Alberta Adventist News Fall Issue 2024

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Architect's preliminary design.

Dream to Reality a story of God's incredible leading and provision

S herwood Care is a 100 bed not for profit facility, providing long term care services, under contract to Alberta Health Services. We are the only Seventh-day Adventist care facility owned and operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Alberta.

Alberta Adventist News is a print and digital media publication of the Alberta Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Editor Troy McQueen; Co-Editor Ruby Casipe; Graphic Design Mishell Raedeke/; Photo attribution: Alberta Adventist Communication unless otherwise noted. Submission Guidelines:; Submissions:

ELECTED OFFICIALS: President Jeff Potts; Executive Secretary/VP for Administration Melissa Cooke; Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer Keith Richter. DEPARTMENTAL DIRECTORS: Ministerial & Evangelism Tyler Rosengren; Human Resources Officer Jennifer Williams; Education Superintendent Gail R. Wilton; Planned Giving & Trust Services/Philanthropy Lynn McDowell; Foothills Camp Ken Harrington; Youth Roberson Dorelus; Communication/IT/Media Troy McQueen; Risk Management/ Project Development Llew Werner ALBERTA CONFERENCE OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH: Address: 5816 Highway 2A, Lacombe, AB, T4L2G5. Office

Hours: Monday-Thur 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Phone: (403) 342-5044, Email: info@ albertaadventist. ca

SOCIAL MEDIA X: ABAdventist, Facebook: AlbertaAdventist, Instagram: ABAdventist, LinkedIn: ABAdventist, Website:

10 2024 Camp Meeting Highlights

Camp Meeting was full of inspiring and dynamic speakers, engaging seminars, and uplifting music. Check out the collection of photos for a glimpse into some of the highlights of Alberta Camp Meeting 2024.

18 International Pathfinder Camporee 2024

With 60,000 participants in Gillette, we're thankful all clubs arrived and returned safely! The week was full of adventure: friendships grew, memories were made, pins traded, honors earned. Most importantly, lives were changed for God's kingdom.

Cover photo: Lake Louise, Plain of Six Glaciers by David Beaudoin



“Do not leave Jerusalem until the Father sends you the gift he promised... John baptised with water, but in just a few days you will be baptised with the Holy Spirit.”

Acts 1:4-5

Just before His ascension, Jesus commanded His disciples, “Do not leave Jerusalem until the Father sends you the gift he promised... John baptised with water, but in just a few days you will be baptised with the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 1:4-5 NLT)

The disciples were told to stay in Jerusalem until they had been baptised with the Holy Spirit. They were not to leave Jerusalem until they received the power of the Holy Spirit. For ten days following Christ’s ascension, the disciples prayed with intense earnestness. They put away all differences and came close to one another in Christian fellowship.

“The disciples felt their spiritual need and cried to the Lord for the holy unction that was to fit them for the work of soul saving. They did not ask for a blessing for themselves merely. They were weighted with the burden of the salvation of souls. They realized that the gospel was to be carried to the world, and they claimed the power that Christ had promised.” (Acts of the Apostles, p. 37)

When the Holy Spirit was poured out on the day of Pentecost, Peter preached with boldness there in Jerusalem. “Those who believed what Peter said were baptised and added to the church that day—about 3,000 in all.” (Acts 2:41 NLT) “The Holy Spirit did for them [on the day of Pentecost] that which they could not have accomplished for themselves in a lifetime.” (Acts of the Apostles, p. 39)

My brethren and sisters, plead for the Holy Spirit, God stands back of every promise He has made.”— Ellen G. White

Make no doubt about it!

What happened in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost, came about because the church was praying with intense earnestness for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Those first disciples of Jesus put away their differences, they came close to one another in fellowship, and they claimed the promise Jesus had given them— “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.” (Acts 1:8 NLT)

The good news for the church today is the Day of Pentecost is just ahead! “Christ has promised the

gift of the Holy Spirit to His church, and the promise belongs to us as much as to the first disciples.” (Desire of Ages, p. 672) “The great work of the gospel is not to close with less manifestation of the power of God than marked its opening. The prophecies which were fulfilled in the outpouring of the former rain at the opening of the gospel are again to be fulfilled in the latter rain at its close.” (Great Controversy, p. 611)

This is why I say with conviction, “The best days of the Alberta Conference are just ahead!” Friend, will you join

me in praying earnestly for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit? Pentecost 2025 is just around the corner. Please unite with others in earnest prayer for the return of Pentecost. Meet in homes. Gather online. Come together at prayer meeting. “My brethren and sisters, plead for the Holy Spirit, God stands back of every promise He has made.” (Testimonies of the Church, vol. 8, p. 23.)

Jeff Potts President Alberta Conference



“At that point Jesus broke bread with them and revealed Himself.”
He is there, right beside us, and we don’t even know it. He is close, through the presence of the Holy Spirit, to each one of us.”

After the resurrection, two anonymous disciples were traveling on the road to a town called Emmaus, seven miles from Jerusalem (Luke 24:13). As they were talking Jesus started walking with them while concealing his true identity. As they travelled along the road they talked about the recent events of the life and death of Jesus, and there were even rumours that He had been resurrected, but these two disciples had no evidence of that even though deep in their hearts they hoped it was true. As they travelled along it says that Jesus began teaching them from “Moses and all the Prophets…the things concerning Himself.” Jesus was using the Old Testament as His basis for teaching the gospel. Later on, the two disciples stated that their hurts “burned within them” at the excitement of the truths that Jesus had shared. Eventually they get to where they are going and they invited Jesus to stay with them, still unaware who he was. At that point Jesus broke bread with them and revealed Himself. The disciples are amazed and so excited to know he is alive that they head right back to Jerusalem to tell the others that they can now confirm He is alive. Remember, that’s seven miles, like walking from Rocky Mountain House to Crimson Lake in the middle of the night, but that doesn’t stop them. It makes me wonder how close Jesus is to each of us as we walk along life’s path. He is there, right beside us, and we don’t even know it. He is close, through the presence of the Holy Spirit, to each one of us. As we study the Bible our hearts are drawn closer to Him, and we have a sense of peace inside that passes all understanding. Even though the world around maybe going crazy, we know that Jesus is right here with us. It is my prayer that as you continue to press forward in this life that you may know and believe that Jesus is at your side, walking with you, sharing with you, opening up your heart to His truths. One day He will reveal Himself fully, but until that day, we walk by faith.

Pastor Tyler Rosengren Ministerial Director Alberta Conference


Youth and Young Adults learning about conducting a board meeting.

Youth Department Hosts Mentorship Tour at Conference Office

The Alberta Conference

Youth Department had the pleasure of hosting over 40 guests at the conference office on July 3, 2024, for a mentorship tour.

The day was filled with interviews, Q&A sessions, church leadership training, and even a board meeting with the youth and young adults present. The feedback from those who participated was very positive and heartwarming.

I want to extend a big thank you to all of you for sending your youth and young adults and for making this conference an inspiring place to do ministry.

—Submitted by Roberson Dorelus, Director | Youth & Young Adults, Alberta Conference

Food and snacks setup for the Youth and Young Adults who participated in the mentorship tour.
Participants of the mentorship tour held at the Alberta Conference office.

Natural Church Development Training

One of our Audacious Goals for this Quinquennium (2023-2028) is to help every congregation in the Alberta Conference become healthier. You might be thinking, “That’s a great goal! But how on earth will we ever accomplish that!?” Thankfully, there’s a proven process for helping congregations become healthier, more vibrant and fruitful. Natural Church Development (NCD) is all about applying biblical principles and international research to help local congregations become increasingly healthy.

NCD was launched on the world stage in 1996 when Christian Schwarz published his book, Natural Church Development. It was initially released in ten different languages but is now available in over 30 languages. Research conducted in over 70,000 churches around the world has confirmed that there are eight Quality Characteristics which are present in every healthy, growing congregation. The NCD process uses an assessment tool to help congregations measure the strength of these eight Quality Characteristics in their local church.

The NCD process involves a cycle of surveying a representative segment of the congregation, understanding the survey results, prayerfully creating a growth plan, implementing the plan, and then perceiving how God

is working in the church. As this cycle is repeated every 1-2 years, congregations become increasingly healthy and fruitful.

Each of our congregations will establish a five-person “health team” to oversee the NCD process in their church. The Alberta Conference will support each congregation in their NCD journey. We have already trained 19 pastors to be NCD Coaches. Additionally, there are another six pastors who have requested this training. This will bring our total number of trained coaches to 25. Each of our Alberta Conference Churches will be assigned an NCD Coach. In many cases, this coach will be the local church pastor.

Our initial coach training session was held May 27-28 at the College Heights Church. The Director of NCD Canada, Bill Bickle, did an outstanding job

of training our coaches. Further training will be conducted online in September and October of this year. Our coaches are enthusiastic about the impact NCD will have on our churches. Our congregations will become healthier, and more fruitful, as we engage in the Natural Church Development process.

We plan for each church in the Alberta Conference to conduct an NCD Survey in the fall of 2024, or the first quarter of 2025.

Jesus said, “When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father.” (John 15:8 NLT) It is God’s purpose that our congregations bear “much fruit.” NCD is a proven process for helping congregations become more fruitful. Please join me in praying for God’s rich blessing on our 86 churches as we embark together on this NCD journey.

Jeff Potts, President, Alberta Conference

Alberta conference pastors attending NCD training.


Jose H

from the NAD ministerial department speaking in the main auditorium on the last evening of camp meeting.

Summer camp staff leading worship in the main auditorium.

Alberta Conference education staff leading worship in the main auditorium.

Cortes Jr.
Pastor Jeff Potts (right), President of the Alberta Conference, introducing Jose H Cortes Jr. (left) before his sermon in the main auditorium.
Alberta Conference pastors and administration at Foothills Camp during camp meeting setup week.
Nanette Quines leading the camp meeting mass choir/orchestra in the main auditorium.

left to right: First weekend speaker, James Winegardner; Alberta Conference Evangelism Shark Tank 1st place awarded to Pastor Orlando Pule for College Heights Church; Alberta Conference pastors singing at the ordination/commissioning service; Ordination/ commissioning candidates; Pastor Jeff Potts preaching; Keith and Lorraine Richter listening to camp meeting presentation; Participants of the Sunday Fun Run.

Club ministries photos: Master Guides during training; after the uniform inspection, Pathfinders are confident and ready for the Believe the Promise, International Camporee.
Paul Llewellyn, President of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada.
Pastor Jeff Potts (R) introducing James Winegardner, President of Adventist Risk Management.
President Jeff Potts, Lynn McDowell (Planned Giving/Philanthropy) and Ken Wiebe (chair of MAC Building Committee and chair of MANS board) sharing during Sabbath School.
Family Fun Day activities.
Top photos by Trevor Boller; Club Ministries photos by Thaksheela Dorelus
Photos left to right: Cimarron Pathfinder Club and Drum Corp marching at Camp Meeting 2024; Sylvan Lake Lighthouse Club proudly presenting their banner; Adventurer families enthusiastically waving to the crowd; Mountaineers Pathfinder Club saluting officials as they pass by; Divina and Uzzie Buhia revealing the new Alberta Youth Patch.
Photos by Thaksheela Dorelus

Have You Learned to “Taste and See?”

Since first reading it, I have loved this simple little statement found in The Desire of Ages, p. 824: “The very essence of the gospel is restoration…” That, to me, sums up the desire God has for each of our lives today. He wants to restore us —bring us back to the place originally planned for us in His perfect Edenic creation. This restoration work is accomplished through the process of discipleship in our lives. Our discipleship is all about being in a relationship with Jesus Christ and being wholistically surrendered to His rulership of our lives; it’s a journey in which we learn to trust God with each and every area of our lives, and let Him do His work of restoration and re-creation in us day by day.

As I have considered the Scripture’s principles, I have concluded that this work of restoration, through daily discipleship, means that the true essence of stewardship in practice is a discipleship experience, not just a financial one. Stewardship is about a partnership with God in our lives, and is more about our hearts and spiritual growth than it is about our dollars and cents. Stewardship is a whole-life calling of faith and trust in God that we are privileged to live out every day.

For us as Seventh-day Adventists, wholistic stewardship is understood in the context of the T’s of Stewardship Trust, Truth, Time, Temple, Tribe, Talents, Treasure and Testimony. The principles of wholistic

stewardship are interwoven throughout our theology, and practically, these principles touch all parts of our lives. We are reminded that our stewardship is intimately about Who we know, Who we have experienced, and Who we have learned to trust with our lives.

The Psalmist said: “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!” (Psalm 34:8 NKJV) Have we learned to taste and see that the Lord is good in each of the aforementioned areas of our lives? Have we chosen to live by the principles of heaven as given to us in the Scriptures, and then found that God has kept His Word to us? His promise is that blessing will accompany the faithful practice of His Word.

One of the very tangible areas of our wholelife stewardship that God has called us to “taste and see” that He is good and faithful and true, is the area of personal finance. In fact, regarding our financial faithfulness (“tithes and offerings”), our gracious Heavenly Father, the greatest Giver of all, has said “…put Me to the test…” He then says that we will see Him “…open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.” (Malachi 3:10 ESV).

Many are missing out on receiving the abundant blessings of God that can satisfy the needs of our lives in this world.”

of their income to their church by way of tithe and offerings combined. Today, in 2024, overall giving (as a percentage of one’s income) is down compared to what the average churchgoer was giving back during the Great Depression.

opportunity that God provides for spiritual growth, an opportunity to “taste and see that the LORD is good,” and to know that the God who promised is able to fulfill His promise to them.

What an opportunity that is! Have you experienced it? Have you found it to be true for you?

Many have not. Many are missing out on receiving the abundant blessings of God that can satisfy the needs of our lives in this world.

I have recently heard about surveys done in mainstream Christian churches, and have learned some interesting and troubling statistics. Many Christian churches report that large portions of their congregation have yet to accept the Malachi 3 challenge of faithfulness.

It appears that in most Christian circles less than one quarter of regular churchgoers regularly return tithe. Generally, more than half of churchgoers give less than 1%

We can all think about the needs of the church when statistics like that are considered. There is church mortgage or rent payments to be made, utilities to care for, Sabbath School materials to purchase, mission trips to fund, and departmental budgets to satisfy. But, considering that the way we understand and handle money will always impact our relationship with God, we should be concerned with more than just the budget and the bottom line.

The very hearts of all these dear people —their faith, their trust relationship with God, and their discipleship —is missing something great. They are missing out on a major

God wants each of us to be whole-life stewards, wholelife disciples. He wants us to learn to trust Him with all we are, and all we have in our lives. He calls us to trust Him so that we can give, and live and love like Jesus.

Have you taken God up on His Malachi 3 challenge? What would your life look like if the windows of heaven were open to you right now? What would finding God to be true to His promises do for your relationship with Him? If we trusted Him fully, how much more could our lives be restored?

Why not “taste and see” that the Lord is good to you, today! Take God up on His challenge, and commit to being a dynamic and faithful steward of His many and varied gifts. And then, tell the story so others can “taste and see” God’s blessings for them as well!

*If you would like to learn more about the goals and objectives of the Alberta Conference Stewardship Ministries department, or learn about resources available to help you or your church grow in faithfulness, please visit, or contact Pastor Jason Williams at


Adventurer Club Directors and Conference Leadership

Genesis Adventurer Club, Edmonton Spanish District.
Adventurer Jamboree, tug of war in action.
Adventurer Jamboree caterpillar race.
Gigantic Volleyball. Families play together during the Adventurer Jamboree.
Photos by Thaksheela Dorelus

Sabbath Worship, song service.

Singing the theme song "God of wonders"

Helping Hand Blessing Ceremony. Over eighty Adventurer moving up to Pathfinders.


Family Camp closing prayer.
Adventurer Club Directors appreciation ceremony.
Dr. Ryan Hayes presenting engaging Bible lessons.
God of Wonders closing program.
Photos by Thaksheela Dorelus

With over 60,000 participants traveling to Gillette, we’re grateful to report that all our clubs arrived and returned safely! The week was filled with adventure and excitement: new friendships thrived, memories were made, pins were traded, and honors earned. But, the biggest win? Lives were forever changed for God’s kingdom.

International Pathfinder Camporee 2024

• Red Deer Hawks Pathfinders had the privilege of singing on the main stage during the closing night.

• Twelve of our Pathfinders were baptised, and many more made commitments to follow Jesus.

• Thank you to our incredible leaders:

• Huge thanks to our Alberta Conference Administrators for their unwavering support.

The theme “Believe the Promise” couldn’t have been more fitting for this year’s International Pathfinder Camporee! Even with intense storms, adjustments to our activities, and a scaled-down Sabbath service due to weather forecasts, our Pathfinders and leaders remained resilient, trusting that God was still in control.

Here are a few standout moments:

• Shout out to Calgary Bridgeland Drum Corps took home 2nd place in the drum & drill exhibition.

