Alberta Adventist News June Issue

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2023 Alberta Camp Meeting

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature— have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

Romans 1:20

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50 years of Camp Meeting at Foothills Camp and Retreat Centre

During this momentous occasion, we invite you to join us for a week of spiritual renewal, impactful sermons, uplifting worship, and inspiring testimonies. Engage in lively discussions, engage with fellow campers, and build lasting friendships that transcend the boundaries of time and distance.

Alberta Adventist News is a print and digital media publication of the Alberta Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Editor Troy McQueen; Co-Editor Ruby Casipe; Graphic Guidelines:; Submissions: ELECTED OFFICIALS: President Jeff Potts; Executive Secretary/VP for Administration Melissa Cooke; Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer Keith Richter. Departmental Directors/Min Planned Giving & Trust Services/Philanthropy Director Lynn McDowell; Foothills Camp Director Ken Harrington; Youth Director Lyle Notice; Communication/IT/Media Directo ADVENTIST CHURCH: Address: 5816 Highway 2A, Lacombe, AB, T4L2G5. Office Hours: Monday-Thur Seventh-day Adventist: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Phone: (403) 342-5044, Fax: (403) 7 SOCIAL MEDIA Twitter: ABAdventist, Facebook: ABAdventist, Instagram: ABAdventist, LinkedIn: ABAdventist, Website: Highlights 22
Join us in celebrating 50 years of Camp Meetings at Foothills Camp and Retreat Centre. 2023 Alberta Camp Meeting

06 Using Social Media for Effective Church Outreach

Social media has changed the way people communicate and has become an integral part of our daily lives. With over 4.8 billion people active on social media platforms, it has become a crucial tool for spreading the gospel and reaching new audiences.

08 Sermon on the Mount | Part 1

Delve into the profound teachings of the Sermon on the Mount through the captivating and enlightening insights of Dennis Nickle. Embark on a spiritual journey that will deepen your understanding of Jesus' timeless words and guide you towards a more meaningful and purposeful life.

Design Mishell Raedeke/; Photo attribution: Alberta Adventist Communication unless otherwise noted. Submission isterial & Evangelism Director George Ali; Human Resources Officer Jennifer Williams; Education Superintendent Gail R. Wilton; r Troy McQueen; Risk Management/Project Development Director Llew Werner ALBERTA CONFERENCE OF THE SEVENTH-DAY 75-4482 Email: info@ albertaadventist. ca 04 Message from the President 06 From the Editor 08 Devotional 10 Education Feature 14 Department News 22 Camp Meeting Feature 46 Church News 53 Philanthropy News 54 Education News 58 Maskwacis News 60 Announcements 62 Means & Meaning 08 06 JUNE 2023 EDITION

Looking Forward to Camp Meeting 2023

I’m eagerly looking forward to our Alberta Camp Meeting this year! Our theme for this 50th Anniversary Celebration is, “But By My Spirit Saith the Lord.” Please join me in praying for a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit at our upcoming Camp Meeting.

We’ve been told, “Christ, the Great Teacher, had an infinite variety of subjects from which to choose, but the one upon which He dwelt most largely was the endowment of the Holy Spirit. What great things He predicted for the church because of this endowment. Yet what subject is less dwelt upon now? What promise is less fulfilled?” (1 Selected Messages, p. 156)

Years ago, there was a young man who wanted to become a great philosopher. So he went, one day, to a philosopher who was considered to be truly great. He told the philosopher of his desire. “Well,” the man replied, “if you want to be a great philosopher, just stay with me. Watch me. Go where I go. Do what I do. Say what I say.” So, the young man became the philosopher’s apprentice. He watched him carefully. He went where the man went. He did what the man did.

Finally, the apprentice pushed with all his might against the philosopher, and managed to break free. He jumped up and gasped for that life-giving breath of air. After catching his breath, he yelled in anger, “Why did you do that?! I could have died!!” The old man replied calmly, “Until you want to be a great philosopher as much as you wanted that breath of air, you will never be a great philosopher.”

He said what the man said. One day, the philosopher walked out into a lake. The young fellow thought this was a little strange, but he followed. They waded out into the water until it was almost chest deep. Then the philosopher suddenly grabbed his apprentice, thrust his head under the water, and held it there. At first the young fellow didn’t resist. He just held his breath. He wasn’t certain what the philosopher was doing. But when he began to run out of air, he started to struggle. He fought to free himself, but the philosopher held him tighter. It seemed that he was trying to drown the young man!

Friend of mine, are you hungry to be filled with the Holy Spirit? Please join me in praying that the Spirit of God will be poured out with power at Camp Meeting. Jesus promised, “If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” (Luke 11:13 NIV)

If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”
— Luke 11:13 NIV
4 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023


Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me”

God is calling us as his disciples to radically abandon selfish desires and follow him. There are things that get in the way of our walk with God, but what is needed today more than ever are followers of Jesus who will set a side all hindrances, and completely follow him. of set and

Alberta Camp Meeting
The Alberta Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church

Using Social Media for Effective Church Outreach

Social media has changed the way people communicate and has become an integral part of our daily lives. With over 4.8 billion people active on social media platforms, it has become a crucial tool for spreading the gospel and reaching new audiences.

Social media has made it easier for churches to reach a wider audience, regardless of location. With just a few clicks, churches can broadcast sermons, events, and other content to followers all over the world. This has been especially useful during the COVID-19 pandemic, where in-person gatherings had been limited and many churches had turned to virtual services. Social media allowed churches to continue to share the gospel and connect with their members even when they could not physically gather together.

Additionally, social media has enabled churches to target specific demographics and tailor their messaging to reach specific groups of people. For example, a church could use social media to reach young adults by creating content that is relevant to their interests and experiences. This has opened up new opportunities for ministry and outreach that

were not available before. Another benefit of social media for church outreach is the ability to reach people who may not have a strong connection to a physical church. For example, a person living in a remote area or someone who has never stepped foot inside a church can now connect with a community of believers and learn about the gospel through social media.

For example, in 2006, while I was pastoring in Aldergrove, BC, I inquired about a special software program that would help in the administration of the

computer training classes we were offering to the community.

I sent an email to the software company located in Australia and after several emails back and forth, I explained who I was, and gave the gentleman (who I was responding to) the website address to the Aldergrove Adventist Church.

After several days, I received an exciting response.

He said this, “I checked out your website and watched a video of one of your sermons. It touched my life in a very powerful way. You see, my wife is a Buddhist, and I am

FROM THE EDITOR 6 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023

a Christian. She doesn’t like me attending church. I want you to know that I will be providing you with ten licenses of the program for your computer lab free of charge and I will be making your church website my online virtual church from now on.”

In addition to reaching people who may not have a strong connection to a physical church, social media allows for creative and interactive ways of sharing the gospel message. Churches can use platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube to share sermons, devotionals, and testimonials that connect with people on a deeper level. This creates opportunities for deeper engagement and encourages people to take steps towards faith in Christ.

It's important to remember that social media is just one tool and should never replace face-to-face relationships and in-person community. Churches must always use social media in a way that aligns with the values and mission of the gospel. The Bible encourages us to be wise in our use of technology and to use it for good. As Colossians 4:5-6 says, "Walk

in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person."

In conclusion, social media has the potential to be a powerful tool for church outreach. As the church continues to adapt to a constantly changing world, it is essential to use technology wisely and in a way that aligns with the values and mission of the gospel. By doing so, we can reach new people and help them take steps towards a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

From the Roman highways to the information highway, God has been using technology to spread the gospel.

Zechariah 4:6, “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.”

Troy McQueen Director | IT/Communications Alberta Conference
What's happening in the Alberta Conference
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With over 4.8 billion people active on social media platforms, it has become a crucial tool for spreading the gospel and reaching new audiences"
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After Jesus had chosen twelve of us to serve as apostles, His assistants to advance the Kingdom of God, we made our way down to a large open area on the gradual slope of the hillside. Already gathered to see Jesus was a huge crowd of people from all over Judea, Jerusalem, even as far north as Tyre and Sidon. As soon as they saw Jesus approaching, the entire crowd surged toward Him, like ‘sheep without a shepherd’, as Jesus often described them. They were anxious to hear Him and be healed of their diseases. Those of us appointed by Jesus and others of His followers helped with crowd control. All morning and into the early afternoon Jesus healed the people of diseases and injuries. Men, women and children with every malady one might imagine possible


seemed to have come for healing. The people just wanted to touch Him or have Him touch them because they knew power to heal went out from Him. Soon every person that needed healing was made well and the demon-possessed were set free. It was an amazing day! I wished I had not wasted my life collecting taxes but spent more time helping the poor. I thank God Jesus saw more in me than just a publican. Wanting to hear Jesus speak, the crowd sat on the grass and listened. He knew how to project His voice so the people could hear and He spoke with authority, often quoting Scripture. Let me share a brief summary of what He said. He blessed the poor, the mournful, the hungry, and the persecuted.

He told us we were the salt of the earth and the light of the world. He elaborated on the law, confirming it is valid and here to stay. He said being angry at someone is like murder and encouraged us to be reconciled to one another. Lust is more than sexual desire in God’s eyes, it is adultery. Divorce and remarriage without just cause such as infidelity is considered adultery. As I watched the crowd, I saw some people squirm because divorce and remarriage were commonly practiced for insignificant reasons. Jesus was trying to put the sacredness back into marriage.

Dennis Nickel was pastor for 30 years in Alberta, British Columbia, and Upper Columbia (US) conferences. It was during his morning times with God in that chair that he wrote his book A Day in the Life of Jesus.

Part 1 8 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023
Matthew 5:1-32; Luke 6:17-19

SEPT 29 TO OCT 1, 2023

Alberta Conference Women’s Retreat


Our speaker, June Price will guide us on the challenges of Moving Forward.

Early Bird

Registration cut off midnight August 14th

Cost: $230

Regular Registration cut off midnight September 14th

Cost: $240

Listen! Today you are Moving Forward…do not fear and tremble or be terrified…for the Lord your God goes with you.

Deuteronomy 20:3-4

Radisson Hotel in Red Deer

6500 – 67 St. Red Deer, T4P 1A2

Reservations at (403) 342-6567


Booking Code: ACWR

Register at; call the Conference Office at (403) 342-5044 or use QR code

• Includes Meals, Weekend Activities and Presentations

• For all women 18 and over

• No Walk-ins or Sabbath Only-Registrations

No children except nursing babies under one year of age — must call in to Conference Office to register and indicate this.

Interview with Adventist Educator, Erica Dees


Edmonton Central Adventist Church

Having grown up in the Seventh- day Adventist Church, Erica Dees has seen how God has intervened in her life despite challenges and setback she has decided to follow His leading. Erica believes that teachers truly make a difference in children’s lives. She believes that serving others is God’s plan for her as an Adventist educator.

Ina: Please tell me about yourself. Where were you born?

Erica: My name is Erica Dees. I was born in Woodstock, New Brunswick.

Ina: What school(s) did you attend?

Erica: My family moved a lot which meant that I had the opportunity to attend many different schools. Throughout Grades K-9, I attended a mix of public K-12 schools, smaller country schools, and larger city schools, all of which were in New Brunswick. After our second attempt at moving across the country (a family emergency caused us to turn around once before), my high school and university years were spent in Alberta. I attended my first Adventist school, Parkview Adventist Academy in Grade 10, completed Grade 11 through ADLC (homeschool), and graduated from Grade 12 at Milwoods Christian School. I completed

my university degree through Canadian University College (now Burman University) in Lacombe.

Ina: What led you or why did you choose education as a career?

Erica: At first, I was not sure what I wanted to pursue as a career. I was leaning towards psychology and education as I have always had a passion for counselling and helping others. I would have done both, but at the time, CUC did not offer the 2-year after-degree for education, so I had to make a choice between the two. I decided that my desire was to work with children, so education made the most sense to start with. CUC

10 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023
Erica Dees reading to Coralwood Adventist Academy Students.

