NYDKC-11 Panda Club Newsletter Volume I Issue 3

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New Yor kDi s t r i ctDi vi s i on I . L t .Gover nor ’ sGr eet i ng I I . I nt r oduct i onofDi vi s i onalBoar d I I I . Di vi s i onalBar becue I V. L et t erf r om I nt .Pr es i dent V. Ser vi ceSpot l i ght s VI .J uneDi vi s i onalMeet i ng VI I .KeyCl ubI nt heSummer VI I I .F un&Games I X. Paper wor kSt at us X. Cont actI nf or mat i on

2 3 4 5 613 14 15 16 17 17

Mes s agef r om t heL i eut enantGover nor Upcomi ngEvent s HiDi vi s i on11Beaver s , HappySummer !T hes choolyeari sal mos tover !Iwi s h yougoodl uckonyourfinal sandRegent sExam ( You wi l lal lpas s ! ) .KeyCl ubi s n’ tj us tas choolyearcl ub,we al s ooper at edur i ngt hes ummert oo!Cont actyourcl ub pr es i dent saboutcl ubevent sandcheckoutdi vi s i onal event sbel ow! Dur i ngt hes ummer ,wewi l lbehavi ngour4t hAnnual Di vi s i onalBar becueonSat ur day,J ul y12,2014.T her e wi l lbes ever alact i vi t i esi ncl udi nggamesandauct i ons , i nwhi chof ficer s ,i ncl udi ngDi s t r i ctGover norJ acob Spencer ,I mmedi at ePas tDi s t r i ctT r eas ur erAl exander MokandL i eut enantGover norHenr yWangwi l lbes ol d t obes i l l ys t r i ngedandwat erbal l ooned. Your si nCar i ngandSer vi ce, Aar onCheung New Yor kDi s t r i ctKeyCl ub 20142015L i eut enantGover nor 20132014Di vi s i onalExecut i veAs s i s t ant aar oncheung. l t g@nydkc. or g ( 917)4997241

Upcomi ngEvent s J ul y12,2014( 10: 30-3: 00):4t hAnnualDi vi s i onalBar becue&Di vi s i onalMeet i ng •Admi s s i on:$12. 00 •I ncl uded:F ood,Dr i nks ,Act i vi t i es&Games •L ocat i on:F l us hi ngMeadowsCor onaPar knearWor l d’ sF ai rPl aygr ound ( ExactL ocat i on:ht t p: / / t i nyur l . com/ nydkc11bbq) Augus t ,2014( 5: 30-7: 00):Di vi s i onalPi cni c&Di vi s i onalMeet i ng •Admi s s i on:$10, 00 •I ncl uded:F ood&Dr i nks •L ocat i on:Cent r alPar k ( ExactL ocat i on:T ober el eas ed)


2014-2015Di vi s i onalBoar d I nt r oduct i on Kenj iYeoh,Execut i veAs s i s t ant ,Br onxSci ence,Cl as sof2016 Hel l oever ybody!Myname' sKenj iYeohandIam yourDi vi s i onalEA.Il i vei n F l us hi ngandIat t endt heBr onxHSofSci ence.Ibel i evet hatt heMi ght y Di vi s i on11Pandascanmaket he10K,andIwi l ldomybes tt ocr eat ef un f undr ai s er swi t ht heEvent sCommi t t eet ohel pachi evet hi sgoal .Iam humbl yatyours er vi ceandIcan' twai tt owor kwi t hy' al l ! Kyl eL u,Secr et ar y,Hunt erCol l egeHi ghSchool ,Cl as sor2016 HeyDi vi s i on11! !I ' m Kyl e,as ophomor eatHunt erCol l egeHi ghSchooland I ' m cur r ent l yyournew di vi s i onals ecr et ar y!Il ookf or war dt ohavi ngagr eat s er vi ceyearwi t hy’ al l .Ican’ twai tt omeets omanynew peopl eat di vi s i onalevent sandourdi vi s i onalmeet i ngs .I fyous eeme,don’ tbeaf r ai d t os ayhi ,Idon' tbi t e.Seeever yones oon!<3 Kal vi nChi ,Hi s t or i an,St uyves antHi ghSchool ,Cl as sof2017 Mynamei sKal vi nChiandIwi l lbeyourDi vi s i onalHi s t or i an.Af t erhear i ng aboutKeyCl ubf r om oneofmyBi gSi bs ,Ideci dedt oj oi n.Iwasabl et o s er vemyhome,s chool ,andcommuni t y,aswel lasmeetnew peopl e, manyofwhom havebecomes omeofmycl os es tf r i ends .Iam r eal l y l ooki ngf or war dt ot heupcomi ngs er vi ceyearandt omeet i ngal lofyou! T anyaHao,Webmas t er ,Hunt erCol l egeHi ghSchool ,Cl as sof2017 HiDi vi s i on11,I ' mT anya,yourwebmas t er !Muchofmyj obhappensbehi nd acomput ers cr een,updat i ng,s os hootmes ugges t i ons ,f eedback,phot os f ort hegal l er y. . .anyt hi ngf orourwebs i t e!I ' mr eal l yhopi ngIcangett oknow al lofyouguysper s onal l y,s oat t endt hos edi vi s i onalpr oj ect s !L ooki ng t owar dsayearf ul lofs er vi ce~ J eni f erZ heng,Soci alMedi aChai r( PI RC Rep) ,Br onxSci ence,Cl as sof2017 Gr eet i ngsmyf el l ow keycl ubber sofDi vi s i on11!Mynamei sJ eni f erZ heng andIam yourPI RC chai r !Iam cur r ent l yaf r es hmanat t endi ngt heBr onxHS ofSci ence.Iwi l lt r ymyhar des tt omaket hi ss er vi ceyeart hebes tandI encour ageever yonet obecomemor eact i veands how whatkeycl ubber s cando!Ican' twai tf ort hef ut ur e!L et ' sdot hi s !


