Energy Manager May 2018

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MAY 2018

Thorn introduces Flow – the most versatile outdoor luminaire yet

See page 25





Sigma energy management software; better decisions, quicker

Putting the customer first in district heating development

Sylvania light up your world with new consolidated brand

FRONT COVER STORY: Thorn introduces Flow – the most versatile outdoor luminaire yet See Page 25

MAY 2018

PUBLISHER: Ralph Scrivens PRODUCTION: Sarah Daviner ACCOUNTS: PRINT: Mixam Print

ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE is published 10 times a year by Energy Manager.

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RINNAI is HAPPY motoring aboard the bedroam bus


“ Te Mauri, Te Raoi ao Te Tabomoa”


Priva UK BMS technology brings comfort and energy savings to children’s home


Solid oxide fuel cells the best technology to make low-carbon hydrogen economy a reality


Goodlight LED lighting delivers energy savings to logistics company


Pioneering green drainage scheme could save Manchester millions


The Solo stored range

ISSN 2057-5912 (Print) ISSN 2057-5920 (Online)






innai, the leader in continuous flow gas fired water heater systems, has had one its products featured on prime-time television, being a fleeting start of the small screen. The Rinnai product, a 17e, was on Channel 4’s “Amazing Spaces” presented by George Clarke. ‘Bedroam’ is the brainchild of Ollie Kemp, a farmer, motor racing competitor and enthusiast from Melbourne, Yorkshire. He realized there was a lack of onsite accommodation at events that would allow competitors to stay close to their expensive and irreplaceable racing gear and has been quick to come up with an innovative idea. The constructive and enterprising result of Ollie Kemp’s well observed discontent is the Bedroam bus, complete with 18 Japanese-style pod bedrooms. As well as using it himself for motorsport meets, Bedroam is available to hire. “If you can’t get a hotel when you’re going to a wedding or don’t want to camp at a festival then this is the perfect solution,” he told George Clarke of ‘Amazing Spaces’. Ollie’s industrious endeavouring has resulted with his new business being inundated with bookings. The Bedroam has two fully-equipped and fully-functional bathrooms with shower, toilet and sink. Sinks and showers are supplied with safe temperature controlled hot water from Rinnai Infinity water heaters working on LPG, complete with MC91 controller, via motion sensoroperated taps. Two Rinnai Infinity 17e

external units fitted to the back of the bus drawing water from a bespoke designed tank designed and supplied by Barratt Tanks of Ferrybridge, West Yorkshire. Bedroam also features a range of added contemporary mod-cons for both indoor comfort and outdoor accessibility. Air conditioning, flat screen TVs, comfortable communal area and a multifunctional outdoor space provided by an enclosed awning are also included. “I first saw the units in operation at an event where there were luxury mobile showers powered by Rinnai products. On my return, I researched Rinnai online and spoke to my friend Andy, a registered Gas Safe engineer also based in Melbourne, who then ordered and undertook the installation.” Andy Dixon, who runs his own plumbing and heating service, explains: “The units had to go on the back of the bus as Ollie was struggling to find enough space inside. As the bus has an air con system, I had already put a cooling radiator off the back, so the two Rinnai units sat very handily behind that simply hung on a metal grid attached to the back of the bus. “Piping was easy. I used plastic pipework for both hot and cold outlets running to a little plant room where the back seats of the bus were originally which is directly beneath the bathrooms from where the water is pumped to the header tank via a small 12V. “Rinnai’s technical guys were very helpful when I phoned them initially for some advice and installation of the

units was really easy. I will definitely be using Rinnai again,” says Andy. The most recent event for the Bedroam was a River Rat Race, which involves contestants doing a 6-kilometer run with obstacles followed by a river swim. The organisers used the Bedroam for their HQ and for the principal runners to shower. They were very happy as the boilers provided more than enough hot water for everybody. An impressive example of efficiency in performance when considering multiple runners would have required showers at separate times throughout the day and night. “Demand for the Bedroam is phenomenal and I am thinking about building more, maybe even franchising the concept. Rinnai will definitely be used if and when I go ahead with that,’ concludes Ollie. For more information on the RINNAI product range visit

Vattenfall to green British businesses with long term power purchase agreements


wedish energy group Vattenfall is offering British business consumers the opportunity to purchase green renewable electricity from its onshore South Kyle Wind Farm in South West Scotland via corporate Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). Vattenfall is taking a new approach to PPAs to make them more accessible to business customers. In what is believed to be an industry first, it hopes to enable more businesses to secure green renewable electricity by offering business consumers the opportunity to purchase the amount of electricity they want from as little as 1 MW. Consultancy Mitie Energy started


marketing this opportunity earlier this month on behalf of Vattenfall and is open to receive tenders until June. Vattenfall’s UK Originator, James Hunt, said: “More businesses are starting to recognise the importance of taking a longer term approach to tackling climate change in both their operations and through their supply chains. Corporate PPAs can be part of the solution to fix all or part of their energy prices. “Vattenfall understands the importance business consumers place on building long term relationships with their suppliers and we are pleased to be able to help UK business consumers with their climate goals by powering their sustainable


consumption now and in the future.” South Kyle Wind Farm has a grid connection for 165 MW and will have estimated generation output of 500 GWh per year. Electricity from South Kyle Wind Farm is being offered at index linked fixed prices for periods of between 10 – 20 years in multiples of 1 MW (approximately 3 GWh per annum). Corporate PPAs can provide price certainty by enabling businesses to manage their energy costs. Renewable electricity from South Kyle Wind Farm can also help businesses reduce carbon footprints in their operations and their supply chains..




heresa May MP officially opened The Energy Centre at Berkshire College of Agriculture, Maidenhead – the UK’s first renewable energy training facility at a Further Education college. The facility –pioneered by leading biomass company LC Energy in partnership with Berkshire College of Agriculture (BCA) and Thames Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership – is an important first step in addressing the significant skills shortage in the renewable energy sector here in the UK. The opening of The Energy Centre at BCA will lead to courses which will enable – for the first time - students aged between 16 and 19 to gain accredited technical qualifications in renewable energy, marking a key development in delivering the skills required by employers to help the UK meet its renewable energy targets. The UK has been allocated a target to increase the proportion of its renewable

energy use to 15% by 2020. There is currently a shortfall of 50% in the 12% target for the generation of heat from renewable sources and a shortfall of 18% in the 30% target for the generation of electricity from renewables. LC Energy firmly believes that extending access to approved and accredited technical education and skills training in renewable energy is key to addressing this, and to reducing the country’s reliance on fossil fuels. As such, the company has installed the first training biomass boiler at a UK College of Further Education to facilitate accredited training for the next generation of heating and plumbing engineers. Theresa May MP said: “I was very pleased to go back to Berkshire College of Agriculture to hear of the innovative work the college is doing and to open the new energy centre. It’s vital that young people have the education and

skills to take on the jobs needed for the future. So I was pleased to be able to meet with students who, through using the new energy centre, will be given the training and opportunity to make a real difference to help protect our planet for future generations.” For further information:

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echnology now available makes a 100% renewable energy system viable, according to an ‘Energy Atlas’ published by Friends of the Earth Europe, the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, the European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF), and the Green European Foundation. The new report – a unique and comprehensive summary of facts and graphics on renewable energy in Europe, with country-by-country data – exposes the dramatic advance of renewable energy and the future shape of energy in Europe. The expert authors reveal that: • Technology now available makes a 100% renewable energy system viable – with today’s smart energy storage, sector connections, and demand response tools helping to overcome the long-standing renewable energy challenge of variable supply; • Cities and ‘energy citizens’ are at the vanguard of Europe’s energy transition – which is seeing Europe’s energy shift to greater democratisation and decentralisation. Close to 1,000 local leaders are committed to carbon neutral cities by mid-century, and 42% of renewables in Germany are owned by citizens and cooperatives; • An economic transformation is taking place, with more Europeans now employed in well-paying and secure

jobs in the renewables sector than are employed in the coal industry; • European level cooperation and interconnectivity aids the energy transition across the continent – however, more action is needed for Europe to reclaim its position as a world leader in renewables, having fallen behind China, the US, Japan and Brazil. Molly Walsh, Climate and Energy Campaigner at Friends of the Earth Europe said: “The rise of people-owned renewables heralds an inspiring transformation of our energy system – reclaiming power from the Energy Giants and creating local jobs and stronger communities. But politicians must un-rig the rules favouring polluting energy monopolies and get behind citizens building Europe’s 100% renewable future.” Claude Turmes, MEP and shadow rapporteur on the EU Clean Energy Package said: “The EU has been a leader in the deployment of energy efficiency, renewables and smart grids. However, the transition is far from complete, we need a sizeable domestic market for green technology. The Energy Atlas comes at the right moment to enlighten policy-makers on what is at stake: fighting climate change and its disastrous consequences, contributing to the well-being of all European citizens, and ensuring the competitiveness of the EU industrial base.” Ellen Ueberschär, President of the

Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung said: “The energy transition can only succeed as a European project. A continent-wide inter-connectivity of sectors, markets and local infrastructure could accelerate the European journey to a 100% renewable energy system. The energy transition is also an opportunity for Europe to reaffirm its global leadership in climate protection and green innovations.” Dörte Fouquet, Director of the European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF) said: “This Atlas confirms that a 100% only renewable energy system for Europe is viable. But the proposed 2030 renewable energy and energy efficiency targets within the EU Clean Energy Package are far too modest, particularly given the falling technology costs and the availability of new renewables technology. European leaders must now make good on their promises to honour their commitments of the Paris Agreement.” The launch comes as EU energy ministers, MEPs and EU Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete reach a crunch point in negotiations on the next generation of energy legislation – talks that will be decisive for Europe’s energy transition going into one of the last-chance decades for climate change action. energy-atlas-figures-and-factsabout-renewables-europe

Securing clean cheap energy for Northern Ireland for decades to come


he Northern Ireland Renewables Industry Group (NIRIG) has published an ambitious and far-reaching Energy Strategy which sets out a pathway to decarbonise the energy sector by 2050, promoting economic development and generating low-cost energy for consumers. Northern Ireland’s current Strategic Energy Framework has facilitated a worldleading energy system, achieving a rapid growth in low-cost, low-carbon electricity. Onshore wind is helping reduce electricity costs in the all-island Single Electricity Market, delivering savings to consumers. Each wind turbine represents £2.7 million investment in the local economy throughout its lifetime and local companies are developing worldleading renewable and storage technologies. All the signs point to reaching our target of 40% renewable electricity target on time. However, as 2020 approaches, we need a new strategy which looks further ahead, taking account of rapid advancements in technology


such as energy storage, and an increased demand for the electrification of heat and transport – including electric vehicles. The network needs to be modernised with smart, flexible and grid-friendly technologies and this needs a step-change in how we view energy regulation, demand and management. The new Strategy document recommends a wide range of measures to create much-needed long-term policy certainty to enable us all to reap the benefits of renewables. These include setting a target for the decarbonisation of Northern Ireland’s energy sector by 2050 and NIRIG is already commissioning research into the creation of a 70% target for renewable electricity by 2030 as a stepping stone. A review of the impact of Brexit on energy policy is needed urgently, along with a renewed focus on the skills and innovation that will build the systems of the future. NIRIG Chair Rachel Anderson said: “There’s an urgent need to plan for the


post-2020 world in which clean energy will be an engine for economic growth. A more diverse, flexible energy mix will increase energy security, as well as generating cheap power for consumers. This brings enormous economic opportunities to Northern Ireland by attracting regional investment, promoting innovation and developing skills. “We now need a fundamental shift in how we generate, manage and consume energy. The transformation of the energy sector is happening today, and our industry is at the forefront of this transformation. The renewables sector wants to contribute, but we can’t do it alone – leadership and collaboration will be crucial for success. That’s why we’ve laid out a series of ambitious and far-reaching measures in this Energy Strategy”. For more information, please contact: NIRIG Manager Meabh Cormacain: 02890 446 240 or 07837 291 699.