(Burman) has an amazing education program! You begin in a class in which you get to spend several hours in each of the different levels of education so that you are better able to determine which level of education you would like to target with your career. It was those classroom experiences that confirmed my decision.

Ina: Why did you choose Coralwood Adventist Academy?

Erica: This is an interesting story. I ended up attending CUC because my parents decided they were moving back to New Brunswick once I finished high school. I did not want to stay in Edmonton alone as I was not the biggest fan of Edmonton at the time. (I had also silently determined to never move back again.) CUC ended up being a phenomenal decision and I cannot be more grateful that I attended there. Because of CUC, I was able to graduate dual-certified which allows me to teach at Adventist schools, as well as public. During my senior year, I was able to meet with the Education Superintendents from different conferences across Canada and was hired the day after graduating to cover a maternity leave in Wetaskiwin at Peace Hills Adventist School. Following that, I was supposed to cover a second maternity leave in Medicine Hat. However, plans changed, and I ended up being told I had an interview in Edmonton for Coralwood Adventist Academy, even though I had not technically applied for the job. I call this story my "Jonah moment." I was not happy about returning to the city, and quite frankly, did not want

to. However, God saw other plans, and not only did I get the position, but this job has also blessed me immensely. (I have come to like Edmonton a lot more!)

Ina: How long have you been teaching in an Adventist intuition?

Erica: This is my 12th year teaching in Adventist schools. This is my 11th year at Coralwood.

Ina: In what other capacity have you served?

Erica: In the past few years, I have taken up leadership in both the Youth and Collegiate divisions at my church, as well as many extracurriculars at the school, including volleyball coaching, high school coaching programs, Christmas plays, Chimes director, student associations, etc...

Ina: What is it about Carolwood Academy that keeps you there?

Erica: I absolutely love this school! The teachers I work with are like family. The staff meets every morning to praise God and pray for each other and our students. There is no greater way to start the day! God is the head in how we start the day, start our classes, start our meetings, before we eat, and even before we start our tests. I love being able to guide students through curriculum and life by referring to the Bible and being able to pray over situations with my students. Integrating God through everything is crucial. Because of this, we try to incorporate service projects that we can do to bless others, and my class is no stranger to this. I appreci-

ate working in an environment where service is so encouraged. I have always enjoyed the smaller, K-12 schools, and Coralwood is no exception! It is possible to interact with all our school’s students. Smaller schools provide great opportunities to not only work with and help your students more, but to also build stronger relationships with your students, as well. We always look forward to visits from our prior students! Though Coralwood is not a large school, our school is passionate about our students; our long teacher retention rates are a testament to that. Our school is flexible in the sense that we frequently offer different options for our students. It is completely possible to have different responsibilities or to start different opportunities/programs each year. We want our students to know that we not only care about them, but that we want to provide as many opportunities as we can.

Ina: What motivates you when you enter through those doors each day?

Erica: This is an excellent question that I am so excited to answer! A huge part of this answer is simply, my students. I cannot tell you how many days I can wake up, completely exhausted from the things that I've been doing, and yet it only takes a few minutes after walking into my classroom each morning for not only my energy to return, but for my students to already make me smile. As much as I support my students, my students support me. It is not unusual for words of encouragement to be found

EDUCATION FEATURE 11 JUNE 2023 Alberta Adventist News


all over my desk (as well as the occasional verbal lecture about how stress is bad for my health). I always attempt to create a welcoming atmosphere in my classroom where every child will understand that they are loved and cared for. I want each student not only to know how much their Heavenly Father loves them, but also to know they have a place where they can feel like they belong. I get to share the Word of God with our students here, a privilege I know I would not have in other schools. I get to see God work in our school through the staff and the students daily. I have witnessed the Bible come alive for those who didn’t know God before. (Though our school is an Adventist school, we have several students attending that are not Adventist; I consider this a great mission work!) I have witnessed students overcome anxieties and fears over things they didn’t think they could. I have seen students rise up to challenges and take on opportunities that were completely unexpected. These are just some of the stories, some of the reasons, that I am motivated to keep going through those doors. God has so blessed me throughout my time at Coralwood and I look forward to everything He still has in store.

Ina: Are there any future plans or goals for you and Christian education?

Erica: As of right now, I have no plans to leave Coralwood. I am very involved with many different things here and so my days are absolutely filled. Teaching Chimes was one of my new classes

this year, and although my first Chimes class has been phenomenal (they can pretty much play songs without me directing now!), I look forward to continuing to grow their talents and blessing more churches and audiences with our music in years to come. I also look forward to further developing a mentorship program within our school next year as I had test-run a mentorship program once before and the results were phenomenal. It really is hard to say what I will be up to next, but whatever it is, I pray that God will continue to use me for His work. I look forward to continuing to see God work in our school, so our students will continue to not only be set up for the academics in life, but also to gain an understanding of how to live a life in service to God, growing the Fruits of the Spirit in their lives, and accepting and carrying the tender and all-encompassing love that only our Heavenly Father can give.

Ina: You mentioned forming a mentorship program here at Coralwood. Can you tell me how that program would benefit the students?

Erica: In the previous year, I developed more of a mentorship program between my Grade 5/6 class and the kindergarten class. It started out as a weekly Reading Buddies program but grew into including occasional P.E. and Art classes. By providing the Grade 6s with leadership opportunities to their younger schoolmates, I began hearing reports that this was being carried on even at recess times where teachers rarely had to interfere with Kindergarten issues on the playground because

my Grade 5/6s would take care of them first. Mentorship programs provide a myriad of benefits to both the older students (through leadership, providing purpose, and learning how to be a mentor) and the younger students (having others to look up to, opportunities to look forward to, someone else they can turn to at school). I highly recommend developing mentorship opportunities when possible!

Ina: If someone were to ask you what are the benefits of sending their child to Coralwood or what is different about Coralwood, what would you say?

Erica: At Coralwood, we care about more than just the academics. Yes, we provide a fully Alberta-accredited education program, but we have the added benefit of teaching it through the lens of the Bible. At Coralwood, the future of each child matters. We strive to teach excellence in daily activities, but we also seek to prepare each heart for the Kingdom of Heaven. At Coralwood, your child is never just a number, but instead, a part of our family.

Ina: What goals would you like to see the students accomplish at Coralwood Adventist Academy?

Erica: One of the things we love to see our students do is to take leadership positions. I would like to see our students continue to grow and lead, confident of their value and importance in the eyes of their Heavenly Father.

Ina: Thank you, Erica, for allowing me this interview.

12 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023

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Alberta Conference Constituents Elect Leadership for the Next Quinquennium

Oshawa, Ont., May 11, 2023 — The 52nd Constituency Session of the Alberta Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church was convened on May 7 at College Heights Adventist Church in Lacombe, Alta. Delegates present had the opportunity to receive reports of the work done by the conference over the past six years, vote on bylaws changes, and elect conference leadership for the next term.

Very early in the morning, the nominating committee met for final deliberations before submitting its report to the delegates. The general meeting started with a devo-

tional message by Paul Llewellyn, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada (SDACC), in which he challenged the membership to be a church where Jesus is intentionally lifted high.

With the session declared open, the first votes taken by delegates had to do with the election of conference officers for the new term. Jeff Potts, who currently serves as senior pastor of College Heights Adventist Church, was elected president. Potts is recognized as a pastor at heart and passionate church planter. He has pastored churches in

various provinces and conferences across Canada. After serving in Ontario and British Columbia, Potts went to the Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference in 1999, where he planted four new churches in four years in the Winnipeg area before being called to serve as ministerial director and subsequently executive secretary for that conference. Potts has earned both a master of divinity and a doctor of ministry from the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University. In July 2017, he was invited to pastor the College Heights church, located on the

campus of Burman University. Jeff and his wife Nancy have four daughters and three grandchildren.

Speaking of Potts’ election, Paul Llewellyn said, “I have great confidence in Jeff as he takes on the role of president for this great

Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada Pastor Jeff Potts President, Alberta Conference Pastor Melissa Cooke Executive Secretary/VP for Administration Keith Richter Treasurer
14 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023

conference. Jeff and Nancy have a life of dedication to ministry, to Christ and to the people of His church.”

For the office of executive secretary/ vice-president for administration, delegates elected Melissa Cooke, who since November 2021 has served in the same capacity at the Maritime Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Cooke was born in Houston, Tex., to El Salvadorean parents, but was raised in Toronto, Ont. The province of Alberta is no strange place for her, as she earned her bachelor’s in religious studies from Canadian University College (now Burman University). After graduating from Burman, Melissa

pastored in British Columbia and worked on obtaining her master of divinity from the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University, which she completed in 2017. Melissa and her husband, Jason, have two young sons.

Keith Richter, who has been with the Alberta Conference since 2006, and serving as treasurer since 2011, was re-elected as treasurer/chief financial officer. Richter is wellloved by the constituency and recognized as a faithful steward of church resources. He is someone who loves evangelism, supports outreach efforts, and facilitates the employment of resources to help congregations

grow in their ministry.

A moving moment occurred at the session when all pastors present surrounded the newly elected leaders (with Melissa Cooke joining by phone) and accompanied Paul Llewellyn in his prayer of dedication of the officers.

Llewellyn joined the Alberta Conference staff in thanking outgoing president Gary Hodder whose retirement became effective at the end of the session and his wife, Almyra, for their dedicated service to the conference and the church in Canada, wishing them a happy retirement.

Endearing words of gratitude were also offered to Wayne

Williams, outgoing executive secretary, in recognition of his dedicated ministry and service in his office. Paul Llewellyn revealed to attendees that Williams has called him regularly over the past few years just to ask how Llewellyn was doing and pray for him.

The session program ended with words of encouragement and a prayer by newly appointed president, Jeff Potts. Delegates and attendees left the building having the sense of a truly spiritual, uplifting experience. We solicit your continued prayers for the work in the Alberta Conference and its new leadership team.

15 JUNE 2023 Alberta Adventist News

Treasurer's Report

“Always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father.” Ephesians 5:20 (NASB)

“In all things we can give thanks to God for He is the God of gods, For His Faithfulness is everlasting.” Psalms 136:2

We have truly experienced His faithfulness, guidance and watch care over His Church during these unprecedented times that we find ourselves in. I wish to give you just a brief glimpse of what God has done in and through His faithfulness and the faithfulness of our members, employees as well as our community and business partners. We wish just to share some brief Treasury and Financial Statement Highlights but first I must thank our Treasury team, who have served so conscientiously during these challenging times, we owe them so much for their dedication.


Support of local church for the spread of the gospel by maintaining as much as possible a full compliment of pastors and allocating over $2,000,000 of evangelism funds to local churches for various kinds of evangelism to share the Three Angels messages to Alberta and the Northwest Territories.

Major increases of support for churches to proceed with building projects, purchases of existing buildings, and infrastructure needs of churches, which our Conference was able to provide over $2,000,000 since 2016. The Conference

has also built a reserve near $500,000 for future projects. The Conference, because of the generous support of its members, together with its businesses and community partners, see the value of the indigenous community and have worked together to build a new high school at Mamawi Atosketan Campus. With a budget of $5,000,000, not only did the school come in on budget, but we were able to add an additional industrial arts building within that same budget. We can only praise God for such an accomplishment. The buildings are now all free of any debt and that was accomplished within three years of openings, Hallelujah.

During this last session our entire school system had debt of well over $1,000,000 and were owing the Conference over $2,800,000. Well, I am pleased to say that with the hard work and cooperation of both the Conference, our local schools, and their generous constituencies the Conference was able to match the constituencies donations and together we have not only wiped out the school system debt but have reduced the amount owing to the Conference from the schools to around $600,000.

We are so proud of what can be accomplished when we come together in cooperation with our minds set on a common goal. Praise God. What is even more amazing in my eyes is that together we accomplished this during one of the most tumultuous times in history living through a pandemic, only God can bless His children so.

