AAC 2011 Annual Report

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Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge




VISION A vibrant arts community enriches Lethbridge MISSION The Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge provides leadership in advancing and enhancing the arts in Lethbridge

Table of Contents Reports President’s Report Executive Director’s Report

1 4

Promoting the Arts Lethbridge Arts Days Mayor’s Luncheon for Business and the Arts Communications

6 8 10

Building Community Public Art Bowman Gallery Program Bowman Education Program

12 13 14

Improving Arts Facilities Community Arts Centre Performing Arts Theatre

16 17

Supporters Membership Volunteers

18 18

Financials Annual Financial Results Summary


Supporters Funders & Partners


2011 Presidentʼs Report The Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge (AAC) continues to devote its efforts and resources to activities and initiatives that grow awareness and support for the arts in Lethbridge The past year was busy for the Allied Arts Council with many of our activities focusing on planning. We were delighted for the opportunity to work with Jennifer Stark from the Provincial Community Development Branch, Alberta Culture & Community Spirit, in developing a new Three Year Strategic Plan. The planning process included a review and evaluation of the AAC Vision, Mission, Core Services and previous Strategic Plan resulting in the drafting and adoption of Goals and Objectives for the next three years (2012 – 2014). The Board also developed, approved and submitted to the City of Lethbridge a Three Year Budget that supports the goals and objectives. The 2012 – 2014 Budget format was modified to reflect the pending operation of the new Community Arts Centre. The Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge (AAC) continues to devote its efforts and resources to activities and initiatives that grow awareness and support for the arts in Lethbridge. A successful, sold out Mayor’s Luncheon for Business and the Arts was held in September. The Allied Arts Council Excellence (AACE) Awards as well as the Joan Waterfield Memorial Award were presented during the Luncheon to deserving individuals and organizations that support the arts in Lethbridge. Close on the heels of the Mayor’s Luncheon, the AAC collaborated with our vibrant arts community to celebrate Alberta Arts Days 2011. Highlights of the three day celebration included the daytime ArtWalk, evening performances in the Galt Gardens Pergola, an Artisan Market, the unveiling of a new Public Art work, a guided tour of public art work in the downtown core and a day of Family Fun. We are very appreciative of the funding support received from the City of Lethbridge, the Province of Alberta, the Government of Canada, VisitLethbridge.com, our corporate and media partners, and the many volunteers who donated their time. Arts advocacy is a core activity of the AAC. A new advocacy initiative in 2011 was the Arts at the Farmer’s Market Booth which was provided at a subsided rate to member artists and arts organizations to promote their activities. The AAC Board of Directors reaffirmed their commitment to the Economic Development Lethbridge- Team Lethbridge initiative- AAC Board members and staff will once again join representatives of other community groups



in a Lethbridge Awareness trip to Edmonton planned for the fall of 2012. This initiative is an opportunity to share the Lethbridge story- including the arts story, with members of the Alberta Legislature. Additionally, members of the board and staff attended member and community events and continued to provide an arts perspective through various community committees including: The City of Lethbridge Public Art Steering Committee, Heart of the City Committee, Tourism Joint Promotions Program and the Alberta Summer Games 2012 (arts & culture component). The AAC will continue our efforts to build awareness and generate support for a cultural corridor in downtown Lethbridge. The renovation and expansion of SAAG in 2010 has allowed the board and staff to focus on two remaining projects. The Community Arts Centre project moved from planning to construction. A construction contract was awarded to Dawson Wallace in May and an official sod turning was held in early July. Also in July, the AAC were confirmed as facility operators. The AAC participated in a review process of the original Performing Arts Theatre study conducted by theatre consultant Richard Schick. Mr. Schick’s report to City Council in October suggested that a smaller facility would adequately serve the community and that funding would be the largest challenge in moving the project forward. The AAC will continue to work to create support for a theatre project and advocate for increased performing arts capacity in Lethbridge. The AAC is well supported by the community. AAC membership in 2011 included 88 Allied and Associate members as well as 160 individual members. We welcomed 35 new members including new Allied Members - Alberta Potters Association and Lethbridge Legion Pipe Band as well as Associate members – Amp All Audio, DB Pro Audio, Flair Travel Planners, Lethbridge Audio Visual, Lethbridge Pride Festival, Long & McQuade, Movie Mill, River Hawk Homes, Penny Coffee House; Professional Ballroom & Latin American Dance and Volunteer Lethbridge. In 2011 54 volunteers donated approximately 1300 hours of service. Approximately $30 000 in monetary and in-kind philanthropic support was received from individuals and businesses. On a sombre note, the AAC Board of Directors, staff and membership were saddened by the loss of community members Art Ferrari, Marty Oordt, Anne Campbell and Ralph Thrall. These individuals were known for the support and involvement in the arts and their enthusiasm, contributions and presence will be sadly missed.