Upcomi ngEvent( J ul y) 4t hAnnualDi vi s i onalBar becue

Di vi s i on11wi l lbehos t i ngour4t hAnnualBBQ.Wepl annedt hi seventt obeal mos tt hr eet i mesasbi g. Wewi l lbehavi ngs ever alevent si ncl udi nggames ,of ďŹ cerauct i ons ,andpr i z es .Pl eas ei nvi t e EVERYONE,i ncl udi ngr i s i ngf r es hman! Al lpr oceedswi l lbedonat edt ot heEl i mi nat ePr oj ect Dat e T i me L ocat i on

J ul y12,2014 10: 30AM t o3: 00PM F l us hi ngMeadowsCor onaPar knearWor l d' sF ai rPl aygr ound ( ExactL ocat i on:ht t p: / / t i nyur l . com/ nydkc11bbq) Admi s s i on: $12. 00 Regi s t r at i on:ht t p: / / t i nyur l . com/ kcbbq2014


KeyCl ubI nt er nat i onal L et t erf r om I nt er nat i onalPr es i dentRaef or dPenny


Pas tEvent s Ser vi ceSpot l i ght RedHookF ami l yF es t i val

Shar onL i n,Di s t r i ctBul l et i nEdi t or ,St uyves antHS T heRedHookF ami l yF es t i valt ookpl aceonMay3atPS15i nRed Hook,Br ookl yn.Vol unt eer shai l edf r om Bar uchCol l ege,St uyves ant KeyCl ub,andPuppet r yAr t s ,oneoft hemaj ors pons or soft he f es t i val .T r ai l i ngi natar ound10AM,vol unt eer sbegant hei rdayby s or t i nggoodybagsandfil l i ngt hem wi t hvar i ouspr i z es ,s uchas pos t er s ,penci l s ,cl ownnos es ,andhandbags .T heyal s ohel pedout t hes pons or sandt hel ocalpar ent swi t hgames :s et t i ngupaf oot bal l t hr ow,abeanbagt os s ,af r i s beecat ch,andot herf unas s or t ment sf or t hechi l dr ent oamus et hems el veswi t hl at eron.Ar oundnoon, f ami l i esbegant os t r eam i nt ot heas phal tpl aygr ound,whi chhad now beent r ans f or medi nt oaf ul lcar ni val .Amanmadebal l oonswi t h i nt r i cat evi nyldes i gnsf ort hechi l dr ent owearont hei rheads ,af ace pai nt ert ur nedt hei rbr i ghtf acesi nt oki t t ensandl i ons ,andKeyCl ub vol unt eer smannedt hevar i ouss t at i ons ,occas i onal l ys wi t chi ngi n andoutf ort hei rbr eaks . Addi t i onal l y,s ever all ocaldancet r oupesper f or medf ort he f es t i val goer s .Rangi ngf r om agesofar ounds event o s i xt eenyear s ol d,t henumber swer equi t es pect acul ar !T he vol unt eer sf r om PS15wer ei mpr es s edbyhow wel lt hef es t i valhad r anandhow mucht heywer eabl et or ai s ef r om t i cket sal one. Over al l ,t heeventwasver ys ucces s f ul ,wi t hf r i ends hi psmadeand s mi l esbr oughtt ot hef acesoft hef ami l i eswhocamet ot hef es t i val !