After long and thoughtful discussions with Burman University it was determined that the best way forward for Parkview Adventist Academy was to turn it over to the Alberta Conference with a Heritage Endowment of $5,000,000.00, which was used as collateral to build a new $5,800,000.00 high school. Not only was the school build on budget but within six months from groundbreaking we moved in. Again, demonstrating the power of God actively working for His Church. This was not the only miracle, our enrollment in PAA has gone from 45 to 79 students. What a blessing from above.

With the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and the increase in cybercrimes, the Alberta Conference has made extensive investments in technology both in hardware and software not only for our Conference office but also for the local Churches and Schools, much of it at the Conference cost. Continued investment is now necessary to acquire Cyber Risk insurance as many Adventist Institutions around the world have been hit with large claims for ransomware crimes.

DEPARTMENT NEWS 16 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023

It the charts above you can see that our total Revenue and Tithe has recovered from the 2020 COVID-19 effect which we thank God for the faithfulness of our members.

It the charts above you can see that our total Revenue and Tithe has recovered from the 2020 COVID effect which we thank God for the faithfulness of our members

2021 Expenditures By Area

With the cooperation of employees at every level whether at the conference office, the pastors, teachers, camp, ABC etc. we were able to hold our expenses during the COVID pandemic. But coming out of the pandemic we are experiencing inflationary costs and the resuming of many programs suspended during COVID

With the cooperation of employees at every level whether at the conference office, the pastors, teachers, camp, ABC etc. we were able to hold our expenses during the COVID-19 pandemic. But coming out of the pandemic we are experiencing inflationary costs and the resuming of many programs suspended during COVID-19.

Financial Indicators

In the above spread sheet, you will see that our working capital has been well above the North American Division (NAD) requirements in place to the end of 2021. Beginning on the 2022 financial statements they have changed the formula as well as including all the teacher salaries and benefits which brings a large increase to the NAD required working capital. This is also true for our liquidly numbers which are very strong based on the requirements at the time. This is one of the reasons we have been strengthening our schools’ financial positions as well.

In the above spread sheet, you will see that our working capital has been well above the North American Division (NAD) requirements in place to the end of 2021. Beginning on the 2022 financial statements they have changed the formula as well as including all the teacher salaries and benefits which brings a large increase to the NAD required working capital. This is also true for our liquidly numbers which are very strong based on the requirements at the time. This is one of the reasons we have been strengthening our schools’ financial positions as well.

We take seriously the stewardship of the recourses of the Conference and endeavor to balance the needs of the Church in Alberta while still maintaining strong a financial position

We take seriously the stewardship of the resources of the Conference and endeavor to balance the needs of the Church in Alberta while still maintaining a strong financial position.

Financial Statement Highlights
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Working Capital $6,793,556 $8,049,996 $7,991,873 $9,166,209 $8,670,647 $11,042,875 Working Capital Non Current Investments $9,370,101 $8,766,095 $8,306,317 $9,909,183 $9,571,193 $11,105,695 Recommended Working Capital $4,208,080 $4,777,268 $4,542,239 $4,940,271 $4,910,185 $6,122,490 Liquidity 200% 268% 243% 254% 226% 244%
$16.8 $16.8 $17.8 $18.5 $16.9 $19.3 $$5 $10 $15 $20 $25 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Millions REVENUE COMPARISON (MIL) 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 $17.9 $17.2 $18.0 $18.3 $17.2 $16.6 0 5 10 15 20 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Millions EXPENDITURE COMPARISON Mil 1Mil 2Mil 3Mil 4Mil 5Mil 6Mil 7Mil Church Ministry Education Retirement Special Services Other COGS Administration Conv/Mtgs BLDG/Equip Campground Rental Residence
Financial Indicators 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Working Capital $6,793,556 $8,049,996 $7,991,873 $9,166,209 $8,670,647 $11,042,875 Working Capital Non-Current Investments $9,370,101 $8,766,095 $8,306,317 $9,909,183 $9,571,193 $11,105,695 Recommended Working Capital $4,208,080 $4,777,268 $4,542,239 $4,940,271 $4,910,185 $6,122,490 Liquidity 200% 268% 243% 254% 226% 244% FINANCIAL STATEMENT HIGHLIGHTS
DEPARTMENT NEWS 17 JUNE 2023 Alberta Adventist News
Treasurer/ VP for Finance

ElevateX-The Summit

ElevateX was first started in October of 2019 and was held in Banff. It was built for creatives and innovative young adults who felt like there was no place for them in the church.

The second ElevateX was called the REMIX, the idea was that God can take something old and mix with something new and create a remixed spiritual life.

This final ElevateX that took place April 14-16, was the pinnacle of its programming. The last one. The theme was, “The Summit.”

I have always had a fascination with mountains. That’s probably why the theme for this ElevateX was, “The Summit.”

Over the last several years, I have had this obsession with climbing Mount Everest. The sheer determination, discipline, and passion it takes to summit the mountain provides so many practical life lessons. One of my bucket list items is to climb Mount Everest before Jesus comes.

As I have been studying climbing Mount Everest, I realized several things about Summiting Mount Everest that apply to our spiritual lives.

1. Not everyone who begins the journey with you, ends the journey with you. Not everyone can come with you to your next level. The altitude in which God is bringing you to, some people will not be able to sustain their spiritual lives at that level.

2. Climbers only bring the bare essentials with them that will help sustain their lives along the journey. Less ends up becoming more. Climbers have only the right gear, everything from the boots, crampons, ropes, oxygen to down filled outer wear, is only there to do one thing, help them as they move up the mountain at various

camps. God wants to rid of us things that are nonessential and help us to leave behind things that no longer serve our purpose and His purpose.

3. Climbers set out to climb Mount Everest during the months of May and September. There is a window of opportunity where the seasons provide more survivable temperatures for the climber. Perhaps there are season and times in which God has set for us to take opportunities. There are times when God is wanting us to try things, make attempts, take initiative.

4. There are four camps from Base Camp. The reason why climbers trek through four camps and then summit, is because as climbers travel up, there is less oxygen to survive. High altitude kicks in and

18 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023
Pastor Roberson and his wife Thaksheela Dorelus.

causes the climber to suffer swelling of brain, extreme exhaustion, delirium, and hypothermia. But spending days at each camp level, it acclimatizes the climbers to the oxygen levels. God has at certain stages and levels in our spiritual journey to acclimatize us for the future conditions we will face.

5. Once climbers make it to Camp Four the last camp before the summit trek to the peak of Mount Everest, they rest and get acclimatized to the atmospheric conditions. The climbers must leave at 11 PM at night to start their ascent to the top. They must leave in the darkest of night because they enter to what is called the death zone, where it is almost impossible to sustain human life for long periods. They must leave in the night in order to make it by day light. It’s often in our darkest of nights of the soul, that God is transforming us for our next level. It is in the darkest of times that God is helping to sustain our spiritual lives.

6. Once on top of the mountain, climbers only have several minutes to enjoy their accomplishment. The longest that someone is advised to stay on top of Mount Everest is 12 hours, because staying longer

than 12 could result in death (ten minutes on top of Everest is about average). From a spiritual perspective, you can’t spend all your life on the mountain top, eventually you have to come down and do life in the valley.

7. Coming back down the mountain is sometimes even harder than climbing up. Once you have made the ascent up the summit to the peak, you must make the trek down. It is easy to want to rest and enjoy your accomplishments. But you have to keep moving, or you run the risk of falling asleep and then dying of hypothermia. God wants us to keep moving, and not get comfortable along the journey.

ElevateX … “The Summit” was all about helping young people reach their summit. It was focused on Youth Leadership Training. Fusing some of the best and brightest youth ministry practitioners within the Adventist Church. There were eleven various speakers from across the North American Division. Seth Yelorda, Kyle Smith, Natasha Richards, Justin Yang, Michelle Mota, Guadalupe Montour, John Scott, Krzia Wisdom, Andrel Wisdom, Roberson Dorelus and Thaksheela Dorelus. Each speaker shared on relevant subjects that helped to build the young person’s leadership tool kit. Some of the topics includ-

ed, How to deal With Difficult people, Developing Your Core, and Engaging Gen Z’s.

Our keynote speaker was Seth Yelorda from Riverside, California. Seth is known as a leadership guru within the Adventist Church in North America. He has worked with the local church as well as many large-scale business and institutions helping them to achieve leadership clarity.

It was a powerful weekend where Chelsae B helped to usher in a spirit of worship through her acoustic guitar and singing.

Overall, many of the youth who attended ElevateX talked about how practical each speaker was. One of the presenters Justin Yang who is the Young Adult Director for Texas Conference said, “I am amazed at the level of attention that these young people displayed this weekend…I have never seen anything like this. These youth are dialed in and so engaged into each of the presentations. It’s amazing, they truly wanted to be here.”

Maybe one of these days, my dream of climbing Mount Everest will be fulfilled! But until that time, we must all keep striving and moving towards spiritual development and becoming more Christ like. Life is an uphill battle which often presents detours, twists and turns, but if we just keep holding on to God’s unchanging hand He will help to elevate us to that ultimate mountain top experience, heaven, with Him around that great banquet table.

19 JUNE 2023 Alberta Adventist News

Global Youth Day Edmonton


Alberta Conference Global Youth Day 2023 was a weekend to remember. The theme for the weekend was “Love is a Verb.” The weekend took place at Sherwood Park on Friday evening and Sabbath morning. In the basement of the Sherwood Park church, Pastor Roberson Dorelus and his team decorated the room in such a way that it was inviting and welcoming for youth and young adults. There were tasty food and snacks as young people shared their testimony of how God was working in their lives.

Saturday afternoon and evening took place at Edmonton Central. And Social/Gym night took place at Coralwood Adventist Academy. Our guest speaker was Jorge Torres. He has a powerful testimony that can be found in his book, “Danger To Society.”

“The Crown attorney spoke first. She read my long list of charges and convictions … She concluded by arguing that I had shown no remorse for my actions. Her final statement was one I will never forget: “He is a danger to society,” she said, “and he should not be let out.”

“Jorge Torres and his family moved from war-torn El Salvador to what they presumed would be a safe and simple life in Winnipeg, Manitoba. But as a firstgeneration immigrant living in poverty, Jorge quickly began to feel that what he had – and who he was – didn’t seem to be enough. Battling against cultural differences and emotional abuse, he compensated by creating a criminal persona that earned him power, admiration and respect. Caught up in a lifestyle of drug dealing, he

found himself addicted to the hustle and willing to risk everything – including the lives of his own family. But as the consequences of his actions escalated, so did his desire to change. Told through the eyes of a gangster gone good, Danger to Society is a journey through darkness, a search for identity and a message of hope. Most of all, it is a testament to the transformational power of God’s endless grace.”

Over the course of the weekend Jorge shared how mistake after mistake with the law, God was there to help him pick up the pieces. He got caught up in selling drugs, went to jail numerous times, but through it all God was continuing to call Jorge to Him.

Eventually he stopped running from God and gave his heart to Jesus and went to study ministry. His main message was, no matter how far you have gone or strayed from the Lord, God is always there for you and is willing to accept you into His loving arms!

What was also powerful was the outreach aspect. The

DEPARTMENT NEWS 20 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023

theme was love is a verb, and there were three activities that allowed young people to go out and show God’s love practically.

Some went to the mall to give out flowers and do random acts of kindness. Another option was nursing home visits, to spread love and hope. And the last option was handing out food, clothing and sharing Jesus with those on the streets.

It was amazing to see over 150 youth and young adults with “Love Shirts and Hoodies” out and about around Edmonton, sharing and spreading the Love of God with those who they came in contact with. They were being the hands and feet of Jesus.

The event ended with a social night at Coralwood. It was powerful to see so many young people out for games lead by Pastors Mark Bulahan, Jacques Alexandre, Derek Richter, and Ian Bramble. The youth had fun socializing and connecting with each other. The energy and laughter of the youth was electrifying that night.

Successful youth ministry comprises of helping youth find three main things:

1. Finding their Identity, who they are in Christ.

2. Helping them to build and foster community,

3. Helping them to find their God given purpose in life.

During the weekend young people got to wrestle with these three questions.

