Alberta Adventist December Edition 2023

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Social Media Etiquette for Church and School Leaders


n the June 2023 edition of the Alberta Adventist News (AAN). I talked about Using Social Media for Effective Church Outreach. In this article I'd like to build on the idea of social media use and talk about social media etiquette for church and school leaders. Just as there are best practices for using social media effectively for church outreach, there are also several critical things to be aware of when using social media to avoid potential pitfalls and damage to the church/school’s reputation or individual embarrassment. The Alberta Conference has had a clear social media policy in place since 2014 to provide guidance and expectations for employees and volunteers

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when using social media in both personal and professional capacities. The policy ensures that employees and volunteers maintain a positive online presence that reflects the Conference's core values, promotes unity, and protects the privacy and confidentiality of its members. I will refer to the Alberta Conference Social Media Policy several times throughout this article. Be wise in our use of technology We need to remember that as Christians, we are called to be wise in our use of technology. Colossians 4:5-6 says, "Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt,


so that you may know how you ought to answer each person." We need to be mindful of how we use social media and make sure that our online presence reflects the values and mission of the gospel. This means being intentional about what we post, who we follow, and how we interact with others online. Be Mindful of Your Audience The first thing to be aware of when posting to social media is to be mindful of your audience. When posting on social media, remember that your audience includes both your church or school and the wider online community. Avoid sharing content that may alienate or offend others,

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