The Winter 2015 Issue of The FACS

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Winter 2015





family & Consumer Sciences

Ways to Make a Difference For Yourself and FCS AAFCS headquarters has been buzzing. Plans are complete for our 106th Annual Conference and Expo, Family & Consumer Bev Card, CFCS Sciences: Advancing the Field with President New Technology, June 24-27, 2015, in Jacksonville, FL. I love the conference theme since technology integration has been important to me throughout my career. I also like the organization of the educational sessions on Thursday and Friday into these concurrent tracks: • Impact of Technology on Emotional, Physical and Financial Well-Being • Teaching and Learning in a Digital Age • Online Strategies for Advocacy, Awareness and Engagement • Enabling Leadership Through Technology • Advancing FCS Through Research, Accountability and Public Information • Best Practices for Recruiting and Developing FCS Educators (Thursday only) In addition, there are exciting new events during the conference: • Filling the Educator Pipeline:

Summit for Action • BYOD Tech Lab • Navigating the World of Heath Insurance: What FCS Professionals Need to Know • FCS River Trot • Other “Stay Fit” Opportunities in Jacksonville. As a retired secondary educator, I’m particularly thrilled about the emphasis on FCS educators in this year’s conference. The shortage of qualified professionals to fill positions has increased significantly in recent years and now is the time to collectively take action. I also appreciate the opportunities to stay fit during the conference. Registration is open for the conference! The full registation rate now includes the “Sun & Sandals” Welcome Reception Wednesday evening, FCS “Great Conversations” Friday lunch, and the Saturday Pacesetter luncheon. You’ll also see additional breakfast, lunch, and dinner events and educational excursions that are

open to everyone for a fee. Be sure to take advantage of all the wonderful opportunities in Jacksonville! And there’s more news to share. During the February Board Conference Call, we received a detailed report on the impact of our first Family & Consumer Sciences Day. We had 18 partners and 104,583 commitments to “Dining In” in all 50 states, 17 countries, and every continent. The day was promoted using our website, email, direct mail, in-person promotion, and our social media sites. The nine FCS Day Livestream segments are posted at FCS Day 2014 was the largest audience FCS professionals have ever reached in one day. After such success, the Board voted to declare the second FCS Day on December 3, 2015. The theme will be “Dining In” and you have ten months to plan. Our message is important and we need to share it with others. Involve clients, colleagues, and policymakers in your practice setting. Engage individuals, families, and communities to make a difference in their lives!

Featured Items in this Issue Spring Webinar Series 2 World Home Economics Day 2 Public Policy Community 4 Accreditation Pre-Conference 6 2015 Distinguished Service Awardees 7 106th Annual Conference Booklet Insert

Thank you, Nasco, for sponsoring this issue of The FACS!

Spring Webinars: Free to Members! By Daila Boufford, AAFCS Director of Professional Development and Market Research Your Professional AAFCS membership in AAFCS now gets you even more value with free access to live webinars! Not a Professional member? Upgrade today! Tuesday, February 24th at 4:00pm Eastern Time Developing a LiveBinder as a Teaching Resource in Family and Consumer Sciences A LiveBinder is the easiest way to organize all of your educational resources online. LiveBinders not only replace the old 3-ring binder, but also open up new opportunities for collaborating, organizing, and sharing that were never possible before. Appropriate for use by colleagues and students, Cynthia Miller will share the benefits of this tool that has many applications for those in and out of the classroom. Wednesday, March 4th at 4:00pm Eastern Time Elder Financial Exploitation within the Family System: What Family Members’ Experiences Reveal about the Causes, Consequences, and Perpetrators The risks today far exceed the familiar lottery scams and fraudulent phone calls. Although those criminal acts are still in use today, new threats have emerged that can strip vulnerable seniors from their ability to make financial and medical decisions in their best interest. Join our webinar, featuring a team of highly regarded and knowledgeable experts, to learn more about what you can do to protect aging loved ones. 2

The FACS - Winter 2015

Tuesday, March 24th at 4:00pm Eastern Time Educating the Whole Family: Extending School Wellness Education to Parents and Caregivers Nutrition education has been and will continue to be a hot topic, given the nation’s childhood obesity epidemic. Unfortunately, building the bridge between classroom education and in-home practice can be difficult. AAFCS is excited to feature the Bubble Foundation, which is working to integrate student and parent education through the use of community education events. Learn how you can implement similar programs at your school/community center and share ideas on lessons learned.

tips for how to make grant writing easier, efficient, and more rewarding.

