Alberta Adventist News October Edition 2022

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Joyful Ripple Effect of Baptism

ALBERTAADVENTIST.CA/AAN The Message of The Book of Isaiah The View From My Chair M.E.T.R.O. Cares Program Launched

We are called to seek a true understanding of God's character, and to live it—alongside our Indigenous brothers and sisters.




Watch Tsholo and Kelly's take- away summaries emerging from group explorations of how Adventists can contribute to true reconciliation.

Kelly Stickle and Tsholo Sebetlela

To watch the videos go to

Record Enrollment at MANS High School

It hurts to be turned away. It hurts MANS’ dedicated principal and teachers, too. With the Grade 10 class filled within days, there was no room for the 15 hopeful Grade 10s on the Fall 2022 waiting list.

But MANS’ history of waiting lists for a complete high school education doesn’t have to repeat itself yet again. We can invest in a filled-to-capacity, self-sustaining high school starting in Fall 2023 by raising money now to hire an additional teacher. With a second section of Grade 10s eager for a MANS diploma and the doors it can open at Burman University or trade school, we can help ensure more smiles and hope for a whole lot more kids.

Contact Lynn McDowell (403) 342-5044 ext. 233
. . . but a whole new Grade 10 class left out MANS “Add a Teacher” Appeal to cover the cost of another high school teacher and ensure more kids’ futures MATCHING Available: $50,000 *Use enclosed postage-paid envelope or mail to Alberta Conference, 5816 Hwy 2A, Lacombe, AB T4L 2G5 to donate before December 31 for 2022 tax receipt. MAMAWI ATOSKETAN NATIVE SCHOOL To donate go to, scan QR code, mail* or call

MAC Vision and Campaign Takes Off

People flocked to Alberta’s first in-person camp meeting since 2019 with high expectations. Numerous guest speakers and seminars provided education and inspiration, but the name that kept surfacing all week as a standout was Chief Randy Ermineskin.

Alberta Adventist News is a print and digital media publication of the Alberta Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Editor Troy McQueen; Co-Editors Nanette Quines otherwise noted. Submission Guidelines:; Submissions: ELECTED OFFICIALS: President Gary Hodder; Secretary/VP for Administration Wayne Williams; Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer Keith Richter; Board Members/EXCOM: Gary Hodder—chair, Letniak, Proscovia Nabafu, Tyler Rosengren, Melanie Semchuk, Deborah Silva, Middin Galve-Sumiller, Sheldon Trenchuk, Griffin Webster, Jennifer Williams. Departmental Directors R. Wilton; Planned Giving & Trust Services/Philanthropy Director Lynn McDowell; Foothills Camp Director (TBA); Youth Director Lyle Notice; Communication/IT/Media Director ADVENTIST CHURCH: Address: 5816 Highway 2A, Lacombe, AB, T4L2G5. Office Hours: Monday-Thur Seventh-day Adventist: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Phone: (403) 342-5044, Fax: (403) 775-4482 LinkedIn: ABAdventist, Website: Highlights 16

The Message of the Book of Isaiah

the early chapters, Isaiah spends much time speaking of the desperation of God’s people. However, Isaiah ends on a great note. While we struggle in this life, we have a Saviour and a bright future.

The View from my Chair Daily, I sit in my chair, writing about life as I view it. There it is in panoramic view: creatures outside and characters in Scripture as real as life itself. My hand goes down to the wooden handle that adjusts the footrest. The chair back eases into an upright position. I lean forward, pray, and meld into a new day, ready for whatever I might encounter.

Quines & John Simon; Graphic Design Mishell Raedeke/; Photo attribution: Alberta Adventist Communication unless Hodder—chair, Wayne Williams, Keith Richter, Miguel Brown, Isaac Darko, Massiel Davila-Ferrer, Bruce Fillier, Rayette Hetland, Curtis /Ministerial & Evangelism Director George Ali; Human Resources Officer Jennifer Williams; Education Superintendent Gail Director Troy McQueen; Risk Management/Project Development Director Llew Werner ALBERTA CONFERENCE OF THE SEVENTH-DAY 775-4482 Email: info@ albertaadventist. ca SOCIAL MEDIA Twitter: ABAdventist, Facebook: ABAdventist, Instagram: ABAdventist, 06 Message from the President 08 From the Editor 12 Devotional 16 Feature 20 Department News 22 Church News 38 School Feature 40 Philanthropy News 42 Maskwacis News 58 In Memory 45 Announcements 46 Means & Meaning12 06 OCTOBER 2022 EDITION 06

The Message of the book of Isaiah

During the month of August of this year, I decided to spend my personal devotion time studying the book of Isaiah, and I would like to share the results of this with you. This book finds itself near the middle of the Bible and has as many chapters as the Bible has in books, namely 66. Furthermore, Isaiah has two distinct parts of 39 chapters and 27 chapters. It so happens that the Old Testament has 39 chapters, and the New Testament has 27 chapters. The message of these 39 chapters summarizes the message of the OT and

the 27 chapters summarize the message of the NT.

Much of the first 39 chapters of the book of Isaiah give an account of God’s relationship with his people Israel. He saves them, and in time they wander away from him. He allows neighbouring countries to enslave them again. Israel repents under duress and returns to God. God accepts them and restores them to their former glory. This cycle is repeated again and again. The reader is left with the impression that God’s people will never be successful in maintaining the right relationship with God.

Finally, in chapters 40-66, Isaiah gives a permanent solution to this problem. In chapters 40-48, God gives comfort to his people.

Chapter 40 has these words, “Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. A voice of one calling; In the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” These words refer to the ministry of John the Baptist as he announces the imminent work of Jesus. This comfort is possible because God gives his servant (whom the NT will identify as Jesus)

In the early chapters, Isaiah spends much time speaking of the desperation of God’s people. However, Isaiah ends on a great note. While we struggle in this life, we have a Saviour and a bright future."

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as the one who will come and die and be resurrected again. This sacrifice will make possible the salvation of all mankind who desire it.

In the early chapters, Isaiah spends much time speaking of the desperation of God’s people. However, Isaiah ends on a great note. While we struggle in this life, we have a Saviour and a bright future. Isaiah chapter 65 contains these words of a glorious future, “17 See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind. The sound of weeping and of crying will be heard in it no more. 21 They will build houses and dwell in them; they will plant vineyards and eat their fruit. 22 No longer will they build houses and others live in them, or plant and others eat. 24 Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear. 25 The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox, they will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain,” says the Lord.

This glorious future is also described in the later chapters of Revelation.

So, while the book of Isaiah begins with so little hope, it ends with the assurance that everything will end well. Isaiah chapters 1-39 represent our feeble efforts at self-righteousness. Chapters 40-66 is God’s solution by providing his righteousness in the person of his son Jesus.

