Alberta Conference Strategic Plans 2023 - 2028

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2023 - 2028



Deeper — in Relationship with Jesus Wider — in Discipleship & Outreach

Younger — with a focus on Children, Youth and Young Adults

Message from the President 4 Alberta Conference Membership 8 Alberta Conference Administrators 9 Meet the Alberta Conference Directors 10 Meet the Alberta Conference Volunteer Coordinators 16 Strategic Plans 21 ADRA 22 Church Planting 24 Communications and IT 26 Human Resources 29 Discipleship 30 Education 32 Family Life 38 Foothills Camp and Retreat Centre 40 Health Ministries 42 Ministerial / Evangelism 44 Planned Giving / Philanthropy 48 Prayer Ministries 50 Prison Ministries 54 Public Affairs & Religious Liberty (PARL) 56 Risk Management / Projects and Property Development 60 Sabbath School and Personal Ministries 64 SAGE 66 Secretariat 68 Stewardship Ministries 70 Foothills Summer Camp Ministry 74 Treasury 76 Women’s Ministries 78 Youth and Young Adults 80 Club Ministries 82 Contents

Message from the President

If we fail to plan, we plan to fail! If we aim for nothing, we’ll hit it every time! Therefore, our Alberta Conference Strategic Planning Team has put in writing our vision, priorities, goals and action plans for the current quinquennium. I want to thank the dedicated members of our Strategic Planning Team: Pastor Melissa Cooke, Pastor Roberson Dorelus, Pastor Reynold Ferary, Pastor Tyler Rosengren, and Pastor Moises Ruiz. These are the individuals who will oversee our Strategic Plan during this 5-year term. Together, we will cast vision. Together, we will encourage our conference to stay focused on our priorities and our goals. Together we will report outcomes and share the stories of exciting things God is doing in the Alberta Conference.

One thing is clear. We need the Holy Spirit to move powerfully in the Alberta Conference. We will never accomplish in our own power

the mission God has given us. So I’m calling on the membership of the Alberta Conference to pray earnestly for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Jesus once said, “If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” Please join me in praying daily for the Holy Spirit to be poured out with great power.


Our North American Division church management software, eAdventist, makes it easy for the conference to determine which congregations are growing, plateaued, or in decline. This eAdventist assessment is based on both membership data and worship attendance data. When we look at the report for 2023, we discover the following about the 85 Adventist congregations in Alberta and the NWT:

• 29 congregations are growing (34%)

• 4 are plateaued—neither growing nor declining (5%)

• 51 congregations are in decline (60%)

• There was no data for 1 congregation

According to eAdventist, the majority of our Alberta Adventist congregations are currently in decline. Our conference officers are committed to reversing this trend. By God’s grace, the vast majority of our congregations will become healthy, thriving

communities. Healthy churches are growing churches. We have therefore decided to invest in the Natural Church Development process, which has a proven track record for helping congregations achieve optimal health.

Our strategic plan for this quinquennium is a BOLD PLAN. Each of our Departmental Directors and Volunteer Ministry Coordinators has worked prayerfully with their teams to outline their mission and objectives for 2023 to 2028. Please pray for these leaders as they implement the action plans that will move forward the mission of the church.

love like Jesus is about selfless service. To live and love like Jesus is about mentoring and empowering the next generation of disciples.




Our Alberta Conference Vision is a BOLD VISION, inviting all our members “to live and love like Jesus.” As we prioritize our relationships with Jesus Christ, He transforms us. By beholding we become changed. As we turn our eyes upon Jesus, and look full in His wonderful face, the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace. To live and love like Jesus is about total commitment to God’s mission. To live and love like Jesus is about active faith and deep prayer. To live and

It is no secret that in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America, like most other denominations, we’ve been losing many of our youth. Studies have shown that over half of our Adventist youth and young adults leave the church by their mid-twenties. By God’s grace, we will reverse this trend in Alberta in this quinquennium. We will prioritize children, youth and young adults. We will put our money where our mouth is. We will resource and equip our congregations to reach and retain young people, and to engage them in the mission of Jesus.

In the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them… and teaching them…” Our commission today is still the same — to go and make disciples. We make disciples (fully devoted followers of Jesus) by baptizing them and teaching them. In the Alberta Conference we will prioritize evangelistic outreach and discipleship. By God’s grace, we will lead many people to faith, to baptism, and to become fully devoted


followers of Jesus. Each person is someone for whom Jesus died. Each person matters to God.

Prior to the pandemic, we were baptizing 200300 people per year. Our Strategic Planning Team has set a faith goal of more than double the number of baptisms we usually see in a good year. Our goal for this quinquennium is to baptize 3,000 people – just like they did on the day of Pentecost! When the Holy Spirit was poured out in Jerusalem, they baptized 3,000 people in one day! To baptize 3,000 people in our conference this quinquennium will also require the outpouring of the Holy Spirit! We cannot do this in our own power. It will take a mighty movement of the Holy Spirit to reach 3,000 new people for God’s Kingdom by June 30, 2028.

Because church planting is the single most effective way to help new people come to faith in Jesus, we have also set an aggressive church planting goal for this quinquennium. New churches tend to grow more quickly than older, established congregations. Launching new churches is therefore a vitally important part of any effective church growth strategy. With God’s blessing, we plan to start at least 20 new congregations by June 30, 2028.

Summing Up… Vision Statement:


1. Alberta Conference Priorities for this Quinquennium:

Deeper, Wider, Younger

Going Deeper with Jesus

Going Wider with Discipleship and Outreach

Going Younger with a focus on Children, Youth and Young Adults

2. Audacious Goals for this Quinquennium:

To plant 20 new churches by June 30, 2028.

To baptize 3,000 new members by June 30, 2028.

To help all our congregations become healthier through Natural Church Development.

Fleshing Out Our Vision Statement

Early in the morning of July 4, 1952, a young woman by the name of Florence Chadwick waded into the water off Catalina Island. Her goal was to swim the channel from the island to the California coast, a distance of 32 kms. Long-distance swimming was not new to her. She was the first woman to swim the English Channel in both directions.

The water was numbing cold that day. The fog was so thick she could hardly see the boats in her party. Several times sharks had to be driven away with rifle fire. She swam more than 15 hours before she asked to be taken out of the water. Her trainer tried to encourage her to swim on since they were so close to land. But when Florence looked, all she saw was fog. So she quit… just one mile from her goal.

Later she said, “I’m not excusing myself, but if I could have seen the land I might have made it.” It wasn’t the cold, or fear, or exhaustion that caused Florence Chadwick to fail. It was the fog. Two months after her failure, Florence walked off the same beach into the same channel and swam the distance,


setting a new speed record. What made the difference? That time she could see the land!

To help us “see the land,” here’s the vision which has emerged from the Visioning Retreat held by our Executive Committee on Sabbath, October 14, 2023…

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

It is the dream of a thriving Jesus community, where all people are seen and heard and loved. It is the dream of a first century church in the twenty-first century (see Acts 2:42-27). It is the dream of vibrant congregations where our youth are truly valued and fully engaged. It is the dream of Christ-centred fellowships characterized by heartfelt worship, authentic relationships, active community engagement, and non-judgmental acceptance. It is the dream of moving forward on our knees, fully devoted to prayer. It is the dream of spiritually maturing Christ-followers joyfully sharing the good news of Jesus and His soon return with friends, family, schoolmates and work associates. It is the dream of genuine revival sweeping across our conference as God’s Holy Spirit is poured out on young and old alike. It is the dream of scriptural truths being

proclaimed with relevance and life-changing power. It is the dream of caring congregations where hurting people find healing and freedom. It is the dream of multiplying missional congregations through church planting. It is the dream of thousands being converted in a day.

It is the dream of a growing network of graceoriented Adventist Schools, where students come to know and love Jesus in addition to learning math and socials and fine arts. It is the dream of Adventist education that is accessible to all families who desire it. It is the dream of healthy, happy families. It is the dream of dedicated church members mentoring our youth to lead confidently and competently. It is the dream of empowering missionminded young adults to change the world.

It is the dream of forward-thinking believers who think BIG, and pray BIG prayers, and trust God for BIG things. It is the dream of dynamic leaders who are not afraid to try fresh, innovative approaches to ministry. It is the dream of every member actively using their skills and talents to advance the cause of Christ.

It is the dream of small groups of believers gathering in homes to study the Bible with their

unchurched friends and neighbours. It is the dream of helping people with mental health challenges, addictions, and relationship issues. It is the dream of every local church becoming a centre of influence in their community. It is the dream of creatively using social media to lift Jesus up and bring hope to the hopeless. It is the dream of empowering our youth and young adults to become digital disciples and reach secular people using today’s technologies. It is the dream of our churches growing younger.

It is the dream of a generation of believers who are totally committed to Jesus, radically committed to each other, and utterly committed to reaching those who are far from God.

It is the dream that one day our churches will be so welcoming, and so loving, and so safe, that our members will enthusiastically invite their pre-Adventist friends to worship. It is the dream of a church culture which is devoid of judgment. It is the dream of missional congregations who choose to “do church” in such a way that they attract people who have not yet come to know and love Jesus. It is the dream of leaders who, like the men of Issachar, “understand the times, and know what Israel should do.” (1 Chronicles 12:32)


Alberta Conference Membership

The graphs show the Alberta Conference total membership and membership additions from 2018-2023.

240 67 129 181 33 147 80 129 243 30 86 116 45 82 160 58 146 157
452 2018 2018 2019 2019 Membership Additions 2018-2023 Membership by Year 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 436 232 287 12240 12246 12297 12436 12704 361 361 BAPTISMS PROF OF FAITH TRANSFERS MEMBERSHIP 11942

Alberta Conference Administrators

Potts is recognized as a pastor at heart and a passionate church planter. He has pastored churches in various provinces and conferences across Canada. After serving in Ontario and British Columbia, Potts went to the ManitobaSaskatchewan Conference in 1999, where he planted four new churches in four years in the Winnipeg area before being called to serve as ministerial director and subsequently executive secretary for that conference. Potts has earned both a Master of Divinity and a Doctor of Ministry from the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University. In July 2017, he was invited to pastor the College Heights Adventist Church, located on the campus of Burman University. Jeff and his wife Nancy have four daughters and three grandchildren.