The AAC is able to advance and enhance the arts in Lethbridge because of the dedication and assistance of many individuals. I would like to thank all AAC supporters -- members, donors, sponsors, staff, and directors -- and would like to speciďŹ cally recognize a number of members of the AAC Board. Changes in personal circumstances prompted mid-term resignations from Board Directors Shirley DeBow, Melanie Manieri, David Renter, and Mike Thiel. We offer our thanks for their contributions to the AAC and the arts community and wish them well in all future endeavors. We also recognize the contribution of retiring Board member Christopher Babits who has served the on the AAC board for the past six years. His input is greatly appreciated. We anticipate that the proďŹ le of our arts community will continue to grow over the next months with continued events and activities from our membership, cultural opportunities during the 2012 Summer Games, Arts Days Celebrations, the installation of new public art works and the construction of the new Community Arts Centre. We welcome continued support from the community and look forward to a productive year.

Gloria Torrance, President Board of Directors Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge (AAC)

2 011 A l l i e d A r t s C o u n c i l B o a r d o f D i r e c t o r s PRESIDENT




Gloria Torrance

Elizabeth Songer

David Renter

Shanna Bailey

DIRECTORS Christopher Babits Ron Brown Sarah Christensen

Carolla Christie Barb Cunningham Shirley DeBow

Tyler Gschaid Melanie Manieri Jennifer Schmidt Rempel

Kim Siever Mike Thiel



Executive Directorʼs Report The AAC staff continued to support the AAC’s

coordinated initiatives such as showcases at

vision by focusing their operational endeavors on

the Lethbridge Public Library and a booth at

activities and initiatives that support the Board’s

the Farmers Market. Other initiatives included

strategic plan. A lion’s share of staff efforts were

a high-profile membership campaign designed

spent on projects that extend the presence of the

to encourage existing members to renew their

arts and arts activities in the larger community.

memberships in a timely manner and also attract new members; distribution of results from a

The logistics of the annual Mayor’s Luncheon

Municipal By-election survey; the publication of

for Business and the Arts as well as Provincial

ArtsBridge and Arts Directory; distribution of a bi-

Arts Days were ably managed by AAC staff. The

weekly e-newsletter and continued modifications

sold out Mayor’s Luncheon allowed the civic,

to improve the AAC website completed our

business and arts communities to mingle while

communications plan.

celebrating the philanthropic contributions to the arts of individuals, service organizations

The AAC has a strong, mutually beneficial

and businesses. An effort to include more

relationship with the City of Lethbridge that

artists by offering a reduced rate artist ticket

is defined in Fee for Service Agreement for

was moderately effective. Lethbridge Arts

Arts Leadership and Bowman Arts Centre

Days, a collaborative initiative showcasing local

Management. As a result of the Leadership

artists, arts organizations and arts institutions

Agreement, AAC staff served on a number of City

experienced increased audience and participant

of Lethbridge committees including: the City of


Lethbridge Public Art Committee, the Community Arts Centre Steering Committee, the Performing

Our communications strategy was expanded to

Arts Theatre Steering Committee and the Heart

appeal to a broader demographic and include

of the City Committee. AAC staff also provided

attention to social media – facebook and twitter

administrative support for the City Public Art

-- as well as participation in info fairs hosted

selection committees and communications

by the Lethbridge College and the Lethbridge

support for the Performing Arts Theatre Steering

Chamber of Commerce. In an attempt to

Committee. We also assisted the City with arts-

increase arts visibility in the community, AAC staff

related technicalities for the new Community Arts

attended various community events and served

Centre and are developing a plan for operating

on civic committees including the 2012 Alberta

the centre when it opens in 2013. Information

Summer Games Board of Directors and Economic

gathered through stakeholder surveys and user

Development Lethbridge’s Team Lethbridge.

