PSS Magazine July/August 2016

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Natural History Museum Protected by Advanced Systems



Closing the gap between renewables, energy and resource management. For facilities managers, there’s one place where you can find all the answers. Stay ahead of policy changes with access to seven free to attend theatres offering expert insight, case studies and opinion. Source the latest solutions and technologies and understand how they can help improve efficiency and save money for your business.



Cover Story:


World’s Smartest Office Buildings Has The Edge With BREEAM

M a g a z i n e

See Page 10

july/august 2016

10 Worlds sMartest oFFice buildiNGs Has tHe edGe WitH breeaM InSIde ThIS ISSUe:


public sector sustainability is published 10 times a year by PSS Media

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Decothane Keeps Pendleton Housing Scheme Dry


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uNiversity oF bradFord busiNess ceNtre is a briGHt liGHt oF sustaiNability

34 sustaiNable ProcureMeNt iN birMiNGHaM


Polypipe provides sustainable drainage solution for park and ride scheme




University Challenge Nottingham & Essex

Why public sector organisations shouldn’t roll over on their recycling obligations

Some manufacturers and suppliers have made a contribution toward the cost of reproducing some photographs in Public Sector Sustainability.


Natural History MuseuM Protected by advaNced systeMs


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pss Magazine • JULY/AUGUST 2016


Slower uptake of G-cloud in local government mean SME’s still struggling to enter market, says Streamwire


hile recent figures have shown spending through the Digital Marketplace has topped £1bn, the slower take-up in local government means that many SME’s are struggling to gain traction in their local markets. Commenting on the growing problem, Kevin Timms, COO and Co-Founder of Streamwire said: “Local authorities have tended to shy away from working with smaller suppliers as the perception was that the risks of working with them were greater than the tried and tested large brand names in IT service delivery. Years of over-priced and delayed IT programmes, combined with the advent of cloud and the government’s drive to reduce spending, have come together to push a change in attitude, particularly in central government. However, this change is not being seen at the local level in any great volume. “A lot of progress could be made quite quickly if local authority IT leaders moved

in larger numbers to use the G-Cloud and used SME service providers to provide their agile IT support.” Small service providers by their nature have to be innovative if they are to survive, as they have to be very flexible to win opportunities and work around their larger competitors. However, there is often a chicken and egg situation. Local authorities want to innovate but also want to see several examples of where innovation has worked well in the past for organisations like theirs. Unfortunately, many SME’s may not be able to show the success of what they champion at a scale that a local authority is looking for. Traditionally, some local authorities have sought to bridge the challenge between wanting the innovation and flexibility of smaller providers with the stability of having a single large supplier by establishing a system of Prime Contractors. The risk is contracted out while capturing

the gain from accessing SMEs. The reality has always been that this approach still blocks flexibility because it drives a wedge between the agile supplier and the customer with the SME often gets a bad deal. Kevin continues: “The Cloud has made it far easier for SMEs to scale up their services to meet the needs of local government and this has massively helped change the balance between risk and reward from using smaller, more agile suppliers. Unfortunately, because the uptake of G-cloud services has been lower in local government, SMEs are yet to break this market open in anything like the way it has in central government. As local authorities continue to find new ways to reduce cost and improve service delivery, the only option will be to transform procurement and choose SMEs who are willing to go the extra mile.”

Councils not on track for smart city delivery, new research Shows


ew research released today has highlighted the risk that many local governments are lacking the budget, leadership and capability to progress smart initiatives and connected technology in cities across the UK. The research reveals that smart cities are not deemed a strategic priority for the majority of councils in the UK, and identifies barriers to delivery that are stifling progress in many local authorities. Without a clear roadmap to delivery from Government and a coherent, cost-effective approach, the UK risks lagging behind other countries with an inconsistent and delayed roll-out of smart cities. 187 councils from across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland were contacted as part of the research, commissioned by street lighting experts Lucy Zodion and conducted by independent research agency DJS Research. A significant gap was identified between those councils leading the way on smart cities and those not yet engaged: over 80% had little to no involvement with smart cities and few had named smart city

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leads or teams managing smart implementation. The findings indicate that the UK risks a three-tiered approach to smart cities delivery, with those early adopters who have secured funding striving ahead, leaving those without resources unable to make progress, and many more still yet to grasp the potential benefits available. Five major barriers to delivery were highlighted during the research: a lack of funding, a lack of internal prioritisation, a lack of evidence, insufficient collaboration, and a general lack of confidence amongst council leaders. A model of momentum, identifying six key stages on a council’s road to smart cities, also maps out the lag between those leading in smart cities and those yet to engage. John Fox, managing director of Lucy Zodion, said: “Local authorities hold the key to unlocking the benefits of smart connected cities, yet this research has identified fundamental barriers to a consistent and cost-effective roll-out and significant differences to the approach to smart cities across the country.

