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The pastors of the Edmonton Central Church, pastors Dorelus and Hamstra, recently shared a series on the Ten Commandments, alternating nightly presentations. Church member, Ina Martin, shares some thoughts on what the presentations meant to her.

As I reflect on the Ten Commandments series held at the Edmonton Central Church, I am reminded that God’s words still stand true today and will remain relevant throughout eternity. What I have rediscovered is the importance of God’s law written with His own fingers on tablets of stone.

Pastor Roberson Dorelus

Pastor David Hamstra.

What an incredible journey for Moses. Standing in front of the burning bush, moving slowly closer despite some hesitancy, and then repeatedly turning all his insecurities and fears over to God. As a result, God was able to use him to lead Israel out of captivity from Egypt. I have learned from this story of Moses that you and I must be willing to continually say yes to God even if we have insecurities and fear. The scripture tells us that God had greater things in store for Moses, but his persistent doubts put a limit on how far he could go.

I am certain the Israelites were humbled and learned many valuable spiritual lessons when God allowed them to endure such hardships, homelessness, and uncertainty. They learned that God would provide for their needs despite challenging times and blessed them. Similarly, when we encounter desperate times, we too can look for spiritual lessons even in difficulties. (Deuteronomy 8:1-18)

Pastor Roberson Dorelus reviewed God's first commandment (No other Gods before me) in Exodus 20: 1-3. He emphasized the importance for God to establish an exclusive relationship with His people just has He intended with the children of Israel. God wants to take first place in our lives. The framework of God's first commandment is wrapped in love. Referring to the third command in Exodus 20:7, Dorelus stated that we need to be careful how we carry God’s name and live in such a way that will honour God’s name. Next, Dorelus passionately emphasized the importance of honouring your parents as stated in the fifth command found in Exodus 20:12. The question was asked by Dorelus, “how do we honour someone?” He responded by stating, “When we honour someone, we will not disrespect them.” Dorelus reminded us that the fifth commandment is the bridge that leads to human connections in the commandments that follow. Dorelus’ presentation on the seventh commandment (Exodus 20:14), was very touching dealing with relationships from a Biblical perspective. He directed the audience to Matthew 19:4-5 and Luke16:18 to set the boundaries and guidelines for a healthy relationship.

Sabbath is a day that puts us in a right relationship with each other and with God.

Dorelus took time to expound on the beauty and gratitude of a healthy relationship and how to avoid pitfalls in marital relationships.

Focusing on the fourth commandment to “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy,” Pastor David Hamstra shared about his Sabbath experience growing up as a child. This presentation was one that resonated with me the most as it brought back my

own memories as a child about Sabbath observance. Hamstra directed the audience to Isaiah 58: 13-14, then said, “God wants us to delight in Him on the Sabbath day.” Hamstra closed the fourth commandment presentation by stating, “Sabbath is a day that puts us in a right relationship with each other and with God.” Referring to the sixth commandment to not murder, Hamstra reminded the audience that the first

murder recorded in the bible (Genesis 4:9- 10), was the murder of a brother. Hamstra stated how Jesus made it clear in God’s eyes the emotion of hate, rage and the act of murder are on the same page as our thoughts, our words, and our actions. (Matthew 5:21-22) As the pastors wrapped up the Ten Commandments series, I thought about the fact that as followers of Jesus, we are not exempt from difficult challenges. In addition, we are loved by a God who died on our behalf to save us.

By Ina Martin, Edmonton Central Adventist Church

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