Rehabilitation Society Billy McCarroll - Trianon (upstairs), Allan MacKay - Petit Trianon (downstairs) Artist in Residence Elizabeth Ginn Painting demos: Friday 11 - 2 Angeline Simon - Semblance Live models Life drawing: Friday & Saturday Ian Randall and Renee Pahara
Gal ler y Str o l l
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Go for a lovely walk through the park to take in some gallery receptions and exhibitions. 8
19 Downtown Lethbridge BRZ 310 6 St S 20 21 22 23 24
SAAG Jerry Arnold Gallery She Boutique Catwalk Salon & Spa Casa
601 3 Ave S 604 3 Ave S 616 3 Ave S 618 3 Ave S 230 8 St S
25 McGuire’s Men’s Wear 26 Allied Arts Council
312 7 St S 318 7 St S
27 Classique Dancewear 28 Tompkins Jewellers 29 Gentlemen III Menswear 30 Splurge & Co. 31 Alberta Distant Learning Centre 32 Umami Shop 33 El Bees Hearing Services 34 Lethbridge Public Library
322 7 St S 326 7 St S 328 7 St S 715 4 Ave S 712 4 Ave S 814 4 Ave S 615 4 Ave S 810 5 Ave S
35 Streatside Eatery
317 8 St S
Ron Brown Painting demos throughout the day Art Walk Pancake Breakfast - Saturday 10 am Local and canadian art ^ Michelle Coté Marie Imrie De Gomez - Heads Up Lethbridge Handicraft Guild of Weavers in Textile Studio Weaving demos: Friday 2 - 5 Main Gallery: Bryan Weibe - Harbinger, and Jospeh Anderson - Every Good Boy Does Fine Digital Gallery: AAC Selfie Time Capsule Project Concourse Gallery: Opokaa’sin Project - Elders of the future Chinook Woodturning Guild demos: Friday - Sunday Textile Surface Design Guild demos: Friday 10 -5 Roy Adachi Textile Surface Design Guild Valentina Tkachuk Bev Mazurick - Roaming En Plein Air The Dirty Dozen - Favourites Karen Brownlee - New Watercolours Wayne Dwornik Marcella Cooper Student and instructor work Aaron Hagan Katherine Bourke Mary Kavanagh Library Showcase - Lethbridge Registered Music Teacher’s Association Various local artists
OUTSIDE THE CORE 36 uLethbridge Art Gallery
37 Ability Resource Centre 38 Smiths Custom Audio Video
4401 University Drive W Ed Pein: Liquid Being Ed Pein: Drawings 1610 29 St N Rehabilitation Society works 236 13 St N
8:00 pm
SAAG: 601 3 Ave S
9:00 pm
Trianon: 104 5 St S Petit Trianon: 104 5 St S After Hours at Plum Casa
10:00 pm Late
Group of Several Painting demos throughout the day red rose ad lidii, Jeneen Frei Njootli7 where/between, curated by Pantea Haghighi Billy McCarroll Allan Mackay The People in the Window by David Hoffos Check out the holograms that are only visible at night. West side of Casa, facing parking lot. 9
Buskers take over the downtown during the 14th annual Art Walk! Local musicians, dancers and performers strut their stuff on Friday, September 29 and Saturday, September 30.
Look for perf or mances by:
The Buskers Association of Lethbridge: Bryan Bradfield, Gordon Leigh, Alice Tinordi, Larry Erdos and Kib Gregson Lethbridge Society of Independent Dance Artists (LSIDA) Kris Hodgson
Karen Romanchuk
Iris E.
Jon Martin
Ken Sears
Leon Barr
Rebecka Johnston & Brad Brouwer
It’s About Music Ensembles: incl. performances by Mary Opyr, Brett Johnson, Cole Fetting, Curtis Sisters and Tianna O’Connor
Busker Locations
(find the music notes on the map) *line up subject to change
Casa 230 8 St S • Blueprint 519 4 Ave S • Esquires Coffee 621 4 Ave S Southern Alberta Art Gallery 601 3 Ave S • AAC Office 318 7 St S Umami Shop 814 4 Ave S • Plum 330 6 St S
Look for a detailed performers schedule online at www.artsdayslethbridge.org
uLethbridge Faculty of Fine Arts ROLOFF BENY PHOTOGRAPHY AWARD RETROSPECTIVE EXHIBITION Penny Gallery, Dr. Foster James Penny Building, 324 – 5th Street S In celebration of the University of Lethbridge’s 50th Anniversary, this exhibition showcases works by past recipients of the Roloff Beny Foundation Photographic Award in Fine Arts. Show runs September 15 – 29.
