He zehua Air journal partA

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Image source: http://parametric-modelling.tumblr.com/post/121244015847


As a 3rd year student at the University of Melbourne, she is pursuing her first undergraduate degree in Bachelor of Environment majoring in Architecture. She is an amateur photographer who cannot stopping travelling around different places with curiosity and enthusiasm. She was born and growing up in China where she spent the most time to see, to learn, to experience and to enjoy the variety of the urban forms, the buildings and people who are gaining their lives there. Witness the rapid change of the city’s skyline in her early years, she is always keeping the interest in the power of architecture. However, she was also interested in trying different aspects until she met the building which touched her profoundly. Finally, she decided the direction and now she is firmly pursuing the life long dream of designing buildings which can touch the users, like what she felt at the beginning. After completing the study in studio Water and Earth, and construction subjects, she started to understand designing process in space exploration with a gain in various techniques, such as drawing, modelling and using softwares. She firstly learned digital design and fabrication process in a previous subject with satisfying the design brief of 2nd skin sleeping pod. After that, she was engaged in AA visiting school Hong Kong program with a further discovery in digital process by assembling a sugar 3D printer to achieve her design. Now, she is looking forward to exploring the parametric design which is from the future to present in studio Air with an outstanding tutor and friendly colleagues.

Studio earth: A place for keeping secret

Digital design and fabrication: sleeping pod

AAVS Hong Kong: Sugar print

A.1 DESIGN FUTURING “Effectively, what we have done, as a result of the perspectival limitations of our human centredness, is to treat the planet simply as an infinite resource at our disposal.1” – Tony Fry

1. Fry, Tony (2008). Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice (Oxford: Berg), pp. 1

Image source: 2392040275 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geKHBz8JUhE

CASE STUDY 1 Project: Masdar City Masterplan Architect: Foster + Partners Time: 2007 Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Masdar city masterplan is an experiment of applying technology to urban design to achieve carbon neutral and zero waste community in the desert. As a dynamic and complex activity with the expertise of a range of disciplines, Foster + Partners is using a research and analysis based method as well as considering the needs and aspirations of people who are using the urban spaces.1 Different with previous urban design ideas of copying successful precedent to an existing city2, the team has explored the potential for innovation in the process of

systematic analysis of the complicated context. The application of computational simulation was used to visualise how scenarios will play out in the city. The aim is to create a centre for the advancement of new ideas for energy production to explore the development of renewable energy and clean-technology solutions for a life beyond oil3. As a mixeduse, low-rise, high-density development, the community aims to achieve energy self-sufficient through the wind and solar power, and it also encourage a healthy life style for people.

1. Francis Aish, Adam Davis and Martha Tsigkar1, Ex Silico Ad Vivo: Computational Simulation and Urban Design at Foster + Partners, in Architecture Design, < http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com.ezp.lib.unimelb.edu.au/doi/10.1002/ad.1626/epdf> [accessed 10 August 2016] 2. Peter Katz, Vincent Joseph Scully and Todd W Bressi, The New Urbanism: Toward an Architecture of Community, McGraw-Hill (New York), 1994 3. Masdar Development, in Foster + Partners < http://www.fosterandpartners.com/projects/masdar-development/> [accessed 10 August 2016]

Image source: http://www.fosterandpartners.com/projects/masdar-development/

Image source: http://www.fosterandpartners.com/projects/masdar-development/

CASE STUDY 2 Project: Cloud Corridor Architect: MAD Architects Time: 2015 Location: Los Angeles, USA

This project is a conceptual design in a competitiion and has not been built yet. Althrough it lacks construction phase to support, it can still be considered as an experimental attempt towards the future. It can provide various possibilities and alternative solutions to the urban design studies1. While maintain a high density sustainable urban life for residents, the project try to create harmonious relationship between people and nature. By reset the streets vertically, there are connective corridor for horizontal circulation. The green building design is from the philosophy that residential uilding should respond to nature and emphasize the environment.2 Vertical garden is a on-going development for high-rise buildings to ensure the sustainable environment and users’ comfort. In this project, the garden patios and courtyards provide a unique environment within the surrounding urban density.3 Next to the Museum Row, the podium of Cloud Corridor functions as a public park as well a transportation hub. The multi-functions of this area can activate the efficience during different time, such as after museum hours.