group meetings is being used to inform the

AAC Members were provided opportunities to

operating model.

share their information by participating in AAC



The Bowman Arts Centre Management

They are an enthusiastic and dedicated group

agreement defines the AAC responsibility for the

of individuals who share a positive vision for

operations of the Bowman Arts Centre. Bowman

our community. The AAC administrative staff,

staff who are responsible to the AAC Executive

including newcomer – Muffy McKay, Project

Director competently manage facility, education

Coordinator – and the Bowman Arts Centre

and gallery programs with administrative

program staff also deserve recognition for

support (grant management, payroll, accounts

their dedication. As do our volunteers and

payable/receivable) from the staff in the AAC 7

membership who continue to support the vision

Street Office.

of an arts centered community.

Last year was a planning year for the AAC and

Suzanne Lint, Executive Director

in addition to their on-going responsibilities, staff supported the Board’s planning activities by developing an action plan to operationalize the 2012 – 2014 Board Strategic plan as well as providing input on the 2012 – 2014 Budget. The previous five years have been a period of tremendous change and growth for the AAC. During 2011 elements of the Board Directors strategic vision began to be realized as projects that had long been dreams came to fruition. Improved communications strategies, successful and growing Mayor’s Luncheon and Arts Days Celebrations, the installation of the SAAG public artwork & commissioning of a work for the new Firehall and the sod turning ceremony for the

Allied Arts Council Staff AAC 7 Street Office: Suzanne Lint Executive Director Jana MacKenzie Finance & Office Services Ashley Markus Communications Coordinator Muffy McKay Projects Coordinator

new Community Arts Centre are significant milestones in a plan to create a community that is viewed by citizens and visitors as an arts centre.

Vanessa Eagle Bear Administrative Assistant Bowman Arts Centre:

I would like to acknowledge my admiration and appreciation for the AAC Board of Directors.

Darcy Logan Gallery Services Coordinator Claire Hatton Education & Facility Services Coordinator



Lethbridge Arts Days 2011

September 30 – October 2, 2011

Providing Leadership and Advancing and Enhancing the Arts in Lethbridge

The Allied Arts Council was pleased to coordinate the 2011 Lethbridge Arts Days festivities in cooperation with Lethbridge’s arts community. The event was one of many celebrations occurring throughout the province during Alberta Arts Days 2011; an annual celebration of Alberta’s culture, heritage, artistic diversity and provincial pride. It was also part of National Culture Days; a national movement to raise the awareness, accessibility, participation and engagement of all Canadians in the arts and cultural life of their communities. With over 200 participating artists and groups representing countless disciplines, the streets of Downtown Lethbridge were alive with art lovers of all kinds. The weekend included an eclectic mix of free events including the unveiling of Lethbridge’s newest piece of public art; Aeolian Aviary by artists Catherine Ross and Denton Fredrickson at the Southern Alberta Art Gallery. The 8th annual ArtWalk included over 55 venues showcasing everything from photography to textiles, painting to sculpture as well as busking musicians and street performers along the walk. Other events included a Public Art Tour, ArtsFest; two evenings worth of live music, dancing and performances in Galt Gardens, an Artisan Market at the Gate, a Photo Scavenger Hunt and Family Fun Day at the Southern Alberta Art Gallery.



Arts Days also provided us with the opportunity to reach out to the broader community for support. From the downtown businesses who generously open their doors each year to host art, to the numerous partners who provide ďŹ nancial and in-kind support to help cover costs, to the volunteer ambassadors who distribute programs, assist in setup and take-down of events, and of course, the artists; without them, Lethbridge Arts Days would not be possible. The Allied Arts Council believes Arts Days is an ideal opportunity to support our mission of Providing Leadership in Advancing and Enhancing the Arts in Lethbridge. We are proud to have coordinated ArtWalk for the past eight years, and Arts Days for the past three. We look forward to engaging both the arts community and broader community with this event in the future.

promoting the




2011 Mayorʼs Luncheon for Business and the Arts Acknowledging the importance of the strong relationships between the arts community, business community and civic government in building a strong and vibrant city.