7OCTOBER 2022 Alberta Adventist News

Will Be Given, A Farewell Message

Since this is the last editorial I will write as the outgoing Communication/IT/Media director for the Alberta Conference, I thought it appropriate to leave you with one of my favourite scriptural passages: “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." (Luke 6:38)

For the last few months, I have been preparing to

pass the baton of leadership of the department to my replacement. That time has come. Throughout this month, I had the privilege of welcoming Troy McQueen into his new role as my replacement. I will stay on until September 30, then transition fulltime into my next phase of ministry and life calling.

Twenty-one years ago, God called me to drop out of college (I was studying business administration and finance at the time), sell my

business, and go into ministry. Since then, God has led me through various ministry roles within the Adventist Church in the United States and Canada. Some of those roles have included serving as a Bible worker, colporteur, chaplain, pastor, ordained pastor, director, and administrative assistant to a conference president. I had many more positions and roles along the way; I will spare you the bore of listing them here, but you can see a bit of how eclectic it has been.

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To establish a stable, robust, comprehensive, integrated, leading-edge Cloud Based Enterprise IT Infrastructure that allows for:

I once counted the number of jobs I've had since high school, both in ministry and out. The number exceeded 50! That's right, 5-0! I have held over 50 jobs since high school! When I tell people this, most think something must be wrong with me. They might be right.

Recently, however, I've met several people like me. Many of them are entrepreneurs. One guy got fired so many times that nobody else would hire him. Therefore, he had to start a business if he wanted to work. It was either that or starve.

Thankfully, I've never been fired, although I've come extremely close to it. Nevertheless, what is happening with my situation is I feel like God is opening the doors for me to go back into business. This isn't the first time God has done this for me. Remember when I mentioned God called me to drop out of school? To do that, I had to be convinced that He didn't want me to go to school.

At the time, I interpreted that to mean God never wanted me to go to school.

However, years later, God showed me that, no, He wanted me to go to school, but at that time, He wanted me to lay it down and go into ministry, which I did, and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life. It has forever changed my goals, focus, and what I want to do in this life.

With that said, what is

interesting is I also thought that when God asked me to drop out of school, He wanted me to leave business forever. That wasn't the case at least, that is how it appears to me now.

What is happening is that doors are opening for me to go into business. And what is most amazing is I am frequently now interacting with people on a spiritual level in the industry. When people learn that I am an ordained minister, it opens all kinds of doors for fruitful discussion.

This is quite a change from when I was serving as a pastor. Back then, I would mention I was a pastor, and people would just shut down—cold as ice.

Now, I tell them I'm going into business and I served as a pastor. They have a new level of connection with me. “Okay, Pastor Eric,” they will say.

What does all this say? I don't know yet what it all says, but what it is saying to me right now is if we give to God, He will give back to us in full measure. I had difficulty laying down business and college 21 years ago, but I did it. I was never expecting to have the opportunity to go back. Did I want to go back?

Not really. For all these years, I have desired to be in ministry, but lately, it's like God opened the book, and the doors have been unlocked. And people, places, learning opportunities, and ministry experiences (this role at the Alberta Conference being one of

them) have reawakened that desire for business, so that's what I'm doing: I'm going into business as a ministry.

Some people may think I'm forsaking the Lord the one who turned back after setting his hand to the plow. That's not me. I've never turned back from something I know to be my calling and purpose. And I know I have been called to be a pastor, but I also know that calling to be a pastor is just one part of my larger life purpose and calling for God, so off I go.

I am thankful for the Alberta Conference and the leaders with whom I've had the privilege of working. I want to thank Gary Hodder, Keith Richter, and Wayne Williams. Working with them has been a real blessing. And they have allowed me to explore an area of my life and calling, for which I will forever be grateful.

Here's to all of you. I wish you much success. And I hope you will stay open to how God may unexpectedly lead you in your life. Give to God give to others and it will be returned to you in full measure.

Eric Ollila
Director Alberta Conference
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DISCIPLESHIP WORSHIP TRANSFORMATION Contact Dr. Lyle Notice Youth Director Phone: (403) 342-5044 ext 227 THURSDAY 20 CHILL CAFE 7:30 PM LOCATION: Social Eyez Burman University SATURDAY 22 POP- UP CHURCH 12:00 PM Lunch 2:00 PM LET’S TALK 4:00 PM Worship 7:30 PM LOCATION: Youth Centre - Burman Marketing Building GYM NIGHT 8:30 PM LOCATION: Parkview Adventist Academy FRIDAY 21 WORSHIP CAFE 7:30 PM LOCATION: Social Eyez Burman University LACOMBE OCTOBER 20-22 2O22 Pr. Ron SydneyDr. Lyle Notice Audrey FrenchPr. Mathew Feeley DJ M-Zilla SPEAKERS AND WORSHIP LEADER

From The View my Chair

First thing, early in the morning on a cold winter day, I gravitate to my chair, light up the wood burner, and relax. The warmth of the fire envelopes me. During winter, the stars seem brighter. The soft swish of the owl’s wings and the lonesome cries of coyotes make me shiver. Ice crystals waft, suspended in the moonlight. Cold air seeps through calk cracks around the glass patio doors, but I feel comfortable seated in my chair, secure by

the fire. A rabbit creeps onto the porch, barely visible in the darkness. His whiskers twitch, sniffing, sorting a myriad of odors and aromas. Cautiously, he nibbles at something ears and eyes alert for the slightest movement. I sit like a statue, afraid he’ll bolt. Ever so slowly, I reach for my water bottle. He notices and scampers for the bushes.

The colours of spring help break up the monotony of winter’s snowscape. As the first fragments of light are emitted

from the emerging sun, I see the mountain behind our house. Gradually, trees come into view. Clouds take on an eerie orange glow, absorbing sunlight. Barely green stubs of grass are clipped short by bunny teeth. Clumps of dirty snow die a slow, stubborn death under the prodigal sun. Robins that recently returned from migration feast on seeds and slow-moving bugs. From my chair, I watch as sparrows, quails, and grosbeaks pick daintily at

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pieces of twelve-grain bread.

Summer from my chair is bright and hot. If I am lucky, I will see deer or moose. Later, when the sun is full strength, crows occupy fence posts looking for an easy meal. Honeybees hover around the pollen-laden stamen. Their hairy legs, yellow and weighed down, lunge into the air like jet fighters from the deck of a carrier. I see the grass needs mowing and the weeds need hacking, but not today. I sip water from a tall glass, lean back, and revel in the warm sunshine.

Fall winds make me want to turn back the clock. Clouds dash across the sky like commuters sprinting for a subway car. Stepping through the glass doors, rain pellets sting my face, wind-blown on a horizontal trajectory. The trees beyond the wheat field are ablaze with colour. I see bright oranges, fire-engine reds, and brilliant yellows on a backdrop of green. I want summer back. From my chair’s vantage point, I see the wood pile needs my attention, so I grab my axe and go out the door, but before long, I’m back where I love to be: in my chair, gawking out my back door.

