Alberta Adventist News March 2023

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For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature— have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Romans 1:20 MARCH 2023 EDITION

No Matter How Long the Winter, Spring is Soon to Come God Is Good All the Time All the Time God Is Good



14 to 22

2023 Alberta Camp Meeting

Plan to attend this year's 50th Anniversary of Alberta Camp Meeting at Foothills Camp and Retreat Centre, July 14-22, 2023.

Camp Meeting remains an integral part of the ministry of the Alberta Conference. Be prepared for eight days of captivating encounters with Jesus Christ through inspiring biblical preaching, music, testimonies, and fellowship.

More information will be provided as it becomes available at

ADVENTURER FAMILY CAMP 2023 JUNE 9-11 AT FOOTHILLS CAMP CLICK HERE FORE MORE INFO Registration Closes May 7, 2023 Exercise your faith like Elisha with Ms. Jean from

No Matter How Long the Winter, Spring is Soon to Come

As I was leaving a small town early one afternoon following a nice visit with a church member, I noticed a sign outside of the grain factory which read, “No Matter How Long the Winter, Spring is Soon to Come.” The Flagstaff County and the town of Stettler are known to display a regular rotation of signs exhibiting slogans intended to encourage the onlooker, encourage the reader, provide general information, or to pique people’s interest in a particular topic.

Alberta Adventist News is a print and digital media publication of the Alberta Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Editor Troy McQueen; Co-Editor Ruby Casipe; Submission Guidelines:; Submissions: ELECTED OFFICIALS: President Gary Hodder; Secretary/VP for Administration Wayne Williams; Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer Keith Richter; Board Members/EXCOM: Gary Curtis Letniak, Proscovia Nabafu, Tyler Rosengren, Melanie Semchuk, Deborah Silva, Middin Galve-Sumiller, Sheldon Trenchuk, Griffin Webster, Jennifer Williams. Departmental Directors Gail R. Wilton; Planned Giving & Trust Services/Philanthropy Director Lynn McDowell; Foothills Camp Director Ken Harrington; Youth Director Lyle Notice; Communication/IT/Media SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH: Address: 5816 Highway 2A, Lacombe, AB, T4L2G5. Office Hours: Monday-Thur Seventh-day Adventist: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Phone: (403) 342-5044, ABAdventist, LinkedIn: ABAdventist, Website: Highlights 14

10 The Dangers of the Internet and How to Stay Safe

The Internet has changed our lives in countless ways, making information and communication more accessible than ever. It is like a door that swings both ways allowing information of all kinds in and out. This is the reason we use the Internet.

12 God Is Good All the Time All the Time God Is Good

It has been six years since my husband and I immigrated to Alberta, Canada, with our two little darling daughters.

Graphic Design Mishell Raedeke/; Photo attribution: Alberta Adventist Communication unless otherwise noted. Gary Hodder—chair, Wayne Williams,
Communication/IT/Media Director Troy McQueen; Risk Management/Project Development Director Llew Werner ALBERTA CONFERENCE OF THE 342-5044, Fax: (403) 775-4482 Email: info@ albertaadventist. ca SOCIAL MEDIA Twitter: ABAdventist, Facebook: ABAdventist, Instagram: 06 Message from the President 08 From the Editor 10 Devotional 12 ADRA Canada 14 Feature I 16 Department News 19 Church News 36 Feature II 38 In Memory 40 Announcements 42 Means & Meaning 10 08 MARCH 2023 EDITION
Bruce Fillier, Rayette
Directors/Ministerial & Evangelism Director George Ali; Human Resources Officer Jennifer Williams; Education Superintendent


To the members of the Alberta Conference

This will be the last time I address you as President of the Alberta Conference in the Alberta Adventist News.

Let me begin by saying that it has been a privilege to have spent nearly one half of my 40 plus year ministry in service to this conference. I have spent time in Edmonton, Sylvan Lake/Rocky Mountain House and Medicine Hat. I want to thank those congregations for their support of my ministry. The people making up these congregations will always have a special place in my heart. I wish to express thanks also for my fellow officers and staff here at the Alberta Conference office. They have shared in the challenges and joys of service over these past nearly seven years.

As a conference we have been blessed by God to see our membership grow to nearly 13,000. We have seen our school system grow to 11 schools, including four high schools. Our school enrollment has increased to nearly 1,400 young people. We have seen many new churches and properties either built or purchased with the support of the conference contributing approximately two million dollars in assistance. We have seen our first nations work grow with the addition of a new high school.

We are in the process of building a new worship/community centre near the Maskwacis reserve. These are but a few of the highlights from the past session.

I would like to thank the congregations for their unwavering support during the recent COVID-19 shutdown. The tithe did not waver as people remained faithful and this allowed the Alberta Conference to continue unabated in its ministry to the people of Alberta and the NWT.

I must also thank my wonderful wife Almyra for her faithful service and support over these many years. I have always felt the Church has benefited more

“from her service than my own. While she, like myself, have not been blessed with musical abilities, she has more than compensated in other areas. She has been gifted in the areas of children’s ministries and women’s ministries. Her many years in Sabbath school, pathfinders and women’s ministries has been a great blessing to so many.

Almyra and I will remain in this area for our retirement years. Our children and grandchildren are all close by and we look forward to spending more time with them. I expect to do some volunteer work in my leisure years. May God bless you as you continue to be of service in His vineyard.

Let me say that I have absolute confidence that God has even better things in store as the Conference moves forward. Soon we will have a new president but our ultimate leader remains the same in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Gary Hodder President Alberta Conference
6 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2023
As a conference we have been blessed by God to see our membership grow to nearly 13,000. We have seen our school system grow to 11 schools, including four high schools. Our school enrollment has increased to nearly 1,400 young people."


The Dangers of the Internet and How to Stay Safe

The Internet has changed our lives in countless ways, making information and communication more accessible than ever. It is like a door that swings both ways allowing information of all kinds in and out. This is the reason we use the Internet. It allows us to send and receive information that keeps us in touch with family and friends. It also allows us to form new relationships with people, to search for information on a topic, purchase an item online, and share ideas about faith. However, with these benefits come a host of dangers that every user should be aware of. From cybercrime to online predators, the risks associated with using the Internet are real and can have serious consequences. One of the most common dangers of the Internet is cybercrime. This refers to any illegal activity that uses the Internet, such as hacking, identity theft, and scams. Cybercrime is rapidly rising and so are the cyber threats to conferences, churches, and schools. Cybercriminals use sophisticated techniques to steal personal information, such as passwords and financial information, and use it for their own gain. A cybersecurity company called, AAG,

stated that in Canada between 2017 and 2021, reported cybercrime increased by 153%. It's also reported that in the UK there is another victim of cybercrime every 37 seconds. Another major danger of the Internet is online predators. These individuals use the anonymity of the Internet to target vulnerable people, particularly children and teenagers, with the intention of exploiting or harming them. This can take the form of sexual exploitation, grooming, or cyberbullying. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones while using the Internet. Here are some tips to stay safe online:

1. Know who you’re dealing with - Be cautious when sharing personal information online. This includes your full name, address, phone number, and financial information. Be aware of fraudulent “phishers” in email or social networking sites where attempts are made to collect your personal information. The email may request account details for "urgent security reasons." The message may also point to a "spoofed" website that resembles a real site.