“It is evident that we need leadership to make smart cities work: leadership from government to provide a clearer path to delivery and leadership from local authorities to create an over-arching strategy to suit individual cities. It is only when councils are able to make smart cities a strategic priority and work together to implement them efficiently, putting the citizen at the centre of their plans, will we be able to realise the potential of our future cities.” The report identifies recommendations to optimise a smart city transition, from the creation of an over-arching strategy to establish leadership and objectives to engaging citizens to ensure services developed meet the needs of those living and working in the city. The full report is available on Lucy Zodion’s smart cities online hub, along with smart city news and resources. Visit for more information.




rome Sport and Fitness has reopened its doors to local residents following a multi-million pound investment by Fusion Lifestyle. The £2 million project is part of a long term lease and Concession Contract with Mendip District Council. At the start of 2014, the five leisure facilities in the council’s estate required an annual subsidy of more than £850,000. The facilities were facing combined backlog and urgent lifecycle maintenance liabilities of £5 million. Following a competitive Invitation To Tender, Fusion Lifestyle was appointed as the official partner to the council and in June 2015, the UK’s leading registered leisure charity entered into a 50 year, full repairing lease for each of the five facilities; Frome Sport and Fitness, Wells Sport & Fitness, Shepton Mallet Lido, Tor Leisure

Centre and Strode Swimming and Fitness. Since the start of the partnership, the Council’s subsidy has already been significantly reduced and will be completely eradicated by 2020. Speaking about the partnership, Penny Arnold, Commercial and Operations Director at Fusion Lifestyle, comments: “Our capital investment in Somerset has totalled £3 million across three of the five leisure facilities. In addition to the recent works at Frome Fitness and Sport, Wells Sport & Fitness has benefited from a £1 million refurbishment, completed in March 2016 and a £100,000 improvement project is currently underway at Shepton Mallet Lido. “These investments reflect Fusion Lifestyle’s commitment to the provision of inclusive access to sports and fitness which benefit the entire community and ensure the local population will enjoy a quality leisure provision for many years to come. ” The renovations at Frome Sport and Fitness, nestled in the heart of the Somerset town, includes: relocation of the fitness suite, a dedicated soft play facility, expanded studio space, refurbished changing areas and an improved reception space. The fitness studio now houses more than 70 of the latest Life Fitness cardiovascular and resistance stations, along with a large free weights and personal training space. Two new studios have been created, offering an array of classes from yoga to INSANITY, and a dedicated indoor cycle studio accommodates 22 Life Fitness ‘Life Cycle GX’ bikes.

The pool and changing areas have been completely refurbished and a large soft play area has been incorporated to offer the 0-8 year olds a fun, intriguing space to explore and enjoy. The two existing squash courts, sports hall and AstroTurf – hosting hockey and football, complete the offering. Commenting on the partnership, Cllr Philip Ham, Portfolio Holder for Transformation at Mendip District Council, says: “By allowing Fusion Lifestyle to take leases for our leisure facilities we have safeguarded the future of leisure across the district for many years to come. “Not only have we secured a multi-million pound investment in leisure facilities across Mendip, the savings made by the council have freed up much-needed funds that can now be ploughed back into other frontline services. “In these times of austerity, it is essential that the council takes bold decisions and finds innovative ways to do more for less. This project is the perfect example of the new ways of working that the council is exploring to benefit our residents. “Fusion’s investment programme has already seen improvements made to leisure facilities across the district and I’m confident that local people will be delighted with their new-look leisure centres.” For more information about Fusion Lifestyle visit:

PSS Magazine • JULY/AUGUST 2016


BRE Trust reports on latest built environment research


RE Trust has published its annual review of some of the latest built environment research. Available online, the report outlines research projects and activities across areas ranging from infrastructure sustainability and resilience to occupant welleing and energy.

Projects The BRE Trust Review includes summaries of completed projects and their results including the three-year Future Cities research programme, which was delivered in collaboration with over 70 partner organisations and had a total project value of over £30 million. ‘With the global population and urban migration continuing to rise, this important programme was created to explore critical future cities issues and the complex challenges involved in 21st century urban development.’ said BRE Group research director Dr Deborah Pullen. ‘The programme has delivered tangible tools, guidance and standards, all of which will be of benefit to diverse stakeholders across the built environment. We will also be using the outputs to inform further research in this area.’ The review also addresses active projects including the Resilient Built Environment

themed research programme, which began in April 2015. During the year, five research projects focusing on climate resilience were launched, with flooding, wind and overheating the priority areas. The programme has also developed to include research into community resilience, incorporating themes such as cyber security for smart homes and how to increase uptake of climate and flood resilience measures by building owners.

