4 minute read


Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. Colossians 1:10 ESV

This school year, our theme at South Side Christian School is “Walking Worthy.” When I first came across this idea, I couldn’t have imagined a better phrase that captured Jesus’ essence and ministry while He was on earth. I have been digging deeper into what this phrase means to me, and I always come back to Jesus. Looking at His life from a young boy studying scripture, to His final steps with a cross on His back, ready to sacrifice Himself for our sins. His words, thoughts, and actions all displayed perfectly what it truly means to walk in a way that is pleasing to God.

Mr. Densmore Outdoor Classroom.

To emphasis our school theme, we’ve integrated "Walking Worthy" into our worships, activities, and outreach projects. In September we had A Terry Fox run, where students were “running worthy,” bringing awareness towards such a deserving cause. In October, we had a wonderful outreach fundraiser, collecting socks for Safe Harbour, a homeless shelter serving Red Deer. For our “Sock-tober” fundraiser, we beat our goal of 500, and were able to donate a total of 1,326 pairs of socks. We firmly believe that walking worthy doesn’t just mean walking worthy on our own, but also sharing Jesus, and following in His footsteps to warm the feet and hearts of others.

Mrs. Polishuk performing for Assembly with grades 2-3 class.

Even though we’re only a quarter into the school year, I can already see students and staff beginning to put this theme into practice. The staff at SSCS have gone above and beyond and are truly leading by example. Mr. Densmore started putting together an outdoor school over the summer months, for students to enjoy. Ms. Chokka has a listening ear and is quick to help others when needed. Ms. Heroux’s strong desire to update our kitchen by organizing hot lunches for the students to enjoy is encouraging. Ms. Natalia has such a gentle spirit working with children. Mrs. Holly continually gives her all, helping wherever she is needed. Mr. J is always willing to share Jesus with the students in his conversation and by his actions. Mrs. Polishuk demonstrates her passion for the Lord through music and a caring heart. Mr. Caponpon dedicates time to keep our school clean, which in turn helps to keep us healthy. Our students are praying for each other, leading by example to the younger students, helping without being asked, and encouraging their classmates. This is only the beginning of what I know will be a great school year.

Mrs. Bellerive volunteering with K-1 Class.

Even those outside of school, who may not know our theme, we notice your acts of "Walking Worthy." Church members who have been able to give financially, we greatly appreciate your support. Volunteers and parents who give their time and energy to grow and assist our school, even with other family, health, and financial issues going on behind the scenes, keep our school functioning. As a school, we are so blessed to have our community and church family sustaining us, as we continue to grow.

Mrs. Natalia and Lexie.

I’m encouraged everyday looking at how Jesus, my colleagues, students, our church family, and volunteers are being used by God, and boldly walking a life that is truly worthy. It is my prayer and goal that each of us will reflect on the idea of walking worthy and choose the same path each and every day.

By Martha Boehner, Head Teacher, South Side Christian School

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