Alberta Adventist News

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One of the several Filipino families that M.E.T.R.O. Men’s Ministry helped move to their new home.

Calgary M.E.T.R.O. Filipino Men's Ministry in Action


he heart of every ministry is the telling and living of the Bible. Every Christian is commissioned to proclaim the gospel, and every follower of Christ is to make disciples and teach them to obey everything God has commanded us.

The Bible clearly outlines the role of men. To name a few: •


Adam was placed in the garden to tend and keep it. Moses freed the Israelites from slavery and led them out of Egypt and across the Red Sea.

Alberta Adventist News

Abraham left his own country and people and journeyed to a foreign land to become the founder of a new nation. Joshua was a man who led his family to worship the Lord. Paul emphasized that every man should love his wife, just as Christ loves the church, and provide for his family.

Indeed, men play a significant role in God's work, their families, and communities. Calgary M.E.T.R.O. Filipino Adventist Church’s Men's Ministry has been fulfilling

MARCH 2022

this role through Bayanihan, a virtuous trait of Filipino culture. It is a cooperative undertaking typical among Filipinos by extending help to families transferring to a new home or location. It refers to a fundamental aspect of Filipino culture: working together as a community to achieve a common goal. This Bayanihan program is M.E.T.R.O. Men's way of reaching others and fulfilling the great commission entrusted to them. May the Lord bless the work of our hands, for in due time, we will be rewarded abundantly. —Submitted by Mona Gumtang

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