SXS News Mar 2003

Page 1


March 2003 Vol. 72 No. 3

Winning over small end users Energy ready to use from process waste




Introduction to time management

March 2003 Spirax Sarco News 1

Spirax Sarco News is Confidential 3

This month

Leader Environment matters

Features 4

Winning over small end users How a visit to Cheltenham secured the deal


Energy ready to use from process waste Working closely with a customer at an energy recovery plant

14 Success with a C Series against the competition Spain s success with a 6 C Series control valve 18 Introduction to time management for sales representatives Goal setting and breakdowns

Winning over small end users Describing the significance of a small end user in the UK market and how a visit to Cheltenham secured the deal Page 4

Energy ready to use from process waste Italy has been working closely with a customer at an energy recovery plant Page 8

Sales success 27 Hot water system doubles pharmaceutical production company Success at Janssen Pharmaceuticals

Success with a C Series against the competition Spain has success with a 6 C Series control valve Page 14

News 6

Spirax News update


Business partnership with Tokyo Gas Corporation, Japan

11 Web page 12 Customer service the next level 16 Double success for apprentice

Introduction to time management for sales representatives Focusing on time management, goal setting and breakdowns Page 18

17 Competitor update 21 There are teachers and then there are educators 22 Take five 22 News award 23 Retirement - Peter Hyett 23 Spirax views 24 Andrew Wilkinson 24 Charles O Malley 24 Peter Gordge 25 People in the news 26 Industry bites 26 Share news 28 New premises down under

2 Spirax Sarco News March 2003

Articles for SPIRAX SARCO NEWS It would greatly help the editorial staff if articles are submitted on computer disk, where possible, (Microsoft Word or straight text file), or via E-mail addressed to Articles for the May issue must be received by 13th March, and for the June issue by 18th April. Articles should be sent to the Editor, SPIRAX SARCO NEWS, Spirax-Sarco Limited, Charlton House, Cheltenham, GL53 8ER (Fax 01242 573342)

Environment matters I

n my May 2002 Leader I wrote about the global environment and the

benefit that the Spirax Sarco and Watson-Marlow Bredel products can

bring to customers which also benefit the global environment. The Spirax-Sarco Engineering (SSE) Group also has an impact on the environment through our own processes as a manufacturer and a sales / marketing organisation. We have 14 factories and 40 main sales offices (plus a significant number of regional sales offices) which use energy and oils, create waste, make noise and consume materials, all of which affect the environment and are potential pollutants in one way or another. We are very aware of the potential pollution caused by our activities and believe that it is good business sense, as well as being a social responsibility, to avoid adding to the world s environmental problems. So, we have a very clear environmental policy which commits us to avoiding actions which damage the local environment and to compliance with good practice and local laws on this subject. It is the responsibility of all managers to consider the environmental effects of actions they or their department take and to ensure that we remain clean , this might be through saving energy on lighting, avoiding emissions to atmosphere, and minimising / recycling waste or other environmental issues as they affect employees, customers, suppliers and the local community. You should all have seen and be aware of our environmental policy; if

It is good business sense, as well as being a social responsibility, to avoid adding to the world s environmental problems.

you are not, ask your general manager to see it or look in our Annual Report and Accounts where we report on the subject. Every two years we carry out a survey of the Group s controls and management of environmental matters, and a new survey is due and will be under way shortly. We are a very scattered Group, and it is not easy to keep this subject under constant review, which is why the responsibility has to be with local management to identify problems and resolve them. Over the years we have spent considerable sums of money to ensure that we remain clean. A good example would be the old site in Allentown, Pennsylvania where we have had to go through a long and arduous process to ensure that the site is clean - we have done this in spite of the fact that another local manufacturer tried (unsuccessfully) to blame us for his pollution! We can feel proud to work for a company whose products benefit the environment when properly applied, and who tries continuously to ensure that our processes do not damage the environment. We all have a responsibility to help in the achievement of these aims. |}

March 2003 Spirax Sarco News 3

Winning over small end users Shadwan H. Jawad, UK Sales, describes the significance of the small end user in the UK market and how a visit to Cheltenham helped secure the deal.

4 Spirax Sarco News March 2003


he Midlands Region, as with

are now targeting end users whose

the financial payback of taking

the other regions in the UK, is

current sales turnover does not

remedial action. Therefore

faced with competitors across our

correspond to their overall steam

assistance was required in putting

whole product range. Having

boiler capacity (using the rule that

forward the case for investment, in

recently joined the Midlands team,

£1 of product sales would be

the plant, to the company

I realised early on the formidable

required for maintenance and


task, facing our Company, of

repair operations for producing

maintaining consistent sales

1 kg/h of steam). Moreover, it is

Following our initial discussion, it

growth (and profit) during an

vital that we are able to cater for

was clear that the customer

economic phase of steady decline

these smaller customers to realise

favoured TLV for the steam traps

in the manufacturing industry,

sustainable sales growth.

and Gestra for heat recovery

which is in turn contributing to a

Why...because these smaller

equipment. Nevertheless my client

reduction in the number of steam

customers hold potential future

still requested a proposal from us.

users in the UK today.

sales growth for the Company.

With the presence of competition

Whereas we can do little about the

The customer

economic climate, we can

Society Linen (co-op laundry) is an

counteract the effect of competitors

end user in Nottingham with a total

The approach

on our market share particularly

steaming capacity of 12 000 kg/h.

It is obvious when speaking to

when it comes to our small end

The customer s turnover for the

customers satisfied with a

users (by small I mean end users

past two years was nil, so it would

competitor s product that they will

whose turnover of business, with

have been previously considered as

not replace it with a Spirax Sarco

us, is less than £10 000 per year).

a small end user.

equivalent without a good reason.

on the scene, the sales process required a different tack.

