Reflecting the Shepherd: Alberta Conference Virtual Camp Meeting 2020

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Our Mission:

To reach Alberta and the Northwest Territories with the distinctive, Christ-centered, Seventh-day Adventist message of hope and wholeness.



Message from the President 4 Executive Producers and Camp Meeting Oversight Committee 6 Hosts and Hostess 7 Adult Presenters 8 Youth Presenters 16 Adult Sabbath School 24


Activity Schedule 27 Prayer Ministries 28 2020 Camp Meeting Offerings 30 Camp Meeting Offering (Form) 31 Production Team 32 Production Team Credits 33



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REFLECTING THE SHEPHERD Dear Members and Friends of the Alberta Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Welcome to Camp Meeting 2020 — our very first Virtual Camp Meeting. Alberta has been in the midst of a global Pandemic for the last several months. This has resulted in a lot of change in our lives. Many people have become unemployed. Many others have been working from home. Children have gone online in receiving their education. Churches have been forced to close. Social Isolation… just to mention a few. Churches have responded to this by using technology to allow for the continuation of ministries such as:

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Weekly Church services Weekly Prayer Meetings Board Meetings Bible Studies Sabbath School services etc.

In keeping with this trend, the Alberta Conference would like to offer Camp Meeting Online. Many of the usual speaking times and activities will be maintained. Our theme for this Camp Meeting is “Reflecting the Shepherd.” As we look to the life of Jesus, it is our hope that we will reflect His example in our own lives. Please plan to join us as we share in Virtual Camp Meeting 2020 — looking forward to having you there.

Gary Hodder

President Alberta Conference

Catch up with Pastor Peter Ford, MANS Graduates and others from Maskwacis Virtual Camp Meeting Sabbath School, July 18th 10 am (MDT)

One Vision The will to do, the faith to endure “The best thing about Maskwacis Church is the people.� Carmelia Soosay, MANS Alumna & Licensed Care Giver

The Maskwacis Congregation

& Mamawi Atosketan Native School (403) 342-5044 ext. 233 5


Gary Hodder

Wayne Williams

George Ali

Debbie Schwarz

President, Alberta Conference

Executive Secretary/VP for Administration, Alberta Conference





Keith Richter

CFO/Treasurer, Alberta Conference


Wayne Williams Host

As a young adult, Pastor Williams was impressed to enter into the ministry; hence, he embarked upon a thorough education, commencing with Canadian University College, Oakwood College, and Northern Caribbean University — the latter bestowed upon him a BA in Theology and Religion. Pastor Williams returned to Toronto and worked under the Ontario Conference. Subsequently, he went to Andrews University and culminated his theological studies with a Master of Divinity degree (preaching emphasis). He is presently completing a Doctorate at Andrew’s University. After his studies, he functioned as the Lead Pastor of several churches in Ontario. Today, Pastor Williams is the Vice President of Administration/Executive Secretary of the Alberta Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Church. Of all these blessings, however, Pastor Williams maintains that his greatest earthly treasure is his family. He humbly aspires each day towards the Christian’s heritage of prayer and worship, service to humanity, and the glorious hope of heaven.

Jeff Potts Host

Born and raised in Ontario, Jeff is currently Lead Pastor of the College Heights Church in Lacombe. He formerly served in various positions at the Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference. Jeff pastored for 13 years in Winnipeg and was also a pastor in Ontario and BC. A graduate of Burman University, and Andrews University, Jeff holds a doctorate in Evangelism and Church Planting focused on reaching Postmoderns. Jeff and his wife Nancy have four beautiful daughters and three very entertaining grandchildren. Jeff enjoys hiking, paddling, and woodworking.

Massiel Davila-Ferrer Hostess

Massiel Davila-Ferrer’s origin story begins in Managua, Nicaragua, and at a young age, her family moved to Saskatoon. In 2012 Massiel joined the team at College Heights Seventh-day Adventist Church. In August of 2019, she accepted the invitation to serve as Chaplain to Burman University. She is married to her teammate and best friend for life, Jr Ferrer. Massiel enjoys reading, writing, watching things that happen on stages, traveling, and good meals with good people. She loves words, the Word, people, and God, and seeks to spend her life bringing these things together. 7



Rudy Alvir

Pastor, Red Deer July 22, 7:00 PM

Reflecting the Shepherd: The Heart of the Shepherd

Pastor Rodolfo Alvir-Abraham completed his Bachelor of Theology degree at Montemorelos University, Mexico, in 1995, and his MDiv at Andrews University in 2009. He has worked in Mexico, USA, and Canada, serving as District Pastor, Conference Youth Director, and Ministerial Secretary. He is married to Alexandra Hichez, and they have two children, Juan Jose (J.J.) and Sarai. Pastor Alvir is a vibrant pastor with a very young heart. He likes preaching and also learning more about this communication skill. Pastor Rudy loves making new friends and spending long hours with old friends.

