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This project explores integrating cycling in Hong Kong’s existing New Towns, to offer healthy and low-carbon mode of travel. It used Sha Tin district and Tai Wai as a case study site, analyzing existing traffic flows and travel mobility needs of the community. The study evaluated successful precedent cities such as Amsterdam and Copenhagen, to understand planning principles and place-making solutions that could apply to Hong Kong.

Through speculative urban planning and design drawings, the possible implementation of these systems into the context of Tai Wai was tested, to find out the practical, spatial, organizational issues that might be encountered and to explore opportunities for improving public space.


Through an integrated approach to public space redesign, the incorporation of cycling can lead to reduced car roads and parking, better pedestrian connections and spaces, and improved quality of outdoor environments, social and community interactions.

The improved infrastructure for cycling in Tai Wai should be designed in relation to, and integrated with the other existing modes of transport. Key cycling routes need to connect main residential areas, work or school locations to other transport nodes such as MTR stations or bus terminals. Cycle parking should be close integrated and other supporting facilities such as repair shops can be added.

Wan Weiqi Wang Ruosu

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