2023 Alberta Camp Meeting
JULY 14 to
FOOTHILLS CAMP 1973 - 2023
Our Mission:
To reach Alberta and the Northwest Territories with the distinctive, Christ-centered, Seventh-day Adventist message of hope and wholeness.
Message from the President 4
Alberta Conference Administration 6
Main Auditorium Speakers 8
Seminar Speakers 16
Camp Meeting at Foothills Camp
50th Anniversary Feature 28
Conference Happenings with Debbie 29
Theme Song 30
Main Schedule 32
Seminar Schedule 32
Sabbath School 38
Camp Meeting Activities 43
Children’s | Youth | Young
Adult Divisions Schedule 45
Teen / Youth / Young Adult
Speakers 46
Foothills Camp Aerial View 48
South Camping Area 50
North Camping Area 51
East RV Park Section A 52
East RV Park Section B 53
2023 Camp Meeting Offerings 54
Camp Meeting Offering (Form) 55
Camp Meeting General Information 56
Cafeteria Menu 57
Emergency Procedures 58
Emergency Phone Numbers 59
Guidelines & Policies 60
Dog Policy 62
Uniform Ministries Parade 2023 15
Charitable Gift Annuities 19
Stay Connected with your Alberta Family 21
Mass Choir & Orchestra 23
Haystacks 5k Fun Run 25
The Sunday Morning: MAC Info Exchange 27
Installing Adventist Giving App 34
International Food Fair 35
ABC Week at a Glance Sale 36
Sabbath School One Vision 39
20-minute Photoshoot 40
10th Anniversary “No Cost Wills” 5
Prayer Ministries 9
Education Hub 11
Sunday Fun Day 41
Bouncy Castle with Pastor Lyle 42
Youth Camp Meeting Follow Me: The Radical Discipleship of Jesus 47
Foothills Camp Map Sections 49
Singing Group Gloria 13
Welcome to our 50th Anniversary Camp Meeting here at Foothills Camp! I’m so glad that you’ve come! May God richly bless you and your family! May you be inspired, encouraged and filled with God’s joy!
For many of us, Camp Meeting is the highlight of the year. The uplifting music, the spiritfilled messages, and the joyful fellowship are such a blessing!
Our Conference staff has been working diligently to make this year’s Camp Meeting experience extra special for you. We have prayed earnestly that this encampment will be a foretaste of heaven for all those who come. I invite you to open your heart to whatever Jesus wants to do in your life at this Camp Meeting.
Be blessed!
Jeff Potts President Alberta Conference
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting
10th Anniversary of “NO COST” WILLS at Foothills Camp
Wills@Camp Classic Lawyer-drafted Will •
2 appointments required
• $100 rebate means No Cost to You!
To make an appointment for your "No Cost" Will or a no cost, no obligation Personal Charitable Life Annuity Calculation, visit the Planned Giving cabin beside the Hungry Bear, Monday - Wednesday.
Potts is recognized as a pastor at heart and passionate church planter. He has pastored churches in various provinces and conferences across Canada. After serving in Ontario and British Columbia, Potts went to the Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference in 1999, where he planted four new churches in four years in the Winnipeg area before being called to serve as ministerial director and subsequently executive secretary for that conference. Potts has earned both a Master of Divinity and a Doctor of Ministry from the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University. In July 2017, he was invited to pastor the College Heights Adventist Church, located on the campus of Burman University. Jeff and his wife Nancy have four daughters and three grandchildren.
Melissa Cooke served as Executive Secretary/ VP for Administration in the Maritime Adventist Conference since November 2021 before getting elected in the same capacity for Alberta Conference. Cooke was born in Houston, Tex., to El Salvadorean parents, but was raised in Toronto, Ont. The province of Alberta is no strange place for her, as she earned her bachelor’s in religious studies from Canadian University College (now Burman University). After graduating from Burman, Melissa pastored in British Columbia and worked on obtaining her master of divinity from Andrews University, which she completed in 2017. Melissa and her husband, Jason, have two young sons.
Originally from a small farm in Northwest Saskatchewan, Keith moved to Edmonton to attend NAIT and met his wonderful wife Lorraine. Together they have two sons, Derek, Associate Pastor at Edmonton South Adventist Church and David an ER Doctor in Wisconsin.
Keith began his work as the Associate Treasurer for Alberta Conference in 2006 and has been Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer since 2011.
Meeting 6
Alberta Camp
Melissa Cooke Executive Secretary/VP for Administration, Alberta Conference
Jeff Potts
President, Alberta Conference
Keith Richter
Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer, Alberta Conference
Prayer Spots walk: Make time to be in the presence of the Lord and listen to Him speak to your heart. Maps for the walk will be at the Camp Office. Make time during the week to stop at each prayer spot to reflect and mediate on the Word of the Lord.
Seeking a space to be still and know God? The chapel will be available as a quiet space all week.
Intercessory Prayer: Look for people wearing, ‘I’ll pray with you’ inviting you to pray with them. We will be walking around the campgrounds and would be happy to stop and pray with you.
Nightly Prayer time:
Anointing Service:
In the chapel following the evening meeting in the auditorium, around 8:45 pm. You are welcome to come together to pray and close out the day. We will have a time of being in the presence of God, sharing God Sightings, praying for the requests that have come in that day. Meetings will be July 14 to 21 inclusive.
The final Friday night, July 21, we will have an anointing service in the chapel following the meeting in the auditorium. You are most welcome to seek the Lord in prayer for healing: spiritually, physically, relationally, emotionally, whatever it is for which you invite God’s intervention.
Prayer Request Boxes: Will be located around the campus, in the various washrooms and main auditorium. Please feel free to put your prayer requests into the boxes provided. The requests will be collected every day.
Don Corkum has served the Adventist church as Pastor, Church Planter, Evangelist, Departmental Director and Conference President. He has served in three conferences: Maritimes 1966-1975 (Pastor & Evangelist); Alberta 1975- 1996 (Pastor and Departmental Director 75-87 and Conference President
Don Corkum
Retired pastor and former president, Alberta Conference
Friday, July 14 (7:00 p.m.)
Sermon Title: Singing the Lord’s Song in a Strange Land
1987-1996) and Wisconsin 1996-2010 (Conference President). In retirement he also served as Church Planting Coordinator in Alberta from 2011-2017. His wife, Phyllis, also served the church in various capacities from 1979 to 2010. Today they are involved in lay leadership in the Calgary Mountain View Seventh-day Adventist Church. Don and Phyllis have three adult children: Sheri Corkum of Toronto; Rhonda Muchiutti of Clinton, Massachusetts; and Brian Corkum of Calgary.
Ken Wiebe
Retired pastor and former president, Alberta Conference
Saturday, July 15 (11:00 a.m.)
Church Service
Elder Ken Wiebe retired as president in the Alberta Conference in 2016. He grew up on a farm near Brandon, Manitoba and his early education was taken in public school, but he earned his Batchelor of Theology degree from Canadian Union College and his Master of Divinity from Andrews University. He pastored churches in Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia, and also served British Columbia as a Departmental Director and Executive Secretary. He became President for the ManitobaSaskatchewan Conference in 2001 and President for the Alberta Conference in 2010.
Elder Ken Wiebe retired as president in the Alberta Conference in 2016.
Sermon Title: Our Eyes are Fixed on You...
Ken and Vera (nee Werner) have been married 53 years and have two adult sons: Brad, a physician in Chilliwack BC and Randy, plant manager for Quikrete, who lives in St. Albert AB. The Wiebes have four grandchildren.
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting 9
Born in China in 1932, to Norwegian missionary parents, and evacuated by a US troops ship during the World War II invasion of China by Japan, Elder Larsen has lived an amazing life. After having spent time, as a youngster, in Jamaica while his parents served there, they moved to the USA where he first served in the Korean War before becoming a building contractor in California. With adventure in his blood, he, along with his parentsin-law and brother-in-law’s family immigrated to the “bush” of northern British Columbia in 1955.