Partnerships New strategic research partnerships with Loughborough University, University of Hertfordshire and University College London feature in the report as well. This includes funding by BRE Trust for applied research in high performance buildings, sustainable construction, and resilient buildings and communities at Loughborough University’s Royal Academy of Engineering Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Building Design. The new strategic partnerships expand on the research and education activities at the five existing BRE Trust University Centres of Excellence – in Bath, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Strathclyde and Brasilia - which continue to carry out outstanding research. With 102 PhDs funded, the portfolio of

active and completed research now topping £60 million and over 600 papers and conference proceedings published, the review highlights projects and their outcomes across all eight of its university partners.

Publications The report also outlines recent publications spanning a wide range of research, knowledge and guidance for sustainability, fire and security, energy, health, materials and future cities. One of the current bestsellers is the Lighting and Health report which reviews existing research on the health effects of lighting (including daylighting) typically found in buildings, offering expert guidance for lighting designers, and building occupiers and their managers. Equally, it details how the Trust is working to produce new and engaging dissemination formats to enable easier and more widespread uptake and learning. For further inforamtion please contact Linda McKeown, BRE Email -

BSRIA helps impove health: multi-storey car park air quality assessment a success a comprehensive report containing charts and tables of maximum, minimum and average values of CO, CO2, temperature and humidity. This enabled detailed analysis to demonstrate compliance with the regulations.

The Challenge


SRIA was commissioned to determine the air quality on three floors of a town centre shopping centre multi-storey car park to monitor the typical weekly levels and ensure compliance with legislation. The client was supplied with

PSS Magazine • JULY/AUGUST 2016

The project was set due to stringent legislation governing the levels of CO and CO2 gas present in car parks.

Process Three “Q-TRAK” Indoor Air Quality Meters were installed at levels 1, 3 and 5 of the car park. To overcome possible vandalism,

the meters were installed in standard equipment boxes, mounted on the walls with only the sensor exposed. The boxes also supplied mains power to support the meters during the week long test. The stored data was downloaded and issued as a report with charts and tables as appropriate. Blanca Beato-Arribas, BSRIA Asset Performance Team Leader, said: “High concentration levels of CO and CO2, which are combustion products, can be found in car parks. A combination of monitoring the contaminants, plus a good ventilation strategy – for example localised ventilation or well-planned pedestrian routes – can help reduce the exposure levels, ensuring the health and safety of visitors and staff.”


Natural History Museum Protected by Advanced Systems


he world-famous Natural History Museum in London, and its more than five million annual visitors are being protected by intelligent fire panels from Advanced. Often called the ‘Cathedral of Nature’ the Natural History Museum is renowned for its collections of dinosaurs and ornate architecture, and is widely recognised as the pre-eminent centre for natural history and related research. The Museum is the third most popular in the United Kingdom and its irreplaceable 80 million strong collection is of global importance and includes many collected by Charles Darwin. Located in Kensington’s Museum Quarter it was established in 1881. Its Grade 1-listed building comprises seven blocks, including the original Waterhouse Building, the Earth Galleries, the Palaeontology block and the twin Darwin Centres. At the heart of the active fire protection for the Museum is a network of 24 MxPro 5, intelligent, multiprotocol panels from Advanced, plus remote control terminals, BMS interface and a bespoke PC based graphical user interface. The network was designed, configured and commissioned by Pacific Security Systems, a long-time partner of Advanced.

Kirk Short, spokesperson for Pacific, said: “Advanced systems are well known for their performance, quality and ease of use. From our point of view, the MxPro 5 panel stands alone in the market for ease of installation and maintenance and for network stability and speed. We needed a system that is simple to operate, with the features the end user requires on a daily basis, while also offering backwards compatibility with some of the loop devices that are already installed at the site.” MxPro offers the market more choice and flexibility than any other system. It includes two panel ranges, the EN54 2,4 & 13 approved MxPro 5 and EN54-2&4 approved MxPro 4. It offers four protocols (Apollo, Argus, Hochiki and Nittan) and a completely open installer network, backed up by free training and technical support. MxPro 5 panels are backward compatible with existing MxPro 4 networks and include a host of features including TouchControl touchscreen remote control terminals with Active Maps and AlarmCalm false alarm management. MxPro 5 panels can be used in single loop, single panel format or easily configured into high speed, 200 panel networks covering huge areas. Advanced’s

legendary ease of installation and configuration and wide peripheral range make it customisable to almost any application and it is found in challenging and prestigious sites around the world including western Europe’s tallest building, The Shard. Rob Kemp, Advanced Sales Manager for the South of England, commented: “We are proud to have our British-made products installed in such a venerable institution. Advanced is renowned for making cutting edge products and this is the type of building where the quality, ease of use and flexibility offered by MxPro 5 panels offer tangible benefits.” Advanced is a world leader in the development and manufacture of intelligent fire systems. Its legendary performance, quality and ease-of-use sees its products used in prestigious and challenging locations all over the world, from single panel installations to large multi-site networks. Advanced products include complete fire detection systems, multiprotocol fire panels, extinguishing control and fire paging systems. More details can be found on the website at

PSS Magazine • JULY/AUGUST 2016

Sustainable Building

Polypipe provides sustainable drainage solution for park and ride scheme


olypipe’s proven Permavoid geocellular sub-base replacement system has been installed at the recently opened Winnersh Triangle Park & Ride.

