Some Must Knows for Kidney Transplant
Some Must Knows for Kidney Transplant
Before going for a Kidney Transplant, you need to go through some tests which make sure that the donor Kidney matches your type of blood and tissues. In this way, you can make sure that your body will not reject the new Kidney.
The surgery for Kidney Transplant takes up to three hours, and during the surgery the donor’s kidney is placed in the lower abdomen of the receiver, the blood vessels from the Donor’s Kidney are connected to the arteries and veins of the receiver and the Ureter from the donor Kidney is connected to the bladder.
Some Must Knows for Kidney Transplant Most of the time the transplanted Kidney starts functioning right away after the Surgery. For the Kidney transplant Surgery in Bangalore, make some careful choices before stepping in a Hospital, listing a few here for your convenience: 1) Research about the centers: Get an idea of the number of the transplants performed by the center in a year and also ask for their success rate of the surgery.
Welding Machines Specifications 2) Compare: Make a list of the Hospitals which you researching on the Internet or from the such as health care magazines and people are also a good source to scrupulous information.
can do by thoroughly other reliable sources testimonials of other get the correct and
3)Things which are Prohibited for you: If you are on the waiting list for Kidney transplant, then do make sure that you take care of your eating habits, if you are an alcoholic, put the glass down right away and most important, if you smoke then you need to quit this habit.
Some Must Knows for Kidney Transplant 4) The Recovery Period: The period to be fully recovered is up to six months, but it also depends on Patient to Patient , you also have to be regular with the blood-tests and X-Rays for years soon after the transplant. Kidney transplantation cost in India is somewhere around 2 to 3 Lakh, only some people in India can afford this amount, but as the economic status of most of the Indians is not good, most of them suffer an untimely death, nevertheless there are also few hospitals in India, which provide Kidney Transplant in low amount also.
Some Must Knows for Kidney Transplant If you are looking for Kidney transplant in Bangalore, make a well- researched list of the Hospitals which suits your requirements and then compare the prices with great attention. Dialysis and kidney transplant is one of the spheres that allures foreign patients to come to India. The reason, people give preference to India is the low cost of transplant as compare to their own native land.
Some Must Knows for Kidney Transplant In comparison, Kidney Disease Treatment in Bangalore is very less than other Asian, Western and European Countries. The success rate and the Kidney transplantation cost in India, allow foreigners to have the transplant on a meager amount. If you have the symptoms such as Fatigue, Nausea, Confusion, Loss of appetite, Easy Bruising, Rapid Heart Rate or any other unusual symptom like these, then do visit a Doctor soon! In
Contact us for Kidney Transplant Manipal International Patient Care For Domestic Queries, please contact Number : +91 9591 340 000 For International Queries, please contact Number : +91 99-000-27157 Mail id: Website: