The Holy Spirit and Random Acts of Kindness! The past few weeks have been challenging for students, parents, and teachers. Mixed among the challenges are many examples of random acts of kindness. Galatians 5:22 (NIV) states, “But the fruit of the Spirit is … kindness …”
short while ago one of our students was experiencing some trouble as they did not have access at home to a computer to enable them to continue with their studies. Immediately, one of our Educational Assistants, Mrs. Carmen Rodriguez said, “we have an extra computer at home that I could loan to
Alberta Adventist News
JUNE 2020
the family.” Later that day the problem was solved. Then a few more families stated that they had a need for a laptop to continue with their studies. Our IT Resources Director, Mr. Travis Hinzman came into the school on his own time and configured 6-8 older laptops, tested them, and got them working to allow
Google Classroom and Zoom to work from home for several families in need. These acts of kindness represent evidence to us that the Holy Spirit is still active during the time of the Coronavirus Pandemic. But, there is more! A few days ago, an individual from the Calgary Central Church, with no children