Tuesday, April 21st at 7:00pm Eastern Time Social Media and Advocacy Advocating for family and consumer sciences programs and curriculum is more important than ever. It is the responsibility of each and every one of us to step up and do our part to advocate for our field. In 2012, Sharon Hoelscher Day presented an excellent webinar, “Critical Personal and Professional Advocacy Skills,” that covered many of the fundamentals of advocacy. Ms. Day is following up on that presentation with an update on how we can utilize social media Tuesday, April 7th at 4:00pm tools to expand our reach, engage Eastern Time the public, and support those who The Impact of the Economy on the have dedicated their professional Family: Taking it to the Streets for careers to improving the lives of Strategies and Solutions individuals, families and Is it possible to make frugality fun? communities. The AAFCS Taking it to the Streets team is planning a resourceWrong day/time? No worries packed webinar that will show you -- all webinars are archived for onhow to have fun and be creative demand viewing. And, if you are while saving money! Based on the an AAFCS Professional member, highly popular Resourcefulne$$ you get complimentary access to sessions at the Annual Conferthe archived recording for the first ence, this webinar will highlight 48 hours after the live event! You actions you can take to re-use old must register in advance to gain items, recycle common goods, access to them. and save money while shopping. But wait -- there’s more! Due to Tuesday, April 14th at popular demand, AAFCS is now 7:00pm Eastern Time offering an Annual Training Pass at Grant Writing: Where is the Cash? a discounted rate to all members. Where do I start? What type of grant am I looking for? What if Register and learn I do all that work and don’t get more at it? These are common questions that arise when you are starting the grant writing process. FortuDevelopmentCenter/ nately, Sharon Baillie, 2011 AAFCS Webinars.asp. National Teacher of the Year, has agreed to share her expertise in this area. With over $90,000 in awarded grant money so far, Ms. Baillie has advice, strategies, and

Celebrate World Home Economics Day! By Carol L. Anderson, CFCS, IFHE-US President Join colleagues in celebrating World Home Economics Day, March 21, 2015! The International Federation for Home Economics (IFHE) is sponsoring this worldwide event. Sharing Food: Healthy and Sustainable Choices will be the theme and the aim of this initiative is to promote family and consumer well-being through the transmission of essential life skills in different settings and with different population groups. You are encouraged to promote activities via the internet, social media, and the local mass media, as well as small group experiences. What might be done to demonstrate global action for food and environmental literacy?

WORLD HOME ECONOMICS DAY 21 MARCH 2015 Home Economics Literacy: Skills for Families and Consumers

Food Literacy

Environmental Literacy

ACTION Sharing food: Healthy and sustainable choices


COMMUNICATION Sharing the story of healthy food Twitter @IFHE_HomeEc #WHED2015 #sharingfood

Become involved by sharing a food experience, such as promoting home-grown vegetables, fruits, and herbs; preparing a meal with friends, family, or colleagues; helping at a food pantry; offering a school visit to a local farm, and most important, creating your own opportunity. Register your participation at For more information, check out