Melissa Cooke served as Executive Secretary/ VP for Administration in the Maritime Adventist Conference since November 2021 before getting elected in the same capacity for the Alberta Conference. Cooke was born in Houston, Tex., to El Salvadorean parents, but was raised in Toronto, Ont. The province of Alberta is no strange place for her, as she earned her Bachelor’s in religious studies from Canadian University College (now Burman University). After graduating from Burman, Melissa pastored in British Columbia and worked on obtaining her Master of Divinity from Andrews University, which she completed in 2017. Melissa and her husband, Jason, have two young sons.

Originally from a small farm in Northwest Saskatchewan, Keith moved to Edmonton to attend NAIT and met his wonderful wife Lorraine. Together they have two sons, Derek, Senior Pastor at Edmonton South Adventist Church and David an ER Doctor in Wisconsin. Keith began his work as the Associate Treasurer for Alberta Conference in 2006 and has been Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer since 2011.

Jeff Potts President, Alberta Conference Melissa Cooke Executive Secretary/VP for Administration, Alberta Conference Keith Richter Chief Financial Officer/ Treasurer, Alberta Conference

Meet the Alberta Conference Directors

Meet Pastor Roberson Dorelus—a beacon of warmth and faith. Born and raised in the Sunshine State of Florida, he fearlessly ventured north to Alberta, Canada, in 2009, answering the call to pastoral ministry. Shortly after graduating from Canadian University College, he began his pastoral ministry with the Alberta Conference. During his 10 years of service, he has pastored at the West Edmonton Seventh-day Adventist Church, African Fellowship Church, served as an associate pastor at his cherished Edmonton Central Seventh-day Adventist Church, and, most recently, Rob served as the pastor of Sherwood Park Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Rob loves people; he celebrates the richness found in their differences and dedicates himself to uniting hearts regardless of perceived distinctions. Rob is married to his best friend, Thaksheela Dorelus. Together, they form a dynamic duo, empowering others while striving to keep the Gospel simple. Beyond the pulpit, Rob’s hobbies include reading, drumming, staying fit, and enjoying the lunch special at Padmanadi. Pastor Rob and Thaksheela aim to be living, breathing billboards for the Kingdom of God—a couple whose journey radiates with love, faith, and commitment.



Reynold Ferary

Sabbath School/Personal Ministries Director

Reynold Ferary was born and raised in Union Island St. Vincent and the Grenadines. He has been in full- time pastoral ministry in Alberta for over twenty years and has also served on the islands of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Lucia, and Dominica in the Caribbean before immigrating to Canada. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Theology, a Master’s degree in Family life Education, and Doctoral degree in Business Administration. He has had the privilege in leading out in over five church plants here in Alberta alone and enjoys working with church members to grow the kingdom of God. He also enjoys mentoring young pastors in ministry across Canada and theology majors at Burman University. Before stepping into the role as Sabbath School/Personal Ministries Director, He served as the senior pastor for African Fellowship Company and West Edmonton Seventh-day Adventist churches as well as the associate Stewardship Director for the Alberta Conference. He is passionate about helping churches find their purpose in ministry, become mission driven, and working collaboratively in carrying forward the mission. Pastor Reynold is married to Jennifer and they have an adult daughter Jendayi, an adult son Jalil and has been predeceased by an adult son Runako.

Foothills Camp and Retreat Centre Director

Since January 1, 2023, Ken Harrington has been employed as the Director of Foothills Camp and Retreat Centre. He is thoroughly enjoying working with a wonderful team and he feels so blessed to be a part of the Alberta Conference.

Prior to joining the Alberta Conference, Ken worked for Thomas Industrial Sales in Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador for 18 years as a Manufacturer’s Rep for commercial and residential heating equipment. He worked closely with engineers and contractors, coordinating projects for new schools and hospitals, and upgrading the heating systems in public facilities.

Ken has a life-long passion for camp ministries. From his early teen years, he worked at Camp Pugwash in various capacities. He was also a contributing member of the camp committee for 21 years. Ken and Heather have been married for 28 years. They have a daughter, Kyleigh, and a new son-in-law, Joseph Blaney.



Lynn McDowell is Director of Planned Giving/Philanthropy and oversees wills, planned giving, and fundraising. She writes the Means & Meaning column in the Alberta Adventist News, and has for nine years contributed the monthly Mamawi Atosketan Outreach page in the Messenger.

Born and raised in Alberta as Lynn Neumann, she earned an MA in English at Loma Linda University and graduated from the University of Alberta Law School. She practiced law in Alberta for seven years, including two years as Counsel to the President of Canadian University College (now Burman University), where she also held the post of Director of College Relations. Her student missionary experience was published by Southern Publishing Association as Long Man, Small Island.

Lynn’s husband, John McDowell, is dean of the Faculty of Arts at Burman University. They have two children, Myken and Aran.

Troy McQueen has worked in the Alberta Conference since 2012. Before stepping back into the Communications/IT role in 2022, Troy worked as the Camp Director of Foothills Camp and Retreat Centre from 2018-2022. Prior to this role, Troy completed a Master’s degree in professional communications from Royal Roads University and served as Communications/IT Director for 6.5 years. From 20022012, Troy pastored in the British Columbia Conference at Kelowna and Aldergrove churches and served as the Communication Specialist leading out in the rebroadcast of VOAR throughout the Conference. He has been married to his wife, Rachel, for 23 years. They have two children, Joshua and Emily.

Lynn McDowell Planned Giving/Philanthropy Director Troy McQueen Communications/IT Director


Tyler Rosengren Ministerial/Evangelism Director

Janeth Vasquez Club Ministries Coordinator

Tyler has served as a pastor in the Alberta Conference for all 20 years of his ministry. Starting out at the Edmonton Central and Smoky Lake churches he went from there to Seminary, followed by five years up north in Peace River/Fairview, and then five more down south in Medicine Hat/Brooks. He and his wife Catherine, with their three boys: Isaiah, Titus, and Levi, currently live in Sylvan Lake where they most recently pastored the Sylvan Lake and Rocky Mountain House churches. Tyler graduated with a Doctor of Ministry Degree in 2021 with an emphasis in Leadership and is most looking forward to helping, encouraging, and strengthening pastors as they face the joys and challenges of ministry of leading God’s people closer to their Saviour. He believes that healthy, happy, Holy- Spirit- filled pastors are a crucial part of healthy, happy, Holy-Spirit-filled churches.

Janeth was born and raised in Medellin, Colombia. Her passion for Clubs and Children’s Ministries was developed at a young age when she experienced firsthand the impact and influence in her own life and Christian journey. After becoming a mom for the first time she decided to dedicate her life and time to her kids and all the children around her. For the past ten years, Janeth has worked with children of all ages, served as Sabbath School teacher, Home and School representative, Adventurers instructor for many local clubs, Area and Executive Coordinator for the Adventurers Ministry and is currently the Club Ministries Coordinator for the Alberta Conference. Her dream is to witness an army of children and youth transformed by the love of God.

Emmanuel Vedoya graduated from Burman University in 2018 with a degree in Adventure-Based Youth Leadership. In addition to being the Alberta Conference Associate Youth Director, Emmanuel will lead the Foothills summer camp program as Summer Camp Director.

Emmanuel Vedoya Associate Youth and Summer Camp Director


Llew Werner, hailing from north-western Alberta, gained valuable early life lessons from nature and animals in a farming community. He earned a BSBA with an emphasis in Accounting from Walla Walla College in 1980, followed by an MBA from Andrews University in 1984. Achieving Chartered Accountant status in 1992, he accrued work experience in public accounting and the Alberta Provincial Government. His diverse career includes overseas Adventist Mission Service in Pakistan, offering fresh perspectives on life and culture. With over 20 years of expertise in healthcare financial management in Canada and various international locations, he returned to Canada in 2013. Currently, Llew Werner serves as the Director of Risk Management and Project Development at the Alberta Conference.

Jennifer is an Alberta-girl who attended both Parkview Adventist Academy and Canadian University College (now known as Burman University). Upon receiving her Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration in 2005, Jennifer was employed at Burman University and went on to work in the Oil & Gas Sector in the Red Deer area for several years. In May 2020, Jennifer accepted the position of Human Resources Officer with the Alberta Conference.

Jennifer and her husband, Kyle, reside in the Lacombe area where they enjoy time with their two dogs, Charlie and Zoey.



Gail Wilton is the Education Director for the Alberta Conference. She grew up in Adventist education in St. John’s Newfoundland. During her grade school years, her teachers provided inspiration to follow her dream of working in the field of education. Gail graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Canadian University College (now Burman University). She also holds a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership and Administration from La Sierra University.

Supporting teachers and helping students succeed and develop deeper relationships with Christ are some of the most fulfilling aspects of her work as the Education Director.

Gail also has a passion for researching and supporting trauma informed learning.

When not in the office, you will likely find Gail camping (any season) and spending time with family.

Gail’s most treasured Bible verse is, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength”. Philippians 4:13


Meet the Alberta Conference

Volunteer Coordinators

Ishmael and Ruth Ali

Family Life Ministries

Volunteer Coordinators

Ishmael Ali is the Senior Pastor of the Garden Road Seventhday Adventist Church in Calgary, Alberta. Pastor Ali and his wife, Ruth, have served in various capacities of church leadership and are presently Volunteer Family Life Coordinators for the Alberta Conference, and the Canadian Union Conference.

Ruth comes with a wealth of knowledge and understanding of the health care field having worked across provinces of Canada in various leadership capacities, as Cardiology Nurse Case Manager, Staff Development and Accreditation Coordinator, Director of Care and Clinical Nurse Educator. Ruth completed a Master of Nursing degree from the University of Manitoba: specializing in Gerontology and a focus in Family Involvement.

Pastor Ali and Ruth have been happily married for over 38 years and are the blessed parents of four young adults (Renee, Jameel, Rachel, and Janelle) and grand-parents to two adorable granddaughters (Lila and Gia). Pastor Ali and Ruth have dedicated their lives to service, because “we can never out-give the Lord.”


Volunteer Coordinators

Dr. Darlene Blaney PhD, NCP, CFT Health Ministries Volunteer Coordinator

Darlene Blaney uses her PhD in nutrition in numerous ways - as owner/operator of Total Health School of Nutrition College which offers a diploma in nutritional consulting; presenting lectures and cooking classes internationally as a nutritionist for ‘It Is Written’ Television; and serving for approximately 20 years as Volunteer Health Ministries Coordinator for the Alberta Conference.