Fortunately in sales the door is In the past, our competitors have

I was invited, by the customer, to

done a good job of targeting these

examine the steam system and put

small customers, which make up a

forward a proposal for reducing

My approach was therefore to

significant proportion of the end

flash steam losses from the plant. I

remind the customer that reducing

users in the UK. It certainly begs

was also to specify a heat recovery

the plant s running costs was not a

the question that if we are not

system in the boiler house.

question of replacing a few items

directly supplying these small end

Although aware that flash steam

here and there . Rather it is an

users, who is? I suspect it is our

bellowing out from the vent is

on-going program, requiring local

competitors in combination with re-

wasteful, my contact was not able

support from a supplier, with the

sellers. In the Midlands Region we

to quantify the financial losses or

knowledge and experience}}}

never completely closed.

March 2003 Spirax Sarco News 5

to help achieve the company s goals today and tomorrow. Having turned the customer s mind

you tell a customer that you have a

Cheltenham. The main objective,

quality product, to a cynical

of which, was to impress upon the

customer the arguments can be

customer the quality of our

perceived as rather cliché.

products and services. The result

away from buy it cheap, worry

was a success; I received the first

later and by putting forward a case

To enforce the message about

order from the customer the

for knowledge, service, product , I

quality, I invited the customer to

following week!

was making the customer think

Cheltenham to visit Spirax Sarco s

beyond the sale and consider the

manufacturing sites and

In conclusion

level of service, and experience

headquarters. This would hopefully

In writing this piece I wanted to

that would be entailed to complete

enable him to see for himself the

share a modest success story in

the job.

commitment and pride the

the Midlands in the hope that it

Company s workforce takes in

would provoke thought about our

The visit that secured the deal

going about its everyday business.

small end users in the UK from

To reinforce my case further still, I

With the assistance from my

whom, in some cases, we are not

assured the customer that he

colleagues in Charlton House,

currently receiving as much

would be buying a quality product,

Runnings Road and St George s

business as we could, but whom

which would be adding value to the

Road, we were able to tailor a one-

our competitors have identified as

plant. No matter how convincingly

day program of visits in

an easy target. |}

Spirax News update Alison Bone, Editor / Marketing Communications Executive, Group Marketing, announces updates made to information availability of the News.


ou can now find the Spirax

Full colour - Since January 2002

Sarco News index for 2002 on

we have been producing all

Master File and Public Folders.

electronic versions of the Spirax News in full colour. Each issue is

Master File

available in a .pdf format and is

To access the 2002 Spirax Sarco

about 1mb in size. |}

News index on Master File use the reference GP-GCM-21, issue CM1. Public folders You can find the electronic version of the Spirax Sarco News on Public Folders by following this link (Public folders/All public folders/Corporate/ Spirax Sarco News). The index for 2002 can be found in the Spirax Sarco News 2002 Editions folder.

6 Spirax Sarco News March 2003

Business partnership with Tokyo Gas Corporation, Japan Neil Daws, Product Director, CAM


m very pleased and proud to be able to announce that on 17th

January 2003, Tokyo Gas Corporation and Spirax Sarco Limited signed a long term, 10 year joint development and sales agreement for gas meters. This is an extremely important business partnership for Spirax Sarco Japan to be aligned with a large and influential company. Clearly this demonstrates our credibility and our standing in Japan continues to evolve. Longer term there should also be wider Group benefits as this meter development opens up gas

(Greater Tokyo area) it is easy to

If all goes well with the launch early

opportunities (including

see the total Japanese and world

2004, Japan should provide an

compressed air) worldwide,

markets are far greater. In fact

excellent reference for gas meter

providing another leg to our

Mike and I will be very

sales worldwide. In addition the


disappointed if the Group aren t

development of this tailored product

achieving several million £ s of

should open up many other markets

sales within a few years.

with applications in compressed air

This is the deserved result of over 18 months of focused effort by

and numerous other gases.

Mike Shizukuishi and his Japanese

The first prototype meter was

team, supported by Robbie

completed mid December 2002,

Well-done to Mike for his vision

Robertson and more recently Paul

one month ahead of plan. It is

and patience and congratulations

Hillier in CAM.

based on Spiraflo, adapted and

on sealing this important

simplified for low pressure and

agreement, the significance of

Tokyo Gas directly influence the

temperature operation. DIVA

which will become clear a year or

purchase of over 1 000 meters a

electronics are used in place of

so from now. |}

year which means as soon as we

the traditional flow computer

launch the new meter it should

offering a competitive convenient

generate significant turnover.


put this into perspective, Group

package with very high performance.

sales of steam meters currently stands at approximately 1 000

Testing in the UK and Japan is

pieces per annum.

progressing well, such that our aim is to supply 30 for field trials by

When you consider these forecast

midyear and a challenging end of

sales are only for Tokyo Gas

year launch.

March 2003 Spirax Sarco News 7

Energy ready to use from process waste Rino Fiori describes how Spirax Sarco Italy has been working closely with a customer at an energy recovery plant.

Fig. 1 Incinerator for processing waste and production of heat-recovery steam

Figs. 2 - 3 - 4 Diathermic-oil boilers, indirect steam generators, and line-regulation system

8 Spirax Sarco News March 2003


he production of energy using

The solution involved the use of a

Of course, the composition and

low calorific fuel derived from

rotary furnace incinerator and

calorific value of the waste varies,

process waste is a fascinating field

indirect steam generator, which

so appropriate control devices must

of interest from a technical point of

uses and reduces the temperature

be used to regulate the fume

view and of high economic and

of the combustion fumes (Fig. 1).

temperatures. These are namely

commercial interest to industry.

electronic regulators with PLCs and Of course, upstream and

pneumatically actuated control

We have been collaborating for

downstream of the above sections,

valves. This design ensures

some time with one of our

which constitute the heart of the

flexibility and speed of response.

customers in the technical area of

process, are appropriate systems

systems and plants for the

for the preparation of the waste to

The fumes are sent to a specially

development, and optimisation of

be burnt and for the treatment and

provided tube-bundle heat

thermo-functional processes. This

control of the exhaust gases.

recuperator used as a steam

customer has given us the material

These systems are complemented

generator. All the required

and the opportunity to develop

by typical modules dedicated to the

regulating and safety devices for

solutions of particular interest from

production of steam, including a

levels, pressures, water

the energy standpoint. This has

system for water conditioning and

parameters, blowdown, purging,

allowed us to introduce

storage, a system for regulating

etc. are included.

