ResouRces BRochuRe

Welcome One of the UK’s leading creative materials distributors - we are a family run business with over 40 years experience and an energetic, friendly and knowledgable team. You can rely on us to help find the right solution for you and deliver the best products on time and at the best price. Reasons to love Abacus... Competitive prices Friendly, e cient and helpful sta Free delivery on orders over £100 Rapid turnaround of orders Easy online ordering We continually look at ways to improve our service and look forward to working with you. Brands we stock: plus many more...

You’ll have heard about it... Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental Commitment; we know it is important that we do, not just our bit, but SO MUCH MORE which is why we have been working on policies and processes that contribute towards a greener supply chain where ever possible: Recyclable Packaging Take our Renpak Green Line packing paper, 100% biodegradable and recyclable! Solar Energy Supply Did you know energy can still be collected on cloudy days? Which bodes well for us as it’s not always sunny in Carnforth. The energy helps power our HQ! Local Suppliers From James Cropper Papermaker to Derwent Pencils; both sit on our doorstep, creating fantastic quality products with a conscience. Positive Working Environment Our team are what makes us so special. We strive to maintain a supportive, social environment through training and development. Green Delivery Partner DPD are our chosen delivery partner who’s aim is to be the greenest delivery company on the planet! Charitable Support Lancashire Mind is a local, independent mental health charity fuelled by a passionate belief that enabling people to achieve mental wellbeing will reduce the number of people who go on to develop a mental health condition and, for those who do to have a better chance of remaining well. Carbon Offsetting We support UK woodland creation and peatland restoration projects as well as various international offsetting projects through our trusted partners Forest Carbon. Recycling Partner We use local comapny Think Recycling for all our cardboard recycling needs. With over 30 years of experience in the local waste & recycling industry, they have established an extensive network of outlets for all types of recovered material.

BesT oF BRITIsh Derwent Inktense Blocks, Tin of 12. 20CIB12 Cartridge Paper, A4 pack of 250. 07C074 Derwent: • Manufactured in the Lake District since 1832. • Burning of waste sawdust, used to heat the factory in Winter. • Comply with internationally recognised Environmental Management Standard ISO 14001. James Cropper: • Manufactured in the Lake District. • CupCycling Facility - 150 Million disposable cups upcycled into paper products and packaging. • Over 91% of water abstracted is returned clean to the river. • Net Zero by 2030.

Essdee Lino Printing Essentials Kit. 17L501 Coates Willow Charcoal, 25 Thin Sticks. 20CHT Caligo Safe Wash Relief Inks, 75ml Tubes. 17BR712** Cranfield: • Safe Wash Range is Classroom Friendly - Non - Toxic. • Hand Crafted in Britain. Essdee: • Waste Lino & SoftCut are recycled back into the manufacturing process. • Recyclable & biodegradable packaging. No Plastic • Lino is made from natural ingredients, is biodegradable & vegan friendly. • All products latex free. • Inks are water based & free of toxins. • Made in Britain. Coates: • Made in Britain. • Family Run Business since 1819. • Recyclable Packaging. • Wildlife Habitat Creation. • Biodiversity Support.