All who attended the weekend experienced Love as a Verb.

—Submitted by Lyle Notice, Youth Ministries Director

I am so Salty

“I am so Salty” was the theme for the Young Adult Weekend in Red Deer on March 10-11, 2023. It was hosted by Pastor Donovan Diminyatz and the Epic Church.

We used the word “Salty” because it’s a popular slang word in pop culture amongst the youth demographic. Meaning they are hurt, angry, resentful, bitter, slighted or annoyed over something.

Some young adults now a days are salty about church, family, friends, school or even work.

But it’s also a double entendre. “Salty” also meaning …as Christ followers we are the salt of the earth. But the challenge today is how are we supposed to be salt of the earth if your salty about Christianity and the church?

We were so grateful to have Pastor Paulo Tenorio from Texas. Paulo Tenorio was born in Paraguay to missionary parents. They moved to Washington, D.C., in 2000. After graduating from high school, he served as a missionary in South Korea. That’s when he felt God’s call to ministry. He graduated from Southern Adventist University and completed his Masters of Divinity at Andrews University. He served as a chaplain at South Texas Christian Academy for two years. He then worked as an associate pastor for Austin Spanish First and Kyle Seventh-day Adventist Churches as well as the Central Texas Youth Area Coordinator.

Paulo served as Texas Conference Youth Director for over seven years and is now leaving with his wife and two daughters to be missionaries in Guam-Micronesia.

He shared a powerful story of how he was injured by an accident while lifting a heavy box. This accident left him in a wheelchair for many months. He even mentioned that he would have to preach from his wheelchair while pastoring a church. He was overcome through the power of healing from God. But the experience has made him more sensitive to people with physical challenges. It was a powerful weekend where young adults were blessed by the word, community, and food. We are also grateful for the music ministry of Brandon Napod and Donovan Diminyatz. —Submitted by Lyle Notice, Youth Ministries Director

21 JUNE 2023 Alberta Adventist News


to 22

2023 Alberta Camp Meeting

Plan to attend this year's 50th Anniversary of Alberta Camp Meeting at Foothills Camp and Retreat Centre, July 14-22, 2023.

Camp Meeting remains an integral part of the ministry of the Alberta Conference. Be prepared for eight days of captivating encounters with Jesus Christ through inspiring biblical preaching, music, testimonies, and fellowship.

More information will be provided as it becomes available at



Don Corkum

Retired pastor and former president, Alberta Conference

Friday, July 14 (7:00 p.m.)

Sermon Title: Singing the Lord’s Song in a Strange Land

Ken Wiebe

Retired pastor and former president, Alberta Conference

Saturday, July 15 (11:00 a.m.)

Church Service

Sermon Title: Our Eyes are Fixed on You...

Herb Larsen Sr.

Retired pastor, Former President and Secretariat, Alberta Conference

Saturday, July 15 (4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.)

Ordination Speaker

Sermon title:

Three Reasons Why I am a Seventh-day Adventist Pastor

Jeff Potts President, Alberta Conference

Saturday, July 15 (7:00 p.m.)

Title: This Could Be Our Finest Hour

Frank Hasel

Monday, July 17 - Friday, July 21 (11:00 a.m.)

Theme: Living With God in Turbulent Times

Elden Ramirez Executive Secretary of the Lake Union

Seventh-day Adventist Conference

Monday, July 17Thursday, July 20 (7:00 p.m.)

Secretariat/VP for Administration

Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada (SDACC)

Friday, July 21 (7:00 p.m.)

Saturday, July 22 (11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.)

Cyril Millett III
Meeting 23 JUNE 2023 Alberta Adventist News
Alberta Camp Meeting
Alberta Camp


Dr. Daniel Saugh, currently serves as the Canadian Programs Manager, for ADRA Canada, a NGO, humanitarian agency based in Ontario, which is part of the global ADRA network. Through this network, our reach extends into more than 130 countries. We work with communities in Canada and overseas to help them to lift themselves out of poverty, creating a brighter future. Specifically, tasked with domestic operations, he oversees our National emergency and development programs including disaster response and preparedness.


Daniel holds his undergraduate honours degree in health sciences, graduate degrees in public health, international/ community development, theology and human relations/ psychology from York University, Andrews University, Loma Linda University, and Wilfrid Laurier University respectively. He has served in the Canadian Armed Forces in the Royal Canadian Chaplaincy Service as Capt (Ret’d), and currently as a Senior Officer (Chaplain Hon. Inspector) with the Toronto Police Service.

He is a trained Psychological First Aid Instructor with Canadian Red Cross, registered Psychotherapist, and Mental Health Professional. He also is an adjunct Professor in Psychology at Burman University, AB.

He is an ordained Minister and has served for 20 years in pastoral ministry over 7 churches. He serves as the Health Ministries and Ministries of Compassion Coordinator for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada. He believes in wholistic ministry that embraces mind, body, spirit and believes that God has called us for such a time as this to do Kingdom business. He is dedicated and passionate to help people build resiliency, recover, and return to a life of normalcy with the often rapidly changing circumstances of life and seeks to exemplify the motto of ADRA, Justice, compassion and love for all and help to prepare others for the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

ADRA works with people in poverty and distress to create just and positive change through empowering partnerships and responsible action. ADRA Canada is part of the ADRA network, which has a presence in approximately 138 countries. ADRA invests in the potential of individuals through community development initiatives and disaster response projects. ADRA serves people without regard to their ethnic, political, or religious association. It helps those in need, especially those most vulnerable, such as women and children.

2023 Alberta Camp Meeting 2023 Alberta Camp Meeting
Dr. Daniel Saugh Canadian Programs Manager, for ADRA Canada
24 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023
Community Service


Olive Hemmings

Chair, Henry and Sharon Fordham

Department of Religion

Professor of Religion and Ethics, Washington Adventist University

Seminar: How to Read Your Bible

Olive Hemmings is Chair of the Henry and Sharon Fordham Department of Religion at Washington Adventist University. She has been teaching in Seventh-day Adventist higher education since 1982. Her Masters is in New Testament and Biblical Languages and Ph. D is in Theology, Ethics and Culture (CGU, 2005). She is an ordained minister of Columbia Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, and pursues a yearly itinerary of preaching and teaching. She is engaged in an active writing/publication ministry mainly on topics of current ethical concerns in church and society, with the prophetic origins of the gospel as foundation. She has presided over the Adventist Society for Religious Studies - a major professional society of Adventist Religion/Theology scholars. In 2022, Hemmings joined the Georgetown University ACPE chaplaincy program in order to develop pastoral/spiritual care competence, and has found it to be a deeply spiritually transforming journey.

Olive has been married to Charles Kuuku of Accra, Ghana since 1978, and they have three young adult “children.” Her great passion in life is fueled by a strong sense of vocation and sustained by the grace of God.

Anniversary of “NO COST” WILLS at Foothills Camp


Wills@Camp Classic

Lawyer-drafted Will

• 2 appointments required

• $100 rebate means No Cost to You!

To make an appointment for your “No Cost” Will or a no cost, no obligation Personal Charitable Life Annuity Calculation, contact Rupa Manoj at (403) 342-5044 or rmanoj@

2023 Alberta Camp Meeting
Alberta Camp Meeting
25 JUNE 2023 Alberta Adventist News


Ernie Medina, Jr. graduated from Andrews University, and went on to complete his Masters in Public Health (MPH)- Health Education and his Doctorate in Public Health (DrPH) - Preventive Care from Loma Linda University School of Public Health (LLUSPH) in 1993. For the next 21 years, he honed his wellness coaching skills working in the Health Education Department at Beaver Medical Group, in Redlands, CA. There, he focused on weight loss, diabetes, smoking cessation, stress management, and employee wellness. He led small group classes and saw patients individually for wellness coaching sessions.

Monday - Friday July 17 - 21 (9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. and repeat 3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.)

Seminar: Health Ministry

In 2014, Dr. Medina, Jr. came back to LLUSPH to join the faculty, teaching in the DrPH in Preventive Care program and the MPH in Health Education and Wellness Coaching program. Because of his involvement with SPH’s wellness coaching certification, Dr. Medina became the first nationally board-certified health and wellness coach through the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches at Loma Linda University. He currently gets to practice what he teaches by providing wellness coaching in various LLU employee wellness programs for diabetes and smoking cessation.


Monday Blue Zone and you. Will set the theme for the week, introduce overall lifestyle behaviour principles learned from the Blue Zone research. Will talk about the importance of VO2Max.

Tuesday You are what you eat.

Focus on latest nutrition news, highlights.

Wednesday Created to Move!

Will cover the basics, ExerRX, VO2Max analysis and Exercise Evangelism.


The power of Zzzzz’s. Why we need a good night’s sleep, How-to sleep hygiene.

Friday Social Connectedness. Stress management, epidemic of loneliness, importance of connecting with others and God.

2023 Alberta Camp Meeting
Ernie Medina Jr. Professor, Loma Linda University
26 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023

2023 Alberta Camp Meeting 2023 Alberta Camp Meeting


Pastor Fidel Soto has been serving as a pastor in the Florida Conference for the last 21 years. He did his undergraduate abroad in Montemorelos, Mexico and has since completed his M. Div and D. Min from Andrews University.

Pastor Fidel has been married to Cara for the last 25 years and together they have two adult daughters. He cherishes coaching, teaching, premarital counseling, and doing listening ministry. He is currently serving in Miami Springs Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Fidel and Cara Soto

Fidel is pastor of the Miami Springs Seventh- day Adventist Church, Florida Conference Seminar: Listening Ministry


Monday, July 17

Unwanted Lizards Becoming aware that in our hurting, we inevitably hurt others and leave a trial of hurt wherever we go, but Jesus, anointed by the Spirit of GOD is ready to heal those hurts.

Tuesday, July 18

Nails and Footholds A look at how anger impacts our lives and how the Spirit of GOD offers us a better way of dealing with anger.

Wednesday, July 19

The PIES Graph

Understanding the events in our past that keep us from growing spiritually today, and how Jesus Christ calls us to embrace His healing.



to the year 1973

Thursday, July 20

Healing Understanding the process of healing the Holy Spirit offers us.

Friday, July 21

Fighting Fair Learning how to fight fair with the people we love and how to listen in order to better understand others.

back in time
Behind the scenes. Juniors. Innisfail Province, July 10, 1973. Auditorium.
Inauguration day.


Pastor Wesley Szamko is the new pastor of the PonokaRimbey district, having served the last five months as acting Sabbath School and Personal Ministries director for the Alberta Conference. He finds joy in empowering others to engage in Bible study and prayer and in effective witness and disciple-making as we prepare for Jesus’ soon return.


Alberta Conference

Seminar: Distant to Disciple — innovative tools to reach post-Christians/ non- Christians

Pastor Wesley is from Alberta. He received his education at Burman University and Andrews University where he is currently a Doctor of Missiology candidate. Since entering fulltime ministry in 1994, he has served as youth pastor, university campus pastor, senior pastor, church-planter coordinator, mission president, and division Adventist Mission director. For the last 13+ years before returning to Canada, he has served the 14 countries of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division of the General Conference (Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam).

Pastor Wesley is married to Dr. Ivonne Szamko. Together they are blessed with two children, William and Alyssia. As a family, they seek to reveal the love of God to those they meet and to help people connect to God for eternity.



Mission Mayhem—how to stop doing God’s job

Tuesday Anyone, Anywhere, Any Time— engaging in non-confrontational witness

Wednesday Bring Back the Bible—m issional care groups Pt. 1

Thursday Deep. Simply.—missional care groups Pt. 2

Friday Bite-Size Evangelism—how not to choke your friends

2023 Alberta Camp Meeting
Wesley Szamko
28 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023

The annual 5K is taking place at 9AM Sunday July 16 in front of the Foothills Camp office. Participants are encouraged to register in advance.

Join the Alberta Conference Step Challenge and see which church takes the most steps. Anyone can participate. Submit your step count totals for Jul 16-21 for a chance to win a prize for your church and bragging rights for the year.