“ TE MAURI, TE RAOI AO TE TABOMOA”* Andy Clarke BSc CEng MIGEM MEI CMVP Chartered Energy Engineer is an Independent Energy Consultant, Fellow of the Energy Manager’s Association and a committee member of both the UKAEE and the NE Branch of the Energy Institute.


long time ago when I was working for the MOD I wrote an article for the company magazine titled something like “Why turning a light off in Shropshire today could be a great Xmas present for Kiribati in 2050” (I think that might actually be the subtitle as I’m normally more snappy). I went on the explain that Kiribati (which as The Gilbert Islands was part of the UK until 1979) is likely to be one of the shortest-lived states on Earth as rising sea levels are already inundating parts of their territory. To add to that the rising water table was contaminating much of their arable land with salt damaging their ability to grow food. I went on to discuss that most of their problems were due to what was then called “Global Warming” (which we more correctly now refer to as “Climate Change”) and that our unthinking

Image: Erin Magee DFAT

*Kiribati Motto translates as “Health, Peace and Prosperity” actions thousands of miles away were contributing to a global problem that these innocent people were already experiencing and which could ultimately prove catastrophic for everyone. I advocated prudent energy saving measures to reduce unnecessary Carbon emissions and avoid wasting nonrenewable resources – a message I’ve now been repeating for almost 40 years… The world has moved on in over a decade. The problem has become mainstream with Governments all over the world pledging to reduce their national Greenhouse Gas production by 2050 with the intent of keeping the increase in global temperature below 2C. Unfortunately, that won’t help the I-Kiribati as the icecaps will still melt (well strictly the ice and snow on land in the Arctic and Antarctic as floating ice doesn’t affect sea levels) and the sea-level will rise, and Kiribati will still sink below the waves even with that limited increase (if it can be held to that level). Many people have visited that touchstone of Climate Change to examine the problem and experience an apparent earthly paradise before it disappears – ironically increasing their Carbon Footprint in the process. To add to their issues, another consequence of our burning fossil fuels is damaging the seas around Kiribati

and harming their economy. Increasing sea temperature and acidification is causing “bleaching” of much of the coral in the oceans around the islands, rendering it lifeless and destroying the core of the ecosystem. The damage moves up the food chain and fish, hitherto one reliable source of food, become less easy to catch. When I wrote the first article I didn’t know about that – I think maybe no-one did. We have continued to release Carbon Dioxide and other Greenhouse Gases at a rate above that which the environment can absorb, and we can expect almost all that we have released since I wrote my original article to be still in the atmosphere in 2050 and beyond, adding to the damage to the planet’s ecosystem and making it harder for us to restore balance. So I’ll repeat my message – as well as technological advances like renewable energy and carbon capturewe all need to take simple prudent measures to reduce consumption – like turning off a light in Shropshire (or wherever you happen to be) or even making sure the Television isn’t left on “standby”, could just help save the I-Kiribati before they become 110,000 martyrs to Industrial development, indulgence and plain laziness.






igma energy management software enables businesses to optimise their energy management strategy with a structured, co-ordinated and integrated approach to managing energy. The Sigma Energy Intelligence module turns traditional energy reporting on its head, allowing users to interact with their energy data, how they want, when they want. Make energy an integral part of running your organisation with Sigma energy management software: • Comprehensive data management to help manage



and monitor energy estates and sustain carbon reduction Multi-dimensional analysis to support proactive energy management and improve efficiency Report collaboration and distribution to increase stakeholder engagement and management agility Maximise cost recoveries with query management functions and KPI tracking Produce advanced energy and emissions reports suitable for UK regulations

Sigma Energy Management software has a modernised, refreshed look and feel plus a revolutionary reporting tool. Sigma Energy Intelligence, better known as Sigma EI is a modern, clean and intuitive business intelligence and analytics module with several innovative capabilities, all made possible by the integration of Yellowfin. Yellowfin provides a Business Intelligence and analytics platform aimed at solving real enterprise analytics challenges and helping business people understand not only what happened, but why. Yellowfin were selected by TEAM for their third-party referrals from Gartner and Forrester,


Through Advanced Analytics users can get to the “why” faster; adding greater value to understanding data and how it is being used. Controlling data through Sigma EI reduces the occurrence of unforeseen surprises. Sigma’s machine learning creates a Predictive Analysis feature where users can tap into intelligent answers to inform their decision making; making recommendations and predictions about an energy estate’s future and guide projects relating to energy saving.


two of the leading and most influential research and advisory firms in the world. Sigma EI puts data at the heart of energy reporting; helping organisations become insights-driven.

BRING ENERGY DATA TO LIFE Sigma EI’s self-serve reporting feature is a responsive, easy to use drag and drop report builder which brings energy data to life with interactive visualisations. A perfect report with energy related data is available in seconds. These reports can be modified and customised multiple times; offering energy management agility and will help energy managers communicate appropriate and engaging information to a variety of business stakeholders.

PROACTIVE ENERGY MANAGEMENT Sigma EI’s multi-dimensional analysis supports proactive energy management.

The KPI tracking feature within Sigma gives ultimate flexibility for staying on track by categorising and grouping energy data to suit an organisation’s needs within set time periods. Results can be instantly reviewed against business objectives and savings can be quantified. Information realised by using the KPI tracking in Sigma can influence and support the ongoing delivery of an organisation’s M&T strategy and help benchmark performance using key metrics, such as floor area or production figures, identify performance trends and review historical performance.

SHARED ENERGY INSIGHTS Sigma can improve operational efficiency by managing report delivery, distribution and collaboration. Sigma EI is an end-to-end energy collaboration platform and “inapplication” discussions, accommodating annotations, attachments, link sharing and comments, facilitates shared insights that are accessible to numerous stakeholders from anywhere. Presentation and storyboarding tools enables the creation of slide shows of the reports with added

features such as text, images and videos. This produces live, fully immersive and data-rich presentations in place of a one-dimensional end of month report or business case. Reports can be automated and scheduled for distribution to stakeholders on pre-defined dates. The broadcasting feature saves time for businesses, provides a full audit trail, and alleviates the need to manually generate management reports. Self-serve reporting is enhanced with mapping and location intelligence which adds geographical context to energy data. This extra layer of analytics allows discovery of location-based insights and can assist in business planning where location is a key factor.

DISPLAY DATA Sigma EI has been designed to be intuitive and easy for users to fulfil their needs quickly. Dashboards can evolve in line with the business and energy management needs and user’s changing requirements. Customisable and interactive can be published outside of Sigma through an organisations intranet or on the internet to disseminate information and increase stakeholder engagement. The spectrum of features continues and includes; alerting – notifications when key metrics fall outside predefined thresholds; a library of over 50 graphs types to help users communicate complex information; report configurability with SQL; data column filtering to shape the data according to the business needs; and numerous export formats. Take control of your energy data today and visit sigma or call us on 01908 041314 today to speak to one of our team.






fter looking to replace a pair of air-handling units that were found to be inefficient in both energy usage and individual room control, a secure children’s home in Nottinghamshire is benefiting from the latest building management system (BMS) technology from Priva UK. As part of a five-phase BMS project managed by Heatherose, seven Priva BMS control panels have introduced high levels of climate control and energy efficiency, while maintenance savings are also anticipated. Clayfields House is a local authority secure children’s home in the Stapleford area of Nottingham that provides care, education and specialist interventions for vulnerable young people between 10 and 17 years of age. Ofsted has rated the facility’s quality of care and education as outstanding. As the building is owned by the county council, energy efficiency is viewed as a priority. The previous system had mixed brand controls and was based on two airhandling units that operated separately to supply 120 rooms with tempered air. The lack of individual room control and general inefficiency prompted Clayfields House to seek out a more comprehensive BMS offering better control, easier access for staff, energysaving potential and the ability to control and monitor the entire site from one location.

CALLING ON EXPERIENCE Based on the quality of its portfolio, Heatherose, which has over 35 years of expertise in the design and manufacture of electrical control and distribution panels, was appointed to undertake the BMS works, with help on hand from Priva when required. “The site was being extended to accommodate more occupants, and existing buildings were being refurbished due to their poor state and the fact that equipment was failing on a daily basis,” explains Chris Burton, Control Systems Manager at Heatherose. In total, five different phases of work were completed. The first phase saw the construction of a new residential block (Scarlet Wing) comprising six bedrooms, two highdependency bedrooms (one with mother and baby facility), living areas, kitchens, staff sleep-in rooms and first-floor administration offices. As part of the second and third phases, heating and ventilation refurbishment works took place in the existing education block, and the Sherwood and Loxley wings.


The fourth phase of the project at Clayfields House involved the construction of a new vocational block comprising various rooms for subjects such as science, hair and beauty, drama and cookery. In the final fifth phase, sitewide lighting control was introduced.

MINIMUM DISRUPTION As the building is occupied around the clock, seven days a week, the works had to be completed with minimal disruption. Here, the use of Priva BMS technology proved useful, as the system could be commissioned without the need for Heatherose to be on site. “There are a total of seven BMS control panels situated around the facility, communicating with each other on a site-wide network,” says Mr Burton. “Touch screens are fitted at locations that are accessible to staff, allowing them to inspect the system locally.” Priva Blue ID S10 controls are used in four controls panels, with the new Priva Blue ID C4 controls deployed in the other three. The Priva Blue ID S-line is designed for projects that require the maximum flexibility, extension options and uptime, while the C-line is a more compact and versatile option that is more suitable for smaller control panels within medium-sized projects. “At Clayfields House, I used Blue ID C4 controllers at locations that didn’t require a large amount of I/O as this allowed significant cost and space savings for the client,” says Mr Burton.

ENERGY SAVINGS MAXIMISED Fan coil units (FCUs) were selected to


provide heating and cooling to every room independently. Heat recovery units work with the FCUs to save as much energy as possible. The Priva BMS controllers communicate to the FCUs and condensers over the network via BacNet, which has enabled extremely precise control. Moreover, this configuration served to minimise the amount of I/O and electrical installation work required. “Priva TC History is also active on the system to enable the collection of temperature, metering and plant data,” explains Mr Burton. “This software enables both the client and us to monitor the system over a period of time, and hopefully spot any potential problems before they cause disruption to the occupants or staff.” The BMS technology has site-wide control over all heating, cooling, ventilation, hot water, room window blinds, automated roof lights, storm pumps, foul water pumps and metering. As a result, staff can monitor and make changes to all the associated equipment from a single system.