improvements in production, as

and monitoring the various

well as considerable savings in

operating parameters plus alarms

Within the framework of the

terms of energy and production-


contract for the system all the

cycle costs.

regulating devices for controlling The system is thus able to

the ancillary processes have been

The following is a description of an

guarantee a continuous rate of

studied, defined and supplied.

energy recovery plant, where the

1 000 kg/h of saturated steam at a

customer needed to eliminate

generating pressure of 6 bar g,

The recovered steam, generated by

waste as far as possible, with the

corresponding to 2 680 MJ/h,

the evaporation unit, is sent to the

minimum cost.

which, at the average generating

steam drums of the adjacent

costs, represent up to

thermal power station for the

For reasons of hygiene and health,

approximately â‚Ź150 000 per year.

production plant, where, by means

the plant needed to dispose of

(A small amount should be

of a system based on selective and

waste efficiently. Two different

deducted for the methane used for

priority control, it enters the line

approaches were available to the

supporting the combustion.)

with precedence over the steam


produced by the direct fired boilers Once the investment has been

} To employ a specialist } To do the job in-house

(Fig. 4).

amortized, an annual saving in steam costs approaching 10% will

The pressures are regulated at the

be achieved, with the additional

values required by the loads. Re-

The first approach would imply

major advantage of being

routing of excess is possible

additional costs, which would affect

completely independent.

towards alternative, non-priority

production costs, and reduce market competitiveness.

uses. On the energy recovery plant, an initial section exists to process the

The generation of the live process

The second approach is usually

waste for combustion inside the

steam is carried out by indirect

more attractive.

furnace. Loading is automatic and

unfired evaporators, set, in this

combustion takes place with the

case, above the boiler (Figs. 2 and

In this specific case, the synergy

ignition and support of a natural

3) and fed with diathermic oil. The

and collaboration between Spirax

gas burner, which is controlled,

systems are equipped with

Sarco and our customer has

regulated and measured, by the

appropriate mixing valves

produced a cost effective solution.

supervision system.

governing circulation}}}

March 2003 Spirax Sarco News 9

turbulence for maximisation of heat-exchange coefficients, high speeds and self-cleaning operation under standard running conditions. The result is a maximisation of both thermal efficiency and efficiency of production, combined with reduction of cleaning operations practically to the point where they are eliminated altogether, to the complete satisfaction of the end user. Fig. 5 Clean-steam generator for production and washing-water purposes

We wish to express our indebtedness to and admiration for

Fig. 6 Condensate-boosting assembly

the work of the end user, who built of the oil for controlling the rate of

pumps, fed at the same pressure

and is owner of the systems and

flow of the steam produced and the

as the steam (Fig. 6). In fact, the

who prefers to remain anonymous.

corresponding pressure.

paths through the pipe ducts

We likewise wish to express our

amount to several hundred metres,

gratitude to the contractor (Soc.

The foregoing description does not

so that it becomes imperative to

Idrotecnica di F.lli Bertoni), who

cover all the work that has been

use pumps.

has made possible careful, professional and efficient

carried out; however, it does represent a long and constructive

Also worth mentioning are the

implementation of the systems,

technical relationship with the

systems for preparation, heating,

whilst a special acknowledgement

contractor and building company

storage and pressurised

is due to our area technician,

and with the technical and

distribution of the enormous

Massimo Lombardi, who, by his

management staff of the end user.

quantities of very hot water

professional expertise has been

required for the various plant

able to gain the esteem of such

production phases (Figs. 7 and 8).

highly qualified customers. |}

Other interesting applications exist including the generation of clean process steam using a specially

The system is highly innovative and

designed indirect generator of the

combines technically advanced

kettle re-boiler type (Fig. 5). Using

corrugated-tube heat exchangers

industrial supply steam at a

into a technically advanced system

pressure of 10 bar g, clean steam

solution. These include high

is generated at 4/5 bar g for direct injection into the product and for sterilisation processes. The generator is of course fed with osmotized water, which is preheated using a heat recovery system from the primary circuit. The return of the condensate into the power plant from the various decentralised points of use is then obtained with boosting units employing MFP14 mechanical type

10 Spirax Sarco News March 2003

Figs. 7 - 8 Details of the complex for preparation of very hot water

Web page C

ongratulations to the teams in

Spirax Sarco Spain and Spirax

Sarco Russia for all the hard work involved in getting their websites on line. The sites are quite extensive with a lot of translation work completed, including Spanish and Russian version Technical Information Sheets, product

overviews, Installation and Maintenance Instructions. Web statistics During January 2003 had the highest number of visits made so far in one month, a total of 33 753. A visit can be described as the number of times a visitor came to your site. In a comparison between January 2002 and January 2003, a year on this month has seen an increase of 15 281 visits. The tables show the total number of visits per site. |} Editor s comment: Why not spend a few moments with each major customer showing them what material is available at

} Technical Information Sheets } Product overviews } Installation and Maintenance Instructions

} } } } } }

Sales brochures Steam tables CAD Resource Centre Distance Learning Success Stories News...etc.

Visits for January 2003 Site Group

Visits 3105 33753

Centrally hosted PDFs opened from the Search Results/Technical Library of an associate website will result in the Visits being incremented for both sites. The Visits figure for only records this as a single visit. Information Centre AU - Australia BE - Belgium BR - Brazil CA - Canada CZ - Czech Republic DE - Germany DK - Denmark ES - Spain FI - Finland FR - France IT - Italy KR - Korea MY - Malaysia NZ - New Zealand PL - Poland SG - Singapore TH - Thailand UK - United Kingdom US - USA ZA - South Africa RU - Russia CAD Resource Centre Canadian E-commerce Distance Learning

14391 1093 828 1372 805 149 1005 775 111 236 668 1148 5424 79 160 572 223 290 4452 11675 157 23 3996 122 753



March 2003 Spirax Sarco News 11

Customer service the next level? John Valant, General Manager, Spirax Sarco Denmark, talks about the work being undertaken to link Denmark s CRM system to their website, in a move to increase customer support.


here is little doubt that one of the major parameters in future

competition is the ability of organisations to respond fast to customer needs and complaints. One of the tools that can help us accomplish this is our presence on the Internet through our website. Spirax Sarco Denmark is currently working together with UK on a new addition to our website, which will be a support function from which customers will be able to submit cases directly into our Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system for immediate action. A new short-cut will be added to

Case Generation

our website - called Support . This link will initially take the customer

The customer will receive a short electronic reply and thank you for

to a new page, which will explain

submitting the case.

to the customer about either support options i.e. how to contact

What happens next?

us by phone or alternatively the

So, now we make it easy for customers to submit cases being either

customer will be able to submit his

product or system related, which is okay, but the real customer support

case on line.

does not really start before the customer feels cared for, so what happens next?