1. Dunne, Anthony & Raby, Fiona (2013) Speculative Everything: Design Fiction, and Social Dreaming (MIT Press) pp. 1-9, 33-45 2. Yansong Ma, ‘MAD Envisions the Future of Residential Buildings in Los Angeles’, in Archdaily <http://www.archdaily.com/> [accessed 10 August 2016] 3. Lucy Wang, ‘MAD Architects unveil futuristic Cloud Corridor skyscrapers for Los Angeles’, in habitat <http://www.inhabitat.com/> [accessed 10 August 2016]

Image source: http://www.designboom.com/architecture/mad-architects-ma-yan song-cloud-corridor-shelter-rethinking-how-we-live-in-los-angeles-08-28-2015

A.2 DESIGN COMPUTATION “With in the last decade the appearance and evolution of the digital in architecture in integration with new digital technologies have begn to produce what might be termed a vitruvian effect.” – Rivka Oxman and Robert

1. Oxman, Rivka and Robert Oxman, eds (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge), pp. 1–10

Image source: https://thesismusen2012.wordpress.com/2012/09/13/inspiration-images/parametric-design-%E5%8F%82%E6%95%B0%E5%8C%96%E8%AE%BE%E8%AE%A1-2/

CASE STUDY 3 Project: The Spanish Pavilion, Expo Architect: MC2 Estudio de Ingeniería, S.L. Time: 2010 Location: Shanghai, China

The Spanish Pavilion for Shanghai Expo has a highly irregular, strongly curved free form. The difficulty is to develop an appropriate structural system to support the free form of the building. The communication and cooperation between the architecture and engineering teams throughtout the whole process is also hard to organize.1 Computational design software plays a significant role in both design process and structural system. In this case, the computer softwares for both commercial and specifically developed for this project were used. First devised as geometric NURBS surfaces in Rhino software by the architecture team, the surfaces were cut by vertical and horizontal planes to find the matched structural elements to support.1 The simulating process, as a key part in computational design, was important for correspond the structure with the facade. The specifically developed structural analysis software was used to get the optimised solution to achieve the design requirement.1 Computational software is becoming the necessary for the complex design.

1. Julio Martinez Calzon and Carlos Castanon Jimenez, ‘ Weaving Architecture: Structuring the Spanish Pavilion, Expo 2010, Shanghai’, in Architectural Design; < http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com.ezp.lib.unimelb.edu.au/doi/10.1002/ad.1106/epdf> [accessed 10 August 2016]

Image source: http://www.travismccarra.com/spanish-pavillion-shanghai-expo-2010/

Image source: http://eurocodes.jrc.ec.europa.eu/structure_spanish-pavilion-for-the-world-expo-2010-in-shanghai?id=35

Image source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Spanish_Pavilion_of_Expo_2010_nighttime.jpg

CASE STUDY 4 Project: Kuwait International Airport Architect: Foster + Partners Time: 2011 Location: Farwaniya, Kuwait

General notions of symmetry and geometry were considered together for the changed space. The working of the planar pattern is built within the context of architectural design and computeraided design (CAD) system. Different with this process which is considered as computerization, the project used the extending CAD tools for non-Euclidean use which as the domains of computational geometry expand.1 The Kuwait International Airport has a triple rotational symmetry around its origin while each of its wings has mirror symmerty.1 The using of T-splines was automatically giving curvature matching of edges. The architecture design is moving from objects of non-trivial topology to incorporate the topological considerarions of a design using digital tool.1 The new software for not only exploring the symmetry and geometry but other computational design areas appeares for the new design development. The continuing development computation media and existing techonology become the driver for designers to explore the application and approach potential of computational design and digital fabrication process in architechture.2

1. Kristoffer Josefsso, ‘ Symmetry As Geometry: Kuwait International Airport’, in Architecture Design; < http://onlinelibrary.wiley.

com.ezp.lib.unimelb.edu.au/doi/10.1002/ad.1548/epdf> [accessed 10 August 2016] 2. Oxman, Rivka and Robert Oxman, eds (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge), pp. 1–10

Image source: http://www.travismccarra.com/spanish-pavillion-shanghai-expo-2010/

Image source: http://eurocodes.jrc.ec.europa.eu/structure_spanish-pavilion-for-the-world-expo-2010-in-shanghai?id=35

Image source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Spanish_Pavilion_of_Expo_2010_nighttime.jpg


“Only parametricism can adequately organise and articulate contemporary social assemblage at the level of compleity called for today.” – Patrik Schumacher

1. Schumacher, Patrik (2011). The Autopoiesis of Architecture: A New Framework for Architecture (Chichester: Wiley), pp. 1-28

Image source: http://www.parametricdesign.net/

CASE STUDY 5 Project: ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion Architect: ICD/ITKE University of Stuttgard Time: 2015-2016 Location: Stuttgard, Germany

