Forging Ahead Alberta Adventist News June 2022

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F.O.R.G.I.N.G. Ahead But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. (2 Corinthians 3:18 NKJV)


t a non-Seventh-day just enough for him to see. Adventist Southern I heard whispers of shock California university, and disappointment. “What it is common knowledge that is she doing?” “Oh no!” Professor S's classes are difficult. With a “this-better-be-good” Unlike most professors, he does look, Professor S asked, "Why?" not provide review sessions I nervously replied, "I for upcoming exams. However, go to church." one day, he told the class he He immediately replied, would offer a four-hour review "Okay, you're excused. I will session on one condition: set up a private, one-on-one, there must be 100% class four-hour review session attendance. Literally, the entire with you. Who else?" class screamed with excitement I was stunned and in and started to ask each other, complete disbelief at how easy "We're all going. Right, guys?" it was for me to be excused. The professor went on to say At the beginning of my he checked the school calendar review session, I asked my and confirmed there were professor why he excused no scheduling conflicts. The me. He said, "You must be review session was on Saturday a Seventh-day Adventist." I from 8 a.m.–12 p.m. He then learned he and his sister were asked, “Who here cannot raised by a single mother. Their make it?” Sitting in the front, neighbor was a Seventh-day I hesitantly raised my hand Adventist who babysat them 12

Alberta Adventist News

JUNE 2022

for free as long as she could take them to church with her. This Adventist neighbor knew about FORGING ahead (Forward Onto Reflecting God's Image aNd Glory). She didn't know her FORGING ahead would help a college student exercise and strengthen her own faith decades later. By God's grace, I look forward to thanking this neighbor in person someday.

Sherry A. Yap, MBA

Director of Foundation Accounting Loma Linda University Health | Financial Services

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