Di vi s i onalT r ai ni ngConf er ence Kai t l i nMa,Br onxHSofSci ence

T heDi vi s i onalT r ai ni ngConf er ence( DT C)wasanamaz i ngexper i encef orme.Ass oonasIent er ed Bays i deHi ghSchool ,wher et heeventwasl ocat ed,f ami l i arf aces ,aswel lasnew ones ,gr eet edme. Wel ear nedal laboutKeyCl ub.Wel ear nedaboutt hedi f f er entor gani z at i onst hatar epar toft he KF ami l yandt hes i gni ficanceofeachone.Weal s ol ear nedaboutwhatbei ngadedi cat edand di s t i ngui s hedKeyCl ubmembermeans .Af t er war ds ,wewenti nt ot hegymnas i um anddi daf un i nt er act i veexer ci s e.Il augheds omuchwhi l emeet i ngpeopl eandt al ki ngt ot hem.Ever yonewas bei ngact i veandr unni ngar ound.T hen,weal ls epar at edandwentt odi f f er entpanel s .Dur i ngt hes e panel s ,Il ear nedaboutl eader s hi p,or gani z at i on,andt i memanagement .I nt hel as tpanelIwentt o,I madecar dsf orchi l dr enatSt .J udeChi l dr en' sHos pi t al !AsIent er edt heaudi t or i um att heend,“ L eti t Go”waspl ayi ngandpeopl ewer es i ngi ngal ongt oi t ;Icoul dn’ tgeti toutofmyheadwhenIl ef tand kepthummi ngi t .Ul t i mat el y,DT C wasawonder f uleventf ormeandIwass ohappyt ohaveat t ended i t .I topenedmeupandImetal otofnew peopl ef r om mycl ubaswel lasot hercl ubsi not her s chool s .I ’ m us ual l yver ys hy,butdur i ngt hi sevent ,Imademor ef r i endsandt al kedt omor epeopl e.I t wasbot hanexhi l ar at i ngandat hr i l l i ngexper i ence.: )


Pas tEvent s Ser vi ceSpot l i ght s Bui l di ngaHous ewi t hHope

J as mi neQui ndal a,Cl ubPr es i dent ,Br onxHSofSci ence T heF r i endsofRockawayeventwasoneofmyf avor i t eevent st hi s s er vi ceyear .I twasani ns pi r at i onaleventt hatr emi ndedmewhy I ’ m aKeyCl ubber t ohel pt hos ei nt hecommuni t y.T heeventt ook pl aceatRockawaywi t ht heKi wani sCl ubofNew Yor kCi t yYoung Pr of es s i onal s ,Ci r cl eK,HSMSEKeyCl ub,andHopef r om Amer i Cor ps ,whowasi nchar geoft heevent .Att heeventwe hel pedr ebui l dahous et hatwashi tbadl ybyHur r i caneSandy.We di davar i et yoft as ksi ncl udi ngs andi ng,muddi ng,s cr api ng,and i nvent or yt ogett hehous eones t epcl os ert obei ngdone. Whenwegott ot hehous e,weal li nt r oducedour s el ves .Weal s o l ear nedt hatr i ghtbef or et hes t or m hi t ,t heowneroft hehous ehad t ogot oI r el andandt akecar eofhi sf at her .I twas n' tunt i lt he Summeraf t ert hes t or mt hathehads eent hedamages .Becaus eof al lt hi s ,hewasoutofaj obandi scur r ent l ys t i l ldi s pl aced.T hi smade usevenmor eent hus i as t i candi ns pi r edt odowhat everi tt ookt o f aci l i t at ei nfini s hi ngt hehous e.Wewer et aughtt hebas i csof muddi ngands andi ngandgi vengl ovesandeyepr ot ect i on.Some ofuss andedt hewal l st ogett hem r eadyf orei t hermor emuddi ng ors omepai nt i ng.T hemuddi ngwentons pot sont hewal l st hathad i mper f ect i ons .T heot her smades ur et hatt her ewer eno i mper f ect i onsont hefloors ot hatt hefloor i ngcoul dbegi n. Weal lwor kedt oget herasonebi gKF ami l yandmades ur et hat ever ys i ngl es potwasat t endedt o.Des pi t et hehar dwor k,t hefir s t hal foft hedaywentbyr eal l yf as t .Atabout12PM,wewentoutt oa r es t aur antf ors omel unchandbondi ng;wevi s i t edt hebeachr i ght af t er .T hen,wecont i nuedourwor kont hehous ewi t hgr eatener gy, l aught er ,andf un.I twasr eal l yni ces eei ngKeyCl ubber sf r om our di vi s i onwhohadj us tgr aduat edandhadcomebackt ohel pout .I t wasal s oamaz i ngs eei nghow muchweal lgenui nel ycar edabout whatwewer edoi ng.I nt heend,Hopeevenl etuss i gnt hewal l sof t hehous ewi t hl i t t l emes s agesf ort hehomeownerbef or et hewal l s wer epai nt ed.Pas tDi s t r i ctExecut i veAs s i s t antT i naL eedr ew a pi ct ur eofal lofuswi t hal i t t l enot et hatj us twar medal lofourhear t s . Whenwewer efini s hed,Hopet ol dust hataf t ers eei ngour ent hus i as m,har dwor k,t hepi ct ur e,andt hemes s agesont hewal l s , s hewasaboutt ot earup.Aswel ef tt hehous e,s omenei ghbor s t hankedus ,whi chputabunchofs mi l esonourf aces .Af t erat i r i ng andmes s yday,al lwewant edwast ogobackandcont i nue hel pi ngs ot hatwecoul dfini s ht hehous e.


