Alberta Conference Camp Meeting 2024

Page 1

Alberta Conference Vision Statement:




for the next five years:

Deeper, Wider, Younger

Going Deeper with Jesus


Going Wider with Discipleship and Outreach

Going Younger with a focus on Children, Youth and Young Adults

Ladybug sleeping
Al Reimche


Message from the President 4

Alberta Conference Administration 6

Main Auditorium Speakers 8

Seminar Speakers 16

Conference Happenings with Debbie 28

Theme Song 29

Main Schedule 30

Seminar Schedule 31

Sabbath School for (July 13) 36

Camp Meeting Activities 41

Children’s | Youth | Young Adult Divisions Schedule 43

Teen / Youth Speaker 44

Young Adult Speaker (Tea House) 46

Foothills Camp Aerial View 50

Foothills Camp Map Sections 51

South Camping Area 52

North Camping Area 53

East RV Park Section A 54

East RV Park Section B 55

Camp Meeting Offerings 56

Camp Meeting Offering (Form) 57

Camp Meeting General Information 58

Cafeteria Menu 59

Emergency Procedures 60

Emergency Phone Numbers 61 Guidelines & Policies 62 Dog Policy 64

Prayer Walk Map 66 AD DIRECTORY

Alberta Conference Strategic Plans 2 New Online Will Option 5

Prayer Ministries 7

New Assistive Listening System 11

Club Ministries Parade 13

Charitable Gift Annuities 19

Mass Choir & Orchestra 21

Haystacks 5k Fun Run 23

Stay Connected with your Alberta Adventist Family 26

Pathfinders Fundraise 27

Installing Adventist Giving App 32

International Food Fair 33

ABC Week at a Glance 34

Bella & Friends 37

Connect. Share. Inspire. 38

Sunday Fun Day 39

Burman University 40

Children’s Division Programs 42

Want to be Baptized? 45

As One | Summer Camp Schedule 47

Club Ministries Opportunities 48

Club Ministries Save the Date 49

Education Hub 49

Pathfinders Bottle Can Collection 65


Welcome to Alberta Camp Meeting 2024! I’m absolutely thrilled that you’ve chosen to join us for this celebration of God’s goodness and grace! We’ve been praying for you! We’ve been praying that here at Camp Meeting you will encounter the living Christ in such a way that you’ll be filled with His presence, His wonderful joy, and His amazing gift of hope!

Whether you’ve come for the fantastic fellowship, the magnificent music, or the stimulating sermons, may you

be richly blessed! May this place be to you “the house of God, and the gate of heaven.” (Genesis 28:17) Our Alberta Conference Vision is to Live and Love Like Jesus. I encourage you to live out this vision right here at Camp Meeting. As we choose to serve and bless others at Camp Meeting, this encampment will truly be a foretaste of heaven!

Our theme this year, “He Will Hold Me Fast,” is a reminder that Jesus is holding you with His strong right hand. Keep looking to Him, my friend. He will never let you go!

FRIDAY JULY 19 1:30-2:30 PM

Launch seminar for NEW ONLINE WILL Option Main Auditorium

Planned Giving & Trust Services/Philanthropy Director

Assistant Director of Planned Giving/ Philanthropy


Jeff Potts President

Melissa Cooke Executive Secretary/VP for Administration

Prayer Spots walk:

Make time to be in the presence of the Lord and listen to Him speak to your heart. Maps for the walk will be at the Camp Office. Make time during the week to stop at each prayer spot to reflect and mediate on the Word of the Lord.


See page 66 or scan QR code for Prayer Walk Map

Seeking a space to be still and know God?

The Heritage Church, that is the little white church on campus, will be available for quiet times with God for Him to hold you fast between 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. each day.



Be the person who opens space for conversations with God. When you chat with someone, say, “Is it okay with you if I pray for you?” If they say, ‘Yes,’ then do it! If they say, ‘No.’ tell them, “That is fine. Have a great day.”

Nightly Prayer Time:

Anointing Service:

In the chapel following the evening meeting in the auditorium, around 8:45 p.m. You are welcome to come together to pray and close out the day. We will have a time of being in the presence of God, sharing God Sightings, praying for the requests that have come in that day. Meetings will be July 13 to 19 inclusive.

The final Friday night, July 19, we will have an anointing service in the chapel following the meeting in the auditorium. You are most welcome to seek the Lord in prayer for healing: spiritually, physically, relationally, emotionally, whatever it is for which you invite God’s intervention.

Prayer Request Boxes: Will be located around the campus, in the various washrooms and main auditorium. Please feel free to put your prayer requests into the boxes provided. The requests will be collected every day.



Jeff Potts

President, Alberta Conference

Friday, July 12 (7:00 p.m.)

Jeff Potts is recognized as a pastor at heart and passionate church planter. He has pastored churches in various provinces and conferences across Canada. After serving in Ontario and British Columbia, Potts went to the Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference in 1999, where he planted four new churches in four years in the Winnipeg area before being called to serve as ministerial director and subsequently executive secretary for that conference. Potts has earned both a Master of Divinity and a Doctor of Ministry from the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University. In July 2017, he was invited to pastor the College Heights Church, located on the campus of Burman University. Jeff and his wife Nancy have four daughters and four grandchildren.

James Winegardner

President/Chief Executive Officer at Adventist Risk Management Saturday, July 13 (11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.)

Sermon Titles:

Held Fast – Jonah

Held Fast – David

James Winegardner was born and raised in Texas, where he graduated from Southwestern Adventist University (then Southwestern Adventist College) and received a degree in Religion. After serving as a pastor in the Texas Conference, he studied law at Southern Methodist University, where he received a Juris Doctor degree in 1987. During the next 25 years of law practice, James served Adventist Health System/US, Adventist Risk Management, and Farmers Insurance. He also operated a private litigation practice and was board certified in Personal Injury Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. He returned to full-time pastoral ministry in the Texas Conference in 2011, ultimately serving the Keene church at his alma mater. In August of 2021, he was elected to serve as president/CEO at Adventist Risk Management. James is married to Mary Ellen and has three daughters Megan, Emma, and Lily. He resides in Silver Spring, MD.