On September 22, the Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge hosted the 6th annual Mayor’s Luncheon for Business and the Arts at the Lethbridge Lodge Hotel. The event was established in 2006 to acknowledge the importance of the strong relationships between the arts community, business community and civic government in building a strong and vibrant city. Yet again, the Luncheon was a highly successful, soldout event with over 250 guests in attendance. Numerous businesses, individuals and organizations also became event partners; thereby supporting further activities of the Allied Arts Council. Four awards were presented at the luncheon; recipients are selected from names submitted by community members from Lethbridge and area.

AACE Awards The Allied Arts Council Excellence (AACE) Awards are presented to an individual, a service organization and a business that have each significantly enhanced the arts in Lethbridge through philanthropy or volunteerism. 2011 Recipients included:

Individual Recipient: Dr. Barbara Lacey & Robert Tarleck Nominated by Allied Arts Council Board of Directors “Bob & Barbara’s strong vision for a vibrant community that includes the arts is commendable. They understand that a healthy community should provide opportunities for all citizens to engage in a broad range of activities, including the arts. Not only did they have the insight to see the social benefits new arts facilities could bring, but also the economic benefits. Their dedication to and support of the arts in our community- both on and off City Council have left a legacy that the broader community will benefit from for years to come.”



2011 Service Organization Recipient: Covenant Health Nominated by Ferrari Westwood Babits Architects “St. Michael’s Health Centre was supportive and regularly seeking out ways to integrate art into their building(s). It was evident that for the organization it [including the arts in its facilities] was a way to support the community and imbue the facility with a narrative meaning so essential to the emotional and spiritual well-being of all who would live and visit there.”

2011 Business Recipient: CTV Lethbridge Nominated by Dory Rossiter “This station has a true appreciation of arts in the community. From the small events to the large-scale ones, our reporters and videographers have showcased them to our viewers. These stories, I believe, encourage people of all ages to follow their dreams... to sing, to paint, to act, to create.”

Joan Waterfield Memorial Award The Joan Waterfield Memorial Award recognizes an individual(s) who has made a substantial contribution to our community in the area of the arts; literary, music, dance, new media, theatre or visual arts. Individuals who are honoured personify the values expressed in the philosophy and vision of the Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge. “Lethbridge is enriched by a thriving arts community”.

2011 Recipients: Trent Moranz & Maureen Chambers, South Country Fair Nominated by April Blackmer “Trent and Maureen have been pillars of the southern Alberta arts and culture community for over twenty-five years. They do all of this because they love it. They do it because it feels good to give back to their community. They volunteer countless hours all year in order to promote and grow the arts and culture scene in southern Alberta.”



Communications The Allied Arts Council utilizes both traditional and digital media to promote artists and arts organizations, arts events and activities, and to advocate the value of the arts to the larger community.

Publications ArtsBridge Magazine The ArtsBridge magazine is published twice annually- a spring/summer edition and a fall/winter edition. The objective of the magazine is to build awareness on the arts in the Lethbridge and area community by profiling local artists, groups, events, facilities and history. It includes contributions from local writers, photographers and artists and is available at no cost to the public. In 2011, the magazine was available in print and digital forms. Paper copies were distributed through the Lethbridge Herald, to key tourism and community locations throughout Lethbridge, and various coffee shops, restaurants and offices. Digital copies were made available on the AAC website; where an online archive was created going back as far as 2008. To date, online issues have received over 500 views. The spring/summer 2011 edition examined the role of the arts in the community and how they improve quality of life. The fall/winter 2011 edition explored the use of technology in the arts.

Arts Directory The 2011-12 edition of the AAC Arts Directory provided a comprehensive listing of Lethbridge & area artists, arts organizations, and businesses. The purpose of the publication is to increase exposure and opportunities for artists, arts groups, and arts-based businesses in Lethbridge & area. Each Artist, Allied and Associate member of the AAC received a listing in the Directory. 2011 saw the fourth year of the annual Arts Directory publication. The directory was made available in many locations across Lethbridge including the AAC Office, Bowman Arts Centre, Galt Museum, Southern Alberta Art Gallery, and tourism offices at no cost. It was also distributed through the Lethbridge Herald and dropped at community locations such as leisure centres and coffee shops. In 2011, due to demand, the page count of the Arts Directory was increased from 36 to 40 pages. A digital version was also made available on the AAC website where it received over 250 views.