Polypipe, the UK’s leading manufacturer of sustainable drainage and water management products, provided the ideal stormwater attenuation solution for the new park and ride car parking facility,

completed in partnership between Reading Borough Council and Wokingham Borough Council to create a sustainable mode of transport for commuters. Polypipe worked with the project’s consultant engineer from the early design stage to assist with the initial solution for the new 390 space car park. The scheme incorporated 29 shallow Permavoid attenuation tanks with the capacity to store up to 590m³ of stormwater runoff from the car park. The site’s geology consists of a high water table to cover level, which meant that an attenuation solution needed to be carefully considered. Due to its shallow installation, Permavoid proved to be the ideal solution as it could be installed above the water table. Working with the design team the tanks were strategically positioned to eliminate the need for the installation team, Keytec Environmental Ltd, to be working within the ground water zone.

The Permavoid high strength geocellular solution, incorporates a unique jointing mechanism that forms an interlocking ‘raft’ with exceptional strength that will support structural loads across the most heavily trafficked areas on the site. The surface finish consisted of both gravel and asphalt and Polypipe assisted the design team with structural and flotation calculations to ensure the minimum depth of sub-surface could be achieved while preventing the geocellular tanks from floating. In addition, Polypipe worked with main contractor Dawnus to ensure that further structural loading calculations were carried out to define the on-site travel routes for the different surface laying machinery to allow surface works to be carried out without any detrimental effect to the Permavoid tank installations. Sean Robinson, Permavoid Project Manager at Polypipe said: “The Permavoid system is extremely flexible and can provide source control water management in very challenging ground conditions. Due to its inherent strength Permavoid is ideally suited to this project acting as a sub-base replacement system in very shallow applications. “With our wealth of experience on Permavoid projects, we are not just a supplier, we can provide design, and construction support and advice throughout the project.” Richard Tithecott, Project Manager at Dawnus Construction, said: “The team from Polypipe were a huge help on this project not only in selecting the right product, but assisting with the necessary structural loading calculations. “These calculations substantiated our belief that the specified Permavoid system was more than strong enough to cope with the loads likely to be placed on it, which was one of our primary considerations when selecting a shallow attenuation solution.”

PSS Magazine • JULY/AUGUST 2016

Sustainable Building

University Challenge - Nottingham & Essex


he challenge when developing new state-of-the-art university buildings, is negotiating the critical pathway between speed of construction, sustainability, reducing lifecycle costs and most importantly - creating the optimum learning environment. Designers of the new Carbon Neutral Laboratory of Sustainable Chemistry at Nottingham University and a three storey building with a lecture theatre at Essex University, determined that the solution to meet these challenges lie with solid wood.

Timber promotes well-being Cross laminated timber is fast becoming the material of choice for designers and architects for education developments because of its numerous benefits, such as the speed and accuracy of construction, robust structural properties, along with its excellent low carbon credentials but more recently evidence has emerged of its calming benefits. The natural and inviting environment created by cross laminated timber has seen it become a prevalent choice for educational settings. The impact that cross laminated timber can have on its inhabitants is an area where more research is required, but evidence is emerging to suggest that timber can be used as a positive method of enhancing education environments. The effect that the internal materials can have on the comfort and well-being of its occupants, particularly in the education and the care sectors, suggests that CLT creates a comfortable internal environment that genuinely feels good, particularly when the timber is left exposed. Along with the benefits for occupants, timber is the number one renewable mainstream construction material, producing sustainable buildings at a rapid rate and because it produces airtight and robust buildings - using CLT as the core structural solution reduces energy and maintenance requirements throughout the lifecycle of the building.

structural component for the walls, floor and roofing elements that work along with the main glulam frame. The two storey, 22m tall structure includes state-of-the-art teaching and learning technology. The glulam and CLT frame captured the equivalent of nearly 1,600 tonnes of carbon through the volume of trees on the project. The pre-fabricated glulam CLT horns erected on the roof of the structure provide natural ventilation throughout the building. Exposed timber was used in the laboratory at Nottingham University to meet sequestration targets and promote health and well-being. The building, which has reached the finals of the Structural Awards in the Best Education and Best Low Energy categories, is expected to achieve a 70% reduction in embodied carbon compared to a more traditional build. Creating the first zero carbon business school in the UK was the main focus for the Essex University development project. Glulam beams, exposed CLT panels and wall cassettes form the main construction of the three storey building and MBA lecture theatre - delivering a ground breaking space for students, staff and business partners to work and learn. The business school includes a winter garden with Ethylene Tetra Fluoro Ethylene (ETFE) and timber roof, this transmits more light into the building and provides better insulation, costing less to install. The timber roof of the winter garden acts as a buffer zone by supporting the passive ventilation and heating strategy of the building. Photovoltaics on the roof of the south facing building provide renewable energy from a combined heat and power installation, this allowed the net export of energy to offset carbon emissions from the building. It features a range of innovative sustainable elements, including the green sedum roof, solar panels and sustainably sourced material.

