T MISSION c e . U O C S L IR G p la a b e tt e r
u ra g e , c o ir ls o f c o g s d il u b ti n g G ir l S c o u
th e w o rl d ho make w r, te c ra , and cha n fi d e n c e
Dear <<Dear>>, I still remember my first day of camp.
are worth keeping
After waving a tearful goodbye to our parents, we ran across the big field to the flagpole and played games till we were laughing too hard to be homesick. Decades later, when I see sun shining on a fresh-cut field, I can almost hear our happy shrieks and see the shadows of my now lifelong friends running with me at Girl Scout camp. No matter how much times change, some traditions are worth keeping – and supporting. I hope you will join me in our effort to make camp available to all girls who wish to attend – girls like “Susan.” Susan’s mother remembers her own first day at camp, too. That’s why it broke her heart to make the call cancelling Susan’s camp registration. When severe illness struck— keeping her out of work for months—camp was beyond their stretched family budget. Now Susan’s summer memories would be hospital visits, not camp. Fortunately for Susan, everything changed when her mom learned about Girl Scouts in the Heart of PA’s camperships for families with financial need. These camp scholarships help families send their daughters to life-changing summer camp programs. Susan’s life changed, too.
Your gift will keep the tradition of Girl Scout camp alive. Thanks to your past support, Girl Scouts in the Heart of PA awarded almost $50,000 in camperships in 2014, sending 300 girls to summer sleep away and day camp programs. As I hold and read the thank-you notes from Susan and her mom—both full of gratitude for Susan’s unforgettable week with new friends, s’mores and camp songs while her mother recuperated from lifesaving surgery—I’m reminded, too, of your generosity and all it affords to girls like Susan. Will you help a girl like Susan this summer? A girl who needs you to make all the difference in her life? Your gift of $500, $300 or $150 can send an in-need girl to a week of sleep away ranch camp, traditional camp or troop adventure camp. Please consider a gift of any amount to keep Girl Scout camp open for all girls. Sincerely,
Carolyn Warman Board Chair
Make a girl’s dreams come true this summer! � YES! I want to make camp possible for all girls! You can donate online at: www.gshpa.org Enclosed is my gift of: � $500 � $300 � $150 � $75 � Other $__________
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� I work for a matching gift company ____________________________________________________ � I have included GSHPA in my estate plans. � Please contact me about including GSHPA in my estate plans. CM15
The official registration and financial information of Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State. Registration does not imply endorsement.
350 Hale Avenue � Harrisburg, PA 17104 T: 717.233.1656 � F: 717.234.5097 Toll Free: 800.692.7816 www.gshpa.org � general@gshpa.org
Please return using the enclosed envelope to: Girl Scouts in the Heart of PA, 350 Hale Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17104
Dear <<Dear>>, During the holiday season, it often feels like I’m running from one celebration to the next. It’s so easy to get caught up in my “to do” lists that I forget what I’m celebrating—that is until the holiday family photos start arriving in my mailbox. There is one photo I look forward to receiving beyond all others—a photo of ten girls. They are not related, but they certainly are a family. They are a Girl Scout troop that’s been together since the 2nd grade. Their leader, “Barb,” had no idea what she was getting into when she signed up to lead a troop. She thought she had the perfect plan to help her daughter make friends and to fit into life as a new arrival in a small town. But Barb never guessed that her idea was also the perfect plan for nine more girls who needed her in their lives. As she led her troop of girls through fun adventures, Barb started to learn more about them and it wasn’t always fun and laughter. As she got to know them, she discovered the difficulties they often faced during school and at home. While Barb taught them the Girl Scout Promise and Law and shared treasured traditions, they were teaching her about the hidden problems of small town life. These adorable little girls had a lot in common—their family life was difficult, they often turned up hungry or cold, their parents were hard to contact—outside of Girl Scouts, the girls lacked stability. Girl Scouts became the rock in their often tumultuous lives. With Barb’s guidance, they worked together on what was most important to them—food and clothes. The troop soon had a room that served as a mini-pantry and clothes closet—which later grew into a project for the town. Troop meetings, with leaders the girls could rely on, became the stable point in their otherwise stormy lives. Now in the 11th grade, these girls are still together—working hard to do well in school and serve their community. They still bring their report cards to troop meetings and vie to get the best grades. They don’t worry about being cold or hungry anymore. They worry about picking the right college after they receive their SAT scores. These girls have big dreams; in Girl Scouts they’re charting their paths to reach those dreams. This year they’ll be going to the Girl Scouts in the Heart of PA College Days and the Financial Smarts for Students programs, where they’ll visit colleges and prepare to apply for financial aid. (turn over)
With each new picture of this troop I see strong girls growing into bright, resilient young women. And I know that these girls are the lucky ones, because they are Girl Scouts.