Online/Social Media AAC Website: The AAC website (www.artslethbridge.org) remained an important part of the communications strategy in 2011. The online Arts Calendar was updated daily and featured over 400 arts events throughout the year. All Artist, Allied and Associate members received a listing in the online Arts Directory and the home page slideshow was upgraded and featured a rotating slideshow of images and content.



promoting the arts E-newsletter: The AAC continued to send out a bi-weekly e-newsletter, Arts in Lethbridge, to over 300 members and supporters. Arts in Lethbridge featured event listings, calls for artists, upcoming opportunities, facility updates and more. Social Media: In 2011, the AAC continued to utilize facebook as a valuable online resource to promote the arts in Lethbridge. To date, the AAC page has over 500 followers. In addition, separate pages for the new Community Arts Centre and Lethbridge Arts Days were created to raise awareness and share information. The AAC also joined twitter in late 2011 and has seen a steady increase of followers.

Promotions and Partnerships Art Tracks & Moments: 2011 saw the continuation of a long-standing partnership with 94.1 CJOC radio where on-air time was provided in-kind to the AAC to promote the arts. Art Tracks aired each Wednesday and promoted current arts events. Art Moments aired several times daily featuring interviews with local artists, Community Arts Centre updates, and information on the need for a new Performing Arts Theatre. City of Lethbridge Recreation & Culture Guide: Each month, the AAC reserved three pages in the monthly Recreation & Culture Guide for promotion of member arts events and class listings. Lethbridge Public Library Display Cases: The AAC’s partnership with Lethbridge Public Library continued as AAC member organizations were offered the use of the display cases to promote their art, events and programming. Display cases were used by AAC members for ten months. Arts @ the Farmer’s Market Booth: The AAC rented a booth at the 2011 Exhibition Park Farmer’s Market for use by AAC members who could rent the table at a significantly lower cost. Members sold artwork, did demonstrations, sold tickets, and informed the larger community on their activities. AAC Display Boards: Members of the AAC had the opportunity to advertise arts events in the AAC Display Boards, located outside the AAC office and in the Bowman Arts Centre. Passers-by stop to view poster boards to find out what’s coming up in Lethbridge’s arts scene. In 2011, over 150 posters were featured. Trade Fairs & Special Events: The AAC participated in a number of trade fairs and events including the Chamber of Commerce Mix & Mingle, Lethbridge College Residence Exhibit Day and the Aboriginal Council of Lethbridge’s Diversity Café. These were opportunities to promote the arts to a broader audience.

arts calendar: over 400 arts events promoted PROMOTING THE ARTS


community Public Art

Signal- Douglas Senft (concept photo)


The AAC has been actively involved with the City of Lethbridge Public Art Program since it was established in 2007. 2011 was a year of growth for the program with significant milestones being achieved including the drafting of a Public Art Master Plan, the unveiling of a new city of Lethbridge public artwork and the awarding of a another new public art commission. The AAC is happy to be able to support The City of Lethbridge percentage for Public Art program through representation on the City of Lethbridge Public Art Steering Committee and by providing administrative support for public art acquisition processes. The acquisition process to commission a public art work in conjunction with the renovation and expansion of the SAAG was completed with the installation of the work, Aeolian Aviary, by Denton Fredrickson and Catherine Ross. The official unveiling was a highlight of the 2011 Lethbridge Arts Days celebrations. The commissioning process for an artwork associated with the construction of a new City of Lethbridge Fire hall saw three artists visiting Lethbridge in January 2011 for site visits. The artist’s proposals were finalized based on information gained during the site visit and final proposals were submitted to the selection committee for consideration. In June 2011, Signal, a large stainless steel work proposed by British Columbia artist Douglas Senft was recommend to and accepted by City Council as the successful art project. It was originally hoped that the work would be installed in the fall of 2011; however, site challenges and weather slowed the install process which is now planned for spring 2012.