Darlene has authored four cookbooks including the CHIP cookbook with Dr. Hans Diehl. She and her husband, Ron, own and operate a Nutrition Food Store located in Eckville. They have four sons.

Ted and Sandra Deer Discipleship Volunteer Coordinators

Pastors Ted and Sandra Deer have been Discipleship (formerly called Revival and Reformation) volunteer coordinators for the Alberta Conference since summer 2020. They have had the opportunity to work with and mentor a very dedicated team of disciple makers. Together with this team of disciple makers, Ted and Sandra have ministered not only throughout the Alberta Conference, but throughout the world.

Ted is also part-time pastor at the Mirror Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Don Corkum

SAGE Ministries Volunteer Coordinator

Don Corkum has served the Adventist Church as Pastor, Church Planter, Evangelist, Departmental Director and Conference President. He has served in three conferences: Maritimes 1966-1975 (Pastor & Evangelist); Alberta 1975- 1996 ( Pastor and Departmental Director 75-87 and Conference President 1987-1996) and Wisconsin 19962010 (Conference President). In retirement he also served as Church Planting Coordinator in Alberta from 2011-2017. His wife, Phyllis, also served the church in various capacities from 1979 to 2010.

Today they are involved in lay leadership in the Calgary Mountain View Seventh-day Adventist Church. Don and Phyllis have three adult children: Sheri Corkum of Toronto; Rhonda Muchiutti of Clinton, Massachusetts, and Brian Corkum of Calgary.


Volunteer Coordinators

Oliver Johnson

Provincial and Federal Seventh-day Adventist Correctional Chaplain

Son of the Most High. Prepared and sent to minister to the lost souls inside and outside the prison walls.

Oliver Johnson is the first Provincial and Federal Seventh-day Adventist Correctional Chaplain in Canada. He formerly served as the Protestant Chaplain at the Edmonton Institution (Edmonton Max) and currently serves as Community/Reintegration Chaplain for Edmonton as well as Volunteer Coordinator of Prison Ministries for the Alberta Conference. Married to Sol, they are both very active in ministry for their Lord.

Moises Ruiz

Church Planting Pastor/Volunteer Coordinator

Moises Ruiz currently pastors at the Red Deer Seventh- day Adventist Church, and has been pastoring since 2007, following God on many adventures along the way. He has a passion for empowering leaders, church planting, and communicating the Bible in creative ways. One of his greatest joys in life is watching the light come on in someone’s eyes when they catch a glimpse of God’s plans for them. In his spare time, he draws inspiration from playing and recording music, camping, and spending time with his family. He and his wife, Katelyn, share a love for their son, Zion, and a passion for creating communities where people can fall in love with Jesus.

Nicole Paradis-Sydenham

Women’s Ministries Volunteer Coordinator

Nicole Paradis-Sydenham was the first Canadian Conference Women’s Ministries Director to be appointed by a conference in Canada in 1990 and has served for over 20 years in three different conferences: Quebec, Manitoba, and 12 of 21 years in Alberta. She has been a speaker at Women’s Retreats in Canada, the US, and various camp meetings. Nicole has been an elder at the College Heights Church since 2001.

Nicole likes to tell stories and make people laugh, but most of all, helping others have a personal connection with Jesus. Her passion is to encourage others and share Bible truths relevant to what they are going through in their lives.

Nicole recently retired as the Admissions Officer at Burman University where she worked for over 20 years. She enjoys traveling with her husband, Ron, to Kenya and Rwanda on humanitarian projects with A Better World. She loves cooking a meal and getting together with their four children, their spouses, and 11 grandkids.


Volunteer Coordinators

Honey: forgiven daughter of God, loved and cherished by God; wife of one husband; mother of two sons (both adults); and Nurture Pastor of College Heights Seventh-day Adventist Church. Honey taught Religious Studies at Sydney Adventist High School in Australia. A Registered Psychologist in Australia, she has a specialty in Marital and Family Therapy. Honey is convinced that spending time in His presence every day in Bible study and Prayer — talking to AND listening to God — is vital to have a solid connection with Him, to grow trust in Him, and to have His courage to step out in faith.

John and his wife Maisie, are retired after 30 years in Ministry and living in Edmonton, AB. They have two adult children: Dr. John Matthew DDS (Elisabeth nee: Erdoise) who have blessed them with three grandchildren, Liam (17), Alena (14) and Ruby (13) who reside in Pullman, WA; and Pastor James Wesley (Chiara nee: Stellacci) who have blessed them with two grandchildren, Finley (3) and Elliot (1), who reside in Lethbridge, AB.

Pastor Jason Williams has been sharing hope in Jesus through ministry in the Seventh-day Adventist Church for over 20 years. He has served in public outreach and evangelism, Bible teaching, ministry team leadership and student/youth mentoring, and for over 15 years as a district pastor. Pastor Jason, along with his wife Elizabeth, and their three sons, reside in Wetaskiwin, AB, and while continuing to pastor the Wetaskiwin and Warburg Churches, he looks forward to opportunities, to support and equip members and churches throughout the Alberta Conference through the Stewardship Department.

Honey Todd Prayer Ministries Pastor/Volunteer Coordinator John Wesley Religious Liberty Volunteer Coordinator Jason Williams Stewardship Pastor/Volunteer Coordinator



- 2028


To advance ADRA Canada’s mission within the Alberta Conference region by embodying our core values of Connection, Courage, and Compassion. By fostering collaboration, and implementing impactful programs, we aim to serve humanity in alignment with the church’s vision of Proclaiming Christ, Nurturing Believers, and Serving Humanity.



Goal 1: Strengthening Presence and Impact

Action plans

Establish and maintain collaborative relationships within the Alberta Conference, fostering unity and alignment with ADRA’s national strategy.

Increase awareness and understanding of ADRA Canada's mission and activities within the Seventh-day Adventist Church community through regular communications and engagement.

Implement programs that directly contribute to the vision of the Seventhday Adventist Church in Canada and align with ADRA Canada’s national strategy.

Goal 2: Building Strategic Relationships

Action plans

Cultivate and maintain relationships with key leaders in government, NGOs, the church, and other communities to support ADRA Canada’s strategic objectives.

Foster partnerships that align with the mission and values of ADRA, enhancing the organization's influence and effectiveness in the region.

Goal 3: Empowering a Robust Volunteer Network

Action plans

Develop and manage a robust volunteer network within the Conference territory, ensuring standardized certifications and clearly defined capacities to support ADRA Canada’s programs.

Provide ongoing training and support to volunteers, enhancing their skills and engagement in alignment with ADRA’s mission.

Goal 4: Strengthening Brand and Support

Action plans

Promote and grow ADRA Canada’s brand within the Seventh-day Adventist Church and society at large, seeking increased support from various sources, including the church, government, foundations, corporations, and other donors.

Implement strategies to effectively communicate ADRA Canada’s impact, fostering a greater understanding and commitment from church members and the broader community.

Andrea Lavy ADRA Regional Program Director

Church Planting


To plant healthy churches within the Alberta Conference by recruiting, training, and supporting leaders through functional structures, Biblical principles, and godly mentoring.


Goal 1: To plant 20 churches.

Action plans

Develop a strategic plan for church planting in the Alberta Conference Assessment (3 months)

• Current status of church plants (in process)

• Current leaders

• Organic interest in church planting (already asking for it)

Planning (3 months)

• Who

° Lay leaders

° Pastor coaching

• What

° Training

° Resources

• Where

° Demographics

° Opportunities/needs

• When

° Timing/resources

Launch (3 - 4 churches every year)

• Core Groups

° Establish DNA

° Mission Strategy

• Fellowship groups

° Core group growth

° Minimal viable ministries

• Companies to Churches

° Train more lay leaders

° Mature funding

° Continued Outreach focus Monitor (On-going)

• Make use of Church Planting Network to monitor and support Church plants.

Goal 2: To train and equip 200 church planters. Action plans

Provide yearly church plant training for church members

• Alternating between North, South, and Central.

Provide church plant training resources for church planters.

• Manuals, literature, Online Courses

• Attend Church planting conferences.

Establish/join Church planting network for Western Canada

Goal 3: To plant at least one church every year for an unreached people group or city over 10,000 without an established Adventist presence.

Action plans

Identify potential un-reached people groups

Identify potential cities without an established Adventist presence.

Look for God-given opportunities to plant.

Willing church planter

Available Funding

Establish support structures

Moises Ruiz

Church Planting

Pastor/Volunteer Coordinator


Communications and IT


To support the departments and ministries of the Alberta Conference by providing communication and IT assistance and development of communication resources, delivery of current news and information, and technologies that improve the effectiveness and efficiency of day -to- day procedures and operations.


Goal 1: To provide focused IT support of computer systems, networks and software to all employees, volunteers, and entities of the Alberta Conference.

Action plans

By providing an IT help desk to assist employees and volunteers with email support, office 365 accounts, and zoom licences.

By assisting church treasurers with setup and upgrade of ChurchPal and other technical issues relating to their treasury role.

By conducting yearly IT audits of the Alberta Conference Office and Schools to ensure proper functionality and security of IT systems.

By providing technical support for schools and the implementation of standardized hardware that provides efficient resources for school operations.

Goal 2: To ensure compliance with the specifications set forth in cybersecurity insurance prerequisites.

Action plans

By providing consistent and relevant cybersecurity training to employees and specific volunteers, focusing on best practices to mitigate common security threats such as phishing attacks and social engineering tactics.

By dedicating significant time and financial resources to the enhancement

of IT infrastructure and the implementation of secure practices.

By creating effective communication and IT policies that provide guidance and expectations for employees and volunteers while minimizing Online security and privacy risks.

By requiring MFA (multiple factor authentication) for all conference provided email accounts.


Goal 3: To improve the web presence of the Alberta Conference and all its churches and schools.

Action plans

By conducting online Adventist Church and School Connect workshops that teach the techniques needed to manage and update church and school websites more effectively.

By purchasing and configuring new domain names for Conference websites that are consistent with the Adventist brand and that uniquely represent the Seventh- day Adventist identity (

Goal 4: To regularly communicate with Seventh-day Adventist members/ leaders of the Alberta Conference about current and upcoming events.

Action plans

By producing two annual conference video highlights from the president that are shared to all churches through social media and email newsletter.

By working with a web programmer to produce a redesigned Alberta Conference website layout that is more organized and has better visual appeal.

By maintaining an updated email list and organizing the creation/delivery of a weekly electronic newsletter that contains relevant information regarding upcoming events and announcements from the churches, schools, and conference departments.