• Without our Club Ministries Leader, Janeth Vasquez, this Camporee wouldn’t have run so smoothly. Janeth and her team dedicated years to meticulous planning and attention to detail, ensuring that Alberta was outstandingly represented.

• A BIG thanks to Sophie Sibanda and Chris Ohlmann, our Pathfinder & Master Guide Executive Coordinators for their leadership and guidance. Thank you to our Arrival-Team for setting up early, our local club directors and staff, our pastors, and our incredible pathfinders.

—Submitted by Roberson Dorelus, Director | Youth & Young Adults, Alberta Conference

METRO Pathfinder Club.
Photos by Thaksheela Dorelus

expresses heartfelt appreciation for Pathfinder Club leaders;

and pin specially designed for this

Pr. Jonathan Deximo, Baptisms Night.
Merch and Snacks Booth. Left to right: Uzzie, Leisa, Pr. Rob, Pr. JP and Pr. Jacques.
Drum Corp. Cimmarrons Pathfinder Club, Bridgeland Seventhday Adventist, Calgary.
Pathfinder Club Directors.
Main Stage Program. Areal view.
Janeth L Vasquez
Camporee concludes with a final club send-off by Sophie Sibanda.
Photos by Thaksheela Dorelus

New Employees

Colton Greenlaw is the new Learning Specialist for STEM Education at the Alberta Conference. He loves all things math and science and has dedicated his career to enhancing the learning experience for all students within the conference. His background includes a Bachelor of Education with a focus on math and science instruction and a Master of Mathematics for Teachers. Colton strongly believes in creating a classroom environment where students actively think about their own learning and facilitating experiences that encourage them to discuss and collaborate on their ideas. He believes that learning math and science should be fun, engaging, and meaningful. Colton is committed to ensuring that each school within the conference feels equipped to deliver quality STEM education in their classrooms. He looks forward to working with many colleagues over the next few years.

Michelle Werner is a Colorado native who found love at Walla Walla University. She has been happily married for 18 years and is the proud mother of three wonderful boys. For the past 17 years, Michelle and her family have called Lacombe home. In 2017, Michelle’s professional journey led her to the Alberta Conference, where she has worn various hats. As a passionate advocate for Adventist education, she is thrilled to bring her experience and enthusiasm to her new role as PowerSchool Support Specialist. Michelle is excited to contribute to the shared mission and to continue growing both personally and professionally with this incredible team.

Melanie (Mel) Dussaye is from Durban, South Africa, where she qualified as an accountant. She spent over a decade of her career in finance roles across Africa (Liberia, Sierra Leone, Angola, Uganda, and others), then relocated to Asia before joining her husband in South America. Mel is an avid baker who enjoys spending time in nature (a big draw here in AB!). Mel comes to us from ADRA Canada, where she worked on compliance and efficiency issues. At the AB Conference, Mel is working on financial processes and growing the grant portfolio. She is thrilled to help our schools secure the resources they need to bless as many students as possible.

Pastor Ryan Lambert has been hired to serve as a half-time School Pastor at College Heights Christian School starting August 15, 2024. Ryan has lived in Lacombe for 16 years. He graduated from Parkview Adventist Academy in 2016. He also studied Theology at Burman University. Ryan graduated from Burman in 2022 with a BA in Religious Studies. Pastor Ryan has been involved in youth ministry for many years. He teaches Earliteen Sabbath School at the College Heights Church. He often prepares breakfast for the Earliteens. The young people know that he genuinely cares for them, and they respond well to his leadership.

Ryan has also served for several years as a Counselor with the Parkland Pathfinder Club. He enjoys outdoor activities like camping and has worked at various Summer Camps. Ryan served as the Student Chaplain at Burman University, where he was mentored by Pastor Massiel Davila-Ferrer. He was also the Youth Speaker for our Alberta Conference Camp Meeting last summer. Pastor Ryan is a Church Elder at the College Heights Church. Those who know Ryan best will tell you that he is very kind and caring. Ryan goes the extra mile to help others. We are absolutely thrilled to welcome Pastor Ryan Lambert to our Alberta Conference Pastoral Team!

Pastor Carl Cunningham has accepted the invitation to serve as Associate Chaplain at Burman University. His start date is August 1, 2024. Pastor Cunningham will join Pastor Massiel Davila-Ferrer, the Lead Chaplain. Pastor Cunningham was recently ordained to the gospel ministry in the Ontario Conference, where he has been serving for the past five years. He is married to Vennassa Cunningham, who is a Registered Psychotherapist, an inspirational speaker, entrepreneur and psycho-educator. She is co-founder of Therapy Full Circle.

Pastor Cunningham has three degrees—a BA in Mass Communication from Northern Caribbean University (2012), a Master of Music degree in Choral Conducting from Andrews University (2017), and a Master of Divinity degree from Andrews University (2019). His public ministry began as a Minister of Music and choral director in his undergraduate career. Since then, he has led several groups and choirs including most recently, the Deliverance Mass Choir founded by Dr. Carlton Byrd. Pastor Cunningham is passionate about young adult ministry. He is both personable and approachable.

‘Pastor C’, as he is affectionately called by parishioners, is passionate about integrating millennial generations in church leadership, community engagement, and organizational transformation for ministry in a post-modern world. He enjoys playing team sports, exploring new cultures, attending concerts and food festivals. We are delighted to welcome him to our pastoral team here in the Alberta Conference! He will be a great asset on the Burman University Campus!

We’re thrilled to announce that Pastor Michael Hall has accepted a call to serve as Youth Pastor at Red Willow Community Church in St. Albert. Michael graduated from Burman University in 2016 with a BA in Religious Studies (Pre-professional Track). He also has a minor in Biblical Languages (Greek & Hebrew). Pastor Hall and his family will arrive in Alberta mid-September, 2024. Michael and his dear wife Marthe have two young sons — Noah and Wyatt.

Born in Jamaica, Michael moved to Ontario at the age of 9, where he lived in Mississauga and Brampton. Michael became a Seventh-day Adventist in 2008 and enrolled at Burman University in 2011. Michael and Marthe met in 2012 and got married in 2014.

Michael served the Quebec Conference for one year as a Bible worker. He then took a call to South Korea, where he taught English for a few years. Since September of 2021, Michael has served in the Maritime Conference, where he lead 3 churches — Pugwash, Truro, and New Glasgow. Michael and his family are excited to begin the next chapter of their ministry at Red Willow Community Church.

The Alberta Conference Health Ministries Presents in Collaboration with NAD Health Ministries and SDACC Health Ministries

At Burman University, October 25-27, 2024 starting on Friday morning @ 9:00 am

Keynote Speakers:

Dr Roger Seheult, MD

Assistant Clinical Professor Loma

Linda University School of Medicine

Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at UC Riverside School of Medicine Co Founder of MedCram

Dr Angeline Brauer, DrPH, MPH, RD

NAD Health Ministries Director


Dr Camille Clarke, MD,MPH: Lifestyle Medicine Specialist

Paradise Health: Lifestyle Medicine Centre of Influence

HM Directors Across Canada

Burman University Wellness, Biology and Psychology Faculty

Dream to Reality

a story of God's incredible leading and provision

Sherwood Care is a 100 bed not for profit facility, providing long term care services, under contract to Alberta Health Services. We are the only Seventhday Adventist care facility owned and operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Alberta.

Sherwood Care, which began as Sherwood Park Nursing Home, was a vision of Elder Anthony Kaytor, who shared his vision with the people in Alberta and through fundraising and volunteer labour, the facility was opened on September 28,1969. If you walk through our hallways you will still

“ We received our answer in August: a resounding “Yes” bringing our total grant allocation from the Government of Alberta to $87.9 million.”

see names of faithful church members on the resident room doors, who donated to sponsor or furnish the rooms.

The initial vision for Sherwood Care was to be

a retirement/care home for Seventh-day Adventist seniors when they couldn’t or chose not to live independently. Additionally it served as a key source of employment for members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Although healthcare has changed significantly since the doors opened in 1969, one constant has been the belief in a unique mission to serve humanity and to share the love of Jesus by providing quality, holistic compassionate care. This mission extends to building relationships with residents, their families, our staff, physicians, volunteers and the greater community. Daily

worship has been a staple at Sherwood Care for many years with additional programming occurring Friday evening and throughout the Sabbath.

Sherwood Care has flourished through the committed and stable leadership of just 4 CEO’s since its inception, along with a dedicated group of volunteer Board Members who have set the vision and outlined the path to achieve these goals. Sherwood Care is recognized across the province as a quality provider of care and a preferred site for those needing this level of support. Sherwood Care consistently ranks as one of the top long term-care facilities for seniors in Alberta according to the Health Quality Council of Alberta’s (HQCA) Family/Resident Experience Surveys. See the report HERE, or copy/paste the following link into your browser. qr.albertaadventist. ca/ HQCA

As Sherwood Care prepares to mark our 55th anniversary, we reflect with grateful hearts on what God has done throughout this organization’s history and His ongoing provision and blessings as we look forward.