NEW MEDIA FILM SERIES: TWO FOR THE ROAD Thursday, September 28, 6:00pm Theatre Gallery, Lethbridge Public Library Two for the Road (UK / Stanley Donen / 1967) starring Audrey Hepburn and Albert Finney, this innovative 1967 road trip film unravels the tumultuous relationship of a couple driving through the south of France. 50 YEARS OF MUSIC AND MUSIC-MAKING Thursday, September 28 – Saturday, September 30 University Centre for the Arts & ATB Financial Community Room, Casa This symposium welcomes back alumni, students, old friends, and professors to the University of Lethbridge for a weekend filled with great performances, presentations, master classes, workshops, panel sessions and lots of opportunity to socialize and make new connections. Register at uleth.ca/tickets. FACULTY ARTISTS & FRIENDS 50 Years of Music and Music-Making Gala Concert Saturday, September 30, 7:30pm Southminster United Church Tickets $20 regular / $15 seniors/alumni and students Sarah Gleck, flute; Chee Meng Low, saxophone; Krzyztof Jablonski, piano 10
Tickets available at uleth.ca/tickets
Information at uleth.ca/finearts/events
Artsdays at
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 9 to 11 AM Kick off your ART WALK at SAAG! Each year our complimentary pancake breakfast has been a staple of our Arts Days fun. Stop by and chat with our sponsors from North & Company who will be busily flipping flapjacks. We will be sure to have plenty of coffee and juice on hand to help fuel you up as you embark on your tour of the arts in downtown Lethbridge.
9 AM to 5 PM Visit SAAG’s Creativity Centre for family friendly fun! Peruse the galleries to snag a sneak peek at the new exhibitions and get creative as you participate in hands-on art activities.
8 to 10 PM
Join us as we celebrate the opening of Jeneen Frei Njootli’s red rose ad lidii and where/between curated by Pantea Haghighi. During the evening’s festivities you will also be able to take in a performance piece by Jeneen Frei Njootli in conjunction with her exhibition. Finally, The Shop at SAAG will be launching our latest feature artist – Star Crop Eared Wolf.
Registration Deadline: September 28th $20 | $15 for SAAG Members
We are pleased to welcome Nancy Tousely to facilitate our first Writing Workshop for 2017. Tousley will reflect upon and appraise the written submissions and use her observations to highlight areas of improvement while helping the class to develop critical writing skills. Nancy Tousley is an award-winning senior art critic, arts journalist and independent curator, who received the Governor General’s Award for Visual and Media Arts in 2011.
O utdoor et Art isan Mar k SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 10AM – 5PM SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1 12 – 4PM
Blueberry Quilt Patch by Debra Designs Cog~KNIT~ive Donna Hanson Artworks Gathering Dust Photography G. Wayne Dwornik JaMi Kathy Schwarz Knot & Burl Woodworks
Lorie’s World Mad Fish Glass Beads Micheala Horak Mireille Cloutier Ron Wolskyj
free admission
Shannon Carmichael Violet Knox 11
on t he square
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, 12 – 4PM ROTARY SQUARE, CASA 230 – 8 ST S Wrap up your 2017 Arts Days experience with live music, performances and art activities for the whole family!
Food trucks and refreshments on site! Lethbridge Society of Independent Dance Artists (LSIDA) Come dance from 12:30 – 2pm in the Dance Studio Family Art Classes Artist Trading Cards: Button Making:
12 – 1:30pm 2:30 – 4pm
Community Painting Artisan Market Chalk Painting on the Square Eric Dyck, Carson Morton & Deggey
One Pound Clay Challenge Create art with a pound of clay to be displayed in a group exhibit at Casa Community Information Tables
Performances by Karen Romanchuk, LSIDA, Jon Martin, TG & The Jazzerwocky and Troyanda
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Make a Donation $25 $50 $100 Other A charitable tax receipt will be issued upon donation Method of payment Cash Cheque Card #
$75 $25 $75 $15 $25 $75 318 7 Street South, Lethbridge, AB T1J 2G2
Allied Artist Associate Individual Friend Family Friend Business/Corporate Friend
The Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge
MEMBERSHIP has its benefits
allied arts co uncil
p m a t S n ’ p m o St Signature
by Aaron Hagan
Phone City Email Comments
COLLECT STAMPS FROM NINE VENUES AND ENTER TO WIN. To view the painting, stop by the AAC office - 318 7 St S
The Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge provides leadership in advancing and enhancing the arts in Lethbridge
A vibrant arts community enriches Lethbridge
allied arts cou n cil ����������
ALLIED ARTS COUNCIL OF LETHBRIDGE 318 7 Street S, Lethbridge, AB T1J 2G2 T: 403.320.0555 www.artslethbridge.org
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