Aeolian Aviary- Catherine Ross & Denton Fredrickson



65 artists in 17 solo and group exhibitions

Bowman Arts Centre

Exhibition/Gallery Program

The Exhibition Program of the Bowman Arts

as well as 3 different exhibitions (two in the

Centre provides a recognized and professional

showcases and one at the Yates) featuring

exhibition venue for artists and gallery visitors.

artwork about the logging of the Castle

The Bowman supervises two exhibition spaces;


the Shirley Wyngaard and Music Room Galleries at the Bowman Arts Centre, as well as large oak

2011 saw the third annual Bowman documentary

showcases used for smaller displays.

film series on artists, titled “Forum.” Every Monday evening for seven subsequent evenings,

While its primary focus is community based, the

the Centre presented a different biopic film

Bowman programs a stable exhibition schedule

about contemporary artists. Many of these films

that delivers a balance of local, regional and

were difficult to obtain outside of Europe, and

provincial artists. The Bowman is committed to

this made “Forum” a rare opportunity for artists

exhibiting both traditional and non-traditional

and the interested public. Admission was by

works, and providing an equitable representation


of all disciplines, from fine craft to installation art. Community art isn’t a style, but is diverse

Notebook was a major initiative in 2011, and was

and reflects the creative output of all cultural

a partnership between the Bowman Arts Centre

producers in our city.

and the University of Lethbridge Art Gallery.

64 local artists showcased

Notebook invited community artists to explore the University’s fantastic art collection, and in the process select pieces that resonated with them.

In 2011, the Bowman Arts Centre presented

These works were then reinterpreted at a series

the work of 65 artists in 17 solo and group

of workshop held at the Bowman during the Fall

exhibitions. Numerous artists were also able

and Winter. The art created at these workshops

to participate in smaller ad hoc exhibitions in

were on display in the Helen Christou Gallery, at

the showcases. At years end, over $24,000 in

the University of Lethbridge.

artists fees were paid to the artists, 64 of whom are members of our immediate community.

The Exhibition Program at the Bowman is very

The Bowman presented exhibitions featuring

excited to be moving into the new Gallery space

fine textile, drawing, painting, video art and

in the new Community Arts Centre in 2013.

installation. 2011 was also a year of interesting programs, initiatives and partnerships. The Bowman partnered with the Lethbridge Figure Drawing Group, the Lethbridge Textile Guild, the Southern Alberta Community of Environmental Educators and the University of Lethbridge Art Gallery in presenting exhibitions. 2011 saw the

The Exhibition Program provides a recognized and professional exhibition venue for artists and gallery visitors

presentation of the “Cabinet of Queeriosities” held in the showcases in support of Pride Week,



Bowman Arts Centre

Education Program

Through educational programming, necessary skills and interests are realized to extend the individual’s art experience beyond the classroom into the larger arts community.

As a promoter and facilitator of the arts, the Bowman Education Program provides entry level, foundational arts instruction that develops a broader understanding and appreciation of the arts. Through educational programming, necessary skills and interests are realized which extend the individual’s art experience beyond the classroom into the larger arts community. The AAC coordinates and facilitates educational programming in visual arts, drama and speech. All of the instructors are qualified sessional employees; many of whom are local practicing artists; who are provided the opportunity to share their knowledge with the community. The program is run on a self-sustaining, cost recovery basis-- registration fees are kept affordable, and bursaries are available. The Special Needs art program is supplemented by a grant through Lethbridge Lifelong Learning Association.

Class sizes are limited to allow more one on one instruction The Special Needs art program has been a very popular, long running visual arts program. Classes are ongoing throughout the year allowing students to participate often and class sizes are limited to allow more one on one instruction. As with all art programs, students are encouraged to develop self-expression. The visual arts program provides entry level instruction in both 2D and 3D disciplines. Instructors cover the fundamental elements of art while providing students with necessary tools and techniques. Affiliated with the Trinity College of Speech and Drama of London, the AAC speech program tutors students in voice, poise and movement. Students prepare for yearly exams, participate in recitals and compete in speech festivals. In a group setting, drama students learn basic acting techniques to express themselves. Students work towards a final performance at the end of each session.

600 adults & children enrolled in arts classes In 2011, over 600 adults and children enrolled in arts education classes at the Bowman; enrolling in everything from clay sculpture to fiber art, cartooning to drama. The majority of programming in the summer was geared towards children’s classes, which saw a high level of enrollment.

Clay wheel


Fiber art





Drama Mixed media


Since 2007, the Allied Arts Council and the arts community of Lethbridge have worked together on the Arts Re:Building Together initiative, which addresses concerns regarding the City’s arts facilities and proposes the concept of a “Cultural Corridor” for Lethbridge. The Cultural Corridor would be a place where Lethbridge could showcase the artistic talent we have. Performances, festivals, exhibitions, markets, workshops and classes are just a few of the activities that would happen in Lethbridge’s Cultural Corridor. It would be a centralized, ‘one-stop-shop’ for citizens of Lethbridge to engage and visitors in the arts and culture of our city.

improving arts


In the Arts Re:Building Together campaign three buildings were identified as needing urgent care or replacement. With the completion of the Southern Alberta Art Gallery project in 2010, the AAC focused on the two remaining projects in 2011.