BREEAM ratings Both university buildings are on target to achieve Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) ratings with Essex University aiming for a rating of excellence and Nottingham University set to achieve BREEAM ‘Outstanding’ and LEED ‘Platinum’ ratings. The Nottingham University development commits to a carbon model assessment that shows the operation energy balance of the building will in 25 years pay back all of the embodied carbon of the building materials, transport emissions and site related energy emissions. When the laboratory is not in use the building becomes dormant using the minimum amount of energy and storage heating. Using natural materials like cross laminated timber and minimising the amounts of carbon positive materials aids the building in achieving its sustainable targets.

The precision and reliability challenge Programme certainty is vitally importance particularly with new build educational projects, as the start and finish dates often need to fit with terms times. Cross laminated timber is precision engineered in factory controlled conditions, reducing site construction time and delays from inclement weather. The development projects generally come with less programme risk and are delivered on time and on budget. The use of cross laminated timber allowed the structures from both university developments to meet the unique challengers that were required. CLT finds the balance between a rapid and reliable solution generating an effective space for studying and learning.

University Challenges Development plans at the GlaxoSmithKline Carbon Neutral Laboratory of Sustainable Chemistry at Nottingham University incorporate CLT as the main

PSS Magazine • JULY/AUGUST 2016

Sustainable Building




new office building – dubbed a “computer with a roof” – has set a new benchmark for smart and sustainable office buildings. The greenest and most intelligent office building ever constructed, The Edge has created a new way of working, thanks in part to sustainable assessment methodology BREEAM, which helped deliver a building based around sustainable technology.


PSS Magazine • JULY/AUGUST 2016

he Edge is a 40,000m² office building designed by PLP Architecture for developer OVG Real Estate and main tenant, Deloitte. Located in the Zuidas business district in Amsterdam it achieved a BREEAM rating of Outstanding with a score of 98.36% - the highest percentage ever recorded for an office building. The ambition of the project was two-fold: to consolidate Deloitte’s employees, previously spread around multiple buildings throughout the city, within a single environment; and to create a ‘smart building’, intended as a catalyst for Deloitte’s transition into the digital age. The Edge creates a radically new working environment which is enabled by sustainable technologies. With the world’s highest rating awarded to an office building by BRE, the global assessor of sustainable buildings, The Edge combines numerous smart technologies in tandem to create an adaptable and intelligent working environment. It demonstrates that the pursuit of a vibrant and collaborative work environment can come together successfully with achieving the highest level of sustainability possible for a building. BREEAM helped achieve an office building that is not just energy neutral but even energy positive. It uses 70% less electricity than comparable office buildings. The roof and the south-facing facade incorporate the largest array of photovoltaic panels of any European office building, and an aquifer thermal energy storage system provides all of the energy required for heating and cooling. A heat-pump was applied to the aquifer thermal energy storage system which significantly increases efficiency. Occupancy, movement, lighting levels, humidity and temperature are continuously measured and through the application of smart technology including ethernet powered LED connected lighting, the building systems respond to maximise efficiency. But the real outcome of The Edge is not just the reduction in water and energy use of its own users, but the project’s role as a feasible, high quality example of new technologies, new ways of designing, and new ways of working.

Each façade is uniquely detailed according to its orientation and purpose. Load bearing walls to the south, east and west have smaller openings to provide thermal mass and shading, and solid openable panels for ventilation. Louvres on the south façades are designed according to sun angles and provide additional shading for the office spaces, reducing solar heat gain. Solar panels on the south façade provide enough sustainable electricity to power all smartphones, laptops and electric cars. The north façades are highly transparent and use thicker glass to dampen noise from the motorway. The atrium façade is totally transparent, allowing views out over the dyke and steady north light in; and acts as a buffer between the workspace and the external environment. Excess ventilation air from the offices is used once again to condition the atrium space. The building integrates an Ethernet-powered LED lighting system, which combines 30,000 sensors to continuously measure occupancy, movement, lighting levels, humidity and temperature, allowing the building to automatically adjust energy use. Two 129m deep wells reach down to an aquifer, allowing thermal energy differentials to be stored deep underground. Rainwater is collected on the roof and used to flush toilets and to irrigate the green terraces in the atrium and other garden areas surrounding the building. Speaking of the new building Cees van der Spek at the Edge said: “Due to BREEAM’s acknowledgment as the most widely used certification method, and The Edge currently being The World’s Most Sustainable office building (according to BRE) and most connected office building in the world (according to Bloomberg), companies from different continents such as Sony, BCG, Microsoft and developers visit The Edge to learn from it. More than 10.000 people have visited The Edge in 2015.” For more information please visit