By coordinating and producing a quarterly news magazine that informs, encourages, and builds unity among the constituents of the Alberta Conference.

DECEMBER 2023 EDITION I Have a Dream! Social Media Etiquette for Church and School Leaders Sermon on the Mount III An Unexpected Miracle Sunset Calendar 2024 Nurturing love, trust and faith ALBERTAADVENTIST.CA/AAN Troy McQueen Communications/IT Director

Human Resources


To support an engaged, fair, and respectful work culture which recognizes and celebrates the contributions and value of all employees.




Goal 1: To create a culture of accountability with performance evaluations.

Goal 2: To provide a strong focus on employee well being.

Goal 3: To create better on-boarding techniques.

Jennifer Williams Officer | Human Resources



To call, equip and mentor all ages to a daily, growing relationship with Jesus Christ that overflows into their community.


Goal 1: To focus on calling all ages in every church, school and department of the Alberta Conference to the importance of living daily as a follower of Jesus. “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to follow all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

Action plans

Share publications on Alberta Adventist eNews, Ministerial meetings, Zoom meetings, and other publications to communicate and highlight the value and importance of discipleship.

Provide promotional videos to churches, schools and conference sponsored events highlighting God’s call to follow Him daily.

Communicate through word of mouth, and testimonies of individuals that have experienced the joy of becoming a daily disciple of Jesus.

Goal 2: To focus on equipping all individuals in churches, schools and departments of the Alberta Conference to become a daily, growing follower of Jesus.

“If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me.” Luke 9:23

Action plans

Generate an awareness of the resource The Way back to the Altar of God.

To Equip using the 7 principles of discipleship for training and discipleship of all individuals.

To equip all generations within the Alberta Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church with training, mentorship and prayer support through: Regional Discipleship sessions, collaboration meetings, and church training.

Goal 3: To mentor and support all members of the Alberta Conference in developing as disciple makers in their communities.

“I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all people will know that you are My disciples: if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35

Action plans

Highlight current stories of members reaching out to their communities.

Provide opportunities for community members to be invited to discipleship events.

Provide additional resources and ideas for members to inspire them to reach out to their communities.

Sandra and Ted Deer Discipleship Volunteer Coordinators




The Vision and Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist School system in Alberta is to inspire in each student a life of faith, wisdom, and service. We will seek to do this by:

Striving for Excellence through a variety of challenging academic activities that engage learners and promote their success.

Acting ethically and professionally, promoting fairness, transparency, trust and the holistic well-being of every student.

Maintaining a safe learning environment that reflects Adventist values, respects diversity, and promotes collaboration.

Planning for continuous school improvement by making strategic use of various assessment data, research and input from school stakeholders.

Providing daily opportunities for students to see Jesus through curricular and extracurricular programs, through healthy relationships, and through service.


Goal 1: Holistic Student Development

By 2028, elevate the educational experience in Alberta Seventh-day Adventist schools to focus not only on academic excellence but also on holistic student development, encompassing spiritual, social, emotional, and physical dimensions.

Action plans

1. Integrate Character Education: Develop and implement a character education curriculum that aligns with the values of the Seventh-day Adventist faith. Continue to encourage and support schools in the usage and cross-curricular integration of Encounter Bible Curriculum which includes character development experiences with an Adventist worldview.


• Curriculum development experts

• Faith-based literature and resources

• Encounter Training resources

• Encounter Curriculum Resources

• Utilizing our qualified educators as peer-educators

• Continuous School Improvement Plans


• Year 1: Develop the character education curriculum

• Year 2: Ensure all teachers are Encounter certified

• Years 2-4: Implement and assess effectiveness

2. Mental Health and Wellness Initiatives:

Provide professional development for teachers on recognizing and supporting students’ mental health needs. Establish counseling services within schools and promote mental health awareness campaigns. Continue to encourage the implementation and use of Open Parachute: A resource designed for mental health training at school as well as at home. Continue to develop our Mental Health Task Force and supply them to support the district.


• Licensed counselors

• Mental health awareness materials

• Open Parachute Resources

• Continuous School Improvement Plans


• Years 1-2: Professional development for teachers and school administrators

• Years 1-4: Establish counseling services and awareness campaigns

3. Community Engagement Programs: Continue service-learning opportunities for students to actively participate in community service projects. Foster partnerships with local religious and community organizations to enhance spiritual growth opportunities. Develop service opportunities designed to encourage collaboration between church and school.


• Community outreach coordinators

• Materials for service-learning projects

• Opportunities for schools and churches to access funding toward their collaborative projects.

• Opportunities for church and school recognition of service opportunities and experiences.

• Utilizing our qualified educators and pastors as peer-educators

• Continuous School Improvement Plans



• Years 1-2: Plan and organize service-learning opportunities

• Years 3-4: Evaluate impact and expand programs

Goal 2: Innovative Teaching and Learning Practices

By 2028, position the Alberta Conference as a trailblazer in education by fostering an environment that encourages and supports innovative teaching methods and embraces emerging technologies. Action plans

1. Professional Development Framework: Enhance the continuous professional development program with intentionality toward educators staying updated on innovative teaching methods and emerging technologies. Encourage participation in conferences, workshops, and online courses focused on educational innovation. Encourage Participation in the Master’s Degree funded resources Succession planning


• Educational Learning Coach

• 2024-2026 Alberta Adventist Educators’ Conventions

• 2027-2028 Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada Educators’ Convention

• 2028-2029 NAD Educators’ Convention

• AISCA and ATLE Annual Conventions

• digiCoach

• Adventist Learning Community (ALC)

• Online courses and workshop fees

• Professional Development Funds

• Continuing Education Funds

• Post Graduate Education Funds

• Leadership Quality Standards (LQS) Training Funds

• Utilizing our qualified educators as peer-educators

• Continuous School Improvement Plans


• Years 1-2: Develop the professional development framework

• Years 3-4: Implement and assess impact

2. Establish Innovation Labs: Evaluate and survey schools to determine schools requirements

for setting up innovation labs and support schools in implementation. Facilitate cross-disciplinary collaboration among teachers to encourage the sharing of innovative teaching practices. Develop cohorts within educational divisions to support technological innovation.


• Technology infrastructure and tools

• Teacher resources

• Blackbird Coding Platform

• Alberta Conference IT Department

• Cohort facilitators

• NAD Technology lending library

• NAD Online Resources

• Funding/Budget

• Utilizing our qualified educators as peer-educators

• Continuous School Improvement Plans


• Year 1: Collect data for resource procurement

• Year 2: Allocate resources

• Year 3: Increase educator training and support

• Year 4: Monitor usage and gather feedback


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3. Project-Based Learning:

Integrate project-based learning into the curriculum to promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Encourage teachers to design projects that connect classroom learning to real-world applications. Move to standards-based grading to encourage project-based learning practices. Continued development of our outdoor school programs and outdoor learning spaces.


• Project development workshops

• Evaluation tools for project-based learning

• Standards based grading educator training

• Utilizing our qualified educators as peer-educators

• Community Volunteers to support outdoor learning spaces development

• Continuous School Improvement Plans


• Years 1-2: Train teachers on project-based learning

• Years 1-2: Implement grades 1-3

Standards-based grading as new Alberta curriculum progresses

• Years 3-4: Implement grades 4-6

Standards-based grading as new Alberta curriculum progresses

• Years 3-4: Integrate projects into the curriculum and assess outcomes

Goal 3: Community-Centric Education

By 2028, strengthen the bond between Seventh- day Adventist schools and their surrounding communities, making education a shared endeavor that positively impacts not only students but also families and neighborhoods.

Action plans

1. Community Outreach Programs:

Enhance the development of regular community events, open houses, and information sessions to involve parents and community members in the educational process. Establish connections from the schools to strengthen involvement with events, programs and initiatives within the community.


• Student Leadership roles to ensure intentionality

• Marketing materials

• Community Connections

• Continuous School Improvement Plans


• Years 1-2: Encourage schools in the development of their community engagement projects and service opportunities.

• Years 3-4: Assess community engagement and adjust strategies

2. Partnerships with Local Businesses: Forge partnerships with local businesses to provide mentorship opportunities, internships, and career guidance programs. Develop joint initiatives that benefit both the school and the local business community.


• Partnership contacts and coordinators

• Work Experience Teachers

• Program development resources and funding

• Continuous School Improvement Plans



• Years 1-2: Identify and establish partnerships

• Years 3-4: Evaluate impact and expand collaborations

3. Community Resource Programs: Develop community resources and programs encouraging collaboration between churches and schools to provide access to educational materials, workshops, and support services for families. Collaborate with local community organizations to offer programs and resources within the schools.


• Community connections

• Educational materials and resources

• Utilizing our qualified educators as peer-educators

• Continuous School Improvement Plans


• Years 1-2: Resource schools to provide community programming

• Years 3-4: Enhance and expand services based on community needs

Alberta Adventist

Gail Wilton Education Director

Adventist Education Journey to Excellence

Chinook Winds

Adventist Academy K-12


(403) 286-5686

Coralwood Adventist Academy K-12


(780) 454-2173

Prairie Adventist

Christian eSchool K-12

(403) 848-3165

“All your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their peace.”

ISAIAH 54:13

Sylvan Meadows

Adventist School K-9

Sylvan Lake

(403) 887-5766

Higher Ground

Christian School K-9

Medicine Hat

(403) 527-2714

College Heights

Christian School K-9


(403) 782-6212

Mamawi Atosketan

Native School K-12


(403) 783-4362

Peace Hills

Adventist School K-9


(780) 352-8555

South Side

Christian School K-9

Red Deer

(403) 886-2266

Woodlands Adventist School K-9


(403) 783-2640


Adventist Academy 10-12


(587) 815-8800


Family Life


To nurture and empower families within the Alberta Conference Seventhday Adventist churches through faith-based guidance, promoting spiritual growth, emotional wellness, and strong, resilient relationships, all grounded in biblical principles and the love of Christ.


Enhance Family Unity

Strengthen family bonds by organizing regular family-oriented activities and workshops, aiming to increase participation by 20% over the next year.

Promote Spiritual Growth

Encourage family life leaders in every church to facilitate weekly Bible study sessions for families, aiming to deepen their spiritual understanding and application of biblical principles in daily life.

Improve Communication Skills

Conduct quarterly workshops focused on effective communication within families, with the objective of reducing misunderstandings and conflicts reported by participating families by 30%.