Earn bonus credit for your church by completing a 5K Walk/Run during Step Challenge week.



Sponsored by

Go to to join. Join the HAYSTACKS CLUB on to participate.
the Haystacks group at
participate in the bonus challenge.
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting


Vandeon Griffin was born in Greenville, Miss. He served as the Youth Pastor of the Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist Church in Greenville, Miss., for four years. He was then extended an invitation to serve as a pastoral intern at the New Life Seventh-day Adventist Church in Chattanooga, Tenn. Griffin earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theology from Oakwood University in Huntsville, Ala. Upon graduation from Oakwood University he was extended a call to the South Central Conference in May of 2001.

11:00 a.m. Saturdays

7:00 p.m. Every Night

He matriculated to Andrews University Theological Seminary in Berrien Springs, Mich., where he completed the requirements for the Master of Divinity degree in July 2003. He completed the Doctor of Ministry Degree in Organizational Leadership from Andrews University in December of 2020.

Griffin served as a pastoral intern while at Andrews University, at the Highland Avenue Seventh-day Adventist Church in Benton Harbor, Mich.

Upon completion of Andrews University, he was assigned to the Ebenezer and Mt. Olive Seventh-day Adventist churches in Gadsden and Anniston, Ala.

He served as the Youth Director of South Central Conference for 10 years and President of BAYDA (Black Adventist Youth Director Association) for 7.5 years.

He also served as the Director of Sabbath School/Personal Ministry and Prison Ministry of South Central Conference for two years and the Lord allowed him to start the Touch 10k initiative that is now being promoted in the nine regional conferences.

Currently, Griffin serves as the Associate Youth and Young Adult Director of the North American Division, with headquarters in Columbia, Md. He covets the prayers of the saints in this assignment.

Vandeon Griffin Associate Youth & Young Adult Ministries NAD
30 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting

2023 Alberta Camp Meeting


Pastor Abraham Samudio currently serves as the Discipleship and Evangelism Pastor at Church in the Valley in Langley, BC. He loves history and all things geeky as well as playing board games, working out, hiking, and kayaking. He and his wife Alyssa have a passion for Young Adult ministries and love to create social and spiritual environments for people to connect together and encounter a loving Jesus.

Title: Jesus Is...


9:30 a.m. Sabbath School

11:00 a.m. Morning Worship

Evening Worship

7:00 p.m. Every Night

Summary: In the opening chapter of the gospel of John, John calls Jesus "the Word" and "the Lamb of God.” These were two highly symbolic identities for John to claim about Jesus. But those aren't the only identity markers Jesus takes on. Join us as we explore some of the stories of the New Testament and discover who Jesus is.


Join the Alberta Conference Officers and members of the Mamawi Atosketan Centre (MAC) Campaign Team for an update on plans and schedule for the new centre in the heart of Maskwacis.

Hot drinks and fruit provided!

Abraham Samudio Discipleship and Evangelism Pastor, Church in the Valley, British Columbia Conference
AMC I NFO EXCHANGE 31 JUNE 2023 Alberta Adventist News
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting

Please Note: Schedule times/programming may

Opening Meeting: Friday, July 14, 7:00 p.m. Don Corkum Theme Song: Create in Me A Clean Heart TIME July 1 5 SABBATH July 1 6 SUNDAY July 17 MONDAY July 18 TUESDAY July 19 WEDNESDAY July 20 THURSDAY July 21 FRIDAY July 22 SABBATH 7:008:00 MORNING DEVOTIONAL | 7:008:00 a.m. | Daily Disciples (Ted and Sandra Deer) 8:008:45 BREAKFAST | 8:008:45 a.m. 9:0011:00 MASKWACIS Lynn McDowell 9:30 a.m. FUN RUN 9:00 SEMINAR BLOCK 1 | 9:3010:45 a.m. (See SEMINAR SCHEDULE for Locations) EDUCATION Gail Wilton 9:30 a.m. MAC INFO EXCHANGE 9:30 | Dining Room ABC SALE 10:30 11:0012:15 CHURCH SERVICE Ken Wiebe 11:00 a.m. PLENARY | 11:0012:15 p.m. | Frank Hasel CHURCH SERVICE Cyril Millett III Secretariat SDACC 11 :00 a.m. 12:151:00 INTERNATIONAL FOOD FAIR 12:00 p.m. LUNCH 12:151:00 PM 1:152:00 SABBATH LUNCH 1:001:45 p.m. CHOIR REHEARSAL 1:002:00 p.m. ORCHESTRA REHEARSAL 1:002:00 p.m. SABBATH LUNCH 1:001:45 p.m. 2:003:00 FAMILY FUN TIME 2:004:00 P.M. 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION SEMINAR BLOCK 2 | 2:153:00 p.m. (See SEMINAR SCHEDULE for Locations) UNIFORM MINISTRIES PARADE 2:45-3:30 p.m. 3:004:00 BURMAN U 3:004:00 p.m. SEMINAR BLOCK 3 | 3:304:45 p.m. (REPEAT from MORNING ) 4:005:00 ORDINATION/ COMMISSIONING Herb Larson Sr. 4:005:00 p.m. MUSIC CONCERT 4 :005 :00 p.m. 5:156:00 SUPPER | 5:156:00 p.m. 7:008:30 Jeff Potts President Alberta Conference SPEAKER INTROS | MUSIC CONCERT Gloria Elden Ramirez | Location: AUDITORIUM Cyril Millett III Secretariat SDACC Cyril Millett III Secretariat SDACC
change. 32 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023

Friday, July 21

Monday, July 17 -












SEMINAR BLOCK 1 9:3010:45 a.m.

PLENARY SESSION (Auditorium) 11:00-12:15 p.m.

S EMINAR BLOCK 2 2:153:00 p.m.



S EMINAR BLOCK 3 3:304:45 p.m. (REPEAT from MORNING)

Please Note: Schedule times/seminar may change.

33 JUNE 2023 Alberta Adventist News


July 14


Cinnamon Rolls

Shepherd’s Pie

Sub Sandwiches


Fruit Salad


Veggie Burgers

July 15


July 16



Boiled Eggs & Scrambled Tofu

Fruit, Toast, Cereal

Potato Patties Prosage

Scrambled Eggs & Tofu

Fruit, Toast, Cereal

Pancakes & Blueberry Sauce

Mixed Vegetables

Garlic Bread Sticks/Salad

Ice Cream/Sorbet


(Lunch is not served in the cafeteria)

Rotini/Tomato Sauce/ Alfredo Sauce

July 17


Sausages Hashbrowns

Fruit, Toast, Cereal

English Muffins

July 18


July 19


July 20


July 21


Breakfast Strips

Fruit, Toast, Cereal

Potato Patties Prosage

Scrambled Eggs & Tofu

Fruit, Toast, Cereal

Breakfast Burritos

Breakfast Strips

Fruit, Toast, Cereal

Belgian Waffles/Raspberry Sauce/Whip Topping


Fruit, Toast, Cereal

Potato Pom Poms/Sausages

Tender Rounds/Garlic Toast


Apple Turnovers

Oriental Rice

Spring Rolls




Heavenly Pink Fluff

Rice/Mushroom & Cacciatore Toppings

Corn Garden Salad Cookies

Baked Potato Bar/Chili

Prime Stakes

Green Beans

Salad & Cookies

Penne/Tomato Sauce/ Alfredo Sauce

Onion Rings

Caesar Salad/Soup

Nanaimo Squares

Potato Wedges

Chicken Nuggets

Corn Chowder/Salad

Fruit Sticks


Nacho Chips

Taco Salad

Ice Cream

Chicken Burgers/French Fries

Tomato Soup

Veggie Sticks/Hummus/Dip

Dessert Squares

Hot Dogs/Fries/Sauerkraut

Veggie Sticks/Hummus/Dip

Potato Chips/Vegetable Soup

Ice Cream

Black Bean Soup/Nachos

Quesadillas/Taco Salad


Sandwich Bar

Vegetable Soup

Ice Cream Sandwiches

Veggie Burgers/Onion Rings

July 22


Boiled Eggs & Scrambled Tofu


Fruit, Toast, Cereal

Tender Rounds/ Garlic

Bread Sticks

Peas/Caesar Salad

Ice Cream & Sorbet

Veggie Sticks/Hummus/Dip

Tomato Soup


Please Note: Menu may change depending on availability of food items.

2023 Alberta Camp Meeting
34 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023
FOOTHILLS CAMP DIRECTIONS 2A 5 km Township Road 342 Foothills Camp & Retreat Centre Range Road Innisfail Range Road 23 Bowden Olds Calgary Red Deer 13 km 16 km 3 km 13 km 587 QE2 Phone:
27 23 25 23 342 Red Lodge Park
Alberta Camp Meeting
N51.91153 - W114.29008

2023 Alberta Camp Meeting


North Camping Section

Sherwood Forest

Little Red

Deer River

Kindergarten Building

Sports Field

Amphitheater & Fire Pit

Auditorium/ Gymnasium

Main office


Primary building





36 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023

2023 Alberta Camp Meeting

Junior Building ABC Christian Store Cradle Roll Building Horse Barn Cabins A-F Heritage Church South Camping Section East RV Park Section A East RV Park Section B Riding Arena Log Cabin Education Centre
37 JUNE 2023 Alberta Adventist News




Cabins A-F

Basketball and Volleyball fields Lodge and Parking Lot SOUTH CAMPING AREA NORTH CAMPING AREA Heritage Church 2023 Alberta Camp Meeting
38 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023

Education Centre

RV Park Sections

Horse Barn

Riding Area

East RV Park Section A

East RV Park Section B

Township Road 342

Township Road 342

2023 Alberta
Log Cabin
39 JUNE 2023 Alberta Adventist News



All week Daily Features:

Watch for tables featuring fantastic buys on all sorts of products all week long at Camp Meeting, new items added daily.

Saturday Evening, July 15

Store Hours: After sunset and evening meeting – 11:00 p.m.


Wednesday, July 19

Store Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. and After evening meeting – 10:00 p.m.

Regular price of all Ellen White and Devotional books.

Sunday, July 16

Store Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. and After evening meeting – 10:00 p.m. Auditorium Sale: 10:30 a.m.

Join us for great buys on some of our new books.

Prizes to be won!


Thursday, July 20

Regular price of all family and kids’ related products.


Monday, July 17

Store Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. and After evening meeting – 10:00 p.m.

Regular price of all Bibles and Bible accessories.


Tuesday, July 18

Store Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. and After evening meeting – 10:00 p.m.

Store Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. and After evening meeting – 10:00 p.m.

Regular price of all music CDs/DVDs/Audio Books/ Hymnals and Song books.

Food Samples: Daily, Monday thru Friday

Saturday Evening, July 22

Store Hours: After sunset and evening meeting – 11:00 p.m.

Saturday Evening Event

Spend $25.00 or more and enter to win a FANTASTIC prize!

Regular price of all Prayer/ Health/ Cookbooks and related products.


Friday, July 21 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Daily Prize: Draws everyday with a $25.00

NOTE: Sales are applicable only to items that are currently in stock.

Case Lot Sale: Case lot food sales and four can pricing in effect all week

No rain checks. Items will be held until end of day ONLY.

40 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023

Camp Meeting ABC Auditorium SALE List (10:30 a.m.)

