Brief 13 dr me

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Programme Title: BA (Hons) Graphic Design

Level: 6

Module Title: Extended Practice

Module Code: OUGD603

Brief Title: Dr Me _ Make A Flag

Module Leader/Tutors: Amber Smith, Andy Lodge, Simon Harrison, Phil M

Module Credits: 60

Weighting of Brief within Module: 100%

Context DR ME is a Manchester based multidisciplinary studio. We had a workshop with Dr & Me recently, and were set a brief to create a flag towards a special exhibition.

Brief Design and produce a unique and bespoke flag for the Dr. Me FLAGS exhibition to be held at Islington Mill, Manchester. Must be 150x150cm in scale.

Preparation What kinds of flags are already out there, and what are flags used for. What do flags essentially represent? Consider a concept, which would be enjoyed and interesting for the exhibition. Any process is invited.

Evidence Documentation of process and documentation of exhibition as a final deliverable. Blogging of process and research. Briefing: 13/11/13

Deadline: Friday 13/12/13

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