I’m not sure from where the chair came an orphan from someone’s yard sale? A hand-me-down from a neighbour? I can’t remember. What was it like on the day the new owners bought it? Did they sit in it and rock back and forth, testing for the right feel as they savored the aroma of new furniture? The

ivory nylon fabric has a faint olive tint with a touch of red. When the footrest is up and the back is down low, it sleeps like a high-end bed, made in the days when furniture was expected to last. The wood is scuffed and tarnished; the arms are threadbare, but that’s what gives it class. I have fallen in love with this ugly piece of landfill fodder. Everyone calls it “Dad’s chair,” and I wouldn’t trade it for a thousand La-Z- Boys. This ancient relic has served me well. Favourite chairs are like security blankets, turning the world into a

Daily, I sit in my chair, writing about life as I view it. There it is in panoramic view: creatures outside and characters in Scripture as real as life itself. My hand goes down to the wooden handle that adjusts the footrest. The chair back eases into an upright position. I lean forward, pray, and meld into a new day, ready for whatever I might encounter."

better place perhaps like the one Jesus tried to create.

It’s 4:00 in the morning. All I hear is the hum of the refrigerator and an occasional car. I hunker down in my chair, grab the handle, and make the necessary adjustments. Now I am good to go. With my pen, pad, and Bible in hand, I take a deep breath, relax, read a text, and imagine an encounter with God.

Mentally, I am by the Sea of Galilee; I see Peter, James, Andrew, and a few others casting nets. It is early morning, and there is a cool wind blowing. All night, they have worked with nothing to show for it but wet nets and seaweed. Casting, dragging, and pulling an empty net all night has worn them out. They decide to quit.

Jesus is ten yards away. He cups His hands to his mouth. “Peter, cast your net on the starboard side.”

“We’ve tried that. Besides, it is daylight,” Peter calls back.

I hear Andrew arguing, “Once more, brother, for the Lord.”

Wearily, they fling the net with a mighty heave. It sprinkles on the still morning water, resting a moment on the surface, and then sinks. They watch, expecting nothing, slowly pulling it in. Unexpectedly, the water explodes into a frenzy of dancing trout. Caught, they twist sideways, jerk their bodies, and flip randomly, desperate to get away, but there is no escape. Astonished, the fishermen yell for help. Nets

13OCTOBER 2022 Alberta Adventist News

strain and chords snap under the weight of the squirming sea creatures. Securing the catch, Peter leaps from the vessel's bow and runs to his Benefactor. He falls at His feet and cries, “Lord, depart from me, for I am a sinful man.” He is awed by the close proximity of a divine being.

Five thousand men and their families gather to hear Jesus preach on a mountainside. His sermon lasts all day. Everyone is tired and starving. I’m in the crowd, blessed and peaceful. I listen as Jesus poses a rather odd question to His disciples: “How are we going to feed these folks?”

“Can’t do it,” one of them answers. “It would take all the money earned for one year by a common working man.”

Jesus tells them to seat the people in groups of fifty. Andrew has found a little boy who offered to share his lunch of five loaves and two fish with the Lord. Jesus thanks the young lad, then lifts His face to heaven and thanks His Father for the food. He breaks the blessed bread, and the disciples pass it around to us. We all fill up on the simple fare and then watch in astonishment as twelve baskets of leftovers are gathered. I cannot believe my eyes.

The place stinks of sheep, goats, pigeons, and doves, all for sale on the temple steps. The cacophony drowns out the temple service beyond the gate. Jesus arrives from a night of prayer on Mount Olives. Taking it in, He sees all the injustice. He watches

buyers cheating sellers and priests cheating buyers. Angry and overwhelmed, He reaches for a tangle of leather straps used for securing tent pegs, asking the owner if he can borrow them.

Weaving the leather into a whip, I see Jesus stride toward the money changers, wielding the whip like a flaming sword. He overturns tables laden with coins. They clank down the steps. The sellers run for dear life. He frees the noisy, bawling sacrificial lambs, adding to the confusion. The merchants scatter, terrified of Him. I watch as the place becomes peaceful and the worshippers gather around the Lord. Gradually, the religious leaders slink back. Ashamed of their hasty exit, they now accost Jesus, asking by what authority He has acted. He responds, “Destroy this temple, and in three days, I will raise it up.” What a day I have just experienced in the life of God’s Son!

Today, I am a quadriplegic, lying on a dirty mat, waiting to die. Unable to work, I am reduced to begging. Every morning, a few friends carry me to a street corner where I sit with a cup in my hand. This morning, the four of them burst into my house. “We are taking you to Jesus!” I had heard about Jesus, but having been condemned by the priests and rabbis, I didn’t feel very hopeful that this rabbi was any different. The four grab my mat and carry me to Peter’s house. I knew Peter and had heard

he was a follower of Jesus. The place is packed inside and out. Repeatedly, my friends try to get through the crowd. In frustration, they set me down, and I look up at the roof.

“Let me down through the roof!

They grab a piece of rope lying in the yard and secure my mat. They elevate me up to the roof, where they pull up tile and thatch and lower me to the feet of Jesus. He forgives my sins and heals me, too! The story comforts me. God knows I need His healing love today right now.

Daily, I sit in my chair, writing about life as I view it. There it is in panoramic view: creatures outside and characters in Scripture as real as life itself. My hand goes down to the wooden handle that adjusts the footrest. The chair back eases into an upright position. I lean forward, pray, and meld into a new day, ready for whatever I might encounter.

Dennis Nickel was pastor for 30 years in Alberta, British Columbia, and Upper Columbia (US) conferences. It was during his morning times with God in that chair that he wrote his book A Day in the Life of Jesus.

DEVOTIONAL 14 Alberta Adventist News OCTOBER 2022 Stream on Facebook and Youtube Join the Pathfinders as they lead a Week of Prayer! DEC 4 - 10 2022 ALBERTA CONFERENCE PATHFINDER’S WEEK OF PRAYER What must I do to be

MAC Vision and Campaign Takes Off

People flocked to Alberta’s first in-person camp meeting since 2019 with high expectations. Numerous guest speak ers and seminars provided education and inspiration, but the name that kept surfac ing all week as a standout was Chief Randy Ermineskin.

Ermineskin set the tone during the first Sabbath School of camp meeting for the launch of the Community Bridge Campaign, helping listeners understand why the

envisioned Mamawi Atosketan Centre (“MAC”) is so important. The Church in Canada’s precamp meeting contribution of $300,000 was announced after Ermineskin’s speech.

A cascade of activities in support of the mis sion and fundraising followed, including spon taneous projects and events (see photos and captions). Others gave the largest offering of their entire lives that day — an indication of their conviction that God is leading to bring true and lasting reconciliation.