Herb Larsen Sr.
Retired pastor, Former President and Secretariat, Alberta Conference
Saturday, July 15 (4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.)
Ordination Speaker
Sermon title: Three Reasons Why
I am a Seventh-day Adventist Pastor
Seven years into that lifestyle, he felt the call to go into ministry so packed his wife and three sons up and moved to Lacombe, Alberta to attend CUC (now Burman University) where he received his degree in theology and then on to Andrew’s University to get his Master’s degree. Upon finishing there, he and his family moved back to Alberta to become the pastor of four churches (Stettler, Hanna, Loyalist and Sedgwick). After two years in that role, he was called into administrative work at the Alberta Conference office. He remained in administrative work for the rest of his career with service to the British Columbia Conference, the Washington Conference, again ten years as president to the Alberta Conference and then the last ten years of his administrative work as Secretariat in the Lake Union Conference based at Andrew’s University.
He has left a legacy of visionary building everywhere he has Served including leading in the development of both Foothills Camp, Bowden AB, and Camp Hope in BC.
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting 10
Jeff Potts President, Alberta Conference
Saturday, July 15 (7:00 p.m.)
This Could Be Our
Finest Hour
Jeff Potts is recognized as a pastor at heart and passionate church planter. He has pastored churches in various provinces and conferences across Canada. After serving in Ontario and British Columbia, Potts went to the Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference in 1999, where he planted four new churches in four years in the Winnipeg area before being called to serve as ministerial director and subsequently executive secretary for that conference. Potts has earned both a Master of Divinity and a Doctor of Ministry from the Seventhday Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University. In July 2017, he was invited to pastor the College Heights Church, located on the campus of Burman University. Jeff and his wife Nancy have four daughters and three grandchildren.
Join the Education Department for an activity from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. at the SAGE Outdoor Education Centre (on the lower camp). Registration is required. For more information and to Register, please go to the Education Hub by the camp office.
Visit Us Sunday-Friday from 10 AM – 5 PM
Alberta Camp Meeting
Sandra Deer Revival and Reformation
Ministry Volunteer Coordinators
Morning Devotional Daily Disciples
Sabbath, July 15 -
Sabbath, July 22 (7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.)
Location: Auditorium
Pastors Ted and Sandra Deer have been Revival and Reformation volunteer coordinators for the Alberta Conference since summer 2020. They have had the opportunity to work with and mentor a very dedicated team of disciple makers. Together with this team of disciple makers have ministered not only throughout the Alberta Conference, but throughout the world. Ted is also part-time pastor at the Mirror Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Associate Director of the Biblical Research Institute Plenary Session
Monday, July 17 -
Friday, July 21 (11:00 a.m.)
Theme: Living With God in Turbulent Times
Frank Hasel, Ph. D., is an Associate Director of the Biblical Research Institute (BRI). Born and raised in Germany, Frank has lived in England, the United States, and Austria. His current work takes him around the globe. He enjoys the cultural diversity and beauty of the people he has met in more than 50 countries. Frank studied theology in Germany, England, and the United States, where he received his Ph.D. in Religion in the area of Systematic Theology from Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI. For him learning is a lifelong activity. Frank served as an ordained pastor in Germany and was a theology teacher, dean of the theology department and director of the Ellen G. White Study Center at Bogenhofen Seminary, Austria, before he came to the United States in 2016.
Monday, July 17
Two Things you Want to be Remembered for Tuesday, July 18
Less is More: the Blessing of Digital Detox for your Spiritual Life
Wednesday, July 19
The Virtue and Blessing of Waiting
Thursday, July 20
The Notorious Sin That Ruins it all
Friday, July 21
Loving God With all Your Mind
Alberta Camp Meeting
Frank Hasel
Elden Ramirez
Executive Secretary of the Lake Union Seventh-day Adventist Conference
Monday, July 17 -
Thursday, July 20 (7:00 p.m.)
Elden Ramirez is the Executive Secretary of the Lake Union Seventhday Adventist Conference. Before assuming this responsibility in 2021 he was the Undersecretary of the North American Division of the General Conference. He has also served as the president of the Montana Conference. Before arriving to Montana, he led the Office of Volunteer Ministries of the North American Division. Over the years he has ministered in five different states as academy chaplain, youth pastor, senior pastor, church planter, and departmental director in the areas of family life, camp ministries, health and temperance, national servicemen organization, and youth ministries. Elden and his wife, Jenny, have two daughters, Elennie and Jasmine. Together they have an acapella gospel ministry.
The singing group, Gloria, is made up of people from Ukraine, Poland and Canada. Almost all have come to Canada within the last year.
2023 Alberta
Pastor Cyril Millett III was born and raised on the island of Bermuda. He accepted the Advent Message, was baptised, and call to pastoral ministry while attending the University of Windsor (B.A. Hons. Psych. & Eng. ’79). After attending the Seminary at Andrews University (M.Div. ’85), he started pastoring and was ordained in the Quebec Conference.
Pastor Millett was called to the Ontario Conference in 1989 where he worked at various times as a youth pastor, high school chaplain, high school teacher, Men’s Ministries Director, Campus Ministries Director, Camp Ministries Director, and Youth Ministries Director. More recently, the Lord also had him pastor in the Bermuda Conference while directing the Youth Ministries Department, and then the Sabbath School Department, before stepping into the position of interim Superintendent of Education.
Cyril Millett III Secretary/VP for Administration
Seventh-day Adventist
Church in Canada (SDACC)
Friday, July 21 (7:00 p.m.)
Saturday, July 22 (11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.)
Sermon Titles: Storm Warning A Walk to Remember
Let it Pour!
After serving in the Bermuda Conference for the last 10 years, Pastor Millett was elected to serve as the Executive Secretary of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada (SDACC), in September of 2022.
Pastor Millett is a certified trainer and facilitator of the Stewards of Children seminar which speaks to the issue of child sexual abuse prevention. He is also a chaplain with Clinical Pastoral training and is a certified pre-marriage counsellor. As a writer, he has contributed to three books and has written articles in the areas of education, and youth ministry.
He is married to the lovely, Glenda Francis-Millett. Glenda has served as Assistant Dean of Girls at Kingsway College. She was a co-facilitator with her husband in pre-marital group counselling. She is noted for using her gifts to make the Millett home a warm and welcoming place for weary souls. Pastor and Sister Millett have one adult son, Justin, whose excuse for visiting so regularly is his mom’s cooking.
One of this pastor’s greatest joys is to see people fully committed to God, energized by the Spirit, encouraged by their church family, and serving to see others saved by Christ. To this end, Pastor Millett lives to fulfill the mandate of Psalm 71:18 - to declare God’s power to the next generation.
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting 14
It’s time to get together, fellowship, and celebrate our Ministry! Let’s showcase your club to our Alberta church family!
Place and Time: Meet at the Lodge Parking Lot, Foothills Camp at 2:30 PM
Parade starts at 3:00 PM
Dress Code: Type A, type B, or black pants/skirt with white shirt/t-shirt with scarf. Aim for uniformity within your club!
Snacks and beverages will be provided.
Daniel Saugh is the Canadian Programs Manager for ADRA Canada. Daniel comes to ADRA having served twenty years as a pastor. Holding degrees in International Development, Public Health, and Psychotherapy, Daniel is well equipped for his role with ADRA. Specifically, tasked with domestic operations, he oversees ADRA’s National emergency and development programs including disaster response and preparedness.
Daniel holds an undergraduate honours degree in health sciences, graduate degrees in public health, international/ community development, theology and human relations/psychology from York University, Andrews University, Loma Linda University, and Wilfrid Laurier University respectively. He has served in the Canadian Armed Forces in the Royal Canadian Chaplaincy Service as Capt (Ret’d), and currently as a Senior Officer (Chaplain Hon. Inspector) with the Toronto Police Service.