2. Protect your identity - Create strong passwords and keep them confidential. Avoid using the same password for multiple accounts and change them regularly. Never use single words or anything personally connected to you such as your dog’s name or your birthday. Ryan Purita a security consultant says, “Computers have passwords, and passwords are the keys to the kingdom. With this access cybercriminals could do anything you could and if motivated, even more."

8 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2023

3. Be aware of what you share - Use privacy settings on social media to control who can see your personal information and posts. You would never go to the busiest street in Calgary or Edmonton wearing a t-shirt that had all your personal information written on it. So be cautious about how much personal information you provide online where the whole world can see. Also, think twice before posting pictures, once they hit the Internet they can never be taken away.

4. Secure your computer against attack - Keep your computer and devices secure with anti-virus software and regularly update them. Just like the locks on your home provide protection from potential danger on the

outside, anti-virus and anti-spyware software protect your computer from potential danger while online. It is also important to use a firewall that helps to hide your computer from attacks. If you have children who use the Internet, you should be using age-appropriate filtering and monitoring software or hardware. Your Internet provider will be able to provide you with more information about this.

5. Education is Key - Be aware of the signs of cybercrime, such as unsolicited emails and requests for personal information, and report them immediately. Also, make it a practice to communicate with your children about Internet safety and what to do if something goes wrong.

Proverbs 4:23 reminds us to, “Keep your heart with all vigilance for from it flow the springs of life.” In the same way, we must be vigilant in protecting ourselves and those we love from harm while using the Internet.

In conclusion, the Internet offers a wealth of opportunities, but it also presents real dangers. By being aware of the risks and taking steps to protect yourself and your loved ones, you can enjoy the benefits of the Internet while staying safe.

9 MARCH 2023 Alberta Adventist News
Make it a practice to communicate with your children about internet safety and what to do if something goes wrong.

God Is Good All the Time All the Time God Is Good

It has been six years since my husband and I immigrated to Alberta, Canada, with our two little darling daughters. As enthusiastic as immigration sounds, if it does not work the way we want it to, it could be depressing. Finding the right job had always been our most unmet need.

Under God's providence, I managed to get a job good enough for survival.

But my husband went through motions. He persistently kept applying for all the desirable jobs, but the outcome was barely positive. So, he took whatever positions were available to meet the needs of the family. Many times,

we wanted to go back to India, where our heart always is but we still held on, casting our cares on our Heavenly Father.

As life was going on for us at such pace, like an unpredictable lightning, the pandemic struck the world, putting many in spiritual, financial, medical, and emotional crisis. However, my husband surprisingly gets a call for a new job. Yes! Exactly the kind he had been waiting for all these years. When most people around us were losing their jobs, Manoj got his dream job!

What a timely blessing in the world's "untimeliness."

If we try to

understand the vicissitudes of life with a generic humanistic view, be it mathematically logical or debatably reasonable, even the best approach in our own understanding, could still fail. This is because God works totally on a different paradigm. We are reminded that God's plans are always better than ours. Often, He works in ways that we do not understand.

Let us patiently trust God alone, no matter how bleak the situation.

Prayer: Father, we thank You for always staying close to us, even closer in difficult times. Much thankfulness for blessing us in our most needed moments, Amen.

First published in Overcomers, edited by Vara Prasad Deepati and Esther Deepati, Oriental Watchman Publishing House, 2022
''For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29: 11
10 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2023
Rupa Manoj Administrative Assistant | Planned Giving & Trust Services


The Alberta Conference Youth Department is facilitating Leadership training for the next generation of leaders.

The time is now for the younger generation to step up and take responsibility for the future of our church.

God has called the Gen Z and Millennials to lead within His church and the global world.

We have cutting edge leaders who are willing to share how God is utilizing their area of ministry for such a time as this.

This is ElevateX...the last ascent


More info: Dr. Lyle Notice Youth Director Phone: (403) 342-5044
COST $150 JOIN US AT FOOTHILLS CAMP 3032 Township Rd 342, Bowden, AB T0M 0K0 THE SUMMIT!
Seth Yelorda > Natasha Richards > Kyle Smith > Guadalupe Montour > Justin Yang > Michelle Mota > John Scott > Kryzia Wisdom > Roberson Dorelus
APRIL 14 -16, 2023


From 2021 to 2022, the Edmonton Filipino Seventh-day Adventist Church has been working on plans to build raised vegetable garden wicking beds for the Paul Bond First Nation Reserve. In partnership with Sulads Canada, the Alberta Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and ADRA Canada, the church worked to create a sustainable food security solution for this indigenous community.

A wicking bed is an agricultural irrigation system that helps to grow plants with minimal water usage. By capturing evaporating water reserves from underground before they escape into the atmosphere, these raised wicking beds can be essentially self-watering. This makes for a low-maintenance and high-yield gardening tool.

The local community helped to pick the location for four large wicking beds, while also contributing to the actual manpower on the construction date and supplying gravel and topsoil for the gardens. During the actual construction, a curious local homeless man decided

to also get involved as a volunteer and contributed to the building efforts. He later received money as a “thank you” from the church volunteers and the new garden bed owners. While somewhat unexpected, the project participants now believe that more projects of this nature may prove helpful to the homeless community in Edmonton. In the meantime, some of the volunteers have also committed to following up and checking in with the recipients of the wicking beds in order to look after the project.

With these new gardening systems built, the Paul First Nation Reserve has a powerful new resource for growing their own food. While the initial cost for constructing these wicking beds is fairly high, the low-maintenance nature of gardening with this technology means great food production with minimal maintenance effort. With a reasonably simple daily routine, the local community will continue to produce carrots, turnips, beets, onions, garlic, and other leafy or fruit-bearing vegetables.

Pr Daniel Saugh, PO Charles Bond and Pr Joseph Batiancila
ADRA CANADA 12 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2023
Sulads Canada Volunteers



Monthly donors allow us to respond faster and more effectively to disasters as they happen. This means more lives saved!

Having consistent monthly donors like you allows us to lower our administration costs, meaning more of your money goes toward making a difference.

Adventist Development & Relief Agency 20 Robert Street West Newcastle, ON L1B 1C6 1.888.274.ADRA (2372)
giving monthly you allow us to better plan and structure our longterm response. This allows us to make lasting change in the lives of people around the world.
ADRA create a just world by becoming a monthly donor.

