Lethbridge Arts Days 2013

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Arts Days . 2013 L E T H B R I D G E

Discover Experience Celebrate

September 22-29 10th Annual Art Walk Artisan Market On the Streets Live in Lethbridge Gallery Hop The Word on the Street Festival Family Affair on the Square Lethbridge Symphony Orchestra Chamber Series 1 And much more!

w w w.ar tsd ayslethb r i dge. o rg



Val and Flora Matteotti Ex p e ri e n c e


w w w . d o w nt o w n le th br id g e .c o m w w w . fi nd i td o w nt o w n. c a w w w . o ur d o w nt o w n .b l o g sp o t .c o m

BRONZE D.A.Building Streatside Eatery EVENT SUPPORTERS Alexis Bialobzyski Casa Drama Nutz Galt Museum and Archives The Geomatic Attic Lethbridge Public Library Lethbridge Rotary Club Lethbridge Symphony Orchestra Southern Alberta Art Gallery Potemkin Gallery Trianon

MEDIA PARTNERS 94.1 CJOC Country 95 CKUA CKXU Lethbridge Herald

VENUES Thank you to the over 50 host venues; we appreciate you opening your doors for the arts!

ARTISTS A special thank-you goes out to Lethbridge始s creative community. Your dedication, talent and hard work truly enhance our city!

VOLUNTEERS Thank you to our dedicated volunteers. Your contributions are truly appreciated and we couldn始t do it without you!

Schedule of Events Sunday September 22

Word on the Street Festival – Lethbridge Public Library.............................. 2

Monday September 23

Little Miss Higgins - Geomatic Attic............................................................. 3

Tuesday September 24

Tuesdays at Noon – SAAG ........................................................................ 10

Wednesday September 25

Wednesday Night Nutz .............................................................................. 8 Prairie Tales 15 – Casa .............................................................................. 8

Thursday September 26

Live in Lethbridge - Casa – hosted by Drama Nutz...................................... 8 Down From Heaven – University of Lethbridge..........................................12

Friday September 27

LSO Chamber Series Concert – Casa........................................................... 3 10th Annual ArtWalk – Downtown Lethbridge ..........................................4-7 The Silent Treatment – Casa ...................................................................... 8 On the Streets Roving Performers – Downtown Lethbridge ......................... 9 Down From Heaven – University of Lethbridge..........................................12

Saturday September 28

Pancake Breakfast – SAAG .......................................................................10 Writing Workshop – SAAG ........................................................................10 10th Annual ArtWalk – Downtown Lethbridge ..........................................4-7 Prairie Tales Kids Reel Screening – Casa .................................................... 8 The Silent Treatment – Casa ...................................................................... 8 Artisan Market – Casa ............................................................................... 9 On the Streets - Roving Performers – Downtown Lethbridge ....................... 9 Gallery Hop ............................................................................................10 Down From Heaven – University of Lethbridge..........................................12

Sunday September 29

Family Affair on the Square – Casa ..........................................................12 Artisan Market – Casa ............................................................................... 9 The Silent Treatment – Casa ...................................................................... 8 Message from His Worship Mayor Rajko Dodic ..........................................13 Message from the Allied Arts Council ........................................................13

Sunday September 22

11am - 5pm

On Sunday September 22, the Lethbridge Public Library will host Lethbridge始s 3rd Annual The Word on The Street Festival on the streets around the downtown library. Come along for a celebration of literacy, storytelling and the written word, with readings by Canadian authors, spoken word performances and live music. The festival also features hands-on family activities, great food and a community marketplace. Everyone is welcome and all events are FREE!

Authors include: Marina Ednicott Marissa Meyer Robert Heidbreder Plus many more!

Cassie Stocks Katie McGarry Celia Barker Lottridge

Live music performances by: Hippodrome Bryant & Watson Duo Junkman始s Choir And more!