The Institute for Computational Design (ICD) and the Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) of the University of Stuttgart have complete this research pavilion to showcase the potential of computational design, simulation and fabrication processes in architecture. 1 Computational design is a revolution that changes the understanding and process of architectural design. Different with the traditional composition mode which is deconstruction and geometry form changes, the pavilion is characterised by a twofold bottom-up design strategy based on the biomimetic investigation of natural segmented plate structures and novel robotic fabrication methods for sewing thin layers of plywood. This is not simply composition of the geometry but a analytic simulating morphology generation based on the original biological concept. The architecture has its own orders and the arrangement of the building is the result of the functional distribution.2 The project was developed by recognizing the material characteristics as an algorithm input. The robotic fabrication of the pavilion is also based on all the systematic analysis of the structure and material systems to match the parametric model. And finally people can access both the physical pavilion structure and the digital model.

1. ICD/ITKE Research pavilion 2015-16, in Institute for Computational design<http://icd.uni-stuttgart.de/?p=16220> [accessed 10 August 2016] 2. Schumacher, Patrik (2011). The Autopoiesis of Architecture: A New Framework for Architecture (Chichester: Wiley), pp. 1-28

Image source: http://icd.uni-stuttgart.de/?p=16220

Image source: http://icd.uni-stuttgart.de/?p=16220

Image source: http://icd.uni-stuttgart.de/?p=16220

CASE STUDY 6 Project: Museo Soumaya Architect: Fernando Romero EnterpresE (FREE) Time: 2011 Location: Mexico City, Mexico

The Museo Soumaya was an iconic stucture museum in Mexico City. The project adopted complex computational design approch to achieve the form without precedent or local expertise. The central digital model of this building was also applied throughtout the construction phase to ensure the whole team can make decisions in real time efficiently.1 By laser scanning the physical model which was refined in the early design process, the digital model was for defining the surface as well as the layout of the curving columns and horizontal steel rings on the design surface. Therefore, the tight connection between algorithm and computation given a new interpretation of design and construction process.2 The detailed data and design parameters were fed into the simulation and algorithms and the multiple design iterations optimized to meet the project requirement, while this process has been called “computational design” and “generative design”.3 The generation process can simulate the best solution for the form.

1. Fernando Romero and Armando Ramos, Bridging a Culture: The Design of Museo Soumaya, in Architecture Design < http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com.ezp.lib.unimelb.edu.au/doi/10.1002/ad.1556/epdf> [accessed 10 August] 2. Definition of ‘Algorithm’ in Wilson, Robert A. and Frank C. Keil, eds (1999). The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences (London: MIT Press), pp. 11, 12 3. Builtr, ‘ Generative Architecture-Transformation by Computation’; <http://www.builtr.io/> [accessed 10 August 2016]

Image source: http://www.archdaily.com/548366/video-time-lapse-through-fr-ee-s-museo-soumaya

Image source: https://dzunyck.wordpress.com/tag/art/

Image source: http://architizer.com/projects/museo-soumaya/

A.4 CONCLUSION In part A, there are different projects shown to support the discussion about the process of changing architectural industry. By utilizing digital aids to achieve their deisgn brief, computational design starts to instead the traditional methods. Firstly, computational techniques support the sustatinalble design for our future. Different with the geometry based consideration, the script basd consideration can provide a unique solution through the inout context and the analysis. At the same time, it also helps to improve the building performance. Secondly, the computer as a driver makes shifts from composition to generation. Architects can use the tools to reach more accurate solutions and also design their own tools to satisfy the algorithm demand. However, there are also some disadvantages coming with the rapid development of parametric design. One obvious problem of all is that sometimes, parametric design is based on satisfying people’s aesthetic tastes or designers’ own ambition rather than problem solving or context relating.

1. Fry, Tony (2008). Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice (Oxford: Berg), pp. 1



The readings and lectures bring a broader view of digital design to me. It was quite excited to accept all those new ideas about computational design process. By understanding the differences between computerization and computation, a new approach for defining our world was given to achieve the creative ideas of architects. The parameter of controling and changing the form in a given range with set rules can really give me possibility to create the complex form. It is not only a change of tool for modeling through mathematic computer script, but it also leads a shift to the new design concepts. It . As an instance, the most significant aim for me to learn grasshopper is not memorise how to connect the parameters and components together but practice to consider the design process in a logical manner.

1. Fry, Tony (2008). Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice (Oxford: Berg), pp. 1


1. Fry, Tony (2008). Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice (Oxford: Berg), pp. 1

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