No Matter How Long the Winter,

is Soon to Come

As I was leaving a small town early one afternoon following a nice visit with a church member, I noticed a sign outside of the grain factory which read, “No Matter How Long the Winter, Spring is Soon to Come.” The Flagstaff County and the town of Stettler are known to display a regular rotation of signs exhibiting slogans intended to encourage the onlooker, encourage the reader, provide general information, or to pique people’s interest in a particular topic. And such was the case with this sign. The winter season in Canada is often described by many citizens as a season of coldness, bitterness, and gloom. We now understand through scientific data that some of the depression and despair experienced within the population during the Winter season is due to a decrease in the amount of exposure to the sun’s rays robbing many of us of the essential vitamin D. To overcome the drop in temperature, the frigidity of the season and to avoid

hypothermia, we comfort ourselves with the warmth of extra clothing and alternative sources of heat. Attempting to encourage ourselves through this time some may occupy their minds with thoughts of the heat that comes after winter, the summer bliss, and a longing for Spring to come so that they can be renewed with vigor, vitality, and strength to take up and conquer their daily challenges.

Between the intertestamental period, the Israelites were going through the same experience. Their cold religious formality that was taught and expressed by the Sanhedrin and the Pharisees to the rest of the Israelite people gave the impression that they were in a long and bitter winter season. The life experience that resulted from the vigorous rules, traditions and treatment imposed on the common people of Judea became one overcome with burdens, gloom, coldness, and anxiety. As prophesied in the scriptures, the people longed for the Sun of righteousness to come with healing in His wings, they longed for the Light of the world to bring warmth to and melt the stoney, icy hearts of the religious leaders. They longed

Their cold religious formality that was taught and expressed by the Sanhedrin and the Pharisees to the rest of the Israelite people gave the impression that they were in a long and bitter winter season."
14 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2023

for the Spring that would give them a new life and renew their religious experience. When Christ did come, His teachings, His lifestyle, the relationships that He built, and His very character displayed to the Israelites and the Gentiles that He was able to clothe them with the light and heat of His righteousness and love and protect them from the common cold of religious formalism, the frigidness of their tradition, and the hypothermia of sin which, without intervention, would lead to death.

In modern society today, many cities are going through a similar experience. These places exude an atmosphere of general unhappiness only occasionally dispelled by warm thoughts and exchanges between family members, friends, colleagues, or other factors. People seem to be either depressed, envious, disgruntled, bitter or mean. As a response to this experience, God has called us to be the light of the world; that through our relationship with Christ, our deportment, actions, and relationship building will create in people a sense of longing for the Spring. They are seeking for the warmth of peace and a relief that can only come from Jesus.

I am very elated to know that Seventh-day Adventist churches around the

world including the Stettler and Sedgewick churches are involved in letting their light shine and building up the broken hearted in their towns. Through various programs and volunteer initiatives and through one-on-one relationship building, the warmth provided here through the love of Christ causes visitors to not only join our fellowship and programs but to also become a part of God’s family and experience the everlasting Spring of Joy that has come to their hearts.

Pastor Teddy Joseph Stettler/Sedgewick Seventh-day Adventist Churches
15 MARCH 2023 Alberta Adventist News
When Christ did come, His teachings, His lifestyle, the relationships that He built, and His very character displayed to the Israelites and the Gentiles that He was able to clothe them with the light and heat of His righteousness and love and protect them from the common cold of religious formalism...


Pastoral Changes and Additions

Isaac Amofa Calgary Ghanaian January 2023 Wesley Szamko Ponoka/Rimbey July 1, 2023 Viktor Kononenko Ukraine Ministries College Heights January 2023 Zlatan Ljuljdjurovic Fort McMurray April 2022 Gerry Pasikatan Lloydminster/ Bonnyville January 2023 Jacques Moise Calgary Central February 2023 Jesse Anunciacion Calgary Fil Can/ Chestermere January 2023 Camoy Williams Garden Road December 2022 Liviu Tilihoi Calgary Central November 2022 Mark Bulahan Chaplain - Coralwood Adventist Academy August 2022 Daniel Smith Hanna/Loyalist May 2022 Jonathan Deximo Calgary Central October 2022 Donovan Diminyatz Epic/Red Deer August 2022
16 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2023
Teddy Joseph Stettler/Sedgewick April 2022
2022 - 2023
Alberta Conference Women’s Retreat Location Radisson Hotel in Red Deer Limited seats available Watch for more details Sept 29 - Oct 1, 2023 Listen! Today you are Moving Forward…do not fear and tremble or be terrified…for the Lord your God goes with you. Deuteronomy 20:3-4


MAY 26-28, 2023




• Friday, May 26 @ 9:30 am

• DEVOTIONAL - Pastor Golovenko

• OUTING & LUNCH - Lacombe Art Walk (Pre-registration required)

• BANQUET - 5:30 pm (for ages 50+) (Pre-registration required)

College Heights Christian School Gymnasium

• Meeting after Banquet at CHCS Gym - Business Mtg & Pastor Golovenko

• Sabbath, May 27

• CHURCH SERVICE @ 9:15 am - Pastor Golovenko

• SABBATH SCHOOL @ 10:30 am

• AFTERNOON @ 3:30 pm - Pastor Golovenko — Update on Adventist work in Ukraine, including Q&A

• GOSPEL CONCERT @ 7:00 pm

• Sunday, May 28 @ 9:30 am

• DEVOTIONAL - Pastor Golovenko


If you have questions, please contact Pastor Don Corkum (403) 669-0706 or

Seniors In Action For God With Excellence

Year Prayer The20

After some time, they, along with their three small children, moved to our area in hopes of connecting with Tina’s relatives and possible employment for Henry. Pastor Frank then requested that I take over the Bible studies.

When we finally began, I quickly realized their joy as they eagerly embraced every theme of scripture. In fact, they were already sharing what they had learned with their co-workers and family. As a church, we soon realized that there were a handful of Mennonite families meeting in the area on Saturday.

News began to spread quickly, and plans were made to invite this small Mennonite group to fellowship with us. One of our elders invited a young Mennonite man

to share his discovery of the Sabbath teaching for our local church service. It was incredible to hear how God strengthened him and his family even when they faced challenges for taking a stand for God’s Sabbath.

We had a record attendance for Henry and Tina’s baptism. This was due to their Mennonite friends and family coming to support their decision. Following the service, another elder told me that they had been praying for 20 years to see this day. What a humble privilege it was for me to experience first-hand the fruit of faithful prayer warriors. It was a high day filled with hope that what God has started He will faithfully complete. With God all things are possible!

Submitted by Jeremy Wellman, Pastor, Beauvallon and Vegreville Churches
CHURCH NEWS 19 MARCH 2023 Alberta Adventist News
Henry and Tina Unger baptized at the Beauvallon Seventh - day Adventist Church.

Voice Of Prophecy’s upcoming Revelation Speaks Peace Seminar, Calgary

Our Mission Jesus clearly established over 2000 years ago, when He called us, “to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.” Mt. 28: 19-20

Calgary Pastor’s and churches have been very busy with the Voice Of Prophecy team in preparation for Revelation Speaks Peace – officially starting April 14 – May 13, 2023. The dream was set approximately five years ago to ask Pr. Shawn Boonstra and the Voice of Prophecy Team to lead a full Evangelistic Campaign in Calgary.

What have the Calgary churches been doing in preparation for the upcoming VOP Revelation Speaks Peace Seminar?

