EDUCATION NEWS at the school, called me out of the blue and advised me he felt impressed to donate a new Google Chromebook to the school for a worthy student. “I don’t want anything in return for this, but just felt impressed to make a contribution at this point in time.” I would like to thank Vic Fitch, Travis Hinzman and Carmen Rodriguez and the others out there that have exercised faith in action through random acts of kindness.
I don’t want anything in return for this, but just felt impressed to make a contribution at this point in time.” Like I have stated many times before, the Holy Spirit is very active at Chinook Winds Adventist Academy and, although the enemy may have halted our ‘brick and mortar’ school for a short while, the Holy Spirit has not forgotten our students, parents, teachers or significant others who allow us to exercise faith during this time of challenge. Thanks, from the Teachers and Staff at CWAA! — Submitted by Bruce Fillier, Principal Chinook Winds Adventist Academy
College Heights Children’s Ministries
he College Heights SDA Children’s Ministries team has implemented new initiatives in the face of COVID-19 to continue offering worship materials for kids and encourage family worship. Technology is being used extensively to bring the worship experience closer to home and encourage one of the main objectives of this approach: a personal and real connection with Jesus. A Facebook group was made for posting ideas, videos, documents, songs, and activities for the Cradle Roll, Kindergarten, Primary A/B, and Junior divisions. Volunteers narrate Bible stories, division leaders make felt-board videos that show the lesson for the day, and others propose challenges and puzzles to stretch the kids’ thinking. Packages that include Sabbath School quarterlies, Guide, Little Friend, or Primary Adventure magazines, and crafts with instructions have been made available. These materials can either be mailed to the individuals on request or picked up in the church foyer. Any questions may be addressed to the Children’s Ministries Facebook page, either by searching “College Heights Children’s Ministries” or through the following link — Submitted by Mildred Weiss, College Heights SDA Church, Children’s Ministries Coordinator
Packages carefully put together with magazines, crafts and instructionals to keep expanding our kid's thinking and relationship with Christ. JUNE 2020
Alberta Adventist News