Module Title: Extended Practice
Student Name: Abbas Mushtaq
Studio Brief Title: Brief 09 : Creative Networks #1 Wayne Hemingway Synopsis: Produce a series of posters and event decoration including wayfinding and vinyl application for Leeds College of Art’s first, of a series of speaker’s events called Creative Networks. The brief is a short turn-around weekend brief. The first featured speaker is award winning and iconic British designer, Wayne Hemingway MBE. List of deliverables Evidence Extended placement brief from GOLDEN. (boards, resolutions, apps,etc)
(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)
Design Boards x 5
Design boards taking through references, visual development and photographic documentation of application of material on day of event.
Evaluation: Positives and learning curves throughout brief A positive of the brief was it was nice to step away from the briefs we were working on at the time, and produce a super-quick turnaround project and collection of what was primarily posters. We didn’t have to worry too much about concepts, promotion and so on, just purely on the aesthetic quality of the work we produce as event decoration Difficulties faced throughout the module A difficulty we initially faced was keeping in contact and on the same page as a collective of three designers working on the CN events, it was the beginning of the year and we had not really collaborated before up to this point, so at first a difficulty was communication and comfortable sharing, and being honest about ideas. This difficulty was eradicated with future events, especially as me and Sam have collaborated a lot this year and I feel we work well together and share the same opinions and motivations within design. What I would do differently next time Next time around I feel we would have pushed this brief way further than we did in reality, time was tight and we weren’t given much of a budget in terms of promotional material, tickets, campaigns, viral videos and so on. If next time, we had more time we would definitely have pushed the envelope with the brief and gone beyond simply producing what was essentially a series of posters, and some vinyl signage and wayfinding. It’s a shame because visually, and thematically the brief has a lot of potential, British independent movies, fashion, mod culture and so on have a really strong visuals and a strong personality. It would have lended itself really well to branding a fully fledged event, with a real focus on tone of voice. Ratings (Very Bad) 1 - (Very Good) 5 Quality of work _______ 3 Quantity of work ________ 2 Attendance ________4 Punctuality _________3 Motivation _________4