Mansfield Edwards

Vice President for Evangelism, Community Outreach, Seniors Ministries, and Indigenous Ministries, Ontario Conference

Dr. Mansfield Edwards is currently the vice president of the Ontario Conference of Seventh-day Adventists for Evangelism, Community Outreach, Seniors Ministries, and Indigenous Ministries.

Edwards was president of Ontario Conference from 2008 until June 2023.

Prior to his call to serve in Quebec Conference as pastor and co-chair of the English Sector Evangelism Council, Dr. Edwards served in East Jamaica Conference as a district pastor, and later as a departmental director in Youth, Health, Communications and PARL Departments.

Saturday, July 13

(4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.)



Sermon Title:

Leading His Flock

Scripture: 2 Tim 2:15

In 2002, Pastor Edwards was called to Ontario Conference to serve as the lead pastor of Apple Creek Church, where he founded the Discover the Power TV Program aired on Vision TV, Hope TV and around the world via satellite. A few years ago, he also launched the Media Ministry and inaugurated the Ontario Conference recording studio. Together with his wife, Sharon, they have two sons, Craig and Matthew, and two grandsons.



A New Assistive Listening System is available at Camp Meeting this year in the main auditorium. To use the system, individuals will need to bring their smartphone (iphone or android device), bluetooth headphones or hearing aids to connect to their smartphone, and install the free "Listen Everywhere" app to listen during the presentation. The WIFI connection information will be provided at Camp Meeting.




David Schwinghammer

Philanthropy and Marketing Director for ADRA Canada

Monday, July 15 -

Friday, July 19

(11:00 a.m.)


in the Kingdom of God: Living the life that God intended as Stewards of the Kingdom of God

Have you ever wondered why Jesus spent so much time expounding on the Kingdom of God? Or why you are here on this planet at this place and time in earth’s history? Or even yet, has anyone ever asked you, “Just who do you think you are?” These are just a few of the questions we will explore together as we unpack the principles of the Kingdom of God. We will highlight four key areas of our lives that impact every other area: Faith, Family, Fitness and Finance. The Kingdom life is an empowered life built on great choices. Come and learn how to be faithful stewards or life managers in the Kingdom of God.

Monday, July 15

Who’s the King of the Kingdom–“Battle for the Throne”

Tuesday, July 16

Empowered Living Faith

Wednesday, July 17

Empowered Living Family

Thursday, July 18

Empowered Living Fitness

Friday, July 19 Empowered Living Finance

Dr. Dave Schwinghammer joins us from Ontario, where he currently serves as the Philanthropy and Marketing Director for ADRA Canada. Over the last 28 years he has served in various capacities as pastor of small and large congregations, Conference Director of both Stewardship and Worship departments, as well as Conference Administration. Pastor Dave has earned a Doctor of Ministry degree in the area of discipleship and worship. He is passionate about sharing the good news of life in the Kingdom of God through spoken word and music. He feels blessed to enjoy life with his wife Ingrid, daughter Albany and son Justin.

Camp Meeting Club Ministries

Attention all Adventurers, Pathfinders, Master Guides, and Master Guides in training!

Join us as we showcase our clubs to the Alberta church community. Let's unite and inspire the bystanders to join or start their club ministries!

Adventurer Clubs: Type A Uniform Meeting Time: 2:30 PM Pathfinder Clubs: Type A Uniform; Uniform inspections will be conducted in preparation for the Believe the Promise International Camporee Fall-in at 2:15 PM

Master Guides Clubs and Master Guide

Trainees: Type A if available, otherwise Type B. Please strive for uniformity within your group

Meeting Time: 2:30 PM

MeetattheLodgeParkingLot,FoothillsCampParadestarts at3:00PM

Snacks and beverages will be provided



Calvin Watkins

Vice president, Regional Liaison/Evangelism, North American Division

Monday, July 15

Hold on Help is on the Way

Tuesday, July 16

Riding out the Storm

Wednesday, July 17

Bent But Not Broken

Thursday, July 18

Holding in The Last Days

Monday, July 15 -

Thursday, July 18

(7:00 p.m.)

Dr. Calvin Watkins Sr. serves as a vice president of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists. He previously served as president of Southwest Region Conference for two terms. He brings a wealth of experience, having worked as a conference evangelist and as director for the ministerial, personal ministries, and community services departments.

In 1985, he founded the University of the Saints, a layman’s school of soul-winning with more than 700 graduates, and with four extension schools operating in English and one in Spanish.

He is the author of two books, Evangelism for the Next Millennium and 101 Ways to Win Souls. He is a widely sought-after speaker and lecturer in the field of church growth and pastoral training, speaking to both Adventist and non-Adventist audiences.

Watkins is married to his college sweetheart, Ruth Laurie, of Panama. They have three sons, Calvin Watkins II, who serves as a pastor in Southwest Region Conference, Dr. Julian L. Watkins, a medical doctor and assistant commissioner of health in New York City, and Jared Watkins, who is employed by UPS. They are also blessed with two granddaughters.


Jose H Cortes Jr.

Associate Ministerial Director for Evangelism, North American Division

Jose H Cortes Jr. treasures and loves Joanne Cortes, his wife and companion in ministry. Together, they are blessed with two boys, Jose III and Joel Benjamin. Next to God and family, his greatest joy and passion come from ministry, and about 25 years of pastoring, youth and young adult ministries, soul winning, church planting, and leadership as a conference and union departmental director.

Cortes currently serves as Associate Director of the North American Division Ministerial Association. He leads in the association’s areas of Evangelism, Church Planting, Global Mission, Church Growth, and Mission to the Cities for the Adventist Church in North America.

Ted and Sandra Deer

Discipleship Volunteer Coordinators

Friday, July 19

(7:00 p.m.)

Saturday, July 20

(11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.)

Cortes recognizes the importance of this task and continually asks the Holy Spirit for a double portion of love, vision, courage, grace, wisdom, power, and compassion to reach, retain, and reclaim others for Christ, along with the great team of about 5,000 pastors, leaders, and volunteer lay pastors across the United States, Canada, Bermuda, and the islands of Guam and Micronesia.