REMOTE ACCESS “The BMS can be accessed remotely, enabling staff to adjust and monitor the site from home,” says Mr Burton. “It also allows me to access the system away from site if any issues occur that may require my input.” Although there are no energy-saving figures available to date, Mr Burton concludes by stating that the desired outcomes have been achieved. Furthermore, maintenance savings are expected as preventative maintenance routines can be utilised by interrogating the BMS data.




n recent years there has been a steady increase in the number of businesses that have been created to help other businesses save energy, through either renegotiating existing contracts, or switching suppliers to get a better deal. Hardly surprising since a Competition and Markets Authority study in 2015 revealed 40% of businesses hadn’t switched supplier in the past five years, and 39% had never switched. There is also a lot of money to be saved, with advertisements quoting potential electricity cost reductions of up to 45%. With state of the art energy comparison engines, and other methods for getting the cheapest tariffs, along with price negotiation brokers, decisions to switch can be easily made. This is all good news. But while switching supplier may be something that is relatively easy to implement and see the savings, there is another side to reducing energy costs that can provide savings of a similar order. According to the Carbon Trust, typically, 20% of a business’ annual energy costs are due the use of energy inefficient equipment. A British Gas survey of 6000 smart meters showed 46% of SME total electricity use is out of hours between 6pm and 8am. There are claims that many industrial

installations are seeing a 50% reduction in efficiency from heat loss due to poor or missing pipe lagging, and up to 60% of an offices heat is lost through the fabric of the building. Apart from the obvious financial savings to be made by reducing or resolving these losses, there is The Carbon Cost Reduction Commitment Scheme charging levies on all businesses in an attempt to reduce the UK’s carbon footprint, and of course the general desire in us all to reduce emissions and lessen our impact on the environment. Thankfully, determining your energy use, including where and when it is being used, as well as identifying energy inefficient equipment, has never been easier thanks to Power and Energy Loggers or PELs. Modern PELs are compact, lightweight, electronic monitoring instruments used for collecting electrical data. They can be temporarily placed in distribution panels or around the facility without difficulty, and without the need to interrupt the mains supply or shut down the installation or office building first. PELs gather data and calculate

electrical parameters such as 3-phase current, voltage, power and energy, and are also able to indicate phase angle cos φ, tan Φ, power factor, THD and harmonic levels. They are capable of storing millions of readings, and data can be retrieved locally or remotely via Bluetooth, USB or Ethernet. Combine a number of PELs together for the ability to track several consumption points around the facility, or multiple facilities, without the expense of travel to retrieve the data. It makes absolute sense to shop around for the best electricity supplier that caters for your needs, and even more sense to resolve efficiency issues and stop wasting it too!






or manufacturers interested in harnessing Industry 4.0, condition monitoring is often a quick win. It can reduce downtime, extend the lifetime of equipment, and improve Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). Like Industry 4.0, however, it is also in danger of becoming yet another “buzzword” that is mentioned frequently, but not understood. David ManningOhren, Condition Monitoring Manager at ERIKS UK, sheds some light on how to implement condition monitoring effectively, regardless of the business or the budget. 1. Understand the process. Before implementing any form of condition monitoring, whether that’s a temperature monitor or an earlywarning system for leaks, analyse your process, your equipment and your needs. Look methodically at each part of the production line and establish an idea of how everything works (or doesn’t work) together. If certain areas of the production line aren’t your particular area of expertise, draft in an expert to review it for you. 2. Set realistic and achievable goals. In a perfect world, each application across your production line would have a condition monitoring system for collecting and analysing data. It would be a folly to attempt this straightaway, however. The costs, not to mention the downtime, required for such an ambitious undertaking would be prohibitive for even a FTSE100 company. Focus instead on small, achievable goals within a single application. Expand your condition monitoring capability gradually, learning from each implementation as you go. 3. Decide what you want condition monitoring to achieve. This may sound obvious, but it is often neglected. A condition monitoring strategy is only as useful as the way in which it is used. Harness it effectively by deciding how it should benefit your business from the outset. Identify KPIs, set objectives or map-out ideal scenarios. If your business has re-mote sites spread across the UK, for example, a useful KPI may be a reduction in the number of site visits required across the year, following the installation of a remote analysis capability. Don’t be too concerned if your KPIs are not


met at first. They will provide a useful learning tool for future condition monitoring implementation. 4. Budget wisely and prioritise critical applications. Any condition monitoring strategy will be expected to achieve a return on investment. You can facilitate this by ensuring that highend condition monitoring equipment, such as Optical Gas Imaging cameras, is prioritised for critical assets. 5. Use known failure modes to influence your decisions. Have any parts of the production line failed in the past five or ten years? Can you identify any pat-terns, or common denominators, across these failures? Identifying problematic areas, particularly those that are having a demonstrable impact on production and efficiency, will help you to identify condition monitoring equipment that will provide the best return on investment. It will also help you to identify a root cause, allowing you to address the actual problem, not just its symptoms. 6. Be open-minded. A one-size-fits-all strategy doesn’t exist. Each one will vary depending on the needs of the business, as well as the processes involved. Be prepared to consider, and invest in, a number of different solutions, such as thermographic survey equipment, vibration analysis, oil analysis or ultra-sound emissions. Don’t let budget constraints dictate your choice of strategy, either. The cheapest solution is rarely the most effective, and you may find


yourself compromising on analysis capabilities and results. Beware of false economies and prioritise performance over price. You’ll see better cost savings in the long run. 7. Leave your assumptions at the door. “I didn’t know you could measure that”, is a phrase frequently uttered by my customers. You may also be surprised by the variety of solutions available. Did you know that you can measure the loss angle (or tan delta) of an insulation system to determine its integrity and prevent deterioration, or use lasers to align two rotating parts perfectly? Applications you may not have considered could unlock hidden potential within your business. If that’s a little out of your comfort zone, consider working with a specialist. 8. A condition monitoring strategy needs a data handling strategy. The data collected by condition monitoring equipment can be invaluable to enhancing production, processes and profitability, but only if they are used correctly. Do you have the capability to analyse and action the data you receive? If not, you may need to outsource this. A data management strategy is a pre-requisite to a successful condition monitoring strategy and will come with its own costs. For this reason, it needs to be a consideration from the very beginning. For more information, please visit monitor/condition-monitoring.html




ell Flow were approached by a customer with a second home in the Hebridean Islands, which was often unoccupied and visited sporadically. They wanted to be able to monitor water usage remotely and set alarms to alert them of any unusual peaks in the flow which could indicate a problem. Bell Flow offered a water meter and GSM data logging solution. Considering the high possibility of freezing temperatures and frozen pipes, Bell Flow offered a Badger RCDL Meter with a pulsed output. The RCDL, does not suffer frost damage if the water within the chamber freezes, unlike other types of meter. We paired this with the Aqualink GSM Datalogger. The

pulse output from the meter transmits to the Aqualink. The data is then sent to an online portal with secure customer log-in. This ensures that the customer can view his water usage anywhere that has internet access. The

Aqualink also has the ability to set a warning alert by SMS for excessively high water usage. For more information visit our website www.bellflowsystems. or contact

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ENERGY STORAGE PAVING THE WAY FOR ‘NEW ENERGY’ BUSINESS MODELS IN EUROPE Cutting through the hype – a seemingly endless sea of ‘New Energy’ innovations


aving analysed hundreds of New Energy business models, there are six core ways in which new customer propositions are capturing value. Figure 1 introduces these six categories and illustrates the major development pathways that we are seeing, as they evolve.

Figure 1

If we take a look at this framework in the content of residential energy storage business models that are sweeping across Europe, we see bundled energy storage business models are leading to a new market structure and laying the groundwork for ‘energy-as-a-service’ offerings. So, what are innovators trying to do? Residential energy storage market innovators are launching in the market with a very clear and common future vision. Today, the majority of systems are installed and operated in isolation. They are a point solution, used to improve the self-consumption of the end consumer, playing no role in providing


Figure 2

wider benefits to the electricity system. In the future, systems will be managed together in a cluster, community or network. Innovators are changing the landscape with bundled offerings that leverage the use of a coordinated network of units to provide wider system and financial benefit. These new business models provide an ongoing service to consumers and an integrated solution to the network, managing the risks of meeting customers electricity consumption while accessing additional revenue streams. A key uncertainty going forward is the accessibility of ancillary services for behind-the-meter assets such as these units, as the structure of these markets are transforming across Europe. We can be sure however, that once technicalities have been addressed and worries alleviated, there will be increasing opportunity for behind-the-meter DSR (demand side response), especially in major markets (e.g. the UK, Germany and Italy). There are 3 main variations of this business model but fundamentally the offerings are structured almost exactly the same behind-the-scenes and it is the packaging and marketing that sets them apart (see figure 2). As the fundamental operations of these business models are structured so similarly, they can be easily transformed from one to another. This can be very liberating for service providers and marketing


teams designing these proportions as it allows them to be agile and follow the trends, terminology and messaging that consumers and the market prefers and aim to create the best customer and user experience, and thus uptake.

EMOTIONAL FACTORS, NOT ECONOMICS, ARE CURRENTLY DRIVING THE MARKET Our economic modelling shows that none of the bundled business models on the market are particularly attractive for customers financially. Most in fact cost customers more compared to standalone PV and battery installation. However, our estimates show that approximately 12% of annually installed systems are already purchased as part of a “bundled” energy storage offering. So, what is driving customer uptake as the market is certainly growing and propositions are grabbing headlines? Instead of the financials, customer decision making is primarily being driven by emotional or ‘soft’ factors.


A desire for peace of mind, energy independence, contributing to society and/or the environment and responding to hype are some of the behaviors and consumer characteristics providers are targeting and leveraging. While it is all well and good to base initial success on emotional drivers, the industry recognises that this has limitations. Fear not! With, for example, decreasing technology costs and increasing accessibility to ancillary services markets, a more appealing financial proposition is to come. Transitioning the business model to an ‘energy-as-a-service’ offering, based around the needing of energy needs as opposed to individual technology elements such as battery and PV, also widens accessibility and attractiveness to a greater range of customers.

EXCITING BUSINESS MODEL OPPORTUNITIES If we consider the six core ‘new energy’ business models, these propositions leverage three of the categories: 1. Time of Use Optimisation: Flexibility from generation and storage, and perhaps in the future expanding to demand 2. Energy as a Service: Build an ongoing service-based relationship with the customers 3. Bundling: Delivered via a package that combines products, services and commodity into a single proposition These bundled energy storage business models represent an exciting example of how companies are innovating across multiple ‘new energy’ strands. It may sound like biting off more than one would ideally like to chew at once, dipping into so many of the innovation categories, and we would certainly recommend focusing one step at a time. Crucially here though, it is the marketing and positioning piece with end users that we see as the key differentiator and is imperative to get right for successful launch.



oody’s Investors Service has released an assessment of the current status of battery technology as it relates to large-scale grid application. According to the report, energy storage is increasingly emerging as a viable project finance opportunity. “While the developing technology presents some unique challenges, especially regarding operating risks, we view the financing approach of a battery storage project to be broadly akin to many of the risks associated with financing a conventional power project,” says Rick Donner, a vice president and senior credit officer at Moody’s. The growth of renewable energy from solar and wind technology has led to a proliferation of intermittent generation entering the grid. Emerging battery storage technology is credit positive for grid operators, as it will become a key element in managing stability. Battery storage can help integrate renewables into the grid, and can also support natural gas “peaking” facilities, which take longer to power up fully. Due to their emission efficiency and scalability, lithium ion batteries have become the technology of choice for the energy storage sector, and developers have seen significant cost reductions over the past decade. If current trends continue, lithium ion battery costs will drop to around $100 per kilowatt hour by 2020-2022 from around $200 per kilowatt hour today. In addition to falling costs, regulatory support is driving volume growth in the energy storage market, which is projected to show a nine-fold increase from 2017 to 2022. The California Public Utility Commission, for example, has adopted the nation’s most ambitious storage procurement mandate of 1,325 megawatts of storage by 2020 for the state’s three investor-owned utilities. “Hawaii, Massachusetts, New York, Maryland, New Jersey, Oregon and

Nevada have also adopted storage mandates and regulations,” says Donner. “At the federal level, the 30% Investment Tax Credit remains available for energy storage, provided it is coupled with renewable generation.” While some battery storage installations have Rick Donner been sponsored and financed by utility companies or grid operators on their balance sheets, others have been financed on a project finance basis, sometimes in conjunction with the financing of another generation source like a natural gas plant or solar installation. Much like other power projects, a primary determinant for using the project finance model for battery storage is the visibility and predictability of the revenue stream. From a credit perspective, using a contracted revenue model is the least risky approach for a battery storage project, whether standalone or built in conjunction with other technology. The merchant revenue model, in which the market determines revenues, brings volatility and regulatory risk to a project. A combined contracted and merchant revenue model allows battery storage projects to make extra money by providing ancillary services outside its contract, but implies greater cash flow uncertainty and increases a project’s operating risk profile. The report, “Energy Storage -- Global: As costs decline, battery storage is emerging as a project finance opportunity,” is available at https://www.moodys. com/researchdocumentcontentpage. aspx?docid=PBC_1110738.