Workshops on: Screenwriting Songwriting Self-Publishing Haiku Poetry

For more information visit www.thewordonthestreet.ca


ArtsDays. 2013

Discover Experience Celebrate

Little Miss Higgins September 23 at the Geomatic Attic Doors open 7pm

Show starts 8pm

From the Great Northern Plains of Western Canada, Little Miss Higgins struts and serenades her way, guitar in hand, lips blazoned red, onto any stage. As if she just drove in off the back-road of another time with gravel dust and a sunset trailing behind her, this pocket-sized powerhouse plays music brews up in old-time country blues sprinkled with a little jazz and maybe a hint of folk. Whether itʼs songs about passion or songs about panties, she writes about real things in a rooted and poetic way. Tickets $30 available online www.geomaticattic.com or at Casa, Blueprint, or at Mike Spencer Geometrics. The Geomatic Attic is Located at #70—491 W.T. Hill Blvd. South One block south and one block west of Casino Lethbridge. Immediately South of McDonald Nissan.

Lethbridge Symphony Orchestra Chamber Series 1 Friday September 27 at 8pm in the Casa Community Room

Rush seating, tickets $30/$25 for students and seniors, available at the LSO office or at the door www.lethbridgesymphony.org


The LSO comes to Casa to begin their Chamber Series with a variety of pieces fit for an autumn evening with Beethovenʼs First String Quartet. Slightly programmatic in nature, the second movement was inspired by the tomb scene in Shakespeareʼs Romeo and Juliet. Dvořákʼs highly popular American String Quartet, composed during his time in Spillville, Iowa in 1893, provides a dramatic change in style. Finally, we welcome pianist John-Paul Ksaizek for Hungarian composer Ernö Dohnányiʼs Piano Quintet in C Minor. w w w.a r tsd a y sl e t h b r i dge. o rg


Venues and Exhibitions

Friday September 27 & Saturday September 28 10 am - 5 pm

1 Galt Museum

502 1 St S

3Dimension Sculpture Exhibition

6th Annual sculpture exhibition

2 Royal LePage

526 5 St S

Karina Mak

Oil landscape paintings - venue open on Friday only

3 The Rose Garden

524 5 St S

Thane Vanderaegen, Anne McLelland


4 Peter and Clarkes Hair Co.

506 5 Ave S

Potemkin artists

group show

5 Roundstreet Cafe

427 5 St S

Lorian Mayhew


6 The Studio

407A 5 St S

local artists

7 Moniqueʼs En4th

505 4 Ave S

Claresholm Art Club

8 Penny Coffee House

331 5 St S

local emerging artists

9 Echo Books

325 5 St S

Lorie Gray

10 Infamous

323 5 St S

Marcella Cooper

11 Draffinʼs Pharmasave

319 5 St S

Sonja Lipinski

acrylic paintings - exhibit dedicated to Wendy Lipinski

12 Express Coffee

222 5 St S

Lindsay Makorto & Katie Stafiniak

acrylic and oil paintings

13 Potemkin Gallery

411 3 Ave S. Second Floor

Potemkin Collective artists

The Diorama Show

14 Mocha Cabana

317 4 St S

Johnathan Blackwood


15 Trianon Gallery

104 5 St S

Susan Fraser Hughes, Eric Cameron

16 Aerus Electrolux

506 3 Ave S

Ivan Bering

new works

17 Kapow Comics

320 6 St S

Len Komanac

paintings and cardboard sculptures

18 Shoe Tree

326 6 St S

Allan Cameron

ink drawings

19 Blueprint

519 4 Ave S

Lauren Crazybull


20 Drunken Sailor

323 6 St S

local artists

21 Potemkin Too Studio

317 6 St S

Diana Zasadny & Ian Randell

large scale landscape acrylic paintings

22 Downtown BRZ

310 6 St S

Patricia Polo

new works

23 Mystique Home Decor

305 6 St S

Sarah Christensen

painting and video


601 3 Ave S

Monika Sosnowska

new works

Rodney La Tourelle

Screen and Décor

group show

pastel drawings

Louise Witthoft, installation design, and Rosemary Heather, curator 25 Jerry Arnold Gallery