Pas tEvent s Ser vi ceSpot l i ght J apanDay

J apanDay

Get t i ngont heFt r ai nal lbymys el font he ver ybr eez ySundaymor ni ng,Is i tdownand awai tmyhourcommut et ot heci t y’ sl ar ges t wonder -Cent r alPar k.Ikeptget t i ngcal l s f r om myf r i endsast hewhol ecl ubwas gener ous l ywai t i ngf orme,t hel as tper s on, t ofinal l yar r i ve.Never t hel es s ,Imadei t qui ckl yt ot het ent sandIwass ur pr i s edby t hevas tnumberofpeopl el aughi ng, cheer i ng,andembr aci ngt hef es t i val .Af t er get t i ngt oget herwi t hal loft heKey Cl ubber s ,weal lr eadi l ydi vedi nt oour obj ect i veoft heday,s er vi ngt eaatt het ea t ent !Atfir s t ,T er r el landIwer es entt ot he backoft het entwher ewewoul dhavet o br eakdownands epar at eendl es samount s ofpl as t i candcar dboar dboxes .Whi l e br eaki ngdownboxesi nt heback,J ons on andouri mmedi at epas tDi s t r i ctT r eas ur er , Al exMok( Whoi sf r om Br ookl ynT ech) , j oi nedus .I twasamaz i ngs eei ngas t udent f r om anot hers chooli nt er cl ubbi ngwi t hour ver yown!T hr oughoutt heday,Icoul dhear t heKeyCl ubber satt het abl esdi s t r i but i ng t het easwi t ht hecut es tl i t t l ecat chphr as es .I coul dvi vi dl yr ememberShat i l aandEr na’ s power f ulvoi cesat t r act i ngpeopl ef r om t he J apanDayf es t i val .T owar dst heend,T er r el l , abunchofot herKeyCl ubber s ,andI pi t chedi nandhel peddi s t r i but et het ea, ment i oni ngf unnyl i t t l er emar kss uchas “ Don’ tbecaughtwi t hnobev! ” .T hecl ub fini s hed,wi t haj obwel ldone,andf orone l as tt i me,wegat her edupandenj oyedt he J apanes ecul t ur ear oundus .J apanday mademer eal i z et hatnotonl yi sKeyCl ub f ul lofver ynew,gener ous ,andexci t i ng peopl e,butt hatwear eal labl et ocome t oget herandgetahuget as kdone!

みなさん、 こんにちは!( ! Orj us t :Hel l oever yone! )As oneofBr onxSci enceKeyCl ub’ smos tf amousevent s , J apanDayl i vedupt oi t sname.Ont he11t hofMay, t hevol unt eer ss howedupatCent r alPar kt ocel ebr at e t heJ apanes ecul t ur e.Becaus eIwasvol unt eer i ngf or t hel at ers hi f t ,Ir oamedar oundt hepar kt ol ookatt he f es t i valbef or emys hi f tbegan.T her ewer emanyot her vol unt eer si nt hear eaaswel lwhower ef r om ot her or gani z at i ons .Abi tbef or eours hi f ts t ar t ed,wewer e gi venbent oboxesf orl unch.Bent oboxesar epar tof J apanes ecul t ur e,whi chi swhyi twass ocut eoft hem t ogi veust hes ef orl unch.Ri ghtaf t erl unch,wegot s t ar t ed.Asvol unt eer s ,wewer egi venat entf ul loft eas . Wegaveoutt hes edi f f er entt easf r om t hr ees i desoft he t ent .I twasabi gcr owd,andboydi dt heywantt he t ea!So,asKeyCl ubber s ,weyel l edandgott he at t ent i onofpeopl epas s i ngbyt ogi vet hem t ea.Al ot ofpeopl es eemedr eal l yhappyt hati twasf r ee.T hi s eventwasper s onal l yonet hatIhadbeenwant i ngt o got o.I twasanexci t i ngeventi nwhi chIgott o cel ebr at eacul t ur edi f f er entf r om mi ne.T her ewas J apanes ecul t ur e;f r om t hebent oboxest ot heyukat as , or i gami ,r amen,andmuch,muchmor e.I twasj us t r eal l yexci t i ng.Notonl yt hat ,butt hear eawasal s of ul l ofcos pl ayer s !Al t oget her ,t hevol unt eer i ng,t he cos pl ayer s ,t het eas ,domo,andal loft hes eJ apanes e t r adi t i onsandcul t ur emadet hedayal otoff un.

L abi bHus s ai n,Br onxHSofSci ence


Shat i l aQuader ,Br onxHSofSci ence

Pas tEvent s Ser vi ceSpot l i ght J apanDay

J apanDay

F r om handi ngoutt eat odr es s i ngupi naYukat a, J apanDaywasaneventt hatIwi l lneverf or get .I t s t ar t edwi t hmeget t i ngl os tt r yi ngt onavi gat emyway ar oundCent r alPar k.Ar ound8AM wemadeourwayt o t heT eaT ent ,wher ewewoul dbevol unt eer i ng.T her e wer eboxesandboxesoft eas t ackedupandIhad nevers eens omucht eabef or ei nmyl i f e.It houghtt hat wewoul dneverbeabl et ohandoutal lt het ea,butboy wasIwr ong;Is oonl ear nedt hatwewoul dr unoutf as t . Whi l ehal fofushadt hegr uel i ngt as kofl i f t i ngt heheavy boxest ot het abl es ,ot her s ,i ncl udi ngme,hadt hej obof pl aci ngt hebot t l esi nanor der l yf as hi onandexpl ai ni ng whet hereacht eawascaf f ei nat edori fi thads ki m mi l k. Abouthal f wayt hr oughmys hi f t ,wer anoutofal lbut t wooft het eas-Mat chaandt heBl ackT eaL at t e,even t houghwes t ar t edoutwi t hs evendi f f er entflavor s .Some oft heot hervol unt eer swer eJ apanes eandt heyt aught mebas i cJ apanes ephr as es ,oneofwhi chwas“ t woper per s on”f orwhenwewer ehandi ngoutt het eas .J apan Daywast r ul yagr eatexper i ence;wewer eabl et o meetnew peopl eandt r ynew t hi ngs ,l i ket r yi ngona Yukat aandYoYoF i s hi ng.