Canadian Programs Manager for ADRA Canada
Times: Monday - Friday (9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. and repeat 3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.)
Location: Tea House
Seminar Topic: Community Service
He is a trained Psychological First Aid Instructor with Canadian Red Cross, registered Psychotherapist, and Mental Health Professional. He also is an adjunct Professor in Psychology at Burman University, AB.
He serves as the Health Ministries and Ministries of Compassion Coordinator for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada. He believes in wholistic ministry that embraces mind, body, spirit and believes that God has called us for such a time as this to do Kingdom business. He is dedicated and passionate to help people build resiliency, recover, and return to a life of normalcy with the often rapidly changing circumstances of life and seeks to exemplify the motto of ADRA, Justice, compassion and love for all and help to prepare others for the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting 17
Dr. Daniel Saugh
Olive Hemmings
Chair, Henry and Sharon Fordham
Department of Religion, Professor of Religion and Ethics, Washington Adventist University
Monday - Friday (9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. and repeat 3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.)
Auditorium (3:30 a.m.)
Overflow Tent (9:30 p.m.)
Seminar Topic:
How to Read Your Bible
Olive Hemmings is Chair of the Henry and Sharon Fordham Department of Religion at Washington Adventist University. She has been teaching in Seventh-day Adventist higher education since 1982. Her Masters is in New Testament and Biblical Languages and Ph. D is in Theology, Ethics and Culture (CGU, 2005). She is an ordained minister of Columbia Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, and pursues a yearly itinerary of preaching and teaching. She is engaged in an active writing/publication ministry mainly on topics of current ethical concerns in church and society, with the prophetic origins of the gospel as foundation. She has presided over the Adventist Society for Religious Studies - a major professional society of Adventist Religion/Theology scholars. In 2022, Hemmings joined the Georgetown University ACPE chaplaincy program in order to develop pastoral/spiritual care competence, and has found it to be a deeply spiritually transforming journey.
Olive has been married to Charles Kuuku of Accra, Ghana since 1978, and they have three young adult “children.” Her great passion in life is fueled by a strong sense of vocation and sustained by the grace of God.
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting 18
In Times of Economic Uncertainty Alberta Conference
Charitable Gift Annuities
•Guaranteed Stable Income for Life
•Immediate Charitable Tax Receipt
•Donor Wall Recognition in Mamawi Atosketan Centre*
• Multiplier Effect Option to Increase Monthly Income
If you’re 65+ and have $15,000+ you’d like to eventually invest in any aspect of God’s work in Alberta, you could receive income equivalent to better than market rates.
The Alberta Conference is one of a few organizations licensed to offer charitable gift annuities in Canada. It is the only organization offering Adventist- controlled annuities that is recognized by Canada Revenue Agency.
*Donors can choose the ultimate use of the gift in Alberta. During the Community Bridge Campaign for Mamawi Atosketan Centre in Maskwacis, the amount of the CRA-recognized tax receipt can be counted as a contribution toward the MAC and Community Bridge Campaign.
Lynn McDowell, JD, CSPG Director of Planned Giving | Philanthropy
Call (587) 815-8785
the Planned Giving cabin beside The Hungry Bear
Ernie Medina, Jr. graduated from Andrews University, and went on to complete his Masters in Public Health (MPH)- Health Education and his Doctorate in Public Health (DrPH) - Preventive Care from Loma Linda University School of Public Health (LLUSPH) in 1993. For the next 21 years, he honed his wellness coaching skills working in the Health Education Department at Beaver Medical Group, in Redlands, CA. There, he focused on weight loss, diabetes, smoking cessation, stress management, and employee wellness. He led small group classes and saw patients individually for wellness coaching sessions.
In 2014, Dr. Medina, Jr. came back to LLUSPH to join the faculty, teaching in the DrPH in Preventive Care program and the MPH in Health Education and Wellness Coaching program. Because of his involvement with SPH’s wellness coaching certification, Dr. Medina became the first nationally board-certified health and wellness coach through the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches at Loma Linda University. He currently gets to practice what he teaches by providing wellness coaching in various LLU employee wellness programs for diabetes and smoking cessation.
Monday - Friday (9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. and repeat 3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.)
Auditorium (9:30 a.m.)
Overflow Tent (3:30 p.m.)
Seminar Topic: Health Ministry
Theme: Lifestyle is Medicine!
Just how old are you, really?
Tuesday Moving is Medicine.
Wednesday You are what you eat.
Thursday Sleeping is the pill.
Friday Fight or Flight part of life.
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting 20
Ernie Medina Jr.
Professor, Loma Linda University
Stay connected with your Alberta Adventist family…
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• March (digital only)
• June
• September (digital only)
• December
• Alberta Adventist News an official publication of the Alberta Conference of the Seventh- day Adventist Church.
albertaadventist.ca/enews Scan QR codes to open links.
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Pastor Fidel Soto has been serving as a pastor in the Florida Conference for the last 21 years. He did his undergraduate abroad in Montemorelos, Mexico and has since completed his M. Div and D. Min from Andrews University.
Pastor Fidel has been married to Cara for the last 25 years and together they have two adult daughters. He cherishes coaching, teaching, premarital counseling, and doing listening ministry. He is currently serving in Miami Springs Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Fidel & Cara Soto
Fidel is pastor of the Miami Springs Seventh- day Adventist Church, Florida Conference
Monday - Friday (9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. and repeat 3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.)
Location: Lower Lodge
Seminar Topic: Listening Ministry
Unwanted Lizards Becoming aware that in our hurting, we inevitably hurt others and leave a trial of hurt wherever we go, but Jesus, anointed by the Spirit of GOD is ready to heal those hurts.
Tuesday Nails and Footholds A look at how anger impacts our lives and how the Spirit of GOD offers us a better way of dealing with anger.
The PIES Graph Understanding the events in our past that keep us from growing spiritually today, and how Jesus Christ calls us to embrace His healing.
Healing Understanding the process of healing the Holy Spirit offers us.
Fighting Fair Learning how to fight fair with the people we love and how to listen in order to better understand others.
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting 22
All singers and musicians are invited to join the Mass Choir and Orchestra on July 22, 2023, at 11:00 AM
Rehearsal Schedule: Monday-Thursday 1-2 PM and Friday after the evening meeting (July 17-21) at the Main Auditorium
Use the link below to download the music scores: bit.ly/AB-CM-Music2023 or scan QR code
For queries, contact Nanette Quines: music@albertaadventist.ca
Wesley Szamko is the new pastor of the Ponoka-Rimbey district, having served the last five months as acting Sabbath School and Personal Ministries director for the Alberta Conference. He finds joy in empowering others to engage in Bible study and prayer and in effective witness and disciple-making as we prepare for Jesus’ soon return.
Pastor, Ponoka and Rimbey Churches, Alberta Conference
Monday - Friday (2:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.)
Overflow Tent
Distant to Disciple — innovative tools to reach post-Christians/ non- Christians
Wesley is from Alberta. He received his education at Burman University and Andrews University where he is currently a Doctor of Missiology candidate. Since entering full-time ministry in 1994, he has served as youth pastor, university campus pastor, senior pastor, church-planter coordinator, mission president, and division Adventist Mission director. For the last 13+ years before returning to Canada, he has served the 14 countries of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division of the General Conference (Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam).
Wesley is married to Dr. Ivonne Szamko. Together they are blessed with two children, William and Alyssia. As a family, they seek to reveal the love of God to those they meet and to help people connect to God for eternity.
Mission Mayhem—how to stop doing God’s job
Anyone, Anywhere, Any Time— engaging in non-confrontational witness
Bring Back the Bible—m issional care groups Pt. 1
Deep. Simply.—missional care groups Pt. 2
Bite-Size Evangelism —how not to choke your friends
Meeting 24
Alberta Camp
Wesley Szamko
The annual 5K is taking place at 9AM Sunday July 16 in front of the Foothills Camp office. Participants are encouraged to register in advance.
