NYDKC-11 April Newsletter

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New Yor kDi s t r i ctDi vi s i on11

Wel comet ot he 2014-2015 Ser vi ceyear

T abl eofCont ent s

T abl eofCont ent s I . L i eut enantGover nor ’ sGr eet i ng I I . L eader s hi pT r ai ni ngConf er ence( L T C) I I I .T heYeari nRevi ew I V. S er vi ceS pot l i ght s V. MemberS pot l i ght VI .I nt er nat i onal Convent i on( I CON) VI I Paper wor k& Cont actI nf or mat i on

Upcomi ngEvent s Apr i l 27:Mar chofDi mes May14:Di vi s i onal Meet i ng May17:Di vi s i onal T r ai ni ngConf er ence


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New Yor kDi s t r i ctDi vi s i on11

Mes s agef r om t heL i eut enantGover nor HeyDi vi s i on11Pandas , Mynamei sAar onCheungandIam honor edt os er veasyour2014-2015L i eut enant Gover nor .Ourdi vi s i ondi dawonder f ul j obi nt hepas ts er vi ceyear .OurI mmedi at ePas t Di s t i ngui s hedL i eut enantGover nor ,L i l l i anXi e,l ef tmever ybi gs hoest oďŹ l l .Ourachi evement si nt he pas ts er vi ceyeardi dnotgounr ecogni z ed.Dur i ngt he2014L eader s hi pT r ai ni ngConf er ence,our di vi s i onwondoz ensofawar dsandonecl ub,T heBr onxHi ghS chool ofS ci enceKeyCl ub,was namedadi amondl evel cl ub. Aswebegi nanew s er vi ceyear ,Iwantyout ot akei ni t i at i veandadvocat ef orwhatyou bel i evei n.I st her eawi des pr eadpr obl em t hatneedsourat t ent i on?Ar et her epr obl emst hatwe ar enegl ect i ngorover l ooki ngi nourdai l yl i ves ?I st her es omet hi ngt hatwecandot oi mpr oveour homes ,s chool s ,orcommuni t i es ?I fyouans wer edyest oanyoft hes eques t i ons ,Iwantyout ot ake t hei ni t i at i veands t ar tanadvocacycampai gnoras er vi cepr oj ectt oaddr es st hos ei s s ues .You canal waysas kmef orhel p. Iwoul dl i ket ot hankeachmember ,of ďŹ cerandadvi s orofDi vi s i on11f oral l yourhar dwor k anddedi cat i oni nt hepr evi ouss er vi ceyear .Youal l di daf ant as t i cj ob! Your si nCar eandS er vi ce, Aar onCheung New yor kDi s t r i ctKeyCl ub 2014-2015L i eut enantGover nor 2013-2014Di vi s i onal Ex ecut i veAs s i s t ant


L eader s hi pT r ai ni ngConf er ence( L T C) 66t hAnnualL eader s hi pT r ai ni ngConf er ence byShat i l i aQuader ,Br onxHSofSci ence