“Pastor Jose” holds a Master of Divinity (M.Div) from the Seventh- day Adventist Theological Seminary in Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, and a B.A. in Theology from Columbia Union College, now Washington Adventist University, in Takoma Park, Maryland.

Morning Devotional

Sabbath, July 13Sabbath, July 20

(7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.)

Pastors Ted and Sandra Deer have been Discipleship volunteer coordinators for the Alberta Conference since summer 2020. They have had the opportunity to work with and mentor a very dedicated team of disciple makers. Together with this team of disciple makers have ministered not only throughout the Alberta Conference, but throughout the world. Ted is also part-time pastor at the Mirror Seventh-day Adventist Church.



Stephane Beaulieu Chair of Religious Studies Department / Associate Professor, Old Testament Studies, Burman University


Monday-Friday, 9:30-10:45 a.m. and repeat 3:30-4:45 p.m.

Seminar: Interpretation of Scripture

See seminar schedule p.31 for locations and times.

Seminar Topics:


Biblical Stories: How to Interpret Narratives


Understanding Prophecy (General vs. Apocalyptic)


Parables: What do they Mean?


Letters: How to Read Biblical Epistles


The Old Testament in the New Testament: Interpretation Principles

Stéphane Beaulieu is Chair of the Religious Studies Department and teaches Old Testament at Burman University. Prior to joining the faculty at Burman, he was a professor at Pacific Union College for four years, served as an adjunct professor at the Andrews University Theological Seminary and the Andrews University undergrad Religion Department, and taught at Southwestern Adventist University. He pastored for nearly six years in two successive church districts (with both English and French churches) in the Maritime Conference.

He is married to Melanie Beaulieu who is a business manager.

He earned a PhD in Religion (Old Testament) from Andrews University. His dissertation investigated the identity and role of the servant in Isaiah 42:1-9 and was published by Gorgias Press in 2015 as “Behold! My Servant”: An Exegetical and Theological Study of the Identity and Role of the Servant in Isaiah 42:1-9.


Emile Maxi

Vice President for Administration/ Executive Secretary, Ontario Conference Times: Monday-Friday, 9:30-10:45 a.m. and repeat 3:30-4:45 p.m.


Healing the Wounds: A Journey Through Emotional Health and Wellness

See seminar schedule p.31 for locations and times.

Seminar Topics:

The Unhealed Wounds

The Anatomy of Grief

The Process of Emotional Healing

The Components of Emotional Healing

The Recovery Letter that Makes the Difference

Emile Maxi is an ordained minister and has been serving the Seventh-day Adventist Church for the past 32 years. He worked as a pastor in Jamaica, Montreal, Quebec and in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He is fluently bilingual, English and French.

He has also served the Seventh-day Adventist Church Organization as a Director at various levels at the Conference and Union in Canada and New Zealand respectively. Pastor Maxi served as Executive Secretary and President of the Quebec Conference. Currently, he serves as Executive Secretary, Vice President for Administration for the Ontario Conference.

Pastor Maxi holds a bachelor’s degree in Theology and a Master’s degree in Educational Administration. He is also a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist and a Certified Life Coach.

He is the author of an emotional health book: The Will to Heal, published in 2023 and a second book: The Unhealed Wounds of My Father, focusing on inter-generational trauma, to be released in July 2024.

Pastor Maxi is married to June Sequira-Maxi and together they have two young adult daughters, Juneile and Nicole Maxi. Emile and June Maxi currently live in Oshawa, Ontario.

NEW Highest Annuity Returns in 20 Years!

Alberta Conference Charitable Gift Annuities

• Guaranteed Stable Income for Life

• Immediate Charitable Tax Receipt

• Donor Wall Recognition in Mamawi Atosketan Centre*

• Multiplier Effect Option to Increase Monthly Income

If you’re 65+ and have $15,000+ you’d like to eventually invest in any aspect of God’s work in Alberta, you could receive income equivalent to better than market rates.

The Alberta Conference is one of a few organizations licensed to offer charitable gift annuities in Canada. It is the only organization offering Adventist- controlled annuities that is recognized by Canada Revenue Agency.

Call (587) 815-8785

*Donors can choose the ultimate use of the gift in Alberta. During the Community Bridge Campaign for Mamawi Atosketan Centre in Maskwacis, the amount of the CRA-recognized tax receipt can be counted as a contribution toward the MAC.

Visit the Planned Giving Office at Camp Meeting for a personal quote.


Dorhel Davis

Motivational Speaker


Monday-Friday, 9:30-10:45 a.m. and repeat 3:30-4:45 p.m.

Seminar: Connecting with Youth and Young Adults

See seminar schedule p.31 for locations and times.

Seminar Topics:


Title: Parents be Tweakin

Theme: Family and the Holy Spirit


Title: Living my best Life!

Theme: Safe and Toxic Mental Health


Title: Identity Thief

Theme: Becoming the Image of God


Title: Zombie Life

Theme: Substance/Social Media Abuse


Title: Dripping with the Spirit

Theme: The Holy Spirit and You

Dorhel has been involved in ministry from the day she was born. Her parents worked as educators and lay ministers for the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Dorhel began pursuing a Master of Divinity with a Hospital Chaplaincy emphasis at Andrews Theological Seminary in May of 2014. After graduating, in 2017, she continued her ministry experience in Huntsville, Al. While in Huntsville she participated with women’s ministry, street ministry, and young adult ministry at Oakwood University Church. She has been involved in motivational speaking for the past 10 years. She has spoken for Oakwood Adventist Academy’s week of prayer, online church services in New York, Canada, New Jersey and California. In 2019 she was the opening speaker for Women Helping Women Heal (WHWH) women’s conference in Alabama.

She is currently working to achieve her chaplaincy endorsement from the NAD Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries. She loves spending time hiking in the expansive mountains of Alabama, exploring foreign languages, and discovering cultural relativism and anthropology.

Her interests include: reading, drawing, painting, performance arts, volunteering, and spending time with her nephews and niece.