Go to Strava.com/clubs/Haystacks to join.
bonus credit for your church by completing a 5K Walk/Run during Step Challenge week.
CLUB on to participate.
the Alberta Conference Step Challenge and see which church takes the most steps/member.
can participate.
your step
15-21 for a
to win a
church and
rights for the year.
the Haystacks group to participate in the bonus challenge.
count totals
Sponsored by
Melane is an award-winning, #1 bestselling author and an Adventist; born and raised in Alberta. She is also a TEDx speaker, successful entrepreneur, business management consultant, and the founder of Aere Management Consulting. She is currently based in Vancouver, BC.
In 2022, Melane volunteered to facilitate a three-month, small group at her church in Vancouver; Oakridge Adventist Church. The group was entitled: Entrepreneur Success, The Biblical Way, and she facilitated the same, three-month session at Bridgeland church in the fall of 2018.
Melane Mullings
Founder of Aere
Management Consulting, Vancouver, BC
Times: Sunday, July 16
Location: TBA at the ABC Christian Store Workshop: Entrepreneur Success, The Biblical Way
This workshop is being offered through the ABC Christian Store and is free to those who signed up in advance. It’s designed for struggling entrepreneurs and business owners from the Alberta Adventist churches that are eager to learn key, actionable strategies they can help transition their business to a state of sustained profitability. Those who attend will receive tools, resources, and strategies to help them grow purpose-driven, impactful, sustainably successful businesses.
More information about this workshop is available at the ABC Christian Store.
Alberta Camp Meeting
9:30 AM SUNDAY • JULY 16
Join the Alberta Conference Officers and members of the Mamawi Atosketan Centre (MAC) Campaign Team for an update on plans and schedule for the new centre in the heart of Maskwacis. Hot drinks and fruit provided!
Step back in time to the year 1973
In 1972, the Alberta Conference decided to make the property now known as Foothills
Camp its permanent camp meeting location. A Conference committee consisting of T. Andrews, John Anderson, Duke Bell, Victor Fast, Lorne Gramms, Harold Sees, Leo Sepp, Bob Simanton, Arnold White, and Loren Wombold was appointed in July 1972 to prepare
a master plan for the development of the new campsite property. Ted Andrews was appointed camp manager and put in charge of constructing the lodge as well as of general supervision of camp construction. Throughout the months of September to November, the Conference officers, department directors, pastors and laymen pushed ahead with the camp development.
Andrews and Larsen were especially active in getting the lodge foundations staked out and forms positioned. Don Melashenko and Marvin Suiter called upon their skills to survey and map the camp. Arthur Zaft came from Beauvallon to help install the water system. John Anderson and Bob Simanton and others donated tractor and equipment time. In May 1973, over one hundred
volunteers arrived to cut logs, pile wood, and burn brush. While the ladies worked inside the lodge washing windows and sanding walls for the final finishing coat of sealer, the men and boys worked with plumbing, heating, and levelling of floors of
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting
Innisfail Province, July 10, 1973.
Inauguration day, July 1973.
Behind the scenes.
various buildings prior to pouring cement. The archives report that “the weather was glorious, and a profitable time was enjoyed by all.” In July 1973, with the theme “’But by My SPIRIT,’ saith the Lord,” Foothills Camp was ready for camp meeting. Innisfail MLA
Cliff Dean represented
the Province of Alberta at the official ribbon-cutting, and residents living in the area were invited to attend the opening ceremonies followed by a luncheon. Some of the camp meeting speakers included General Conference Ministerial Secretary
E.E. Cleveland, and General Conference
Associate Secretaries
Ben J. Liebelt and Lowell L. Bock. Special musicians included The Heritage Family, Russell Davis, singer for Concerts for Christ, and the King’s Heralds of the Voice of Prophecy. Unfortunately, the nice weather that the volunteers had enjoyed in May disappeared,
and rain poured down on the camp just prior to the grand opening. The fresh landscaping and gravel roadways became nothing but mud. On Sabbath Pastor John Anderson put on a pair of boots and work clothes, started up the bobcat and pulled vehicles out of the mud and spread some gravel.
In the 50 years that Foothills Camp and Retreat Centre has been home to camp meetings in Alberta, Adventists have seen many storms during July camp meetings, but in spite of that, the camp meeting tradition continues. It’s an opportunity to see old friends and meet new ones, to spend time with family, and to take time for spiritual growth.
Alberta Camp Meeting
Juniors. Auditorium.
Join Debbie to see what's happening in the Alberta Conference throughout Alberta and the Northwest Territories.
Debbie Schwarz was born and raised in the Kelowna area of BC and after graduating from Okanagan Academy, went to Walla Walla College, WA where she graduated with a Nutrition degree. During the next 20 years, Debbie was Director of Food Service at Sunnyside Nursing Home in Saskatoon, SK and then at Sherwood Care Nursing Home in Sherwood Park, AB. Adventure called and found her in Hong Kong for the next six years, where she worked for Adventist World Radio and Hong Kong Adventist College teaching English. Continuing the adventure, she then found herself in Uganda for four years, where she served with the Vice Chancellor of
Administration and taught English as a Second Language. Being back in Canada since 2011, Debbie continues to work at the AB Conference Office as Administrative Assistant to both the President and Executive Secretary. Join
Sat, July 15
Sun, July 16
Calgary Cornerstone
Calgary METRO Filipino Mon, July 17
Get to know the Alberta Conference President and Executive Secretary
Tuesday, July 18
Chinook Winds Adventist Academy
Wednesday, July 19
Outdoor School
Thursday, July 20
Coralwood Adventist Academy
Friday, July 21
A Camp Meeting Chat
With the Administrators
Sat, July 22
Foothills Camp
Get to know the Alberta Conference Treasurer
Debbie July 15 - 22 | 6:30-7:00
Alberta Camp
Song by Keith Green
Create in me a clean heart, oh God
And renew a right spirit within me
Create in me a clean heart, oh God
And renew a right spirit within me
Cast me not away from Thy presence, oh Lord
And take not Thy holy spirit from me
Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation
And renew a right spirit within me
CLEAN HEART Meeting 31
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting
Opening Meeting: Friday, July 14, 7:00 p.m. Don Corkum Theme Song: Create in Me A Clean Heart
Please Note: Schedule times/programming may change.
32 TIME July 15 SABBATH July 16 SUNDAY July 17 MONDAY July 18 TUESDAY July 19 WEDNESDAY July 20 THURSDAY July 21 FRIDAY July 22 SABBATH 7:00 - 8:00 MORNING DEVOTIONAL | 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. | Daily Disciples (Ted and Sandra Deer) 8:00 - 8:45 BREAKFAST | 8:00 - 8:45 a.m. 9:00 - 11:00 MASKWACIS Lynn McDowell 9:10 a.m. FUN RUN 9:00 SEMINARS | 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. (See SEMINAR SCHEDULE for Locations) EDUCATION Gail Wilton 9:30 a.m. MAC INFO EXCHANGE 9:30 | Dining Room ABC SALE 10:30 11:00 - 12:15 CHURCH SERVICE Ken Wiebe 11:00 a.m. PLENARY | 11:00 - 12:15 p.m. | Frank Hasel CHURCH SERVICE Cyril Millett III Secretariat SDACC 11:00 a.m. 12:15 - 1:00 INTERNATIONAL FOOD FAIR 12:00 p.m. LUNCH 12:15 - 1:00 PM 1:15 - 2:00 SABBATH LUNCH 1:00 - 1:45 p.m. CHOIR REHEARSAL 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. CHOIR/ORCHESTRA REHEARSAL 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. SABBATH LUNCH 1:00 - 1:45 p.m. 2:00 - 3:00 FAMILY FUN TIME 2:00 - 4:00 P.M. 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION SEMINARS | 2:15 - 3:00 p.m. (See SEMINAR SCHEDULE for Locations) UNIFORM MINISTRIES PARADE 2:45-3:30 p.m. 3:00 - 4:00 BURMAN U 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. SEMINARS | 3:30 - 4:45 p.m. (REPEAT from MORNING) 4:00 - 5:00 ORDINATION/ COMMISSIONING Herb Larson Sr. 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. MUSIC CONCERT 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. 5:15 - 6:00 SUPPER | 5:15 - 6:00 p.m. 7:00 - 8:30 Jeff Potts President Alberta Conference SPEAKER INTROS | MUSIC CONCERT Gloria Elden Ramirez | Location: AUDITORIUM Cyril Millett III Secretariat SDACC Cyril Millett III Secretariat SDACC
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting
PLENARY SESSION (Auditorium) 11:00-12:15 p.m.