“HeyKeyCl ub,how doyouf eel ?”“Wef eel good,ohwef eel s ogood! A’ i ght !Butneverdi dIr eal i z ehow bi gt he“we”r eal l ywas .Asas mal l “F i r s t T i mer ”atNew Yor kDi s t r i ct ’ sL eader s hi pT r ai ni ngConf er ence,your eal l ydos ee s omet hi ngmagi cal .F r om s eei ngal l t heDi vi s i onsandal l t hei rL i eut enant Gover nor s ,t opennywar sandi nt er cl ubbi ng,ever yt hi ngaddedt ot he i ndes cr i babl emagi catL T C. L i kemos tt eenager s ,Ifl i ppedwhenIf oundoutt hatIhadt os i tt hr ough hourl ongs peeches .Iwass car edt hatIwasgoi ngt obebor edoutofmy mi nd,yetf r om t hemomentMr .DaveKel l yandal l t heot hers peaker ss t ar t ed t al ki ng,Iwasex ci t ed.T hei rs t or i esr eal l ydi di ns pi r eyouandmadeyouwonder how muchyouaf f ectot her s .T her ewasal s oanamaz i ngef f or tputi nt oeach wor ks hops es s i onbyt heL i eut enantGover nor s !Iwaspar t i cul ar l yi mpr es s edby t heamountofwor kt hathasgonei nt ot hePowerPoi nt sandpr es ent at i ons andal l t hehandout s . Buti twas n’ tj us ts peechesandwor ks hopsatL T C!Wehadt wodances andi twasgr eatt ohaveever yonet oget her ,danceandmeetnew peopl e.I di r ect l ys aw how t het hi ngswedo,weekendsorweekdays ,bui l dsupi nt o whatourr ol ei s .Eveni fyouwer en’ tr ewar dedwi t hanyt hi ng,i twasgr eatt obe r ecogni z edf ors omet hi ngyoul ovet odo.T he66t hAnnual L eader s hi pT r ai ni ng Conf er encewasaunf or get t abl et r i p.Ever ys i ngl eper s ont her edi ds omet hi ng t heyl oved,f ors omet hi ngt heyl ove.I tj us ti ns pi r esyou.


L eader s hi pT r ai ni ngConf er ence( L T C) Anot herPer s pect i ve

byConni eL i ang,Br onxHSofSci ence

F i nal l yt het i meoft heyearhascomeagai n.T hi swasmyt hi r dL T C.However ,i ns t eadof goi ngasar egul arcl ubmember ,Iwentasoneoft het wel veConf er enceCommi t t ees t af f member s .T r ut hf ul l y,If el tver ywor r i edandr el uct antaboutgoi ng.Al l Icoul dt hi nkofwer e t hous andsof“Whati f s . ”Whati fIgetmor es l eepdepr i ved?Whati fIgetl os t ,es peci al l ywi t hmy t er r i bl es ens eofdi r ect i on?Whati fIdonotknow anyonet her e?J us t ,whati f . T hi sex per i encepr ovedt obeoneoft hebes tex per i encesIhaveeverhad.I twas compl et el ydi f f er entf r om myfi r s tt woL T Cs .I nmyfi r s tt woyear s ,Iwoul dt hi nkabouthow per f ect ever yt hi ngwas .T hewor ks hopsandevent sr ans os moot hl y.Boy,di dmyper s pect i vechangeas aConf er enceS t af f .Ir eal i z edhow muchhar dwor kanddedi cat i onwasputi nt ot hi sConf er encet omakei ts ucces s f ul .Ever yone haddi f f er entj obst odoandi twasi mper at i vef orever yonet oaccompl i s hwhatt heyneededt ogetdone.F r om t hi s ,Is aw s uch beaut i f ul ex hi bi t i onoft r us tandf r i ends hi p. Myj obent ai l edwat chi ngt heconf er encedes k,ans wer i ngques t i onspeopl emayhave,pat r ol l i ngt hehal l waysatni ght , andas s i s t i ngwi t ht hewor ks hops .I nt hos ef ourdays ,Idevel opedaver ys t r ongbondwi t hmyf el l ow s t af fmember s .Webondedby s l eepi ngl at e,waki ngupear l y,andj us taboutever yt hi ng.Il ovedhow Imets omanypeopl ei ncl udi ngL T GsandKCRs .Il ear ned s omanynew t hi ngsaboutt hedi f f er entcl ubsandi tamaz edmehow weal l managedt oconvenei nAl banyf ort hatone weekendt os har eourpas s i onandl ovef orKeyCl ub. T hi swasdefi ni t el yoneoft hebes tweekendsofmyl i f e.Ever yonet hatI ’ vemetandt hathavei ns pi r edmewi l l s t aywi t hme f or ever .Ever yt hi ngt hatIl ear nedf r om KeyCl ubwi l l defi ni t el ypr ovet obeus ef ul i nt hef ut ur e.T hi sConf er encer eal l ys howedme how event houghweal l comef r om di f f er entpl aces ,weal l haves omet hi ngi ncommon.Weal l vol unt eerandf undr ai s et os ee peopl es mi l ef r om t hei rhear t s .Car i ngi smos tdefi ni t el yourwayofl i ves .