1. Most of the churches have begun their own Bible school using the VOP Platform—Interests have the option to have Bible studies sent to their homes or they do an online version of the Bible studies. Check out CWAA’s online portal

2. Three Regional Prayer Summits —VOP has been intentionally asking us

and leading us to bathe all we do in prayer.

i. As such we have weekly prayer times with the churches via Zoom.

ii. We have been having weekly Pastor’s Prayer time each Wednesday.

iii. And three prayer summits. The last one will be done at the Parkdale Adventist Church, February 24-25, 2023.

3. Operation Downpour — This is where all the churches come together to hand out literature for upcoming events such as:

a. The Grief Seminar — April 2022 with Pastor Mike and Pam Tucker

b. Mad About Marriage — February 2023 with Pastor Mike and Pam Tucker

c. Health Expos — three were held: Northwest, Northeast, and Southwest

d. Let’s Move Day –where over 300 people came together to walk/

run at the Glenmore Athletic Park to bring awareness of caring for our bodies.

4. Monthly VOP Leaders have come to Calgary to meet with Pastors, do weekend training events for church members and to help with the Bible Schools.

We are asking the churches in Alberta to please pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit over all the plans and the event when it officially starts. Several mail outs for Bible studies, VOP’s Authentic tracks in addition to our local events have been advertised.

Upcoming Events:

April 10-12, 2023 — Tony Moor will be hosting an Archeology Seminar at the WinSport Centre, located at the Canada Olympic Park

April 14 – May 13, 2023 — Pr. Shawn Boonstra and team will be hosting Revelation Speaks Peace at the WinSport Centre, located at Canada Olympic Park, Calgary.

20 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2023
— Submitted by Pastor Paul Antunes, Calgary Ministerium President
world is facing a crisis of biblical proportions. A “perfect storm” of inflation, conflict, and climate change are pushing millions of people into hunger.
is time to dethrone hunger and set a place for Justice at the Table. To learn more about the crisis and ADRA’s response, scan below or visit: 20 Robert Street West Newcastle, ON L1B 1C6 1.888.274.ADRA (2372) Charitable Registration # 13205 6813 RR0001 Adventist Development & Relief Agency
Speaks Peace
WinSport Centre,
May 13, 2023
Pr. Shawn Boonstra & Team will be hosting Revelation
at the
Located at Canada Olympic Park

How Christ The Way Church Attendance Tripled After COVID-19

Christ the Way Adventist Church continues to experience amazing spiritual, numerical, and financial growth since the 2020 and 2021 pandemic. Going into the pandemic in March of 2020, the church had an average attendance of 60, and now, at the beginning of 2023, the average attendance has tripled to over 190. This increase includes spectacular growth in the children’s ministries department which grew from five to 70 children, allowing us to make a gigantic leap from having no Adventurers’ Club (ages 4 - 9) to now having the largest Adventurers’ Club in the Alberta Conference. Additionally, in February 2023, Christ the Way started a new Pathfinder Club (ages 10 - 15) with 22 Pathfinders. The children at Christ the Way have a passion for spreading the love and joy of Jesus. This was demonstrated in the 2022 summer Vacation Bible School (VBS) which

attracted 53 children. On July 1, 2022, the church hosted a Canada Day breakfast which attracted over 500 people from the community, all of whom enjoyed a delicious breakfast with many returning for seconds and thirds. Since Canada Day will be on a Sabbath this year, we plan to do the same thing but with an outdoor praise service for the community. With additional ministry initiatives being established, and new individuals joining the church services weekly, we expect to have a regular attendance of 300 by the end of 2023. Many have asked what has contributed to such unparalleled growth in post COVID-19 reality, and the answer is simply the anointing and leading of the Holy Spirit. For a more detailed answer, allow me to highlight seven areas in which the Holy Spirit led Christ the Way to experience such amazing

post pandemic results:

1. Early morning prayer session by our team of elders and pastor once a week for the past three years to intercede for our church family and community.

2. Conducting 135 online Bible Studies on the books of Ephesians, Hebrews, Daniel, and Revelation during the lockdown to keep members growing daily in God’s Word.

3. Investing in and being trained to use a state-ofthe-art media ministry system to expand the reach of the worship services beyond the walls of this church.

4. Working on the beautification of the church building to create a more welcoming atmosphere for church members and visitors once reopened after the lockdown.

5. Establishing a fun and activity-based children’s ministries program to attract kids from the community and

22 Alberta Adventist

surrounding areas.

6. Welcoming and engaging each visitor on multiple levels before, during, and after each worship service.

7. Providing a consistent spiritual diet of Bible-based preaching, teaching, and age specific programming/activities that resonate with individuals’ needs, inspiring them to fall in love with Jesus, and enrich their relationships with each other.

Because we know that God moves progressively in human experience, we have chosen as our ministry theme for 2023 the title, “Living On A Higher Level,” believing that the best is still yet to come. I have committed myself to God to lead the congregation deeper into His eternal Word with every successive sermon, Bible study, and outreach initiative as we experience the glorious transformation He longs to effect in our lives. In 1 Corinthians 12:12 (NLT), the Apostle Paul reminds us that, “The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So, it is with the body of Christ.” The unparalleled post-pandemic growth of Christ the Way Adventist Church has been the result of the various parts of the body of Christ working together through the anointing of the Holy Spirit to build up God’s kingdom. This has truly been a team effort where each believer has faithfully served in the cause of Christ.

Lawel Natufe

Christ the Way Church

Quarterly Alberta Adventist News (AAN) magazine 23 MARCH 2023 Alberta Adventist News

Edmonton Central

Farewell Service For Pastor Roberson and Thaksheela Dorelus

Pastor Roberson and Thaksheela Dorelus will be greatly missed as they start a new ministry at Sherwood Park Adventist Church. Pastor Dorelus was the assosciate pastor at Edmonton Central Adventsit Church for just over three and a half years.

24 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2023

Sedgewick Church Child Dedications

On Saturday, December 10, 2022, Jettsyn and Kashten Ball, sons of Jeff and Leanne Ball, were dedicated to the Lord at the Sedgewick Seventh-day Adventist Church. Pastor Teddy Joseph officiated the dedication service while family and friends gathered to support and witness this happy occasion.

Integrated Microsoft Office 365 and Zoom licenses are available for a special discount for all Alberta Conference Churches.

Contact us today for more information and pricing: OFFICE 365 + ZOOM

Psalms 127:3

Lo, children are a heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward."
+25 MARCH 2023 Alberta Adventist News

Okotoks Adventist Church Buys Church Building

This command instilled in the hearts of some members from the former Calgary Southside Church, and they got the idea to start an Adventist congregation in Okotoks. With the direction of Pastors Romy Daquila, Norman Cid and Don Corkum, the vision, mission, and core values were formulated and over 30 members signed in to support the group. With approval from the Alberta Conference the first church service was officially held in the Elks Community Centre in Okotoks on October 7, 2017, with more than 60 people in attendance. Praise be to God.