604 3 Ave S

Canadian fine artists

open Sunday 12 - 5 in addition to ArtWalk hours

26 Catwalk

618 3 Ave S

Elizabeth Ginn


27 Casa Gallery

230 8 St S

Eric Martens, Blake Wilson,

Seeing Through It

Mike Judd, and Jim Palmer Jeanne Kollee Weaverʼs studio at Casa


Asgard: Citadel of the Gods

230 8 St S

Lethbridge Handicraft Guild of Weavers

group show

28 McGuireʼs Mens Wear

312 7 St S

Roy Adachi

watercolour paintings

29 Anna Banana

315 7 St S

Lethbridge Artist Club

group show

30 Allied Arts Council

318 7 St S

Textile Surface Design Guild

members exhibit

Ron Brown

Wild Horses - acrylic paintings

31 Sous Chef

320 7 St S

ArtsDays. 2013

Discover Experience Celebrate

Sharon Simmers

32 Classique

322 7 St S

The Dirty Dozen

“Hands in Clay”

33 Tompkins Jewellers

326 7 St S

Donna Gallant

new work

34 Gentlemen III

328 7 St S

G. Wayne Dwornik

“My Pourin Site” photography

35 Nicholai

330 7 St S

Shauna Hayward

Mad Fish Glass Beads

36 Splurge

715 4 Ave S

Amrita Deshpande

photography, image manipulation

37 Sterling Mutuals

627 4 Ave S

UofL Student Art Society

emerging artists

38 Elbeeʼs

615 4 Ave S

Chuck Graves


39 Naturistaʼs

424 7 St S

Maria Livingston

40 Lethbridge Symphony

424B 7 St S

Jamie Vedres

41 Lethbridge Public Library

810 5 Ave S

Leila Armstrong, Rick Gillis, Len Komanac, Friends


Frater Tham, Bekk Wells 42 Streatside Eatery

317 8 St S

various local artists

43 Wall Décor and More

306 10 St S

various local artists

44 City Hall Foyer

910 4 Ave S

Jonathan Legg


45 Yates Mezzanine Gallery

1002 4 Ave S

Southern Alberta Artists Association


4401 University Drive W

Various artists. Jane Edmundson, Curator

Dr. Soanesʼ Odditorium of Wonders

Outside the Core 46 UofL Art Gallery

Various artists. Josephine Mills, Curator

The AIDS Epidemic: Changing Perspectives & Perspectives on Change.

47 Smithʼs Audio

236 13 St N

Group of Several

member exhibition

Demonstration and Activity Schedule 1. GALT MUSEUM BUSKERS AND ARTIST DEMONSTRATIONS – hands on art activities ............................................................. Sat 1-4 20. DIANA ZASADNY AND IAN RANDELL – Potemkin Too – painting in studio ....................................................................... Fri/Sat 10 – 5 23. SARAH JANE CHRISTENSEN – painting and video editing demo - at Mystic ...................................................................... Fri 3-5 Sat 2-4 24. SAAG - Pancake Breakfast hosted by BMO ...................................................................................................................... Sat 9 – 11 Hands-on art activities in the TD Creativity Centre .......................................................................................................... Sat 9 – 5 Writing workshop with Meeka Walsh. Registration required. ........................................................................................... Sat 11 – 3 26. ELIZABETH GINN – painting demonstration at Catwalk .................................................................................................. Fri 10 – 12 27. JONATHAN LEGG – hand carving and stone chip polishing for kids in conjunction with artisan market at Casa ................ Sat & Sun 27. CASA FIGURE STUDIO – figure drawing open studio at Casa 2D studio ........................................................................... Fri 1- 4 27. LETHBRIDGE HANDICRAFT GUILD OF WEAVERS – demonstration of spinning and weaving techniques – at Casa textile studio ....................�

Fri & Sat

27. CASA – COMMUNITY PAINTING – presented by Burning Ground - help make this yearʼs community painting at Casa 2D classroom ....................�

Fri/Sat 10 – 5, Sun 12 – 4

27. PRAIRIE TALES KIDS REEL – Casaʼs Media Centres ......................................................................................................... Sat 27. TEXTILE SURFACE DESIGN GUILD – studio demonstrations at Casa textile studio .............................................................. Sat & Sun 30. ROB BROWN – painting demonstration at AAC ............................................................................................................... Fri & Sat 35. SHAUNA HAYWARD – glass bead making demonstrations at Nicholai ............................................................................. Fri 12 - 5, Sat 11 - 5 46. CKXU 88.3FM – “Not your Motherʼs Poetry” – Blaine Greenwoodʼs show will feature poets, spoken word artists and their verse as part of 100 000 Poets For Change taking place worldwide on September 28th. ........................................................ Sat 8 – 10 am 46. UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGE ART GALLERY – Culture Vulture Saturdays – Exquisite Corpse -Centre for the Arts Atrium .... 10-5 Sat 47. GROUP OF SEVERAL - watercolour painting demonstrations at Smithʼs Audio ................................................................. Fri and Sat