The FACS - Winter 2015


Public Policy Committee Transitions to Community By Sharon Hoelscher Day, CFCS, Chair, (formerly) AAFCS Public Policy Committee and (now) Public Policy Community 2014 was an exciting year. The first Family & Consumer Sciences Day was held in December. The AAFCS Public Policy Committee offered advocacy and civility training in St Louis and online. Over the years, the Public Policy Committee has offered a wide variety of public policy and public issues training and resources. The AAFCS Public Policy Committee is winding down and became a Public Policy Community in January 2015. One benefit of becoming a new Community is that ANYONE who is interested in public policy can join. Our group has worked diligently over the years on expanding and building the public policy education resources online at AAFCS, including: • Deliberation guides and advocacy resources at • Public Policy Toolkit accessed through MyAAFCS. Log in at (upper right corner). Select “Member Information and Resources” and then “Member Only Resources” to access the Toolkit. • Resolutions are posted at Resolutions.asp. Please


The FACS - Winter 2015

contact our Community if you would like help with developing your resolutions. We also recruited and selected 21st Century Community Champion and Friend of the Family awardees and the Chalkley-Fenn Public Policy Visiting Scholar. Current projects include: • Starting a new speakers bureau for regional or state conferences on advocacy, policy and public issues, which can be available either live by internet, phone, or in person. • Partnering with other Communities on special public policy efforts and resolutions. • Providing advocacy training including a Social Media and Advocacy webinar in April 2015. • Identifying state partners to review the FCS teacher shortage designation in each state. The Chalkley-Fenn Public Policy Visiting Scholar Award will be awarded in

June 2015. Please encourage qualified members in your affiliate to apply for this outstanding opportunity when it is awarded every 2-3 years. The guidelines are posted at www. The Chalkley-Fenn Public Policy Visiting Scholar Award is supported by the interest of an endowment based on donations by many of you. You or your affiliate donations will make it possible to continue this award more often in the future. Currently the endowment is not large enough to award the Chalkley-Fenn Public Policy Visiting Scholar Award every year. If you would like to support it, go to MyAAFCS and select “Make YOUR Difference Today” and add your donation in any dollar amount for Chalkley-Fenn! If you are interested in public policy issues, I hope you will become part of our new Community. Please let us know if you have any questions, suggestions, need public policy resources, or would like to join us for a future conference call. All of us interested in families and public policy are looking forward to a productive and exciting year.

Attend the Accreditation Pre-Conference in Jacksonville!

Council for Accreditation Accredits Four Units

By Billie J. Collier, Council for Accreditation Chair

By Billie J. Collier, Council for Accreditation Chair

The Council for Accreditation announces a special opportunity at the AAFCS 106th Annual Conference in Jacksonville for units considering accreditation or reaccreditation. We will offer a one-day pre-conference workshop on Wednesday, June 24. The program, beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending at 5:00 p.m., will focus on preparing a Self-Study Report and what is involved in the accreditation process.

During the Fall 2014 meeting, the AAFCS Council for Accreditation granted accreditation to four units. Accreditation is granted following review and consideration of the Self-Study Report, the report of the site visit team, and the institution’s response to the site visit report.

In the morning, Fran Andrews will guide participants step-bystep through the development of a Self-Study Report. Handouts and ample time for questions are designed to support you as the self-study report evolves. In the afternoon, a Self-Study Fair will provide opportunity for one-on-one interaction and extended discussion with colleagues who have recently completed self-studies. A new feature this year is a Site Visit Fair, along the same lines, where the schedule and content of site visits can be explored and discussed with experienced professionals. Additionally, current Council for Accreditation members will be available throughout the day to engage with participants and share their insights. Come join us and find out everything you always wanted to know about AAFCS accreditation.