Under the guidance of Pastor Romy Daquila, together with the leadership team, church activities were put in place. Adults and young people were involved in both outreach and in-reach activities. On April 28, 2018, the Okotoks group was organized into a company. On June 20, 2018, the Alberta Conference voted to assign Okotoks Seventh-day Adventist Company with Pastor Jinwook Lee, who was also pastoring another congregation elsewhere. On November 28, 2020, Okotoks Seventh-day Adventist Company was organized into a full-fledged Church via zoom.

In 2022 the Lord tremendously blessed the Okotoks Church. Several groups in the music department started up. A choir was formed, as well as The Ladies Ensemble, The Male Chorus,

Okotoks Ukelele and String Ensemble, JASS and String and the Kids Group. Another blessing came on May 17, 2022, when Pastor Reuel Manlongat was hired by the church as a Bible worker to assist Pastor Lee. December 3, 2022 was a miraculous day in the Okotoks Church. Head Elder, Nimrod Loriezo, announced that the church would rent another room for the children’s Sabbath School for $50 every Saturday. Some members agreed to pay for the extra amount of rent. As a treasurer, I stood there sighing and suddenly questioning the Lord. Lord, when are you going to give us a piece of land? Lord, when? You give other churches a piece of land and even a church, so why not us? Just a piece of land, Lord. I was standing in front of our church clerk, who said to me, “It is not good to question God because God knows what is best for His children.” Sometimes I do not have the faith of Elijah. On December 4, 2022, I was informed that Glen Carr, our building committee leader and with the help of the realtor, found an acre of land with a church building on it. Everyone was very happy and thankful. When God moves, He moves quickly, and we hope to be able to relocate to this church by the middle of February 2023. Thank you, Lord; You truly know what is best for Your children. —Submitted by Sally del Socorro, Church Treasurer

JASS and String group performing special music at the Okotoks Adventist Church.
Church building and land purchased for the Okotoks church congregation.
26 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2023
“Go ye therefore and make disciples of all the nations.” Matthew 28:19

Indigenous Connection

Are you an Indigenous youth?

Do you live or engage with Indigenous youth or children?

Do you want to learn about the culture, identity, and world views of your Indigenous neighbours?

Come join the conversation and explore resources for families and friends who want to know more.

Dakotah Pratt, Dakota (Oceti Sakowin)

3 Sunday afternoons with Maskwacis residents Dakotah Pratt & Joshua Saddleback

Dates: March 26 & April 2, 16

Time: 2:30 - 4:00 PM

Location: Seventh-day Adventist Church 6910 University Drive Lacombe, AB T4L 1Z9

Please call to register (403) 782-6131

“I am from Sioux Valley Dakota Nation, located in Southern Manitoba. I currently reside in Maskwacis, Alberta with my wonderful partner Joshua and our two beautiful daughters. I’m pursuing my B.Ed. at the University of Alberta. I am passionate about motherhood, reconnecting to my ancestral roots, active lifestyle and building strong relationships through community.”

Dakotah is a member of Squad, the first all-Indigenous Women’s Softball team, which qualified for the Canadian National Championships in its first season, 2022.

Joshua Saddleback, Samson Cree Nation

Joshua is a graduate of Mamawi Atosketan Native School (Maskwacis) and MacEwan University (Police and Investigation Studies). Joshua is a proud father and an all-round athlete who quarterbacked the Wetaskiwin Composite High School team in his junior and senior years, competed as a power lifter while at MacEwan, and plays softball for the Maskwacis men’s team. Between MANS and MacEwan, Joshua attended Maskwacis Cultural College, where he studied with Cree Knowledge Keeper Jerry Saddleback.

An interview with Joshua, preceded by a short speech by his father Chief Vern Saddleback, can be viewed at

MARCH 26 & APRIL 2, 16

Red Deer Church Welcomes the New Year!

The blessing of New Year’s Eve falling on a Sabbath allowed the Red Deer Church family to ring in 2023 together! There was inspiration in the form of scripture, team building, and very good food.

Following a countdown to sundown, Pastor Moises shared a message from Psalm 118:26, blessing all

who come in the name of God, and blessing all from the house of the Lord.

All who are connected with the community were invited to share personal photos for a celebration slideshow and activity. The pictures were printed, and each family unit got to decorate their own “blank slate” poster board and then,

following the message, write words of blessing onto each other’s posters.

In this way, the Red Deer Church family lived the purpose of Worship, which is to bless God and bless each other. The act of taking home a page of prayers and blessings to install as a tangible token of the spiritual support provided by such a community is a great way to start 2023.

The “warm fuzzies” were followed by a fun and fierce competition where the children got to challenge their parents and mentors! Red Deer Church is grateful for the leadership of Marjorie Landicho as well as Ritchie and Nanette Quines. The church that eats together, laughs together, and worships together will stay and grow stronger together.

28 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2023



the Canadian Christ

the Canadian Christ

rural evangelism , challenges & prospects

rural evangelism , challenges & prospects

the Canadian Christ

march 31 - april 1, 2023

rural evangelism , challenges & prospects

march 31 - april 1, 2023

march 31 - april 1, 2023




Meeting ID: 956 0026 5560


Passcode: 770987

Meeting ID: 956 0026 5560

Passcode: 770987

Meeting ID: 956 0026 5560

Passcode: 770987

Pastor Jeff Potts, DMin


Pastor Jeff Potts, DMin

FRIDA Y, M A RCH 31 @ 6:00 PM ( MDT)


FRIDA Y, M A RCH 31 @ 6:00 PM ( MDT)


TOPIC: The Challenges of Rural Evangelism

FRIDA Y, M A RCH 31 @ 6:00 PM ( MDT)

TOPIC: The Challenges of Rural Evangelism

Roundtable Discussion to Follow

Roundtable Discussion to Follow

TOPIC: The Challenges of Rural Evangelism

Roundtable Discussion to Follow







Pastor Jeff Potts, DMin

Dr. Jeff Potts has given over 37 years of service to the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada. He is currently Lead Pastor of the College Heights Church on the campus of Burman University. Prior to this, Jeff was the Executive Secretary of the Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference. He also served as Ministerial Director and Church Planting Coordinator. While pastoring the Henderson Highway Church in Winnipeg, Manitoba, he led the church to launch 4 new congregations in four years. Jeff is passionate about evangelism and church growth, which was the focus of his Doctor of Ministry degree (Andrews University, 2009). Jeff and his wife Nancy have four beautiful daughters, and three grandchildren.

Dr. Jeff Potts has given over 37 years of service to the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada. He is currently Lead Pastor of the College Heights Church on the campus of Burman University. Prior to this, Jeff was the Executive Secretary of the Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference. He also served as Ministerial Director and Church Planting Coordinator. While pastoring the Henderson Highway Church in Winnipeg, Manitoba, he led the church to launch 4 new congregations in four years. Jeff is passionate about evangelism and church growth, which was the focus of his Doctor of Ministry degree (Andrews University, 2009). Jeff and his wife Nancy have four beautiful daughters, and three grandchildren.