olid oxide fuel cells are close to overcoming the key challenges that have so far held back greater adoption of fuel cell technology, new research shows. Advancements in solid oxide cell technology means that key questions are now being answered around cost, scale and lifetimes, with SOFCs expected to be competitive without subsidies by 2022, according to a new industry snapshot. For decades, proponents of a “hydrogen economy” have discussed the potential for fuel cells to revolutionise the world’s power generation, transportation, heating and energy storage. Yet until recently, fuel cells have seen success in niche and often subsidised applications, due to being hamstrung by high costs, short lifetimes and an inability to be mass manufactured. A new report, Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: Opportunities for a clean energy future, predicts that fuel cells are where solar photovoltaics were 15 years ago. New chemical innovations, that can take advantage of cheaper raw materials, mean fuel cells are now capable of lower operating temperatures, which in turn deliver longer system lifetimes. Fuel cells have already seen success in power generation, heating and transport applications. But perhaps the most exciting prospect is for solid oxide fuel cells to work in electrolyser mode, converting excess electricity into hydrogen for storage, unlocking greater renewable energy adoption through longterm energy storage and grid balancing. “The fuel cell market remains a tough place. While the technology is proven to work, the biggest hurdle is to reduce production and operating costs to offer competitive pricing of fuel cell technology, and thereby capitalise on their superior energy conversion. Solid Oxide Fuel Cells are the most efficient type of fuel cell, with fuel to electricity


conversion efficiencies consistently over 60 per cent,” the report states. “SOFCs can operate in reverse mode, as a Solid Oxide Electrolyser Cell (SOEC), turning energy and water back into hydrogen. By using the energy from renewables when they are not feeding into the grid, fuel cells can run in reverse, producing hydrogen gas through electrolysis. Hydrogen allows a huge amount of energy to be stored for long periods, so the energy from the sun could be used in summer to create hydrogen, which becomes a fuel source in winter. SOECs are the most efficient means of electrolysis, and can electrolyse water to hydrogen at close to 100 per cent efficiency.” Another major opportunity is for greater adoption of distributed combined heat and power (CHP) systems to slash carbon emissions generated in heating households and residential blocks, particularly in Europe. Given the fact residential heating has long been recognised as a challenging sector to decarbonise, fuel cell-equipped micro-CHP units can drastically reduce associated emissions. “An in-home micro-CHP system would replace the boiler to become a single power source, removing the need to buy electricity from the grid. Its fuel cell would produce electric power from gas pumped into the home, while using waste heat for heating or cooling. Excess energy can be sold back to the grid. Larger scale systems can also be used at a whole building level, or for industrial applications from powering entire


factories to keeping machinery cool. “With recent advancements in cell electrochemistry, materials science, and ceramic processing, costs can be brought down by lowering materials costs and operating temperatures. With time, scale and growing consumer buyin, fuel cells will come down in price. A changing energy landscape which sees fossil fuels rise in price will also help. “SOFCs are where solar PV was 15 years ago. The technology is proven, it is efficient, and existing designs are viable for commercial use with subsidies. New designs which allow lower operating temperatures will improve costs, efficiency and lifetime in the next few years, creating systems which are commercially viable without subsidies – creating SOFC systems which are profitable for manufacturers and deliver a return on investment for consumers and businesses.” Report download: http:// uploads/2018/04/LSM_ELC_ WhitePaper-FINAL.compressed.pdf


GRAVITRICITY ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM MAY OFFER LOWER COST OF ENERGY STORAGE THAN BATTERIES OR OTHER ALTERNATIVES – REPORT • Report by analysts at Imperial College London shows levelised cost of storage (LCOS) is lower than all alternatives, including Lithium-ion • Particularly suited to grid balancing and rapid frequency response services • Zero degradation and 50-year life ideal for multiple short cycles


report by independent analysts at Imperial College London predicts that Gravitricity’s gravity-fed energy storage system may offer a better long-term cost of energy storage than batteries or other alternatives – particularly in grid balancing and rapid frequency response services. Gravitricity uses a massive weight suspended in mine shafts to capture power and then release it in seconds In February Gravitricity received a £650,000 grant from Innovate UK, the UK Government’s innovation agency, to build their prototype. Since then the Edinburgh startup has signed a R&D agreement with Dutch lifting multi-national Huisman to develop a 250kW concept demonstrator and test it in the Netherlands and Scotland early next year. The report (which is available only on request) suggests that Gravitricity technology will be particularly well suited to provide grid balancing and rapid frequency response services to grid operators – where the requirement for multiple short cycles and high power availability play to Gravitricity’s strengths. The detailed study factors in all relevant cost and performance factors including capex, operating costs, discount rate, depth of discharge and degradation over a 25-year lifespan to arrive at an annualised power Levelised Cost of Energy Storage

(LCOS), quoted in US$/kWyear. In a frequency response scenario – requiring 700 cycles per year and a duration of 15 minutes at a power out-put of 4MW – Gravitricity has a predicted LCOS of US$141/kWyear, outperforming all alternatives.


Low specific power cost and high cyclability represent the key advantage of Gravitricity

Ideally suited to frequency response market and any application with multiple daily cycles

The higher initial opex is offset by very long lifespan (up to 50 years), high power availability, 100 per cent depth of discharge and zero percent degradation

Commenting on the report Gravitricity Managing Director Charlie Blair says: “This independent report clearly shows that Gravitricity can be a very strong competitor in the frequency response market, where its low specific power cost and high cyclability sets it apart from other technologies. Lithium batteries are just beginning to be a major provider of frequency response services around the world and we expect early Gravitricity projects to take an increasing proportion of this market. “The report also validates our belief that in the medium term, energy storage projects will need to stack

multiple revenues to be cost effective. Mechanical systems such as ours are very good at this, as we can cycle several times per day with no degradation.” The report was authored by Oliver Schmidt, a specialist in predicting battery storage cost reductions. He has published recently in Nature Energy and is currently on secondment to the International Energy Agency in Paris. He says: “The study has been rigorous in comparing all technologies on a level playing field. We have investigated a number of sensitivities, including discount rate, project duration and expected cost reductions using industry-specific learning rates. “Gravitricty has high upfront capex, but a 50-year design life. It is therefore sensitive to the discount rate and the modelled lifespan of 25 years. If we model a shorter response duration, a lower discount rate or a longer project life, then Gravitricity looks more competitive. I don’t expect Gravitricity to displace all lithium batteries on grids, but it certainly looks like a compelling proposition.” Blair concludes: “The cost data used in this study is for Gravitricity’s first-of-akind project. We know battery costs are coming down fast, but our costs will drop even faster at first. The most encouraging conclusion is that we will be even more competitive in 2025 than we are now.” For a copy of the report please contact




OPTIMISING EFFICIENCY WITH CHP Combined heat and power (CHP) is becoming a popular choice for public sector organisations looking to reduce their building’s energy costs and carbon footprint. Mike Hefford, Remeha CHP’s General Manager, looks at how energy managers can maximise the benefits of this low carbon technology.


he extreme cold weather at the start of the year raised important questions on national energy security, highlighting the need both for improved energy efficiency and a broad mix of energy sources. A subsequent spike in energy prices provided an additional economic driver for using energy as efficiently as possible. Little wonder, then, that buildings with a high requirement for heating and power are increasingly looking to Combined Heat and Power (CHP) as a strategic solution for significant long-term financial savings.

WHAT IS CHP? CHP is effectively a micro power station, but more than twice as efficient. By generating heat and power in a single process at the point of use, CHP is around 30% more efficient than traditional heating plant and electricity supplied solely from the grid. Instead of rejecting the ‘waste’ heat to atmosphere like traditional


power stations, the heat generated by CHP can be re-used in the heating/ hot water systems. And by generating electricity on site, businesses can produce electricity at lower gas prices. In this way, CHP helps organisations meet the energy efficiency requirements of Part L of Building Regulations while providing impressive cost, carbon, competitiveness and energy resilience benefits. So how can energy managers ensure that CHP installations deliver maximum performance and benefits in their buildings?

4,000 OPERATING HOURS The first step is to check that the technology is right for the building. CHP will only operate efficiently and generate cost savings if it is running constantly and at full output – so check that the demand is there. As a general rule of thumb, 4,000 operating hours is usually the minimum requirement to achieve an acceptable return on investment from CHP – which


in our experience can be less than five years. Carrying out a feasibility study will help profile the demand, as will analysing the gas and electrical energy usage in existing buildings. Good suppliers will be able to advise and help with these requirements.

GET THE SIZING RIGHT Accurate sizing of CHP is essential to minimise the total costs of energy supply for the site – but as each building has unique requirements, there’s no ‘one-size-fits-all solution’. Get the sizing right and a continuously-running CHP unit will generate low cost, low carbon electricity as a by-product of producing base load heating. Oversizing the CHP will cause the unit to shut down during periods of low thermal demand, resulting in frequent stop/start cycling. To avoid this, the best approach is generally to match CHP heat output to the building base load, with condensing boilers operating alongside to meet peak heat demand. Again, suppliers will be able


Even if the return temperature is just 10°C lower, this would increase boiler efficiency by around 4.5%

to provide valuable technical support, so tap into their expert knowledge from the outset.

INTEGRATION AND EFFICIENCY The hydraulic design should aim to achieve the highest possible efficiency from each gas-fired component connected to the system. When integrating CHP with condensing boilers, it is key that the boilers operate without influence from the CHP unit. Condensing boilers operate most efficiently at low return temperatures. So while the location of the hydraulic connection is not an issue with noncondensing boilers, higher return temperatures will adversely affect the seasonal efficiency of condensing boilers. Even if the return temperature is just 10°C lower, this would increase boiler efficiency by around 4.5%. For a 500kW input boiler running for 4000 hours a year at 3.9p per kWh, this would equate to an annual saving of £986.05 – or £14,790.81 over a 15-year life time. So how to achieve this? Look to configure the system so that the CHP flow is connected to the common

flow pipework, with the CHP return connected to the lowest return temperature to guarantee the longest possible running hours from the system. This will increase seasonal boiler efficiency without any negative impact on the performance of the CHP.

inconvenience and unnecessary costs. For this reason, it’s advisable to discuss visualisation at the early stages to enable faults to be corrected, predicted or even avoided.


CHP can bring many advantages to organisations, helping weather energy price fluctuations, improve energy efficiency and manage costs. But the success of this technology inevitably comes down to system design, operation and maintenance. With experienced suppliers able to support on the sizing, integration and maintenance aspects of CHP, energy managers can be assured that the full potential benefits will be achieved. Mike Hefford, Remeha CHP’s General Manager, heads up a dedicated team of CHP specialists who provide support at every stage of the project. Remeha’s CHP range spans 5.5kWe to 100kWe. To arrange a Remeha CPD on CHP, contact

80% of the lifetime costs of a building are embedded in the operational phase, so energy managers would be advised to put in place a long-term CHP maintenance contract. This support service also alerts both users and the service team when a CHP service is due, helping guarantee optimum performance and operational life. Some CHP suppliers offer remote monitoring or visualisation of CHP units. Remeha’s R-GEN CHP units, for example, are supplied with a gateway as standard. However, a DSL (Broadband) connection is required via Ethernet connection to visualise the CHP unit. With an estimated 85% of reported CHP faults able to be corrected and reset remotely, visualisation is a useful tool that can help reduce downtime,





PUTTING THE CUSTOMER FIRST IN DISTRICT HEATING DEVELOPMENT Ian Allan, Head of Research and Development for district and community heating specialist Switch2 Energy, explains the principles of designing and planning heat networks around the longterm needs of the customer.


any district heating schemes of old have delivered a lukewarm service to their customers because the design focus has focused chiefly on the technical aspects and neglected the human ‘customer experience’ that is so critical to success.