Southern University at New Orleans’ Department of Child Development and Family Studies under the leadership of Chair and Director Pamela E. Wanga, Ph.D. was granted accreditation for the first time. This department provides a quality curriculum that incorporates the Family and Consumer Sciences Body of Knowledge, supports faculty professional development opportunities, and advocates for students and their needs. Following devastation from Hurricane Katrina, the Unit established a respected academic program that

meets the needs of the community and is integral to the mission and strategic plan of the institution. The University of Tennessee – Martin’s Department of Family and Consumer Sciences with leadership from Chair Sue G. Byrd was granted accreditation. The Chair and faculty members are forward thinking in exploring new options for future growth and are student-focused. Faculty members engage students in a variety of scholarly and outreach activities. The North Carolina A&T State University Department of Family and Consumer Sciences with leadership from Chair Valerie L. Giddings was granted accreditation. The Unit is unique on campus because of their integrating focus and inter-relationship of people and people with their environment. Faculty members are dedicated, committed, and go the extra mile to meet the needs of students. Southeastern Louisiana University’s Family and Consumer Sciences Program with leadership from Program Coordinator Holly Kihm was granted accreditation. The administration understands and is supportive of the Family and Consumer Sciences Unit’s relevancy to the university, college, department, and community. Faculty members are student-oriented and caring. Congratulations!

The FACS - Winter 2015


a celebration of excellence the 2015 distinguished service award recipients Angela Radford Lewis, CFCS Shaping the Future of FCS Dr. Lewis is Interim Dean, Clemmer College of Education and Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction at East Tennessee State University. Lauded by her peers as a motivated professional, she's never lost sight of the core principles and the strategic positioning needed to ensure the survival and prosperity of our profession and AAFCS.

Martha Nall, CFCS Modeling Leadership in FCS Martha's service to AAFCS began in 1969 as a student, and she's never stopped! Retired in 2012 as Extension Professor in Program and Staff Development, Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, Martha has most recently served as a leader in planning and conducting the AAFCS National Leadership Academy to involve and integrate young professionals into association activities at all levels.

Deborah Tippett A Global Amabassador for FCS As head of the Meredith College Human Environmental Sciences Department and a professor, Deborah has earned the respect and admiration of her SHHUV DQG VWXGHQWV DV KDYH KHU VLJQLÂżFDQW FRQWULEXtions to the profession in research and leadership, and as a passionate advocate for understanding the global reach and possibilities of family and consumer sciences. New for 2015! 0OF UJDLFU UP UIF 1BDFTFUUFS -VODIFPO JT JODMVEFE JO BMM 'VMM 4UVEFOU BOE 4BUVSEBZ 0OF %BZ SFHJTUSBUJPOT BEEJUJPOBM HVFTU UJDLFUT BSF +PJO ""'$4 BT XF IPOPS PVS %4"T BOE MFBSO GSPN ,FZOPUF 4QFBLFS 4UFWF 8FOEFM QSJODJQBM TDJFOUJTU )FMMP8BMMFU 4BUVSEBZ +VOF UI BN QN #AAFCSAC


The FACS - Winter 2015



participate. Why not showcase your great programs or materials?

Congratulations to Our 2015 Leadership Academy Participants!

Access the form by going to tableofcalls.html.

Esther Aloia – Pennsylvania Lisa Brooks – Illinois Meilana Charles – Texas Jamie Diehl – Montana Susan Hamlin – Missouri Amanpreet Kaur – New Jersey Penny Manakalani Kelsay – Texas Sung-Jin Lee – North Carolina Ricki McWilliams – Florida Kathleen Mellenberg – Virginia Martha Ravola – Mississippi Linsey Shockley – Georgia Cassandra Temaat – Kansas Misty Vinson Hughes – Tennessee Heather Wallace – Tennessee

Community of ESAE News 1) The Community of Elementary, Secondary and Adult Education (ESAE) Curriculum Showcase Application is now posted on the AAFCS website. All affiliate Teachers of the Year who have applied for the national Teacher of the Year award must participate in the Showcase on June 27 in Jacksonville, but any conference attendee may also

2) Looking for a way to pay for your AAFCS membership? The Community of Elementary, Secondary, and Adult Education (ESAE) sponsors a membership incentive for college students majoring in FCS education and active teachers in their first or second year of teaching. See all the details and apply by going to the AAFCS website, signing in to MyAAFCS, clicking on “Explore Groups - Directory and Resources,” and then “Access Group Documents,” Click on AAFCS Community of Elementary, Secondary, and Adult Education, “ which will take you to the Membership Incentive document. Or, contact ESAE Co-Leaders Lois Lewis ( or Janet Rodriguez (

Taking It to the Streets (TIS) Updates The Community of Taking It to the Streets (TIS) continues to work with the Community of Family Economics and Resource Management (FERM) on our current campaign: “Impact of the Economy on Families: Strategies and Solutions.”