If the customer prefers to submit his case via the web, he will be

Initially all data from the form is captured on our CRM system. This is

presented with a form like the

actually the start of the process of submitting a Field Service Report via


mail to the relevant product unit.}}}

12 Spirax Sarco News March 2003

The following is a screenshot from our CRM system, which shows how

Escalation happens if the case just

information about the case is made available to anybody within our

‘sits’ for eight working hours

Company who is in daily contact with the customers.

without anybody taking action. If this should happen the case is automatically re-assigned to a manager and an e-mail is sent (in this case to the general manager). This advises that we have a pending case, for which nobody has taken responsibility to move it through the system. During the entire process it is possible to follow each stage of the case and determine who is responsible for what and when. When the case is finally closed down and a solution has been submitted, it is possible to let the system generate an automatic email, which will inform the customer of the following points:

Actual Case

} } } } One of the benefits of having the information available is that our sales

Case number Description of problem Solution to the problem Advice that we have now closed the case

staff will immediately be aware of anything going on in the background with the customer. So, the sales engineer will not be surprised if the


customer suddenly raises the question of a product return or similar. The

What we are preparing is not very

information is there and linked not only to the customer but also the

complicated but it enables us to


respond fast and efficiently to our customerÂ’s problems, whether

Furthermore, it is possible for us to track the time needed to handle

product or system related. It also

product problems. Over time we are building a fairly large knowledge

enables us to follow up very

base of solutions to problems, from where we can search for possible

closely and notify the customer of

solutions to new problems that arise.

each step, which will give the customer the feeling of being

What happens with the form submitted by the customer?

cared for.

Immediately after submitting the form, the customer will receive an email generated by the system confirming the receipt of the case,

Much of this progress is semi-

allocating a case number for future reference.

automated and comes with almost zero extra effort to give the

Depending on the nature of the case, the system will immediately notify

customer extra satisfaction. |}

the technical support staff or in the case of a product problem, our service staff, that a case has arrived. They will be advised by the system that they have 24 hours to start working on the case, before the case is escalated.

March 2003 Spirax Sarco News 13

Success with a C Series against the competition Xavier Franco, Spirax Sarco Spain, tells Rick Plummer about the success he had with a 6" C Series control valve.

A batch of C Series valves at St Georges Road being prepared for despatch to Denmark

14 Spirax Sarco News March 2003


s I write this in early January

Getting the order certainly was not

the C Series control valves

straightforward as there were

have only been released to

many technical issues to confirm

Associates in sizes up to DN100

with the customer, which required

(4"). However, we are glad to say

several quote revisions and we had

that we have just received a firm

to beat some strong competition.

order for a DN150 (6") C Series valve with a promise of an

The competition

acceptable delivery time. It is the

In this case our competitors were

first order for this size of valve.

Masoneilan and Schubert and Salzer both of who offered valves,

The valve is to reduce the pressure

which were completely different

of up to 27 000 kg/h of

from our modified equal

superheated steam at 310ºC from

percentage globe valve design.

Schubert and Salzer sliding gate valve

22 bar g to 6 bar g and is fitted

(the customer mentioned about

with an extended bonnet, and two

half the C Series price).

stage low noise balanced cage trim.

Fortunately the orifice plate

The shut-off is required to be

solution is technically very

tighter than ANSI Class IV, so a

questionable, with the high flow

powerful PN1673 actuator is fitted.

turndown required. We were able

We are supplying the whole control

to argue our technical case in a

loop including a 4-20 mA pressure

large meeting with the end user,

transmitter, electronic controller

the contractor and the plant s

and with final control through an

technical staff. Schubert and

SP2 digital positioner. The order

Salzer were represented by a local

for these control elements is worth

re-seller, who did not inspire

about €11 000 and there is a

confidence as there were several

further pending order worth €10 000 to complete the pressure

Masoneilan rotary control valve with LO-DB plug

technical points left outstanding. As you see the final outcome was positive for us.

reducing station. Included in this is a Y-type strainer, two isolating

Masoneilan quoted for their rotary

valves, safety valve and steam

Varimax type with a LO-DB



perforated low noise trim. The end

Whilst this is the first C Series

user, the steel company Aceralia,

order for Spain and also the first

expressed a preference for

one larger than DN100 (4"), sales

Masoneilan valves. However,

of the smaller sizes of C Series

Masoneilan would only supply the

have been creeping up and now

valve and would not take any

amount to more than 50 valves,

responsibility for other items in the

supplied to a number of countries.

control loop; such as isolation

Virtually all of these incorporate

valves, pressure transmitter and

multi-hole drilled cages for low

the controller. Also they could not

noise at high differential pressure

offer any on-site start up

or for liquid cavitation control. |}

assistance. Schubert and Salzer quoted for their sliding gate valve type GS, with a multi-hole orifice plate downstream. Their solution was C Series 2 stage balanced low noise trim

naturally much cheaper than ours

March 2003 Spirax Sarco News 15

Double success for apprentice David Rich, Training Officer, reports on the success story of one young man.


raham Thomas is a Craft

examining bodies, as well as the

need to be adaptable and of the

Modern Apprentice, who

employing companies. For Spirax

prospects open to those who are

joined the Company in September

Sarco I attended, along with

prepared to make the effort. As

2001 and I am pleased to report

Graham Sutton, who will be

they were all there to receive

that since starting with us, as well

employing Graham Thomas in the

awards, there was a lot of potential!

as achieving the required first year

Central Machine Shop at St Marks,

qualifications, he has also been

on completion of his apprenticeship.

awarded certificates by

Following this, the actual awards were presented. There were more

Gloucestershire College of Arts and

The opening address was given by Mr

than fifty recipients from across the

Technology and the Engineering

Terry Slater, the Director and Chief

entire South West region, each being

Employers Federation.