Support Parenting Education

Offer parenting classes twice a year to equip parents with biblical and practical skills for raising children in a Christian environment.

Youth Engagement

Help Conference youth leaders to increase youth engagement in church activities by 25% by creating and implementing relevant and appealing programs for different age groups.

Marriage Enrichment

Organize biannual marriage retreats or seminars to strengthen marital relationships, aiming for at least 50 couples to participate each session.

Outreach and Community Service

Encourage Church community leaders to engage families in community service projects, aiming to involve at least 25% of the ministry’s families in annual outreach activities.

Counseling and Support Services

Conference will provide resources for accessible counseling services for families dealing with various challenges, aiming to assist at least 30 families per year.

Foster Inter-Generational Interaction

Create events and activities that encourage interaction between different generations within the church, with the goal of hosting at least four such events each year.

Monitor and Evaluate Progress

Regularly assess the effectiveness of the family life ministry programs through surveys and feedback mechanisms, aiming for a 10% annual improvement in program satisfaction rates.

As a result of the Family Life Department's immense workload and demands, all of our congregations, pastors, and members must collaborate to ensure that the family mission in our Conference is carried out.


Ruth Ali
Family Life Ministries

Foothills Camp and Retreat Centre


Our mission is to serve groups with a Christ-centred ministry year-round, providing a warm and friendly Christian atmosphere for spiritual growth, nurture, fellowship, and formation of lifelong connections. We strive to provide a top-notch camping experience in a clean, safe, and appealing environment.


To provide a location for ministries to grow and flourish, we must provide:

Goal 1: New Facilities

Purchase property across the river from the camp — to expand the summer camp program.

Build a 150-room lodge and conference centre.

Build a new 4000-seat auditorium/pavilion

Create a campus of camps, where multiple programs may run simultaneously.

Provide a seasonal RV camp for Conference members, self-funded by a 10-year seasonal buy-in.

Building new summer camp cabins, allowing for a ratio of two staff members per 16 campers.

Action plans

Consult with Red Deer County and build a strong rapport with our neighbours to advance these projects.

Begin negotiations with an architect to design a new lodge and conference centre. Begin a fundraising initiative for these projects.

Goal 2: Upgrades to

Building facades.

All division buildings—Insulating and heating them for year-round use. Bathrooms—renovating them for year-round use.

Action plans

Utilize Maranatha North America, men’s groups, volunteer support, and yearround staff to complete these projects.

Promote Foothills Camp & Retreat Centre at churches to raise funds.

Goal 3: Exceptional Service

Stellar customer service means building excellent relationships with your clients.

At Foothills Camp & Retreat Centre, we will strive to exude a Christ-like spirit of generosity

and helpfulness while going the extra mile to provide for our clients’ needs.

Action Plans

Provide training for staff to upgrade their skills (i.e. hospitality, housekeeping, and safety).

Constantly reinforce that we are here to serve as Christ served through daily worships, prayers and leading by example.

Ken Harrington Foothills Camp and Retreat Centre Director

Health Ministries


To share the truth and love of Jesus to as many people as possible through the ministry of healing; in caring for the “whole person” in mind, body and soul.


Goal 1: To host an annual Health-Focused Mini Camp Meeting.

Action plans

Create enthusiasm within the conference leadership and health directors in Alberta Seventh-day Adventist churches.

Put together a powerful panel of speakers and presenters.

Advertise across the province to churches as well as community.

Goal 2: To strengthen the Health Ministry in each Seventh-day Adventist church across Alberta.

Action plans

Encourage each church to have a health ministry leader.

Create a strong bond & support health team composed of the various church health leaders.

Offer training in the field of health and natural remedies to empower members to go out and share in their community.

Goal 3: To present various seminars within the community offering tools and knowledge to not only better their health, but be given the opportunity to come to know the “True Physician” who will heal them physically, mentally and spiritually.

Action plans

Various health retreats/seminars

focusing on different needs such as: depression recovery, stress management, healthy relationships, Bible studies, cooking classes, health expos, fitness classes, friendship evangelism, veggie dinner clubs, forgiveness seminars, raising healthy children, and more!

To work as a “health team” across Alberta supporting each church with their outreach program(s).

Darlene Blaney Health Ministries Volunteer Coordinator



To equip, encourage, and assist pastors and elders to fulfill their divine calling to spiritual leadership in the Alberta Conference.



Goal 1: To improve connection, compassion, and camaraderie amongst pastors in the Alberta Conference.

“You are not alone.”

Action plans

Provide opportunities to discuss and debrief personal experiences in pastoral ministry.

Provide opportunities to discuss and debrief professional experiences in pastoral ministry.

Allocate time and space for networking and mentorship amongst pastors.

Goal 2: To empower local church elders to lead with courage, conviction, and competence.

“You have been called.”

Action plans

Share practical resources to prepare elders for their calling.

Ensure pastoral prayer and mentorship to each elder.

Provide training through elder’s retreats, workshops, and seminars.

Goal 3: To provide support, resources, and comfort to pastors and their families as they navigate the rewards and challenges of ministry.

“Count it all joy…”

Action plans

Encourage pastoral professional growth through education, training, and mentorship.

Utilize the 8 Core Qualities of Pastors as a metric for pastoral growth.

Provide spiritual and practical care for pastors families including spouses and children.


Every action plan will be covered in prayer from beginning to end.

“For with man these things are impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Matthew 19:26

“The elders who lead well are to be considered worthy of double honour, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching.” 1 Timothy 5:17




To equip, train, and inspire every member to become personal witnesses to the goodness of God in their lives and the church.



Goal 1: Create a Conferencewide online presence where every digital ministry collaborates together for a unified evangelistic ministry to reach our mobile culture.


Action plans

Create an Alberta Conference Online Ministry Community.

Centralize digital ministry vision.

Decentralize digital ministry influence.

Goal 2: Create new innovative ministries to add to the cycle of evangelism that show we truly care about the people and world around us. Jesus mingled, so should we.

Action plans

Create new “Mingle Ministries” which focus on spending quality time with people.

Organize “Sympathy Ministries” which focus

on compassion and understanding.

Re-organize “Needs based ministries” and graft them into the cycle of evangelism .

Goal 3: Empower youth and young adults with mentorship and resources to discover their calling and gifts within the family of God. Youth are not the future of the church, they are the present.

Action plans

Collaborate with Youth and Young Adult Director(s) and Youth pastors to accomplish Goal #2. Encourage multigenerational mentorship.

Provide opportunities for youth and young adults to discover their spiritual gifts.


Every action plan will be covered in prayer from beginning to end.

“For with man these things are impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

“Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Savior mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence.”

(Ministry of Healing p. 143,144)

Tyler Rosengren Ministerial/Evangelism Director

How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

Romans 10:15

Walking in open field toward a bright sun admiring God’s creation.


Planned Giving/Philanthropy


Planned Giving/Philanthropy Department of the Alberta Conference (PGTS) encourages members to follow biblical principals in the use of their financial resources and planning, and to consider current tax efficient possibilities for maximizing and sharing their blessings to both extend God’s work in Alberta and ensure the wellbeing of their families.


Goal 1: To raise member awareness of Conference assistance with wills and annuities to 75%.

Action plans

a. Increased engagement at Camp Meeting.

i. Increase space and department personnel available for consultation and will instructions.

ii. Five-minute presentations before plenary meetings during the week.

b. Refresh PGTS website.

c. Reframe Means & Meanings column with a series focus.

Goal 2: To expand the awareness of churches of their ability to raise funds.

Action plans

a. Publicize the option of churches who are “ready to build” to invest a portion of the Conference’s $100,000 building contribution

in active fundraising (ex.: professional donor research and grant writing).

b. Raise awareness of pastors as frontline partners in helping members connect with PGTS and its resources.

c. “Save and Raise a Bundle” consultation event with professional fundraisers.

Goal 3: To secure the future of Mamawi Atosketan Centre as a 90% self-sustaining entity.

Action plans

a. Secure publication of MAC- related stories and note in church periodicals at the NAD level.

b. Consolidate relationships with donors.

c. Raise the profile of the Maskwacis Outreach in the Conference and in the Maskwacis community through focusing on developments connected to MAC and MANS, including products of the MANS Career and Technology Studies and Inspire Mamawi/Maskwacis Leadership programs.

Lynn McDowell Planned Giving and Trust Services/Philanthropy Director

Prayer Ministries


To lead by inviting, inspiring, and opening space for prayer for people to love God, love others, and love mission.


• 80% of members engaged in prayer and sharing their God Sightings (answers to prayer).

• Each local church hosts at least one prayer outreach event yearly to support the non-Adventist community.

• Each local church hosts events to encourage members to know God and each other at deeper levels.

• Prayer Evangelism: at least 10% of local church members praying together weekly for others, identified by their fellow members, to know God and to turn to Him; 80% of members engaged in prayer dyads or prayer triplets praying for three people they know to come to know God; 90% of members intentionally praying for at least one person they know to come to know God and walk with Him.

The plans in section 1. Love God: People Passionate in Prayer, will be led and implemented by the Alberta Prayer Ministries team.

The plans in sections 2 and 3 are for the local churches to implement. Prayer Coordinators in the local church and the Pastors will be invited to quarterly Equipping and Encouraging meetings Online where these initiatives will be shared and reviewed. As prayer coordinators and pastors keep track of participation the hope is that over the five-year period we will reach the participation percentage identified in the goals.

1. LOVE GOD: People Passionate in Prayer

Goal: To work with prayer coordinators and pastors to highlight prayer as foundational, vital to the ministry of the church. Creating events opening space for people to meet with God and each other in prayer.

Action plans

Half Nights of Prayer 6 p.m. to Midnight online.

Prayer Challenge at the start of the year— pick a theme each year, “THE NAME: God’s Character Through His Names” 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. daily for 30 minutes for

the month of February—people have the opportunity to gather Online to focus on one aspect of God’s character and pray.

10 Days of Prayer—following the 10 Days of Prayer created by the General Conference and/or doing a local Alberta event such as “Praying for people’s work situations and finances” for 10 days each evening at a specified time. Make prayer a more significant part of Pastor’s meetings in January and July.

Prayer Coordinator’s Prayer Retreat— invite prayer coordinators from around Alberta to gather for a weekend focused on being in God’s presence in prayer to inspire them to go back to their churches and open space for the members to be focused on being in God’s presence in prayer.