OnMay11t h,fif t eenKeyCl ubber s , i ncl udi ngme,wentt oCent r alPar kt o vol unt eerf orJ apanDay.Wewer e as s i gnedt owor katt het eat entf ort he mor ni ngs hi f t .Att het ent ,t hewor ker s t her et ol dusaboutt hedi f f er entt east hey hadandt hei ngr edi ent si neachoft hem. T heflavor edt easwegaveoutwer e mat chagr eent eal at t e,bl ackt eal at t e, mugi cha( whi chwasbar l ey) ,gr ape,and appl e. T her ewer es ever alt hi ngst odoatt he t ent ;s omevol unt eer swer e decons t r uct i ngt heboxest hathel dt he t ea,ot her swer er es t ocki ngt het abl es t hatneededt ea,andt her es toft hekey cl ubber shandedoutt het eat opeopl e whower epas s i ngby.Iwasoneoft he member shandi ngoutt het ea.I nt he mor ni ng,r unner swhower epar t i ci pat i ng i nt heJ apanDaymar at honcamet oour t eat os t ockuponr ef r es hment s .I twas awes omet ohel ppi ckoutdr i nkst hat woul ds ui tt hei rt as t eandt hatwoul dhel p t hem dur i ngt her un.Si nceJ apanDay washel dont hes amedayasMot her ' s Day,al otoff ami l i eswer et her e. T hr oughoutt hecour s eoft heday,al otof mot her sandki dswoul dcomet ot het ent t ogets omet ea.Al otofpeopl ewer e pl eas ant l ys ur pr i s edwhenwet ol dt hem t hatt het eawasf r eet ot ake. Vol unt eer i ngatt het eat entr eal l y al l owedt hecl ubmember st obondas wel lbecaus ewer el i edoneachot hert o gett hej obdone.I twasal s oni ce i nt er act i ngwi t ht hepeopl easwel las s eei ngt hem s mi l e.J apanDaywas defini t el yoneofmyf avor i t eKeyCl ub event s .

T ammyL i u,Br onxHSofSci ence

Sabr i naChen,Br onxHSofSci ence


Pas tEvent s Ser vi ceSpot l i ght MSWal k

Ki mber l yCabr er a,Br onxHSofSci ence WhenIgott ot heBands hel li nCent r alPar kt o vol unt eerf ort heAi dsWal konMay18,2014,Iwas f r ant i cal l yl ooki ngf ors omeoneIknew becaus eI wasanhourl at e.T er r el ls aw meandbr oughtme t ot hevol unt eert entwher eIgotmyvol unt eers hi r t , myi nf ocap,andacl i pboar dt hathadal lt he i nf or mat i onont heAi dsWal k.Iwast ol d,byoneof t hepeopl ei nchar geofvol unt eer s ,t oi nflat et he bi g,deflat edbeachbal l swi t ht woot her vol unt eer s .T het hr eeofuss pentar oundanhour i nflat i ngt hebeachbal l swhi chwasver yhar d wor k.Af t er war ds ,wewer et ol dt ohel poutwi t ht he St arBr eakf as tbecaus et heyneededmor e vol unt eer s .Af t erbei ngs ecur i t yguar dsf ort heSt ar Br eakf as t ,wemetupwi t ht heot herI nf oAr my vol unt eer sandat el unch.L at er ,weal lhel peds et upt hefini s hi ngl i nef ort he wal ker sbys et t i ngup t het abl es ,cer t i ficat esofcompl et i ngt he mar at hon,andt hebal l oons .Af t ers et t i ngupt he fini s hi ngl i ne,weal lwentt owher et hewal ker s wer eanddi r ect edt hem t owar dst hefini s hl i ne.We metupwi t hourf el l ow KeyCl ubber swhot ook qui t eal ongt i meget t i ngt ot hefini s hl i ne.Af t ert he event ,wes aw St uyves antKeyCl ub’ ss i gnand deci dedt ohaves omef unwi t hi t .Wi t hamar ker , wecr os s edout“ St uyves ant ” ,wr ot e“ Br onx Sci ence”andofcour s e,wr ot e“ Wel oveyou! ” L at eron,s omeofusdeci dedt ogot oChi pot l e wher eweat eandhadf un.