w w w.a r tsd a y sl e t h b r i dge. o rg


A self-guided tour of art

Friday September 27 ���������������� ���������������� �������������������

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stomp ‘n stamp Collect stamps from nine venues and enter to win an original painting by Alexis Bialobzyski. See back cover for your ballot.


ArtsDays. 2013

Discover Experience Celebrate


A De









ts venues throughout downtown Lethbridge

7 & Saturday September 28 10am - 5pm 1 Avenue


2 Avenue

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Destiny Manifesting - Alex Pavlenko

eparture - Ilan Sandler

Chinook-A-Tron - Alex Pavlenko

w Can I Miss You If You Never Go Away - Andy Davies

Ghost Car - Jason Trotter

ere of Social Consensus and Influence - Carl Granzow

Standing by Horse - Corne Martens

lian Aviary - Catherine Ross & Denton Frederickson

Historical Series - James Marshall

ee Kings - Jason Trotter

Signal - Douglas Senft

n Enderby “Jock” Palmer - Jason Trotter

Bit Portal - Marta Blicharz

ck Diamond - Jason Trotter

Common Unity - George Heagle

angling Willie and the WindEater - Alex Pavlenko

Mirrored Earth - Jacqueline Metz & Nancy Chew

nnie Chinook - Alex Pavlenko

Prairie Fishinʼ - Barry Overns

6 Avenue

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11 Street

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Live in Lethbridge

A Community Cabaret at Casa Thursday September 26, 8pm

Casa Community Room

Talented local performers take the stage at Casa to showcase their skills. A night full of improv, skits, comedy, dance, musical theatre, and much much more. This isnʼt your everyday variety show, but a showcase of the some of the best live performers in Lethbridge hosted by our very own local improv troupe DramaNutz. Tickets $5 at the door or in advance at Casa

May contain mature content

Wednesday Night Nutz

Uncensored Improv with Drama Nutz

Wednesday September 25, 7pm, venue TBA (visit www.dramanutz.com) Looking for a quick and dirty show? Youʼve found your place! The staple of your Drama Nutz diet; a night of laughter, songs and sketches. Tickets available at the door

$7/$5 if you bring your own chair

The Art of Film Prairie Tales 15

Wednesday September 25, 7 – 9pm Casa Community Room Prairie Tales is an annual touring collection of short films and videos made by Albertan artists. For 15 years, Prairie Tales has offered a selection of some of the yearʼs best short films and videos made by Albertan media artists in a feature-length compilation. This anthology showcasing work from the shining lights of the Alberta media arts scene is distributed and screened across Alberta (and beyond).

Prairie Tales Kids Reel Screening

Catch Prairie Tales kids reel screening at media centres in Casa all day Saturday, September 28

The Silent Treatment: A Festival of Silent Shorts Friday September 27 - Sunday September 29 Casa Outdoor Screen

This festival of silent shorts asked artists to respond to Casaʼs large outdoor monitor, a highly visual but silent exhibition venue. 16 media artists explored different approaches to video work, from the narrative to the abstract. Films will run on the outdoor screen on the south wall of Casa. Organized by the Casa Gallery.


ArtsDays. 2013

Discover Experience Celebrate

Artisan Market

Saturday September 28, 11am – 8pm and Sunday September 29, 12 – 4pm Casa Community Room FREE ADMISSION

Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization – ceramics, paintings, textiles and jewellery handmade by various LSCO members.

Jonathan, Kathy, Andrew and Franziska Legg – stonework, mixed media art, handmade cups, books and photography from the talented Legg family. Lorie Gray – original cards, framed art and handmade crafts. Trap\door Artist Run Centre – make your own button or buy one of the artist buttons made by Trap\door members. The Buggy Barn – original work from The Buggy Barn Gallery in Raymond. Marie Moser & Ethel Watts – handmade jewellery and handcrafted crocheted items.

