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Table 16: Input used in crop production
Table 16: Input used in crop production Input used Crops Estimates Cassava Sorghum Rice
Seed (kg) Mean Min 58.05 16.165 64.83 22.00 4.5 1.50
Max 176.67 63.75 500.00
SD CV(%) 38.75 18.3375 82.60 60.37 86.4025 127.42
Agro-chemical (litre) Mean Min Max SD CV(%) Labour (man-day) Mean Min
Fertilizer (kg)
Output (kg) Max SD CV(%) Mean Min Max SD CV(%) Mean Min Max SD CV
5.25 5.2575 11.57 1.67 1.3 1.00 24.67 12.5 62.00 5.72 3.3425 12.42 147.53 68.275 107.31 50.97 65.0975 86.50 10.00 14.5 10.00 177.67 282.25 650.00 47.03 67.9575 114.78 87.40 80.27 132.69 191.93 300.54 573.38 150.00 78.125 100.00 275.00 825 3000.00 41.85 209.5825 619.61 196.99 72.3 108.06 18732.22 1535.818 5647.14 7166.67 620.875 750.00 86133.33 3475 21000.00 18950.24 757.4025 4638.88 85.94 51.1 82.15
5.2. Technology Disseminated to Farmers There were many technologies disseminated to farmers participating in the production of cassava, sorghum and rice in the various SCPZs to facilitate the achievement of program objectives of improving substantially output so as to alleviate poverty and ensure food security in the country. The technologies disseminated on each crops are as presented below:
5.2.1 Technologies disseminated on cassava Table 17 presents technologies disseminated to farmers on cassava by the program. Technologies disseminated to enhance improved productivity in cassava production are the introduction of improved varieties which all the cassava farmers claimed they are aware of. Others are site selection with full awareness by all, land preparation known to about 98%, plant spacing/population, known to all farmers in the project, weed management known to over 98% of the farmers in the project, soil fertility also known to about 92% of the farmers, harvesting and marketing, known to about 62% of the participant, yield assessment, known to about 55% of the farmers, conservation of stem, known to about 67% of the farmers and record keeping also known to about 82% of the participating farmers. The level of awareness of farmers involved in the dissemination of these technologies was found to be very high and this might help to facilitate speedy adoption of these technologies in these SCPZ.