DRYING TIME at most! The paint porous surfaces than correct any mistakes at just paint another layer of completely cover the first!
uses. PC-3MPC-8K PC-17K
EXTRA BROAD 15 mm BRUSH-10mm 1.8-MEDIUM2.5mm 66 Water-soluble; use a brush to create washes NIB8SIZES PC-1MR PC-3MPC-8K PC-17K PCF-350 PC-5M ULTRA-FINE0.7mm CHISEL TIP 8 0.9-FINEmm1.3mm EXTRA BROAD 15 mm BRUSH 1 - 10 mm 1.8-MEDIUM2.5mm COLOURS Water-soluble; use a brush to create Mix to customcreatecoloursCanbelayeredYoucanreverse the nibs on 3M and 5M pens NIB SIZES POSCA the marker up and down with inside, with its characteristic homogenise the colour. can be kept in any position as back on firmly after use. The paint stored in the body of the any time. The POSCA brush tip
to customcreatecoloursYoucanreverse the nibs on
TIME paintthanmistakes at another layer of the first! to flow less freely during use, again, taking care to put the cap splatter. Re-prime the tip, test MARKER paint.ofare ready brush create Mix 3M and 5M POSCA marker up and down with inside, with its characteristic the colour. can be kept in any position as back on firmly after use. The stored in the body of the time. The POSCA brush tip stored in a horizontal position. mistakes at layer of theflowfirst!less freely during use, again, taking care to put the cap splatter. Re-prime the tip, test are ready Water-based paint marker all materials and all PCF-350 use a brush to create nibs on 3M and 5M
DRYING TIME minutes at most! The paint porous surfaces than can correct any mistakes at dry, just paint another layer of will completely cover the first! RE-PRIME the paint begins to flow less freely during use, shake the marker again, taking care to put the cap first to avoid paint splatter. Re-prime the tip, test off you go again! PRIME THE MARKER on a spare piece of completely filled with paint. excess paint, and you are ready 42 GUIDE
CHISEL TIP 8 0.9-FINEmm1.3mm EXTRA BROAD 15 mm BRUSH 1 - 10 mm COLOURS66 Water-soluble;
42 GUIDE PC-1MR PC-3MPC-8K PC-17K PCF-350 PC-5M ULTRA-FINE0.7mm CHISEL TIP 8 0.9-FINEmm1.3mm EXTRA BROAD 15 mm BRUSH 1 - 10 mm 1.8-MEDIUM2.5mm COLOURS Water-soluble; use a
PREPARING YOUR POSCA Vigorously shake the marker up and down with the cap on. The ball inside, with its characteristic will thus homogenise the colour.
RE-PRIME the paint begins to flow less freely during use, shake the marker again, taking care to put the cap first to avoid paint splatter. Re-prime the tip, test you go again! THE MARKER on a spare piece of completely filled with paint. excess paint, and you are ready PCF-350PC-3M PC-5M
customMwashesixtocreatecoloursCanbelayeredYoucanreverse the
STORAGE Your POSCA markers can be kept in any position as long as the cap is put back on firmly after use. The integrated ball means the paint stored in the body of the can be re-mixed at any time. The POSCA brush tip exception. It should be stored in a horizontal position.
CHISEL TIP 8 mm 0.9-FINE1.3mm stored in a horizontal position. Posca PCF-350. 21PCF350*. Posca PC-1MR. 21PC1R*. Posca PC-1M. 21PC1**. Posca PC-3M. 21PC3*. Posca PC-5M. 21PC5* Posca PC-7M. 21PC7**. Posca PC-8K. 21PC8*. Posca PC-17K. 21PC17*. PC-1MPC-7MPC-3M PC-17KPC-5M CHISEL TIP 8 mm EXTRA-FINE0.7mmBULLETTIP4.5-5.5mm0.9-FINE1.3mm EXTRA BROAD 15 1.8-MEDIUMmm2.5mm 66 Water-soluble; use a brush to create washes 8 PC-17K PCF-350 0.9-1.3 mm EXTRA BROAD 15 mm BRUSH 1 - 10 mm COLOURS66 Water-soluble; use a brush to create customwashesixtocreatecoloursCanbelayeredYoucanreverse the nibs on 3M and 5M pens PREPARING YOUR POSCA Vigorously shake the marker up and down with cap on. The ball inside, with its characteristic thus homogenise the colour. STORAGE POSCA markers can be kept in any position as as the cap is put back on firmly after use. The ball means the paint stored in the body of the be re-mixed at any time. The POSCA brush tip exception. It should be stored in a horizontal position.

 1. Posca Markers Black 8pc Assorted Set. 21PC018. 2. Posca Markers PC-5M 4pc Mono Set. 21PC545. 3. Posca Marker PC-3M 8pc Starter Set. 21PC381. 4. Posca Markers PC-5M Collection Box 39pc. 21PC5397. 1. 2. 4.3.