Updraft Sandra Finley Doran $8.69 $6.69 Ephesians [SSCB 3Q 2023] TP John K. McVay $23.19 $18.19 In the Spirit and Power Pavel Goia with Kelly Mowrer $24.69 $19.69 He Comes Why, When, and How Jesus Christ Will return Reinder Bruinsma $24.69 $19.69 God Said It Boxed Set Books 1-16 Stp/Slip Cover Bradley Booth $14.49 $11.49 Final Events Knowing is not Enough Mario Martinelli $27.59 $22.59 Matter of Honor The Untold Story of a Love Divine Claude Richli $24.69 $19.69 Know and Glow Ocean Sticker Activities Book Glow I the Dark Stickers $13.99 $6.99 Difference a Day Makes Oliver B. J. Archer $24.69 $19.69 Guides Greatest Survivor Stories Lori Peckham $21.79 $17.79 Duck Duck Dinosaur Bubble Blast Kallie George $5.99 $2.99 Frichik Case 12/354g Loma Linda $155.88 $125.00 Checkouts are closed until presentations are completed. Thank you for your patience.
(403) 782-4416 • 1-800-661-8131 1 - 5230 College Ave, Lacombe, AB T4L 2G1 Larry Wilton (Manager) Alberta Book Mobile ABC Lacombe 2023 Alberta
Description Author Reg. Sale Privilege of Prayer Brown Leatherette E. G. White $18.89 $14.49 Finding Joy Paul's Encouraging Message to the Philippians John Brunt $27.59 $21.59 Gospel in the Setting of End-Time Events Leonard Philps Tolhurst $33.39 $26.39 Everlasting Relevance of the Sabbath Bruce Wolpin $23.19 $18.19 Animal Adventures Set of 4 Books Sequoia Childrens Publishing $11.96 $5.96 Through the Eyes of Luke A Devotional Commentary Keith Clouten $36.29 $28.29 Love Fights Back 3 Stories to Save the World Patrick Johnson $26.09 $20.09 God's Air Force My Tour of Duty with Adventist World Radio Allen Steele $26.09 $20.09 Choose Prayer 3 Minute Devotions for Women Barbour Books $6.99 $3.99 Habits of the Heart Biblical Principles for Growing Christians Kenneth C. Crawford $23.19 $18.19 Redeemed A Rescue from the Powers of Darkness Bradley Booth $23.19 $18.19 Nephaniah Chronicles A Story of Rebellion and Redemption in Heaven Russell B. Holt $24.69 $19.69 We Belong to Each Other Liz Galvan $23.99 $8.99 Never Give Up The Stories behind the Songs of the Chuck Fulmore Trio Chuck and Dona Fulmore $24.69 $19.69 40 Days BK 13 Prayers and Devotions on the Sovereignty of God Dennis Smith $26.09 $20.09 Hearts of Faith How We Became Seventh-day Adventists David J. B. Trimm $23.19 $18.19 How not to Diet Cookbook Michael Grreger $39.99 $12.99 Prayer Still Moves Mountains Diane Pestes $26.09 $20.09 Max the Cat The 7 A's of God's Relational Grace Mike Ortel $20.29 $16.29 Description Author Reg. Sale 41 JUNE 2023 Alberta Adventist News
Camp Meeting

2023 Alberta Camp Meeting



Ages 0-4 (free)

Ages 5-9

Breakfast $13

Lunch $13

Supper $13

Ages 10 and up

Breakfast $17

Lunch $17

Supper $17

Please note: There are no refunds on meal tickets.

Meal Package Pricing

(10% Discount):

(No Sunday lunch due to International Food Fair)

Full Package (24 meals) $367.20

No meal tickets will be sold during Sabbath hours. Please purchase your Sabbath meal tickets at the camp office before 9 p.m. on Fridays.

Camp Meeting Meal Times

Breakfast 8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.

Lunch 12:15 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Sabbath Lunch 1:00 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.

Supper 5:15 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

(No Sunday Lunch due to International Food Fair. You will need cash to purchase foods at the Fair)

Summer Camp Store Hours

Saturday (9:30 p.m. - 11 p.m.)

Sunday (open during family fun day by horse barn)

Monday - Friday (9:30 a.m. - 11 a.m.), (1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.) and (8:30 p.m. - 10 p.m.)

Policies and Guidelines

• No appliance can be used at the camp that has an open electric element due to fire regulations. Ex. Toasters, Toaster ovens etc..

• Each cabin only has 1 x 15 amp plug and you can only use one electric appliance at a time. Using more will overload the circuit and cause a fire hazard. The best way to prepare food is with a propane camp stove OUTDOORS, they are not to be use inside a cabin at any time.

• Small appliances such as kettles, rice cookers and microwaves are not permitted to be used in the lodge rooms.

Radio Station

CFHR 106.3 FM

Speed Limits

Please be respectful of the neighbours who live on the dirt roads approaching the camp. Speed limit is 60 kms.

Reduce speed to 25 kms when passing individuals walking on the road.

42 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023

Bridgeland Cimarron Pathfinders

Menu: Loaded fries + pop $12, poutine $8, veggie fries $8, candy in a bag $1, cotton candy $3, loaded chips in a bag $8, mini donuts

$3/6, Long John donut $3, pop/water $1.50, Jones/Island soda $2.75, ginger beer small $3/ large $6, mixed drinks small/ $3, large $6

Project: Gillette Camporee

CAAA South

Menu: Roti with chickpeas, veggie patties, fried plantain cake, coconut drops, toto cake, ginger beer, pop, water

Project: Club Events

Calgary Northwinds Church

Menu/Combo: vegetarian ginger beef, spring rolls, noodles, fried rice, oriental salad $11.00, halo halo $7, caricoa $2, turon $3, cinnamon rolls $3, perogies 10/$8

Project: Worthy Student Funds

Cornerstone Church

Menu: Ackee served with either bammy or festivals $15, calaloo served with either bammy or festivals $15, soy patties $5, puddings per slice $2.50, coconut water $3

Project: Pathfinders

Central Alberta FilCan

Combo: Pancit (Asian style noodles), spring rolls, steamed broccoli, black gulaman quencher $12

Project: FilCan Camp Meeting, Common Outreach Projects

Higher Ground School (Hungry Bear)

Menu: Poutine, taco-in-a-bag, griller with fries, snow cones

Ignite Pathfinder and Adventurer Clubs

Menu: water/popsicles/freezies/juice box  $1, Spanish rolls/pop/cookies $2, gullaman/ cake/mango dessert $3, brownies $1/4

Project: Gillette Camporee and Club Fundraising

Indian Association of Alberta (AAAA)

Menu/Combo Plate: Rice, 1 naan, 2 curries, 1 samosa $10 Mini combo: 2 naan, 2 curries, 1 samosa $7, samosa 2/$3, lassi delight $2

Project: Group Events AAAA

Mountaineers Pathfinders

Menu: Burrito supreme $8, pop -$1.50, water $1, corn $2.50

Project: Gillette Camporee

Northern Lights

Pathfinders - Edmonton Central

Menu/Plate 1: curry/rice $8, Meal 1: curry/rice/mango milkshake $10, samosa/ chutney $3, curry $3, mango milkshake $3

Project: Gillette Camporee

Parkland Pathfinders - College Heights

Menu: Sopes (corn flour, beans, salad, feta cheese, sour cream, salsa) $10/3, $3.50/1, pop $1.50

Project: Gillette Camporee

Sylvan Lake Pathfinder

Menu: Taco-in-a-bag $7, taco-in-a- bag w/small drink $8, taco-in-a-bag w/ large drink $9, large drink $2

Project: Gillette Camporee

2023 Alberta Camp Meeting



The purpose of a Dog Policy for the Alberta Conference annual Camp Meeting is to ensure a safe environment for campers, dogs and have minimal impact on wildlife.


Dogs can be wonderful companions, and a source of great joy. However, at Foothills Camp and Retreat Centre where campers live together in close proximity, there are circumstances that dogs may pose risks to other campers or animals. Risks may include, but are not limited to, severe allergy reactions; infectious diseases or parasites; unpredictable or aggressive behaviour; and fearful reactions. At Foothills Camp pets are limited to dogs.

Policy Guidelines

PLEASE NOTE: The New Dog Policy is a trial for 2023

1. Dog free areas are the Lodge, Cabins, central camp meeting area, indoor program space, public washrooms, the Dining Room and play areas (playgrounds, volleyball/ basketball courts, pool area). Accommodations can be made for Service Dogs.

2. All dogs must be registered at the Camp Office.

3. Dogs are to be well behaved and kept under control at all times:

a. Includes but is not limited to crates, kennels, small fenced enclosures*, tie outs* and leashes.

b. Leashes are not to be longer than 6 feet while walking dogs on the campground.

c. Ensure tie outs do not pose a fall risk hazard.

d. Quiet times are 10:00 pm – 7:00 am.

4. Children are to be a minimum age of ten and with sufficient strength to restrain their dog on their own.

5. Children under the age of ten are to be supervised at all times with any dog on the campground.

6. Impact on the campground’s wildlife is to be minimized.

7. Dog feces is to be cleaned up and disposed of in garbage bins by dog’s owner, or the dog walker.

8. Dogs must be free from any infectious disease.

9. Dogs must have up-to-date immunizations and it is strongly recommended that dogs be on a flea treatment regime.

10. Dogs that exhibit the following behaviours to other animals, children or adults will require stronger boundaries/control measures:

a. Ferocious barking

b. Lunging

c. Growling, snarling or snapping

d. Outside continuous barking for more than 15 seconds without correction

11. Dog behaviour that is concerning to any camper is to be handled according to the following process:

a. Strongly encouraged to communicate directly with the dog’s owner.

b. If the situation is unresolved, the concerned camper is to contact the Security Coordinator and/or the Camp Superintendent or come to the Camp Office to call these individuals who will attempt to mediate an agreeable solution.

12. If aggressive behaviour escalates or results in harm to another animal or person:

a. Restrain the dog/s

b. Initiate first aid and contact the Nursing Station

c. Report the incident immediately to the Security Coordinator and/ or the Camp Superintendent

13. Camp operations, as necessary, will require the dog owner to make alternate boarding arrangements off the campground if a dog’s behaviour is deemed to be a safety risk or if Dog Policies are not adhered to.

* Only if owners are present

2023 Alberta Camp Meeting
44 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023

Alberta Conference Camp Meeting 2023


In Person at Foothills Camp & Livestreamed

Featuring Chief Randy & Fran Ermineskin

Ermineskin Cree Nation, Maskwacis

Lesson Study 9:15 – 9:40 AM

Feature 9:40 – 10:30 AM


Career Mentoring Brunch at Red Deer Seventh-day Adventist Church

The Red Deer Church is committed to helping young people grow in their faith, their health, and their futures. One sunny Sunday in February, nearly 20 Adventist professionals from Red Deer area gathered together to inspire and inform the youth of the church. The Career Mentoring Brunch was first envisioned by Barbara Afram, a psychology student in the last year of her program at Burman University. Her connection to the youth as a Sabbath School teacher

led her to see the need for young people to understand the many varied ways in which they can serve God through their careers.

The morning began with a short devotional from Jeremiah 29:11 and the encouragement that while God knows the plans He has for us, He places people in our lives to help us uncover that purpose. Entrepreneurs, health care workers, RCMP representatives and first responders alongside project

managers, pastors, and skilled trades apprentices joined recruiters from both Burman University and Red Deer Polytechnic to enjoy delicious food and start conversations about what work looks like and what education or experience is needed to do the job. Youth from as young as 8 to those ready to graduate high school in 2023 enjoyed making connections and expanding their circle of support.

Barbara Afram (2023 Burman University graduate) opens the Career Mentoring Brunch with prayer and by highlighting research about the importance of connecting young people with professionals.
46 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023
Red Deer Youth learn about the role of Emergency Medical Services personnel over brunch.

Global Youth Day and Outreach Sabbath

On Saturday, March 18, the Red Deer Church and Epic Church both closed their doors for the Divine Service and sent members to the four corners of the city to serve because “Love is a Verb.” Global Youth Day is an initiative designed to facilitate outreach opportunities and build local relationships modeled after Jesus’ ministry in meeting people’s needs, gaining their trust, and then leading them to the Father.

Red Deer’s two churches

joined efforts to share music ministry in four different locations, to assemble and distribute hygiene care packages to Red Deer’s unhoused population, to bake cookies and deliver them to first responders, as well as random acts of kindness (like distributing flowers, cards, and prayers) in Red Deer’s parks and malls.