Joseph Batiancila

Pastor, Edmonton Filipino and Ghanaian July 24, 7:00 PM

Reflecting the Shepherd: Sheep and Shepherd’s Relationship

Raised in a Seventh-day Adventist family, Joseph received baptism at age 11. He graduated from Mountain View College with a Bachelor of Theology, then participated in the 1000 Missionary Movement and Gospel Outreach. Arriving in Canada, Joseph worked in a carpentry shop, but a few months later was called to pastor the Scarborough Filipino Church in Ontario. “When I look at how the Lord has led in my life, I thank God,” he says. Joseph enjoys camping, carpentry, gardening, tennis, participating in mission trips, church building, and evangelism. One of his favourite verses is Jeremiah 33:3. He affirms the verse “inspires me in challenging situations. God is always ready for the rescue.”


Ghena Girleanu

Pastor, Calgary Central July 18, 7:00 PM

Reflecting the Shepherd: A Comforting Rod


Ghenadie Girleanu was born in Moldova to a pastor’s family. In the spring of 1999, he arrived in Canada. Upon graduating from CUC with a Bachelor of Arts, Ghenadie was hired to serve as the youth pastor in Calgary Central Church. He currently serves there as the senior pastor. On August 5, 2007, he married his beautiful wife Beatrice, and together they’ve been serving the Lord since. They have two wonderful boys, Dominic and Liam. Ghenadie loves singing, reading, playing instruments, playing sports, and socializing with church family and friends. His favourite Bible promise is Philippians 3:20.

David Guzman

Pastor, Fort McMurray July 20, 7:00 PM

Reflecting the Shepherd: Is It True?

Pastor David Guzman, his wife, Tania, and their three girls, Maria, Natalia, and Elicia, presently serve in Fort McMurray. Led to the Lord by Ralph Robinson, David was baptized and dedicated his life to building God’s Kingdom. He and Tania are committed to living by example and encouraging others to live in Jesus’ grace. Jesus’ statement, “the Spirit of the Lord...sent Me to proclaim freedom to all held captive (by trauma & addiction)” is the promise upon which David bases his ministry. He shares the healing found in God’s love. Recently, Biblical Marriage, Family and Trauma Counselling have become his passion.

David Hamstra

Pastor, Edmonton Central July 25, 7:00 PM

Stand Alone: Faithfulness to the Call of God Against the Pull of Other Voices

Pastor David Hamstra is from Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is married to Heidi, a Canadian, and they have four children. A graduate of Burman University (BA, 2004), David has ministered in the Alberta Conference from Fairview (2004 – 2008) to Fort McMurray (2010 – 2015). In January 2020, David returned from Andrews University (MDiv, 2010) — where he is pursuing a ThD in Theological and Historical Studies — to serve as lead pastor for Edmonton Central. As a pastor-theologian, his professional interests include multicultural leadership, conflict ministry, philosophy of history, and ethics. David also enjoys running, cooking, singing, and social media content curation.

Gary Hodder

President, AB Conference July 18, 11:00 AM Sabbath Morning Church

Forgiven Like Peter

For the past four years, Gary has served as the President of the Alberta Conference. He graduated from CUC (Burman University) and Andrews University. Born and raised in Newfoundland, Gary served fifteen years in that Province — as Pastor of the St. John’s Church and President of the Newfoundland Mission. In Ontario, he served as College Park Senior Pastor and Secretary of the Conference. In addition to his current role as President, Gary has pastored in the Alberta Conference at Edmonton Central, Sylvan Lake, Rocky Mountain House, and Medicine Hat. He is married to Almyra, and they have five wonderful children — Shawn, Natasha, Joshua, Tyson, and Stephanie. Hobbies include woodworking, ATV’ing, and investing. Gary enjoys his ministry and considers it a privilege to be in God’s service ministering to His people. 11

Anthony Kern Pastor, Airdrie and Beiseker July 23, 7:00 PM

Reflecting the Shepherd: Through Dying to Self


Anthony Kern is the pastor of the Airdrie and Beiseker churches. Anthony received baptism as a Seventh-day Adventist in May 2008. His passions are for his family and seeing others grow in their walk with Jesus. After recently returning from the seminary this year, he and his family are ecstatic to be back in Canada! Married to Cassandra for nine years, they have two beautiful and adventurous daughters, Lydia and Amelia. In his free time, Anthony enjoys running, golfing, and playing hockey.