SEMINARS 2:15 - 3:00 p.m.
SEMINARS 3:30 - 4:45 p.m.
ADRA CANADA Daniel Saugh
Please Note: Schedule times/seminar may change.
Fidel and Cara Soto
Monday, July 17 - Friday, July 21
Daniel Saugh
MINISTRY Fidel and Cara Soto
Ernest Medina
In your phone browser go to adventistgiving. ca Tap the “Share” browser button Click “Add to Home Screen” option The AdventistGiving icon will appear in your phone for easy access AdventistGiving AdventistGiving Start Giving TODAY Installing AdventistGiving APP albertaadventist.ca/giving
Menu: Samosas, veggie rice, chapati, kebab $7/plate
Project: AAAC events
Bridgeland Cimarron Pathfinders
Menu: Loaded fries + pop
$12, poutine $8, veggie fries
$8, candy in a bag $1, cotton candy $3, loaded chips in a bag $8, mini donuts $3/6, Long John donut $3, pop/ water $1.50, Jones/Island soda $2.75, ginger beer small $3/large $6, mixed drinks small/ $3, large $6
Project: Gillette Camporee
CAAA South
Menu: Roti with chickpeas, veggie patties, fried plantain cake, coconut drops, toto cake, ginger beer, pop, water
Project: Club Events
Calgary Northwinds Church
Menu/Combo: vegetarian ginger beef, spring rolls, noodles, fried rice, oriental salad $11.00, halo halo $7, caricoa $2, turon $3, cinnamon rolls $3, perogies 10/$8
Project: Worthy Student Funds
Cornerstone Church
Menu: Ackee served with either bammy or festivals $15, calaloo served with either bammy or festivals $15, soy patties $5, puddings per slice $2.50, coconut water $3
Project: Pathfinders
Central Alberta FilCan
Combo: Pancit (Asian style noodles), spring rolls, steamed broccoli, black gulaman quencher $12
Project: FilCan Camp Meeting, Common Outreach Projects
Higher Ground Christian School (The Hungry Bear)
Menu: Poutine, taco-in-a-bag, griller with fries, snow cones
Parkland Pathfinders - College Heights
Menu: Sopes (corn flour, beans, salad, feta cheese, sour cream, salsa) $10/3, $3.50/1, pop $1.50
Project: Gillette Camporee
Ignite Pathfinder and Adventurer Clubs
Menu: water/popsicles/freezies/ juice box $1, Spanish rolls/pop/ cookies $2, gullaman/cake/ mango dessert $3, brownies $1/4
Project: Gillette Camporee and Club Fundraising
Indian Association of Alberta (AAAA)
Menu/Combo Plate: Rice, 1 naan, 2 curries, 1 samosa $10 Mini combo: 2 naan, 2 curries, 1 samosa $7, samosa
2/$3, lassi delight $2
Project: Group Events AAAA
Mirror Pathfinders
Menu: Pop $1.50, cotton candy
$2, carmel popcorn $3, cinammon pancakes $1.50, ice creams $1
Project: Pathfinder Club organization
Mountaineers Pathfinders
Menu: Burrito supreme $8, pop -$1.50, water $1, corn $2.50
Project: Gillette Camporee
Northern Lights
Pathfinders - Edmonton
Menu/Plate 1: curry/ rice $8, Meal 1: curry/rice/ mango milkshake $10, samosa/chutney $3, curry
$3, mango milkshake $3
Project: Gillette Camporee
Sylvan Lake Pathfinder
Menu: Taco-in-a-bag $7, taco-in-a- bag w/small drink
$8, taco-in-a-bag w/large drink $9, large drink $2
Project: Gillette Camporee
Okotoks Church/Adventurers
Menu: Combo 1: Spring roll, ginger beef, noodles, romaine/mandarin salad, squash leche flan, $12
Combo 2: Gluten steak, spring roll, rice, mixed veggies, squash leche flan $12, bubble tea $7, ice candy( mango/coconut bulo) $1
Project: Church expansion/ Adventurers Club
Saturday Evening, July 15
Store Hours: After sunset and evening meeting – 11:00 p.m.
Sunday, July 16
Store Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. and After evening meeting – 10:00 p.m.
Auditorium Sale: 10:30 a.m.
Regular price of all family and kids’ related products.
Monday, July 17
All week Daily Features: Watch for tables featuring fantastic buys on all sorts of products all week long at Camp Meeting, new items added daily.
Regular price of all Bibles and Bible accessories.
Regular price of all music CDs/DVDs/ Audio Books/ Hymnals and Song books.
Thursday, July 20
Store Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. and After evening meeting – 10:00 p.m.
Join us for great buys on some of our new books.
Prizes to be won!
Store Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. and After evening meeting – 10:00 p.m.
Tuesday, July 18
Store Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. and After evening meeting – 10:00 p.m.
Regular price of all Ellen White and Devotional books.
Wednesday, July 19
Store Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. and After evening meeting – 10:00 p.m.
Regular price of all Prayer/Health/ Cookbooks and related products.
Friday, July 21 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
NOTE: Sales are applicable only to items that are currently in stock. No rain checks. Items will be held until end of day ONLY.
Saturday Evening, July 22
Store Hours: After sunset and evening meeting – 11:00 p.m.
Saturday Evening Event Spend $25.00 or more and enter to win a FANTASTIC prize!
Food Samples: Daily, Monday thru Friday
Daily Prize: Draws everyday with a $25.00 purchase
Case Lot Sale: Case lot food sales and four can pricing in effect all week
Checkouts are closed until presentations are completed. Thank you for your patience.