Over the years, the Board of Directors have explored various options to expand the muchneeded services that Sherwood Care provides. In 2019, the Board contracted Brian Corkum of S2 Architecture to do a preliminary design of what could be developed on the current 5 acres of land, based on the County’s updated zoning regulations. The Board

Two 3D renderings showcasing Sherwood Care facilities from above, highlighting modern architecture.

believed that changes in Alberta’s healthcare system might lead to grants for rebuilding or modernizing older facilities such as ours.

In 2022 the Government of Alberta announced a Modernization Grant Stream for Continuing Care with a total allocation of $310M available. Sherwood Care prayerfully submitted an application, fully aware that our request exceeded what had historically been granted in the industry. We trusted that if God wanted a new facility to be built, He would provide. We were ecstatic when, in October 2023 we received word that our application was successful and we had been awarded the full amount we requested! We began advancing the designs and evaluating costs, and we soon realized that costs

had increased significantly for materials, labour and construction in general. With prayer, we submitted a new request to the Government for additional funds to facilitate the project. We received our answer in August: a resounding “Yes” bringing our total grant allocation from the Government of Alberta to $87.9 million. We believe that God not only said “Yes” but threw the doors wide open reminding us that our Heavenly Father has a thousand ways to provide for us of which we know nothing.

Those who accept the one principle of making the service of God supreme will find perplexities vanish and a plain path before their feet.” (Ministry of Healing Pg. 480-482)

Our new development will replace the current 100 beds, while adding 123 additional long term care beds, including 13 hospice/palliative care beds, to our healthcare system. The design includes all private rooms and washrooms, smaller households of 14 residents, and amenities such as a large fitness/physio room, hair salon, bistro, tuck shop, access to outdoor spaces on each floor, daily recreation and worship programming, and private family dining and living rooms that can be reserved for special events. Additionally, there is space that can be used for an adult day program or child daycare program. Construction begins this October with plans to complete the new build by fall of 2027. To create space for the new care centre to

be built the Sherwood Park Seventh-day Adventist Church will be removed, allowing the current operations to continue. During construction, the Sherwood Park Church congregation will be worshipping in the Salisbury United Church located at 2 Mission Street, Sherwood Park.

The new facility designs have been intentional to include a large auditorium/worship space that seats 200 people, in addition to classroom spaces, fellowship space, parents room, full kitchen, church office and storage areas to be shared with the Church. We look forward

to ministering together with the church in this unique campus community!

Although our ministry may take a different approach than the average church, we have a unique opportunity to introduce and demonstrate the love of Jesus, through the Seventh-day Adventist lens to approximately 800 people per year (residents, family members, staff, volunteers). With the new facility and additional beds, that number will only increase.

We are praising God for His abundance and provision for Sherwood Care and look forward in faith that He continues to lead and guide Sherwood Care and it’s ministry and outreach within Sherwood Park and the greater Edmonton area.

Submitted by Kathy Fortunat, CEO, Sherwood Care

At Burman University, we educate our students to think with discernment, believe with insight and commitment, and act with confidence, compassion, and competence. With top-notch faculty, amazing students, and a stunning campus, at Burman, you'll become the person you imagine yourself to be!

We have over 30 programs, a myriad of scholarships available, 25+ campus ministries led by students, and a multitude of opportunities for you to grow spiritually, and adopt a lifelong commitment to serving others.

Apply today and join our vibrant campus community, where we'll help you find your direction and calling; not only for your career, but for your life as well.

IThe Seeds of Change


n the June edition of the Alberta Adventist News (page 18), we ran the story about the Yellowknife Church partnering with ADRA Canada to provide planter boxes and seeds to lowincome families so that they can have access to fresh produce. Here are photos from that project.

A church volunteer helping a project participant choose seeds. (Every project participant got 4 seed packages — cucumber, carrot, tomato, lettuce).

Ray Fankhauser (ADRA Canada Senior National Program Manager) beside a demo planter box.

Project participant’s child adds stickers to his pot (every kid under age 12 got a pot to grow their own tomato plant).

A project participant gets tools.

Group picture of everyone volunteering that day.

A couple who participated in the project stand beside their gardening materials outside their house.

A project participant sits down on his car beside all the supplies he received.

Church volunteers unload topsoil.
Church volunteers help carry topsoil bags into project participant’s truck.

For your beautiful photo submissions! THANK YOU

These photo submissions reflect the wonder of God's creation.

Though we couldn't showcase every submission due to space, we'd like to thank those who have submitted photos in the past and encourage future submissions.

Northern Lights, Lacombe by Oksana Manilich, May 2024.
Mountains, lake-double reflection by Dennis Braun, June 2024.
Butterfly by Dennis Braun, Wetaskiwin, AB, July 2024.
God's Beautiful Rainbow above Cranna Lake by Alice Wombold, June 2024.
Our Beautiful Wild Rose Countryside by Rod Schafer, Morningside, AB June 2024.
"Busy bee" pollinating the majestic sunflower by Dennis Braun Wetaskiwin, AB.
Wolf Greek Golf Course by Rod Schafer-Morningside, AB, April 2024.
Harvest Sunset by Arlene Imler.
Moose drinking water by Howard Gimbel, August 2024.
Beauty in the Thorns by Cheralee Filion, August 2024.
Early Morning Walk at Wolf Creek Golf Course by Rod Schafer, August 2024.
Flanders Field Park, Village at Griesbach, Edmonton, by Kathleen Mansfield, June 2024.
Smiling Pinchushion by Al Reimche , Calgary, June 2023.
Jackrabbit Wetas, AB by Dennis Braun, April 2024.
Fiddle River by Theresa Muth, taken at Jasper National Park.
Nature near Bragg Creek, AB by Melanie Fehr, December 2023.

Promise Through the Storm by Sara Bell, Lloydminster, AB, September 2024.

Signs of Summer by Rod Schafer, June 2024. Morningside, AB.

Nuthatch Snack, Riverbend walking trails by Elke Holly Red Deer, AB, March 2024.
By Evert Herreburgh, Carbon, AB.
Chinook Arch by Noella Jones, Medicine Hat, AB, January 2024.

Edmonton Central Baptisms

May 25, 2024, was a high day at Edmonton Central Church when ten young people dedicated themselves to the Lord through baptism. Each of these young men and women chose a favourite Bible verse to be read at their baptism. Pastor David Hamstra and Pastor Jacques Moise Alexandre shared in baptising each candidate. Indeed, this occasion was very special for Pastor David Hamstra who had the privilege of baptising his son in a previous baptism and today he was privileged to baptise his only daughter Taleja.

The 25 members of the children’s choir under the direction of Shiny Daniel made the day even more special. It was amazing, a

feeling of gratitude, an uplifting event, and at the same time, being thankful and appreciative for these little ones as I watched them sing praises to God with all their hearts so unselfishly. The baptism was interspersed with the singing of the children’s choir as each candidate entered the water to be baptised. The Worship service continues with a sermon by Pastor Melissa Cooke who is presently serving as the Executive Secretary of the Alberta Conference entitled, “A Love Like No Other.” The Bible text was taken from the book of Ruth1:1-5.

After an official welcome to our guest speakers by Nadine Ishmwe, Pastor Melissa Cooke commended on how blessed she was by the

children’s presentation. She further stated that, “This is our church.’’ She emphasized that we like to say that the children are the future, but they are here now… The children were encouraged to interact with her as she engaged them with questions during the sermon.

Pastor Melissa Cooke weaved personal anecdotes into her message illustrating God’s ability to take our messes, our grief, our pain, our sin, and use it for His good and His will. In closing, we were reminded that our God is a God of essence love. The essence love is the kind of love filled with loving kindness, unconditional love, unfailing love. —Submitted by Ina Martin and Lorraine Popik

Pastor David Hamstra assisted by Pastor Jacques Alexander preparing the candidates for their baptism.

It was a precious moment for Pastor David Hamstra and his daughter as they embraced during her baptismal service at Edmonton Central church.

Another special occasion, Elder Alexader

officiated in baptising his children Daniel and Daniella on May 25, 2024, at Edmonton Central church.