Sustainable Building

School building condition surveys data retrieval made easy


hen it comes to mapping school buildings, asset infrastructure, facilities maintenance reporting and complete health & safety compliance, one system can fit all. Survisor, the provider of condition survey information and facilities data management explores how UK schools and education estates can benefit from improved efficiencies through asset data retrieval. A damning report on the state of school buildings in the UK, was published last month, by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). By using the largest ever analysis of primary and secondary school buildings in the UK, a nation-wide poll of teachers, and extensive engagement with school buildings experts, RIBA’s Better Spaces for Learning report makes the case for an urgent review of the Government’s Education Funding Agency’s current school building programme. RIBA has identified that good school design can reduce running and maintenance costs, in some cases by more than several times a teacher’s average salary a year; it could have prevented the English school estate from spending upwards of £150m annually on unnecessary operation and maintenance costs. The new report is further insight into the Government’s own assertion that just 5% of the nearly 60,000 school buildings across the UK are performing as intended and operating efficiently. The prevalence of damp, leaky classrooms and asbestos-ridden buildings in British schools means too many pupils and teachers are struggling to learn and teach in conditions damaging to their health and education. The Survisor system provides condition survey data for improved efficiencies within schools and education estates. In order to increase operational efficiencies, facilities managers require improved technology to enable them to manage an education estate portfolio with ease. One of the key factors to the successful management of a range of buildings is the storage and management of the data and information pertaining to each. The accessibility of this data is one of the core contributors to successful building management and subsequently, the smooth delivery of facility management services. A building management system (BMS) or a building automation system (BAS) is a computer based control system used to map complete building systems in order to control and monitor the building’s data relating to its’ systems and equipment such as ventilation, lighting, fire systems, security and health and safety systems. The preventative nature of Survisor enables the

condition of the condition of the school to be managed in real time rather than after just one big survey. Survisor is an image-driven, portable building data management system, which provides users with an instant overview of specific data relating to the condition of their buildings and facilities. The data managed within the Survisor system can revolutionise the way school buildings are managed by providing information for tender processes, finding real time market prices for their current condition issues, and provide reporting which can simplify budgeting over the next five years. A portable data capture and retrieval system is used to audit and map complete buildings and the assets and safety systems within. Using visual navigation and the latest touch-screen technology, data is mapped out using interactive floor survey plans that deliver a set of complex data about any number of building assets and services for health and safety checking and reporting, building maintenance or any other requirements. The system is designed to manage any buildings’ data and become an essential partner in the drive to keep on top of maintenance checks, as this innovative and interactive system can provide: alerts when checks are due; reports showing frequency of faults in specific areas and even costing schedules for planning maintenance work into the future. Survisor eliminates the need for locating and carrying out lengthy analyses of historical building condition surveys, vastly reducing the time required for assessment and reporting and greatly increasing the visibility of the condition of assets in real time. Recently the Edinburgh Schools Partnership, Edinburgh City Council and the Contractors could have benefited from the preventative maintenance technology that Survisor offer, by having the latest up to date information of all the building details at their fingertips, thereby avoiding costly reactive maintenance and future condition survey report costs. It would have highlighted the ever increasing cumulative problems at an earlier stage, and allowed those issues to be escalated to the relevant people. Survisor brings a new approach and advancements to the CAFM field, providing a system which is not only essential in terms of the maintenance management it provides, but is also extremely easy to use and allows the whole school estate to be view at once picking up identical building fault patterns. With a powerful data repository sitting behind the system, each defect can be reported against, to provide detailed