While Barb taught them the Girl Scout Promise and Law and shared treasured traditions, they were teaching her about the hidden problems of small town life. These adorable little girls had a lot in common—their family life was difficult, they often turned up hungry or cold, their parents were hard to contact—outside of Girl Scouts, the girls lacked stability.
Every girl deserves the stability of a Girl Scout troop—a troop that grows with her from kindergarten through high school—where a girl can open the doors to her future. What better gift can we give to ourselves, to our community and to girls today and tomorrow than to ensure that Girl Scouts is here for generations to come? Your past generosity has helped girls like the girls in Barb’s troop—girls whose lives are turned around because of Girl Scouts. Only with your renewed support can volunteers like Barb become the leaders that girls can depend on to help them change their own lives and reach for a successful future. Will you help girls find their “Barb” with a gift today? Your gift of any amount helps change a girl’s future. Please make your gift today. With sincere thanks,
Veronica Longenecker Board Chair PS. To read more about GSHPA visit www.gshpa.org, to donate online click on Donate Now at the top of the page.
Make a girl’s dreams come true this holiday season! � YES! I want to invest in girls’ lives! You can donate online at: www.gshpa.org Enclosed is my gift of: � $500 � $250 � $100 � $50 � Other $__________
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Signature: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ *P lease note: the 3-digit code on the back of your credit card is required for completion of this transaction. For your security, a staff person will call you for this information. A phone number is required.
� I work for a matching gift company ____________________________________________________ � I have included GSHPA in my estate plans. � Please contact me about including GSHPA in my estate plans. 16HL-DR
The official registration and financial information of Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State. Registration does not imply endorsement.
350 Hale Avenue � Harrisburg, PA 17104 T: 717.233.1656 � F: 717.234.5097 Toll Free: 800.692.7816 www.gshpa.org � general@gshpa.org
Please return using the enclosed envelope to: Girl Scouts in the Heart of PA, 350 Hale Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17104
T MISSION c e . U O C S L IR G p la a b e tt e r
u ra g e , c o ir ls o f c o g s d il u b ti n g G ir l S c o u
th e w o rl d ho make w r, te c ra , and cha n fi d e n c e
There’s no Wi-Fi in the forest, but there’s better
Dear <<first_name>>, Connection, it’s a unique part of the Girl Scout Summer Camp experience for all girls that participate.
connect girls with friends, peers, nature, tradition and their future in a way that’s not available anywhere else.
Your gift keeps the Connection and Tradition of Girl Scout Camp alive and available for all girls. A gift of $300, $250, $100 or $50 provides unique and enriching activities affordable for all girls in the 30 Pennsylvania counties served by Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania. Please consider a gift of any amount to make Girl Scout camp open for all girls.
Perhaps one of Nichole’s strongest connections are the ones that she has forged with her Counselors and Counselors-In-Training (CIT). “Ever since I was in third grade and went to Girl Scout camp I looked up to the CIT. “The people at camp make me feel so good about myself and I want to be around those people. That feeling and the camp experience will keep girls coming back for generations.”
“I usually cannot live without my phone,” said 14-yearold Girl Scout Nichole, “But as soon as I get to camp it doesn’t even faze me not to have it.” Disconnecting from her everyday world of television, internet, cell phones, and social media apps isn’t a problem because when she arrives at camp there are so many other ways to Connect. Nichole likes to squeeze a year of anticipation into an unforgettable week of Summer Camp. The unique programs and activities available only at Summer Camp
No matter how much times change, some traditions are worth keeping and supporting. I hope you will join me in our effort to keep the tradition of camp available for all girls– girls like Nichole. Sincerely,
Veronica Longenecker Chair of the Board
Make a girl’s dreams come true this summer! � YES! I want to make camp possible for all girls!