In Progress Lethbridge Community Arts Centre



Performing Arts Theatre



Community Arts Centre Construction officially began on Lethbridge’s new Community Arts Centre on July 7, 2011. Government officials, community members, artists and arts groups gathered together at a sod turning ceremony to celebrate the official start to the construction on Lethbridge’s Community Arts Centre. The Community Arts Centre, to be located at the corner of 3 Avenue & 8 Street South, will be a place where people develop community through learning, living and loving the arts. By providing opportunities for artists to create and collaborate and for the public to engage in an active and varied educational arts programming, the Lethbridge Community Arts Centre will foster the understanding, appreciation and application of the arts in our city. The Allied Arts Council will manage the Centre.

Community Arts Centre Estimated Project Timelines:

Community Consultation & Design: June – December 2010 Tender: Early 2011 Sod Turning: July 2011 Operational model development: 2012 Construction: 2011 – 2012 Centre Opening: Early 2013


Performing Arts Theatre The Yates Centre has long been the City’s premier performing arts facility used by many groups, but technical deficiencies, size and booking availability have begun to limit opportunities for programming and performance. In 2011, the Lethbridge Performing Arts Theatre Steering Committee; formed in 2009, took this message to the public through presentations to various community groups including the Southern Alberta Council on Public Affairs (SACPA), Lethbridge Rotary Clubs, the Breakfast Club and the Kiwanis Club of Lethbridge. The message was also delivered to the public through articles, advertisements and media coverage. Meanwhile, a review of the original Performing Arts Theatre study (completed in 2010) was taking place during the spring/summer of 2011. On October 20, 2011, the Steering Committee, along with Richard Schick of Schick Shiner Associates, presented the results of the review to Lethbridge City Council. It was confirmed the proposed location for the facility is ideal because it will become part of the Cultural Corridor. But, it was suggested the scope of the project including seating capacity and spaces allocated for the lobby, technical areas, loading docks, dressing rooms, patron lounge and orchestra pit may be too large. A number of recommendations were made that would lower the cost of the facility from 70 million dollars; required for the original plan, to approximately 45 million dollars. A short list of possible sources of funding from the federal and provincial governments was provided, as well as some general fundraising ideas and suggestions for municipal funding arrangements. According to Mr. Schick, current economic conditions in Canada and the rest of the world do not look good for arts funding. This will be true for both operational and capital funding for a new Performing Arts Theatre. Most of the funding will have to come from the City of Lethbridge, businesses and the community at large.

The Yates Centre has long been the City’s premier performing arts facility used by many groups, but technical deficiencies, size and booking availability have begun to limit opportunities for programming and performance. The Schick Shiner Associates report was received as information and referred to the 2014 – 2023 Capital Improvement Program for further consideration by the City of Lethbridge. Just as the new Community Arts Centre took over twenty-five years from the initial idea to completion, a Performing Arts Theatre will require ongoing support from both the arts community and broader public. A great place to live includes a wide variety of community activities for everyone to participate in and enjoy. The Allied Arts Council will continue to promote the need for this facility in our community. IMPROVING ARTS FACILITIES


Membership In 2011, a broad mix of organizations, individuals and businesses demonstrated their support for the arts in Lethbridge with a membership in the Allied Arts Council.

In 2011 the AAC membership included:

53 Allied Members 33 Associate Members 99 Artist Members 55 Friend Members

groups dedicated to furthering the arts

businesses supportive of the arts

individuals engaged in artistic endeavors

individuals and families supportive of the arts

In 2011, 35 new members joined the AAC

Volunteers The AAC was supported by many dedicated volunteers in 2011. From special events to board meetings to poster hanging, volunteers continued to be an integral part of AAC’s projects. Approximately 1300 volunteer hours were donated by 54 individuals in the following categories: Mayor’s Luncheon for Business and the Arts Lethbridge Arts Days 2011 Bowman Education Program Bowman Gallery Program AAC Board Meetings & events The AAC looks forward to the increasing contributions of volunteers in the future. Thank you to everyone who has shared their time to enhance the arts in Lethbridge!