Mass Choir Orchestra &

All singers and musicians are invited to join the Mass Choir and Orchestra on Sabbath, July 20, 2024 at 11:00 AM.

Rehearsal Schedule: Monday-Thursday 1:00-2:30 PM and Friday after Vesper Service (July 15-19) at the Main Auditorium.

For queries, contact Nanette Quines:


Walt Kalkan Lay Volunteer, Alberta Conference

Times: Monday-Friday, 9:30-10:45 a.m. and repeat 3:30-4:45 p.m.

Seminar: Volunteerism for You

See seminar schedule p.31 for locations and times.

Walt is a lay volunteer serving Jesus where possible. Our team will share practical programs to serve and make positive contributions to your community. One small church has delivered over 1 million meals to the needy and your church will see practical programs to be a centre of support and influence in your community.

Rob Zama

Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada Communication Department, Hope Channel Canada’s Media Evangelist Monday - Friday 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Seminar: Techniques for sharing Jesus with your community through social media

Robert Zama recently joined the Hope Channel Canada team as Media Evangelist. Previous to this he served as the Evangelist and Associate Director for Outreach

Ministries for the Oregon Conference. Born in Romania and raised in Southern Ontario, Robert is familiar with a variety of cultures and has experience preaching in many parts of the world. He has a bachelor’s degree in theology from Burman University and a Master of Divinity from Andrews University. He is a dynamic speaker, a husband, a father of a 10-year-old daughter and loves to share the message and love of Jesus in new and relevant ways.



on to participate

The annual Camp Meeting 5K is taking place at 9AM Sunday morning in front of the Camp Office. Participants are encouraged to register in advance.

Join the Haystacks group at to participate in the bonus challenge.

Join the Alberta Conference Step Challenge and see which church takes the most steps. Anyone can participate. Submit your Camp Meeting step count totals for a chance to win a prize for your church and bragging rights for the year.

Earn bonus credit for your church by completing a 5K Walk/Run during Step Challenge week. to join


Clifmond Shameerudeen

Director of the Center for South Asian Religions, General Conference, Adventist Mission, Global Mission Centers

Wesley Szamko Pastor, Ponoka and Rimbey Seventh-day Adventist Churches

Monday - Friday 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Seminar: Faith-filled Friendships: Seeking the Unexpected Amongst Diverse Faith-Groups

Seminar Titles:

Monday: Wesley Szamko – Buddhist Conversations: Journey to Jesus

Tuesday: Clifmond Shameerudeen –

Understanding Hindus: The Center for South Asian Religions

Wednesday: Clifmond Shameerudeen – Conversations with Hindus: Keys to Friendship & Witness


Wesley Szamko – Understanding Muslims: Seven Keys to Comprehension

Friday: Wesley Szamko – Muslim Conversations: Clearing Common Muslim Objections

See seminar schedule p.31 for locations and times.


Pastor Clifmond Shameerudeen (Cliff) is currently the director for the Center for South Asian Religions of the General Conference. He is a church planter that spends his time empowering, coaching and supporting other church planters who are actively planting new group of believers in a South Asian context. Prior to joining the mission family, he was a software developer. He is a native of Guyana and is married to Amy who is from Oregon and together they have two boys: Peter and Paul.

He is a holder of a MDiv (2011) and a Doctor of missiology degree (2020) from Andrews University, Berrien Spring MI. His research is on Understanding the Diaspora South Asian worldview. He is an avid athlete who enjoys running and birding photography.

Wesley Szamko is the pastor of the Ponoka-Rimbey district. Previous to this role, he served as the Sabbath School and Personal Ministries director for the Alberta Conference for five months. He finds joy in empowering others to engage in Bible study and prayer and in effective witness and disciple-making as we prepare for Jesus’ soon return.

Wesley is from Alberta. He received his education at Burman University and Andrews University where he is currently a Doctor of Missiology candidate. Since entering full-time ministry in 1994, he has served as youth pastor, university campus pastor, senior pastor, church-planter coordinator, mission president, and division Adventist Mission director. For the last 13+ years before returning to Canada, he has served the 14 countries of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division of the General Conference (Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam).

Wesley is married to Dr. Ivonne Szamko. Together they are blessed with two children, William and Alyssia. As a family, they seek to reveal the love of God to those they meet and to help people connect to God for eternity.


International Food Fair: Indulge in a delicious feast on Sunday and support while satisfying your taste buds.

for the 2024 International Pathfinder Camporee Gillette Wyoming

The Pathfinders are gearing up to fundraise for the Believe the Promise International Camporee. This is the final chance to financially support the young participants on this extraordinary event.

Reach out to your local Pathfinder Club Director to discover other ways you can contribute to this meaningful cause. Let’s rally together to make this once - in- a- lifetime experience unforgettable for our young Pathfinders!

Here's how you can get involved during Camp Meeting 2024:

Tag Day: On Sunday, July 14th, Pathfinders will be tagging you with stickers or buttons in exchange for loose change (or even bills). Every contribution counts!

Hungry Bear: Don't worry about cooking during Camp Meeting!

“The Hungry Bear” will provide a tasty menu to fulfill all your nutritional needs.


I will be a servant of God and a friend to man

Recycling: Help the environment and the Pathfinders by recycling your bottles. Drop them in the designated bins or keep them at your campsite, a helpful Pathfinder will collect them.

Join Debbie to see what's happening in the Alberta Conference throughout Alberta and the Northwest Territories.

Debbie Schwarz was born and raised in the Kelowna area of BC and after graduating from Okanagan Academy, went to Walla Walla College, WA where she graduated with a Nutrition degree. During the next 20 years, Debbie was Director of Food Service at Sunnyside Nursing Home in Saskatoon, SK and then at Sherwood Care Nursing Home in Sherwood Park, AB. Adventure called and found her in Hong Kong for the next six years, where she worked for Adventist World Radio and Hong Kong Adventist College teaching English. Continuing the adventure, she then found herself in Uganda for four years, where she served with the Vice Chancellor of Administration and taught English as a Second Language. Being back in Canada since 2011, Debbie continues to work at the AB Conference Office as Administrative Assistant to both the President and Executive Secretary.