HEAT DECARBONISATION CHALLENGE As the UK gets serious about tackling its huge heat decarbonisation challenge, district heating is achieving much greater focus. The government’s Clean Growth Strategy states that heat networks could achieve 17 to 24 percent of the UK’s heat demand, which is a huge leap from the current 2%. To achieve such steep growth, customer service standards must rise to the top of the priority list. After all, it’s the residents who are paying for


the heat network and relying on it long after project completion. Customer confidence in the sector is vital to stimulating future growth.

CUSTOMER CONSULTATION It is critical that the customer is considered at all stages of the project, but particularly at the outset during the design process, where the customer experience will be shaped. As such, prospective and existing customers, together with members of the local community, should be among the stakeholders that are involved in design and development. It is vital to work closely at all stages with the eventual scheme operator. Heat networks are long term investments, so it is important to design-in minimal operating and maintenance costs to ensure affordability for residents. It’s a fine balancing act to ensure smooth, efficient long-term


operation, financial viability and high resident satisfaction, which requires a holistic approach to planning.

BEST PRACTICE GUIDANCE There is plenty of best practice to learn from. The voluntary codes of practice by CIBSE and the Association for Decentralised Energy (ADE), and The Heat Trust, have provided much needed guidance on successful heat network design and development. Switch2 Energy, together with other major district and community heating specialists, has helped to develop this guidance, which draws on vast practical experience, expert advice and best practice. These resources must be consulted closely by developers, designers, subcontractors and anybody involved in planning heat networks. It is very important that the CIBSE/ADE Code of Practice and Heat Trust guidelines are included as a key requirement in specifications and briefs for design services, feasibility projects, construction and commissioning contracts, as well as operation and maintenance contracts and energy services contracts. The CIBSE Code recommends regular monitoring against its standards. This should include assessing compliance with minimum standards at the end of each project stage. Whether you appoint a single specialist project partner, who can deliver a joined-up approach to development, or work with various suppliers, a system of supplier certification should be established. Careful screening and due diligence are, of course, critical.

DISTRICT HEATING FINANCE There is increasing government support and funding for heat networks, which should be considered at the planning stage. This could influence fuel selection or design. Whole life costing should be used to measure and compare projects using the government model outlined in the Treasury’s Green Book.

METERING AND BILLING The introduction of The Heat Network (Metering and Billing) Regulations makes it even more important to consider metering and billing at the earliest stages of the design and planning process. Make sure your scheme is compliant. Achieving the fine balance between financial viability and fair pricing is incredibly difficult, but Modern prepayment/pay-as-you-go smart metering technologies can help reduce debt risk and improve cashflow. In most cases it is difficult to retrofit this smart metering technology to tackle rent arrears, so it must be considered during the project planning stages. Transparency and fairness in pricing is critical. The Heat Trust scheme rules include an obligation to provide residents with information showing how pricing compares to typical conventional heating supplies. Owners must, therefore, be sure cost forecasting is robust and that their charges will survive such scrutiny.

DEFINING ROLES District heating projects are complex engineering and construction projects, so clear responsibilities must be assigned for all project stages – from design and development and operation to maintenance. This will help ensure that the customer’s needs are fully considered.

DON’T FORGET .... Don’t overlook the important post-construction necessities, such as educating end-users and staff in how to use the heating and smart metering systems. The UK’s district heating sector is transforming and maturing and there is plenty of good practice to learn from. By careful planning and taking a longterm, customer focused view, a new generation of efficient, low carbon, affordable heat networks will emerge and set the example for others to follow. Further information: 0330 053 5599

THE ONLY PUBLIC SECTOR ENERGY JOURNAL Register now to continue receiving your digital issue of Energy Manager Magazine FREE of charge subscribe ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • MAY 2018



RAISING STANDARDS FOR MORE EFFICIENT HEAT NETWORKS Chris Davis – Head of Sales & marketing Evinox Energy Ltd.


o how does Heat Interface Unit (HIU) performance and sizing impact on heat network efficiency? Well the truth is it has a major impact, both with respect to return temperatures and network sizing. Recent studies have shown that even a single poorly specified HIU could be responsible for the underperformance of an entire network. Problems such as poorly controlled valves and oversized plates are often seen, and where units do perform badly it is very difficult to limit primary return temperatures and for the heat network to deliver the expected level of carbon and energy cost savings.

BESA UK STANDARD FOR HEAT INTERFACE UNITS With all of this in mind, BESA (British Engineering Services Association) launched a UK Standard for Heat Interface Units in late 2016. This was developed by industry experts including representatives from FairHeat, Carbon Alternatives, CIBSE, BESA, BEIS, Engie, E.ON and SSE. This new standard is regarded as an important step towards improving the overall performance of British district heating schemes and its key objective is to enable the performance of different HIUs to be evaluated within the context of typical UK operating Figure 1


conditions. Thereby enabling heat network developers to consider the performance of specific HIUs against design requirements. Individual Heat Interface Units are independently tested against the criteria shown in Figure 1 below, which represents typical UK heat network operating conditions, and includes tests to measure performance at part and full load. The outcome from the first three tests is used to calculate a Volume Weighted Average Return Temperature – or “VWART” for each HIU at standardised high temperature and low temperature network conditions, which – as the name suggests – is intended to provide specifiers with an indicative weighted-average return temperature from the HIU over the course of the year, taking into account typical operating profiles for space heating, water heating and with/without Keep Warm, (if the unit has the ability to switch Keep Warm off). A lower overall VWART represents a lower average annual return temperature from the HIU to the primary network and therefore a better performing HIU. The example here shows published BESA


VWART results for our ModuSat® XR-ECO at High Temperature Test Conditions.


Annual Hours

% of Total Annual Hours

Annual Volume Water Bypassed m3

% of Total Annual Water Bypassed

Space Heating





Domestic Hot Water





Keep Warm








Figure 2: Evinox ModuSat® XR-ECO, BESA High Temperature Test conditions

Units that are tested according to the BESA regime will not be ‘certified’, but the results are published in the public domain and freely available from the BESA website, enabling comparative performance to be evaluated within the context of typical UK heat networks in new build flats and apartments.

return temperature and reducing the delta T, as illustrated in Figure 2. As can be seen, despite the Keep Warm being temperature controlled (in this case), the Keep Warm facility is still potentially responsible for over a third of the annual volume of water by passed back to the primary network.



One of the key impacts on the overall VWART figure is the use and control of the “Keep Warm” facility, which is designed to keep the risers and laterals warm continuously so that the HIU’s can provide a fast response as soon as there is demand for domestic hot water. Without keep warm, HIU’s would need to bypass lots of low temperature water while the primary comes up to a comfortable temperature for the resident – wasting water and energy. For the BESA test regime, the Keep Warm VWART figure is calculated using a weighted average that assumes Keep Warm is switched ON for an average of 90% of the year (i.e., constantly available while the HIU is not producing space heating or hot water). And while the Keep Warm facility should only ever bypass a small volume of water per hour, the proportionately high number of annual hours that an uncontrolled Keep Warm bypass might be left “on” can add up to a significant amount of warm water being bypassed back to the network over the course of the year, wasting energy, raising the primary

We find that different HIU manufacturers approach “keep warm” in different ways, typically we see the results shown in Figure 3 for UK heat interface units. By far the most efficient and effective solution, is to provide both time and temperature control over this function, by additionally allowing the keep warm to be timed, it can be de-activated during times of low demand (eg middle of the night), something which is only possible with electronically controlled HIU’s. Furthermore, the latest Evinox ModuSat XR models allow this control to be managed either by individual residents; or managed globally across the network by the operator, as the Keep Warm time and temperature settings can be remotely adjusted. This means that real life average annual return temperatures can be further reduced, with a suitable balance struck between the speed of DHW delivery for the home owner and the overall network efficiency requirements of the operator.

In the example, you can see the impact of restricting the operation of the Keep Warm facility to 8 hours per day, resulting in a 23% reduction in water bypassed back to the primary network. Based on the performance of the Evinox ModuSat XR HIU, this would improve the (already impressive) overall VWART figure by a further 7°C – giving an annual Volume Weighted Average Return Temperature of 26°C!

THE FUTURE Until now, it has been a common misconception that heat interface units are “one size fits all”; results from the BESA tests show that this certainly isn’t the case for today’s modern systems – the network design and HIU specification must be closely matched to ensure optimum performance and the HIU must deliver the widest delta T and lowest return temperatures possible in all operational modes. The BESA standard is an important step forward for the UK’s district and communal heating market, and although it is currently optional, Evinox believes this will be a mandatory requirement in the near future. Certainly, we are already seeing designers and specifiers starting to insist on the use of BESA tested units for their heat network projects going forward, something that can only be a positive step for the sector.

Figure 3



POOR: Constant Trickle Bypass Keep Warm

Continually bypasses water across the Domestic Hot Water plate. No temperature or time control. Inefficient and wasteful.

BETTER: Temperature controlled Keep Warm

Bypasses water across the Domestic Hot Water plate once the plate temperature drops below a “setback” temperature.

BEST: Electronic Time & Temperature controlled Keep Warm

In addition to the benefits of temperature control, this allows the function of Keep Warm to be timed, so can be de-activated during times of low demand (eg middle of the night).






eading LED lighting brand, Goodlight, has announced that Hi-Speed Services, an independent transport and logistics company in Surrey has refurbished its offices and warehouse with high performance, energy efficient LED lighting improving the ambience, saving costs and reducing environmental impact. Hi-Speed are committed to lowering its carbon footprint and already provide a green courier service, using vehicles that emit less carbon and save on fuel. As part of its continuous drive to reduce carbon emissions and lower energy consumption further, Hi-Speed embarked on a programme to replace the lighting in its 26,000 sq ft depot in Surrey and its 22,000 sq ft double warehouse in Rugby with a more energy efficient technology. In selecting Goodlight Eco LED Ceiling Panels and IP65 G5 LED Battens, they were able to downsize the number of light fixtures needed due to the increased light output. They now get brighter illumination with fewer lights, which not only lowers energy consumption and maintenance costs but is in keeping with their sustainability objectives. Commenting, Ian Dawkins, Managing Director at Hi-Speed said, “We chose Goodlight based on recommendation and the service they have provided from start to finish has been outstanding. The lights were only installed in April and cost reductions on monthly energy bills are currently predicted at 18%. We are delighted with the results and the savings we’ve already started to see. The most obvious impact, however, is in the light quality and the vast improvement in colour temperature. Our employees are enjoying the cleaner, brighter, whiter light with no visible flickering. Also, the LED lights generate much less heat which is hugely beneficial to us as we hold some heat sensitive stock.” He continued, “The Goodlight LED lights were very easy to install and we were able to use the existing fittings which achieved a higher cost saving.


Their long life and virtually maintenancefree operation made it an easy choice for us. We have been very impressed with the Goodlight team and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them in the future.” Hi-Speed selected 1200 x 600mm Goodlight Eco LED Ceiling Panels for its offices that have been designed to slot into an existing ceiling grid with ease and are the thinnest, most light


weight panel on the market. They also specified 5ft G5 LED Battens for the warehouse which deliver very high levels of light output, offering up to 110 lumens per watt. The G5s are rated to IP65 and provide further protection from dust, ice, heat and corrosion ingress. Both products are guaranteed for five years and rated at 50,000 hours.