Dr. Jeff Potts has given over 37 years of service to the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada. He is currently Lead Pastor of the College Heights Church on the campus of Burman University. Prior to this, Jeff was the Executive Secretary of the Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference. He also served as Ministerial Director and Church Planting Coordinator. While pastoring the Henderson Highway Church in Winnipeg, Manitoba, he led the church to launch 4 new congregations in four years. Jeff is passionate about evangelism and church growth, which was the focus of his Doctor of Ministry degree (Andrews University, 2009). Jeff and his wife Nancy have four beautiful daughters, and three grandchildren.

TOPIC: Relational Evangelism in the Rural Context

TOPIC: Relational Evangelism in the Rural Context

TOPIC: Relational Evangelism in the Rural Context

Roundtable Discussion to Follow

Roundtable Discussion to Follow

Roundtable Discussion to Follow







TOPIC: Public Evangelism That Works in Rural Areas

TOPIC: Public Evangelism That Works in Rural Areas

TOPIC: Public Evangelism That Works in Rural Areas

Roundtable Discussion to Follow

Roundtable Discussion to Follow

Roundtable Discussion to Follow







TOPIC: Reaching Youth in Rural Areas

TOPIC: Reaching Youth in Rural Areas

TOPIC: Reaching Youth in Rural Areas

F or more information visit ww

F or more information visit ww

F or more information visit ww

Calgary Central Church

Friends and family gathered at the Calgary Central Adventist Church on October 8, 2022 to celebrate Declan Shewchuk’s decision to follow Jesus in baptism. Declan, in his testimony, shared “Jesus is my best Friend.” Declan, your church family was delighted with your decision. May God richly bless you as you continue in your spiritual journey.



At Coralwood, children are loved by their teachers and prepared for the world by knowing who they are in Christ, friendships are nurtured and last a lifetime.

Registration Fee: $200

Pre-Register your child before April 30, 2023 and only pay $150

New students call (780) 454- 2173 to book a meeting with the principal

Clockwise: Pastor Julio Davila, Declan Shewchuk, and Pastor Paul Antunes; Declan Shewchuk reading his testimony to follow Jesus.
Register at
$50 30 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2023


FRIDAY • MAY 12 • 12:30 - 2:30 PM


• Food available throughout event

• Cheering Squad

• Student Musical Performances

• Indigenous Dancing

• Merchandise

• Mascot on Site

All activities in the Hallway and Gym of Mamawi Atosketan Junior-Senior High School

SCHOOL 12:30 PM Pre-game Show 12:45 PM Little Howlers Exhibition 1:00 PM Halftime Show 1:30 PM Howlers Volleyball Exhibition 2:15 PM Post Game Show 2:30

New Adventist Church in Whitecourt

The Whitecourt Church building project began in early 2020. After looking into existing buildings and churches that were for sale in the area, it was decided that none met the needs or worked for the church. After much prayer and discussion, the church board voted to buy some property so the new church could build to specific needs.

There was already a healthy building fund in place at this time and donations were steadily rolling in. A vacant lot was purchased in the heart of downtown Whitecourt, and Joe Thomsen, who

is a Whitecourt Church member and contractor, was recruited to head out and facilitate the construction of the new building. We broke ground near the beginning of 2020. The concrete foundation was laid first, then the frame was built, erected, and put into place. The exterior and interior construction were then completed.

Within two years the new church building proudly stood, completed and ready for business. We faced many challenges and obstacles along the way, too numerous to list here but we stayed faithful,

and our resolve was firm. We believed God wanted a church in Whitecourt that would function as an Adventist presence in the community, and it was that unwavering belief which carried us through the tough times. Through sacrificial giving by the membership, generous donations from interested parties and benefactors, financial assistance from the Alberta Conference, and a combination of professional builders and volunteer help with the construction and painting — the dream became a reality.

All glory to God. This was

32 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2023

His initiative and done to His glory - and He continues to lead and guide us as a church through the final stages until the day of our grand opening.

Children’s Church at Edmonton Central

Veryrecently, I had the privilege to watch our children in action as they participated in various activities during one of their regularly planned Children's Church Programs. I observed these little ones in action at various age levels— singing action songs, stamping little feet, clapping hands, each in their own individual child likeness with that spark of trust in their eyes giving praise and worship to God. As I watched these children, the words of the Psalmist came to my mind. Imagination cannot contain the delight God inspires, “Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth; Breaks forth in song, rejoice, and sing praises.” (Ps. 98:4) Nature itself joins in, “Let the rivers clap their hands; Let the hills be joyful together before the Lord (v 8.).” We have also seen throughout scripture God entrusting special trust to children and using them for His special

purpose. God called Samuel as a child to deliver a difficult message to the high priest Eli. He was willing and obedient to God's calling. (1 Sam 3:10) As I divert my attention from the children to teachers and parents in the Children's Sabbath School, the task is huge! It can also be frightening and challenging, but we need to continue to reach out to our children. The relationship they have with you will dramatically colour the way they think about God. Ellen White said that in the closing scene of this earth’s history, many of those children/youth will astonish people by their witness to the truth, which will be borne in simplicity, yet with spirit and power. Our children at Edmonton Central Children's Church, they are relying on all of us to feel and experience that sense of belonging—a chance to grow in grace and the knowledge of God.

— Submitted by Pastor Michael Corbel Children's Church at Edmonton Central Adventist Church.
CHURCH NEWS 33 MARCH 2023 Alberta Adventist News
— Submitted By Ina Martin Edmonton Central Seventh-day Adventist Church

Add a Teacher Fully Funded

MANS is looking to hire an Industrial Arts/CTS specialist for the 2023-2024 academic year. Check out the job description with this link or scan theQR code.

US$ 100,000 Contribution from NAD

Goal $1.85 Million

The North American Division contributed $100,000 USD to build the Mamawi Atosketan Centre. More than $1.48 million has been raised!

To donate go to

10th Anniversary of “NO COST” WILLS at Foothills Camp

Wills@Camp Classic Lawyer-drafted Will

• 2 appointments required

• $100 rebate means No Cost to You!

To make an appointment for your "No Cost" Will or a no cost, no obligation Personal Charitable Life Annuity Calculation, contact Rupa Manoj at (403) 342-5044 or

34 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2023

Prairie Adventist Christian eSchool offers:

• Adventist Education and Environment

• K-12 Live Online Classes

• Home Education and Shared Responsibility

• Accredited Curriculum

• Field Trip Opportunities

• Free Tuition for Alberta Residents



Iam longing for spring. It has been over 13 years since my family and I have lived through a Canadian Winter. During these years we have been serving with the church in the 14 countries of the Southern Asia-Pacific division as International Service Employees of the General Conference what we used to call missionaries. We returned to Canada in September and are experiencing an Alberta winter along with everyone here.