OneSt epCl os ert oa Cur e T i f f anyZ ou,NEST +m HS

Cys t i cfibr os i si sani nher i t eddi s eas et hat af f ect st hel ungsanddi ges t i ves ys t em of appr oxi mat el y70, 000chi l dr enandadul t s wor l dwi de.Onedef ect i vegenei si dent i fiedand i t spr ot ei ncaus est hebodyt opr oducet hi ck, s t i ckymucust hatcanbel i f et hr eat eni ng.Bei ng abl et owakeupandbr eat hef oranot herdayi s ami r acl et hati st r eas ur ed.Gr eatSt r i desi st he Cys t i cF i br os i sF oundat i on' sl ar ges tf undr ai s i ng event .Eachyear ,mor et han125, 000peopl e par t i ci pat ei nt hes eevent st ohel pr ai s ef undst o r es ear chmor eaboutt hi sdi s eas e.T hi s f oundat i onhasi nves t edmi l l i onsofdol l ar st o s uppor tt hedevel opmentofnew dr ugs , i ncr eas i ngt henumberofs ur vi vor s .Wal ksand f undr ai s er sl i ket hes ear et her eas onswhymany peopl ecanexpectt ol i vebeyondt hei r40s .T he cur ef orCys t i cfibr os i si sj us twi t hi nourr each. T hes ewal ksar ehel datmanydi f f er entl ocat i ons t hatar eeas i l yacces s i bl et ot hepubl i c.On Sunday,J une1s t ,2014,t her ewasawal khel dat F ol eySquar e.Vol unt eer smetats eveni nt he mor ni ngandhel pedt os etupf ort hewal k.T he mos thear t war mi ngmoment swer ewhenki ds , whower enool dert hant heageof10and s t r uggl edwi t hcys t i cfibr os i s ,s t ayedpos i t i ve andl i vedt hei rl i f et ot hef ul l es t .Asvol unt eer s ,i t wasapl eas ur et omeett hes epeopl eandi t openedupoureyest ohow s t r ongt hes eki ds wer e.I naddi t i on,t hei rf ami l i escont i nuedt o fightal ongs i dewi t ht hem.Cys t i cfibr os i s s ur vi vor shadpr epar eds peechest hathel ped encour agepeopl et onevergi veup.Bes i des meet i ngpeopl ewhower epar t i ci pat i ngi nt he wal k,vol unt eer swer eabl et obef r i endot her vol unt eer s .T heactofmeet i ngnew peopl ei s al waysawonder f ulf eel i ng.T hi si san exper i encet hatever yones houl dt r y.Ever ybi t ofs uppor thel ps .

Pas tEvent s Ser vi ceSpot l i ght Gr eatSt r i desWal k

Kal vi nChi ,Hi s t or i an,St uyves antHS J une1s twast hedayoft heGr eatSt r i desWal k.Iar r i vedat F ol eySquar e,wher et heeventwass uppos edt obehel d,at ar ound7AM.Unf or t unat el y,Ihadn' tr eadt heconfir mat i on emai lcar ef ul l yandhadnotr eal i z edt hatt heeventact ual l y s t ar t edat7: 30AM.However ,whenIwentt ot al kt ot he coor di nat or ,Suz et t e,s het ol dmet hatal t houghIwasear l y, s hes t i l lhadt hi ngst hatIcoul ddo.F ort hefir s thal fhour ,I hel pedwi t hs et t i ngup;Ibr oughtt abl esandchai r st ot ent s , putt abl ecl ot hsont het abl es ,andgott hef oodandwat er r eady. Atar ound7: 30AM,Br onxSci enceKeyCl ub( Yes ,Iwas vol unt eer i ngwi t ht hem)gott her e.Suz et t et ol dust ohang ar oundunt i lt her acebegan.So,weat ef ood,danced,and j us thungout .T hen,hal fanhourbef or et hewal kbegan, Suz et t et ol dust ogeti nt opai r s ,getonepompom each,and f oreachpai rt ogot oas peci ficz ones .I ,al ongwi t hmy par t nerAndy,wentt oourz onewhi chwasabl ockawayf r om St uyves antHi ghSchoolandwai t edf ort hewal kt obegi n. Oncewes aw t hewal ker scomi ng,wegr abbedour pompomsands t ar t edcheer i ngt hem on.T hewal ker s s eemedver yhappys eei nguscheert hem on.I nf act ,s ome oft hewal ker sevenbegancheer i ngusonbys ayi ngt hi ngs s uchas“ Keepcheer i ng! ”and“ You' r edoi ngagr eatj ob! ”We evens aw s omef el l ow KeyCl ubber sf r om Di vi s i on8!Att he endoft heevent ,wewer eal ls t i l lf ul lofener gyandwedi dn' t wantt ol eave.T heGr eatSt r i desWal ki sdefini t el yonet hatI wi l lbegoi ngt oagai ni nt hef ut ur e.