Executive of the Engineering

photographed receiving his or her

EmployerÂ’s Federation (western

award from Johnny Ball.

On 5th December 2002 Graham

area). The guest speaker for the

attended a presentation evening at

evening was television presenter

After the formal events, an excellent

the college, where he was awarded

Johnny Ball, who proceeded to give a

meal concluded the event, during

a certificate for the best all round

most enjoyable and enlightening talk.

which time it was possible for

performance on a National

families to speak to the employers

Vocational Qualification. This was

Using his considerable knowledge

and for employers to make new

as a direct result of the effort he

and skill achieved over many years

contacts across the region.

has put in at the college during the

of broadcasting, he captured the

first year of his training.

audienceÂ’s attention.

A week later, on 12th December,

His presentation was aimed

deserves all the congratulations

Graham was presented with a

primarily at young people,

that are due. It is to be hoped that

certificate for coming third in the

forcefully, but often humorously,

by his example other apprentices

annual Apprentice of the Year

getting across the importance of

will feel that their work is equally

competition, for the South West of

Engineering and Engineers, the

worthy of such praise. |}

Graham is a fine example of what young people are capable of and

England. This competition is organised by the Engineering Employers Federation for the South West of England, in conjunction with the Engineering and Marine Training Authority. The event was held at the Winter Gardens, Weston-Super-Mare. Present were apprentices from all over the region, their families, guests and representatives from the

16 Spirax Sarco News March 2003

Left to right are: Graham Sutton, Graham Thomas, David Rich and Brian Sanderson (our external assessor from Avon Vale Training).

Competitor update Heineken chooses Tyco valves

polyester resins has equipped its

Emerson s first place technology

Vrumona, based in The

new gel coat manufacturing facility

wins include Brooks Instrument for

Netherlands, is the soft drinks arm

in Norway with a Tyco valve and

positive displacement and variable

of the Heineken Group. For their

actuation package.

area flowmeter, Daniel for turbine flowmeter and Fisher Controls,

newly built syrup hall , it specified Tyco 600 Hovap brand Varioflow

The Tyco package includes full-bore

control valves and displacement

mixproof valves and Basicflow

double flanged ball valves with


single seated valves in 37

firesafe trim, butterfly valves,

manifolds. Hovap single-seated

check valves and PremiAir

Rockwell Automation® and

Basicflow valves and double-seated

pneumatic actuators fitted with


Varioflow mixproof diverter valves

AVID range ZR-Plus position

Complete Automation company

are designed for use in applications

monitors to EExme classification.

Rockwell Automation will provide

where hygiene is important.

The ZR-Plus is suitable for

Entek condition-based monitoring

intrinsically safe applications and

equipment, software and services

Insensitive to pipeline pressures,

integrates a pre-wired solenoid

as an integrated condition

the patented Varioflow valves are

valve coil and position sensor in

monitoring solution to customers

100% mixproof, and ensure total

one single IP67 resin unit.

of the Flow Solutions Division of Flowserve Corporation. This

protection from exterior contamination and bacteria build-

Emerson named top supplier in

unique relationship brings the

up, as all valve wetted parts are

28 categories

global Rockwell Automation

contained inside the valve body.

Emerson Process Management has

integrated condition monitoring

been voted supplier of the best

software, services and technology

A key feature of the valves is their

process management technologies

expertise together with

balanced design; to reduce

in a record 28 automation

Flowserve s pump and sealing

sensitivity to stress, bodies are

categories in the 11th annual

systems experience into one

clamped rather than welded, and

Control magazine Readers Choice

integrated customer solution. The

the encapsulated wetted areas are


combined expertise of these two companies will enhance and

all made from food approved materials. This double-seated valve

Control readers cited numerous

develop predictive reliability

also features flushable O-rings to

Emerson technologies as being

solutions to Flowserve customers

reduce the risk of product

automation s best, including the

by improving their uptime and

entrapment and contamination.

intelligent field components that

reducing maintenance costs.

power Emerson s PlantWeb® Vrumona chose the Hovap valves

digital plant architecture. The

Rockwell Automation will provide

for their patented, double-

DeltaV digital automation

products and services to

balanced, waterhammer proof one-

system, another core PlantWeb

Flowserve as part of an integrated

piece body design and ability to

component, won the process

condition based monitoring

eliminate product loss during

control system category.

package focused on the entire pumping system. Flowserve state

switching. Hovap valves combine optimal flow control and high kV

Control readers also endorsed

it will be more able to help its

values, with simple in-line servicing

Emerson software, voting it best in

customers identify developing

and cleaning.

eight of 10 categories. Emerson

faults in equipment so that

also led the way in customer

corrections can be made before

Tyco valves for resin plant

service, receiving high marks for

they affect production, safety or

A large supplier of unsaturated

excellence in 33 categories.

reliability. |}

March 2003 Spirax Sarco News 17

Introduction to time management for sales representatives Bob Grattage, General Manager, Canada, takes a look at the principles of time management in the first of a two-part article. The first part focuses on time management, goal setting and breakdowns, and transferring this data to the monthly planner.



18 Spirax Sarco News March 2003



s a sales representative you

component parts that the goals are

you ever noticed how people who

have special time concerns

made of. Consider for instance the

have goals and are serious about

and unique perspectives on various

goal of achieving your sales target.

their future, take great care to use

aspects of time management.