While based in the tropical countries of Cambodia, Timor-Leste, and the Philippines, the hot season would have my Canadian body sweating 24 hours a day. During those seasons, I would remember winter with a certain nostalgia delightful, yet selective, memories of skating,

tobogganing, building snowmen, skiing, winter camping, gentle snowflakes, northern lights, and hot chocolate around a warm fire all played in my mind. Twice during these years my family enjoyed visiting Canada during winter. Of course, visiting winter is much different than living through it. Now we enjoy both the fun activities as well as scraping windshields, shovelling snow, walking the dog when it is -40°C, painfully defrosting fingers/toes/ nose, occasionally pulling a car from a snowbank, and all the other realities of winter. Now I am longing for spring.

The vibrancy and restoration of a spring is experienced in most places in the world albeit differently in various climates. In tropical climates, the shift from the

hot season to the rainy season is eagerly anticipated as the ever-building heat finally breaks with the refreshing rains. Life emerges from baked dust. Here in Canada, the thaw finally prevails after one or two last fleeting blizzards. Life emerges from the frozen winter-land.

Ellen White describes spring in the Israelite nation during biblical times in their first month, the month of Abib (end of March/beginning of April) as people came to Jerusalem for Passover. “The cold of winter was past, the latter rain had ended, and all nature rejoiced in the freshness and beauty of springtime. The grass was green on the hills and valleys, and wildflowers everywhere brightened the fields. The moon, now approaching full, made the evening delightful. Throughout the land, bands of pilgrims were making their way toward Jerusalem… all turned their steps toward the place where God's presence was revealed.” (Patriarchs and Prophets, 537-538) She goes on to quote Psalms 48:1-2, 118:19, 121:1-2, and 122:1 to describe the people’s joyous songs as they praised God for His glorious salvation from above and having been permitted to enter into the gates of the King’s Holy City into His house. There is something here greater than actual history.

36 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2023

This experience seems to parallel future events leading up to the return of Jesus. God’s people press through the bitterest of spiritual winters of an increasingly sinful world with strength from the former rain of the Holy Spirit. At the coldest, most unbearable point, those who have grown through the former rain are now prepared by the latter rain for both the final proclamation of the third angel’s message and to stand through the last events of Earth’s history (Latter Day Events, 183). It is the latter rain that “revives and strengthens the people of God” as we endure the time of Jacob’s trouble, the close of probation, and the final plagues (Signs of the Times, November 27, 1879, par. 10). “Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God; For He has given you the former rain faithfully, and He will cause the rain to come down for you the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month” (Joel 2:23 NKJV). Finally, as Jesus appears, God’s children are changed “in the twinkling of an eye.” (1 Cor. 15:52) They, along with all creation, are finally restored to what God created them to be in God’s eternal spring as we are gathered rejoicing into the Kingdom.

I am longing for THAT spring. It seems this world’s spiritual winter has grown harder with each succeeding generation and with each succeeding year. Post COVID-19 social reintegration and polarization, intense global inflation, a resurrected cold war, and the recent earthquakes devastating people in Turkey and Syria are a few of the reminders that we are still in the time of winter. I am ready for spring to be at home in the heavenly Kingdom. Yet there remains a work to be done.

As God continuously engages in His mission of restoration, He has given us a mission as well. We are to be His witnesses, living and speaking as a revelation of God so people can see Him. We are to be His disciple-makers, teaching others what we have learned about being restored.

As we trudge through what remains of winter, let it be a reminder that spring is coming. Let us persevere as we pray for the Holy Spirit, study God’s word, and engage in our mission. One day soon we will hear the voice of Jesus speaking to us as to His bride:

“Rise up, my love, my fair one, And come away. For lo, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; The time of singing has come, And the voice of the turtledove Is heard in our land.

The fig tree puts forth her green figs, And the vines with the tender grapes Give a good smell.

Rise up, my love, my fair one, And come away!”

Song of Solomon 2:10-13 (NKJV)

The Golden Gate, located in the northern third of the Temple Mount's Eastern Wall of Jerusalem, during Spring time. Wesley Szamko Ponoka/Rimbey Seventh-day Adventist Church

Marilynn Ruth (Hagen) Bolduc

December 24, 1958 - July 28, 2022

Marilynn Ruth (Hagen) Bolduc was born December 24, 1958, in Edson, AB and died July 28, 2022, at home, near Vegreville, AB. Marilynn was a humble, cheerful person who liked to laugh. She was compassionate for the unfortunate, homeless, sick, blind, etc. She was loved and had many friends. Marilynn made friends at “Blind Camp” yearly, assisting them as needed. She also worked for WJS with disabled people whom she dearly loved for one year. Marilynn was very family-oriented and really loved going to the Space Science Centre, the zoo, cross-country skiing, camping, and other fun and educational group activities. She also loved animals, including her beloved dogs, and she was a meticulous right-hand helper when it came time for VBS. She always had a story, a hug, and a smile. Marilynn was the oldest of five children of Wilfred and Violet Hagen. She was predeceased by her father, Wilfred Hagen, and her brother, David Hagen. Surviving is spouse, Andre Bolduc; her two beloved sons, Jeremy and Benjamin Bolduc; mother, Violet Hagen; sister, Sharron (Bob) Hughes; brothers, Darrel (Beryl) Hagen; and Randy (Chi) Hagen; eleven nieces and nephews, as well as many friends. We look for that blessed day when Jesus returns, and wakes those who have gone to rest, and takes us Home to live with Him forever. “What a day that will be.”

Evangeline Mary Anne McCaw (Vange)

September, 1944 - November 12, 2022

It is with much sadness that the family announces the passing of Evangeline Mary Anne McCaw (Vange) at the age of 78. She passed away peacefully at home surrounded by family on the morning of November 12, 2022, near Onoway, Alberta. Vange was born to Joseph and Elsie Horvath in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan in September of 1944. The family farm near Onoway was Vange’s home since moving there in 1974. She left a legacy for her loved ones and friends of loving plants, gardening tips, tasty home grown produce and her passion for cooking amazing food. Vange had a love for animals and for nature and the loving Creator God who made it all. Vange found much joy and comfort in her Lord, and she worshiped at the Onoway Seventh-day Adventist Church. Vange will be remembered and greatly missed by her brother Albert Horvath (Betty), Daughters, Donna Schroffel (Jamie), Gerry Schulte (Jeff), Raylene Crabbe (Eric), Melinda Pardy (Edward). As well her grandchildren Robert Schroffel, Hannah Schulte, Seth Schulte, Rebecca Crabbe, and Sophie Crabbe. We look forward to the resurrection morning when the dead in Christ shall rise and we meet again.

38 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2023



The Alberta Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church

52nd Session, May 7, 2023

Legal Notice

Legal Notice of The Alberta Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is hereby given that the 52nd Session of the Alberta Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church will be held at the College Heights Seventh-day Adventist Church, Lacombe, Alberta on May 7, 2023. The Regular business meeting will be called at 9:00 am Sunday, May 7, 2023. The Organizing Committee Meeting will be held in advance, as per Bylaws, on Jan. 22, 2023.

The purpose of the meeting is to consider reports and financial statements, elect officers and members of the Executive Committee of the Conference for the ensuing term, to consider any proposed changes in the Bylaws, and for the transaction of any other business that may properly come before the session.