A Special Blanket

Featured speaker Chief Randy Ermineskin (centre, wife Fran, left, President Gary Hodder far left) was pleased to receive a quilt pieced by Jim Baker and quilted by Kelly Dregger (far right and right). Kelly has taught at MANS since the school opened. Hear Ermineskin’s presentation at thebridge and the full July 16 launch program in the Camp Meeting 2022 archive section of the website.

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Maskwacis Youth Ready to Serve

10 members of the Summer Youth Team, seven of whom live in Maskwacis, await their time on the platform during Sabbath School—just one of the ways they helped out during Camp Meeting.

The Announcement that Electrified

Curtis Letniak, Conference Executive Committee member of the Mamawi Atosketan Centre Steering Committee, created waves of excitement with his announcement of the Camp Meeting Matching Challenge that raised more than $511,000 including the $210,000 matching amount from an anonymous donor.

70 Years of Indigenous History

Many visited the traditional teepee raised by the Conference’s Maskwacis Summer Youth Team to talk with Indigenous veteran Chacota Bronson about his experience, the personal artifacts he displayed, and Indigenous perspectives.

17OCTOBER 2022 Alberta Adventist News

Sisters in Prayer

Matriarch Belinda Soosay (right), still dripping after her baptism, bows her head with Carmelia Soosay and Belinda’s sister, Emily Soosay, on the beach of Dickson Dam.

Joyful Ripple Effect of Baptism

Belinda Soosay, who has attended the Maskwacis Congregation for 30 years and considered herself an Adventist, was first to step into baptismal waters near Foothills Camp, followed by her granddaughter Ratricia. Family and friends from Maskwacis gathered in support of the four Maskwacis congregation members baptised on the closing Sabbath of Camp Meeting.

Left to right: Pastor Tsholo Sebetlela, Belinda Soosay, “Kailyn” (Lloyminster congregation), Kadmiel Sebetlela, Leslie Potts Jr., Ratricia Soosay, Youth Pastor Joshua Hackett.

Photos by Trevor Boller
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Eye for Beauty, Passion for a Cause

Inspired to do something in addition to donating their money, Indigenous photographer Trevor Boller of St. Albert and his wife, Tracey (cell phone selfie by Trevor), kept the $210,000 Matching Challenge on everyone’s radar by creating professional portraits that will grace donors’ homes and Christmas cards. All donations counted toward the Challenge total.

Reconciliation Matters

Truth and Reconciliation seminars led by Maskwacis pastor Tsholo Sebetlela and MANS counselor Kelly Stickle were packed twice a day M-F. Two-minute video recaps of each day can be viewed at

*Yet to raise for Goal: $522,000 $511,865 Combined Challenge Total $1,328,865* Campaign Total to Date MAC Camp Meeting Matching Challenge 19OCTOBER 2022 Alberta Adventist News

New Director for Communications, IT, and Media Departments

Troy McQueen has worked in the Alberta Conference since 2012, most recently as Camp Director of Foothills Camp and Retreat Centre for the past four years. Prior to this role, Troy completed a master’s degree in professional communications from Royal Roads University and served as Communications/IT Director for 6.5 years. From 2002-2012, Troy pastored in the British Columbia Conference at Kelowna and Aldergrove churches and served as the Communication Specialist leading out in

the rebroadcast of VOAR throughout the Conference. He has been married to his wife, Rachel, for 22 years. They have two children, Joshua and Emily.

New Foothills Camp Director

Congratulations to Ken Harrington on his new position as Foothills Camp Director at the Alberta Conference, effective January 1, 2023!

Ken Harrington has worked for the past 18 years as a Manufacturer’s Rep for commercial and residential heating equipment. Ken has a lifelong passion for camp ministries. He has worked and volunteered at Camp Pugwash in various capacities since his teenage years.

Ken has been married to his wife, Heather, for 27 years, and they have one daughter, Kyleigh.

20 Alberta Adventist News OCTOBER 2022
DEPARTMENT NEWS GUEST SPEAKER PR. JONATHAN “JP” DEXIMO PRAISE & WORSHIP LEADER EMMANUEL “EJ” VEDOYA I Belong ALBERTA CONFERENCE TEEN YOUTH RALLY november 25 -27 starts Friday 7:30 PM At foothills camp Ages 13-19 Cost:$70 Contact Dr. Lyle Notice Youth Director Phone: (403) 342-5044 ext 227

Edmonton Central’s Northern Lights Pathfinder Club

Like so many other churches, schools, and uniform ministries worldwide, the Seventhday Adventist Pathfinder and Adventurer club members, including the one at Edmonton Central, were not able to function effectively due to the COVID pandemic. Despite this fact, the staff members at Edmonton Central made the best of their circumstance by offering virtual learning and in some cases met in small groups, while always following proper health measures at the time.

On Mother's Day, the staff and club members prepared a program to honour all

mothers present and those attending virtually. The Adventurers and Pathfinders marched into the sanctuary to the song “Onward Christian Soldiers,” with smiles on their faces and strides in their steps.

As I watched and observed throughout this entire program, I can only describe

willing to participate in what they were assigned to do.

To our Pathfinders, Adventurers, leaders, and staff, congratulations on a job well done or, should I say, for a willingness to give your service to God.

—Submitted by Ina Martin Edmonton Central Seventh- day Adventist Church

Pathfinders and Adventurers leading the song service. From left to right (top row): Daniela, Marylynne, Joel, and Sahlam; (bottom row): Galen, Taleja, and Noah.

Pathfinders marching onto the stage. Director Thapa offering the benediction.
22 Alberta Adventist News OCTOBER 2022
OC OBER 21 - 29, 2022 OC OBER 21 - 29, 2022 AUTHENTIC OCTOBER 21 - 29, 2022 PASTOR Red Willow Community Church 15 Corriveau Ave, St. Albert, AB. T8N 5A3 Red Willow Community Church 15 Corriveau Ave, St. Albert, AB. T8N 5A3
Capital Goal: MAMAWI ATOSKETAN CENTRE DONATION / PLEDGE CARD BR DGE Building Connections That Affirm C O MMUNITY CAMPAIGNTHE Lynn McDowell, Campaign Manager (403) 342-5044 ext. 233 Charitable No. 10669 3047 RR0001 ENCLOSE IN POSTAGE PAID ENVELOPE
NameEmailPhoneAddressI WOULD LIKE TO DONATE TODAY $5,000$1,000$500Other Amount $___________ I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A PLEDGE $10,000 @ $1000 yearly for 10 yrs. $1,000 @ $100 monthly for 10 mos. $500 @ $50 monthly for 10 mos. Other Amount $ ____________ Name on Card Credit Card # Expiry Month & Year To discuss a pledge, In Honour Gift, or naming opportunity, phone (403) 342-5044 or email: President – (ext. 207) Treasurer – (ext. 203) Secretary – (ext. 209) Campaign Manager – (ext. 233) WAYS TO GIVE Phone: (403) 342-5044 (Credit Card) On-line or E-Transfer: Mail: Make cheques payable to The Bridge Campaign Address for mailing cheques is: Alberta Conference, 5816 Hwy 2A, Lacombe, AB T4L 2G5 UPDATES ON THE PROJECT (please check preferred format): Email Regular Mail Building Connections That Affirm C O MMUNITYCAMPAIGN THEBR DGE ENCLOSE IN POSTAGE PAID ENVELOPE

Calgary M.E.T.R.O. Filipino Launched

"M.E.T.R.O. Cares"

In heeding the call to serve the hungry, Calgary M.E.T.R.O. Filipino Seventh-day Adventist Church launched its own soup kitchen ministry under the slogan "M.E.T.R.O. Cares." The church's goal and prayer have been to help many in the community. This, we believe, can be achieved by not limiting services to the few.