 4. 5. 6.3. 1. Janome 230dc Computerised. 140110 2. Janome Overlocker 9300dx. 140160 3. 150cm Tape Measure. 14TM60 4. Tailors Chalk Box of 10. 14TCA10 5. Gütermann Sew-all Thread 100m. 1431000 6. Seam Ripper. 14S

1. Montana Water Based Spray Paint. 10136** 2. Winsor & Newton Designers Gouache. 10PW14*** 3. Daler Rowney System 3 500ml. 01S3500*** 4. Winsor & Newton Drawing Ink. 10DW14*** 5. Mungyo Soft Pastel 36 Set. 20SM36 2. 3. 4. 5.

2. 3. see The FuLL RANGe oN WeBsITeouR 1.

 1. Winsor & Newton A-Frame Easel. 03ES9 2. Studio Drying Rack On Castors 25 Shelve 720x520mm. 5R1211 3. Printing Press Table, 4-Wheels. 5112 4. Rotatrim Mastercut Rotary MCA1. 09R1 5. Total Clean 5 In 1 Air Purifier. 54113 6. Beam Light Box A3. 03BB3 7. Wacom 2 Intuos Small Tablet With Pen & Bluetooth. 03112 5. 6. 7. 4.

cLAssRooM esseNTIALs 2.1. 3. personalisedApronscanbewithyourlogo!

 C-Fold Paper Towels. 031001 2. Centrefeed Paper Roll. Pack of 6. 030016 3. Blue Acorn Canvas Apron. 03PA2 4. Uniwipe Midi Cleaning Wipes Pack Of 100. 030018 5. Selgiene Ultra Virucidal 750ml Cleaner T066. 030052 6. Leyland Trade Emulsion Matt Brilliant White 10l. 10E210 7. Blue Nitrile Powder Free Large Gloves Box Of 100. 03LG13 8. Washing Up Liquid 500ml. 030001 9. Foam Backed Scouring Pad, Pack of 10. 030008 see The FuLL RANGe oN WeBsITeouR 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

From early Key Stages to Further and Higher Education, our Creative Kits come assmbled, saving you time andCreativemoney.Kits for every subject, course & degree! Creative Kits: • Key Stage 4 • GCSE Plus / A-Level • Essential Art • Graphics Art • Digital Media • Textiles / Haberdashery • Architecture / Interior Design • Photography Looking for something specific? Abacus can assemble the perfect bespoke pack for any of your needs, delivered direct to the student or your establishment. Have you thought about using our ‘direct to student’ service? • Create your bespoke kit with the help of one of our dedicated team or choose from our wide variety of pre-exisitng kit packages. Then we do all the rest... • We will set up your school/ college/university with a personal web portal, for students to access to purchase their own kit. Providing more flexibility and less stress for you. • We pack and deliver kits at a time that suits your needs, or direct to student, so they have their Creative Kits ready for term, with no extra hassle. Interior YOURBUILDOWNKIT!

We are proud to be supporting Forest Carbon in their reforestation and peatland restoration projects • Between May and October 2022 Abacus Creative Resources have set ourselves a target to deliver 10000 Creative Kits to students throughout the UK. • For every 1000 kits created, we will donate to projects both in the UK and internationally, to help offset our current carbon footprint and plant new trees to aid in future carbon capture. • With your help, our aim is to offset over 3000kg of carbon and plant over 100 trees. • If you are interested in hearing more about our partnership with Forest Carbon or for more information about how you can get involved, why not give us a call! PROUD TO BE SUPPORTING OYURCREATIVE KITS...CREATINGNEWWOODLAND

 • @abacuscreativeresources coNTAcT: Office: 01524 730240 • Email: Unit 8 Oakwood Way, Carnforth Business Park, Carnforth, Lancashire LA5 9FD “Really impressed by Abacus, you are e cient, very competitive, and a pleasure to work with.” “Thank you so much the art packs are likefantasticusual” “We would like to thank you for all your help & e ciency in supplying art materials for our students & sta through the year. You are supplying a great service”