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4.6 Change in processors monthly income
from Beneficiary Income and Profitability Assessment of Beneficiaries across the four SCPZ of ATASP-1
4.6 Change in processors monthly income The estimated change in monthly income of processors across zone is presented in Table 22. The national result shows that processors under the Program beneficiaries had monthly income of N 44,917.3 before the intervention while non-adopters had monthly income of N 60,496.0. The monthly income of the beneficiaries aroused to N 65,313.3 after the intervention. The percentage change in the monthly income across zones was put at 46.0%, this implies that there is an increase of 46.0% in the monthly income generated from processing enterprise across zone before and after the Program intervention.
Under Adani-Omor, the result shows that beneficiaries had an average monthly income of N 41,304.0 before the intervention and non-adopters had an average monthly income of N 57,589.0. However, this average monthly income increases to N 66,017.0 after the intervention. The percentage change in average monthly income was 59.8%, this implies that there is 59.8% increase in average monthly income of processors before and after the Program intervention.
Furthermore, the result under Bida-Badeggi zone shows that beneficiaries had an average monthly income of N 37,808.0 before the intervention and non-adopters had an average monthly income of N 42,547.0. However, the monthly income aroused to N 71,244.0 after the intervention. The percentage change in the average monthly income was consequently put at 35.5%, this implies that there is 35.5% increase in average monthly income against the Project target of 25% increased.
In the same vein, the estimate of change in average monthly income at Kano-Jigawa zone shows that beneficiaries had an average monthly income of N 35,981.0 before the intervention and non-adopters had an average monthly income of N 64,037.0. However, this monthly income roused to N 82,481.0 after the intervention. The percentage change in average monthly income was put at 48.7%, this implies that there is 47.8% increase in average monthly income of beneficiaries. Similarly, under Kebbi-Sokoto zone, the result indicate that beneficiaries had an average monthly income of N 62,576.0 before the intervention and non-adopters had an average monthly income of N 47,960.0 However, the monthly income increase to N 87,511.0 after the intervention. The percentage change in the average monthly income was put at 39.8%, this implies that there is 39.8% increase in average monthly income of beneficiaries. It can be concluded that the Program had achieved it target of increasing output of processors by 25% across zones. This was achieved through provision of support and type of processing technologies promoted by the Program. Akenbor and Okoye (2011) averred that improve access to agricultural technology, information, and capital would lead to greater value and quality of processed output.