THORN INTRODUCES FLOW – THE MOST VERSATILE OUTDOOR LUMINAIRE YET The brand new Flow fits seamlessly into any setting, empowering designers to create urban spaces with a unified appearance


horn Lighting is proud to announce the launch of Flow, taking versatile outdoor lighting to the next level. The timeless, understated design language of this brand new luminaire makes it easy to picture in any setting. But it’s not just Flow’s appearance that makes it so flexible. The luminaire features six mounting variants: post-top, lateral, amenity, suspended, catenary and wall-mounted. There are a range of positive and negative tilting options, and a total of 13 optical possibilities. As a result Flow suits all kinds of urban applications including large urban roads, smaller streets and residential areas, city centres, car parks, cycle paths, footpaths, train platforms, education and sports institutions, industrial buildings and area applications. Flow makes it easy to meet the needs of any urban lighting challenge using the same design of luminaire, empowering designers to create city spaces that are unified and harmonious. Flow has been designed with visual comfort in mind, to provide lighting that is not only safe and functional, but pleasant and welcoming. Benefitting from Thorn’s highly efficient R-PEC and Area optics for streets and open spaces, the luminaire uses prismatic glass and a white reflector to achieve excellent glare control. Flow is available in colour

temperatures ranging all the way to a warm 2700K, lending a hospitable ambience to any urban area. Flow brings intelligence to urban spaces through a wide choice of control options, including DALI (HFX), bi-power switchable (BPS), LRT, powerline or wireless Radio Frequency Incity (RF) control PN7 socket for RF sensors and presence detection. This enables significant energy savings while improving safety and contributing to a sense of wellbeing in the city. As well as being highly flexible, Flow is a cost-effective LED solution, that is just as suitable for refurbishments and retrofits as it is for brand new installations. Its efficacy reaches 139 lm/W, enabling it to save significant amounts of energy compared to conventional solutions, and it comes

with a 10kV surge protection device. Lumen packages ranging from 1700lm to 13,600lm are available. This lightweight luminaire makes life easy for contractors too: it’s easy to handle and install, with tool-free gear tray maintenance. Flow will be available from May 2018. Corinne Delor, Global Product Manager, Urban Streets: “Getting the light distribution you need while keeping urban spaces looking clean and consistent is hard. That’s why we designed Flow to fit in everywhere. The combination of its understated, timeless design and huge variety of mounting and optical choices, gives users the freedom to create consistent, unified solutions for any urban lighting challenge.” Further information can be found at




AMPHIBIA – HIGH RESISTANCE MEETS HIGH PERFORMANCE The AMPHIBIA moisture-proof luminaire from Zumtobel breaks new ground in industry lighting. The advanced design and durable components of this tough IP66 product guarantee optimum safety and reliability in more than 245 industry applications. Its compact size, high-quality construction and one-material concept combine to ensure certified protection against chemicals, physical impact and extreme temperatures, while advanced lighting technology creates a safe and productive working environment.


ndustry applications are tough places for lighting solutions. Dust, moisture, chemicals and extreme temperatures pose a constant threat, pushing materials to their physical limits and compromising the effectiveness and efficiency of most luminaires. At the same time, an increased focus on user well-being and new standards of lighting quality make a difficult job even harder. AMPHIBIA now overcomes all of these challenges, blending high mechanical resistance with performance levels optimised for the most demanding lighting tasks.

ONE SOLUTION WITH ONE MATERIAL – FOR COUNTLESS APPLICATIONS Zumtobel has called on its extensive industry experience to engineer one solution for a wide range of applications. Leading designer Stefan Ambrosius helped devise a luminaire that meets the varied environmental and lighting requirements of factories, technical rooms, agricultural sites, indoor car parks and outside covered areas – thanks especially to an effective onematerial concept. Both the luminaire housing and the diffuser are made from the same high quality material, composed of PC, PMMA or CHEMO, ensuring optimum resistance over the full lifetime of the solution. AMPHIBIA can be specified in three versions, depending on the particular


project requirements. With a certified rating of IK08, the PC (polycarbonate) luminaire ensures high resistance against impacts and mechanical stress. The PMMA variant offers outstanding protection against a long list of chemicals, including cleaning agents commonly used in the food industry, while the CHEMO product features a unique Zumtobel plastic compound that combines excellent chemical resistance with robust mechanical stability. High IP66 protection against dust and powerful jets of water is standard across the AMPHIBIA range.

APPLICATION-BASED DESIGN FEATURES The AMPHIBIA development team devised a number of clever product features as a direct response to defined application requirements. The unique Drip-Edge-Effect design meets the strictest hygiene regulations, helping to prevent dirt and detergents from gathering on the fitting. The flat areas where dust and moisture tend to collect on conventional moisture-proof solutions have been replaced by carefully angled surfaces that repel any particles, leading to major improvements in terms of protection and performance. In addition, dedicated versions for extreme temperatures come with a special gear tray and an industry converter, enabling them to withstand ambient temperatures ranging from -35°C to +50°C.


EFFICIENT PERFORMANCE FOR MAXIMUM LIGHTING QUALITY Yet AMPHIBIA also puts the focus on lighting quality. In line with the principles of Active Light, the pioneering Zumtobel concept, four different light distributions cater for specific application requirements. Alongside familiar wide-beam and narrow-beam options, a luminaire with a medium beam for mounting heights of 4-6 metres helps to save energy and cut the number of light points. The AMPHIBIA range is completed by a product with an asymmetric distribution that has been specially engineered (along with the wide-beam variant) to meet the new DIN 67528 norm for lighting in car parks. Five outputs supply up to 8000 lumens with a luminous efficacy of up to 150 lumens per watt, promising maximum visual quality with minimum energy consumption, while precise glare management and a transparent canopy (with wide-beam and asymmetric-beam versions) boost vertical illuminance and deliver pleasant indirect light for a safer and more effective lit environment. Luminaires with integrated emergency lighting and controls, including microwave presence detection and wireless connection, support smart industry concepts and complete a powerful portfolio. AMPHIBIA: the Zumtobel solution for 245 industry applications – not counting jungles.




ne of the world’s leading light specialists, Feilo Sylvania, has repositioned its brand and streamlined its product and services portfolio to make it easier for customers to make smarter lighting choices. With a heritage that stretches back decades, Sylvania, the group’s biggest and most globally recognised brand, will become the lead brand presence in both the commercial and consumer sectors. Start, Concord and YourHome will become its core product ranges – each aligned to specific application areas and customer needs. While some region-specific brands will be folded into the new brand portfolio, the same overall range of high-quality products will be retained. The Lumiance brand, for example, which has some degree of overlap with both Start and Concord will be phased out of the market in some countries over a period of time, to simplify the specification process for end users, distributors, contractors and installers. The same level of local sales and technical support will be available to customers in all markets. As part of this customer-centric model, Sylvania has also overhauled its website with a view to making it quicker and easier to find products, as well as the supporting technical information. The improved filtering facility enables users to refine search results by both brand and application. By repositioning the master brand and consolidating the number of product range brands, Sylvania says it will reduce complexity and enable faster, more accurate specification. The Start range will be ideally suited to commercial, industrial and domestic premises where value-driven and simple LED solutions are preferred. Higher specification, design and architectural lighting needs will be catered for by the Concord range, which has a strong manufacturing base in the UK.

YourHome will become Sylvania’s domestic market product range, which will give consumers access to highquality, affordable lamps and luminaires. With this range, buyers can easily create warm, ambient light for their homes. Both the Start and YourHome ranges will be refreshed regularly to accommodate the changing moods and needs of customers. To bring greater customer-focus to the business, Sylvania is also investing heavily in its solutions-based businesses. Sylsmart will continue to bring forward innovative, market-ready solutions within the smart and intelligent lighting categories. Some of these concepts and prototypes have been previewed at this year’s Light + Building show in Frankfurt, Germany. Coupled with this, Sylvania’s DreamWorx offering will continue to work with individual customers to develop custom products to almost any scope or scale they desire. Finally, in a move to transform the way in which lighting is procured, Sylvania will accelerate the roll out of

its Logic funding service to customers with lighting projects from €10,000 to more than €500,000. For cash flow sensitive businesses, and others looking to make aggressive cost savings, the Logic leasing model can release working capital and provide a much-needed boost to firms’ P&L. Christian Schraft, CEO at Sylvania, says: “We’re a business built on flexibility, integrity and ingenuity. We put customers first and shape our offer to fit the way they want to live and work. That ethos has led to a shift in business structure and the way we face the market today. “It’s about making it easier for customers to find what they want from the smart and dynamic to the stylish and functional. The Sylvania master brand, together with clearly defined product ranges and solution areas, is the best interface to deliver on that promise. It’s about letting customers have light, their way.” For more information, visit:






roviding renewable electricity to ships whilst in port in the UK could reduce the equivalent of 1.2 million diesel cars worth of nitrogen oxides pollution and bring £402 million per year of health and environmental benefits By plugging into the power grid with 100 per cent renewable electricity and turning off their diesel engines, ships at berth in the UK would reduce emissions equivalent to 84,000 to 166,000 diesel buses – or 1.2 million diesel cars representative of the current UK fleet. The pressure is mounting for the UK to align with EU air pollution emission targets, and ships at berth need to cut their fuel consumption and port authorities and terminal operators need to integrate shore power capabilities in a simpler and more efficient way. Schneider Electric supports decarbonisation through its business efforts, this has led to a sponsored study into the emissions from idling ships at berth in UK ports that affects the quality of the air we breathe. Often neglected as source of air pollution, ships spewing toxic emissions near to coastal towns and cities puts people and the environment at risk. While road transport pollution garners public prominence because it is so visible in our everyday lives, we should not underestimate the impact that portside emissions have on the environment and the cost of keeping society healthy. Offshore supply vessels, fishing boats, roll-on-roll-off, bulk carriers and passenger ferries contribute the most to the emissions from auxiliary engines at berth. The emissions from all vessels’ auxiliary engines at berth in UK ports in 2016 is estimated to be equivalent to nearly 2.6 per cent of the total transport sector emissions of nitrogen oxides in the UK. The best


estimates of these emissions from auxiliary engines are 830,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide, 11,000 tonnes of nitrogen oxides (NOx), 270 tonnes in particulate matter and 520 tonnes of sulphur dioxide. There were approximately 110,000 buses and coaches in the UK fleet in 2016 and the study has found that ships’ auxiliary engines at berth are equivalent to the nitrogen oxides and particulate matter emissions equivalent to 84,000 to 166,000 buses and coaches representative of those currently in the UK fleet, respectively. Dirty air has been linked to asthma symptoms, heart disease and even lung cancer. It has been linked to dementia and is also known to increase the risk of children growing up with smaller lungs. Meanwhile, 59 per cent of the UK pollution – 40 million people – live in areas where diesel pollution threatens their health, according to Friends of the Earth. Global deaths linked to ambient air pollution are estimated to have increased by just under 20 per cent since 1990, while 95 per cent of the world’s population is now breathing toxic air, according to a recent study by the Health Effects Institute while the Royal College of Physicians has found that air pollution in the UK contributes to 40,000 deaths per year. The UK could bypass a major health hazard as well as avoid health and environmental impacts of up to £402 million per year through the elimination of nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide and particulates – using the introduction of shore connections at UK ports. If all the emissions from the auxiliary engines at berth from these vessels were reduced to zero by replacement with power from 100 per cent renewable electricity sources, the value in reducing emissions would be between £136 million and £483 million per year. “The UK is one of the last global regions to introduce shore connections


at its ports and it will take industry collaboration and innovation to bring forward the introduction of portside electricity in a quick and sustainable manner. There is now a global standard for shore connections and it is up to our ports now to catch up with the global norm and demonstrate that we truly believe in a cleaner, healthier future,” says Peter Selway, Marine Segment Marketing Manager at Schneider Electric. While health conscious countries like the UK are employing proactive policies to help curb the dangerous impacts of air pollution and the ongoing efforts to alleviate roadside toxic fumes is indeed noble, the long-term impact of the shipping industry should not be ignored. Globally, the partnership between the Port of Seattle and the shipping industry has seen annual CO2 emissions being cut by up to 29 per cent annually in the port, with financial savings of up to 26 per cent per port call. Meanwhile, shore connection capabilities have been mandatory for all ships at berth in California since 2010 and by 2020, at least 80 per cent of berths have to be equipped with shore connection technology. The shipping industry itself has been receptive to plugging in at port and Schneider Electric’s technology has assisted La Meridionale to achieve a 95 per cent reduction in its berthside emissions. Danish ferry group Scandlines, meanwhile, has seen an overall energy saving of between 1014 per cent in its equipped vessels. “It is time now to adopt a new way of thinking and embrace, as an industry, the benefits that shore connections and portside electricity can bring quickly and cost-effectively. We are fortunate enough to have the technology at hand and we must put it to good use” Selway concludes. https://


Save our souls: how ships bring home their pollution Introducing electric shore connections at UK ports would dramatically cut diesel pollution from ocean going vessels at berth in the UK.



diesel buses

1.2 million diesel cars

Ships at berth emit pollution equivalent to 166,000 diesel buses or 1.2 million diesel cars.


