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A was held in Edmonton on November 5, 2022, where the Edmonton Spanish Maranatha and the Edmonton Spanish Renacer churches merged to become the Edmonton Spanish Eben-Ezer Seventhday Adventist Church*.

The unification service was held at the Edmonton Spanish Maranatha Church location and began at 10:30 am. Conducted under the direction of the Alberta Conference, those present included Pastor Wayne Williams, Executive Secretary/ VP for Administration; Keith Richter, Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer; Pastor George Ali, Ministerial Director/Evangelism and Church Planting; Troy McQueen, Communications/ IT Director and Pastor Gardner Bermudez, Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry in Canada. Those present representing the Spanish churches included Pastor Jose Eric Saldana, Laura Rodas (representing the Edmonton Spanish Maranatha Church) and Rosa Cruz (representing the Edmonton Spanish Renacer Church).

(Back row) Pastor Jose Saldana, Wayne Williams, George Ali, (front row) Keith Richter and Pastor Gardner Bermudez.

Someone once said that to remember is to live again, and I would like to tell you a little about both churches. In 2004, approximately ten Hispanic families formed the Edmonton Maranatha Company and then with the dedication of its members became an organized church in 2009. Renacer began to form in late 2006 and early 2007 where a small group of Hispanic brothers studied the Bible on a small terrace of a building located in the city of Edmonton. Not long after, this Bible study group grew to become the Edmonton Spanish Renacer Company. On June 4, 2011, they became an organized church.

(From left to right) Noemi Quintero, Rosa Cruz and Irma Reyes counting the votes for new church name.

Next, I will share how the unification initiative between both churches began. For approximately 18 months I have been pastoring the Hispanic district and have worked closely with both churches. I have witnessed how these churches faced and handled the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic that included a decrease in attendance, leadership and finances. These challenges greatly affected the progress of God's work in many ways. After much prayer and discussion, it was decided by both churches that the best plan of action was to merge, to join forces to advance the kingdom of heaven on earth together.

Henry Rodriguez speaking to the audience.

Thanks, to our Lord Jesus, the Alberta Conference and the Hispanic coordination of Canada for guiding and supporting a strengthening solution during these challenging days. The unification proposal brought hope and strengthened the ties of love and cooperation between both churches and members; it has also unified their desire to fulfill the mission, organization, administration and pastoring for both churches.

Youth special music.

The merge brings significant benefits to both churches such as the gifts and talents for the fulfillment of Jesus' mission are duplicated, stronger together to face trials and challenges, increased financial resources for the progress of God's work, decrease in operating expenses, and finally, the merge strengthens the search for a church building project.

*Formalities of the new nameare in process with CRA

By Jose Eric Saldana, Pastor, Edmonton, Spanish Eben-Ezer Adventist Church

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