1) Helping military families with financial issues Coups for Troops: Conduct coupon drives for military families. Even expired coupons are accepted and there are direct mail or drop off locations. Doesn’t this sound easy? More info is at Fisher House: The 63 Fisher Houses located around the country provide military families housing at no cost close to a loved one during hospitalization for an illness, disease, or injury. Bringing in meals or snacks is one way to help. Visit for more details. 2) Upcoming Webinar: “The Impact of the Economy on the Family: Taking It to the Streets for Strategies and Solutions,” April 7, 2015, at 4:00pm. Register at DevelopmentCenter/webinars.asp! 3) Twice is Nice Accessory Swap: Bring new or gently used accessories to the Communities Showcase following the Opening General Session on Thursday at Annual Conference in exchange for a ticket to choose something “new” early Friday evening. Stay tuned for more info!

Thank you


for Sponsoring This Issue! The FACS - Winter 2015



AAFCS Calendar of Events


March 21, 2015

World Home Economics Day

April 6, 2015

Manuscripts due for JFCS issue 107.4 on Potpourri of Family and Consumer Sciences

April 15, 2015

Last day for Early-Bird Registration for the AAFCS 106th Annual Conference & Expo

April 20, 2015

Regular registration deadline for AAFCS professional competency exams in May

April 30, 2015

Last day for charitable contributions for the 2014-15 AAFCS Honor Roll of Donors. Give your best gift at!

The FACS is the quarterly newsletter for members of AAFCS. Photos and articles from and about members are welcome. Editor Gwynn Mason 400 N.Columbus Street, Suite 202 Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone 703.706.4600 Fax 703.706.4663 The American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) is the only professional association that provides leadership and support to family and consumer sciences students and professionals from both multiple practice settings and content areas.

For year-round professional development, check out our wide array of archived webinars at

See Annual Conference Insert Inside! Address service requested 400 N. Columbus St.

Suite 202

Alexandria, VA 22314

family & Consumer Sciences A M E R I C A N



American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences

106TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE & EXPO June 24 – 27, 2015 Jacksonville, Florida Advancing the Field with New Technology Family & Consumer Sciences

Connect with Exhibitors! Thursday, June 25 Grand Opening 4:30pm - 6:30pm Friday, June 26, 2015 NEW! Coffee Break 8:00am - 9:00am Expo Open 8:00am - 12:30pm AAFCS exhibitors represent FCSrelated companies, associations, university programs, government agencies, and not-for-profit organizations that bring you the latest products and resources for your education or career. After seeing innovative products and services at the exhibit booths, gain insights from FCS experts at exhibitor learning labs.

Reserve Your Room! Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront 225 East Coastline Drive Jacksonville, FL 32202 Main Hotel Number: 1-904-588-1234 Single/double annual conference rate: $159.00

Register by April 15 and save!


Connect with Thought Leaders in Technology! June 25, 2015 Keynote Speaker Profile