£402 million/year savings



£402 million/year in health and environmental impacts could be avoided if NOX, SO2 and PM10 emissions from ships at berth in the UK were eliminated.

Ships at berth contribute:

2.6% to the total transport emissions 1.3% to the overall air pollution Offshore supply vessels, fishing boats, roll-on-roll-off, bulk carriers and passenger ferries contribute the most to the emissions from auxiliary engines at berth: NOx emissions in 2016 (kt/yr)




Ro Ro









What is a shore connection? Shore connections provide an onshore power supply for vessels at berth

The impact study on the environmental impact of ships at berth in the UK was developed by global engineering, environmental and strategic consultancy, Ricardo on behalf of Schneider Electric.




WINDS (AND SOLAR) OF CHANGE The time is now for renewables in emerging markets says Martin Vogt, Managing Director at MPC Renewable Energies.


he world is moving away from using traditional energy sources in favour of renewables. In 2017, the latest International Energy Outlook by the US Energy Information Administration revealed that total global energy consumption will grow by 28 per cent between 2015 and 2040. Within the energy industry, renewables are anticipated to be the fastest-growing energy source over the next ten to twenty years. The rising popularity of renewables is largely thanks to innovative technology which has made renewable energy more accessible by lowering the costs of both installation and ongoing maintenance for operators. As a result, the price per gigawatt of a solar or wind powered system today is cheaper than ever and in many regions already cheaper than fossil fuels. Renewables are becoming particularly attractive in regions like the Caribbean and Latin America where solar and wind resources are abundant and the cost of conventional energy is extremely high.

AN IDEAL MATCH – RENEWABLES IN THE CARIBBEAN The Caribbean islands are a great example of an area poised to take on renewable energy, with a real need for renewables infrastructure in a time where the generation costs are dropping. The region is rich in natural resources which enables renewable energy technology to generate electricity at similar or cheaper price than conventional power plants. Solar PV technology, for instance, is a real alternative for the smaller islands in the Caribbean. Solar PV, when deployed as part of an integrated energy solution and combined with storage, can replace


diesel power generators, which will only be needed as backup. Furthermore, many remote regions in the Caribbean have weak or no grid infrastructure and require off-grid solutions. Here distributed solar PV installations play a key role in supplying affordable energy in the decentralized future of power generation. Yet, according to the World Bank, less than 10% of electricity production in the Caribbean comes from renewables. The islands are still largely dependent on imported fossil fuels such as diesel and have some of the highest electricity prices in the world. The challenge here, as with many emerging markets looking to move towards renewables, is infrastructure and the regulatory environment. The majority of emerging market countries lack the required grid infrastructure. Understanding the potential value in moving towards renewables, local governments have committed to providing incentives and regulatory environment for renewable energy projects. In this regard, Jamaica is clearly on the forefront of successfully integrating renewable energy into its power generation mix and a long-term commitment to renewables.

DECLINING PRICES OFFER SIGNIFICANT REWARDS For investors and developers, there is a significant opportunity to partner with local governments in emerging markets as they aim to reach their renewable goals. Emerging markets are offering attractive risk-adjusted returns on investments in renewables. In comparison, developed markets like Europe are likely to provide 5-8% equity IRR, while often still relying on government subsidies. And countries such as Spain, Italy, Poland or Romania have shown in the past that the wind for renewables can turn, when renewables rely on such subsidies.


Renewable energy infrastructure can produce a steady yield over a long period of time with typically inflation-adjusted revenues and limited correlation to other asset classes.

LOOKING AHEAD The operational costs of solar and wind parks will further continue to decline over the next 10 years due to a number of reasons. The UK’s offshore wind auction, for example, saw prices go down by 50 per cent within two years, while the Dutch government announced plans for an offshore wind project with zero subsidy in March this year. However, the first critical voices are raising questions about the long-term success and sustainability of such auction price levels. Various lenders, which are critical for the success of the renewables industry, have already communicated their concerns that such auction prices might not lead to “bankable” projects (at least not in the previous limited recourse structures). This would limit the group of sponsors to large utilities and independent power producers with low refinancing costs of their balance sheets. To combat this, governments must ensure that such processes provide planning certainty to developers and investors and do not become a speculative game. Otherwise, the desired renewable energy installations might never be realized to generate green energy. There is a real responsibility to ensure renewables energy progress is made the right way as its growth continues to advance globally. Regions where energy efficiency challenges have been persistent over decades can look to renewable energy projects as a solution. Renewables offer reliability, affordability, and accessibility to clean energy.




new report published by the STA shows how local councils are leading the way on solar by building modern solar homes, developing ‘subsidyfree’ solar farms, master planning ‘smart’ neighbourhoods and using solar to save money and provide stable sources of revenue to fund services. Highlights from the collection of 26 pioneering and proven case studies, which detail financing, include; • A subsidy-free 7.4MW solar farm with 4MW battery storage by West Sussex Country Council - and other councils such as Hounslow are set to follow. Perth & Kinross Council has just opened a business park connected to a solar farm using a private wire. • Councils all over the UK, from Bristol to Sheffield, delivering onsite solar in new homes and buildings. Plymouth City Council has developed Bickleigh Down Eco Village, a development of net zero emissions homes, while Milton Keynes is looking to encourage battery storage in new developments. • Zero interest Salix Finance funding a solar school with help from Calderdale Council and payback in eight years. An ambitious programme for 50 solar schools continues in West Sussex. • Innovative tendering schemes to beat cost pressures on rooftop solar, by Portsmouth City Council which has installed nearly 5MW of solar over 300 buildings. • The use of solar thermal to help reduce energy bills for people in social housing off the gas grid by Mid-Devon District Council. • Tax-free investment from local people in a solar farm developed by Public Power Solutions for Swindon Council. Local authorities are in a unique position to make the economics of solar projects attractive given exceptional terms of borrowing, long project timescales, secure off-takers for the power generated and easy access to council-owned land and roof space. STA Chief Executive Chris Hewett said; “Leadership on solar in the UK today comes from local councils, and increasingly from regional Government. Local people want a stake in clean energy, so they understand the tremendous value of solar and energy storage – both hugely accessible technologies. We’ve been impressed by the level of innovation and

political leadership being demonstrated today by some councils. Our message to councils is don’t wait on national Government; there is a lot you can do today with solar and the UK solar industry wants to work with you to help meet your climate, air quality and economic goals.” The report makes ten recommendations to local authorities to make solar work today. These include higher building standards, use of Salix Finance, going for high volume tenders and larger schemes to improve economics, granting solar business rate relief to state schools and community energy groups and including solar and storage alongside EV strategies. Analysis by the STA on FOI and BEIS data shows that the top 10 local authorities by investment have collectively invested £80 million in solar. There is striking national variation in the take up of solar power with Peterborough topping the league tables with the highest concentration of solar homes in the UK; 11% of homes in Peterborough have solar, while only 0.1% do in Kensington – a 100-fold difference. STA research suggests pro-active local authorities boost solar take-up. Independent expert modelling commissioned by the STA confirms local authorities can deliver solar schools using zero interest Salix Finance for payback within 8-9 years, with-out the need for central Government support using a Power Purchase Agreement model & business rate relief. Similarly, the unique advantages of local government means they can develop solar farms in good sites for payback in around 12 years, or less using private wires. While the most pioneering authorities are investing seriously in solar power and energy storage and masterplanning smart neighbourhood, the report includes several ways to boost solar locally that do not require significant officer time or expenditure. The report concludes with 10 recommendations for local authorities to help boost solar. Paul Hutchens, Chair of STA’s New Build

Working Group said; “There is now a wealth of experience all over the UK showing even very mainstream home builder take better building standards locally in their stride – solar makes it easy. Given the chopping and changing of national policy there has been a lot of confusion about the powers local authorities have to demand higher standards. We hope this report helps to clear that up.” The STA wants councillors and officers who are interested in boosting solar & storage to get in touch. The STA will be holding regional workshops to help spread best practice and linking councils up through a new Local Authority Leading Lights Network [4]. The STA can also provide advice on technology costs, how to structure costeffective schemes, and how to safeguard quality in competitive tender processes. Report author Leonie Greene said; “There is frustration out there that national policy has made it harder to do solar. Our research showed that better national policy is needed to support domestic and community solar and the great ambitions of local government to use solar to tackle fuel poverty. Government should also end the unfair business rate treatment of rooftop solar for self-consumption. But our report shows that many projects can be done today, free of central government, which heralds a new era of sustainable clean energy investment. By making use of the unique powers they have on planning, to access Salix Finance, Local Development Orders and on granting relief from rooftop solar business rates, councils can support the clean energy ambitions of the communities they serve.” The report Leading Lights is available online at,




PIONEERING GREEN DRAINAGE SCHEME COULD SAVE MANCHESTER MILLIONS Jumping in puddles has taken on new meaning at one Manchester primary school after experts stepped in to help stop rain being a drain on school budgets.