Description Author Reg. Sale Hearts of Faith How We Became Seventh-day Adventists David J. B. Trimm $23.19 $18.19 How not to Diet Cookbook Michael Grreger $39.99 $12.99 Prayer Still Moves Mountains Diane Pestes $26.09 $20.09 Max the Cat The 7 A's of God's Relational Grace Mike Ortel $20.29 $16.29 Updraft Sandra Finley Doran $8.69 $6.69 Ephesians [SSCB 3Q 2023] TP John K. McVay $23.19 $18.19 In the Spirit and Power Pavel Goia with Kelly Mowrer $24.69 $19.69 He Comes Why, When, and How Jesus Christ Will return Reinder Bruinsma $24.69 $19.69 God Said It Boxed Set Books 1-16 Stp/Slip Cover Bradley Booth $14.49 $11.49 Final Events Knowing is not Enough Mario Martinelli $27.59 $22.59 Matter of Honor The Untold Story of a Love Divine Claude Richli $24.69 $19.69 Know and Glow Ocean Sticker Activities Book Glow I the Dark Stickers $13.99 $6.99 Difference a Day Makes Oliver B. J. Archer $24.69 $19.69 Guides Greatest Survivor Stories Lori Peckham $21.79 $17.79 Duck Duck Dinosaur Bubble Blast Kallie George $5.99 $2.99 Frichik Case 12/354g Loma Linda $155.88 $125.00 Description Author Reg. Sale Privilege of Prayer Brown Leatherette E. G. White $18.89 $14.49 Finding Joy Paul's Encouraging Message to the Philippians John Brunt $27.59 $21.59 Gospel in the Setting of End-Time Events Leonard Philps Tolhurst $33.39 $26.39 Everlasting Relevance of the Sabbath Bruce Wolpin $23.19 $18.19 Animal Adventures Set of 4 Books Sequoia Childrens Publishing $11.96 $5.96 Through the Eyes of Luke A Devotional Commentary Keith Clouten $36.29 $28.29 Love Fights Back 3 Stories to Save the World Patrick Johnson $26.09 $20.09 God's Air Force My Tour of Duty with Adventist World Radio Allen Steele $26.09 $20.09 Choose Prayer 3 Minute Devotions for Women Barbour Books $6.99 $3.99 Habits of the Heart Biblical Principles for Growing Christians Kenneth C. Crawford $23.19 $18.19 Redeemed A Rescue from the Powers of Darkness Bradley Booth $23.19 $18.19 Nephaniah Chronicles A Story of Rebellion and Redemption in Heaven Russell B. Holt $24.69 $19.69 We Belong to Each Other Liz Galvan $23.99 $8.99 Never Give Up The Stories behind the Songs of the Chuck Fulmore Trio Chuck and Dona Fulmore $24.69 $19.69 40 Days BK 13 Prayers and Devotions on the Sovereignty of God Dennis Smith $26.09 $20.09
ABC CHRISTIAN STORE abcchristianstore.ca (403) 782-4416 • 1-800-661-8131 1 - 5230 College Ave, Lacombe, AB T4L 2G1 Larry Wilton (Manager) lwilton@albertaadventist.ca Alberta Book Mobile albertabookmobile@albertaadventist.ca ABC Lacombe abclacombe@albertaadventist.ca 37
Maskwacis: Extending
July 15, 2023 | 9:10-10:45 AM
The Bridge Song Service Nanette Quines (chorister)
Scott Nischuk (pianist)
Welcome President Jeff Potts
Sabbath School Lesson Rupa Manoj (moderator)
MANS 20th Anniversary Feature Lynn McDowell
Introduction to Maskwacis Summer
Team as well as Chief & Fran Ermineskin Pastor Tsholo Sebetlela
Message from Maskwacis Chief Randy and Fran Ermineskin
Campaign Update & Recap President Jeff Potts, Ken Wiebe & Lynn McDowell
Closing Prayer Belinda Soosay
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting
Jeff Potts President
Lynn McDowell Presenter
Nanette Quines Chorister Rupa Manoj Moderator
Tsholo Sebetlela Presenter
Scott Nischuk
Ken Wiebe Presenter
Belinda Soosay Church Member
Alberta Conference Camp Meeting 2023
The Next Chapter
Person at Foothills Camp &
Featuring Chief Randy & Fran Ermineskin
Ermineskin Cree Nation, Maskwacis ONE VISION
Livestreamed albertacampmeeting.ca/OneVision Lesson Study 9:15 – 9:40 AM
9:40 –
Trevor Boller
Who: Individuals, families, or friend groups
What: 20-minute photoshoot with professional photographer, Trevor Boller from Red Willow Church, Edmonton
When: Sunday, July 16, 11:00 a.m. -12:30 pm and 3:00 p.m. -4:30 p.m.
Where: Primary B Tent (by the lodge)
Why: Top up the MAC Building Campaign (Maskwacis)
A minimum donation of $90 is much appreciated.
Call Rupa Manoj @ (587) 815-8776 or email rmanoj@albertaadventist.ca to reserve your spot.
Bocci Ball
Ladder Toss
Sponge Toss
Hay Ride
Washer Toss
Cart Rides
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting
Axe throwing
Face Painting
Upcoming 2023 Summer Camps
Specialty Camps - August 6-11
(Space is limited)
• Arts and Crafts Camp (Ages 12-17)
• Outdoor Camp (Ages 12-17)
• Horsemanship Camp (Ages 12-99)
To sign up for an activity, please go to the summer camp store.
Activities run Monday-Friday and are weather permitting. Limited space is available.
• Pool
• Horses
• Rock Climbing Wall
• Slip and Slide
• Waterfront Activities (off site)
For more information and to register for a specialty camp, please visit foothillscamp.ca/summer-camp or stop at the summer camp store window to talk with someone.
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting
0 – 2 years old
Debbie Bell
3 -4 years old
Fern Shefield
5-6 years old
Janeth L. Vasquez
7-9 years old
Pr. Paul Antunes
10 - 12 years old
Pr. Ian Bramble
a week full of Music, Bible Lessons, Crafts, Games, Fellowship and more!
Cradle Roll / Nursery (0 - 2 yrs)
Location: Cradle Roll Building
Debbie Bell – Leader
Primary A (5 - 6 yrs)
Location: Primary Building
Juniors (10 - 12 yrs)
Location: Junior Building
“The Tea House” (18 -3 5 yrs)
Sabbaths: 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. (a.m. only – no afternoon class)
Monday - Friday: 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Kindergarten (3 - 4 yrs)
Location: Kindergarten Building
Fern Shefield – Leader
Sabbaths: 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Sunday: 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday: 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Janeth L. Vasquez – Leader Sabbaths:
Pr. Ian Bramble – Leader
Sabbaths: 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday: 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Primary B (7 - 9 yrs)
Location: Tent in front of Lodge Pr. Paul Antunes – Leader
Teen/Youth (13 - 17 yrs)
Location: Lower Level by the Sports Field
Pr. Roberson Dorelus – Leader
Location: Field right by the Gate Entrence Pr. Tyler Rosengren – Leader
Sabbaths: 10:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Sunday: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Monday - Friday: 7:00 p.m.– 9:00 p.m.
Sabbaths: 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Sunday: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Mon., Tues., & Fri. mornings: 10:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Wed., & Thur. (no morning meeting - activity planned off site)
Monday - Friday evenings: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m
9:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Monday - Friday:
Sabbaths: 9:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Monday - Friday:
p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
8:30 p.m.
Associate Director, Youth & Young Adult Ministries NAD
Vandeon Griffin was born in Greenville, Miss. He served as the Youth Pastor of the Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist Church in Greenville, Miss., for four years. He was then extended an invitation to serve as a pastoral intern at the New Life Seventh-day Adventist Church in Chattanooga, Tenn. Griffin earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theology from Oakwood University in Huntsville, Ala. Upon graduation from Oakwood University he was extended a call to the South Central Conference in May of 2001.
See divisions schedule for times (page 45).
He matriculated to Andrews University Theological Seminary in Berrien Springs, Mich., where he completed the requirements for the Master of Divinity degree in July 2003. He completed the Doctor of Ministry Degree in Organizational Leadership from Andrews University in December of 2020.
Currently, Griffin serves as the Associate Youth and Young Adult Director of the North American Division, with headquarters in Columbia, Md. He covets the prayers of the saints in this assignment.
Discipleship and Evangelism Pastor, Church in the Valley, British Columbia Conference
See divisions schedule for times (page 45).
Abraham Samudio currently serves as the Discipleship and Evangelism Pastor at Church in the Valley in Langley, BC. He loves history and all things geeky as well as playing board games, working out, hiking, and kayaking. He and his wife Alyssa have a passion for Young Adult ministries and love to create social and spiritual environments for people to connect together and encounter a loving Jesus.
Title: Jesus
Summary: In the opening chapter of the gospel of John, John calls Jesus “the Word” and “the Lamb of God.” These were two highly symbolic identities for John to claim about Jesus. But those aren’t the only identity markers Jesus takes on. Join us as we explore some of the stories of the New Testament and discover who Jesus is.
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting 46
Vandeon Griffin
Abraham Samudio
Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me.”
Matthew 16:24
God is calling us as his disciples to radically abandon selfish desires and follow him. There are things that get in the way of our walk with God, but what is needed today more than ever are followers of Jesus who will set a side all hindrances, and completely follow him.