Eric Sheninger

Senior Fellow and Thought Leader, International Center for Leadership in Education (ICLE) and Scholastic Achievement Partners (SAP) Prior to working with the International Center for Leadership in Education (ICLE) and Scholastic Achievement Partners (SAP), Eric was the award-winning principal at New Milford High School. Under his leadership his school became a globally recognized model for innovative practices. Eric oversaw the successful implementation of several sustainable change initiatives that radically transformed the learning culture at his school while increasing achievement. His work focuses on leading and learning in the digital age as a model for moving schools and districts forward. This has led to the formation of the Pillars of Digital Leadership, a framework for all educators to initiate sustainable change to transform school cultures. As a result Eric has emerged as an innovative leader, bestselling author, and sought after speaker. His main focus is the use of social media and web 2.0 technology as tools to facilitate student learning, improve communications with stakeholders, enhance public relations, create a positive brand presence, discover opportunity, transform learning spaces, and help educators grow professionally. Eric is a Bammy Award winner (2013), NASSP Digital Principal Award winner (2012), PDK Emerging Leader Award recipient (2012), winner of Learning Forward’s Excellence in Professional Practice Award (2012), Google Certified Teacher, Adobe Education Leader, and ASCD 2011 Conference Scholar.

June 27, 2015 Keynote Speaker Profile

Steve Wendel

Principal Scientist, HelloWallet As the principal scientist at HelloWallet, Steve conducts original research on savings behavior and coordinates the research efforts of HelloWallet’s advisory board. Steve is the author of Designing for Behavior Change, a new book from O’Reilly that describes HelloWallet’s step-by-step approach to applying behavioral economics and psychology to products that help people change their daily routines and behavior. Before joining HelloWallet, Steve co-founded a political consulting and research firm that employed machine learning and simulation techniques to predict political behavior. He holds a BA from U.C. Berkeley, a Master’s from Johns Hopkins-SAIS, and a PhD from the University of Maryland, where he analyzed the dynamics of behavioral change over time. Steve is the founder of Action Design DC, a Meetup of over 1100 practitioners and researchers that are building products to help users take action via behavioral economics and psychology.

NEW FOR 2015 Educational Tracks On Thursday and Friday, engage in educational sessions offered during these concurrent tracks: • Impact of Technology on Emotional, Physical and Financial Well-Being

#AAFCSac What’s included with my registration?

• Teaching and Learning in a Digital Age • Online Strategies for Advocacy, Awareness and Engagement • Enabling Leadership Through Technology • Advancing FCS Through Research, Accountability and Public Information • Sessions of Special Interest • Best Practices for Recruiting and Developing FCS Educators (Thursday only) Visit the AAFCS conference website for all session descriptions!

Filling the Educator Pipeline: Summit for Action Family and consumer sciences educators are at crisis-level demand in both formal and informal settings. And it’s going to take the collaborative efforts of us all – including key decision makers and organizations – to help meet the significant needs going forward. Are you up to the challenge? Register for a special all-day Summit on Friday, where you’ll gain a clearer understanding of the complex environment affecting the recruitment of educators. After learning about current recruitment initiatives and strategies at individual, state, and organizational levels, work with colleagues to create an action plan to increase and expand our recruitment efforts. Together, we can fill the pipeline of family and consumer sciences educators! If you’d like to attend this event, choose the full or Friday-only registration option that includes the Summit registration (additional $20). Act fast--space is limited!

BYOD Tech Lab Inspired by all the new apps and tech tools, but unsure how to integrate them into your projects, lesson plans, and daily tasks? Stop by our BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Tech Lab on Friday afternoon to learn about the latest apps, social media sites, web tools, and more! Quick 10-minute intro sessions will be followed by activities designed to get you using new tools and incorporating them into existing projects. Experienced facilitators will be on hand to guide you on your learning journey.

Navigating the World of Heath Insurance: What FCS Professionals Need to Know On Friday afternoon, we’re also offering a workshop that will empower you to navigate the often confusing world of health insurance. Attend all or part of the workshop depending your needs and interests: Part 1 - Health Insurance Terms and Technology: From Puzzled to Proficient! Part 2 - Smart Use Health Insurance©: Now You Have It, How Do You Maximize It? Part 3 - Medicare 101: What are Parts A, B, C, and D and Why Should I Want to Know?

FCS River Trot Sponsored by The Art Institutes Walk, run, or roll on Saturday morning in our first ever “FCS River Trot”! You don’t have to be an athlete to participate—it will take place along one mile of the scenic Jacksonville Riverwalk. Tickets are $15 each and include a commemorative t-shirt.