Jordan Mudrack – photography.

Teagarden Satchels – Jane Senda creates clutches, purses and satchels the upholstery industry roll ends. Sharon Simmers – jewellery made from recycled metal and costume jewellery. Wall flowers and carved wood wall pieces all handmade and upcycled from second hand sources. thingmaker.ca Kathy Schwarz – handmade fused glass plates, bowls, suncatchers and jewellery. Karina Mak – print and greeting cards made from original paintings. Sydney Kallio – handmade accessories. Shari Day - pastel landscapes and portraiture.

Fox Eyes Shoulda Coulda Woulda Johnny Rains Karma Friday September 27 and Saturday September 28 Lethbridge Irish Dance Association 10am – 5pm Jesse and the Dandelions Local Musicians, dancers and street performers will be Brenna Lowrie scattered along the ArtWalk route, wowing crowds at The New Weather Machine designated busker circles and roving along with the crowd! Buskers Association of Lethbridge Karen Romanchuk BUSKER CIRCLES LOCATED AT: Hibikiya (Lethbridge Community Taiko Association) Casa 230 8 St S New West Theatre SAAG 601 3 Ave S Sarah Jane Christensen Esquires 621 4 Ave S The Naked Ear Blueprint 519 4 Ave S Leanna Santangelo & Mike Johansson Drunken Sailor 323 6 St S Bridge Brass Quintet And more! *line up subject to change* Detailed schedule available online at

On the Streets


w w w.a r tsd a y sl e t h b r i dge. o rg


Tuesdays at Noon

Tuesday September 24


Tuesdays at Noon is comprised of free weekly film screenings designed as a complement to exhibition and public programming. Films are screened in SAAGʼs TD Creativity Centre and coffee and tea service is complimentary. Feel free to bring your own lunch! During Arts Days enjoy Krzysztof Wodiczko: Projections

Pancake Breakfast

Saturday September 28

9 – 11am

Start your Art Walk off right with a pancake breakfast at SAAG. Once again, staff from BMOʼs West Lethbridge Branch will be on hand flipping flapjacks and pouring coffee.

Writing Workshop

Saturday September 28

11am – 3pm

Have a thing or two youʼd like to say about contemporary art? Be sure to sign up for the Writing Workshop with Meeka Walsh, Editor of Border Crossings magazine. Learn the fine points of art writing as well as the ins and outs of getting published in Canada. Registration Required- call 403-327-8770.

Gallery Stroll

Saturday September 28 A whirlwind tour of Lethbridgeʼs galleries takes you to 6 venues to enjoy opening and closing receptions. Artists in attendance and entertainment along the way.

Join us as we celebrate! 6:30 GEOMATIC ATTIC GALLERY – #70, 491 W.T HILL BLVD. S Steve Coffey

7:30 CASA GALLERY – 230 8 ST S

“Seeing Through It” Eric Martens, Blake Wilson, Mike Judd, and Jim Palmer and “Asgard: Citadel of the Gods” Jeanne Kollee

8:00 SAAG – 601 3 AVE S

“Screen and Décor” Rodney La Tourelle and new works by Monica Sosnowska

8:30 TRIANON – 104 5 ST S Susan Fraser Hughes, Eric Cameron

9:00 POTEMKIN – 411 3 AVE S

The Diorama Show: Potemkin Collective Artists

9:30 U OF L PENNY GALLERY – 324 5 ST S

“ Some Nerve” Corrine Theissen Hepher


ArtsDays. 2013

Discover Experience Celebrate

Family Affair on the Square Sunday September 29, 12-4pm

Gather at the Casa Rotary Square to wrap up Arts Days with a family friendly BBQ and activities! ACTIVITIES INCLUDE: Chalk art on the square

Live music

Demonstrations and sampler classes in the Casa Studios Raffle to win this year’s Burning Ground Community Painting

Down From Heaven by Colleen Wagner

September 26 - 28 - 8pm Matinee: September 28 - 2pm David Spinks Theatre, University of Lethbridge A deadly virus has broken out, and Laurel and her parents are quarantined in their cellar with no access to food or information beyond what their former gardener-turned-secret policeman provides and he does not offer it freely. For more info call 403-329-2616.