It is better to give than to receive because the testimonies shared at the conclusion of the activities showed that the

intergenerational support for youth and outreach brought many more hearts closer to Jesus. Several colleagues of Red Deer Church members took time to reach out after the Sabbath to express how impressed they were with the service-minded connections made through outreach efforts that day. The seeds are now planted, and we pray that the believers in Red Deer will point seekers heavenward. Submitted by Katelyn Ruiz, Red


Deer Global Youth Day as a multi-church, intergenerational outreach Sabbath, combining the energy and resources of both Red Deer Church and Epic Church. Youth strings ensemble played at Villa Marie Covenant Care, Red Deer.
47 JUNE 2023 Alberta Adventist News
Makanaka Bvochara, a Red Deer youth, prepares hygiene packets at Epic Church to distribute among Red Deer's unhoused population.

Calgary Mountain View Baptisms

The weekend of March 10 and 11 was very special to Calgary Mountain View Seventh-day Adventist Church. Chinook Winds Adventist Academy (CWAA) held their annual baptism of students on March 10. Two of Mountain View’s children were part of that baptism—Levi and Callie. Because the Mountain View Church meets for its Saturday services at CWAA, we were able to hold an additional baptism on Saturday morning, March 10, using the same baptistry. Fran Szymanski has been attending services at Mountain View since July 3, 2022 and the whole church family celebrated as she declared her commitment to Jesus through baptism. Fran gave her testimony, sharing how a friend in Bonnyville initially encouraged her in her spiritual journey, followed by her next-door neighbours in Calgary, then the whole church family as she grew in her relationship with the Lord. A number of Fran’s friends and family also attended the service. Calgary Mountain View Church rejoices together and welcomes Levi, Callie and Fran into church membership. — Phyllis Corkum, T.E.A.M. Communications for Mountain View

Edmonton Central Church Welcomes New Assistant Pastor

It was a special day! On February 04, 2023, as members, friends, Alberta Adventist Conference officials, and wellwishers took their seats to join in the celebration and officially welcome our new assistant pastor, Jacques Moise Alexandre to the Edmonton Central Adventist Church. Family members of Pastor Jacques family were also present for the occasion. Our lead pastor, David Hamstra, extended greetings and an official welcome to the Alberta Conference representatives, George Ali, Ministerial/ Evangelism Director,

and Keith Richter, Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer. Our first elder Bob Ramsay, expressed thanks to God for allowing Pastor Jacques to serve on our ministerial team here at Edmonton Central Church.

An official thanks was graciously extended from Pastor Jacques to Pastor David and former associate pastor Roberson Dorelus for their support.

Using the sermon title “It's Your Turn,” and scripture based on Joshua 1:9, Pastor Jacques invoked strong thoughts of a God who is ever present, a God

48 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023

who is always Faithfull, a God who is a good friend, and one who can come to you in time of need. Pastor Jacques passionately expressed that God showed up to Joshua with extremely sad news. “Moses my servant is dead.” It's Your Turn. You are the next leader here. God made it clear to Joshua that, in the midst of the shocking news, he would be the beneficiary

of a covenantal blessing. He/God assured Joshua that he would not be by himself, that God would be with him. Again, God shows up to Joshua a second time and says only if you are strong and courageous. God is trying to get Joshua's attention again, saying the same thing, only if you are strong and courageous. The ever-present God assures Joshua that

regardless of how arduous that road of leadership can be, He will be in a continuous partnership with him. Pastor Jacques implored his audience that God wants us to succeed in our leadership, God wants us to success in ministry. As we remain under His wings, the call is to let our proclivity for the presence of God make

room for our destiny.

Closing thoughts from Pastor Jacques: In the same way, we had a Joshua who led the children of Israel to the earthly Promised Land; soon and very soon, we will have another Joshua who will lead us to the celestial Promised Land. His name is Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus Christ the Messiah."

Submitted by Ina Martin, Edmonton Central

Stettler Adventist Church Welcomes New Member

It is with great praise to the Lord that we, at Stettler Seventh-day Adventist church, welcome Janice Haddow into our membership.

Janice has had quite a spiritual journey that the Lord has led her through. Her thoughts became unsettled in early 2020 after many world happenings caused her to have questions. Though she had no Christian background, she got a Bible after a believing friend told her there is a battle going on between God and Satan. In August of 2021, she began attending the Stettler Pentecostal church, where she learned much about God and the Bible, made good friends,

and was baptized into Jesus. Another newer attendee there told her that Saturday was the true Sabbath. As one who acts on her convictions, Janice prayed and searched for a Sabbath keeping church. She found the church of God and the Seventh-day Adventists. After much reading and prayer, she walked into our church in April of 2022, searching to know more truth and understand the Bible.

Pastor Teddy D. Joseph has helped her much on her Christian walk and had the privilege of welcoming her into fellowship by profession of faith

on February 25, 2023. Janice truly loves the Lord and seeks to serve Him and share her faith with others.

Submitted by Lucille Ramsay

Janice Haddow and Pastor Teddy D. Joseph as he welcomes her into membership Feb 25, 2023.


Dakotah (Dakota Sioux) and Joshua (Samson Cree Nation), pictured on the steps of College Heights Church’s foyer, support MANS through athletic and cultural involvement in the school. They were invited to share about their lives and cultures with church members interested in an insider’s perspective on the Maskwacis community.

College Heights Church’s Indigenous Connection Series Highlights Common Ground

At first glance, the colourful regalia on the table inspired awe and thoughts of distinct differences, but by the end of the evening, the presentation by MANS alumnus Joshua Saddleback and his partner Dakotah Pratt had attendees nodding in appreciation of the message of their pursuit of healthful living modeled on traditional principles also shared by Adventists in cultivating balance by tending to mental, physical, spiritual and social/psychological health.

“I’m the last person who would stand up and say I know everything about these topics,” said Dakotah, who is majoring in education at the University of Alberta, “but I think it’s good to share so we can understand and learn from each other.”

The three-part series of conversations at the College Heights Church concluded on May 11. — Submitted by the Indigenous Relations Committee of College Heights Church

Traditional beadwork hand-crafted by Dakotah Pratt and Chief Vernon Saddleback.
CHURCH NEWS 50 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023
At his children’s request, Chief Vernon Saddleback (second from right), shared stunning statistics about the past and present of the Samson Cree Nation in Maskwacis in the first of the three Indigenous Connections evening conversations.

Trevor Boller

Who: Individuals, families, or friend groups

What: 20-minute photoshoot with professional photographer, Trevor Boller from Red Willow Church, Edmonton

When: Sunday, July 16, 11:00 a.m. -12:30 pm and 3:00 p.m. -4:30 p.m.

Where: Primary B Tent (by the lodge)

Why: Top up the MAC Building Campaign (Maskwacis)

Alberta Camp Meeting

Call Rupa Manoj @ (587) 815-8776 or email to reserve your spot.
donation of $90 is much appreciated

Children Lead Worship Service at Edmonton Central Church

It was children's Sabbath on January 14, 2023, and it was soon evident that our children’s department at Edmonton Central Seventhday Adventist Church from cradle roll to early teens, was capable and ready to officiate in the worship program. It was also quite evident that getting involved on a collaborative effort, was a blessing to all but more so it was an avenue for the children to passionately express their emotions, talents, and their love for God. I love how our church is embracing our children's church programs, this tells me that we as adults are willing and ready to support our young people as they focus on putting God

first. It is also an incredible blessing to have caring adults who have invested time and energy in the development of our young people in their congregation, through both formal and informal activities. We praise God for such talents in our churches.

I believe that if every church had an active youth / young adult ministry, the exit rate for our young people would decrease tremendously.

After an exceptional performance from the children's department, welcome was extended to all by Brother Bobby George, our guest speaker for the hour with a sermon entitled, “New Beginnings.” In his sermon, Bobby pointed out ten

lessons from the Bible of new beginnings. Our key Bible text was taken from 2 Corinthians 5:17. We were reminded from the life of David that although David had done many wrongs, God gave him a new start when he repented. We were encouraged by the speaker that someone is waiting to be challenged and changed by your testimony. When God gives you a new beginning, give yourself a new start. When God gives you a new beginning, change the behaviours you use to have. When God gives you a new beginning, resurrect your devotional life. Our God is all about second chances. Submitted by Ina

CHURCH NEWS 52 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023

Students Help Prepare Long- Awaited Playing Field

The big attraction on May 12 was inside MANS’ high school gym at Open House, but just days before, students were outside pitching in to prepare the ground for the big Fall 2023 attraction: the new athletic field.

Bulldozers leveling the ground revealed plenty of rocks that needed to be picked before grass could be seeded for a ball diamond and soccer field. Many student hands, each picking 20+ rocks, made the work light.—By Lynn McDowell

Students pick rocks to prepare the ground for the new athletic field that was the goal of the 2021 "Leveling the Playing Field" appeal.


Prairie Adventist Christian eSchool offers:

• Adventist Education and Environment

• K-12 Live Online Classes

• Home Education and Shared Responsibility

• Accredited Curriculum

• Field Trip Opportunities

• Free Tuition for Alberta Residents

53 JUNE 2023 Alberta Adventist News

MANS’ Biggest-Ever Graduating


For the 10 graduates who are the Mamawi Atosketan Native School Class of 2023, graduation on June 12 marks not only a major achievement, it’s also the beginning of a journey on new education paths.

Many grads are groundbreakers, the first in their families to graduate from high school. At the time of writing (early May), students are busy applying to academic and trade programs. One has already completed training as a fire fighter; a few are still considering their future path. Here are the next educational steps our graduates are pursuing:

• Graeme is applying to a mechanics program.

• Shaunovan and Shaylee are interested in NAIT programs.

• Phoenix is applying to a welding program.

• Danielle is applying to culinary arts.

• Nate is looking to get into the construction industry.

• Jernaius, a Team Canada volleyball

player, is applying to several universities.

• Angel is applying to RDP in the visual arts program.

• Kaden plans to join the military and

Danille Brown Kaden Okeymow Soosay Angel Crier Phoenix Omeasoo
54 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023

Graduating Class Looks Forward

work as a medic.

• Raiden has already completed firefighting training and works at the Enoch Fire detachment. He comes in each afternoon to

finish the credits he needs to graduate.

We are very proud of the tenacity, ambition, and follow through ability of our graduates. We look

forward to their next graduations as well.

Mike Willing, is principal of Mamawi Atosketan Native School in Maskwacis, Alberta.

Jernaius Francis Raiden Rabbit Shaylee Johnson Deschamps Shaunovan Raine Graeme Nepoose Nate Soosay Crier
EDUCATION NEWS 55 JUNE 2023 Alberta Adventist News

Coralwood High School Remains Open

Coralwood Adventist Academy continues to be a light in a dark world. An Adventist High School option was to be suspended in Edmonton, due to inadequate support. Grade 10 and grade 12 high school students, Jadon M and Heidi G, appealed to the school board March 23, to reverse the decision for a suspension. Requiring 15 students to pay for an in-person teacher, these students prepared a video and presented reasons why they want to remain at Coralwood. Speaking sincerely Jadon M said, “Mrs. Hetland, it’s scary out there. I don’t want any part of that.” Touched by their dedication and even willing to promote from the church pulpits, the board, in deliberations and prayer for three hours, decided to take a chance and hire an in-person teacher and keep the ten registered students. Students who have grown up at Coralwood have said that it is like a family and to be sent away was not an option.

Students who want to be at an Adventist institution in this day and age and willing to make sacrifices to their high school experience become the inspiration for administration and teachers. Coralwood’s High School students are authentic leaders. Training, mentoring, and guiding them has morphed into amazing opportunities that Coralwood is helping them to develop. Visiting surrounding Churches, our High School Praise Team shares their love for Jesus, and the impact of Adventist Education in their lives.

Submitted by Mrs. Rayette Hetland, Principal

2023 - 2024 REGISTRATION OPENS FEB. 8 CORALWOOD ADVENTIST ACADEMY Registration Fee: $200 New students call (780) 454- 2173 to book a meeting with the principal Register at EDUCATION NEWS
56 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023

August 24-27, 2023

The theme for the 21st Annual Fil-Can Camp meeting (August 2427, 2023) is “I Press On” based on Philippians 3:14 “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”

One of the purposes of our Association is to organize various programs that will provide opportunities for members to meet as often as possible so that they will know each other better and thus develop friendship and unity to work together towards evangelism. For the Friday Sports and Parlor games, the theme is “Filipino Fiesta Spirit.”