information to enable proactive repairs to be undertaken before the issue gets out of hand. Details of conditions and photographs can be easily exported from the Survisor system in order to provide contractors and estate managers with enough information to provide competitive quotes, and to create tender packages for larger jobs. The property data survey programme (PDSP) was set up to provide up-to-date and accurate information on the condition of schools and colleges. The programme of surveys ran from May 2012 to July 2014. Just under 19,000 establishments were surveyed. The information gathered provided government with a clearer picture of the condition of the school estate, which is being used to help ensure that funding is targeted to where it is most needed. Survisor MD Bill Burton said: “The programme of structural surveys arranged by schools could be easily input into the Survisor System. We can import a full condition survey to PDSP standards if they already have one, or we can undertake one and keep it up to date. We will take the touch screen technology and make the plan of the buildings, the blueprint to all the data. They could then manage all building assets by touching the asset that it relates to. Even to find out the condition of a particular building by pressing the room itself. It would allow them to manage all their buildings in one place”. To date the information collected has been used to support the Schools Condition Allocations and the second phase of the Priority School Building Programme (PSBP2) The survey was carried out by qualified surveyors who carried out visual inspections of education buildings in line with a surveying manual. The surveys would normally be provided as a paper copy or on an excel spreadsheet. This leaves Education Estates Management with a lot of work to do in order to collate information for preventative maintenance, and to be able to collect information for submissions for funding. The Survisor Team are currently offering a no-obligation demonstration of their system to illustrate how it provides critical asset data at the touch of a screen. This would be useful for Local Authorities or Schools Building Partnerships or Contractors involved in School refurbishment and other PFI projects. Article by @SurvisorFM Asset Management Software

PSS Magazine • JULY/AUGUST 2016


Sustainable Building



nvestors and owners of large commercial property portfolios throughout Europe are constantly on the hunt for a distinctive edge that will set them aside from the competition. The never-ending battle for an increase in rental yield, lower management costs, fully leased properties and happy tenants is something that we are all too familiar with. Couple that with some of the wider global challenges on-going presently and you can see that how it would be easy for a property fund or asset manager to lose a little sleep at night. Luckily for them, there are some new techniques and tactics being adopted by the most forward thinking property companies that are helping them maintain their commercial advantage. Citycon Oyj, based in Helsinki, has recently launched a project to introduce BREEAM In-Use (BIU) certification to 75% of its properties by 2017. As the leading owner, developer and manager of urban grocery-anchored shopping centres in the Nordic and Baltic regions, Citycon clearly see BREEAM In-Use certification as a cost-effective way to manage their EUR 5 billion portfolio. According to Nils Styf, Citycon’s Chief Investment Officer, BREEAM In-Use certificates provide Citycon with a comprehensive overview of the environmental performance of their portfolio and a useful platform to identify improvements. As a result of their recent environmental focus, Citycon have reduced their reliance on purchased heating energy by an impressive 30% in 2015 for one Centre by using renewable energy. Of course, this also positively benefits their carbon footprint too. Definitely a cost and carbon win-win and of course, these benefits can be realised in many more of their properties over time. Interestingly it is not only private commercial organisations that are seeing the opportunity presented by using BREEAM certification. The methodology has also been widely adopted recently by the City of Stockholm. Stockholms stad, the public sector administration that is responsible for managing the majestic Swedish capital, is fully adopting BREEAM In-Use as part of its asset management strategy.


PSS Magazine • JULY/AUGUST 2016

By James Fisher, Existing Buildings Lead & Principal Consultant, BREEAM

As part of their commitment, Stockholm is also taking part in a new pilot project aimed at creating a more cost-effective volume assessment route for BREEAM IN-Use across its portfolio. Focusing on a parcel of 50 public buildings, the objective is to establish a cost-effective methodology for certifying and maintaining certification of asset portfolios against BREEAM In-Use International 2015. The pilot project will look at the type of evidence common to a large asset portfolio and how it can be supplied, collected and verified in order to minimise the need for additional site visits. Working to pre-defined criteria, it will focus on ascertaining the type of evidence that applies to buildings with similar characteristics or properties – asset clusters - and on establishing whether an assessor can review this evidence and accept it as applicable to all. The project is a partnership between BRE Global (BREEAM), the Real Estate Administration of Stockholms Stad, engineering consulting firm PQR Consult AB and BREEAM In-Use assessor Piacon AB. Taking place over a one year period, the process will inform future years of the BREEAM In-Use recertification cycle. To date, the City has 100 of its buildings assessed or in progress under BREEAM In-Use in total. It’s also worth noting that these assets represent a broad spectrum of architectural styles, building ages, uses and building services designs. In fact, even the historic (and world famous) City Hall building where the Nobel prize-giving ceremony takes place each year has also been assessed. If the method can help to improve the sustainability of such a prestigious landmark building, then it can definitely work for across more modern assets too. The fact that both commercial and public sector property owners are now choosing BREEAM to set them apart, only adds weight to the case for sustainability to be considered as a matter of course in everyday business. This is borne out by the findings from the recent CBRE EMEA Investor Intentions Survey 2016 explored in more detail in an article authored by

Rebecca Pearce, Senior Director, EMEA Head of Sustainability for CBRE published recently by the Better Buildings Partnership. The evidence is loud and clear, the market now understands the compelling reasons to buy asset certification. In the CBRE survey just 11% of respondents now view sustainability as an insignificant factor during due diligence. Even more compelling is that 39% of the institutional investors surveyed cite sustainable asset selection as ‘critical’ or ‘one of the most important criteria’ when selecting properties to acquire. In a complicated commercial property market, at least the road ahead for asset managers is becoming clear with solutions like BREEAM providing a tangible route to create sustainable property management. After all, if Citycon and the City of Stockholm can see the benefit, there must be something in it right? London, Paris, New York - we’re ready if you are. More information at