In the pool is Pastor Jacques Alexander and candidate Shalam after her baptism

Two Sisters, Marylynn and Carolynn with Pastors David Hamstra and Jacques Alexander, ready to be baptised.
It was all smiles of joy for Pastor David and Jaron after Jaron’s baptism by Pastor David Hamstra.
In the baptismal pool, 3 Sister's Nadia, Mwaaju, and Zawadindikumana.

Gladys Church Celebrates Six Year Anniversary

May 4, 2024, was the 6th-anniversary celebration of the Gladys Seventh-day Adventist Church. The youth department did the Sabbath School program, wherein the activities, accomplishments, and God's miraculous leading were highlighted as the mission story. Pastor Romy Daquila, who had fully supported and guided the church and its leaders when the church had no assigned pastor for over a year, gave a lesson review.

At the service in the sanctuary, the seats were all filled. The theme for the day was "God Is Faithful, Today, Yesterday and Forever." Pastor Jeff Potts, President of the Alberta Conference, shared with the church a message entitled, "Are We Chickens or Eagles?" He cited Ephesians 5:18: "Don't be drunk with wine, because it will ruin your life instead be filled with the Holy Spirit." Conditions for the infilling of the Holy Spirit:

• We must hunger for the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:53)

• Claim the promise of the Spirit (Joel 2: 28-31)

• We must obey the Holy Spirit's prompting (Isaiah 30:21)

• We must fully surrender to God (Galatians 2:20)

• Jesus loves us all, giving His life to die for us. We need to empty ourselves to be filled with the Holy Spirit and an effective witness for Him.

A delicious and bountiful fellowship meal followed the service. The Children’s group and the Ukulele Ensemble presented a beautiful rendition; the church choir also performed the “Cantata” during the afternoon musical presentation. The program was filled with sacred, beautiful music and another inspirational message from Pastor Jeff Potts. After that, Pastors Jeff, Sam, Romy, Reuel and the church elders performed an exceptional anointing service. Pastor Sam led the sundown worship to conclude the celebration. Everyone was pleased

The Gladys Seventh-day Adventist Church members.

Gladys Church Choir members with Pastor Jeff and Nancy Potts.

and thankful, knowing God is always faithful in caring for Gladys Seventh-day Adventist Church.

—Submitted by Sally del Socorro

Gladys Seventh-day Adventist Church

Anointing service held at the Gladys Seventh-day Adventist Church on May 4, 2024.

Broken But!

Evan Nugent, a third-year student who is enrolled in theology at Burman University was the guest speaker at the Edmonton Central Church on June 8, 2024. Before transitioning into his sermon, Evan extended thanks and appreciation to the congregation for having him speak and to Pastor David Hamstra for his mentoring support during the past few weeks. His sermon was entitled, “Broken But,” and his scripture was taken from Mark 5:25-26, “And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse.”

Evan spoke about how God can change our brokenness no matter how broken we are. He reminded us that as God’s children, we will at times experience brokenness. The woman's touch of faith found in verses 27-29, made her whole because she had a holistic faith. “When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.” Mark 5:27-29 Evan challenged the congregation to have a holistic faith in God. In closing, He

It was a blessing and privilege to have Pastor Ewan Nugent as our guest speaker at Edmonton Central Church on June 8, 2024. Pastor Nugent and his wife Jolene Nugent, and children, Joshaun, Trishana, and Joel, Sitting in the far back is Ileen Thousand the mother of Jolene Nugent.

reflected on his journey of faith with God and how God has led him. We were encouraged to remain faithful. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.— Submitted by Ina Martin, Edmonton Central Church

Loyalist Church Celebrates Baptism

The afternoon of Sabbath August 4 was very special to the Loyalist Church when one of our youth, Kate Buelow, solidified her decision to be a follower of Jesus by being baptised. In Kate’s testimony in church prior to her afternoon baptism in her family’s yard, she expanded on her favourite Bible verse Ps. 100:3. She said, “It tells me He is my God, my Creator, my Shepherd and I was meant to be.” Born with health anomalies and facing an uncertain future, Kate credited prayers on her behalf to helping her body grow well. Because of

these prayers she learned to love God early in life. “Today I choose to show my love to God by giving

my life to him forever!” she said.

This blessed occasion was not only attended by immediate, extended and church family, but also by a number of community friends who came to witness and support Kate’s commitment to Jesus. Kate is a living testimony to the power of prayers and the love of Jesus.

Kate was baptised by interim Pastor, Wayne Williams in his last official service to the Loyalist Church before being reassigned.— Submitted by Elaine Sankey

Kelly, Christie and Kate Buelow, Pastor Wayne Williams.

House of Hope Company Celebrate Baptisms in Calgary

It was a peaceful Sabbath morning on July 27, 2024, at the Stanley Park Outdoor Pool, four individuals embarked on a profound journey of faith and renewal. Each person, standing before the congregation, reflected a unique story of transformation and spiritual awakening. Stacey, Kareen, Sandra, and Sherene embraced a deep spiritual journey together as they gathered by the riverbank.

Surrounded by the rustling of leaves and the soothing sound of flowing water, they each prepared to mark a significant milestone in their faith. For Sherene, the baptism represented a culmination of personal growth and a reaffirmation of her commitment to live according to her beliefs, while Kareen saw it as a step towards greater spiritual fulfillment and community connection. Stacey, touched by the symbolism of renewal and cleansing in the river's waters, felt a deep sense of peace and spiritual clarity wash over her. Sandra, buoyed by the support of her friends and family gathered on the riverbank, found solace in the act of embracing her faith openly and wholeheartedly.

As they waded into the gentle current, guided by Pastor Donald Wright’s steady words and the warmth of the summer sun, each woman emerged from the water with a renewed sense of purpose and a deep-seated joy. Their smiles radiated with the inner peace that comes from embracing one's beliefs wholeheartedly and publicly. Together, they shared a bond forged not just by their shared experience of baptism but by the journey of faith that had led them to that moment. In the company of loved ones, they celebrated this spiritual rebirth with prayers of gratitude and songs of praise echoing through the surrounding trees, marking July 27th not just as a date on the calendar but as a sacred milestone in their lives. The House of Hope Seventh-day Adventist Company once again witnessed the transformative power of belief, reaffirming its role as a sanctuary for souls seeking renewal and spiritual fulfillment.—Submitted by Donna Dennis, Communication Department, House of Hope Seventh-day Adventist Company

Kareen Maxwell in water with Pastor Wright.
Sandra Williams with Pastor Wright.
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


Sandra Williams (left), Stacey Lewis (second left) Pastor Donald Wright (middle), Kareen Maxwell (second right), Sherene Campbell (right).
Stacey Lewis (left) Pastor Donald Wright (middle), Sherene Campbell (right).

Mountain View Church

Celebrate Youth Baptisms

During the last few months, 10 children and young people were baptised in Mountain View Church. Mia, Matilda and Madeline Catton were baptised March 9 by their uncle, Frazer Catton, who was visiting from Australia. Valentina Silva, Olivia Chiu,

and Marcus Shewchuk were baptised on April 19 in a baptism connected with Chinook Winds Adventist Academy. Isabel, Annika and Eliot Ohlmann were baptised on June 22 in the Bow River, and Xavior Harton was baptised July 13 at camp meeting. We

“ We rejoice that these 10 young people have publicly declared their allegiance to Jesus in this meaningful way.”

rejoice that these 10 young people have publicly declared their allegiance to Jesus in this meaningful way. Each has a story to tell of their spiritual journey and we are inspired by these stories.—Submitted by Phyllis Corkum, Mountain View Communications

On the afternoon of June 22, 2024, at the Bow River in Bowness Park, the Mountain View Church family and friends gathered for the baptism of Isabel, Annika, and Elliot Ohlmann. Pictured are the three young people with Pastor Davila (L) who baptised Elliot, and Pastor Corkum (R), who baptised Isabel and Annika. Isabel, Annika, and Elliot have demonstrated a real commitment to understanding the Bible by attending all the Revelation Speaks Peace meetings in the spring of 2023, completing the Bible lessons that were offered at the meetings, as well as going through the complete Bible marking class held at the Mountain View Church following those meetings.

Olivia Chiu, baptised by Pastor Julio Davila, April 19, 2024.
Xavier Harton, with his parents, sister and Pastor Julio Davila following his baptism at Camp Meeting, July 13.
Victoria Silva, baptised by Pastor Paul Antunes, April 19, 2024.
Mia, Matilda, Madeline Catton, baptised by their uncle, Fraser Catton, visiting from Australia, March 9, 2024.
Marcus Shewchuk, baptised by Pastor Paul Antunes, April 19, 2024.