John Murley

Pastor, Edmonton South

Adult Church Service July 25, 11:00 AM

Reflecting the Shepherd: To the Least of These

A native of Newfoundland, John has pastored for 24 years, 11 of those as Senior Pastor at Edmonton South. Before accepting a call to ministry, he served five years as a Registered Social Worker and five years as a Senior Investigator for the Government of Newfoundland/ Labrador. John holds a Bachelor of Theology, a Diploma in Police Sciences, certification in Child Abuse Investigation, and training from the RCMP and Royal Newfoundland Constabulary. John and Marilyn, his wife of 32 years, have two sons, AJ and Shane, and enjoy two grandchildren, Kate and Emma. John’s hobbies include golfing and Ham Radio. He holds the callsign VE6GJM as well as V01SDA.

Sharing the Christ - centred message of hope and wholeness

Moises Ruiz

Assistant Pastor, Red Deer and EPIC July 21, 7:00 PM

Reflecting the Shepherd: Welcome to the Inner Circle


Moises Ruiz has been pastoring since 2007, following God on many adventures along the way. He has a passion for working with youth through music, service and communicating the Bible in creative ways. One of his greatest joys in life is watching the light come on in someone’s eyes when they catch a glimpse of God’s awesome plans for them. In his spare time, Pastor Moises draws inspiration from playing and recording music, camping, and spending time with his family. Since 2014, Moises has worked to empower young adult leaders in Red Deer, Alberta, and plant Epic Church with the goal of involving and training all members in service. He and his wife, Katelyn, share a love for their son, Zion, and a passion for creating communities where people can fall in love with Jesus.

James Wesley Pastor, Lethbridge July 19, 7:00 PM

Reflecting the Shepherd: In the World, Not of the World, Always For the World

James Wesley has spent almost his whole life on the Canadian Prairies, and is a rain or shine Edmonton Oilers fan. Now with that out of the way, here is the important information you need to know about him. James has fallen in love twice. Once, at an early age, with Jesus leading to his baptism in Winnipeg at the age of ten. The second time to his wife, Chiara, at a camp meeting, less digital than this one, which led to their marriage in 2013. He has been enjoying falling deeper in love every day since.

Terrence Horrell

Senior Pastor Calgary Bridgeland/Cornerstone Friday Evening July 17, 7:00 PM

Reflecting the Shepherd: Through Love

Born on the beautiful twinisland country of Trinidad and Tobago, Pastor Terrence Horrell is a third-generation Adventist. He was educated in our SDA school system from elementary through university. Pastor Horrell and his beautiful wife, Kathy, have been married for thirty-seven years. They have two children, Arieanne, and Aron (deceased), and two grandchildren, Bella and Braeden. A Senior Pastor in Trinidad for fifteen years, Pastor Horrell joined the Alberta Conference and served the West Edmonton congregation as their Senior Pastor for thirteen years. Currently, he serves as the Senior Pastor of the Bridgeland Church. He loves the Lord and looks forward to His coming.

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During the past six years, Ted Deer has ministered in Lacombe. He has served as Chaplain in various assignments in Grades K through 12 and at Burman University, as well as on the Pastoral Team at the College Heights Church.

Ted Deer

Former Associate Pastor, College Heights and Chaplain, Parkview Adventist Academy July 21, 7:00 PM

Youth Meeting: Be Still: Ask God

He and his wife, Sandra, who is also a pastor, have two young children, Stephen and Bethel. Ted’s greatest passion in ministry is encouraging and mentoring others to live daily as a Disciple of Jesus!

Roberson Dorelus

Assistant Pastor, Edmonton Central July 19, 7:00 PM

Youth Meeting: Be Still

Born and raised in Palm Beach, Florida, Roberson moved to Canada to pursue his passion in Pastoral Ministry. He graduated from CUC (now Burman University) in 2013 with a B.A. in Religious Studies and began his pastoral ministry with West Edmonton Church and African Fellowship. Currently, he serves as Associate Pastor of Edmonton Central. Married to his best friend, Thaksheela, they enjoy working to empower families, couples, youth, and young adults. Roberson’s hobbies include reading, drumming, fitness, and enjoying the lunch special at the Caribbean’s Finest restaurant. He believes in being the best that God created us to be and living each day as a walking ambassador for God’s kingdom.