The Bylaws provide for representatives from each duly organized church in the Alberta Conference as follows: one Regular delegate per church without regard of membership size/numbers and one additional delegate for every fifty (50) members or major fraction thereof.

40 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2023

Uniformed Ministries Opportunities

Ready to make a difference? We need you!

The Youth and Uniform Ministries department continues to grow and serve hundreds of children, families, and youth through the Adventurers, Pathfinders and Master Guides Clubs! Every year we host a variety of activities and events including Bible Games, Camporees, Family Camps, Fun Days, Parades, and other community outreach activities that enrich


the children and youth experience in the church and provide evangelistic opportunities in the communities.

We are looking for passionate, dedicated volunteers to serve in different positions as Coordinators. We are calling you to prayerfully consider the positions below and apply yourself or recommend leaders from your local church that show dedication, passion and love for children and club ministries using the surveys below.

Summer Camp Jobs available at Foothills Camp

Foothills Camp is accepting staff applications for Summer Camp employment. Applicants should have an interest in sharing Jesus with young campers, be mature and have a good work ethic. There are several positions available such as counselors, craft, activity and sports instructors, lifeguards, and more. It is preferred that applicants be at least 18 years of age. For more information or to apply please visit the camp website at or contact Kay Graça at

Substitute Teachers for the Alberta Conference are Needed

The Alberta Conference is looking to expand the list of available Substitute Teachers for our conference schools. Our teachers are a wonderful commodity and the ability to support them in creating balance in their lives is an important part of this program. If you hold a valid Alberta Teaching Certificate, are a member in good standing in the Adventist Church, and would be willing to become a part of our substitute teacher pool, we invite you to submit your information on our website:

Pathfinders Area
Adventurers Area Coordinator
and/or Northern Region Master Guide Area Coordinator Central Region
Guide Executive Coordinator
41 MARCH 2023 Alberta Adventist News

Finding Meaning Through Impact


Total: $1,035,000

As the only Adventist-controlled Charitable Annuity program recognized by Canada Revenue Agency, the Conference Annuity program has attracted Adventist donors from outside Alberta as well.

2. MANS Annual Appeal

for 2020 and 2021: $194,602

On-going partnerships with new donors established during the high school campaign are yielding long-term sustainability.

Total: $1.346 million

This is an important new resource. For example:

MEANS & MEANING Add-A-Teacher Appeal Total at Dec. 10, 2022: $80,000 Record Enrollment at MANS High School . . . but a whole new Grade 10 class left out PROGRAM ACTIVITY SINCE OCTOBER 2016 Wills written through PGTS programs 253 Value of Gifts made through Wills $1,830,000 Gifts of Shares $510,543 Charitable Annuities Held $1,035,000 Total $3,375,543
1. Charitable Annuities
NEW DONATIONS RAISED THIS TERM Grants, Annuities, Shares, Cash, Bequests $3,680,000 Capital Campaigns $4,710,000 Total $8,390,000
3. Non-SDA Donors
First Nations $2,254,401 SDA Church Members (Non-First Nations) $1,130,896 Non-SDA Foundations and Individuals $751,708 SDA Organizations $54,541 SDA Bequests 1% Bussing ($1,800) 3% E. Schafer Scholarship ($4,709) 30% Where Needed ($41,547) 0% Grade 3 Class ($200) 2020 ANNUAL APPEAL
4% MANS Scholarship ($5,050) 7% Elvin Saruk and Grace Fedak Matching ($10,000) 26% AB Conference Matching ($37,147) 29% Ptarmigan Foundation ($40,000)
*2013 - 2018
$5,531,954* $1,320,703
Since October 2016
Years of Helping People make a Difference
42 Alberta Adventist News MARCH 2023


• Highest Rating by General Conference of PGTS Department. No deficiencies found in audit.

• Presenter at General Conference’s PGTS Professional Conference (2021). Also presented at the North American Division Ministries Conference (2019).

• Maskwacis Stories published in 2 Pacific Press books. The Gift: What the Sabbath Means to Me (2022) and Blessed are They (2019).

• Press Award and 8th Anniversary of Messenger stories. Monthly Messenger stories (begun January 2015) awarded Honorable Mention in international and interdenominational Best of the Church Press Awards.


Peace of Mind in Pandemic: The WILLS NOW initiative of no- cost Wills saved 61 members an average of $500 each and provided greater peace of mind to families during the first wave of COVID-19.

Witnessing through Principled Choices & Stewardship: By maintaining contact with non-SDA donors through reporting, Bridge UPDATE, Annual Appeal and other activities, these donors are getting a long-term, positive impression of the Church and its work in Maskwacis.

Increased Awareness and Capacity to Give: The new Annuity program, “Give Smarter” PGTS Education in seminars, and the “Means & Meaning” column in each Alberta Adventist News informed members about tax strategies and projects. Project giving increased 106% over the previous term.

Reconciliation Leadership: Ongoing Messenger content,, and a new Maskwacis page on Conference website extend our understanding of our Indigenous neighbours. Keeping members informed made a difference for 1) MANS students (see Jade Rabbit Messenger ad, right) and 2) church members, helping all of us — including Adventist Review readers — to play a role in the Healing of the Nations.

Wills that Change Lives:

A member who discussed his wish to benefit evangelism with the director included a will gift that financed the October- November 2021 Evangelistic Series in Edmonton — a gift that profoundly changed lives here and for eternity.



NATIVE SCHOOL MANS Scholarships YoucanMake DifferenceToo People who believe in you make you believe in yourself. Jade, MANS Honour Student Class of 2020 “I want to go to Burman University for a biology major so I can pursue a medical degree.” Sometimes he’s soccer camp organizer Ermineskin Arena with kokums this pastor isn’t flying “solo”—even that’s how you say his name. Always engaging with kids and community, catch the adventures Tsholo and his Maskwacis Congregation friends in weekly minute-or-less videos from the WHERE’S TSHOLO? TSHOLO REPORT 60 SECOND VIDEOS ON THE MOVE IN MASKWACIS
43 MARCH 2023 Alberta Adventist News

In Times of Economic Uncertainty Alberta Conference Charitable Gift Annuities

• Guaranteed Stable Income for Life

• Immediate Charitable Tax Receipt

• Donor Wall Recognition in Mamawi Atosketan Centre*

• Multiplier Effect Option to Increase Monthly Income

If you’re 65+ and have $15,000+ you’d like to eventually invest in any aspect of God’s work in Alberta, you could receive income equivalent to better than market rates.

The Alberta Conference is one of a few organizations licensed to offer charitable gift annuities in Canada. It is the only organization offering Adventist- controlled annuities that is recognized by Canada Revenue Agency.

*Donors can choose the ultimate use of the gift in Alberta. During the Community Bridge Campaign for Mamawi Atosketan Centre in Maskwacis, the amount of the CRA-recognized tax receipt can be counted as a contribution toward the MAC and Community Bridge Campaign.

Lynn McDowell, JD, CSPG Director of Planned Giving | Philanthropy Alberta Conference (587) 815-8785

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