Medicine Hat Church Continues to Grow

Overthe past four years, the Medicine Hat Church has witnessed remarkable growth and transformation. This thriving faith community has seen an influx of new members, an increase in community involvement, and a deeper commitment to spiritual growth. June 2024 marked a significant milestone in the church’s journey as six individuals chose to publicly declare their faith through baptism.

Baptism, a sacred Christian rite symbolizing spiritual rebirth and purification, holds profound significance within the community. This June, the church celebrated the baptisms of Hailee Schafer, Nakyra Martin, Jessica Martin, Christina Martin, and Glen Pike, each taking this important step in their spiritual journey.

On June 1, Hailee Schafer was baptised, surrounded by her family and friends. The ceremony was a beautiful and emotional event, signifying her commitment to her faith and her new life in Christ. June 22 was a particularly special day as two members of the Martin family, Nakyra and Jessica Martin, were baptised together. Their simultaneous baptisms symbolized not only their personal faith journeys but also the strength and unity of their family’s spiritual bond.

The following day, June 23, saw Christina Martin undergoing a re-baptism. This act of reaffirmation demonstrated her renewed

dedication to her faith and her desire to reconnect deeply with her spiritual beliefs.

Finally, on June 29, Glen Pike was baptised, closing out the month with a powerful ceremony that echoed the themes of renewal and transformation resonating throughout the community.

These baptisms are more than individual declarations of faith; they are a testament to the Medicine Hat Church’s supportive and nurturing environment. The church’s dedication to fostering spiritual growth and community connection has undoubtedly contributed to its expansion and the deepening of faith among its members.

The church community has expressed immense joy and gratitude for this milestone, viewing it as a reflection of the positive direction in which the church is headed. As the Medicine Hat Church continues to grow and evolve, the spirit of unity and faith remains at the heart of its mission, guiding its members through their spiritual journeys and fostering a sense of belonging and purpose. With such a significant milestone achieved, the Medicine Hat Church looks forward to continued growth and the opportunity to witness more individuals embrace their faith in the years to come.—Submitted by Ashaki Linton, Medicine Hat Communications Coordinator

(L-R) Nakyra Martin, Jessica Martin and Pastor Ryan.
Halee Schafer (Left) Pastor Ryan (Right).

Prioritizing Children at Lloydminster Church

Irecently read an excellent article in the Adventist Review about “How Not to Keep Young Adults in the Church.” (The article may be found at this link, how-not-to-keep-youngadults-in-the-church). The author, Pastor Shane Anderson, reflecting on how much resources has been invested into studying the reasons why young people are leaving the church, suggested that we also consider the reasons why young people stay in church. I then started thinking about why I stayed in church. Although many reasons could be cited, one of the first reasons which came to mind was that the adults in church took me seriously as a child and invested a lot of time and

effort into teaching me of and demonstrating the love of Jesus. I was blessed to grow up in a church that had children’s church almost every Sabbath. From Sabbath School until the end of divine service, we had our own service, singing our own songs and doing our own Sabbath School mission stories and lessons and having our own children’s sermon for divine service. Children’s ministry leaders put in great effort to teach us about Jesus. We ought to start making church a place which is intentional about ministering to the children. Children, teenagers and youth should want to come to church.

With that in mind, we started out taking our children seriously and prioritizing them at the

Lloydminster Seventh-day Adventist Church during the month of June. On the Sabbath of June 1, 2024, Adley Bakos (8 years old), preached the sermon on being compassion champions while Alysha Caderma (3 y/o) did the special music. On June 8, 2024, I dedicated Rebekah Liana Dadua to the Lord. Her mom, Karen, read a beautiful letter in which she and her husband, Michael, stated their love and commitment to raise Rebekah in the fear of God. On June 15, 2024, Erica Moegna (11 y/o) preached the sermon during the divine service and spoke about forgiveness while her sister, Ellah (12 y/o) told the children’s story and played the piano. On June 22, 2024, Brayden, Hayden and Jayden (7, 5 and 2 y/o) sang the special song in church.

Ellah telling the children’s story

On June 29, 2024, I did a short presentation on child safety at church and encouraged everyone to be part of making the church a safe environment for our children. This may include not touching the children without their consent, not giving any food to children without the permission of the parents, not being alone as an adult with a child in enclosed spaces, and the need to have all volunteers who work with children undergo an RCMP background check. It was so delightful to see many of the children

participating in the communion service on that day.

We certainly have a long way to go in ensuring that we are nurturing and discipling our children and growing younger as a church. But we’ve realized that we do not want to lose any more of our young people, and we are constantly praying and committing ourselves to prioritize the spiritual, social and overall welfare of all the children in our church. May God bless and guide you, too, as you determine to grow your church younger.

Alysha singing in church
Erica preaching during divine service Adley preaching during divine service
The Dadua Family on the day of Rebekah’s dedication
by Grant Lottering, Pastor, Bonnyville and Lloydminster Churches

Calgary Ukrainian-Canadian Adventist Company Celebrates One Year Anniversary

On August 31, the Calgary UkrainianCanadian Adventist Company celebrated its first anniversary.

During the service, the church recalled the events that had taken place throughout the year: a number of concerts, programs for children, nights of praise, Thanksgiving, a Bible quiz for the youth, hiking, and much more. The most beautiful event was likely the baptisms, which took place twice—once in the spring and once in the summer. Throughout this first year, four people were baptised and joined the church. About 60 people, including kids, attend the service every Saturday. God does amazing things.

The Executive Secretary of the Alberta Conference, Melissa Cooke, visited the church with her family. During the sermon, she spoke about the love of God and emphasized that despite all the difficulties we may face, God will always have a unique plan for everyone. The example of Naomi and her family confirms this.

The youth choir from Gladys Church also visited. These young people truly know how to inspire.

Also, during the service, a prayer was held to bless the children for the new school year.

The Church has an ambitious development plan for the next three years. However, everything is possible only through the Holy Spirit, who strengthens us.

by Pastor Viktor Kononenko

Ukrainian praise team "Pereveslo."


We are counting down the days to October 3, 2024, when we launch fresh new Canadian content on Hope Channel Canada.

We’ve been working hard to prepare quality shows that are relevant and relatable. I believe there will be something for each Canadian, whoever they are and wherever they are. Together, let's reach Canada with the truth that, in Jesus, there’s more to life.

The Lord bless you and keep you.

Special Music by the team from Gladys Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Baptism of three young people with Biblical names — David, Andrew and Demetrius. July 6, 2024.
Baptism of Alexander (in the middle with flowers in his hands). March, 2024.
Evaldo Vicente Executive Director Hope Channel Canada

The (Mental) Health Message in Action

ADRA Canada recently partnered with the Henderson Highway Seventh-day Adventist Church to support a summer wellness program for students and staff at the Prairie Central Adventist Academy (PCAA) in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Having launched earlier in the year, Dr. Ian Mighty, PCAA Principal, announced that the Wellness Program would extend through July and August.

“The program will allow for one-to-one sessions between students who need to reach out for wellness support with Mrs. Tammy Hansen,” he explained. Hansen, for her part, is a wellness coach with 30 years of experience working in mental health. With previous experience as a school counsellor, she is able to speak to the mental health

concerns of students and staff alike. She describes her approach as being thoroughly informed by and integrated with her faith in Christ.

There are many benefits to working with a Wellness Coach. Students may learn about stress-relief techniques and how to apply them at home or in a classroom setting, identifying emotions and how to express them in healthy ways, or perhaps how to deal with bullies or form better relationships with their classmates.

During a given session Mrs. Hansen can help students delve deeper into issues like prayer, socialization, selfregulation skills, emotional literacy, healthy relationships, self-esteem, and more. The sessions, which are entirely optional and voluntary on the part of students, are arranged

by email and held via ZOOM.

“The goal for the program continues to be creating an environment that is both caring and challenging,” wrote Dr. Mighty, “encouraging risk while permitting failure, and providing opportunities to step out of their comfort zone as we seek to develop resilience in our students.”

One of Hansen’s key collaborators in this task is the school chaplain, Shaun Young.

“I have been at Prairie Central Adventist Academy for three years and have worked alongside students,” Pastor Young shared, “hearing about their challenges and lack of coping tools. I can already foresee the tremendous blessing this program will provide to our students.”

While the program’s primary aim is to begin with students around grades 5


goal for the program continues to be creating an environment that is both caring and challenging, encouraging risk while permitting failure, and providing opportunities to step out of their comfort zone as we seek to develop resilience in our students.”

—Dr. Ian Mighty, PCAA Principal

and 6 and work up through grades 11 and 12, it also helps teachers and staff – allowing them to more consistently deliver quality service and education to their students.

One grateful parent, whose child struggles regularly with mental health issues, shared that the Summer Wellness Program was a “great blessing” for her.