American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences

“Sun & Sandals” Welcome Reception (Wed. night)

Included in all Full, Student, and Thursday-only registrations, the “Sun & Sandals” Welcome Reception is a fun way to kick off your conference experience! While taking in the beautiful river view, enjoy local cuisine at various stations, bid on unique silent auction items, and more! Proceeds from this event will help fund public awareness efforts. Additional tickets may be purchased for $45.

FCS “Great Conversations” Lunch (Fri.) Discuss your conference experience over lunch. All Full, Student, and Friday-only registrants receive one ticket to this event. Tickets may not be purchased for guests.

Pacesetter Lunch (Sat.)

As a Full, Student, and Saturdayonly registrant, you’ll receive a ticket to the elegant Pacesetter Lunch. At this event, we’ll honor our Distinguished Service Award winners and hear from Keynote Speaker Steve Wendel. Additional tickets may be purchased for $45. All ticketed events and descriptions are posted at



Register online at Registrant’s Contact Info (Form used for conference-related purposes only; email to update your permanent member record) First-Time Attendee:  Yes  No May AAFCS share your email address with our exhibitors and approved groups?  Yes  No  To be eligible for a cancellation or refund, please check to verify that you have read our registration and refund policies available at __________________________________________________________________________________________ AAFCS MEMBER NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) FULL NAME __________________________________________________________________________________________ COMPANY OR ORGANIZATION (IF APPLICABLE) __________________________________________________________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS __________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY STATE ZIP COUNTRY __________________________________________________________________________________________ OFFICE PHONE HOME PHONE __________________________________________________________________________________________ FAX NUMBER EMAIL

Full Registration (prices are for mail or fax; save by registering online)*

(Please note: One ticket for the “Sun & Sandals” Welcome Reception on Wednesday, FCS “Great Conversations” Lunch on Friday, and Pacesetter Lunch on Saturday are included in the FULL conference registration fee. Other ticketed events must be purchased in addition to the conference registration fee.)

 Member Professional  Nonmember Professional  Student 

By April 15 $505 $595 $224

By May 29 $615 $714 $265

On-Site $714 $815 $285

Full First-Time 50-Year Member

Full Registration plus “Filling the Educator Pipeline: Summit for Action” $525 $615 $244

$635 $734 $285

$734 $835 $305

Other Types of Registration (prices are for mail or fax; save by registering online)      

Dietary Requirements/ Special Needs

List dietary requirements or items required because of a disability (e.g., vegetarian, diabetic, need wheelchair, etc.). We will do our best to accommodate your requests. ___________________________________ REGISTRANT ___________________________________ REGISTERED FAMILY MEMBER/GUEST (IF APPLICABLE)

Payment Information In order to secure your registration rate and process your registration, payment or an original purchase order must be received with registration form. Purchase orders and checks are accepted online. Our payment policies are posted at meetings/15/reg.html.

Payment Type  Check or money order (payable to AAFCS in U.S. dollars)

 Purchase Order # _________________  Visa  MasterCard Card Number ________________________

(complimentary; if you are eligible for this rate, you will receive an invitation from AAFCS with information about tickets included)

 Member Professional  Nonmember Professional  Student

Use the online registration form to save on registration fees, join AAFCS, and purchase professional assessments at a discounted rate (not available on paper form)!