This goal can be broken down into

their time well? These people seem

Many of your activities are

four sub goals. Each sub goal is

to consider time a precious

scheduled for you as appointments,

the successful completion of one

resource to be used in ways that

follow up and reporting. You may

year of your career. These sub

lead to their goals.

find though, a substantial chunk of

goals can be broken down further

your time is flexible but this still

into individual actions within each

What has the highest value to you?

must be allocated to things like

year. The actions can be broken

What has to be done first? Are you

Open University, home study,

down into target customers,

working towards your goals? Are

commuting, etc. After all is said

surveys and product promotions

you getting to your goals with the

and done, many of us find

etc. Finally down to your planned

least effort?

ourselves disappointed with our

calls for tomorrow and next week.

ability to plan, stay on track and get things done.

Now think about these activities in In an example, consider how to

terms of importance and urgency,

increase sales in a semi-established

effectiveness and efficiency. The

Your future depends on your

area. Now consider breaking down

next section allows you to take all

decisions and actions of today

the work into logically separate

of your aspirations and make them

more than anything else. It is

units. Three possible components

happen. In the following you will

important to clearly determine

might be:

learn a step-by-step method of

what you are trying to accomplish.

how to get control over your time

} Complete a review of the existing

and keep it. By learning to use a

about your future plans and the

customers and analyse how much

structured, detailed planner youツ値l

activities of today that will get you

additional business you can sell

be developing a set of skills that

there, the more likely it is that you

to them.

you will carry with you whatever

The more clear and specific you are

will make them happen.

} Look at potential customers not

you do in the future.

currently buying from you but Have you set your goals?

who may have purchased in the

To start this exercise write down


your top three short-term goals.

} Look at customers who have

These are goals that you should be

never bought from you but have

able to accomplish within a year.

shown interest in your products

Also think about some of the things

through advertising and can be

that you would have to change in

called upon.

Here are four tools to help you:

} } } }

The monthly planner The weekly objectives list The weekly planner The time log

It should be emphasized here that

your life to make them work. Then write out your top three long-term

There are many others but the

it is not the papers but the thinking

goals. While you write keep in

point here is not to prepare to

process involved in planning.

mind that the more clear and

attempt to reach target in a few

detailed your goal statements are,

large chunks but to demonstrate

The monthly planner

the more likely it is that youツ値l

the breakdown of sub goals into

We can use the monthly planner to

succeed. Be warned that if you

smaller, more concrete and easily

record important milestones along

have not completed this goal

attained activities. Generally

the way between now and the

setting exercise the remainder of

speaking, the smaller and more

expected completion date of the

the exercises will be much less

clearly defined your activities are,

goals. In this way the monthly


the easier and more productive

planner becomes a tool for tracking

your planning will be.

the progress of all of our important projects.

Goal breakdown Having written your short and long-

What is your time perspective?

term goals, consider all of the

How do you think about time? Have

By looking at the completed}}}

March 2003 Spirax Sarco News 19

monthly planner we can instantly

Monthly Planner

determine not only on which sub goals we should be working on any


given day, but when during the


Wednesday Thursday

Preperation for Friday visit 21/3/03

weeks to come will be periods of high work load, whether we realistically have time to take on



Appointment with sales rep 1.30-2.30

Time Management Workshop 9.30-10.30

more work, and whether we are on


Complete review of 1st weeks work

target for the completion for these already planned goals. The monthly planner simply gives us a

Complete review of 1st half of second weeks work

Compile a list of customers who have never bought but shown interest in products

longer range look at our time than either the daily or weekly planner and helps us to more accurately

Time Management Workshop 9.30-10.30

anticipate the unfolding of our time weeks in advance.

Prepare stand for exhibition 29/3/03

Exhibition starts at 8.30

LetÂ’s say for example that you had an up-coming appointment on

planner, you would enter a series of interim objectives between the start

Friday. You would want to enter

of your preparation for the visit and the appointment date itself. These

this date in both the monthly and

milestones would serve as indicators of the progress of your visit.

the daily / weekly planner. In keeping with our suggestions for

In next monthÂ’s edition we shall be looking at the weekly objectives list,

keeping sub goals in the monthly

weekly planner, time log and time shifts. |}

20 Spirax Sarco News March 2003

There are teachers and then there are educators

Phil Stockford, Technical Manager, Group Marketing


e all, at some stage of our

subject, it s more a matter of

working lives, have to pass

knowing their subject and being

on information to others. This

able to educate their audience.

may be in the form of an informal

There seems to be no magic rule,

chat to someone new to the

these people are all different, yet

department or it may be rather

they can achieve the same result.

more formal, perhaps standing in front of a group of people who are

There is always more than one

expecting you to tell them how

way to communicate the

things work (or often...why they

message. These special people

don t work) or why things are

involve the audience. They make

done a certain way. It s very easy

their lectures interesting. They

to forget that the people, to whom

think laterally and drag their

you are speaking, know less about

audience with them, so they are

the subject than you. If you don t

hanging on every word and

get the message across, your

desperately waiting for what s

audience feel let down. It s your

coming next. Rather than boring

fault they re not learning

old facts and figures, they talk

anything, not theirs, and they

about the application and they

day, the girls would put them

switch off! If you ve reached this

involve mental pictures that


stage, you ll probably never get

replace a thousand words.

them back. What a waste of time, effort and money.

Finally the principal decided that I know they do these things and

something had to be done. She

yet I find it difficult to do them

called all the girls to the

Some people are very good at

myself. However, I will try to

bathroom and met them there

reaching their audience; I could

become one of these elite. To

with the maintenance man. She

name loads of people in Spirax

help me along the way, I carry my

explained that all these lip prints

who have the knack.

own mental picture as a reminder

were causing a major problem for

Unfortunately I don t profess to

of how to get the message

the custodian, who had to clean

be one of them. I have had the

across . It goes as follows:

the mirrors every night. To

pleasure of being at the back of a

demonstrate how difficult it had

room watching some of these

A private school was recently

been to clean the mirrors, she

people at work and admire the

faced with a unique problem.

asked the maintenance man to

way they get their message

Some 12-year-old girls were

show the girls how much effort

across. They seem to be able to

beginning to use lipstick and

was required. He took out a

do so with ease, with panache

would apply it in the bathroom.

long-handled squeegee, dipped it

and with professionalism. They

That was fine but after they put

in the toilet and cleaned the

have their audience in the palm

on their lipstick they would press

mirror with it. Since then, there

of their hands, without even the

their lips to the mirror, leaving

have been no lip prints on the

remotest bead of sweat on their

dozens of little lip prints. Every


forehead. It s not just a result of

night, the maintenance man

knowing and teaching their

would remove them and the next

Message received loud and clear! |}

March 2003 Spirax Sarco News 21

Take five This month s question is as follows:

The answer to last months

Editor s comment:

question is...