“As a widow and a single parent, I find this program to be an embodiment of the call for us to display true religion, which according to James 1:27, is to visit the fatherless and the widows in their moment of affliction. Thank you ADRA Canada, Henderson Highway Seventh-day Adventist Church and all other related parties for being an answer to my prayers during my times of need.”

Maxwell Aka is a fundraising writer for ADRA Canada

A Seat at The Table in Stettler

Stettler Seventh-day Adventist Church and Pastor Teddy D. Joseph are collaborating with the Stettler Agricultural Society and Stettler Adult Learning Centre to bring some much-needed hunger relief to the Town of Stettler. Together, they are sponsoring “A Seat at the Table” which offers their community a free meal once a month. As of April, May and June over a hundred people have enjoyed delicious meals and meaningful fellowship. Christina Joseph creates wholesome and tasty food for all to enjoy with the help of community members, Stettler Seventh-day Adventist Church and Sedgewick Seventh-day Adventist Church volunteers. No one leaves hungry… “because everyone deserves a seat at the table…”.

Matthew 25:35-37

‘For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in…’

—Submitted by Debi Anderson

For more information, read the article from at qr.albertaadventist. ca/54b1cc5d

Being of Service to Our Community

Maureen MacKenzie (City of Lacombe’s arts, culture, and cemetery coordinator) says she “loves working with Burman University students.” For the past five years, she has suggested projects for Burman’s Serve Lacombe day. And each year she is “impressed with how friendly, respectful, and polite the students are.”

Restoring Lacombe’s cemetery is high on Maureen’s list of priorities. So each year one group of students is asked to weed

grave sites and clean headstones. Maureen chuckles, “When they first begin, I sense their uncertainty and even some aversion. But, always willing to do whatever is assigned, they take pails and brushes and start. Then, seeing the results of their work and beginning to understand the importance of remembering people and maintaining our history, they become enthusiastic. Quite often, some who are members of Burman’s choral groups start to

sing together as they work. It’s beautiful to hear them in their happy place. They give with their hearts.”

Burman’s chaplain, Massiel Dávila-Ferrer, reports that planning for Service Day takes the efforts of everyone in the Student Services office long before “The Day” itself. “Leaning into the relationships we have with the Lacombe community,” she says, “we decide on various projects and locations for students to serve. Then we work

on logistics, including advertising, sign-up sheets, transportation, food, supplies, and more. Eventually, the entire campus community is drawn in.” Service Day 2023 saw more than 140 students, staff, and faculty meeting for a pizza lunch at noon, picking up t-shirts, and posing for a group picture. The pep-rally-like-energy and buzz were palpable on that sunny fall day. Before long, some boarded buses to go to various locations. Some traveled to Maskwacis (formerly Hobbema) to help at Mamawi Atosketan Native School with various projects that ranged from filling

potholes, to digging the garden, to supporting teachers. Others stayed to make sandwiches on campus before delivering them to Red Deer’s homeless groups.

Throughout the afternoon, groups picked up trash, helped at the dog park, painted at Youth Unlimited, and visited seniors in Lacombe. One group went by the moniker “Traveling Minstrels” and visited two assisted living homes to bring music, cheer, and flowers. Another crew had signed up for clean-up along HWY 2A. Yet another (particularly hearty) crew

partnered with the Bill Nielsen Trail Society and gave a huge swath of the Elizabeth Lake trail a fresh layer of mulch. Sandy Stewart, Lacombe’s facility manager, points out that volunteerism makes for mental and physical wellbeing, is fulfilling, and creates connection and joy—all evident as the groups returned to campus that evening. Massiel writes, “After all the hard work, laughter, and smiles, we came back sunkissed and exhausted, swapping stories of the work we did, and sharing some last moments together.

Inspire Mamawi Launches Food Product line

Learning from community entrepreneurs, students who participate in Inspire Mamawi are making, packaging, and marketing food products produced right on campus.

Expertly-creamed honey was sold at the ABC during Foothills Camp Meeting to benefit the Inspire Mamawi Leadership program. Freeze- dried fruit and candies are also now available at the ABC Christian store in Lacombe.

addition to

The June 2024 Bridge UPDATE newsletter can be viewed at or contact the Conference office for a printed copy.

MANS-MAC display at Camp Meeting highlights students

The handiwork of MANS students was the draw to the Maskwacis display in the Resource Tent at Foothills Camp Meeting. The skateboards displayed along with ribbon skirt/coutour jean jacket ensembles by T’Angeline Morin, Kessalyn Strawberry and Caelige Nepoose piqued interest and questions about sale prices.

learning how to crochet this semester, T’Angeline designed a full outfit including jacket, ribbon skirt and tote for herself in Cultural Studies class.

This summer Tashay joined our Church


Tashay grew up next to cousins, uncles and aunties—all like brothers, sisters, moms and dads, with lots of stories and Cree humor.

She also knows that when she leaves Maskwacis, people look at her differently.

Tashay made her decision for Jesus while working alongside eight other youth from Maskwacis as part of the Inspire Mamawi Leadership -Summer Youth Team, with a pastor who “gets” her.

Going to church where she goes to school is OK for now temporary. But Tashay, Faye, Bella, Aiyanna and their friends are anxious to worship in a special place

A place they will make their church home—together.

A place to celebrate the good in Maskwacis— and make it even better.

A place where it’s good to be Adventist—and Cree.

A bit of Heaven on Earth.

Get to know more about the Cree of Maskwacis and the Mamawi Atosketan Centre/MAC at albertaadventist. ca and the “Maskwacis” page in each issue of the Messenger



Lynn McDowell, JD, CSPG Alberta Conference 5816 Hwy 2A Lacombe, AB, 24l 2G5

Call (587) 815-8785

New Summer Edition of “Inspire Mamawi Leadership” Spurs Baptisms

One day after the end of school, four of the MANS students featured by the CBC in May were back in the Leon Ingraham Industrial Arts/CTS Centre. This time, they were there as peer instructors.

Four dual credit carpentry students were among the six MANS students who successfully applied, interviewed, and landed summer jobs with Inspire Mamawi Leadership— Summer edition (IMLS).

With funds raised by the 2023 yearend “Confident Futures” Appeal to extend the Inspire Mamawi Leadership program, Chaplain Tsholo Sebetlela was able to collaborate with carpentry instructor Jonathan Belinsky in creating a new student work opportunity: a three- day workshop open to all Maskwacis teens led by IMLS students.

But that was just the

See Skateboard Carpentry Camp video at


by Trevor Boller

Mentors: Sean Saddleback (IMLS-MANS, left) gets work experience while sharing his skills with Maskwacis church member Les Potts Jr. in MANS’ skateboard carpentry workshop June 25-27.

beginning for the IMLS group. The next week, they helped run a soccer camp in Maskwacis. Then it was on to building a gazebo— the centrepiece of the outdoor classroom envisioned by the 2019 Inspire Mamawi Leadership group.

Next, the six leaders-in-training headed to Foothills Camp Meeting. There many new experiences awaited them, including assisting the regular Maskwacis Summer Youth Team in preparing and serving Indian Tacos (served on Bannock instead of tortillas) and other tasty treats at the Food Fair.

The crowing camp meeting experience, however, came on the last Sabbath: the outdoor baptism of one IMLS-MANS student, and commitments expressed by three others.

— By

Two Great Teams: IMLSMANS students (back row) Faye DeMontigny-Johnson, Kessalyn Strawberry, Dallas Saddleback, Asst. Pastor Josh Hackett and Pastor Tsholo Sebetlela, Kascey Crier, Sean Saddleback, and Tashay Headman (pictured separately in baptism photo) worked with the Maskwacis Summer Youth Team. This year’s Summer Youth Team (front row), composed of Lettie Ramoloko, Bella Potts Fiki Moesi (forward) Aiyana Potts and Phoenix Omeasoo, was led by Maskwacis resident and church member Bella Potts. Bella is a five-year veteran of the Maskwacis Summer Youth Team that has been running since 2012.

Inspiring Baptisms: Tashay Headman, IMLS and carpentry dual credit student at MANS, requested baptism at Foothills Camp Meeting (Pastor Tsholo Sebetlel officiating). Her IMLS colleague Faye Strawberry was baptised the following week.

"Bella & Friends" at Sabbath School Camp Meeting 2024

Chief Randy Ermineskin returned to participate in the Bella and Friends panel of Maskwacis residents moderated by Pastor Tsholo Sebetlela (left) —the Chief's third Camp Meeting as a participant.