Lyle Notice

Youth Director, Alberta Conference Youth Programming Coordinator July 18, 10:00 AM

Sabbath School Host


Dr. Lyle Notice grew up in City of Toronto. From a young age, he had a passion for the stage and had begun an acting career when he felt God calling him to ministry. After graduating from Canadian University College and Andrews University, he accepted a call to become youth pastor at the Ottawa, Orleans and Kanata Churches. In 2012 he joined the Alberta Conference as Associate Youth Director and since 2014 has served as the Youth Director. In 2019 Lyle defended his Doctor of Ministry degree in Urban ministry, and started a PhD program in the area of Church and Society, focusing on race and diversity, creating and fostering nonracialized Seventh-day Adventist Churches. He loves youth culture, skateboarding, fashion, social media, entrepreneurship, and venture capital investing. Lyle is married to Cheri, and they have two children, Marlowe-Rae and Cairo.

Daniel Madden Assistant Pastor, Red Willow Community July 23, 7:00 PM

Youth Meeting: Stillness

Daniel Madden was born and raised in Montreal, Canada. He is married to Iesha Nicole Madden (formerly Rodgers), who is a teacher at Coralwood Adventist Academy. Daniel earned his Bachelor in Theology at the Historically Black Oakwood University and his Mdiv at Andrews University and now pastors at Red Willow Community Church. He enjoys photography and longboarding. He is an avid basketball player and enjoys challenging others on the court. His favorite Bible verse is Jude 24-25.

Kingsley Moyo Assistant Pastor, Edmonton South July 17, 7:00 PM

Youth Meeting: Betrayed With a Kiss

Kingsley Moyo is sold out for his call to serve people and help build healthy relationships. Getting involved in the community and teaching on mental health issues that affect relationships are his passions, best summed up by a phrase he coined, ‘relationships shape your identity.’ Kingsley has been serving God for over 20 years, beginning by planting a church with teenage friends. His greatest love is his wife, Sesu, and their two daughters. Kingsley is pursuing a Master of Arts in Marriage and Family, and currently holds a BA in Theology, Advanced Diploma of Applied Psychology and Counselling (specializing in Professional Counselling).

Paul Antunes

Chaplain, Chinook Winds Adventist Academy July 24, 7:00 PM

Youth Meeting: Be Still - On Him

Paul Antunes was born in Vancouver to a Portuguese family who accepted the Adventist Message through It Is Written. Paul earned his Bachelors degree at UNASP in São Paulo, Brazil, and his Masters at Andrews. He found the love of his life, Raquel, while studying in Brazil, and God has blessed them with Matheus & Miquela. His family is very precious to Paul. His passion is to see young people discover Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and learn that following Him is not mediocre but AWESOME. His goal is to be daily used by God to bless others. Favorite Scripture: John 3:16,17


Adam Bially

Assistant Pastor, Calgary Central and Canmore Mountain Sanctuary July 25, 7:00 PM

Youth Meeting: Still


Pastor Adam is the oldest of the three children in his family and was born and raised in Saskatchewan. He grew up with a keen interest in sports and pursued this until God drew him to investigate the Scriptures. Through the preaching of the Three Angels Messages, his life was forever changed. Adam has a passion for sharing the love of Jesus through friendship, youth, and health ministry. He is married to his amazing wife Kimberly, and they are expecting their ďŹ rst child in September. Adam enjoys the outdoors, reading, cooking, and staying active.

Lawel Natufe

Pastor, Abundant Life and Christ The Way, Edmonton July 18, 11:00 AM

Youth Church Service: I Am Present

Born in Ottawa, Pastor E. Lawel Natufe spent his youthful years on the sunny Island of St. Lucia. As a boy of 8, attending the Baptiste Church, he felt a passion to preach the gospel. When he was 12, a neighbor lady invited him to the Adventist Church and he has been attending ever since. Pastor Natufe loves hiking, running, working out, and travelling. One of the most remarkable places he has visited is Israel. His dream is to travel as an itinerant preacher, conduct evangelism, and open community based churches for people to serve others and worship God. His favourite Bible promise is Philippians 1:6.

Matt Piersanti

Assistant Pastor, College Heights July 25, 11:00 AM

Youth Church Service: Disappointment And Hope

Matthew ďŹ rst felt his call to ministry in high school and has continued to sense the call of God every year since. Matthew is married to his beautiful wife, Amy, a wise partner in ministry, who Matthew says is the backbone to all of their success. Together, they have been blessed to raise their three rambunctious boys, Evan, Aiden, and Lucas. Matthew’s passion in ministry is to give anyone he encounters the opportunity to meet his God and friend Jesus, and to help each person discover their identity and purpose in Christ and His remnant church.

Derek Richter

Chaplain, Coralwood Adventist Academy

Derek Richter serves as Chaplain of Coralwood Adventist Academy, where he helps students discover their story in the Greatest Story ever told. By sharing and listening to each other, stories help us experience, express, and engage with the Gospel working in every human heart. Derek and Rena enjoy writing their story with their son in Edmonton, AB.