He will hold me fast

Verse 1

When I fear my faith will fail,

Christ will hold me fast; When the tempter would prevail, He will hold me fast. I could never keep my hold

Through life’s fearful path; For my love is often cold; He must hold me fast.


He will hold me fast, He will hold me fast; For my Savior loves me so, He will hold me fast.

Verse 2

Those He saves are His delight, Christ will hold me fast; Precious in His holy sight, He will hold me fast. He’ll not let my soul be lost; His promises shall last; Bought by Him at such a cost, He will hold me fast.

Verse 3

For my life He bled and died, Christ will hold me fast; Justice has been satisfied, He will hold me fast.

Raised with Him to endless life, He will hold me fast Till our faith is turned to sight, When he comes at last!


Please Note: Schedule times/programming may change.



9:30 - 10:45 a.m.



11:00 - 12:15 p.m.


2:00 - 3:00 p.m.


3:30 - 4:45 p.m. (REPEAT from MORNING)






JULY 19 ONLY 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. ONLINE WILLS LAUNCH Lynn McDowell


Emile Maxi

Please Note: Schedule times/seminar may change.


Monday, July 15 - Friday, July 19

Airdrie Ignite


Project: Gillette camporee

Alberta Asian Adventist Association (AAAA) Project: Club events

CAAA Project: Club events

Calgary (MV Church)

Mountaineers Pathfinders

Project: Gillette camporee

Calgary Northwinds Church Project: Worthy Student/Church Building

Central Alberta Fil-Can Assoc Project: Club events


Community SDA Church Project: Gillette camporee

Edmonton Central Northern Lights Pathfinder Club Project: Gillette camporee

Gladys Church

Project: Church Building

Expansion Project, Health Expo project and the Youth Fund

Hungry Bear Project: Gillette camporee


Project: Inspire Mamawi leadership Development program

METRO Pathfinder Project: Gillette camporee

Mirror Pathfinders

Project: Gillette camporee

Parkland Pathfinders-College Heights

Project: Gillette camporee

Red Deer Hawks Pathfinders

Project: Gillette camporee

South Side Christian School Project: School projects

Sylvan Lake Pathfinders Project: Gillette camporee

Woodland Pathfinders Project: Gillette camporee


All week Daily


Watch for tables featuring fantastic buys on all sorts of products all week long at Camp Meeting, new items added daily.


Thursday, July 18

Store Hours:

8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. and After evening meeting – 10:00 p.m.

Regular price of all music CDs/DVDs/Audio Books/ Hymnals and Song books.

Saturday Evening, July 13

Store Hours: After sunset and evening meeting – 11:00 p.m.

Sunday, July 14

Store Hours:

8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. and After evening meeting – 10:00 p.m.

Auditorium Sale: 10:30 a.m.

Join us for great buys on some of our new books. Prizes to be won!


Monday, July 15

Regular price of all family and kids’ related products.

Regular price of all Bibles and Bible accessories.


Tuesday, July 16

Store Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. and After evening meeting – 10:00 p.m.

Store Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. and After evening meeting – 10:00 p.m.


Wednesday, July 17

Store Hours:

8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. and After evening meeting – 10:00 p.m.

Regular price of all Ellen White and Devotional books.

PRAYER/ HEALTH DAY Friday, July 19

8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Regular price of all Prayer/Health/ Cookbooks and related products.

NOTE: Sales are applicable only to items that are currently in stock.

No rain checks. Items will be held until end of day ONLY.

Saturday Evening, July 20

Store Hours: After sunset and evening meeting – 11:00 p.m.

Saturday Evening Event

Spend $25.00 or more and enter to win a FANTASTIC prize!

Camp Meeting ABC Auditorium SALE List


July 13, 2024 | 9:15 AM

Song Service Scott Nischuk, Rupa Manoj, Ruby Casipe and Evelyn Razafiarivony

Welcome and prayer Pat Koller

Calgary Central Church Indigenous Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson Pastor Reynold Ferary Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Director

Dan Wilson Pastor for Grand Prairie and Lighthouse Churches

Melissa Cooke Executive Secretary/VP for Administration

MANS-MAC Update Jeff Potts

Feature President

Ken Wiebe MANS Board Chair

Lynn McDowell MAC Steering Committee Chair

Bella & Friends

Bella Potts, Pastor Tsholo Sebetlela and members of Maskwacis Congregation

Special Music Maskwacis

Closing Prayer Trevor Boller

Alberta Indigenous Ministries Volunteer Coordinator

Lynn McDowell Presenter
Kent Wiebe Presenter
Bella Potts Presenter
Tsholo Sebetlela Presenter
Scott Nischuk Pianist
Ruby Casipe Chorister Evelyn Razafiarivony Chorister
Rupa Manoj Chorister
Trevor Boller Presenter
Jeff Potts Presenter
Reynold Ferary Presenter Dan Wilson Presenter
Pat Koller Prayer
Melissa Cooke Presenter

Alberta Conference Camp Meeting 2024



in Adventist Journey* Now meet her in person

Alberta Conference Camp Meeting Featuring Bella & Friends

Lesson Study 9:15 AM With Pastor Reynold Ferary Feature 9:45 AM



Photo by Trevor Boller

Join the Alberta Conference Online Community and inspire others to share the Gospel.



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Follow us on social media for uplifting content and updates.

Don’t miss out—sign up for the Alberta Adventist News and eNews today!

Ladder Toss
Sponge Toss
Hay Ride
Bocci Ball
Axe throwing
Face Painting
And much more!


S “ H I ” T E A J U L Y 1 3 , 202 4


For more information about activity ticket purchases and wristbands, please check with the summer camp store.

Tickets for activities will be sold in person at the new ticket booth.

Activities run Monday-Friday and are weather permitting.

Limited space is available.

• Horses*

• High Ropes*

• Paddling*

• Archery*

• Rock Wall*

• Pool*

• Water Sports*

• Crafts

• Tumbling

*Wristbands are required for the activity.