Cys t i cF i br os i si sadi s eas et hat af f ect st hel ungsofpat i ent s .I t makesi tdi f ficul tt obr eat heand t her ei snocur e


Pas tEvent s Ser vi ceSpot l i ght T eenRes our ceCent er OpenMi cNi ght Shar onL i n,Di s t r i ctBul l et i nEdi t or , St uyves antHS

T heT eenRes our ceCent er( T RC)OpenMi c ni ghtt ookpl aceonF r i day,J une6,f r om 3PM t o 6PM atCol umbusPar kPavi l i oni nChi nat own. T her ewasagr eatnumberofamaz i ng per f or mances ,r angi ngf r om s hor tduet s ,t oepi c poems ,t oor i gi nalr appi ng!KeyCl ubvol unt eer s camef r om T heBr onxHi ghSchoolofSci ence, St uyves antHi ghSchool ,andHunt erCol l egeHi gh Schoolt ohel pr ecor dandt akepi ct ur esoft he per f or mer s . T hevol unt eer swhower eabl et ol eaves chool ear l i erhel pedt os etupchai r sandpr epar et he mi cr ophones .T heyal s ohel pedoutt heDJby s et t i ngupt hes ongst hatwer egoi ngt obepl ayed dur i ngt heevent .Addi t i onal l y,vol unt eer sf r om T RC hel pedkeept r ackoft heor derofper f or mances . T hi swoul dens ur et hatal ls i nger s ,wr i t er s ,r apper s , andper f or mer swoul dhaveat ur n.Al loft he member soft heaudi encegenui nel yenj oyedt he s how,wi t has ur pr i s eper f or mancef r om I mmedi at ePas tL i eut enantGover norL i l l i anXi eas wel l ! Al t houghmys chooll etoutt ool at ef ormet o hel ps etupf ort heevent ,Icoul dheart hes ounds oft hebeaut i f ulvoi cesf r om bl ocksaway. Col umbusPar kwaskeptver yl i vel yt hateveni ng, wi t hf ami l i es r unni ngt oandf r o,whi l eKeyCl ubber swi t h per s onalDSL Rst ookanumberofs t unni ngphot os t ocapt ur et hememor i esoft heeveni ng.


Pas tEvent s Ser vi ceSpot l i ght Br onxShor eKi wani sSpeci alOl ympi csDi nner Kenj iYeoh,Execut i veAs s i s t ant ,Br onxHSofSci ence

T er r el lMer r i t tandI ,Kenj iYeoh,vol unt eer edatt heBr onxShor eKi wani sSpeci alOl ympi csDi nner hel datF or dham Pr epar at or yHi ghSchooll ocat edi nBr onxNew Yor k.Wewer el edbyourpr evi ous Ki wani sAdvi s oroft heBr onxSci enceKeyCl ub,Mr .Ri char dRos ent hal .Whenwet hr eear r i vedi nMr . Ros ent hal ’ ss af evehi cl e,wewer egr eet edbyt hepr es i dentoft heBr onxShor eKi wani sCl uband mul t i pl evol unt eer sf r om t hehi ghs chool .T heywer eunl oadi ngmul t i pl ecar tl oadsofvar i ouss of tdr i nks , andT er r el landIonl ymanagedt ohol dt hedoor .However ,wheni ns i de,ever yonewasgi venan as s i gnmentanddover i ghti nt ohel pi ngt os etupt hedi nner . T er r el landIhel pedt os etupt het abl es ,wher ewepl acedt abl ecl ot hsovereachoft het abl esi na l ar gecaf et er i a,whi chwast obet hes i t eoft hedi nner .Next ,al ongwi t ht heot herhi ghs chools t udent s , wepr epar edt hecondi ment s ,whi chweal s odi s t r i but edamongs tt het abl es .Byt hen,mus i chad s t ar t edpl ayi ngandpeopl ewer ear r i vi ng.Mr .Ros ent halwasas s i gnedt ot hecooki ngs t af fwhi l et he hi ghs chools t udent swer edi s t r i but i ngt hemanyhotdogst hatcameoutoft heki t chendoor .Many wer egr at ef ult ohavet hemeal ,andaf t eras hor tt i me,manyoft hepar t i ci pant scameoutt ot he dancefloor .I twasamaz i ngt os eepeopl ehavi ngf un,wi t ht heel der l ydanci ngands i ngi ng.T heDJ wasver ycooper at i vewi t ht heki ds ,andweal lhadagr eatt i me. Af t eraf ew hour s ,wes t ar t edt ocl eanupt hear eaandMr .Ros ent halbr oughtt hehi ghs chool s t udent sout s i det hecaf et er i a,ur gi ngt hem t os t ar taKeyCl ubi nF or dham Pr ep.I twasagr eatF r i day ni ghtt ot r ul ymakechange.

Haveyous eenourT umbl rYet ?