July 18, 7:00 PM

Youth Meeting: Be Still My Aching Heart


Jordane Smith Assistant Pastor, College Heights July 22, 7:00 PM

Youth Meeting: Bad Bridesmaids


Jordane Smith is an alumna of Burman University. After graduating is 2016, she pastored in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Currently, she serves as a member of the College Heights pastoral staff. Here Jordane is responsible for Ignite (a weekly Sabbath worship service that caters to seekers, students, young families, young adults and the young at heart) and young adult ministry. Her goal in ministry is simply to lovingly and intentionally serve God and others every day.

Bryan St. Louis Assistant Pastor, Garden Road July 20, 7:00 PM

Youth Meeting: Does God Care to Listen

Hello! My name is Pastor Bryan. One person who was instrumental to my love and growth in Christ has always been my mother. She is still a huge spiritual mentor. I love working out and playing basketball, and I’m currently working on writing a book. One of my favorite places ever to visit was the south of France. My favorite Bible promise has always been the assurance that even though the dead are sleeping now, those who died in Christ will rise at His Second Coming. I’m looking forward to seeing Jesus and many loved ones on that day!



Olaf Clausen

Sabbath School, Children’s, and Personal Ministries Director/ Sabbath School Co-host July 18

Sabbath School Lesson Study July 25, 10:00 AM

Sabbath School

Pastor Clausen comes from a diverse spiritual background, having become a Seventh-day Adventist Christian through an evangelistic campaign. Olaf has served the church as an academy teacher, lead pastor, and currently as Director for Sabbath School, Children’s, and Personal Ministries at the Alberta Conference. He holds an MA in Pastoral Ministry from Andrews University Seminary and is completing a Ph.D in Theology from South African Theological Seminary. Pastor Clausen has a unique ministry specialty in Jewish Ministries with both the SDACC and NAD.

Lynn McDowell

Planned Giving & Trust Services/Fundraising Director Alberta Conference July 18, 10:00 AM

Sabbath School Coordinator

Alberta’s Director of Planned Giving & Trust Services/ Philanthropy since 2012 is an Albertan by birth and by choice. Her church school education served her well at the University of Alberta Law School, and in 2001, she was invited to take on planned and major gifts at an Adventist hospital in California, where she discovered the power of Charitable Gift Annuities. Lynn assisted Loma Linda University Health in their current $20 million campaign, but her heart and calling are in Alberta. Lynn loves to talk with members about practical ways to do more good with their available means. 25

Ronda Ziakris

Sabbath School Co-host July 25, 10:00 AM

Sabbath School Ronda has been in school leadership in the Alberta Conference for over 15 years, with responsibilities that have included being a vice-principal, principal, and associate superintendent. She is humbled by and deems it a privilege to serve in her role as the Education Director. She is passionate about Adventist education and looks forward to continuing to work with our educators to move our system forward. Her greatest joy is being mom to Kalista and Steven and being married to her husband, Loney. Ronda states that Philippians 4:13 is her personal motto: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Special Offering

A simple pole structure of Recycled Camp Roofing Metal will:

Virtual Camp Meeting 2020

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JULY 25 Sabbath Evening Meeting 26

Add 15-20% to the life and value of essential equipment Save thousands of dollars in maintenance costs and downtime Improve grounds maintenance Pay for itself in 5 years but last for 40+ years

Estimated saving over 10 years: $100,000

The Blue Box Machine Shop

JULY 17-25




7-8 AM







Be Fearless

Be Accepting

Be Intentionally Loving

Daily Disciples - Pastors Ted and Sandra Deer and Team Members Morning Prayer

8-9 AM

Be Humble

10:00 -11:00 AM

Be Pure in Heart

Be a Peacemaker

Speak Life!

Sabbath School

11:00-12:00 AM

Education Children’s Hour Program

Sabbath School

Adult Gary Hodder

Adult John Murley

Youth Lawel Natufe

Youth Matthew Piersanti

12:00-12:30 PM

Noon Prayer Time

1:00 - 2:00 PM

Dialogue with Debbie

3:00-4:00 PM

6:00-7:00 PM

Be Fully Dependent on God

Burman U

Conference Concert

Prayer to Begin Camp Meeting Be a Safe Space for the Marginalized Reflecting The Shepherd Adult Evening Meeting

