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Table 25: Perception of beneficiaries on cassava processing technologies extended by ATASP-1

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6.2 Recommendation

6.2 Recommendation

cassava flour and fufu technology. However, 12.9% of the beneficiaries were satisfied with production of Cassava chin -chin and doughnut technology. While only 6.5% of the beneficiaries were satisfied with processing of Cassava into chips and chunks and 3.2% of the beneficiaries were satisfied with production of Cassava/bean crisp and eggroll.

The result under Kano-Jigawa zone shows that 28.1% and 25.0% of the beneficiaries were satisfied with processing of Cassava into garri and starch technology, respectively. However, 18.8% of the beneficiaries were satisfied with production of high quality cassava flour technology and 15.6% of the beneficiaries were satisfied with production of Cassava chin -chin and doughnut technology. In addition, only 3.1% of the beneficiaries were satisfied with production of cassava fufu technology, 6.3% of the beneficiaries were satisfied with processing of Cassava into chips and chunks technology and 3.1% of the beneficiaries were satisfied with production of Cassava/bean crisp and eggroll technology.


Furthermore, the national result shows that 24.3% and 22.8% of the beneficiaries across zones were satisfied with processing of Cassava into garri and starch technology respectively. In the same vein, 15.4% of the beneficiaries across zones were satisfied with production of high quality cassava flour technology, 13.2% of the beneficiaries across zones were satisfied with production of Cassava chin -chin and doughnut technology and 11.8% of the beneficiaries across zones were satisfied with production of cassava fufu technology. However, result shows that only 5.9% of the beneficiaries across zones were satisfied with processing of Cassava into chips and chunks technology and 6.6 % of the beneficiaries across zones were satisfied with seed Production of Cassava/bean crisp and eggroll technology.

Tabl e 25: Perception of beneficiaries awareness on cassava processing technologies extended by ATASP -1 Cassava Processing Technologies Adani-Omor Bida-Badeggi Kano-Jigawa National Processing of Cassava into 33(24.3)garri 9(23.1) 7(22.6) 9(28.1) Production of high quality cassava flour 6(15.4) 5(16.1) 6(18.8) 21(15.4) Processing of Cassava and 8(20.5) 7(22.6) 8(25.0) 31(22.8)starch Production of Cassava chin 4(10.3) 4(12.9) 5(15.6) 18(13.2)chin and doughnut Production of cassava fufu 7(17.9) 5(16.1) 1(3.1) 16(11.8) Processing of Cassava into chips and chunks 2(5.1) 2(6.5) 2(6.3) 8(5.9) Production of Cassava/bean 3(7.7) 1(3.2) 1(3.1) 9(6.6)crisp and eggroll Source: Field Survey (2020)

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