Prayer Spots at Camp Meeting—10 spots around the campus where people are invited to reflect on a passage of scripture, knowing God better, and being real in talking with Him.


Prayer Conferences in the Northern, Central, and Southern sections of Alberta for all members to hear God.

Goal of 80% of members engaged in prayer and sharing their God Sightings (answers to prayer).

2. LOVE PEOPLE: Serving the Community through Prayer

Goal: Serving the community of the local congregation AND the community of the local town/city. Host events to which church members are invited as well as non-church members. Advertise in the town/city inviting people to come to a Prayer Breakfast, or Prayer Dinner so that they can be prayed for. Encourage members to invite non-members, friends, neighbours, to attend. A meal will be provided, members will be equipped in friendship evangelism, prayer teams will be ready to pray with and for people, perhaps a gift of some sort will be available for guests to take home. There will be a focus for each event, e.g.,

a gift of school supplies of some sort to give to each family that attends.

Family Day: pray for healing, reconciliation, in families. Perhaps have a presentation on forgiveness or love. July 1: pray for our country, for peace, for acceptance of others, for understanding between people groups, have a presentation appropriate to that topic.

September 29 National Police and Peace Officers Day: maybe make it a first responders’ day and invite all first responders, police, peace officers, fire brigade, EMS, ER Staff, etc.

Each time validate the group focused on, give thanks and appreciation, share understanding and compassion, etc. in a short talk, and pray for them.

Goal: Each local church hosts at least one such event to serve the nonAdventist community each year.

Action plans

Going back to school: pray for students, parents, and teachers and perhaps have

September 30 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation: connect with Social Services and work with them to reach out to Indigenous People in care and invite them to be cared for and prayed with, have a presentation by an Indigenous person who believes in God helping the guests make connection with their felt experience and God’s love.

Serving the local church community through prayer. Create events that open space for members to connect with each other and get to know each other on a different, deeper level, than a few minute conversation between Sabbath School and church. Create safe spaces for people to be authentic and real with each other and to pray for each other.




Host Prayer Breakfasts for the members to open space for connecting with God and each other either yearly or twice a year.

Have a men’s prayer breakfast one Sabbath a month before Sabbath School.


Have a House of Prayer Service in the local church twice a year where the focus of the whole service is on prayer and the elders have the opportunity to pray with the people and anoint them as requested.

Goal: each local church hosts events to encourage members to know God and each other at deeper levels.

3. LOVE MISSION: Prayer Evangelism

The focus is to bathe all outreach in prayer, to encourage members to identify people they know who they would love to see come to Jesus and to pray for them intentionally and consistently.

Create a Prayer Album: Each member is invited to have a photo of at least one person they are praying for to know Jesus. A copy of the photo, the person’s name, and the name of the member who submitted the photo will be in the album. The congregation is invited to join weekly to pray for the people in the album. Praying for God to show them what He is doing in that person’s life and to let the church member know what

He wants them to do with Him. Praying for guidance on what can be done to reach out to them with Jesus’ love and salvation.

Goal: To have a team of at least 10% of membership, people passionate about prayer and evangelism, to meet weekly, with the Prayer Album to pray for every name in the album. The goal is also to have 90% of the church identifying at least one person they covenant to pray for regularly and frequently for that person to know God and turn to Him. This prayer time will be individual.

Operation Andrew: Prayer couplets or Prayer triplets. Have members engaged in praying together weekly in groups of two or three for three people they wish to come to know Jesus better. Andrew is recorded at bringing three people to Jesus. Invite members to prayerfully discover three names the Lord wishes them to pray for, so those people will know God and choose to walk with Him. Prayer time can be in person or on the phone, video meeting etc. The whole focus is praying together evangelistically, not socializing.

Goal: To have 80% of the church engaged in weekly prayer times with one or two other people in the church, focused on reaching the people the Holy Spirit has laid on their hearts, for them to know God and to walk with Him.

Prayer leading up to Evangelistic outreach events, throughout the event, and continuing after the event for the people whose lives were touched by the meetings.

Goal: to have 80% of the membership intentionally praying for every aspect of the meetings in the evangelistic event.


Prison Ministries


To teach, train and equip qualified lay members to be humble servant ambassadors of Christ as they minister to the less fortunate members of society behind the prison walls with His love and grace through a close daily walk with Jesus.


Goal 1: To minister to all prisoners, correctional guards and staff with Christ’s contagious love.

Goal 2: To make disciples through genuine friendship evangelism to affect meaningful change.

Goal 3: To reach all the prisons throughout Alberta, and beyond, Provincially and Federally.

Goal 4: To nurture our lay prison ministry volunteers to Christian maturity.

Action plans

To promote Prison Ministry to all Alberta Conference members by visiting conference churches and to present seminars at Alberta Camp Meeting encouraging more members to volunteer.

Encourage and support our volunteers toward genuine transparent, reflective lifestyle that is contagious with others.

Nurture by making the prison ministry leadership available to encourage the laity and answer any questions that may arise.

Conduct a Conference-wide Prison Ministry convention.

Develop a bimonthly Prison Ministry Newsletter to keep the church membership and prison ministry volunteers informed and updated.

Oliver Johnson

Prison Ministries

Volunteer Coordinator | Community/Reintegration Chaplain


Public Affairs & Religious Liberty (PARL)


To promote and defend religious freedom for all and to make the local church in Alberta well known as a Christian church based on the Bible.


Back in 1926, the General Conference Executive Committee adopted an important statement that is now a part of the General Conference Working Policy (O 110). It affirms that Seventh-day Adventists “recognize every agency that lifts up Christ before men as a part of the divine plan for the evangelization of the world, and... hold in high esteem the Christian men and women in other communions who are engaged in winning souls to Christ.” In the church’s dealings with other churches, “Christian courtesy, friendliness, and fairness” are to prevail.

In 1980 the General Conference set up a Council on Interchurch/Interfaith Relations in order to give overall guidance and supervision to the church’s relations with other religious bodies. Therefore, we believe that Adventist local leaders in Alberta, should be known as “bridge builders.” Ellen White has said: “It requires much wisdom to reach ministers and men of influence.” (Evangelism, 562).

This means that Adventists in this Conference, have not been called to live in a walled-in ghetto, talking only to ourselves, showing a sectarian spirit of isolationism. Ellen White did not believe in the isolationist mentality: “Our ministers should seek to come near to the ministers of other denominations. Pray for and with these men, for whom Christ is interceding. A solemn responsibility is theirs. As Christ’s messengers we should manifest a deep, earnest interest in these shepherds of the flock.”

As Seventh-day Adventists, we regard all men and women as equal in the sight of God. We reject bigotry against any person, regardless of race, nationality, or religious creed. Further, we gladly acknowledge that sincere Christians may be found in other denominations, and we are to work in concert with all agencies and bodies that seek to relieve human suffering and to uplift Christ before the world.

Therefore, the church in Alberta, counts on


local church believers to be the peacemakers, the bridge builders. But bridge builders do not appear at random. It is “our mission,” to build bridges and to make friends without compromising our faith.

Goal 1: To have every church district in Alberta plan an annual Religious Liberty Sabbath, which occurs on the fourth Saturday of January every year, which includes a religious liberty sermon.

Goal 2: To develop local community relationships for eligible religious liberty recognition and awards with public officials and religious leaders of your local town or city, and to give public recognition to worthy candidates, to be acknowledged on the annual religious liberty Sabbath.

Goal 3: To build contacts and momentum, to be able to justify within five years, the planning of a Provincial based Religious Liberty Congress and Concert, in either Calgary or Edmonton, involving religious liberty partners from all interested ecclesiastical and public agencies, including representatives from the NAD and GC PARL departments.

Action plans

The Conference PARL Coordinator, will contact every Pastoral District, to assist each district to implement the pre-planning (Oct/Nov), for the annual religious liberty Sabbath sermon & offering, on the 4th Sabbath in January.

The Conference PARL Coordinator, will contact every Pastoral District, to assist in the curating of the Liberty Magazine list, before (April-Sept), the October subscription deadline.

The Conference PARL Coordinator, will contact every Pastoral District, to assist in developing community relationships for eligible religious liberty recognition and awards to be acknowledged on the annual religious liberty Sabbath.

The Provincial based Religious Liberty Congress and Concert, will only be executed, upon successful achievement of the above listed action plans.

John Wesley Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Volunteer Coordinator
Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.
Daniel 12:3
A small home admires the stars as it looks out over the Atlantic Ocean at the shore of Bonavista, Newfoundland.

Risk Management / Projects and Property Development


To support the Risk Management initiatives of the Alberta Conference to provide a safe and secure environment in which to deliver its services of sharing the Gospel and demonstrating God’s love to those individuals (internal and external) that are within its sphere of contact. (The focus of Risk Management is on the well being of individuals as well as the protection of Facilities / Assets).

Risk Management


Goal 1: Vulnerable Sector

100 % of the Alberta Conference local Congregations, Schools, and Foothills Camp ensure that Vulnerable Sector Reports are in place for all individuals engaged in ministry to Young Adults, Youth, and Children.

Action plans

Requires collaborative approaches including front line ministry providers (local churches, schools, and Foothills Camp), pastoral staff, and integration across Alberta Conference Departments.

Educational Materials and Presentations at group sessions and meetings.

Appointment of Vulnerable Sector Coordinators at local Churches, Schools, and Foothills Camp.

Develop a Conference-wide Vulnerable Sector Database.

Goal 2: Fire and Safety

80 % of Church Congregations* participate in Safety Sabbath (Fire and Safety Drills) Annually.

100 % of Schools participate in Safety Weeks (Fire drills and Emergency Measures) Annually.

Action plans



Document Participation and develop ongoing Fire and Safety Recommendations.

Goal 3: Appointment of Safety Officers

100 % of Local Sites (Churches, Schools, and Foothills Camp) Appoint Safety Officers.

Action plans

Promotion of the Role of Safety Officers and their importance.


Promotion of Safety Sabbath / Safety Weeks along with the provision of educational materials. Requires collaboration within each site entity and with local leadership.

Articles in Alberta Conference publications.

Completion of annual Fire Preparedness

Self-Assessments for each site.

Provision of educational resources and materials.

Support and assistance for Safety Officers as they work to fulfil their responsibilities.

*Church congregations utilizing rental premises may not be able to fully participate in all aspects.