7:00-8:00 PM

Terrance Horrell

Ghena Girleanu

James Wesley

David Guzman

Moises Ruiz

Rudy Alvir

Anthony Kern

Joseph Batiancila

David Hamstra

Jordane Smith

Daniel Madden

Paul Antunes

Adam Bially

Be Still Youth Evening Meeting Kingsley Moyo

Derek Richter

Roberson Dorelus

Bryan Saint-Louis

Ted Deer



Reflecting the Shepherd Jesus is the Good Shepherd (John 10:11, 14). The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep (John 10:11). He is selfless. When we truly reflect the Good Shepherd, we also will be selfless, concerned for the salvation and welfare of others, above our own. During our Virtual Camp Meeting, you are invited to join together for an hour each day to dwell in His presence. We will take a moment to identify and reflect on aspects of who the Shepherd is so that we will know what it is to reflect HimThen we will pray together in a live online meeting.

Go to the Alberta Conference website to find a link for our time of prayer. July 17, 6:00 – 7:00 PM

We begin our journey into the heart of God and pray for our camp meeting.

July 18-25, 8:00 – 9:00 AM

We start each day with the Good Shepherd.

July 20-24, NOON

We will have a 30 minute time of prayer each day at noon.

We need to reflect Jesus in who we are and in all that we think, say, and do. Invite Him to transform you by the renewing of your mind to be selfless, just like the Good Shepherd.

Honey Todd

Prayer Coordinator, Alberta Conference

Honey: forgiven daughter of God, loved and cherished by God; wife of one husband; mother of two sons (both adults, one of them married); and Pastor of two wonderful churches in Calgary. Honey taught Religious Studies at Sydney Adventist High School in Australia. A Registered Psychologist in Australia, she has a specialty in Marital and Family Therapy. Honey strongly believes that spending time in God’s presence every day, through Bible study and Prayer — talking to and listening to HIM — is the key to having a stable connection with Him, growing trust in Him, and having His courage to step out in faith.


2020 CAMP MEETING OFFERINGS 2020 may very well be the most volatile year in history, and many feel that the Corona Virus will change our world permanently. People everywhere have been affected by this crisis; therefore, our focus for Camp Meeting offerings 2020 will be centered on our COVID response here in Alberta. The Conference goal is to make a positive difference in the impact that the COVID crisis has had upon us all and our ministries here in Alberta/North West Territories. Please prayerfully consider setting aside a sacrificial offering for the areas of significant need we are facing together. In this way, we can improve our ability to reach others with our Christ-centered message of hope and healing at a time when people’s hearts are open and longing for something better than this world can offer. Friday Evening, July 17: COVID response offering for Compassionate Ministries in light of the many challenges faced by communities - examples are seniors, Food Banks, Soup Kitchens, and other forms of outreach to the needy and vulnerable.

Sunday, July 19: COVID response offering in support of the challenges faced by Education. There have been and will be many more changes faced in organizing school and trying to meet all the new regulations laid out by the government.

Main Service Sabbath, July 18: COVID response offering for our Mission School Mamawi Atosketan, as you can well imagine the challenges facing our school and students at this time.

Monday, July 20: COVID response offering for Local Churches experiencing difficulty meeting financial obligations due to a decrease in offerings, primarily Revolving Fund payments.

Sabbath Evening, July 18: COVID response offering for Compassionate Ministries in light of the many challenges faced by communities examples are seniors, Food Banks, Soup Kitchens, and other forms of outreach to the needy and vulnerable.

Tuesday, July 21: COVID response offering for Schools experiencing unprecedented challenges and future expectations of doing school under a completely new set of conditions never faced before and the additional resources required.


Wednesday, July 22: COVID response offering for Schools experiencing unprecedented challenges and future expectations of doing school under a completely new set conditions never faced before and the additional resources required. Thursday, July 23: COVID response offering for Local Churches experiencing difficulty meeting financial obligations due to a decrease in offerings, primarily Revolving Fund payments. Friday, July 24: COVID response offering for Compassionate Ministries in light of the many challenges faced by communities - examples are seniors, Food Banks, Soup Kitchens, and other forms of outreach to the needy and vulnerable.

CAMP MEETING OFFERING Main Service Sabbath, July 25: COVID response Offering for Evangelism in light of the new challenges and using creative ways to reach people for Christ. Sabbath Evening, July 25: COVID response Offering for our Camp Blue Box (Recycled Material) building project placed on hold- desperately needed equipment storage facility to prolong the life of Camp equipment and to reduce maintenance costs.

COVID - Compasion Ministries $ COVID - MANS $

COVID - Eduation

COVID - Local Churches

COVID - Schools

$ $

COVID - Evangelism $ COVID - Camp Blue Box $



Visa / MC# Expiry Date Cash




Security Code


To receive a tax-deductible receipt, print legibly name, address and postal code.