n a scheme which could save millions if replicated across Manchester, a team headed by Business in the Community (BITC) has built a rain garden and transformed a large area of parking and pathways at Moorlands Junior School in Sale to demonstrate the benefits of sustainable drainage. North West water firm United Utilities estimates that sustainable drainage schemes like Moorlands’ could save up to £1.75m a year for education budgets if all the city’s 1,300 schools adopted similar measures, with the potential savings at other public buildings and spaces even higher. A similar demonstration scheme is now being planned for an NHS health centre elsewhere in the city. Sustainable drainage schemes (SuDS) divert the rain which falls on playgrounds, roofs and car parks away from the public sewer, potentially slashing hundreds of pounds a year off the water bills of organisations like schools, other public bodies and businesses. They also reduce flood risk, improve river water quality and increase community engagement, biodiversity and green space while protecting society at large from the cost and disruption associated with constantly upgrading and expanding sewer networks. Head of Water at BITC, Katie Spooner said research carried out as part of the Water Resilient Cities project had established that a programme of sustainable drainage in schools and other public buildings across Manchester could free up money for public services and help Manchester meet its Mayor Andy Burnham’s aim to be one of Europe’s leading green cities. “The work at Moorlands School is the exciting culmination of two years of work led by BITC’s Water Taskforce and supported by the Environment Agency, GMCA the British Geological Survey and the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust. The idea


was, using Greater Manchester as a test bed, to help UK cities build their resilience in the face of climate change, population growth and increased urbanisation. Sustainable drainage schemes work by mimicking the way nature manages water, slowing its flow so that the environment has time to deal with it.” The work at Moorlands Junior School includes a new rain garden filled with thirsty plants, which holds on to surface water during heavy downpours, allowing it to soak away slowly, and replacing tarmac and paths with permeable surfaces which water passes straight through instead of running into a drain. It was managed and carried out by a collaborative partnership including United Utilities, Arup, Costain, Marshalls, Atkins, CLASP and Stantec who also provided data, technical expertise and materials for free. Additional funding came via Natural Course, an EU LIFE integrated project to build capacity to protect and improve the water environment. Added Katie: “One of the most important aspects of the project has been to establish that investing in SuDs can be cost effective, not just for schools, but for properties across Greater Manchester and beyond. The benefits go beyond direct financial savings and environmental resilience, the green


and blue spaces that SuDS can create education opportunities, health and well-being benefits and improved air quality. We’re now actively working on funding streams to help cash-restricted public services like schools and the NHS reap the advantages of these measures without dipping into their own reserves.” United Utilities’ Head of Sustainability Chris Matthews said: “Traditionally, managing the flow of surface water has been seen as the responsibility of water companies and local authorities, but investing bill payers’ money in ever more pipes and treatment works is not always the best way. We need to work more



broadly as a community to find a solution, and involving the children of Moorlands in planting up their new rain garden means, as future water bill payers, they are more in tune with the environment and are seeing the positives for themselves.” Headteacher of Moorlands Junior School Alison Kelly said: “A substantial area in our car park has been replaced by a permeable surface so the main drain there is no longer used. A new footpath has been installed at the front of the school and the water from the gutters from one half of our roof now runs through special new channels into five separate rain gardens, which our children have helped design and plant, at the front of the school. It looks lovely and the children are very excited that they will be called upon to talk to other people about the project and that they can leave a legacy for years to come. Our school Eco Council are very passionate about the environment. The project is a perfect working example of the water cycle and we are looking forward to seeing how many more insects and wildlife we get as a result. “From my perspective as a head, there were two driving forces for getting involved with this project, the environmental impact as a school and also, with the way school budgets are getting tighter and tighter, the monetary savings on water bills. This is something we have investigated before because we are lucky enough to have a school governor who is very knowledgeable but this is something that financially we could not afford without support.” For more information please contact the United Utilities press office on 0345 072 0822.

One year on from water deregulation in England, Kinect Energy Group’s commercial water director, Chris Quinn, expresses his concerns about the business community’s receptiveness to the changes.


he deregulation of the water market came into effect on 1 April 2017 allowing businesses to select their water supplier and compare packages, ultimately saving them money and helping them become more energy efficient. However, despite there being a large effort to educate businesses about the benefits of the water deregulation, engagement and interest levels among customers have been low. We’ve found that water deregulation has fallen short of expectations, and retailers are not providing enough SME customers with the incentives required for them to switch. Around 70% of the UK’s energy is purchased through a broker, so we are advising retailers to take the time to understand the role of a broker and the value that they add in order to make a success of the market. It’s been an interesting first year of deregulation and the time seems to have flown by. After what felt like a sluggish start for quoting in the first three months, things really started to recover well at the back end of 2017. We started to see multiple quotes coming through for customers’ businesses, and finally started to see them switching, which was a huge relief. But overall, I think the first year has been a challenging one in many respects, particularly when it comes to customer interest.

Businesses want cheaper prices, particularly those in the SME sector, but these customers generally don’t attribute much value to enhanced and value-added services that many retailers are trying to balance off the poor margin levels with. Therefore the industry has faced challenges when demonstrating to customers about why they should switch. Don’t get me wrong, SME customers are switching, and we have brokered the deal for many SME customers who are now realising the benefits of cheaper prices. But, on the whole, I definitely think this is falling short of expectations and not providing enough SME customers with the incentives required for them to switch in their droves. The market still has a long way to go before it can be claimed a success and, from a customer service perspective, we have seen the good, the bad and the downright ugly from retailers over the course of the last 12 months. It’s clear that many retailers have work to do, and lots of it, before they become the choice for customers. For more information, please visit







esearch carried out by SES Business Water in conjunction with YouGov has revealed that just six per cent of small businesses with an office in England have switched water suppliers since the nondomestic market opened a year ago, even though 92 per cent of small businesses describe themselves as cost-savvy when it comes to choosing suppliers. In addition, the research showed that only 39 per cent of small businesses are switching providers of other services, including energy, stationery, IT, healthcare and pensions. Since April 2017, businesses and organisations in England no longer have to buy their retail water services from their regional water company, and can choose one retailer for their water and another for wastewater services, or just one for both. Small businesses that switch can expect to see a reduction in their water bills, and may also see further cost reductions through the identification of abnormally high levels of consumption and leaks. In addition, having the freedom to switch gives small businesses the chance to choose a company with a better customer service record than their current supplier. Despite these benefits, research carried out by SES Business Water and YouGov, in which 757 people were surveyed, revealed that just six per cent of small businesses with an office in England have taken the opportunity to switch water suppliers. Conversely however, 92 per cent of small businesses taking part in the research believe they are cost-savvy when it comes to choosing suppliers, and 98 per cent believe being costconscious is an important attribute for their type of organisation – indicating they will place importance on being careful with money, being mindful about their purchases, and always looking for the best deal on supplies, including utilities. SES Business Water’s research also showed that, on average, only 39 per cent of small businesses are likely to switch providers of other services, including


stationery, IT, catering, cleaning, car leasing, energy, healthcare and pensions – so many more businesses could benefit from making comparisons and switching to save money. The research also highlighted the reasons why only a small percentage of small businesses are switching water suppliers. While 59 per cent of small businesses were not aware that businesses in England could switch water suppliers, there was not an obvious correlation between awareness and action. The most common reason cited for not switching water suppliers was that it’s not a priority (31 per cent), even though only a quarter of respondents said they are happy with their current water supplier.

“However, their inactivity in terms of switching suppliers of key products and services could mean they are missing out on a range of important benefits – for water, these include cost, efficiency and resource savings, and better customer support. “While our research confirmed that an overwhelming majority of small businesses believe that it’s important to be cost-conscious, and view themselves as cost-savvy, it also highlighted there is potential for many businesses to refocus their efforts, shop around and save money. “Small businesses are far more likely to switch energy or stationery supplier than their water supplier, even though switching water could reduce

“ There is potential for many businesses to refocus their efforts, shop around and save money.” Energy was one of the top services that small businesses have switched, with over a third (38 per cent) switching their energy supplier in the previous 12 months. The same percentage of small businesses reported that they have switched stationery supplier to make savings. The services that small businesses are least likely to switch are catering (10 per cent) and healthcare (8 per cent) – but these percentages are still higher than for switching water suppliers. Max Langford, SES Business Water’s commercial director, said: “Small businesses play a significant role in the country’s economy, but it can be challenging for them to grow and prosper. Therefore, they need to be shrewd when it comes to their spending behaviour, especially in today’s uncertain times.


their costs. It’s clear that more must be done to raise awareness of the open water market among small businesses so they can actively engage in it.” SES Business Water is committed to improving market engagement by communicating with small businesses across the UK to explain how switching can help them achieve cost savings and access better products and improved customer service. To coincide with the one-year anniversary of the opening of the nondomestic water market in England, SES Business Water has published The Missed Opportunity report, which summarises the switching activities of small businesses.




innai, the world-renowned innovator for every possible type of commercial site, has revolutionised the supply and delivery of hot water units and systems since the launch of its fully electronically-controlled gas-fired continuous flow product ranges. One major part of the Rinnai Infinity condensing water heaters is the Solo range – a highly efficient Heavy-Duty gas-fired recirculatory water heater with a completely insulated stainless steel storage cylinder. The combination of continuous flow units with a storage cylinder for pre-heated hot water allows for periods of peak hour use. This is of importance at those sites where limited gas services may dictate the use and application of water heating systems. The Rinnai Solo answers this problem – with system efficiency, ease of installation and end-user satisfaction. Rinnai’s Infinity Solo low NOX water heaters can be used for the ‘Direct to Outlet’ system, and secondary return systems. Infinity Solo will deliver a constant output temperature of 60°C or higher, ensuring stored water is at levels that significantly reduce any risk of legionella proliferation. The design parameters of this product - it is all in one compact footprint - empowering specifiers, designers, installers and engineers to benefit from unique Rinnai technology in applications it was once not previously possible. For instance, the Infinity Solo has 35kW, 37kW and 54kW sized heat engines,

ensuring sites with a smaller gas meter can readily use this technology. The larger Infinity Solo model will also act as a high-efficiency alternative to gas fired storage appliances that still exist in today’s market and can be easily installed on a ‘like for like’ basis where plant room services are concerned. The cylinder is stainless steel, and this reduces the weight compared to glass lined models, and it makes transportation and installation a lot easier. As well as the difference in weight, the cylinders also have extremely low heat loss figures (as low as 1.41kW/h day), so the user pays less to maintain the heat within the tank. One other benefit of the Infinity Solo using a stainless-steel cylinder is that the life expectancy of the material is far greater than that of a glass-lined equivalent as glass can suffer from thermal shock causing it to crack after a period of time. Certain Infinity Solo models are renewables compatible and supplied prefitted with a coil, meaning that the primary energy source will always be from renewable gains and the complementary Rinnai water heater will only apply the precise amount of gas to boost the difference in temperature. Rinnai’s Infinity brand carries the widest range of condensing gas-fired water heating units and systems- and all are A rated on ErP – on the market today with the most impressive efficiencies in operation, leading the field in technological innovation.

Key Features of the Solo range are: Stainless steel cylinder with high thermal efficiency and Ultra Low standing heat loss; Highly efficient continuous flow water heater is used as the heating booster; Rinnai Patented Lean-rich Low NOx burner (Solo20 & Solo32 only); Compatible with Renewable heating source through the renewable pipe in the cylinder (Solo20 & Solo32 only); Industry leading higher modulating ratio; Compact design for limited space; Inbuilt lime scale detector; Inbuilt immersion heater for the emergency backup; Easy read fault diagnostics via Status monitor; 10 years cylinder warranty (subject to terms & conditions).

Holistic approval boosts leading HIUs hot water credentials


aving always been able to demonstrate compliance with WRAS/KIWA requirements for water quality, the H2 Heat Interface Units offered by Stokvis Energy Systems have now been granted overarching certification through the regulatory scheme. The consolidated approval was awarded following exhaustive tests at the Water Research Advisory Scheme’s approved laboratories, so that the product portfolio now offers consultants and contractors involved with the creation of communal or district heating schemes the ultimate confidence. The WRAS certification will remain valid for five years until December 2021 and covers the Stokvis Econoplate H2, H2-24/14, H2-24/24 and H2-24/40 Heat Interface Units.

The HIUs have also been made more serviceable in that the key components are now easier to access and demount as necessary; and they remain amongst the few such units available that are British made. Furthermore, this is a very important and rapidly growing market, enabling those who live in, or operate apartment buildings and other complexes, to do away with the risks and inefficiencies of individual gas boilers in every dwelling. And instead switch to shared boiler systems incorporating renewables, including heat pumps and solar panels, so that far greater energy efficiency can be enjoyed by all residents. For further information on Stokvis Energy Systems, please call

020 8783 3050 or visit



Reducing water and waste water costs “It’s simple when you have the knowledge”

Water Strategy Water Audit Water Procurement

Centralise billing data Compile a water and waste water database Clean data base Complete a water audit by identifying any historical water company overcharging and undercharging Identify and implement “low hanging fruit” – fixed and none variable charges Water management – Drive down water consumption, benchmark sites, compile high users list Complete site surveys where applicable, compile written report containing recommendations for reducing water costs Implementation of recommendations The Scottish and English water retail markets - procurement of Scottish and English water supply contracts Future water strategy – ongoing monitoring and water bill validation

Tel: 01924 387 873

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