Thursday Only (includes 1 ticket to “Sun & Sandals” Welcome Reception) .............. $294 Friday Only (includes 1 ticket to “Great Conversations” Lunch)............................. ... $294 Friday Only w/Summit for Action (includes lunch)................................................. ... $314 Saturday Only (includes 1 ticket to Pacesetter Lunch) ........................................... ... $294 Expo Only ............................................................................................................... ... $99 Family/Guest (nonmembers).................................................................................. ... $99

Registrant’s Badge Information __________________________________________________________________________________________ FIRST NAME/NICKNAME (WILL BE LARGER AND ON SEPARATE LINE) __________________________________________________________________________________________ FULL NAME __________________________________________________________________________________________ COMPANY OR ORGANIZATION (IF APPLICABLE) __________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY AND STATE

Family/Guest Registration Info (if applicable) __________________________________________________________________________________________ FIRST NAME/NICKNAME (FOR BADGE ONLY) __________________________________________________________________________________________ FULL NAME

Exp. Date ___________________________ Cardholder Name: ___________________________________ Cardholder Signature: ___________________________________ Registration Fee Subtotal $ ____________ Ticketed Event Subtotal $ ____________ (events on next page) Conference Pin Subtotal $ _____________ ($8/each; will be included in reg packet)

“Sun & Sandals” FCS Advocate Pin Subtotal

$ _______________________

($25/each; proceeds benefit FCS public awareness; will be included in reg packet)

Grand Total $ _______________________ Mail or fax to: AAFCS 106th Annual Conference & Expo 400 N. Columbus St., Ste. 202, Alexandria, VA 22314 FAX 703-706-4663

*One ticket for the “Sun & Sandals” Welcome Reception on Wednesday, “Great Conversations” Lunch on Friday, and Pacesetter Lunch on Saturday are included in the FULL conference registration fee. Other ticketed events must be purchased in addition to the conference registration fee. Most tickets must be purchased by May 29, 2015. Source Code: PP



Educational Excursions and Fun Activities Please purchase your tickets for educational excursions by May 15, 2015. Title of Event



Food Safety & Processing Excursion

8:30am - 4:30pm




A Visit to Interiors Trading Company

9:00am - 12:00pm




A Historical & Architectural Tour of Amelia Island

9:15am - 4:30pm




Jacksonville Top to Bottom—with an FCS Twist!

10:00am - 12:00pm




A Tour of the Cummer Museum & Gardens

1:00pm - 4:30pm




FCS River Trot (includes t-shirt) Circle Size: XS S M L XL 2XL

7:00am – 9:00am




Tour the Canning Center & Get Canning!

2:30pm - 5:30pm




Head to the Beach with AAFCS!

3:00pm - 8:00pm




Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Tickets #

Total $

Meal Functions PLEASE PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS FOR MEAL FUNCTIONS BEFORE MAY 29, 2015. Tickets will not be sold, exchanged, or refunded on-site because AAFCS must guarantee food provided at events prior to the opening of the conference. To view details of meal functions, visit Please note: You do not have to be a member of the group hosting the function to attend.

Title of Event



Tickets #

Total $

6:00pm - 9:00pm




Community of Colleges, Universities & Research Breakfast

7:45am - 8:45am




Community of Family Relations & Human Development Breakfast

7:45am - 8:45am




Luncheon: “Culture of Collaboration: How a Non-profit Connects, Strengthens, and Advocates through Human Technology”

12:00pm - 1:15pm




Wednesday, June 24, 2015

“Sun & Sandals” Welcome Reception (1 ticket included w/Full and Thurs.-only reg)

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Luncheon: “Learning from the 2015 AAFCS Teacher of the Year”

12:00pm - 1:15pm




Luncheon: “Extension Educating with Technology”

12:00pm - 1:15pm




Luncheon: “Global Perspectives on Mobile Learning”

12:00pm - 1:15pm




Kappa Omicron Nu and Phi Upsilon Omicron Dinner

7:00pm - 9:00pm




FCSEA and AAFCS Community of Teacher Educators in Higher Education Joint Recognition Breakfast

8:00am - 9:00am




Reception: “Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: A Legacy of Membership” (50-year members receive 1 comp ticket)

4:30pm - 5:45pm




National Coalition for Black Development in Family & Consumer Sciences Banquet

7:00pm - 9:00pm




11:30am - 1:30pm




Friday, June 26, 2015

Saturday, June 27, 2015 Pacesetter Lunch (1 ticket included w/Full and Sat.-only reg)


American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences

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