Name Address Designated Giving Policy. Spending of funds is confined to Board-approved programs and projects of the Alberta Conference. Contributions shall not in any way compromise the Alberta Conference charitable purposes or activities. Each contribution designated for an approved program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, cannot be completed for any reason determined by the Alberta Conference, or the focus of the Alberta Conference’s priorities shift, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where needed most, as determined by the Board.


Postal Code

Phone/ Email PLEASE PRINT OFF AND INSERT IN ENVELOPE BEFORE SEALING Cheques can be mailed to: The Alberta Conference of the Seventh- day Adventist Church, 5816 Hwy 2A, Lacombe, AB, T4L 2G5 Credit card donations can be made by phone at (403) 342-5044. Please visit for other giving methods.


Eric Ollila

Nwamiko Madden

David Benjamin

Henry Cruz


Music Coordinator



Video Editor/

Scott Nischuk

Associate Producer/ Assistant Director

Joanne Lรณpez

Graphic Designer/

Derek Richter

Area Coordinator/ Production Assistant

Mishell Raedeke

Creative Director/

CREDITS PROVIDER OF EVERYTHING GOD EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS Gary Hodder Keith Richter Wayne Williams PRODUCERS Eric Ollila Nwamiko Madden DIRECTOR Nwamiko Madden ALBERTA CONFERENCE CAMP MEETING COMMITTEE Gary Hodder - President & Chair Wayne Williams - Exec. Secretary/ VP for Administration Keith Richter - Treasurer/ Chief Financial Officer George Ali - Ministerial and Evangelism Director Olaf Clausen - Sabbath School, Children’s and Personal Ministries Director Lynn McDowell - Planned Giving & Trust Services/Philanthropy Director Troy McQueen - Foothills Camp Director Lyle Notice - Youth Director Eric Ollila - Communication/ IT/Media Director Llew Werner - Risk Management/ Project/Development Director Jennifer Williams - Human Resources Officer Ronda Ziakris - Education Superintendent

ALBERTA CONFERENCE VIRTUAL CAMP MEETING SUB-COMMITTEE George Ali - Chair Debbie Schwarz - Secretary Olaf Clausen Gary Hodder Scott Nischuk Lyle Notice Eric Ollila Keith Richter Wayne Williams HOSTS/HOSTESS Massiel Davila-Ferrer Jeff Potts Wayne Williams SABBATH SCHOOL HOSTS/HOSTESSES Olaf Clausen Lynn McDowell Lyle Notice Ronda Ziakris ASSOCIATE PRODUCER / ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Scott Nischuk GRAPHIC DESIGN Henry Douglas Cruz / Joanne López / Mishell Raedeke / ON-SITE PRODUCTION Randy Chenowith Jonathan Shim Ken Elkow

Steve Shim Myles Gillespie Scott Nischuk Alan Baird Bjorn Clarke Mark Boutcher Eireen Ng Janelle Glover Lorena Buboi Bob Martin John Minkov Egan Schmidt Jr Ferrer Brenna Boutcher Brent Coppock DRONE PILOT Troy McQueen POST-PRODUCTION & EDITING Certain Sound Media Steve Shim Henry Douglas Cruz / MUSIC COORDINATORS David Benjamin Paul Antunes Burman University WORSHIP COORDINATORS Andrew Heaven Ben Barboza Brandon Napod Cassandra Kern Chelsey Bartholomew Donna Swierszcz James Wesley

John Murley Nanette Quines WORSHIP COORDINATORS Steve Gabrys Tanya Guzman PRAYER COORDINATOR Honey Todd CHILDREN’S COORDINATORS Ronda Ziakris Brent van Rensburg YOUTH COORDINATORS Lyle Notice Jordane Smith SET DESIGN Certain Sound Media Mishell Raedeke / PARTICIPANTS Alissa Bezukh Almyra Hodder Amoa Boakye-Yiadom Attaleen Werner Ayden Polishuk Ben Barboza Benjy Aquah Bjorn Clarke Blaine Patterson Brent van Rensburg Cheri Notice Chiara Stellacci CWAA Staff and Students Dallas Weis


CREDITS Darrel Beaudoin David Beaudoin David Guzman Debbie Schwarz Derek Richter Don Corkum Eli Huether Enock Oduro Felix Richter Gail Wilton Gary Hodder Gem Batiancila George Ali Heather Wheeler Honey Todd Hopston Samuels Howard Hixt Ian Bramble Jade Rabbit Janet Griffith Jaxon Sackett John Jagersma John Leung Jonathan Geraci Jordan Gabrys Joseph Batiancila Juanito Sainz Julie Grovet Keith Richter Kelly Stickle Kingsley Moyo Kiran Thananki Kwesi Amoh Larry Wilton Lawel Natufe Les Robertson Linda Greaves


