the brick reimagined walk thru walls the film institute riverside pavilion trammel fossil park rendering skills design 3.1
aaron m. tkac architecture portfolio
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the brick reimagined walk thru walls the film institute riverside pavilion trammel fossil park rendering skills design 3.1
the brick reimagined
-stacking of stereotomic elements -patterns using solid/void relationships focusing on light and shadow -winner of class competition in unit design -2x6 and 1/2� mdf -first year small group project
s e co n d
walk thru walls
-private vs public space -circulation and definition of a wall/partition -creation of a folly to be constructed and occupied at full scale -2x4 and 1/2� mdf -first year group project
first second third
full scale
the film institute
-symbolism of the process behind film production -duality of the meaning of “facade,� - a screen vs a front -design a new film institute given a site in the OTR district of Cincinnati -basswood, acrylic, digital media -second year project
one two three four
final model
- flat facade as movie screen - finished product hiding the chaotic process - horizontal slats as credits to those involved in the making - diagonal cut through middle defining camera views from spectator and director’s seats respectively
riverside pavilion
-tectonics and structural relationships/details -creation of inhabited space from abstraction -group creation of series of three pavilions on Cincinnati waterfront -basswood, plaster, 3d printing -second year solo and group project
tectonic study
y - promenade
tectonic study
y - promenade
tectonic study
y - promenade
trammel fossil park
-tectonics and structural relationships/details -creation of inhabited space from abstraction -group creation of visitor center and observation deck for fossil park -rhino, vray, photoshop -second year solo and group project
Following the tectonic studies of the previous project, we gathered into groups of three to create a visitor center, observation tower, and investigative/interactive space for this local fossil park. My scope in this project was the observation tower. The idea is to have a stair within a stair; a closed, claustrophobic stairwell going up to a wide open deck at the top, followed by an open air walk back down into the underground investigative space.
rendering skills
-small collection of digital and hand renderings -first and second year
source image
graphite drawing of mausoleum, spring grove cemetery in cincinnati, oh
source image
graphite drawing of imagined floor plan and section based on source image
-rendering of original furniture piece in home environment -rhino, vray, and photoshop
-macy’s art auction fundraiser submission -prismacolor marker, micron, colored pencil, charcoal
design 3 . 1
-design group created by myself and two classmates -practicing general design with a focus on architecture -competitions and other projects
Ryterna Modul Architectural Challenge 2018 - Tiny House This was a solo competition that I competed in under the Design 3.1 name. The challenge was to design a tiny house of no more than 170sf. It needed to be built using modular construction techniques and was to accommodate 1-2 people for a week or two at a time. Because it is meant to be transportable, my idea is about adaptability and dynamism of the exterior form.
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