Please respect Camp Staff, Conference Workers and Volunteers - penalties may apply for misconduct.

Wear closed-toed shoes for: horse, high ropes, and rock wall activities. Swim test may be required by the lifeguards.

Dress appropriately.

Activities subject to weather and staff discretion.

Be punctual; missed time is your responsibility.


0 – 2 years old

Debbie Bell


3 -4 years old

Fern Sheffield


5-6 years old

Leisa Afflick


7-9 years old

Dennalia Fray

10 - 12 years old

Pr. Ian Bramble



Roll / Nursery (0 - 2 yrs)

Location: Cradle Roll Building

Debbie Bell – Leader

Sabbaths: 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

(a.m. only – no afternoon class)

Monday - Friday: 9:45 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.

3:45 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.

Kindergarten (3 - 4 yrs)

Location: Kindergarten Building

Fern Sheffield – Leader

Sabbaths: 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Sunday: 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Monday - Friday: 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Primary A (5 - 6 yrs)

Location: Primary Building

Leisa Afflick – Leader

Sabbaths: 9:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Sunday: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Monday - Friday: 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Primary B (7 - 9 yrs)

Location: Tent in front of Lodge

Dennalia Fray – Leader

Sabbaths: 9:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Sunday: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Monday - Friday: 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Juniors (10 - 12 yrs)

Location: Junior Building

Pr. Ian Bramble – Leader

Sabbaths: 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Sunday: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Monday - Friday: 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Teen/Youth (13 - 18 yrs)

Location: Lower Level by the Sports Field Pr. Jonathan Deximo – Leader

Sabbaths: 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Sunday: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Mon., Tues., & Fri. mornings: 10:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Wed., & Thur.

(no morning meeting - activity planned off site)

Monday - Friday evenings: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

“The Tea House” (19 -30 yrs)

Location: Field right by the Gate Entrance

Pr. Massiel Davila-Ferrer – Leader

Sabbaths: 10:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Sunday: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Monday - Friday: 7:00 p.m.– 9:00 p.m.


Lyle Notice

Motivational Speaker

11:00 a.m. Saturdays

7:00 p.m. Every Night

Teens/Youth (13-18 yrs)

Lyle grew up in the city of Toronto. From a young age he had a passion for the stage and set his sights on becoming a Hollywood actor. He met a local actor by the name of Charles Officer from Toronto East who recommended him to an agent Lisa Burke. Lyle began acting and was destined to be a star in Hollywood.

One day as he was practicing method acting auditioning for a movie role, he was caught in a battle of spiritual warfare. After that experience he felt God calling him to ministry. In 2001 he enrolled at Canadian University College and prepared for pastoral ministry.

Upon graduating in 2005 with a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies/Minors in Biblical Languages and Philosophy, he then went on to Andrews University where he completed his Master of Divinity (MDiv).

In 2008 he accepted a call to become the youth pastor at the Ottawa, and lead pastor at the Orleans and Kanata Seventh-day Adventist Churches.

In 2012 he received a call to become the Associate Youth director of the Alberta Conference. From 2016 to 2023 he served as the Youth Director of the Alberta Conference where he worked with adventures, pathfinders, urban ministry, community outreach, mission trips, disaster response and media ministry. He loves youth culture, skateboarding, fashion, social media, entrepreneurship, Venture Capital investing and Cryptocurrency. He is loved and supported by his family, Cheri and two children Marlowe-Rae and Cairo.

Lyle has a Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree in Urban Ministry from Andrews University.

Want to be Baptized at Camp Meeting?



Ryan Hodgins

Associate Pastor, North Carolina Conference


9:30 a.m. Sabbath School

11:00 a.m. Morning Worship

Evening Worship

7:00 p.m. Every Night

“The Tea House” (19-30 yrs)

Topic: The Sermon On The Mount

Sermon Titles:

July 12, 2024

Founding the Kingdom (Matthew 4:17)

July 13, 2024

Happiness is (Matthew 5:3-12)

Salt and Light (Matthew 5:13-16)

July 14, 2024 - Laws and Flaws - Matthew 5:17-32

July 15, 2024 - Love is perfect - Matthew 5:38-48

July 16, 2024 - Your Motives - Matthew 6:1-18

July 17, 2024 - Where is your heart? - Matthew 6:19-34

July 18, 2024 - Judgy McJudgerson - Matthew 7:1-6

July 19, 2024 - Never Stop Asking - Matthew 7:7-14

July 20, 2024

Morning Meeting- Tricky Wolves (Matthew 7:15-23)

Firm Foundation (Matthew 7:24-29)

Pastor Ryan Hodgins’ life story is one of transformation and unwavering faith. As Lead Pastor of Pursuit Worship, a thriving Young Adult church in Charlotte, he passionately communicates the message of Christ’s love and grace. Grounded in his Biblical beliefs, Ryan advocates for innovative ministry methods. He is a devoted husband and father of three daughters, and champions Adventist education. With degrees from Andrews and Burman Universities, Pastor Ryan’s commitment to faith is evident both in and out of the pulpit. He is an Edmonton Oilers fan, loves triathlons, and finds peace in woodworking projects.


Volunteer Opportunities for passionate Club Ministry enthusiasts!

The Youth and Club Ministries department continues to grow and serve hundreds of children, families, and youth through the Adventurers, Pathfinders and Master Guides Ministries!

Every year we host a variety of activities and events, from engaging Bible Games to Camporees, Family Camps, Fun Days, Parades, and impactful Community Outreach initiatives.

These activities not only enhance the spiritual journey of our children and youth, but they also create avenues for evangelism in their communities.

We are looking for passionate, dedicated volunteers to serve in different positions. Prayerfully consider the leaders in your church that show dedication, passion and love for children and club ministries and recommend them using the surveys below.

Check what’s coming next for Club Ministries

September 1 – 4 NAD MGO Expedition (Mt. Rainier, Washington)

September 1 – 7 Week of Prayer: Parents, Guardians, and Club Leaders

September 21 World Pathfinder Day

September 22 Pathfinder Fun Day

October 6 Adventurers Family Fun Day

October 25 – 27 Training and Leadership Convention

December 1 - 7 Pathfinder Week of Prayer (Virtual)



Join the Education Department for an activity from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. at the SAGE Outdoor Education Centre (on the lower camp). Registration is required. For more information and to Register, please go to the Education Hub by the camp office.