� My check is enclosed. (Please make checks payable to GSHPA)
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Account Number: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Exp. Date: ____________
* Phone: _________________________________________
Signature: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________ Birthday: _________/___________/__________
You can donate online at: www.gshpa.org Enclosed is my gift of: � $300 � $250 � $100 � $50 � Other $__________
*P lease note: the 3-digit code on the back of your credit card is required for completion of this transaction. For your security, a staff person will call you for this information. A phone number is required.
� I work for a matching gift company ____________________________________________________ � I have included GSHPA in my estate plans. � Please contact me about including GSHPA in my estate plans. CM16
The official registration and financial information of Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State. Registration does not imply endorsement.
350 Hale Avenue � Harrisburg, PA 17104 T: 717.233.1656 � F: 717.234.5097 Toll Free: 800.692.7816 www.gshpa.org � customercare@gshpa.org
Please return using the enclosed envelope to: Girl Scouts in the Heart of PA, 350 Hale Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17104
FUN FACTS MISSION: Build girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place.
serves girls in grades K - 12 MEMBERSHIP:
Girl Scouts in grades K-12
(volunteers & lifetime)
total membership
WHO WE ARE: With Girl Scouts, girls have the opportunity to explore, experience and even take the lead in exciting activities like science and technology, business and economic literacy, outdoor and environment and so much more! Girls get engaged in our programs and girl-led community service projects and in the process they discover amazing things about themselves, connect with others in their community, and take action to make the world a better place.
ervice g 99% r voluns mean mean s. Our
They ssful young woman that I am. I would not have achieved what I have, if it said Karoline Kent, who graduated from Warwick Senior High School.
Thousands of acres. Millions of unforgettable experiences.
m to help make a difference? Whether you volunteer a few hours, a few impact! ThereCamp are so many flexible ways toand volunteer: Small Valley Camp Archbald, are our residential,
summer camps that give girls unique adventures, lifelong friends, and a world of new experiences.
CO-LEADER â&#x20AC;˘ Meet with an enthusiastic group of Girl Scouts who canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t ds and go on adventures.
FOOTPRINT: Adams Carbon Centre Clinton Columbia Cumberland Dauphin Franklin Fulton Huntingdon Juniata Lackawanna Lancaster Lebanon Luzerne Lycoming Mifflin Monroe Montour Northumberland Perry Pike Schuylkill Snyder Sullivan Susquehanna Union Wayne Wyoming York
There are currently 59 million
Shining Examples of Leadership
Girl Scout alumnae around the world.
• BRONZE AWARD : 1,007 Juniors
More than half (52%) of women
• SILVER AWARD: 457 Cadettes
in business are Girl Scout alumnae.
• GOLD AWARD: 91 Senior-Ambassador
More than half (57%) of Girl Scout alumnae in business say that the Girl Scout Cookie
Program was beneficial in the development of their skills today.
In addition to our national leadership curriculum, GSHPA offers its own
one-of-a-kind, multi-year programs on topics like health, financial literacy and coming in 2017 — STEM!
The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the LARGEST girl-led business in the WORLD. Our girl entrepreneurs sold nearly 2 MILLION
boxes of Girl Scout Cookies last year alone!
1. Money Management
2. Business Ethics
• Foster lasting friendships
3. Decision Making
• Connect girls with positive role models
4. People Skills
5. Goal Setting
• Help develop self-esteem • Build leadership skills • Encourage community service • Have FUN!
WHAT GIRL SCOUTS DO: • Explore new things earning badges • Make a difference in their communities • Travel around the state, country and the world! • Build business skills through the Girl Scout Cookie Program • Explore nature through our outdoor programs, camp, and adventure expeditions • Have FUN!
Did you know? Girl Scouts are now learning e-commerce skills with the 2015 launch of Digital Cookie!