Summary of Annual Financial Results

(Unaudited ďŹ gures; approved ďŹ nancial statements available through the AAC)


December 31, 2011, with comparative figures for 2010 (Unaudited)



Assets Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable Prepaid expenses Goods and services tax recoverable


Capital assets: Capital assets Less accumulated amortization

285,311 4,842 2,215 2,233 294,601


106,710 57,826 48,884

248,270 11,784 2,596 7,640 270,290 89,688 44,144 45,544






17,432 3,002 28,707 49,141


5,655 12,535 28,425 46,615

Liabilities and Net Assets Current liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Deferred revenue Deferred contributions Net assets: Investment in capital assets Unrestricted Internally restricted

48,884 42,059 203,401 294,344 $


45,544 42,059 181,616 269,219 $





Net program surplus







Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenses (113,766)

Program allocations

7,388 18,129

3,689 119,057


250 84,008


83,758 -


5,859 2,397 2,485



2,420 10,138 2,510 5,000


4,852 439 5,291









Expenses: Program costs Administrative and support staff Fundraising and special projects Staff expenses Rent Building maintenance Office Communications Utilities Capital assets donated Other Goods and services tax - non-recoverable Amortization

Revenue: Fees, sales and rentals City of Lethbridge: - fee for service - facility support Fundraising and special projects Grants, donations and sponsorships Other Recoveries (net)





(1,626) $



684 55,940




14,930 60,002





Year ended December 31, 2011, with comparative figures for 2010 (Unaudited)

Statement of Revenue and Expenses




1,368 246,896

168,420 15,985 21,119 2,157





49,442 168,420







(5,566) $



684 75,327




74,775 75,449








3,558 222,148

71,605 16,788 2,779 5,132 51,177 2,533 971



37,324 273,722


177,940 -








3,689 13,682 737,497

71,605 8,279 185,208 18,764 15,270 56,084 23,652 10,613



127,279 4,852 439 762,622


311,140 168,420








4,663 11,404 777,815

150,485 7,831 184,849 17,551 20,341 5,583 20,169 621 26,687



182,767 6,876 803,100


293,000 168,420



Supporters Funders

Individual Partners ($1 - $249)

Platinum Partners ($2000+)

Bronze Partners ($250 - $499)

ATB Financial

Tim Carlson in memory of Marjorie

Ivy Corns

Val & Flora Matteotti


Robert Croskery

94.1 CJOC

D.A. Building Systems Ltd.

Clint Dunford

Shirley & Gerry DeBow

Barb Goodman

Gold Partners ($1000 - $1999)

Steve Denecky

Helen Haynes

Deltec Power & Control Systems

Rod & Martha DrafďŹ n

Tweela Houtekamer

Downtown Lethbridge BRZ

Steve Ferzacca

Akira & Lorita Ichikawa

Ferrari Westwood Babits Architects

John Fisher

Ron & Mariette Jacobson

Gold & Gold Productions

From the Grapevine

Morris Katz

Korite International Ltd.

Simon & Cathy Hann

Ike & Diana Lanier

National Salvage

Lethbridge Real Estate

George & Wilma McCrea

North & Company

Richardson Oilseed Ltd.

Tad Mitsui & Muriel Mellow

Royal LePage, South Country Real

Daniel Shapiro

Anne Myshok


Sterling Mutuals

Jim & Grace Third

Streatside Eatery

Dan & Karen Westwood

Silver Partners ($500 - $999) Advance Glass and Aluminum Davidson & William LLP Dennis & Penny Beaudin Impact Systems

Media Partners CKUA CTV Lethbridge Herald

KPMG Accounting Lethbridge Lodge McIntyre Ranching Co. Ltd. Melcor Development Ltd. Meyers Norris Penny Overhead Door Precon Manufacturing Ltd. Stantec Consulting Ltd.


A vibrant

arts community enriches Lethbridge

Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge 318 7 Street South Lethbridge Alberta T1J 2G2 ph: 403.320.0555 f: 403.320.2450 email: info@artslethbridge.org www.facebook.com/AlliedArtsCouncil twitter.com/AACLeth

www.ar tslethbridge.org

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