Lynn McDowell Marc Andrade Matthew Piersanti Melaya Armson Melody Illacas Millie Snow Moises Ruiz Nakita Greaves Olaf Clausen Patti Reasor Paul Antunes Rachel Antunes Rex Kennedy Ronda Ziakris Shaneek Roasting Skyla McCreery Stephen Densmore Steve Reasor Ted Deer Terry Lachance Timi Abiola Troy McQueen Walt Kalkan Wayne Williams SPEAKERS Adam Bially Anthony Kern Brent van Rensburg Bryan Saint-Louis Daniel Madden David Guzman David Hamstra Derek Richter Gary Hodder Ghena Girleanu James Wesley

Jeff Potts John Murley Jordane Smith Joseph Batiancila Kingsley Moyo Lawel Natufe Lyle Notice Lynn McDowell Massiel Davila-Ferrer Matthew Piersanti Moises Ruiz Olaf Clausen Paul Antunes Roberson Dorelus Ronda Ziakris Rudy Alvir Ted Deer Terrence Horrell Wayne Williams MUSICIANS Abigail Lawrence Adeline Barboza Alma Martinez Alyssa Bergen Andrew Heaven Ayera Biton Blessy Napod Bobby George Brandon Napod Breann Coutain Brian Magponga Carlos Caleon Carole Tonn Casandra Kern Chelsey Bartholomew Cherice Kelly

Chiara Stellacci Chifuka Chundu David Gondwe David Ribeiro Donna Swierszcz Enouch Prior Felesha Heaven Feliz Dushime Franz Chavez Grace Trconic Gugulethu Maponga Ingrid Anderson Iryna Sakson Jeff Fortunat Jeff Ramson Joash Muthiah Joel Adesina John Leung Jon Mallard Jonathan Shim Jordan Gabrys Jose Napoleon Quintanilla Joseph Hackett Josh Dada Joys Umurerwa Judith Walters Kateryna Sakson Ken Elkow Kholie Dube Kiran Thananki Kyle Bergen Lucia Polischuk Majorie Landicho Maria Guzman Michelle Clarke M Namba Myles Gillespie

CREDITS Nanette Quines Natalia Guzman Nelson Joseph Nicole Bartolay Noel Puedivan Noemi Batiancila Orville Davis Patricia Saint Phillip Swierszcz Pope Gondwe Prathista Manukonda Rainier Vidal Reinhardt Tonn Richie Quines Rod Salavante Rodona Joy Salavante Rose Virgo Ruby Casipe Rupa Manukonda Russell Gabrys Scott Arbeau Scott Nischuk Sheryllyn Shim Solomon Agdon Sony Mullapudi Stephanie Kalmar Steven Gabrys Sudhan Muthiah

Sundar Chokka Surya Joseph Tania Guzman Tatenda Viya Total Praise T Ndebel Tricia Gabrys Xyrish Rondael Wallace Muzorewa LOCATION HUBS Edmonton South Seventh - day Adventist Church College Heights Seventh - day Adventist Church

David Hamstra James Wesley Jason Williams John Murley Jordane Smith Kingsley Moyo Lyle Notice Moises Ruiz Pedro Graca Rebecca Masson Ted Deer

WEBSITE Crystal Hatcher / Simple Updates Brent Wilson / Rocky View Web SPECIAL THANKS Belinda Bader Debbie Schwarz Dorothy Falesau George Ali Jenny Nickel Keith Richter Rebecca Masson

To all the unnamed individuals who kept this project in prayer, we thank you for your support.

Calgary Central Seventh - day Adventist Church

We give all praise, honour, glory, and thanksgiving to God–the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Ted & Sandra Deer Studio

SOCIAL MEDIA Adam Bially Anthony Kern Bradley Dahr Bryan Saint-Louis Daniel Madden


This Alberta Camp Meeting brochure is a publication of the Alberta Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Elected Officials President Gary Hodder Secretary/VP for Administration Wayne Williams Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer Keith Richter Communication Director/Editor Eric Ollila Co-Editors Jenny Nickel & John Simon Graphic Design Mishell Raedeke, Joanne Lรณpez/ Address 5816 Highway 2A, Lacombe, AB T4L2G5 Contact Information Phone: (403) 342-5044 Fax: (403) 775-4482 Email: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Websites: YouTube:

ABAdventist ABAdventist ABAdventist (Search Alberta Conference)

Printed in Canada, July 2020


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