If you ve got a good brain-teaser why not forward it to me at

In your cellar there are three light switches in the OFF position. Each

A square manhole cover can be

switch controls one of three light

turned and dropped down the

bulbs on the floor above. You

diagonal of the manhole. A round

may move any of the switches but

manhole cannot be dropped down

you may only go upstairs to

the manhole. So for safety and

inspect the bulbs once. How can

practicality, all manhole covers

you determine the switch for each

should be round. |}

bulb with one inspection?

News award H

onestly, it was very difficult to judge the winner for the

February News award. However, I finally chose Andrew Bendall s article, Questioning and listening as the winner. This article is aimed at promoting good communication skills. Nowadays, communication is very important for successful leaders and professional managers. However, it is even more important to the salesperson. A recent survey showed that 80% of managers and salespeople failed to do their job correctly due to the lack of communication skills. My view is that this article may be very helpful in aiding our understanding of the customer,

Editor s comments:

through effective communication

Many thanks to the News award Judge for deciding this month s worthy

skills by questioning and

winner. Congratulations to Andrew on his article, the prize of £100 and

listening. |}

certificate are on their way to you.

22 Spirax Sarco News March 2003

Retirement Peter Hyett, UK Sales P

Gary Eckersley

eter Hyett joined Spirax Sarco

entitled steam trapper , together

UK in June 1966 as a Technical

with being a member of the

Assistant in the Sales Department.

Somerset Cricket Club.

An opportunity to move outside

In all Pete s years with Spirax he has

came in 1968 when Peter joined

always maintained a good sense of

Dickie Dodsworth and Alan Shipman

humour and high work values, which

on the South West Counties area.

have been an inspiration to those

He continued as First Assistant to

who have been fortunate enough to

Gary Sowerby when he took over as

have worked with him.

Senior of the area.

where the site specification reads like a Spirax Sarco catalogue.

In retirement Pete plans to take up golf, using his retirement gift

When UK Sales was reorganised in 1999, Peter remained in the Devon

Peter has for many years lived in

presented by the members of the

area and has been a valuable

Newton Abbott where the countryside

Regional Team, however I suspect

member of Gary Eckersley s

around nearby Dartmoor allows him

Phyl, his wife, has other ideas.

Regional team, winning the sales

to pursue his favourite hobby of

cup in 2001. One of Peter s many


successes has been in his dealings

other hobbies are letter boxing, he

been a privilege to have worked

with the Devonport Dockyard,

has his own unique letter box stamp

with you. |}

When time permits, Peter s

Have a great retirement Pete, its

Spirax views T

he following letter was received from Bernard Parkin, UK

Retired. |} I think those who still remember me will be interested to know that I have recently received a second Royal Warrant. Very soon after I retired from the Company I was appointed Racing Photographer to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (1993). This warrant holds until 2007. I have received notification from The Lord Chamberlain that I have been appointed Racing Photographer to Her Majesty The Queen. This Royal Warrant took effect on 1st January 2003. Sincerely,

March 2003 Spirax Sarco News 23

Andrew Wilkinson T

he following letter was received from Pat Wilkinson. |}

Andrew Wilkinson May I through the medium of Spirax News express my sincerest thanks to all Andrew s colleagues and friends throughout the Spirax World for their cards, letters and messages. I have been overwhelmed by so very many tributes. Thank you all.

Charles O Malley T

he following letter was received from Keith O Malley, Charles


It is with great regret that I have to inform you of the death of my father who worked for Spirax from 1958 to 1979. Charles O Malley died on 10th December 2002 at the age of 82 (As reported in the February 2003 edition). My father Charles O Malley and my mother Phyllis emigrated to Australia in 1980 to be near my two sisters who had previously emigrated to Australia, one of them being married to an Australian. My father is survived by my mother Phyllis and all seven children and 11 grandchildren and one great grandchild. They settled in a town called Wodonga, which is on the border between New South Wales and Victoria, approximately halfway between Sydney and Melbourne. They were certainly very happy in Australia and the climate suited them very well and generally they have had good health. My father worked for Spirax in the days of Lionel Northcroft being at the helm. I know that he was always very happy and always spoke very highly of the many friends that he made at Spirax.

Peter Gordge W

e regret to inform you of the death of one of our pensioners, Mr Peter Gordge, on Monday 13th January 2003. Mr Gordge retired from Charlton House in March 1988 having completed 36 years and seven

months service. |}

24 Spirax Sarco News March 2003

People in the news David Organ

Rick will also put his weight behind

joins us as Finance and Accounting

David Organ took on the role of

the Automation initiative, with

Manager. Uraiwan was previously

Group Business Development

Graham Dear and Chris Sampson

with the pharmaceutical equipment

Manager for Controls from Rick

reporting to him.

supplier Beckton Dickinson, prior to

Plummer at the beginning of February.

which she was with a division of Tony Lindars

Nestlé Thailand.

Tony Lindars has joined UK Sales, David is no stranger to Controls,

Energy Services Department as a

In her spare time Uraiwan plays

having launched PN / EL into South

Regional Service Engineer.

badminton and is an avid reader.

also worked in CAM for many years,

Tony has held previous field sales

We wish Uraiwan a long and very

where he was actively involved with

roles within both Hotpoint and

happy relationship with the

the development and introduction of

Balkancar UK (manufacturers of


the C Series valve range. His

industrial manual handling

recent experiences in strategic


East Asia some 10 years ago. He

marketing and the development of


the Group s sales and marketing

Tony lives in Dunstable and his

planning process will also be of

appointment will further strengthen

benefit in this new role.

our service support in the South and South East.