Dr. Lyle Notice Youth Director Alberta Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Pool Playground Lodge Primary building Sports Field Little Red Deer River Washrooms Amphitheater & Fire Pit Sherwood Forest Kindergarten Building Auditorium/ Gymnasium Main office Washrooms North Camping Section Junior Building ABC Christian Store Cradle Roll Building Horse Barn Cabins A-F Heritage Church South Camping Section East RV Park Section A East RV Park Section B Riding Arena Log Cabin Education Centre Washrooms
Alberta Camp
fields Lodge and Parking Lot SOUTH CAMPING AREA Cabins A-F Pool Playground NORTH CAMPING AREA Heritage Church Township Road 342 Township Road 342 Riding Area Horse Barn Log Cabin Education Centre East RV Park Section A East RV Park Section B RV Park Sections
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting
Camp sites 1 - 90
Please Note: Not all sites are shown on the map and sites may change due to camp needs or natural causes (e.g. fallen tree).
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting 50 1 39 40 43 42 41 44 45 2 3 4 5 6 7 47 49 50 52 54 56 57 60 62 63 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 85 86 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 64 65 66 67 68 69 46 48 51 53 55 58 59 9 11 13 12 14 8 10 15 17 18 16 19 22 23 21 20 24 26 28 27 25 29 30 31 32 35 37 38 34 36 33 Out House A B C D E F Ch u rch 87 88 89 90 Service Washrooms
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting
Camp sites 108 - 147
Please Note: Not all sites are shown on the map and sites may change due to camp needs or natural causes (e.g. fallen tree).
Auditorium Cradle Roll Junior ABC Christian Store PGTS Building Kindergarden Primary Sink Stand Flag Poles NoElectricity 143 144 145 146 147 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 130 129 128 127 126 125 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 108 Power-Only Education Hub The Hungry Bear 122 124 Recording Studio Nurse Station Sand Play Area
Washrooms Showers Flag poles Water tap Tree
Section A
Camp sites 200 - 275
Muster point
Water tap
Please Note: Not all sites are shown on the map and sites may change due to camp needs or natural causes (e.g. fallen tree).
52 Power Only Reserved for camp staff Gate to horses To main buildings E x i t 200 224 238 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 208 209 Washrooms Sanidump station Well House Sewers Sewer Septic 220/15 AMP plug 275 274 273 Full Service (15 AMP) Full Service (15 AMP) Full Service (15 AMP) 15 AMP plugs / Full Service (30 AMP) Full Service (30 AMP) F en c e Fence Horse barn Sherwood forest Education centre Basketball and Volleyball courts Log cabin No service Electrical Breaker box/transformer Electrical meters Light post
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting
Sewer Septic
Washrooms Tree Well house
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting
Section B
Camp sites 300 - 517
Please Note: Not all sites are shown on the map and sites may change due to camp needs or natural causes (e.g. fallen tree).
53 Electrical Breaker box/transformer Electrical meters Light post Sewer Septic Sanidump station Washrooms Tree Well house Muster point Water tap 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 47 7 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 450 451 425 Washrooms 325 350b 475b 275 274 273 Muster Point Fence Sanidump station Well House No septic Full Service (15 AMP) 15 AMP plugs Septic 220/15 AMP plug Sanidump 220/15 AMP plug Sanidump 220/15 AMP plug Full Service (15 AMP) Full Service (15 AMP) Full Service (15 AMP) Full Service (15 AMP) Full Service (30 AMP) vice Full Service (30 AMP) Full Service (15 AMP) Full Service (15 AMP) Full Service (15 AMP/30 AMP) Full Service (30 AMP) Full Service (30 AMP) e Full Service (30 AMP) e Full Serv ce (30 AMP) Full Service (50 AMP) Sewers
Friday Evening, July 14 Evangelism
Sabbath Morning Worship Service, July 15
Mamawi Atosketan Centre, Maskwacis
Sabbath Evening, July 15 Evangelism
Sunday, July 16 Evangelism
Monday, July 17 Foothills Camp Development
Tuesday, July 18 Evangelism
Wednesday, July 19 Evangelism
Thursday, July 20 Evangelism
Friday, July 21
Support for churches to purchase or build places of worship
Sabbath Morning Worship Service, July 22 Evangelism
Sabbath Evening, July 22
Foothills Camp Development
Designated Giving Policy. Spending of funds is confined to Board-approved programs and projects of the Alberta Conference. Contributions shall not in any way compromise the Alberta Conference charitable purposes or activities. Each contribution designated for an approved program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, cannot be completed for any reason determined by the Alberta Conference, or the focus of the Alberta Conference’s priorities shift, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where needed most, as determined by the Board.
AB Evangelism-General
Mamawi Operating Fund
Campground Development
AB K-12 Education
Youth Camp-Operating
New Church Building Offering
$ $ $ $ $ $ $
- -
Visa / MC#
Expiry Date Security Code
Cash Cheque#
To receive a tax-deductible receipt, print legibly name, address and postal code.
City Postal Code
Phone/ Email
Cheques can be mailed to:
The Alberta Conference of the Seventh- day Adventist Church, 5816 Hwy 2A, Lacombe, AB, T4L 2G5
Credit card donations can be made by phone at (403) 342-5044. Please visit albertaadventist.ca/giving for other giving methods. CAMP MEETING OFFERING
Camp Meal Prices (Individual)
Ages 0-4 (free)
Ages 5-9
Breakfast $13
Lunch $13
Supper $13
Ages 10 and up
Breakfast $17
Lunch $17
Supper $17
Please note: There are no refunds on meal tickets.
Camp Meeting Meal Times
Camp Meeting dates for 2024
Speed Limits
(No Sunday Lunch due to International Food Fair. You will need cash to purchase foods at the Fair)
Summer Camp Store Hours
Please be respectful of the neighbours who live on the dirt roads approaching the camp. Speed limit is 60 kms.
Reduce speed to 25 kms when passing individuals walking on the road.
MealPackagePricing(10%Discount): (No Sunday lunch due to International Food Fair)
Full Package (24 meals) $367.20
Nomealticketswillbesoldduring Sabbathhours.Pleasepurchaseyour Sabbathmealticketsatthecamp officebefore9p.m.onFridays.
Saturday (9:30 p.m. - 11 p.m.)
Sunday (open during family fun day by horse barn)
Monday - Friday (9:30 a.m. - 11 a.m.), (1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.) and (8:30 p.m. - 10 p.m.)
Radio Station
Audio Recordings
Check albertacampmeeting.ca to replay some meetings/sessions
Emergency Contacts
Camp Superintendent:
Llew Werner (587) 815-5977
Camp Security:
Pastor John Murley (780) 245-5646
(For medical issues, please contact the camp office or security)
Breakfast 8:00 a.m.
8:45 a.m. Lunch 12:15 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Sabbath
1:00 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Supper 5:15 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting
In case of tornado warning, evacuate the campground in an orderly fashion. Make sure you have all your family members accounted for. DO NOT hook up your trailer or pack. Get in your vehicle and leave in the designated direction away from the oncoming tornado.
If a tornado is imminent (no time to evacuate) do the following:
1. Lodge – go down to the basement of the lodge.
2. Main Auditorium – lie down inside the concrete wall.
3. Lie down in ditches and low spots.
4. Stay out of cars and camping units.
5. Stay away from power lines.
In case of fire in a building, walk quietly but quickly to the nearest exit and proceed to a safe distance from the building to a muster point .
1. DO NOT panic. DO NOT rush, push, or overtake.
2. Follow instructions of the Fire Marshal and security.
3. Keep noise to a minimum so that all instructions may be easily heard.
4. DO NOT return to the building until all clear is given by the Fire Marshal.
5. Call 911.
Severe lightning storm
1. Stay away from water, metal objects, all electrical devices, telephones, vehicles and other substances that will conduct electricity.