We are encouraging everyone to participate especially our little children. Please plan to be there Thursday night or early Friday morning.

For more information, please contact Kuya Ben Barboza, (780) 718-2804 or email:

Pastor Gerry Pasikatan Speaker for Adults Distric Pastor of Bonnyville SDA Church and Lloydminster SDA Church Pastor Jesse Anunciacion Speaker for the Youth Distric Pastor of Calgary Fil-Can SDA Church and Chestermere Fil-Can SDA Company Josiah Anunciacion Speaker for the Youth 3rd Year Student at Burman University taking up Religious Studies

20th Anniversary Open House a Crowd Pleaser

The pride was palpable at the 20th anniversary open house of Mamawi Atosketan Native School in Maskwacis, Alberta as parents watched their children doing traditional steps in colourful regalia. Cheers erupted from the bleachers as Jersey Francis, Grade 9, spiked a point in the most memorable play of the game, confirming that he had indeed earned his spot as part of Team Canada’s volleyball stable in his age group. No

parent, however, was more proud than Chief Vernon Saddleback, Samson Cree Nation, as he watch his son Joshua, an alumnus of MANS, and Joshua’s eight-year-old daughter, Kiya dance with confidence and finesse—a tribute to Joshua’s work as an instructor for the movement section of MANS’ Cultural Studies classes.

“Game On!” was the theme of the Friday, May 12 event,

complete with half-time entertainment by students. Parents came out in force, filing the available seating in the high school gym. The showcase of student skills and achievement was a departure from the usual format of MANS’ weekend open houses, but the weekday timing gave the community and parents a chance to see their children in action during a school day—an opportunity many expressed appreciation for.

Photos by Trevor Boller
58 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023
Mamawi Howlers senior team.

Clockwise: Mens’ Fancy Dancer Joshua Saddleback volunteers his time to teach traditional dance in Cultural Studies class; the Grade 9 Bucket Drum Corps played with gustro to contemporary Indigenous music; the Howlers’ mascot made friends out of fans; the Grade 3 ukulele choir charmed friends and family alike; an elementary student struts his regalia with pride, passion and personality.

Photos by Trevor Boller
MASKWACIS NEWS 59 JUNE 2023 Alberta Adventist News


Moving Forward

September 29 - October 1, 2023

We are so excited to be able to tell you that we will be having a Women’s retreat again after not being able to have one for a few years. We have missed each and every one of you so very much. We know that the past few years have been challenging and continue to be. As we approach the soon coming of Jesus, we need to keep our eyes on Jesus more than ever before. We need to gather together in prayer and share what the Lord has done in our lives as well to encourage others. The retreat will be happening on September 29, 30, and Oct 1, 2023 at the Radisson Hotel in Red Deer. We will be having June Price as the main speaker and the theme of the weekend will be “MOVING FORWARD.”

Our committee has been meeting over the last few months finalizing details, and making preparations for the spiritual weekend that we will be having. We are sure that you will come away from the retreat refreshed and having a renewed commitment to the Lord, feeling rejuvenated and encouraged to face the days and months ahead.

We will be sending out further communication about the retreat that will include the schedule, and hotel room information for you to call to book a room etc.

Keep an eye on upcoming emails as well as info in the Alberta Conference eNews and Alberta Adventist News magazine.

If you should have any questions, please feel free to email me at dnichols@

We are excited to see you in September.


Listen Today you are Moving Forward… do not fear and tremble or be terrified for the Lord your God goes with you.

Deuteronomy 20:3,4

Summer Camp Jobs available at Foothills Camp

Foothills Camp is accepting staff applications for Summer Camp employment. Applicants should have an interest in sharing Jesus with young campers, be mature and have a good work ethic. There are several positions available. It is preferred that applicants be at least 18 years of age. For more information or to apply please visit the camp website at or contact Kay Graça at

Substitute Teachers Needed

The Alberta Conference is looking to expand the list of available Substitute Teachers for our conference schools. Our teachers are a wonderful commodity and the ability to support them in creating balance in their lives is an important part of this program. If you hold a valid Alberta Teaching Certificate, are a member in good standing in the Adventist Church, and would be willing to become a part of our substitute teacher pool, we invite you to submit your information on our website:

60 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023


Volunteers Needed Uniformed Ministries Opportunities

Ready to make a difference? We need you! The Youth and Uniform Ministries department continues to grow and serve hundreds of children, families, and youth through the Adventurers, Pathfinders and Master Guides Clubs! Every year we host a variety of activities and events including Bible Games, Camporees, Family Camps, Fun Days, Parades, and other community outreach activities that enrich the children and youth experience in the

church and provide evangelistic opportunities in the communities.

We are looking for passionate, dedicated volunteers to serve in different positions as Coordinators. We are calling you to prayerfully consider the positions below and apply yourself or recommend leaders from your local church that show dedication, passion and love for children and club ministries using the surveys. Scan QR codes for each position.

The Alberta Conference is accepting applications for the ABC Bookmobile Driver position. This position reports directly to the ABC Manager.

Key areas:

• Responsible to make a Bookmobile schedule 6 weeks in advance with assistance of the ABC Manager

• Responsible for loading the Bookmobile with proper product for the Bookmobile run. Includes transferring of products between the ABC store and Bookmobile

• Assist with the annual February food sale delivery

• Maintaining the Bookmobile with regular vehicle maintenance

• Obtain proper permits for commercial Bookmobile for the Province of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba

• Maintain professional driver log

book according to Transport Canada requirements

• Update the bookstore’s inventory after the Bookmobile returns from each sale

• Responsible for advertisement and promoting Bookmobile to churches, schools and all other customers on email and mailing lists

• Assist in the ABC store as needed

• Willing to work some evenings and weekends

• Other duties as required

Qualifications and Experience:

• High school diploma or equivalency, with the ability to communicate in oral and written English

• Sales experience is desirable

• Mechanical ability

• Ability to perform work in Microsoft Office

• Ability to create social media posts and respond to online inquiries

Physical Requirements:

• Must have a valid Class 1 with air brake

• Clean driver’s abstract

• Physical demands are standing for long periods, driving, bending and lifting up to 50 lbs

• Frequent trips away from home with varying days off based on the requirements of the schedule

Please send your resume to

Applications accepted until suitable applicant is found. Only those who are shortlisted will be contacted for an interview.

Adventurers Area Coordinator Central Region Master Guide Executive Job Opportunity - ABC Christian Store Bookmobile Driver
61 JUNE 2023 Alberta Adventist News

Solid, Dependable

A Member Talks about Giving and Receiving through the Conference Annuity

In a world where markets seem to change quickly and dramatically, seniors are caught in a hard place. Often on fixed incomes, their savings accounts are not increasing anywhere near inflation. As they look at their options, I’ve heard from Adventist seniors across Canada who are interested in the Alberta Conference Charitable Gift Annuity, which provides a fixed, often higher than market return and guarantees the same income every month for life.

The concept is simple: Based on age and other factors, a monthly income is fixed by a calculation of the Canadian Charitable Annuity Association. The Conference annuity is the only charitable annuity controlled by Adventists that provides a tax receipt recognized by Canada Revenue Agency. You can live anywhere in Canada, but you must be at least 65.

Why would someone in Ontario want to contract with the Conference for an annuity that will ultimately provide a gift for an Alberta ministry like Mamawi Atosketan Centre (MAC) or MANS, as one Ontario member did? I talked to one Alberta member who holds four Alberta Conference annuities about her experience.

On the Resurrection Morning, the first thing I’m going to do is thank my aunt.”
— Annuity Donor and Recipient
62 Alberta Adventist News JUNE 2023
Painting by Jeanie Pratt

. and Priceless

Lynn: You really seem happy with how your annuities are working for you; you started with one, and you’ve added more— sometimes two in one year! What made you decide to get your first Alberta Conference Annuity?

Annuity Donor: My aunt left me some money and I thought, “If it helps one person come to Jesus, it’s worth it.”

Lynn: Doing good is real motivation isn’t it! If there’s money left from the invested principal when you no longer need it, the Conference uses the money for God’s work, but in the meantime, you get a dependable income for life. You chose MANS and the new MAC in Maskwacis as the ministry you’d like to benefit, so that’s where the money will go. You’d have the option of having your name on the donor wall of the new MAC, but I know you prefer to be anonymous and we will

honour that. Why did you get a second annuity?

Annuity Donor: I wasn’t getting much interest on my GIC. The rate with the Conference was much better.

Lynn: What do you like most about how your annuities are working for you now?

Annuity Donor: I know the [payment] is going to be the same every month and I can count on that.

Lynn: How do you feel about donating to the Church’s work in Maskwacis?

Annuity Donor: Good especially this Christmas, when I saw all those little kids dancing [at the MANS Christmas program]. It was so nice!

Lynn: Yes MANS makes such a difference for the children there. We’re seeing that as past students enroll

their children. It’s such an affirmation that God is working and how much MANS alumni value their experience with us! The new MAC will make it easier for them to stay connected with Adventists and learn more.

Annuity Donor: On the Resurrection Morning, the first thing I’m going to do is thank my aunt.

For more details on Alberta Conference Charitable Gift Annuities, contact Lynn at Camp Meeting or read the “Frequently Asked Questions” in the Annuity link of the Planned Giving page at

Lynn McDowell, JD, CSPG Director of Planned Giving | Philanthropy Alberta Conference (403) 342-5044 Direct
(587) 815-8785
63 JUNE 2023 Alberta Adventist News

In Times of Economic Uncertainty Alberta Conference Charitable Gift Annuities

• Guaranteed Stable Income for Life

• Immediate Charitable Tax Receipt

• Donor Wall Recognition in Mamawi Atosketan Centre*

• Multiplier Effect Option to Increase Monthly Income

If you’re 65+ and have $15,000+ you’d like to eventually invest in any aspect of God’s work in Alberta, you could receive income equivalent to better than market rates.

The Alberta Conference is one of a few organizations licensed to offer charitable gift annuities in Canada. It is the only organization offering Adventist- controlled annuities that is recognized by Canada Revenue Agency.

*Donors can choose the ultimate use of the gift in Alberta. During the Community Bridge Campaign for Mamawi Atosketan Centre in Maskwacis, the amount of the CRA-recognized tax receipt can be counted as a contribution toward the MAC and Community Bridge Campaign.

See donor story in Means & Meaning

(inside back cover)

Lynn McDowell, JD, CSPG Director of Planned Giving | Philanthropy Call (587) 815-8785

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Articles inside

Edmonton Central Church Welcomes New Assistant Pastor

pages 48-49

Interview with Adventist Educator, Erica Dees

pages 10-12

Sermon on the Mount | Part 1

page 8

Alberta Adventist News June Issue

page 4


page 61


pages 60-61

20th Anniversary Open House a Crowd Pleaser

pages 58-59

Coralwood High School Remains Open

pages 56-57

Students Help Prepare Long- Awaited Playing Field

page 53

Children Lead Worship Service at Edmonton Central Church

page 52

College Heights Church’s Indigenous Connection Series Highlights Common Ground

pages 50-51

Stettler Adventist Church Welcomes New Member

pages 49-50

Global Youth Day and Outreach Sabbath

pages 47-49

Career Mentoring Brunch at Red Deer Seventh-day Adventist Church

page 46


pages 44-45


pages 30-31


pages 28-30


page 27


page 26


page 25


page 24

I am so Salty

pages 21-22

Global Youth Day Edmonton 2023

pages 20-21

ElevateX-The Summit

pages 18-19

Treasurer's Report

pages 16-17

Alberta Conference Constituents Elect Leadership for the Next Quinquennium

pages 14-15

Using Social Media for Effective Church Outreach

pages 6-8
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