The Calgary M.E.T.R.O Adventist Community Services (ACS) department has been active in finding and expanding ways to help others, just as Christ administers to the poor, hungry, sick, widow, etc.

Two years ago, when the COVID pandemic hit, Calgary M.E.T.R.O. answered the call to extend help to 60 families by providing safety kits, food, and groceries throughout the family quarantine period, which we continue to do to this day. The church teamed up with Calgary Drop-In Centre by providing 450 bagged lunches to their residents. We open our church doors to newcomers in the community. Filipino international students and their families found their way into our church. They were given start-up assistance (e.g., rice and groceries,

M.E.T.R.O Cares certified food handlers (clockwise) Nancy Cocjin, Marjorie Manuel, Rachel Dominguez, Mona Gumtang, and Pastor Andrew Roque. Youth volunteers from Calgary Northwinds Seventh-day Adventist Church.
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winter clothing, blankets, and other basic needs).

The concept of a soup kitchen started this past February with the encouragement and guidance of Pastor Andrew Roque. Initial discussions were centered on an activity about mental health awareness as part of ADRA's program. However, due to limited time and the challenge of getting information, a permit, and support from the city, the plan did not materialize. Other activities were presented, like a walk for a cause, street cleaning, etc.

We felt God had led us to reach out to our less fortunate brothers and sisters by feeding the hungry; thus the birth of M.E.T.R.O Cares. Like any other project, there are birth pains the ministry encountered along the way. However, we have a God who makes impossible things possible. From finding a suitable kitchen, funding, and food safety certificates for all food handlers, down to volunteers to bag the food, these were all accomplished in no time at all. The first food distribution occurred on August 13, 2022.

At Alpha House Drop-In Centre with Elder Rex Manuel and ACS Head, Marjorie Manuel. Food preparation by Seventh-day Adventist Church volunteers. Packaged food ready for distribution.
29OCTOBER 2022 Alberta Adventist News

Wetaskiwin Vacation Bible School Blesses Many

After two years of no summer Vacation Bible School for the children of the Wetaskiwin Seventh-day Adventist Church and the community (due to pandemic restrictions and hesitancies), a group of eager volunteers from the church congregation started planning for this summer’s program back in the spring. The theme chosen was “Cactusville,” a fun-filled, active program with a southwest flavor for all the little “buckeroos” and “cowpokes” who would join us.

Utilizing numerous promotional opportunities, we were so excited as family after family started calling us to register their children in July and early August prior to the program starting on August 8. In total, sixty-five children between four and eleven years old attended the week-long VBS program, run by fourteen team members from our church family. Of these children, twenty-three were from church member families, while fortytwo were from community families. The program went very well, and we were excited to fill our

church sanctuary with children and their parents for a final closing program at the end of the week, all having had a wonderful time together!

Because of the influence of our VBS this year, two new students have registered and now attend Peace Hills Adventist School, and some thirteen others have indicated they are registering to be a part of our Peace Hills Adventurer Club ministry, which should grow our club to approximately thirty-five children for this year. We look forward to building strong relationships with these children and their families and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with them all year long!

The value of children’s ministry programs as evangelistic tools should not be underestimated. While we still wait to see what God will do from this year’s efforts, we know we are ready to cooperate with Him to bless His children (older and younger alike)! — Submitted by Jason Williams, Pastor (Wetaskiwin and Warburg Churches)

Photos by Jason Williams30 Alberta Adventist News OCTOBER 2022

From th e mom ent h e wak e s up, e ver y day in Pas tor Tshol o’s Maskwa ci s minis tr y i s an ad ven ture . S om e tim e s he’s a s o c c er c amp o rgan izer at Ermine sk i n A rena w i th ko kums c he ering o n th eir g rand k id s a nd ma k i ng l un ch o n th e s id el ine s . S o me t ime s h e’s l ea rning t he u kul ele alo ngs id e ele me nta r y k id s at M AN S . W ha te ver i t is , t hi s pas tor i sn’ t f ly ing “sol o” e ven i f t ha t ’s how you s ay his nam e .

Always engaging with kids and communit y, catch the adventures of Tsholo and his Maskwacis Congregation friends in minute or less videos from the Res nex t door.

a l b e r t aad v en t i s t . c a/ ma sk wa -m o vi e s T S HOLO R E P O R T TH E

Pastor Donovan Diminyatz Leads Epic

Epic, Red Deer’s second congregation, along with Red Deer Church, welcome the Diminyatz family into the community of faith!

First established in 2015 as a small group Bible study, then signing the Company charter in April 2017 and becoming a distinct church just one year later, Epic continues to cast a vision of engaging and training young leaders, community outreach, and removing barriers for people to connect with Jesus. Until May 2022, Pastor Moises Ruiz served in this growing congregation, and now, as he moves to lead the Red Deer Church (affectionately known as Epic’s “mother” church), the calling is being passed on to Donovan and Meghann Diminyatz. Both churches of this district look forward to working collaboratively with this new pastoral team to share Jesus’ love in central Alberta.

The Diminyatz family comes to Alberta from Chetwynd, BC, where Pastor Donovan recently served as senior pastor and chaplain for the Adventist school and Meghann (née Lyons) taught before focusing on full-time childcare. Their late-August transition to Red Deer was blessed with the safe arrival of their youngest child in the early hours of Pastor

Donovan’s first Sabbath at Epic. Pastor Donovan and Meghann have a strong history of service in Alberta from their time at Burman University. Together, they supported the summer ministries of Foothills Camp, and Pastor Donovan even traveled with Burman University’s touring group, Rise Above. Music ministry, family ministry,

and outdoor adventures remain shared passions and necessary skills to enhance the mission opportunities of Epic Church as well as serve the youth of Red Deer.

In early January 2020, by a series of miracles, Epic purchased 18 acres of land along the Red Deer River valley. The next development phase will involve outlining

Diminyatz Family: Pastor Donny, Meghann, Avett, Emmy, and Llochlan on the way
32 Alberta Adventist News OCTOBER 2022

the blueprints for a multipurpose worship space and campus, including a community garden, outdoor kitchen, and campsites. Pastor Donovan and his family are committed to this vision and equipped to lend their knowledge and lead in the next chapter of Epic’s history.