T heYeari nRevi ew T he20132014Ser vi ceYear

T er r el lF r eder i ckMer r i t t ,Di s t i ngui s hedKeyCl ubSeni orMember ,Br onxHSofSci ence T he20132014s er vi ceyearwasex cept i onal .I tal l owedmet ogr ow bot hasaper s on andasaKeyCl ubmemberandpr ovi dedmewi t hmanyoppor t uni t i est os er veour communi t i esandmeetnew f r i ends . Di vi s i on11wasbr oughtcl os erovert hel as ts er vi ceyear ,wi t hal ar geamountof oppor t uni t i est owor kwi t heachot her .F r om t heAmaz i ngRaceF undr ai s ert ot heJ DRFWal k,I gott os er veal ongs i deot hermember sofourdi vi s i on,i ncr eas i ngt hes t r engt hofours er vi ce. Qui t eaf ew oppor t uni t i eswer eavai l abl et hi ss er vi ceyeart oi nt er actwi t hot her br anchesoft heKi wani sF ami l y.Event ss uchasQueensCol l egeCi r cl eK’ s“HungerI s n’ tF ai r ” banquet ,wher ewel ear nedaboutt het r ut hbehi ndweal t hdi s t r i but i on,andt heNYC Young Pr of es s i onal sKi wani s ’KeyT oYourF ut ur eDay,wher ewel ear nedabouthow t opr epf orcol l ege andj obs ,wer ebot hgr eatoppor t uni t i est ogett obet t erknow ourKF ami l y. Att heendoft hi sver ys ucces s f ul s er vi ceyear ,t hemi ght yNew Yor kDi s t r i ctKeyCl ub convenedatt heDes mondHot el i nAl banyf ort he66t hAnnual L eader s hi pT r ai ni ng Conf er ence.AsaConf er enceS t af fmember ,Iwasabl et omeethundr edsofi ns pi r i ngKey Cl ubmember sf r om al l overt hes t at e.Byt heendoft heconf er ence,af t ert heenor mous amountofcongr at ul at i onsIwasgi vent heDi s t i ngui s hedKeyCl ubS eni orMemberawar d.Ihad comet or eal i z et hatt heamountofs er vi cewei nvol veour s el veswi t hi ss omet hi ngt obe i mmens el ypr oudof . T hi ss er vi ceyearhasguar ant eedt hatIwi l l cont i nuet os er veaf t ermydepar t ur ef r om KeyCl ub,andIwi l l neverf or getal l t hatKeyCl ubhasdonet obet t ermeasaper s on.


T heYeari nRevi ew

T hankYouf orYourSer vi ce!



S er vi ceS pot l i ght Pai nt .Pai nt .Andmor ePai nt .