2. All campers are to take shelter in a safe place.
3. Avoid standing under high objects.
4. Alert staff to possible fire or other emergencies.
5. Unplug all electronics.
Severe storms
1. Proceed to shelters (main building, lodge, bathrooms).
2. Cabin residents, stay in your cabin.
3. If sufficient notice, retract all awnings, tie downs and put any loose objects inside your RVs.
LOOK for weather updates on main bulletin board or listen to the camp radio station at 106.3 FM.
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting 58 58
Please note: In the event of any of the following emergency situations, the camp Fire Marshal and security will be on hand to assist you in following these procedures.
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting 59 EMERGENCY
Hospitals/Clinics Olds Hospital & Care Centre (403)556-3381 3901-57 Avenue Olds Associate Clinic (403)556-3355 5018-53 Street Innisfail Health Centre (403)227-7800 5023-42 Street Innisfail Medical Clinic (403)227-3356 5031-49 Street Red Deer Regional (403)343-4422 3942-50A Avenue Sundre Hospital & Care Centre (403)638-3033 709-1 Street NE Health Link Alberta 811 or (866) 408-5465 R.C.M.P. (INNISFAIL) (403)227-3341 4904-45 Avenue R.C.M.P. (OLDS) (403)556-3323 5110-65 Avenue Emergency Number (403)896-9810 FOOTHILLS CAMP - Main Number (403)556-6767 Land Description: SE ¼ SEC 13, Township 34, Range 3, Meridian 5 GPS Coordinates: N51.91153, -W114.29008 EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS 911
- CALL 911
1. Quiet time is 11:00 p.m.
2. Children under 18 years of age are not permitted to stay overnight at the campground unless under adult supervision of an immediate family member.
3. See New Dog Policy (page 62).
4. Bicycles, skateboards, water guns, firearms, etc. are not permitted on the campground.
5. Campers in the 15 amp sites are prohibited from using air conditioners or other major electrical appliances due to inadequate electrical power.
6. The maximum occupancy on any camping site is one camping unit plus one same-family tent.
7. A maximum of two vehicles are permitted at one RV site, campsite, or cabin.
8. Camping is ONLY permitted in assigned areas.
9. No open fires are permitted on the campground, either indoors or outdoors. This includes candles, citronella pails, torches, or open flame of any kind.
10. A $10 per key CASH deposit will be required at registration for all cabins, lodge rooms, and division buildings. The deposit will be refunded when you return the key(s) upon departure.
11. The cafeteria will provide all meals, including Sabbaths, with the exception of the Sunday lunch, which is the International Food Fair. Meal tickets are only available at the Camp Administration Office. No meal tickets will be sold during Sabbath hours. Unused meal tickets will NOT be refunded.
12. 2024 REGISTRATION: If you wish to register for a 2024 camping site, you must fill out a registration form at the camp office BEFORE FRIDAY, July 21, 2023. Bring your current site number (if applicable) and the requested site number.
13. Please do not wash your vehicle or RV while on the campgrounds. Water supplies are limited.
14. Parents, please ensure that your children have adequate skin protection for all outdoor activities. Wearing a T-shirt is recommended for water-ski outings to guard against a serious sunburn.
15. Solicitation, merchandise sales, and distribution of literature by unauthorized persons is not permitted on the campgrounds. If you wish to promote personal and private CDs, etc., you must obtain pre-approval from the manager of the Adventist Book Centre.
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting 60 60 GUIDELINES & POLICIES
The following guidelines are in place for the comfort and safety of all users of Foothills Camp and Retreat Centre. Your cooperation in observing them is very much appreciated.
16. Lifestyle in the Seventh-day Adventist Church promotes the non-use of tobacco, alcohol or illicit drugs. Use of these in any form is not permitted.
22. No appliance can be used at the camp that has an open electric element due to fire regulations. Ex. Toasters, Toaster ovens etc..
17. Parking in driveways is not permitted. Avoid double-parking and blocking others. Infractions may necessitate your car being towed away.
18. Small appliances such as kettles, rice cookers and microwaves are not permitted to be used in the lodge rooms.
19. Scent Free - Please be mindful of those who struggle with allergy issues. Avoid wearing strong scented perfumes and lotions.
20. Prevent fires and notify security personnel immediately of any fire or perceived fire risks.
21. River Safety. Unsupervised minors should not access the river. The river flows fast and dangerous during rainy periods. Please take the precaution for staying safe.
23. Each cabin only has 1 x 15 amp plug and you can only use one electric appliance at a time. Using more will overload the circuit and cause a fire hazard. The best way to prepare food is with a propane camp stove OUTDOORS, they are not to be used inside a cabin at any time.
24. Small appliances such as kettles, rice cookers and microwaves are not permitted to be used in the lodge rooms.
25. Speed Limits. Please be respectful of the neighbours who live on the dirt roads approaching the camp. Speed limit is 60 kms. Reduce speed to 25 kms when passing individuals walking on the road.
26. Foothills Camp wells are tested on a regular basis and are considered safe by AHS however, it is recommended that individuals in RV sites provide their own drinking water or boil the water provided at the RV site tap.
The purpose of a Dog Policy for the Alberta Conference annual Camp Meeting is to ensure a safe environment for campers, dogs and have minimal impact on wildlife.
Dogs can be wonderful companions, and a source of great joy. However, at Foothills Camp and Retreat Centre where campers live together in close proximity, there are circumstances that dogs may pose risks to other campers or animals. Risks may include, but are not limited to, severe allergy reactions; infectious diseases or parasites; unpredictable or aggressive behaviour; and fearful reactions. At Foothills Camp pets are limited to dogs.
Policy Guidelines
PLEASE NOTE: The New Dog Policy is a trial for 2023
1. Dog free areas are the Lodge, Cabins, central camp meeting area, indoor program space, public washrooms, the Dining Room and play areas (playgrounds, volleyball/basketball courts, pool area). Accommodations can be made for Service Dogs.
2. All dogs must be registered at the Camp Office.
3. Dogs are to be well behaved and kept under control at all times:
a. Includes but is not limited to crates, kennels, small fenced enclosures*, tie outs* and leashes.
b. Leashes are not to be longer than 6 feet while walking dogs on the campground.
c. Ensure tie outs do not pose a fall risk hazard.
d. Quiet times are 10:00 pm – 7:00 am.
4. Children are to be a minimum age of ten and with sufficient strength to restrain their dog on their own.
5. Children under the age of ten are to be supervised at all times with any dog on the campground.
6. Impact on the campground’s wildlife is to be minimized.
7. Dog feces is to be cleaned up and disposed of in garbage bins by dog’s owner, or the dog walker.
8. Dogs must be free from any infectious disease.
9. Dogs must have up-to-date immunizations and it is strongly recommended that dogs be on a flea treatment regime.
10. Dogs that exhibit the following behaviours to other animals, children or adults will require stronger boundaries/control measures:
a. Ferocious barking
b. Lunging
c. Growling, snarling or snapping
d. Outside continuous barking for more than 15 seconds without correction
11. Dog behaviour that is concerning to any camper is to be handled according to the following process:
a. Strongly encouraged to communicate directly with the dog’s owner.
b. If the situation is unresolved, the concerned camper is to contact the Security Coordinator and/or the Camp Superintendent or come to the Camp Office to call these individuals who will attempt to mediate an agreeable solution.
12. If aggressive behaviour escalates or results in harm to another animal or person:
a. Restrain the dog/s
b. Initiate first aid and contact the Nursing Station
c. Report the incident immediately to the Security Coordinator and/ or the Camp Superintendent
13. Camp operations, as necessary, will require the dog owner to make alternate boarding arrangements off the campground if a dog’s behaviour is deemed to be a safety risk or if Dog Policies are not adhered to.
*Only if owners are present
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting
64 This Alberta Camp Meeting brochure is a publication of the Alberta Conference Communications Department. Printed in Canada, June 2023
2023 Alberta Camp Meeting