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1.6 Objectives of the Survey
from Beneficiary Income and Profitability Assessment of Beneficiaries across the four SCPZ of ATASP-1
the petroleum sector now generates about 95% of Nigeria's external earnings as against agriculture which contributes less than 5%. Like in many rich and poor countries, the issue of poverty and well-being has been of great concern. As a result, poverty reduction strategy processes (PRSP) have been at the centre-stage of development programs. Nigeria's government is more eager than ever to move its populace out of poverty while the rich nations are increasingly aware of the need to promote security through poverty reduction (NBS, 2004).
The principal goal of the Program which is to sustainably increase the income of beneficiaries is being achieved through financing investment in productive assets and community infrastructure; strengthening the capacities of States and Local Government to deliver efficient services and also promoting socially-inclusive and www.ccsenet.org/ijef International Journal of Economics and Finance Vol. 6, No. 7; 2014 177 environmentally sustainable management of natural resources.
The report of the Mid-Term Review (MTR) conducted on the program shows that household income generation, progression and sustainability under ATASP-1 implementation bringing enhancing income and wealth creation (baseline of N 215,000.00 per annum for rural farmers and N 302,000.00 per annum for rural entrepreneurs) - 20.5% incremental income over baselines achieved, and total accumulative revenue to farmers and entrepreneurs to N 36.224 billion.
1.6 Objectives of the Survey The objective of this study is therefore to estimate the average income of the ATASP-I participants. The Beneficiary income and Profitability Assessment has the main objective of determining the estimate average income, profitability rate and assess the effect on ATASP-1 beneficiaries who are supported under Outreach Program (rice, sorghum and cassava value chain) at the Adani-Omor, Bida-Badeggi, Kano-Jigawa and Kebbi-Sokoto Staple Crop Processing Zones (SCPZs). In specific terms, the objectives of the survey are to: (i) estimate the average income data of ATASP-1 beneficiaries across PZIUs; (ii) determine the proportion of the participants that attained this estimated income level; (iii) ascertained the rate of increase in real income of beneficiaries; (iv) compare the average income before and after ATASP-1 intervention across the SCPZs; (v) validate the inclusiveness of the ATASP-1 beneficiaries in terms of youth and gender; (vi) ascertain the factors influencing the profitability rate of ATASP-1 beneficiaries; (vii) determine the effect of GAP (for rice, cassava and sorghum) on farmers' income generated.
(viii) determine the effect of technology adopted on entrepreneurs (fabricator and processors) income generated. (ix) identify the constraints militating against the wealth creation among the ATASP1 beneficiaries, and (x) make recommendations for improvement in wealth creation.