Abbacino presenta Fall Legends, su nueva colección AW14. Junto a su línea de bolsos la firma mallorquina incorpora nuevas piezas que dan forma a su total look: cinturones, guantes, brazaletes, pequeña marroquinería y trolleys completan la gama de accesorios.
Abbacino presents Fall Legends, its new AW14 collection. Together with its range of bags, the company based in Mallorca includes new articles that will be the perfect finish for your look: belts, gloves, bracelets, small leather goods and trolley bags complete the range of accessories.
En esta ocasión, sus creaciones están inspiradas en las leyendas que dan vida al Otoño. Un recorrido por el imaginario colectivo que nos llevará a encontrarnos con la versión actual de las diosas griegas de la naturaleza, las deidades invernales del norte de Europa y las criaturas de la mitología asiática. Un viaje que da forma a una colección rica en formatos, texturas y colores.
On this occasion, its creations are inspired by the legends that bring life to autumn. A journey through the imaginary group that will lead us to find the current version of the Greek Goddesses of nature, winter deities from the north of Europe and the creatures of Asian mythology. It is a journey that shapes a collection rich in formats, texture and colour.
La variedad de estilos presentados permitirán a la mujer Abbacino encontrar piezas para cada momento del día. Desde diseños urbanos y funcionales hasta los más sofisticados y elegantes. Todos ellos con su característico toque mediterráneo que enfatiza la calidad, el color y una frescura que les hace únicos.
The variety of styles presented will allow an Abbacino woman to find articles for each moment of every day. Ranging from urban and functional designs to the most sophisticated and elegant trends. All of them with their characteristic touch of Mediterranean flare that emphasizes the quality, colour and freshness that make them unique.
Los formatos de tendencia como los hobos, tote y mochilas conviven con los más prácticos: bandoleras, shoppings y bowlings. Sobre ellos, toman forma originales acabados metalizados, patchworks, flecos, trenzados, estampados florales, piel de potro y prints de pitón. La napa convive con otros materiales más casual como pana, nylon y cálidos textiles, ofreciendo una sorprendente variedad de looks y acabados.
The fashionable formats like the shoulder handbags, tote bags and rucksacks can be found alongside the more practical styles: bandoliers, shopping bags and bowling bags. They have original finishes that are metallized, with patchwork, tassels, plaited, floral patterns, foal leather and python prints. Leather is combined with other more casual materials like corduroy, nylon and warm fabrics, offering a surprising variety in terms of both looks and finishes.
Como es habitual, la marca presta especial atención al color. La paleta cromática recoge los tonos de esos bosques legendarios que inspiran la colección. De ahí que los bolsos, cinturones, carteras y guantes que completan la colección se tiñan de tonos que van de los rojizos al ocre pasando por el verde musgo, los azules y una amplia gama de marrones. Las combinaciones de dos y tres tonos hacen que sus piezas resulten además de originales fácilmente combinables.
As is normal, the brand pays special attention to colour. The colourful palette brings together the tones of such legendary forests that are the inspiration of the collection. And the bags, belts, wallets and gloves that complete the collection are dyed with tones that range from reddish to ochre, as well as moss green, tones of blue and a wide range of browns. The combinations of two and three tones, besides being original, are easy to combine together.
Abbaccino stellt Fall Legends, seine neue Kollektion AW14 vor. Für einen ganzheitlichen Look nimmt die mallorquinische Marke neben ihrer HandtaschenLinie neue Teile in ihr Sortiment auf: Gürtel, Handschuhe, Armbänder, kleine Lederwaren und Trolleys komplettieren das Accessoires-Sortiment.
Abbacino presenta Fall Legends, la nuova collezione AW14. Oltre alla linea di borse, l’azienda maiorchina inserisce nuovi pezzi che costituiscono il suo total look: cinture, guanti, bracciali, piccola pelletteria e trolley completano la gamma degli accessori. Questa volta le creazioni sono ispirate alle leggende che danno vita all’Autunno. Un percorso attraverso l’immaginario collettivo che ci porterà a incontrare la versione moderna delle dee greche della natura, le divinità invernali del nord Europa e le creature della mitologia asiatica. Un viaggio che dà forma a una collezione ricca di formati, consistenze e colori.
Die Kreationen dieser Kollektion sind von den Legenden inspiriert, die dem Herbst Leben verleihen. Eine imaginäre Reise in die griechische Sagenwelt, die uns zu den griechischen Naturgöttinnen, den Windgottheiten Nordeuropas und den Geschöpfen der asiatischen Mythologie der Moderne entführen. Eine Reise, die einer Kollektion reich an Formaten, Texturen und Farben Form gibt
La varietà di stili presentati consentirà alla donna Abbacino di trovare capi adatti a ogni momento della giornata. Dai design urbani e funzionali a quelli più sofisticati ed eleganti. Tutti con il caratteristico tocco mediterraneo che enfatizza la qualità, il colore e una freschezza che li rendono davvero unici.