President Jeff Potts, Lynn McDowell (Planned Giving/ Philanthropy) and Ken Wiebe (chair of MAC Building Committee and chair of MANS board) hosted the update that included videos of the MAC groundbreaking, CBC visit to MANS, Open House, and MANS Skateboard Carpentry Camp for the community with student instructors.

Bella Potts and her father Les Potts shared about their lives in Maskwacis in a panel along with Chief Ermineskin.

Pat Koller, Calgary Central Indigenous Ministries coordinator, welcomes Sabbath School guests, and Trevor Boller (Indigenous Ministries Volunteer Director, photographer; not pictured) closed with benediction.

Dan Wilson (pastor), Melissa Cook (Conference Secretary) and Reynold Ferary (Sabbath School & Personal Ministries) presented the lesson study.

by Trevor


Greater Clarity. Deeper Compassion.


Dolores Laverne Proud (Leiske)

October 9, 1929 ~ March 19, 2024

Dolores Laverne Proud (Leiske) was born on October 9, 1929 in Lacombe, AB and passed away in Red Dee, AB on March 19, 2024 at the age of 94 years.

Dolores is survived by her four remaining children, Douglas (Terri), Richard, Linda (Roger) Rudyk, and Karli Solari; thirteen grandchildren and 17 great grandchildren. She was predeceased by her parents Hultrich and Emma Leiske, her husband Ken, and her son Bruce. She was also the last remaining of her siblings.

Growing up on the farm near Bentley, AB was difficult, but this gave her the strong work ethic and moral compass that would serve her well throughout her life. She spent her high school years at Canadian Junior College and later Canadian Union College for some college courses. It was there that she met her loving husband, Ken Proud. They were married on November 5, 1952. They settled in Foremost, AB where they continued farming at the family farm. Soon after, they had five beautiful children: Bruce, Douglas, Rick, Linda and Karlene.

Dolores loved to put to use her love of being a homemaker. She loved to sew, and was always busy cooking and baking delicious meals for her family and various friends who would come to visit. She was a gracious hostess and had a kind heart and listening ear to all.

Her greatest love was for her Lord and Saviour and she was always looking for opportunities to bless someone’s life or lift others up in prayer. She was faithful to her church and always thought and spoke the best of everyone. She would always lend a helping hand in her community wherever there was a need.

Ken and Dolores explored many countries traveling and especially enjoyed their winters in Mesa, Arizona. She spent the last 20 years in Lacombe.

John 3:16

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.


Hans-Jürgen “Jerry” Maennchen

April 4, 1944 - July 7, 2024

Jerry was born in Neumunster, Germany, and migrated to Canada in 1957 with his family. He met the love of his life, Lorette, when he was 21 years old and together, they spent 57 wonderful years of marriage. From their union was born one daughter named Sylvia, and two sons names Markus and Michael. Jerry spent a lot of his adult life in Alberta, living in Mayerthorpe, Barrhead and Innisfail before moving to Vancouver Island. Finally, he returned to Alberta and settled in North Shore Heights just outside of Bonnyville. During 2003, Evangelist Justis St. Hilaire conducted evangelistic meetings in Bonnyville which Jerry and Lorette attended. Both of them embraced God’s truth and were received into membership with the Bonnyville Seventhday Adventist Church.

Jerry loved the Lord and enjoyed sharing his testimony of how Jesus saved him with all who would listen. His

Fact Checked

In the June 2024 issue of Alberta Adventist News, on page 47, it was incorrectly stated that Sam Samograd was a pastor.

We would like to clarify that Sam Samograd has never served as a pastor. We appreciate your understanding of the correction. —The Editor

favourite hymn in church when prompted was “O, How I love Jesus!” Jerry loved music and often played the harmonica or the accordion in church and even at their neighbourhood community meetings.

Jerry is survived by his wife Lorette, one daughter, two sons, seven grandchildren, five great grandchildren and one sister. He is predeceased by both his parents and twin siblings. Jerry will be dearly missed by his Bonnyville Church family, but Jerry’s peace and spirit of surrender and contentment during his battle with cancer has encouraged our faith to look forward with hope until we shall meet him on the resurrection morning.

Substitute Teachers Needed

The Alberta Conference is looking to expand the list of available Substitute Teachers for our conference schools. Our teachers are a wonderful commodity and the ability to support them in creating balance in their lives is an important part of this program. If you hold a valid Alberta Teaching Certificate, are a member in good standing in the Adventist Church, and would be willing to become a part of our substitute teacher pool, we invite you to submit your information on our website: employment-opportunities

ANNOUNCEMENTS Bertha (Teach) Ferrance Celebrates 100 Years

TheWest Edmonton Seventh-day Adventist Church proudly honoured Sister Bertha Ferrance as she celebrated her Centennial birthday.

Born on March 29, 1924, on the beautiful island of Antigua, Mother Ferrance dedicated her life to education, serving as a teacher, principal, and dean of women at various schools throughout the Caribbean. In 1956, she married Eustace Ferrance, and in 1967, the family relocated to Edmonton, Alberta, making West Edmonton Seventh-day

Adventist Church their home church. Mother Ferrance continued to impact lives by teaching in several First Nations communities across

Alberta until her retirement. Devoted to her faith and family, she served in numerous roles at churches throughout Alberta, embodying the qualities of a beloved woman of God, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, and friend.

Finding comfort in hymns and the power of prayer, Mother Ferrance often tells her loved ones that “God is so good” and she is praying for them. As she awaits Jesus' second coming, may God continue to bless and keep this remarkable ‘Proverbs 30’ woman of God.

—Submitted by Sandy Boyce, Communications West Edmonton Seventh-day Adventist Church

Bertha Ferrance dressed up to celebrate 100 years of blessings.

New ONLINE WILLS: Alberta Conference partners with Epilogue

Since the 2020 COVID shutdown, one thing that changed for sure is the level of comfort people have with doing things online. And lawyers changed, too. Many are more comfortable working with on-line processes, but their knowledge and role should not be minimized.

To make lawyer-drafted wills more accessible, the Conference added an online option operated by the lawyers who created the Epilogue online will program. Epilogue is intended for individuals with simple situations. It’s not for everyone, and if the program thinks your situation doesn’t fit, you will be directed to seek further legal advice.

Create a legally-binding Will to protect the people who matter most to you.

• Create a Will in the comfort of your home

• No lawyer appointment needed

• Free lifelong updates

Just 3 steps:

1. Answer questions about you and your wishes. In just a few seconds, Epilogue will auto-generate your custom will.

2. Print the will yourself or have Epilogue mail you a paper copy to sign.

3. Follow the signing instructions to make it legally binding.

The Online Will Program was built by lawyers. Live support available.

Save 20% while leaving a legacy by connecting through the Planned Giving page of the Alberta Conference website


Option 1: Individual Will Only - $139

Everything you need to set up a legally binding Will

Option 2: Individual Will + Enduring Power of Attorney (for financial matters) + Personal Directive (for personal care and health matters) - $199

Complete protection that covers both death and incapacity.


Option 1: Couple Wills Only (1 per individual = 2 Wills) - $269

Give each other peace of mind for when you’re no longer here.

Option 2: Couple Will + Enduring Power of Attorney + Personal Directive (1 each per individual = 6 documents in total) - $329

Complete protection for both partners that covers both death and incapacity.

A Daughter Speaks

Leave a legacy, make a difference.

A gift to the Conference through the Epilogue process can extend your influence and have real impact. You can benefit a specific ministry or congregation or leave the use open for future ministries and projects.

The open or “unrestricted” gift was chosen by Frances and Ernie Nolan, two teachers; Ernie also volunteered as a carpenter and tutor at Mamawi Atosketan Native

School. Their daughter, Shelley, loved the Conference approach of consulting families to ensure the use would reflect her parents. Besides providing a tax deduction for their estate, Shelley felt helping build a new centre to serve school alumni and their families was perfect for who her parents were and their values.

“What better legacy could anyone ask for?” says Shelley.

What better legacy could anyone ask for?"

— Shelley Nolan Freesland


At Foothills Camp Meeting this July, the Conference added a third, online option for assistance with making a lawyer-drafted will.

The tutorial can be viewed online at

Let us know what you think about the online process.

Scan QR code to watch a tutorial by Rupa Manoj.

Watch Shelley’s video about her experience as the daughter of parents who donated through wills. Scan the QR code above or go to Videos and Other Resources in the Planned Giving section of the Conference website.

For more details on how to contribute with the building of Mamawi Atosketan Centre (MAC) go to

The Online Will option is intended for simple situations.

More Conference options for will assistance are listed at on the Planned Giving page under Conference Assisted Wills YEAR ROUND


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