Call for Submissions Alberta Ammolite Jewellery Design Competition Tompkins Jewellers, Korite International and the Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge are inviting Alberta artists to participate in a design competition for The Alberta Ammolite Jewellery Design Competition. Deadline to Apply October 15, 2013 Look for more details at www.artslethbridge.org w w w.a r tsd a y sl e t h b r i dge. o rg



has it’s benefits NEW MEMBER



Facsimile Email Website Allied Organization






Friend to the AAC


Family Friend to the AAC




Total Donation and/or Membership amount Card# Expiry Date

318 - 7 Street South, Lethbridge, AB T1J 2G2




Postal Code

CHEQUES ARE PAYABLE TO THE ALLIED ARTS COUNCIL OF LETHBRIDGE I am interested in becoming an AAC volunteer *Inclusion in AAC Arts Directory Release: I,

, authorize the Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge to include my name in publications.

Signature: This is in accordance with the Government of Albertaʼs Freedom of Information and Protection Privacy Act (FOIP)


ArtsDays. 2013

Discover Experience Celebrate

The Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge




AAC membership

Messages Message from His Worship Mayor Rajko Dodic

Message from Kris Hodgson President, Allied Arts Council Lethbridge

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Lethbridge Arts Days 2013. Lethbridge is home to a unique array of talented artists, and Arts Days provides abundant opportunities to see, hear and appreciate their work.

On behalf of the Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge I am very pleased to welcome you to Lethbridge ArtsDays 2013. We are happy to be showcasing the incredible and diverse talent of the Lethbridge arts community once again this year.

The Arts are one of the core components of our communityʼs future, and this fact is reflected in the City of Lethbridge Integrated Community Sustainability Plan, approved by City Council in 2010. Casa, our new downtown Community Arts Centre, is a tangible example of the Cityʼs commitment to the Arts. It serves as a cornerstone, reminding us all how much a vital arts community enriches the quality of life in our community.

This year, we celebrate the 10th anniversary of ArtWalk. This event has grown exponentially over the past ten years. We now have over 50 venues comprised of arts facilities, businesses, community facilities and even empty storefronts! Over the years, weʼve worked in cooperation with many event partners to make this event a success. These partners include the Downtown BRZ, SAAG, Bowman Arts Centre, Galt Museum & Archives, UofL Art Gallery and the Lethbridge Public Library.

Lethbridge Arts Days is one of many arts celebrations taking place around the province as part of Alberta Culture Days from September 22-29. Locally, the Allied Arts Council has planned an array of Arts Days activities for city residents and visitors to enjoy. These events and activities showcase the diversity of Lethbridgeʼs arts community in a broad range of disciplines including visual art, music, performances, demonstrations and more.

The event has expanded since 2003 from a one day event to a week-long event now in 2013. In 2010, the province of Alberta initiated a province-wide initiative known as Arts Days which enabled the Allied Arts Council to expand the parameters of ArtWalk into Lethbridge Arts Days. Since then, we have added musical, theatrical, literary, dance and new media elements into the event, making it a truly multi-disciplinary event.

I would like to thank the Allied Arts Council and the other dedicated volunteers who have worked diligently to bring Arts Days to our community. Your efforts help make Lethbridge a culturally rich community.

Rajko Dodic, QC Sipioohkitopii (Night Rider) Mayor, 2013

We also welcome Casa, our new community arts centre into the festivities this year; which provides the arts community with ample space to create and showcase many forms of art. Thank you to all the artists, participants and patrons who make this annual event so very special. We encourage you to participate in Arts Days events and enjoy the diversity of the talent in our community; revealing how the arts are a vital and thriving part of our community. Again I wish to stress that we believe that Arts Days is an ideal opportunity to support our mission of providing leadership in advancing and enhancing the arts in Lethbridge.


The Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge provides leadership in advancing and enhancing the arts in Lethbridge


A vibrant arts community enriches Lethbridge

318 7 Street S, Lethbridge, AB T1J 2G2 T: 403.320.0555 www.artslethbridge.org

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stomp ‘n stamp


Name Phone THE RED SLIPPER by Alexis Bialobzyski

To view the painting, stop by the AAC office - 318 7 St S

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