In Pastor Donovan’s first devotional thought for Epic, he shared that there are two things that stand out in his

spiritual journey to have kept him in the Adventist Church all of his life. The first is that somebody cared enough to mentor him, and the second is that he learned to walk with Jesus. Those who come to Epic in search of community and seeking ways to grow in their relationship with God will find precisely that as the vibrant congregation continues to live out its mission: to be a radically

inclusive community where your story meets God’s story. God has brought the Diminyatz family to Red Deer to play an important role in the ongoing story of the two churches and the spiritual journeys they facilitate. We pray a blessing over their family, ministry, and the lives that will be impacted because they were willing. —Submitted by Katelyn Ruiz Epic Founding Member

In Pastor Donovan’s first devotional thought for Epic, he shared that there are two things that stand out in his spiritual journey to have kept him in the Adventist Church all of his life. The first is that somebody cared enough to mentor him, and the second is that he learned to walk with Jesus. ”
Integrated Microsoft Office 365 and Zoom licenses are available for a special discount for all Alberta Conference Churches. + Contact us today for more information and pricing: OFFICE 365 + ZOOM 33OCTOBER 2022 Alberta Adventist News

Hanna and Loyalist Church News

My name is Pastor Danny, and I am one of the new pastors hired this year assigned to the Loyalist and Hanna churches. My new church family has welcomed my wife, Jessica and son, Nathaniel, and I with open arms. We are truly getting to experience some of the fantastic, small-town, rural hospitality about which you read in books. We could not be happier with where God has placed us. I am honoured to share some of the exciting events that have recently taken place within the Loyalist and Hanna churches.

We were blessed to welcome new members through baptism into our churches during this year's in-person Alberta camp meeting. The first was Jaren

Letniak, from the Loyalist Adventist Church. On the first camp meeting Sabbath afternoon, Jaren was baptized by Pastor Adam Bially down at the river. This event brought so much joy into the hearts of his family, friends, and church family. His dedication to the Lord and willingness to move forward in Him were seen that day and continue to be shown in his church and community.

The second baptism happened on the last Sabbath of camp meeting when I baptized Jodi Stimson at the river. Jodi is now a member of the Hanna Adventist Church. Her baptism brought joy to many in attendance, including her church family, her husband, Jim and daughter, Jocelyn. Jodi continues to

search for truth and not only inspires her family to move forward with Christ also encourages and inspires others in the community and church to keep searching and moving forward.

The last exciting thing that has happened in the previous few months is Hanna's Annual Pancake Breakfast, held on Monday, August 1, 2022. This event was the first since the pandemic, and the local community members enjoyed warm food, beautiful weather, live music, and some cowboy poetry by one of the church members. This event is just one of many community programs Hanna has planned.

Submitted by Pastor Daniel Smith, Hanna and Loyalist Adventist churches

Jaren's baptism by Pastor Adam Bially.
34 Alberta Adventist News OCTOBER 2022
(587) 802-2016 Digital Newsletter ENEWS Alberta Adventist News AAN SEND EACH MESSAGE SEPARATELY TEXT US! Jaren and pastor Adam Bially praying with the congregation after his baptism. Pastor Danny baptizing Jodi Stimson. The Hanna members serving crew on the Hanna Annual Pancake Breakfast.

Okotoks Seventh - day Adventist Church Camping — Summer 2022

Summertime is always exciting for Okotoks

Seventh-day Adventist Church members. This is when young people, children, and adults can freely relax and enjoy the beauty of nature at Outback Family Farm in the Willow Creek area, a half-hour drive from Waterton. Outdoor church activities can be held there since 11 families in the church own the property and are very generous in letting the church use the property for baptisms and camping.

On June 24–26, 2022, the second annual church camp was held at the Outback Family Farm. Sabbath School was lively and wellparticipated by the youth and young adults. Pastor Mark Bulahan, the guest speaker for the divine service, shared an inspiring, awakening message. Everyone was spiritually and physically blessed. After the service, a

After baptism of Vic and Grace with Pastor Lee, Elder Reuel, Elder Nimrod and Elder Reynold.

delicious, bountiful lunch was served.

Another highlight of our church camp was the baptism of Grace Biala and Vic Diaz. Vic testified that it was during COVID-19 when he and his wife Grace learned about the Sabbath.

Both were referred to brother Nimrod Loriezo, our elder leader, for Bible study. With the help of Pastor Jinwook Lee and Pastor Romy Daquila, Grace and Vic graduated from their studies and surrendered their lives to accept Jesus. God, indeed, is powerful. We praise Him for the blessings.

The social night was filled with activities and laughter. Sunday focused on physical activities like kickball, volleyball, and other games. The campers ended the day visiting and enjoying God’s creation in the Waterton area. Submitted by Sally del Socorro, Church Treasurer

36 Alberta Adventist News OCTOBER 2022


but from where would the money come? We prayed that God would show us the way!

computer consultation stake learned source was available

make the computer purchases. Would God perform yet another miracle?

abide in Me, and My abide in you, you will you desire, and it done for you” (John 15:7, NKJV) to acquire these computers would be $21,500. This was an impossible amount for CWAA to fund in the current school year. How would we resolve this challenge? CWAA needed more computers now,

Upon consultation with strategic stake holders, we learned our funding source for technology was no longer available to us. The cost

If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you” (John 15:7, NKJV) to acquire these computers would be $21,500. This was an impossible amount for CWAA to fund in the current school year. How would we resolve this challenge?

CWAA needed more computers now,

but from where would the money come? We prayed that God would show us the way!

The following morning, the school received a call from a family who wished to make an un specified donation to CWAA, and they wanted to know if we had any needs. They were told about the comput er situation and agreed to purchase all the computers

The following morning, the school received a call from a family who wished to make an un specified donation to CWAA, and they wanted to know if we had any needs. They were told about the comput er situation and agreed to purchase all the computers

for the school. The CWAA team could not believe it — this quick answer to prayer! God had indeed performed another miracle!

for the school. The CWAA team could not believe it — this quick answer to prayer! God had indeed performed another miracle!

The CWAA team gave glory to Jesus for answered prayer.

The CWAA team gave glory to Jesus for answered prayer.

We are thankful to the generosity of faithful donors for listening to the call of the Holy Spirit and partnering with Chinook Winds to make miracles like this one happen.

We are thankful to the generosity of faithful donors for listening to the call of the Holy Spirit and partnering with Chinook Winds to make miracles like this one happen.

—Submitted by Paul Antunes - Chaplain, CWAA and Bruce Fillier - Principal, CWAA
Paul Antunes - Chaplain, CWAA and Bruce Fillier - Principal, CWAA
COMING SOON Presented by Eric
Director | Communication/Information Technology/Media | Alberta Conference EDUCATION NEWS
Top photo: Grace and Vic presented as new members. Left to right photos: Pastor Jinwook Lee baptized Vic Diaz; Grace Biala baptized by Pastor Jinwook Lee; Okotoks JASS String rendered special music at church camp.