Visit Us Sunday-Friday from 10 AM – 5 PM







Breaker box/transformer

Electrical meters

Light post



Sanidump station

Muster point

Well house

Water tap

Please Note: Not all sites are

Friday Evening, July 12


Sabbath Morning Worship Service, July 13 Mamawi Atosketan Centre, Maskwacis

Sabbath Evening, July 13

Sunday, July 14

Monday, July 15

Tuesday, July 16

Wednesday, July 17

Thursday, July 18

Friday, July 19

Sabbath Morning Worship Service, July 20

Sabbath Evening, July 20









Foothills Camp Development

Designated Giving Policy. Spending of funds is confined to Board-approved programs and projects of the Alberta Conference. Contributions shall not in any way compromise the Alberta Conference charitable purposes or activities.

Each contribution designated for an approved program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, cannot be completed for any reason determined by the Alberta Conference, or the focus of the Alberta Conference’s priorities shift, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where needed most, as determined by the Board.

AB Evangelism-General $

Mamawi Operating Fund $

Campground Development $

AB K-12 Education $

Youth Camp-Operating $

New Church Building Offering $

Visa / MC#


Expiry Date Security Code

Cash Cheque#

e-Transfers to:

In the Interac e-Transfer MESSAGE box, please specify for what purpose the donation is being made.


To receive a tax-deductible receipt, print legibly name, address and postal code.

Name Address City

Phone/ Email


Cheques can be mailed to:

The Alberta Conference of the Seventh- day Adventist Church, 5816 Hwy 2A, Lacombe, AB, T4L 2G5

Credit card donations can be made by phone at (403) 342-5044. Please visit for other giving methods.


Main Office Hours:

Daily 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Camp Meal Prices (Individual)

Ages 0-4 (free)

Ages 5-9



Supper $13

Ages 10 and up

Breakfast $17

Lunch $17

Supper $17

Please note: There are no refunds on meal tickets.


(No Sunday lunch due to International Food Fair)

Full Package (24 meals)

$367.20 (10+)

$280.80 (5-9 yrs)

No meal tickets will be sold during Sabbath hours. Please purchase your Sabbath meal tickets at the camp office before 7 p.m. on Fridays.

Camp Meeting Meal Times

Breakfast 8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.

Lunch 12:15 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Sabbath Lunch 1:00 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.

Supper 5:15 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

(No Sunday Lunch due to International Food Fair. You will need cash to purchase foods at the Fair)


Camp Store Hours

Saturday (9:30 p.m. - 11 p.m.)

Sunday (open during family fun day by horse barn)

Monday - Friday (9:30 a.m. - 11 a.m.), (1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.) and (8:30 p.m. - 10 p.m.)

Camp Meeting dates for 2025


Radio Station

CFHR 106.3 FM

Audio Recordings

Check to replay some meetings/sessions

Speed Limits

Please be respectful of the neighbours who live on the dirt roads approaching the camp. Speed limit is 60 kms.

Reduce speed to 25 kms when passing individuals walking on the road.

Emergency Contacts

Camp Security:

Pastor David Hamstra (780) 699-2995

Camp Emergency Number (403) 586-7860

For medical issues, please contact the camp office or security)


Please note: In the event of any of the following emergency situations, the camp Fire Marshal and security will be on hand to assist you in following these procedures.


In case of tornado warning, evacuate the campground in an orderly fashion. Make sure you have all your family members accounted for. DO NOT hook up your trailer or pack. Get in your vehicle and leave in the designated direction away from the oncoming tornado.

If a tornado is imminent (no time to evacuate) do the following:

1. Lodge – go down to the basement of the lodge.

2. Main Auditorium – lie down inside the concrete wall.

3. Lie down in ditches and low spots.

4. Stay out of cars and camping units.

5. Stay away from power lines.


In case of fire in a building, walk quietly but quickly to the nearest exit and proceed to a safe distance from the building to a muster point .

1. DO NOT panic. DO NOT rush, push, or overtake.

2. Follow instructions of the Fire Marshal and security.

3. Keep noise to a minimum so that all instructions may be easily heard.

4. DO NOT return to the building until all clear is given by the Fire Marshal.

5. Call 911.

Severe lightning storm

1. Stay away from water, metal objects, all electrical devices, telephones, vehicles and other substances that will conduct electricity.

2. All campers are to take shelter in a safe place.

3. Avoid standing under high objects.

4. Alert staff to possible fire or other emergencies.

5. Unplug all electronics.

Severe storms

1. Proceed to shelters (main building, lodge, bathrooms).

2. Cabin residents, stay in your cabin.

3. If sufficient notice, retract all awnings, tie downs and put any loose objects inside your RVs.

LOOK for weather updates on main bulletin board or listen to the camp radio station at 106.3 FM.



Olds Hospital & Care Centre (403) 556-3381 3901-57 Avenue

Olds Associate Clinic (403) 556-3355 5018-53 Street

Innisfail Health Centre (403) 227-7800 5023-42 Street

Innisfail Medical Clinic (403) 227-3356 5031-49 Street

Red Deer Regional (403) 343-4422 3942-50A Avenue

Sundre Hospital & Care Centre (403) 638-3033 709-1 Street NE

The following guidelines are in place for the comfort and safety of all users of Foothills Camp and Retreat Centre. Your cooperation in observing them is very much appreciated.

1. Quiet time is 11:00 p.m.

2. Children under 18 years of age are not permitted to stay overnight at the campground unless under adult supervision of an immediate family member.

3. See Dog Policy (page 64).

4. Skateboards, water guns, firearms, etc. are not permitted on the campground.

5. Campers in the 15 amp sites are prohibited from using air conditioners or other major electrical appliances due to inadequate electrical power.