byMor adHas s an,I mmedi at ePas tDi vi s i onalHi s t or i an,NEST +m HS I twasKi wani sOneDay,andIwasi nvi t edal l t hewayt oL ongI s l andt o hel pr econs t r uctaf ami l y’ shomet hatwaswr eckedi nt hevi ci ousaf t er mat h ofHur r i caneS andy.S t i l l ayearandahal fl at er ,t her ear epeopl ewhol i ve wi t houtr oof sovert hei rheadsorwal l st os ur r oundt hem,l i vi ngdayi nand dayouti npeel i ngr oomsandmuddy,col dhomes .I twasas uddenands ad r eal i z at i ont hataf t eral l t hi st i mevi ct i mswer es t i l l l i vi ngi ns uchaway. ButNECHAMAandAmer i Cor pswer ewor ki nghar dathel pi ngpeopl e r ecoverf r om t hedamage,andKeyCl ubandKi wani st oo.As i def r om t he wal kswedi d,event sweex ecut ed,andt heact i vi t i eswecol l abor at edi n or dert or ai s ef undsf ordi s eas eandi s s uesr evol vi ngar oundt hewor l d,t hi s wast hemos tdownt oear t hex per i enceI ’ vehadhel pi ngaf ami l yr es t or e t hems el vest ot hei rol dl i ves .Des pi t et hef actt hatwewer emos t l ypr i mi ng andpai nt i ngwal l sandcei l i ngs ,andf r om t i met ot i mepai nt i ngeachot her ( L i l l i an,I ’ m wat chi ngyou) ,t hi swasoneoft heonl yvol unt eer i ngmoment s wher e,asaKeyCl ubmember ,Igott oper s onal l ys eet hechangeIwas maki ngonpeopl e’ sl i vesandbet hankedandr ecogni z edbyt hepeopl e r ecei vi ngi t .Memor i esl i ket hos es har penKeyCl ub’ ss l ogani nt omi ndand l eaveawar mf eel i ngf ordaysaf t er , “Car i ng–Ourwayofl i f e. ”


MemberS pot l gi ht

Memberoft heMont h T er r el lF r eder i ckMer r i t t Di s t i ngui s hedSeni orKeyCl ubMember I thasbeenapl eas ur ewor ki ngwi t hT er r el l i n t hel as ts er vi ceyear .Hi sdedi cat i ont owar ds KeyCl ub,commi t t mentf ors er vi ce,and pos i t i veat t i t udeex empl i fi esadi s t ngui s hed KeyCl ubmember . L i eut enantGover norAar onCheung I nmyex per i ence,t her ear eaf ew peopl e whoembodyt hel i vi ngf eel i ngsands pi r i t sof ot her s-T er r el l i sones uchper s onandhi s per s onal i t yandex i s t encenat ur al l ydr awst hat ofot herpeopl et ot hecaus eofKeyCl ub.He i sani ns pi r at i on. Pas tHi s t or i anMor adHas s an,NEST +m HS

T er r el l embodi est heval uesofat r ueKey Cl ubber .Hei spas s i onat ei nvol unt eer i ng ats er vi cepr oj ect sandt r i eshi sbes tt o s how t hatKeyCl ubi st r ul yt hef ami l yt hat weal l bel i evei tt obe. Out s t andi ngWebmas t erDannyQi u, St uyves antHi ghSchool T er r el l ’ scons t antpr es enceandent hus i as m aboutal l f or msofs er vi cet oal l peopl esi sa r emi nderandbeaconofwher ewes houl dal l s t hr i vet obe. Pas tDi s t i ngui s hedL T G Mar t i nRabot( 8A)


I nt er nat i onal Convent i on

I nt er nat i onal Convent i on( I CON) WhoCanAt t end:

Anyr egi s t er edKeyCl ubmemberwhowant st ol ear nmor eaboutKeyCl uband makenew f r i endsf r om ar oundt hewor l d.

Cos t :$1, 400. 00perper s on.T hi sf eei ncl udes :

-Roundai r f ar ef r om Al banyar eaandNYC ar ea -Al l br eakf as t sands nacks ,ands omedi nner s( br i ngmoneyt oeatout ! ) -Hot el r oom f or6ni ght s( 34KeyCl ubmember si nar oom) -Conf er encer egi s t r at i on( whi chi ncl udeswor ks hops ,del egat es es i ons ,ands oci al act i vi t i es ) -T our sofS anF r anci s co,Mui rWoods ,Yos emi t eNat i onal Par k,Di s neyl and,et c. -Conf er enceT S hi r t -Af un,educat i onal andmemor abl eex per i ence

I nt er es t ed?Emai l L i eut enantGover norAar onCheungorvi s i t nydkc. or gf ormor ei nf or mat i on!


New Yor kDi s t r i ctDi vi s i on11

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