Discovering the Kingdom at Higher Ground Christian School

Each year, Higher Ground Christian School follows a spiritual theme. This past school year, the theme was “Discover the kingdom,” which included a study of the Gospel of Matthew. Students learned about parables, teachings, and miracles that taught them about what it means to be a part of God’s kingdom. And, of course, they learned about the life of Christ. Nevertheless, how does this fit in with everyday life? That was the next important lesson the students needed to find with each portion of Matthew they studied.

Many of the lessons learned throughout the year were straightforward. For instance, we should show others about God’s love, and the kingdom is about serving others for God. This was expressed in our theme passage: “For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. If you serve Christ with this attitude, you will please God, and others will approve of you, too. So then, let us aim for harmony in the church [as well as church school and community] and try to build each other up” (Romans 14:17–19, NLT). It isn’t about the

dos and don’ts of life but rather about living out the love of Christ in your life by serving others. However, students also learned that we can’t do it on our own. It is really important to stay connected to God so He can transform us to be more like Him. Jesus is the pearl of great price that is worth everything. He has promised to always be there for us along the way, even when things get crazy, like the COVID pandemic. He died for our sins so we can be forgiven. He will return one day soon to take us to heaven and then create a new earth, where there won’t be any more fear, pain, or sorrow.

Grades 4–9 doing a pond study at a local park.

38 Alberta Adventist News OCTOBER 2022

For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. If you serve Christ with this attitude, you will please God, and others will approve of you, too.”

Our school mission is for students to achieve academic excellence while developing a friendship with Jesus Christ. It is our hope that each student will be equipped with the skills to be successful in life, growing mentally, physically, socially, and most importantly, spiritually.

Students learn to work hard and celebrate their accomplishments. They explore the natural world through field trips to local parks, our school garden, and handson science experiments. They exercise creativity in school projects, art, and music. They learn to challenge themselves

in activities, such as the Terry Fox Run, Jump Rope for Heart, and the Iditarod Reading Challenge. They discover what it means to be a friend to others, which also means learning good conflict resolution skills. And they experience what it is to serve others.

This year, students were able to take part in several outreach activities, which included making Valentine cards for seniors, putting on a Christmas program for the church, taking part in leading praise at church, and picking up garbage around the local

neighbourhood. At the end of the school year, they put on the church service again, this time teaching several of the parable stories from Matthew through some fun skits and readers' theatre, as well as sharing their musical talents to bless others.

It has truly been a blessing to see the students work together and grow in so many ways throughout this past school year. Higher Ground Christian School is truly one of God’s schools, and we invite each one of you to pray for the mission of this school in reaching our children and others for Christ.

Kindergarten–Grade 2 dressing up and learning to be good friends. Students working together to make Valentine cards for seniors.
39OCTOBER 2022 Alberta Adventist News

MANS High School Vice Principal, Kim Harrington, who teaches the gardening class, tries out the new tractor and rototiller made possible by a surprise, well-timed donation. Russ Nielsen, who teaches Grade 5 and pioneered the garden at the school for some years before the classes were offered for credit, continues to assist the program. For some time, MANS students have looked forward to a big homemade (school made) French fry lunch as part of the back to school tradition at MANS. As the garden expands, students enjoy an assortment of other veggies too!

Donation for Rototiller Does Double Duty

A gift inspired by the March 2022

AAN story of an in-memory donation for MANS Gardening program has covered the cost of the new rototiller as the donors intended. But the extra bit Robert and Gigi Obradovic threw in for good measure when told the rototiller cost

yielded a whole lot more: it enabled the purchase of a much needed new tractor as well. The Obradovics recently moved to Lacombe from Nanimo, where Gigi taught for 27 years at the Departure Bay Eco School, which incorporates gardening into its curriculum to great effect. Both Gigi,

who grew up in Brazil, and Robert, who was expelled from school in Yugoslavia over Sabbath absences, struggled to get their educations and saw an opportunity to make a difference through MANS. The same day that Gigi delivered their donation to the Conference office, MANS’ much-used old

40 Alberta Adventist News OCTOBER 2022

tractor died. With a little work, Principal Mike Willing was able to sell the old tractor and with the additional donation money was able to purchase a new tractor as well as rototiller. Besides helping the garden program, the new tractor will also be put to use in the construction program and grounds upkeep, to name some of its uses. In the card Gigi enclosed with their donation were inspirational quotes for the MANS staff.

“ Gardens and children need the same things — patience, love and someone who will never give up on them."


"Life hurts, nature heals."

"Why try to explain miracles to your children when you can have them plant a garden?”

Kilburn Phillips



— N.
— Unknown
— Janet
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Majority Maskwacis-born Summer Youth Team Helps Out at Camp Meeting

Under the leadership of Maskwacis congregation member Aiyanna Potts, who led the Summer Youth Team for a second year, Summer Youth Team members played an expanded role at camp meeting this year. Besides helping to launch the Mamawi Atosketan Centre campaign, members helped pitch a traditional teepee, and helped daily in the children’s divisions.

Aiyanna, age 23 and a 14-year veteran of the Youth Team, is very pleased with the growing number of youth in Maskwacis who participated in the 2022 team not only at Foothills Camp, but also in the team’s Yellowknife VBS and in Maskwacis itself over the summer. Seven of the 10 team members call Maskwacis home. —By Lynn McDowell

Feeling “At Home”— Helping pitch the teepee near the main auditorium was a special event for the seven Team members from Maskwacis.

Much more than a moveable dwelling in Cree culture, pitching the teepee and its location filled the Indigenous youth and other Indigenous individuals attending with a sense of belonging and recognition.

MANS Grad/Summer Team Member Gladly Helps — Maskwacis Summer Youth Team member Jade Rabbit, a past president of the MANS Student Association, helps a Maskwacis member with her children during the Maskwacis baptism at the end of Camp Meeting. Jade is attending Burman University this fall along with other members of the Team.

Photo by Lynn McDowell Photo by Trevor Boller
42 Alberta Adventist News OCTOBER 2022


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For more information, please contact

Anne Alethea Bissell

September 29, 1938 - July

Anne Alethea (Connelly) Bissell was born on September 29, 1938, in Croydon, England, and passed away on July 11, 2022, in Red Deer, Alberta. She is survived by her husband, Ron; children: Kay Graca (Pedro) of Camrose, Alberta, Ronald Mark Bissell (Michele) of Ocala, Florida, Kirsten Palipane (Erroll) of Terrace, British Columbia, and Geoffrey Bissell (Rebecca) of Antoginish, Nova Scotia; eleven grandchildren: Brittany, Tylar, and Jorrdan Bissell, Jonathan (Rach I), Joshua (Stephanie), Jordan, Justin (Heather), and Joel Graca, and Seth, Jacob, and Ellie Bissell; great-grandson, Ethan Bissell; adopted sister, Valerie (Tander); several nieces, nephews, and "adopted" children and grandchildren who called her "Mom" or "Grandma"; and many friends. She was predeceased by her parents; her sister Joan (MacVarish); and her brothers David, Michael, and Cyril Connelly.