Di vi s i on11 J uneDi vi s i onal

Dur i ngt heJ uneDi vi s i onalMeet i ng,s ever alawar dswer egi ven outt or ecogni z ei ndi vi dualmember sofKeyCl ub.T hes ear eour 2013-2014Di s t i ngui s hedKeyCl ubberwi nner s : Di s t i ngui s hedKeyCl ubberAwar d Kenj iYeoh Br onxHSofSci ence T i mmyZ hu Br onxHSofSci ence Aar onCheung Br onxHSofSci ence T er r el lMer r i t t Br onxHSofSci ence J as mi neQui ndal a Br onxHSofSci ence Chr i s t i neL i m Br onxHSofSci ence J eni f erZ heng Br onxHSofSci ence AndyZ heng Br onxHSofSci ence WendyZ hao Br onxHSofSci ence I r enaChen Br onxHSofSci ence Vi ncentCol l i chi o Br onxHSofSci ence L i s aL i u Br onxHSofSci ence Kal vi nChi St uyves antHS DannyQi u St uyves antHS L i l l i anXi e Hunt erCol l egeHS T her es aL i n Hunt erCol l egeHS Wewoul dl i ket oes peci al l yt hankt hes epas tDi s t r i ctOf ďŹ cer s : J i mmyL i n I mmedi at ePas tDi s t r i ctWebmas t er HannahSong I mmedi at ePas tDi s t r i ctBul l et i nEdi t or L i l l i anXi e I mmedi at ePas tDi vi s i on11L t .Gover nor


KeyCl ubi nt heSummer Schoolmaybeover ,butKeyCl ubnevers t ops ! Whatcanyoudodur i ngt hes ummer ? Vol unt eer :

∙ Checkoutyourl ocall i br ar yf ors omef unact i vi t i es . ∙ Readt ochi l dr enatas ummers choolors ummercamppr ogr am. ∙ St ayi nvol vedi nyourhomecl ub.Al mos tal lKeyCl ubswi l lhaveevent si nt he s ummer !

F undr ai s e:

∙ St ar taf undr ai s i ngcampai gnf oracaus eyoubel i evei n! ∙ Devel opaf uneventf ort hes ummer .Maybehos tapi cni corbar becue. ∙ As kvi s i t i ngr el at i vesf ordonat i onst owar dst heEl i mi nat ePr oj ect .

Recr ui t :

∙ Us es oci almedi at opubl i ci z eKeyCl ubt oi ncomi ngf r es hman. ∙ Speakatas ummeri ns t i t ut i onorpr ogr am aboutKeyCl ub.

Ki wani s :

∙ At t endaKi wani smeet i ng overt hes ummer ! ∙ Or gani z eaf unKF ami l y eventwi t hyours pons or i ng Ki wani scl uborCi r cl eK.

Summer !


F un&Games

Who’ st hatPokeycl ubber ?




KeyCl u P b ap i n et r h we or S k umme St at us r Cont actI nf or mat i on L i eut enantGover norAar onCheung aar oncheung. l t g@nydkc. or g KCRMr .J as onSt ei neri anj s @aol . com KCRMs .Char l ot t eOwenschar l ot t e. c. owens @gmai l . com Di s t r i ctAdmi ni s t r at orMr .J ohnGol ds t ei n nydkca@f r ont i er . com Di s t r i ctGover norJ acobSpencerj acobs pencer . gov@nydkc. or g Di s t r i ctSecr et ar yHeat herF ar l ey heat her f ar l ey. s ec@nydkc. or g Di s t r i ctT r eas ur erAnus haSyed anus has yed. t r eas @nydkc. or g Di s t r i ctBul l et i nEdi t orShar onL i ns har onl i n. edi t or @nydkc. or g Di s t r i ctWebmas t erDannyQi u dannyqi u. t ech@nydkc. or g F acebook: T wi t t er : I ns t agr am: T umbl r :

ht t ps : / / www. f acebook. com/ gr oups / nydkc11/ ht t ps : / / t wi t t er . com/ NYDKCDi vi s i on11( @nydkcdi vi s i on11) ht t p: / / i ns t agr am. com/ nydkcdi vi s i on11 bl ogs . nydkc11. or g

Edi t or i nChi ef : Edi t or :

L i eut enantGover norAar onCheung Hi s t or i anKal vi nChi

Di vi s i onalBoar dCont act Gener alEmai l I nqui r i es Execut i veAs s i s t ant Kenj iYeoh Secr et ar y Kyl eL u Hi s t or i an Kal vi nChi Webmas t er T anyaHao Soci alMedi aRep J eni f erZheng

Cal endar : J une25: KeyChai n Epi s ode2 J une30: KSi bApp Deadl i ne J ul y36: I nt er nat i onal Convent i on J ul y12: Di vi s i onalBBQ

nydkcdi vi s i on11@gmai l . com yeohk@bxs ci ence. edu ki dpengui n5@gmai l . com kal vi n155@gmai l . com t anadeko@gmai l . com z hengj 7@bxs ci ence. edu

Paper wor kSt at us



Br onxHSofSci ence DeWi t tCl i nt onHS HSofMat h,Sci enceandEngi neer i ng F i or el l oL aGuar di aHS Hunt erCol l egeHS St uyves antHS NEST +m HS HSofAmer i canSt udi es

Submi t t ed Mi s s i ng Mi s s i ng Mi s s i ng Submi t t ed Submi t t ed Mi s s i ng Mi s s i ng

Submi t t ed Mi s s i ng Submi t t ed Submi t t ed Submi t t ed Submi t t ed Submi t t ed Submi t t ed

Augus t : Eveni ng Pi cni c Sept ember4: F i r s tDayof School November28: Movi e HangOut ( Hunt er Games ) Mar ch2729: L T C


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