Rick Plummer Rick Plummer has joined the UK

Tony s outside interests include

Sales Management Team as the

cycling and playing the guitar.

Engineering Manager. Uraiwan Anantametangkoon Rick has vast technical and

We are delighted to welcome to

application knowledge and is to act

Spirax Sarco Thailand, Khun

Maria Barbara Fernandes

as the Chief Engineer and help

Uraiwan Anantametangkoon who

Congratulations to Antonio Alberto,

everyone involved to lift our

Spirax Sarco Portugal on the birth

engineering standards, one of our

of Maria Barbara. Maria Barbara

main value added elements. Paul

was born 23rd January 2003,

Mayoh will assist Rick in this task.

weighing 3.1 kg and 40cm long. |}

In recent years Rick has been responsible for Controls, first in CAM and more recently with Group Marketing as the Business Driver. In this role he has been involved in the ControlABILITY initiatives, the creation of the Controls strategy and Where next with Controls exercise and report. Rick is now anxious to use all this knowledge to support our sales growth objectives.

March 2003 Spirax Sarco News 25

Industry bites Invensys to build S$70m plant

companies and the City of Chicago

The founding members of CCX

Invensys of the UK is investing

are to be founding Members of the

include American Electric Power

S$70m to build a new facility in

Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX),

(AEP), Baxter International, the

Changi Business Park, Singapore,

a voluntary cap-and-trade

City of Chicago, DuPont, Equity

which will serve as the companyÂ’s

program for reducing and trading

Office Properties Trust, Ford Motor

Asia Pacific headquarters for its

greenhouse gas emissions.

Company, International Paper, Manitoba Hydro, MeadWestvaco

production management division. Invensys develops software and

In the voluntary action, the

Corporation, Motorola,

sells systems to help companies in

organisations have made a legally

STMicroelectronics, Stora Enso

diverse industries ranging from oil

binding commitment to reduce

North America, Temple-Inland and

and gas to food and beverages.

their emissions of greenhouse

Waste Management. |}

gases by 4% below the average of Greenhouse gas reduced

their 1998-2001 baselines by


2006, the last year of the pilot

Leading US and international


Share news O

ver the last month worries

over a possible war with Iraq

Phil Aplin, Group Financial Accountant

Spirax Sarco Engineering Share Price Against the Market

has sent the market, as 480

index, down. While the Spirax


share price has followed this


trend, against this background the shares have held up reasonably well today (12th February) standing at 388p. |}

Rebased closing price

represented by the FTSE 100

Spirax Sarco share price FTSE - 100 Index

420 400 380 360 340 320 300

26 Spirax Sarco News March 2003

Feb 03

Jan 03

Dec 02

Nov 02

Oct 02

Sep 02

Aug 02

Jul 02

Jun 02

May 02

Apr 02

Mar 02


Hot water system doubles pharmaceutical production capacity Paul Moulder, UK Marketing Communications Executive, discusses the success at Janssen Pharmaceuticals.

To solve this problem a Spirax Sarco APT14 automatic pump trap is fitted to each exchanger to ensure that condensate is always removed, even under low loads when vacuum conditions could be created. The engineered system was supplied complete with the pumps


to send the water around the Spirax Sarco skid-mounted hot water system is enabling Janssen Pharmaceuticals, part of the Johnson & Johnson group, to more

supply loop and a control panel that links with Janssen

than double the capacity of part of its production facility at Little Island,

Pharmaceuticals plant-wide control

County Cork.

system. This enables production operators to remotely monitor and

The demand for hot water to heat five jacketed batch reactors varies

control the hot water system from

depending on the number of reactors in use. A previous system fed

the central control room.

the jackets from a 1 000 litre tank, which had to be at 65°C to 70°C before production could begin. Each jacket takes around 400 litres of

The system operates by taking cold

hot water, so only two reactors could be heated simultaneously.

water at around 25°C from the

Increases in production demand required more than two reactors to be

supply tank where it is raised to

heated at a time. To avoid staggering production which reduces plant

70°C in the heat exchanger. This

utilisation, it was decided to upgrade the hot water system.

hot water is then fed into the pumped supply loop and tapped off

The new Spirax Sarco system, now supplied from an insulated

to feed as many heating jackets as

6 000 litre tank, allows all five reactors on the hot water loop to start up


simultaneously and almost immediately. This has allowed Janssen Pharmaceuticals to more than double the capacity of its processes

As well as increasing capacity, the

which use hot water.

new system also improves the control of the hot water temperature

At the heart of the Spirax Sarco engineered system is a plate steam heat

over the full range of loads. It really

exchanger. One of the features in the Janssen Pharmaceuticals application

improves production efficiency. |}

is the wide variation in load on the heat exchanger. At low loads, the steam pressure can drop so much that it would be unable to force condensate out of the exchanger. If this occurred, a standard steam trap would be unable to drain condensate from the exchanger, causing it to become waterlogged, losing heating efficiency and even stalling.

March 2003 Spirax Sarco News 27

New premises down under Colin Bennet, General Manager, Australia, announces the new Victorian offices opened near Melbourne.


ur Victorian operations, based in Bayswater near Melbourne,

have grown considerably over the last few years. Apart from the traditional Spirax sales team, which is ably supported by our inside staff, growth of staff and business has taken place in the steam audit and service side of the business. In more recent times, we have taken on two additional sales engineers to cover the sales of our water treatment and chemical products. Because business and staff have grown significantly, operating from our old Jersey Road premises of 20

The exterior of the new premises

years, life has been a little cramped for our Victorian colleagues. However, in November of 2002 we moved, literally across the road, into our new premises for which Chris Ball was on hand to officially open. The new premises contain stores / warehouse area, boiler and test / demo rig for customers and testing of overhauled equipment, school room, service workshop area, sales engineers, and general office areas. There is even room for further expansion when necessary. The move comes on top of a very successful year for Steve Ketzer (State Manager) and the Victorian team. |}

28 Spirax Sarco News March 2003

The new reception area

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