Projects and Property Development


To support the Alberta Conference and its organizational units with securing, developing, and managing property and facilities with an emphasis on safety, efficiency, and fitness for their intended usage.

Goal 1: Facility Condition

Self- Assessment Questionnaire

100 % of Alberta Conference Local Church Sites, Schools, and Foothills

Camp complete a Facility Condition Self-Assessment Questionnaire.

Action plans

Develop and prepare the Facility Condition Self-Assessment Questionnaire.

Circulate educational materials outlining the purpose of the Facility Condition Assessment Questionnaire and related processes.

Circulate the Facility Condition SelfAssessment Questionnaire to each site, to be completed for each building.

Review completed Facility Condition SelfAssessment Questionnaires and discuss with Local Site personnel, including Action Plans drafted by the local site.

Provide support to Local Sites as required during the completion of the Facility Condition SelfAssessment Questionnaire and follow-up.

Goal 2: Site Visits

Visit 100 % of Sites owned by the Alberta Conference (2023-2028)

Action plans

Schedule local site visits with sufficient notice for participation of the Pastor, Safety Officer, and additional local personal as required.

Confirm key facility information – i.e., dimensions, general layout, construction methods, etc.

Document key facility features — digital photographs.

Coordinate local site visits with a review of issues identified on the Facility Condition SelfAssessment Questionnaire.

In conjunction with the local site, review the Action Plan for remedial steps to be taken — urgent and long-term.

Follow-up progress on the completion of the Action Plan steps.


Note any concerns with the adequacy and fitness of the Local Sites / Facility for its current or planned usage.

Note areas where efficiency opportunities may exist.

Support Property Acquisition and Development

Goal 3: Assist Local Churches with the Property acquisitions (with or without buildings) through:

Action plans

Ensuring that the property/facility will be suitable for the intended purpose.

Working with the local church to determine the feasibility of the proposed acquisition, including steps that will need to be taken to put the site/facility into use.

Ensuring that appropriate “due diligence” steps are undertaken prior to proceeding with a property acquisition.

Goal 4: To support the Alberta Conference and its organizational units with Projects and Property Development initiatives through:

Action plans

Ensuring that adequate planning processes have been undertaken, including congregation/user consultation and decision making.

Ensuring that Provincial and municipal laws, requirements, and regulations are followed.

Ensuring that adequate contracting processes are being utilized and that satisfactory prices and terms are negotiated and achieved.

Ensuring that adequate project commissioning plans are developed and implemented.

LLew Werner Risk Management/Project Development Director

Sabbath School and Personal Ministries


Inspiring, training, and equipping church members to be actively involved in fulfilling the mission of the church.


To inspire hope and wholeness through the active involvement of church members in personal and Sabbath school ministries.


Goal 1: To engage at least 40% of church members in soul-winning activities.

Action plans

Facilitate discipleship training for Sabbath School teachers, Personal Ministries Directors, and Sabbath School Directors.

Conduct spiritual gifts workshops for church members.

Organize and conduct lay-led evangelistic series across the conference.

Goal 2: To establish and sustain an active small group approach with membership involvement in community outreach activities.

Action plans

Provide training for the development of small groups in each congregation.

Provide training for community small group leaders and facilitators.


Conduct quarterly meetings with Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Directors.

Goal 3: To encourage and facilitate quarterly Sabbath School and Personal Ministries reports to the department.

Action plans

Highlight the importance of reporting through seminars and workshops.

Implement a mechanism to follow up with delinquent churches, encouraging them to become current.

Provide a summary of the report in the conference paper.

Establish a quarterly prayer session between Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Directors.

Sabbath School/Personal Ministries Director

Reynold Ferary



That SAGE Alberta will provide seniors in the Alberta Conference opportunities to develop new friendships, opportunities to serve, experience the joys of nature in camping, have opportunities to explore God’s word together, and also explore adventures beyond Alberta to deepen life’s experiences and contributions.


To enhance the spiritual, mental, physical, and social health of senior church members by providing:

Opportunities for continued active service to God and His Church.

Opportunities to develop new friendships and support systems during outings together.

An annual convention that is particularly geared to the needs and interests of the more mature segment of the church.

* SAGE - Seniors in Action for God with Excellence


Goal 1: To have an impacting Annual SAGE Convention.

Action plans

Inspirational speakers to provide thought-provoking topics.

A banquet to update SAGE convention attenders on SAGE activities.

Share an activity together in the community for fellowship and education.

Goal 2: To provide meaningful service opportunities.

Action plans

Help schools get ready for the new school year: Sylvan Lake, College Heights Christian School, Mamawi Atosketan Native School.

Help Foothills camp get ready for Camp Meeting.

Help church construction projects as able.

Goal 3: To have varied opportunities to grow together.

Action plans

Have at least two RV outings with varied activities: Spiritual, Recreational, having fun and eating good food together.

To explore travel to a point of mutual interest.

Have a fall retreat where we come to gain deeper understanding of some Biblical teaching or issue of current interest/concern.

Goal 4: To look beyond our current ministry to discover ways we might enhance SAGE ministry.

Action plans

Have a special visioning time with the SAGE committee and representatives of the Alberta Conference Office Staff.

To see how SAGE ministry aligns with the objectives of the Alberta Conference.

To see how we might help churches develop their seniors’ ministries.


Don Corkum SAGE Ministries Volunteer Coordinator



To facilitate change through building positive relationships, collaborative decision making, and policy regulation to the benefit of every individual, so that in harmony, we may reflect the passion, love, and grace of Jesus to Alberta and the Northwest Territories.


Goal 1: To continuously update the Conference Employee Handbook.

Action plans

Set a weekly block of time for working on policy revision.

Collaborate with the Education Directors to align the Education Code with the Employee handbook.

Collaborate with Legal Counsel, Human Relations Director, and Risk Management to update current policies.

Collaborate with IT/Communications to create a document that is easily updated.

Develop new policies as needed.

Goal 2: To develop and implement child and vulnerable sector safety protocols in every church in the conference.

Action plans

Collaborate with Legal Counsel, Human Relations Director, and Sabbath School Departmental Director.

Develop and implement a Sexual Offender Policy and Agreement.

Implement a standard safety protocol for all churches to use for Sabbath School, Church services, and miscellaneous events.

Collaborate with Human Relations Director to ensure that Vulnerable Sector Checks and Criminal Records Checks are up to date.

Train and equip safety officers, pastors, children’s ministry leaders through enditnow and other professionals/organizations.

Incorporate our desire to create safe places of worship in the hiring process.

Goal 3: To equip and empower the leaders and departments that fall under the Secretariat purview by engaging, praying for, and actively supporting them.

Action plans

Meet with each leader in the first quarter of each year to discuss goals and ways to support their vision.

Create a rotating prayer to pray for each leader specifically, let them know I am praying for them and invite specific requests.

If possible, attend the events planned by the leaders.

Advocate for and provide support and resources.

Keep accurate records of concerns raised and cases dealt with.

Melissa Cooke Executive Secretary/VP for Administration

Stewardship Ministries


God’s people living in wholistic faithfulness to God — recognizing the Lordship of Jesus,and living a life of partnership with God, and cooperation within the body of Christ.


To help leaders and members alike develop the habits and practices necessary to grow, live, and give as dynamic and faithful disciples of Christ.


Stewardship is all about our relationship with God. It is the attitude we display toward God and the resources He has entrusted us to manage and care for; and it is the lifestyle of such management and care in harmony with the principles of His Word. Stewardship includes, but it not limited to finances. Truly, stewardship is about life management under the Lordship of Christ.

In the great plan of God, we have been created and redeemed to be faithful stewards before God - that is, partners with God and faithful managers for Him of all aspects and dimensions of our lives. A Christian steward, with a heart filled with love to God for His goodness, chooses to manage God’s resources and gifts in God’s way.


The Stewardship Department of the Alberta Conference exists for the purpose of aiding each church member to identify with their God-given responsibility of being a co-labourer with Christ in the work of the Great Commission, and preparing a people to meet

Him at His soon return.

Each believer is entrusted by God with abilities and possessions, resources and opportunities, to bring God’s blessings and the knowledge of His plan of redemption to the world. As we live as God’s stewards, acknowledging His ownership by faithful service to Him and His children, by returning a faithful tithe and offerings that support the work of sharing the gospel, and by cooperating in the upbuilding of the Church, God blesses our efforts.

As stewardship is the calling of God upon our lives, it will prove to be a great blessing to us as we, through service and sacrifice for God’s sacred causes, find victory over selfishness and the joy of ministering to the needs of others.

The Stewardship Department, then, accomplishes its purpose when our church members are inspired and encouraged to practice Biblical stewardship, and thus, carefully manage and share all that God has committed to our care — time, talents, temple, treasure, and testimony — and experience the blessing of dynamic, Christ-centred, faithful discipleship.


To call our church members throughout the conference to a total commitment of the entire life and all resources and possessions to the lordship of Jesus Christ, and to live a lifestyle of union and partnership with God.

To encourage and support our pastors in assisting church members in their journey of belief in, and the practice of Biblical Stewardship.

To provide educational and inspirational opportunities, as well as resources, that promote the principles of Biblical Stewardship to our church members and church leaders throughout the conference.

To prayerfully educate and challenge believers within the conference to the commitment of returning a faithful tithe and regular offerings that support the work of the church on all levels.



Goal 1: To support local church pastors, and local church stewardship coordinators, as they nurture their church congregations in an appreciation of the principles of wholistic Biblical stewardship.

Action plans

To encourage our conference pastors to become more aware of the giving patterns within their local churches, and to recognizing ways to minister to the congregation in times of the congregation’s financial need, and to support the ongoing relationship of the church to faithful, regular contributors to the Lord’s work.

To provide a monthly communication to conference pastors and local church stewardship coordinators that highlights stewardship principle(s), as well as testimonials of financial stewardship blessings; and to facilitate access among local leaders to NAD stewardship newsletters .

To encourage our conference pastors and local church stewardship coordinators to plan for, and report, at least one annual Stewardship emphasis in each congregation within the Alberta Conference (Stewardship Sabbath, stewardship seminar, stewardship sermon series, etc.).

Goal 2: To see an increase of financial gifts (faithful tithe, systematic offerings, planned giving/estate gifts, and special project giving) made to and through local churches and the Alberta Conference for the Lord’s work as a result of increased education and inspiration in the area of Biblical Stewardship.

