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4.4 Change in level of patronage among beneficiaries before and after ATASP-1
from Beneficiary Income and Profitability Assessment of Beneficiaries across the four SCPZ of ATASP-1
Figure 18: Usefulness of support received from ATASP-1 by Processors
4.4 Change in level of patronage among beneficiaries before and afterATASP-1 The result of change in beneficiary level of patronage before and after ATASP-1 Intervention is presented in figure 19. The level of patronage among beneficiaries at Adani-Omor zone was put at 22.0% before ATASP-1 Intervention. However, after the intervention the level of patronage among beneficiaries increases to 36.0% with percentage change increase of 63.6%. Under Bida-Badeggi zone, the percentage change was put at 53.3%. Furthermore, the level of patronage among beneficiaries has increased by 58.3% and 57.9% at Kano-Jigawa and Kebbi-Sokoto zones respectively. The national result further indicated that before intervention the level of patronage was 20.0% and after intervention the level of patronage has increased to 31.8%. When comparing the level of patronage before and after intervention at national scale, there is 59.0% increase in the level of patronage among Project beneficiaries across zones.
Figure 19: Change in level of patronage among beneficiaries before and after ATASP-1 Intervention