Die Vielfalt an Stilen ermöglicht es der Abbacino Frau, für jeden Moment des Tages die geeigneten Teile zu finden. Von urbanen und funktionalen bis hin zu avantgardistischen und eleganteren Designs. Der charakteristische, mediterrane Touch der Kollektion unterstreicht Qualität und Farben und verleiht den Designs eine Frische, die sie einzigartig macht.
I formati di tendenza, come quelli delle borse hobo e tote o degli zaini, convivono con quelli più pratici: bandoliere, shopper e bowling. Su questi modelli prendono forma originali finiture metallizzate, patchwork, frange, intrecci, stampe floreali, pelle di puledro e print di pitone. La nappa conviene assieme ad altri materiali più casual, quali velluto, nylon e caldi tessuti che offrono un’incredibile varietà di look e finiture.
Trendige Bags wie Hobos und Totes sowie Rucksäcke ergänzen das Sortiment der praktischeren Modelle, wie Umhänge- und Bowlingtaschen oder Shoppingbags. Originelle Metallic-Dessins, Patchworks, Fransen, Flechtereien, Blumenaufdrucke, Fohlenfell und Python-Looks werden in der diesjährigen Accessoires-Kollektion gekonnt umgesetzt.. Edles Nappaleder neben legeren Materialien wie Samt, Nylon und warmen Stoffen ermöglichen eine überraschen Vielfalt an Looks und Oberflächen.
Come suo solito, il marchio presta la massima attenzione al colore. La gamma cromatica raggruppa tutte le tonalità di quei boschi leggendari che ispirano la collezione. Le borse, le cinture, i portafogli e i guanti che completano la collezione si tingono di toni che vanno dai rossicci al giallo ocra, passando attraverso il verde muschio, i blu e una vasta gamma di marroni. Le combinazioni di due o tre tonalità fanno sì che i pezzi della collazione risultino originali e facilmente abbinabili.
Wie üblich steht bei der Marke die Farbe im Mittelpunkt. In der Kollektion überwiegen die tiefen, geheimnisvollen Farbtöne sagenumwobener Wälder. Taschen, Gürtel, Geldbeutel und Handschuhe als Ergänzung zur Kollektion präsentieren sich in Farben, die von Rot- und Ockertönen über Moosgrün und Blau bis zu Braun in allen Schattierungen reichen. Die Kombination aus zwei oder drei Farbtönen machen die Kollektionsteile zu leicht kombinierbaren Unikaten.
Ekeko Line
Ame Line
Rind Line
Asopo Line
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1. XS shoulder bag in three colors combination. Ref. 3426-56. 2. Silvered pony skin wallet. Ref. 7500-90. 3. Leather wallet in two colors combination. Ref. 7521-56. 4. Leather clutch. Ref. 7519-30. 5. Leather wallet in two colors combination. Ref. 7526-80. 6. Leather XS wallet with zip and handle. Ref. 7542-43. 7. Leather envelope clutch in two colors combination. Ref. 7518-80. 8. Leather XL wallet. Ref. 7527-53. 9. Silvered pony skin cultch. Ref. 3419-90. 10. Ostrich print leather wallet. Ref. 7505-72. Dixter & Sheffield Line
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Demeter Line
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Opis Line
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Zio Line
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Seb Line
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1. Leather patchwork hobo. Ref. 3403-37. 2. Two cmts. leather belt with silvered buckle. Ref. 5242-50. 3. Leather patchwork multipocket shoulder bag. Ref. 3410-53. 4. Leather gloves with tassel. Ref. 2370-90. 5. Leather patchwork multipocket bowling. Ref. 3409-50. 6. Leather fringes shopping bag. Ref. 3411-72. 7. Hand painted effect leather belt. Ref. 5251-54. 8. Leather patchwork two-positions shoulder bag. Ref. 3404-90. 9. Suede long gloves. Ref. 2365-72. 10. Leather patchwork shopping bag. Ref. 3405-50
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Mara Line
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Vali Line
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Silfos & Yule Line
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1. Two materials hand-braided soft clutch. Ref. 8562-80. 2. Hand painted effect leather wallet. Ref. 7509-50. 3. Leather clutch with metallic shoulder strap. Ref. 3417-54. 4. Leather belt with lace. Ref. 5241-80. 5. Hexagon frame clutch. Ref. 6210-35. 6. Wooden frame padded clutch. Ref. 6214-90. 7. Bracelet. Ref. 7506-72. 8. Two materials envelope clutch. Ref. 8572-43. 9. XS leather belt with maxi metallic buckle. Ref. 5253-54. 10. Snake print clutch with metallic shoulder strap. Ref. 3413-53.
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Uller Line
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Bran Line
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