Action plans

Conduct a minimum of four departmentled Stewardship emphasis programs each year in the Conference territory (weekend stewardship seminars, stewardship information sessions, Stewardship Sabbath emphases, and/ or other stewardship-focused events in local churches or venues throughout the Alberta Conference impacting and

supporting as many church members and leaders as possible with the vision of wholistic Biblical Stewardship.

Use traditional and digital media opportunities within the Alberta Conference to share the good news stewardship stories (from within the Alberta Conference and/or other conferences within the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada) with our members to encourage and inspire the practice of Biblical Stewardship principles.

To work with the Conference Treasury Department, as well as the Planned Giving/Trust Services Department to understand and recognize historical giving trends and factors, so as to be able to appropriately evaluate future progress.

Goal 3: To support our church members moving toward increased personal financial responsibility and independence/self-support, as well as the practice of Christian money management principles.


Action plans

To work with the Youth Department, Club Ministries, and Children’s Ministries coordinators within the Alberta Conference to encourage the training of young people and children in the principles of Biblical stewardship in the context of the local church (through means such as the promotion of the Stewardship Honour for Pathfinders, and the use of age appropriate stewardship and financial literacy resources for children).

To provide resources, and information about available resources, that can be utilized within the local church context to support both members and community friends in their learning about personal finances, money management, becoming debt free, etc.

The earth and everything in it, the world and its inhabitants, belong to the Lord. Psalm 24:1
Jason Williams Stewardship Ministries Volunteer Coordinator Wonderful autumn sunrise of Hintersee lake.

Foothills Summer Camp

MOTO Only by Love is Love awakened.


To experience belonging in Creation, and in turn, to be that belonging for others to experience.


GOAL 1: To experience practical ministry and mission.

Action plans

Collaborate and partner with our academies and Burman University to provide university-level theological training.

Encourage and support professional development through counseling, funding, and mentorship.

Incorporate STEM fields into summer camp programming.

Begin developing urban camp programming packages to be executed alongside summer camps.

Implement a weekly volunteer program for those who can no longer spend full summers in camp ministry.

GOAL 2: To expand camp ministry.

Action plans

Bring summer camp programming and staff to the cities during the summer.

Expand the scope of summer camp ministry to include families, seniors, young adults, as well as blind camps.

Plan and execute “off-season” camp programming in urban settings.

Aim to comfortably facilitate over 130 campers per week.

GOAL 3: To nurture a vibrant and thriving camp culture.

Action plans

Increase value and health to camp staff in the form of shorter camp weeks and richer weekend experiences.

Develop and initiate a high-school boarding program to nurture leadership, spirituality, and mission within students.

Provide summer camp staff with healthy levels of care before, during, and after summer camp programming.

Give ownership to staff and campers by strategically planning on-site service and passion projects from year to year. Embrace legacy and heritage by researching and displaying foothills camp’s history and creating road maps for its future.

Emmanuel Vedoya Associate Youth Director | Summer Camp Director



To serve the Alberta and NWT membership, local churches, schools, ministries, and employees ensuring financial accountability and policy compliance while providing resources as required to accomplish the mission of The Alberta Conference.


GOAL 1: To improve communication, transparency, and provide administrative support to the churches, schools, and other stake holders.

Action plans

Continue developing a monthly treasury newsletter to communicate with our local church and school treasurers.

Develop a forum where treasurers can support one another.

Include regular Treasury updates in the Alberta Newsletter.

GOAL 2: To be able to allocate resources to build or acquire five new churches for the Session.

Action plans

Renewed emphasis on stewardship.

Implement an annual church infrastructure offering replacing one Alberta Advance Offering.

GOAL 3: To work with each of our schools to ensure a solid financial base in order to provide accessible Adventist Education for all.

Action plans

Implement an annual education offering replacing one Alberta Advance Offering.

Include financial updates of Adventist Education in our Newsletter.

Work together with our school constituencies to accommodate inflation adjusted support.

Renewed emphasis on stewardship.

GOAL 4: To complete a ten-year development plan for Foothills Camp and begin its implementation.

Action plans

Reactivate Foothills Camp Committee.

Accommodate the growing needs of the camp facilities.

Expand camp programming to include off-site and out-of-season events (including school visits and community events with the rock wall).


Women’s Ministries


To nurture, inspire and empower (equip) the women in our conference to be uplifting Christ in their churches, encouraging them to have a closer relationship with Jesus and to reach out by sharing His love with others.


Goal 1: To have several women’s retreats.

Action plans

The annual Women’s retreat.

The African Canadian retreat.

The Indigenous retreat .

The Spanish retreat.

Goal 2: To train women’s ministries leaders.

Action plans

Bring local WM leaders together at the annual retreat and have an opportunity to share what they are doing to minister to the women of their church, to the congregation and outreach to their communities.

Plan a women’s leadership retreat to support, to inspire and to equip.

Encourage each WM leader to complete the GC WM leadership certificate https://women.

Goal 3: To provide encouragement and outreach.

Action plans

Warm Fund (Women’s Assistance Retreat Ministries) - This fund is by donations only. An offering appeal is done at the retreat. WARM is to help those who would like to attend the annual women’s retreat but need financial assistance, as well as an outreach to encourage non-Adventists to attend. Those who are fortunate to give receive a tax deductible and the less fortunate will have the blessings to attend the annual women’s retreat and to know how much God cares for them. Through the years, this has been a win/win situation for everyone, the giver, and the receiver.

AB Conference women are invited to submit short devotionals for the yearly GC WM devotional book. Proceeds are for the WM Scholarship Program. Supports higher education for Adventist women globally.

International Women’s Day of Prayer, first Sabbath in March.

Women’s Ministries Emphasis Day

(GC) second Sabbath in June.

Women’s Offering (NAD) second Sabbath in June.

“Christ’s method ALONE will give true success in reaching people. The Savior mingled with [people] as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. THEN He bade them, ‘follow Me’.”

Nicole Paradis-Sydenham Women’s Ministries Volunteer Coordinator ( White, Ministry of Healing, p. 143)

Youth and Young Adults

MOTO We See you, We Hear you, We Empower you.


Fuel, empower, and equip young people to live authentic Christ-centred lives.


GOAL 1: Practical Ministry

Hands-on application to meet the needs of others in this world.

Action plans

Provide seed funding for creative outreach initiatives.

Provide opportunities for service projects and community outreach.

Allow youth and YA to plan three conference-wide evangelistic initiatives.

Leverage social media to engage 10,000 new people for God’s Kingdom.

Spiritual retreats focused on deepening personal relationship with Jesus.

GOAL 2: Thriving Communities

Cultivate safe and non-judgmental spaces where people feel accepted and valued.

Action plans

Create a young adult podcast to address relevant issues.

Create spaces for young people to thrive socially and spiritually.

Collaborate with our Adventist Academies and Burman University.

Provide training for every church to foster safe and inclusive churches.

GOAL 3: Mentorship

Spiritual and professional growth through ongoing mentorship while bridging generational gaps.

Action plans

Implement a youth and young adult advisory board.

Identify, train and equip 1000 members to do ministry geared towards youth.

Provide internship opportunities and establish a mentorship program.

Allow our young people to oversee the AB Conference for one week each year.

Provide professional mental health support for parents, youth and young adults.

Roberson Dorelus Youth and Young Adults Director

Club Ministries


Our mission is to inspire, empower, and guide families, children, and young individuals on their Christian journey of discipleship and leadership. Equipping them spiritually, mentally, physically, and socially through active engagement within our church and communities.


GOAL 1: In Each Church, One Club.

To encourage every church to establish its own club, transforming these clubs into centers of children and youth evangelism. Action plans

1. Conduct an Awareness Campaign: Highlight success stories, benefits, and the positive impact of club ministries on local church growth and community outreach.

Engage the church community and schools through various channels to build understanding and enthusiasm for club ministry.

Conduct workshops spotlighting the statistical growth and overall health of churches globally that have effectively utilized club ministries as an evangelistic tool.

2. Thorough Needs Assessment:

Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment within each church to understand community dynamics, discern

the interests of families, children, and youth, and identify available resources.

Gather insights to tailor club activities to meet the specific needs and interests of the local community.

3. Leadership Identification: Identify and reach out to potential leaders or volunteers who are enthusiastic about Club Ministry and willing to initiate and lead a club. Provide resources and practical guidance, ensuring they have the tools and knowledge to run a club successfully.

4. Collaborative Training Workshops:

Collaborate with local church pastors and leaders to organize training workshops and seminars.

Equip leaders with the knowledge and skills required for successful club initiation and consistent management.

GOAL 2: Integration of Club Ministries. To facilitate the integration of club ministries into all facets of church life and leadership, making them integral and active contributors to the church’s overarching mission.

Action plans

Collaborate with local church leadership to articulate specific objectives for club ministries that contribute to the church’s mission and functioning, ensuring that club activities and initiatives are purposefully designed to support the local community.

Work with church event organizers to incorporate club presentations, performances, or activities into regular church services, community events, and special programs.

Encourage open communication and establish regular meetings or forums where club leaders can share updates, successes, and challenges with local church leadership.


GOAL 3: Comprehensive Leadership Development and Mentorship.

To establish a thorough and consistent leadership development and mentorship process with a specific focus on equipping church pastors, elders, and members and nurturing committed young leaders.

Action plans

Host Regular Training Sessions: Conduct regular training sessions, both Online and in-person, utilizing the current North American Division training curriculums and programs (e.g., Master Guide and other Youth Ministries Certifications) offering comprehensive training and fostering continuous learning and skill enhancement in club ministries-related topics.

Implement a Structured Mentorship System: Introduce a structured mentorship system within the church and clubs, pairing experienced leaders with younger individuals aspiring to take on leadership roles, creating a supportive mentorship environment that facilitates knowledge transfer and leadership development.

Explore Master Guide Program

Integration: Investigate the feasibility of incorporating the Master Guide program into the religious studies degree curriculum at Burman University. This initiative aims to allow pastoral students to attain the Master Guide Certification, enabling them to actively contribute to youth and club ministries during their academic years. Additionally, it will enhance their skills and practical knowledge of club ministries for future pastoral roles.

Club Ministries encompass the Adventurers, Pathfinders, and Master Guide programs as defined by the Youth Ministries of the North American Division (NAD).

Janeth Vasquez Club Ministries Coordinator
PAGE 88 | ALBERTA CONFERENCE QUINQUENNIAL PLAN This is a publication of the Alberta Conference Communications Department.

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