Isabella Jean Garner Klokeid

May 19, 1931 - August 14, 2022

Isabella Jean Garner (nee Klokeid) was born on May 19, 1931, in Calgary and passed away peacefully in Calgary on August 14, 2022, at the age of 91.

She came into the Adventist church at 11 and celebrated every Sabbath for the next 80 years. Jean completed her secondary schooling at Canadian Union College (now Burman University) and received her nursing degree from Walla Walla University. She enjoyed attending her school reunions and was blessed to have many friends throughout her life.

Jean was predeceased by her husband of 65 years, Ralph, in 2019 and survived and remembered fondly by her children - Shelley Garner, Douglas Garner, Arlene Garner, Julie Miller, and Scott Garner (Leanne) - grandchildren - Sophia Mejia (Jorge), Michelle Trommelen (Dan), Jason Heitzmann (Chelsea), Katelyn Ruiz (Moises), Jennifer Miller, David Miller, Makenna Garner and Jacob Garner (Carolyn) as well as three lively great-grandchildren.

The family now takes comfort in Job 23:11, knowing that Jean’s feet closely followed God’s steps, keeping to His way without turning aside. In lieu of flowers, please consider supporting Adventist education and the children’s Sabbath School divisions near you. A faith forged early in life led Jean to walk daily with her Saviour, and the impact of that hope cannot be underestimated.

11, 2022 44 Alberta Adventist News OCTOBER 2022


Happy 90th Birthday Herman!

The Calgary Mountain View

Seventh-day Adventist

Church would like to share the celebration of Herman Nilsson's 90th birthday on July 30, 2022. The church gathered for their traditional fellowship meal, followed by cake and ice cream.

Congratulations, Herman!

Violet Heather 90 Years young

On August 17, Violet Heather celebrated her 90th birthday.

Violet has been a member at the Medicine Hat Seventh-day Adventist Church since the 1960s, and through her prior years of service and care, she has helped build our church’s warm, welcoming culture. A few days later, after the service at the potluck, four generations of her family and church family were able to celebrate this milestone birthday. The time of spiritual fellowship and celebration was a blessing to all on the Lord’s Sabbath day!

— Submitted by Ryan Reeves, Pastor (Medicine Hat Adventist Church)

45OCTOBER 2022 Alberta Adventist News

Open to God’s

George & Evelyn Widdicombe’s Landmark Will & the Mamawi Atosketan Centre

George and Evelyn

made several gifts to the Church during their lifetimes. Some were for specific church projects, but some were gifts of faith faith that God would direct their use. The “unrestrict ed” gift was their choice for the gift in their wills. They never dreamed that part of that gift that would become the first and founding gift of the Com munity Bridge Campaign to build the Mamawi Atosketan Centre (MAC).

“My dad would be thrilled beyond words at how this has gone,” says George and Evelyn’s daughter Leslie Price, one of the co-executors of their estate, shortly after the Camp Meeting launch of the campaign. When her parents made their wills, there was no hint that a church in Maskwa cis was even a possibility but here it was plans

and enthusiasm for a building that George and Evelyn would have rejoiced to see. God had indeed directed in the use of her parent’s gift and gone beyond what they’d imagined: George and Evelyn’s gift was the first contribution to MAC!

George and Evelyn’s “Selfie”

When Evelyn took this picture with her Brownie box camera at her nursing graduation prom, the young engaged couple had not yet heard of Adventism.

Shortly thereafter and living in rural Manitoba, George heard the Voice of Prophecy. They were baptized on January 14, 1951 in Winnipeg and married the next day.

George and Evelyn in Alberta

To ensure the best Christian education for their children, the couple moved to the Lacombe area.

Leslie and all her siblings attended College Heights Adventist Elementary and high school at Canadian University College (now PAA).

Faithfulness Pays

As an executor, Leslie recognized her duty to faithfully carry out the wishes exactly as ex pressed in her parents’ “mirror wills” when her mother passed away. There was no rationaliz ing about “Well, there’s

46 Alberta Adventist News OCTOBER 2022


another Church entity that my parents would be fine with” or “It’s all God’s work.” Leslie realized that her parents meant what they said, and the law required the executor to honor that. Leslie’s moth er had never changed the wills she and her husband had worked on together, and nothing else mat tered. Leslie and her hus band, Don Price, brought in the cheque represent ing the unrestricted gift to the Alberta Conference.

At the time, planning for MAC was in the beginning stages, and the Director of Planned Giv ing and Treasurer asked Leslie how she would feel about applying the gift to the MAC to advance the work in Maskwacis. Though the money could have been used for any of the many good church projects in Alberta, the Director and Treasurer wanted the family to feel good about the use of the gift. Leslie was surprised but pleased: Her father


The Alberta Conference works with families on unrestricted will gifts to help ensure children feel the gift is well-used.

presence in Maskwacis and a strong Indigenous congregation there will have ripple effects throughout Indigenous communities across Canada. She hopes the new Whitecourt church can help strengthen the local Indigenous community as well.

in particular had always had a heart for Indigenous people, and had gone with Ed Desjarlais, who pio neered the Adventist pres ence in Maskwacis, dis tributing literature there. George remembered his parents, who farmed in the Foxwarren, Manitoba area, helping starving res idents of the local reserve through the winter—an example he never forgot.

His daughter has the same passion. Leslie has befriended Indigenous people in her home area of Whitecourt and sees how a greater Adventist

“This Centre shows the people [of Maskwacis] that our heart is with them,” says Leslie, then adds a thoughtful, per sonal observation about the use of her parent’s unrestricted gift and the fulfilment of their deep desire: “We can see the connection between giving and blessing.”

Lynn McDowell, JD, CSPG Director of Planned Giving | Philanthropy Alberta Conference (403) 342-5044, ext. 233
47OCTOBER 2022 Alberta Adventist News


Rest of the Story Contact Lynn McDowell Campaign Manager (403) 342-5044 ext. 233 Chief Randy Ermineskin knows Adventists. He shared his story at Alberta’s 2022 Camp Meeting, and the challenges of change and Reconciliation.* We’re invited to collaborate on the next chapter of the Indigenous Experience story. Mamawi Atosketan Centre is our crossroads. WRITE CHEQUES TO "THE BRIDGE CAMPAIGN" AND MAIL TO 5816 HIGHWAY 2A, LACOMBE, AB, T4L 2G5 *Hear Chief Ermineskin’s talk and see virtual views of the completed Centre at Goal $1.85 Million Building Connections That Affirm C O MMUNITY CAMPAIGN THE BR DGE DONATE BY DECEMBER 31ST FOR 2022 TAX RECEIPT

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