6. The maximum occupancy on any camping site is one camping unit plus one same-family tent.

7. A maximum of two vehicles are permitted at one RV site, campsite, or cabin.

8. Camping is ONLY permitted in assigned areas.

9. No open fires are permitted on the campground, either indoors or outdoors. This includes candles, citronella pails, torches, or open flame of any kind.

10. A $10 per key CASH deposit will be required at registration for all cabins, lodge rooms, and division buildings. The deposit will be refunded when you return the key(s) upon departure.

11. The cafeteria will provide all meals, including Sabbaths, with the exception of the Sunday lunch, which is the International Food Fair. Meal tickets are only available at the Camp Administration Office. No meal tickets will be sold during Sabbath hours. Unused meal tickets will NOT be refunded.

12. 2025 REGISTRATION: If you wish to register for a 2025 camping site, you must fill out a registration form at the camp office BEFORE FRIDAY, July 19, 2024. Bring your current site number (if applicable) and the requested site number.

13. Please do not wash your vehicle or RV while on the campgrounds. Water supplies are limited.

14. Parents, please ensure that your children have adequate skin protection for all outdoor activities. Wearing a T-shirt is recommended for water-ski outings to guard against a serious sunburn.

15. Solicitation, merchandise sales, and distribution of literature by unauthorized persons is not permitted on the campgrounds. If you wish to promote personal and private CDs, etc., you must obtain pre-approval from the manager of the Adventist Book Centre.

16. Lifestyle in the Seventh-day Adventist Church promotes the non-use of tobacco, alcohol or illicit drugs. Use of these in any form is not permitted.

17. Parking in driveways is not permitted. Avoid double-parking and blocking others. Infractions may necessitate your car being towed away.

18. Small appliances such as kettles, rice cookers and microwaves are not permitted to be used in the lodge rooms.

19. Scent Free - Please be mindful of those who struggle with allergy issues. Avoid wearing strong scented perfumes and lotions.

20. Prevent fires and notify security personnel immediately of any fire or perceived fire risks.

21. River Safety. Unsupervised minors should not access the river. The river flows fast and dangerous during rainy periods. Please take the precaution for staying safe.

22. No appliance can be used at the camp that has an open electric element due to fire regulations. Ex. Toasters, Toaster ovens etc..

23. Each cabin only has 1 x 15 amp plug and you can only use one electric appliance at a time. Using more will overload the circuit and cause a fire hazard. The best way to prepare food is with a propane camp stove OUTDOORS, they are not to be used inside a cabin at any time.

24. Small appliances such as kettles, rice cookers and microwaves are not permitted to be used in the lodge rooms.

25. Speed Limits. Please be respectful of the neighbours who live on the dirt roads approaching the camp. Speed limit is 60 kms. Reduce speed to 25 kms when passing individuals walking on the road.

26. Foothills Camp wells are tested on a regular basis and are considered safe by AHS however, it is recommended that individuals in RV sites provide their own drinking water or boil the water provided at the RV site tap.

27. No bikes are permitted in the central camp meeting area. Please refer to posted signs around the camp grounds.


The purpose of a Dog Policy for the Alberta Conference annual Camp Meeting is to ensure a safe environment for campers, dogs and have minimal impact on wildlife.


Dogs can be wonderful companions, and a source of great joy. However, at Foothills Camp and Retreat Centre where campers live together in close proximity, there are circumstances that dogs may pose risks to other campers or animals. Risks may include, but are not limited to, severe allergy reactions; infectious diseases or parasites; unpredictable or aggressive behaviour; and fearful reactions. At Foothills Camp pets are limited to dogs.

Policy Guidelines

1. Dog free areas are the Lodge, Cabins, central camp meeting area, indoor program space, public washrooms, the Dining Room and play areas (playgrounds, volleyball/ basketball courts, pool area). Accommodations can be made for Service Dogs.

2. All dogs must be registered at the Camp Security office.

3. Dogs are to be well behaved and kept under control at all times:

d. Includes but is not limited to crates, kennels, small fenced enclosures*, tie outs* and leashes.

e. Leashes are not to be longer than 6 feet while walking dogs on the campground.

f. Ensure tie outs do not pose a fall risk hazard.

g. Quiet times are 10:00 pm – 7:00 am.

4. Children are to be a minimum age of ten and with sufficient strength to restrain their dog on their own.

5. Children under the age of ten are to be supervised at all times with any dog on the campground.

6. Impact on the campground’s wildlife is to be minimized.

7. Dog feces is to be cleaned up and disposed of in garbage bins by dog’s owner, or the dog walker.

8. Dogs must be free from any infectious disease.

9. Dogs must have up-to-date immunizations and it is strongly recommended that dogs be on a flea treatment regime.

10. Dogs that exhibit the following behaviours to other animals, children or adults will require stronger boundaries/control measures:

a. Ferocious barking

b. Lunging

c. Growling, snarling or snapping

d. Outside continuous barking for more than 15 seconds without correction

11. Dog behaviour that is concerning to any camper is to be handled according to the following process:

a. Strongly encouraged to communicate directly with the dog’s owner.

b. If the situation is unresolved, the concerned camper is to contact the Security Coordinator and/or the Camp Superintendent or come to the Camp Office to call these individuals who will attempt to mediate an agreeable solution.

12. If aggressive behaviour escalates or results in harm to another animal or person:

a. Restrain the dog/s

b. Initiate first aid and contact the Nursing Station

c. Report the incident immediately to the Security Coordinator and/or the Camp Superintendent

13. Camp operations, as necessary, will require the dog owner to make alternate boarding arrangements off the campground if a dog’s behaviour is deemed to be a safety risk or if Dog Policies are not adhered to.

* Only if owners are present


Pathfinder Clubs will be collecting bottles and cans during the week of Camp Meeting to support the Gillette Camporee, Believe the Promise 2024 in Wyoming.

Please, place your bags of bottles by a bottle container provided throughout the camp or keep them at your campsite, a helpful Pathfinder will collect them.

Thanks for your support of Pathfinders. You’re making a difference in our young people today and in the future.





This Alberta Camp Meeting brochure is a publication of the Alberta Conference Communications Department. Printed in Canada, June 2024

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