Sustainable Building

Decothane Keeps Pendleton Housing Scheme Dry


oofing Contractor, Weatherwell, is due to start work on site at Salix House; the ninth block of flats the company has upgraded using Sika Liquid Plastics’ Decothane liquid membrane as part of the ambitious Pendleton regeneration programme in Salford. The scheme is the latest in a two year programme of works, which involves the upgrade of 1,250 existing homes by main contractor, Keepmoat, as part of the social housing stock transfer from Salix Homes to the Pendleton Private Finance Initiative (PFI) scheme. The regeneration scheme also includes construction of 1,600 new homes in the area. The eight blocks completed to date have all undergone a major refurbishment, including improvements to their energy performance and the building envelope to enhance thermal performance. The roofing schemes carried out by Weatherwell using Sika Liquid Plastics’ Decothane system have played an important role in this strategy, which has seen each block improved and leased back to the council as part of the PFI. A performance specification for a liquid system with a 25-year guarantee was issued for all nine blocks, which range in size from 12 storeys to 32. As Keepmoat had previously used the Decothane system

successfully on similar projects, the Sika Liquid Plastics product was chosen, and Weatherwell was appointed as an approved contractor. Kristian Lewis, company manager at Weatherwell, said: “Across the nine blocks there have been significant working at height challenges and the roofs all feature complex detailing, including rooftop plant, old gas flues that have been taken out and new solar p/v installations. “The ease and speed of installation of the Decothane system made it possible to address these challenges and the technical support we receive from Sika Liquid Plastics throughout a project ensures that we can access specialist expertise in bespoke specification and during the installation.” Prior to the commencement of each roofing scheme, a technical engineer from the Sika Liquid Plastics’ team surveyed the residential block, measuring the roof and all details and taking moisture readings and core samples to ensure the correct specification was provided for sufficient membrane coverage and excellent adhesion. The Weatherwell team completed installation of the system for the details first, applying the membrane with brushes or small rollers before cutting Sika’s Reemat Premium glass fibre reinforcement mat to

size and shape and applying it to the wet base coat. A top coat was then applied and the system was allowed to cure to create a flexible, seamless membrane. The larger areas of the roofs were completed using the same system, with the Reemat Premium rolled onto the wet Decothane basecoat as it was applied and a top coat applied to complete the system. A thickness test was carried out while the liquid system was still wet to ensure the integrity of the finished membrane. Sika Liquid Plastics’ technical team then returned to site to take dry samples and carry out a final inspection before each of the roofing projects was handed over to the client. Steve Cookson at Sika Liquid Plastics, added: “With no seams and complete adhesion to the contours of all details, the Decothane system ensures there is no vulnerability to water ingress and no risk of delamination. “Improving these homes for Pendleton residents is part of a cohesive plan of regeneration measures for this area of Salford and we are delighted to help deliver the ninth residential block in this phased programme.” Sika Liquid Plastics Limited 01772 259781 http://gbr.liquidplastics.sika.comen/group

PSS Magazine • JULY/AUGUST 2016


Sustainable Building



he Bright Building, a mixed use project created to enable Bradford University to support and interact with local businesses has been acknowledged as a true sustainability exemplar having the highest BREEAM Outstanding rating ever seen in the education sector. The awarding of BREEAM Outstanding final certification to the University of Bradford Bright Building confirms it to be a sustainability exemplar and an embodiment of the business research centre’s innovative and forward-thinking ethos. This is a commonly expressed goal in the industry however the project’s 95.2% BREEAM score makes it the highest ranking building in the education sector and among the most sustainable buildings of its kind yet created.


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The £6m building was purpose-built to create the ‘front door’ for University of Bradford. Located in a prominent location on the City Campus it provides a link between the university and the business community, who are encouraged to use its flexible and collaborative office space. As client, the University of Bradford set the goal of delivering a landmark, world-class building. It wanted the building to be a focal point on campus to underpin the University’s Ecoversity programme which embeds sustainability into every aspect of its operations. The building was designed by architects Farrell and Clark to incorporate highly sustainable building materials and techniques which place this building at the cutting edge of innovation within the construction sector. This ultra-efficient passive design delivers extremely low energy in-use. Its performance is approximately 85% better than CIBSE TM46 good practice energy benchmarks, with total energy consumption at just 30kWh/m2 per annum. Its excellent energy efficiency is reflected in the fact that only 50% of energy costs are attributable to heating. In the construction of the building , careful attention was paid to the specification of materials, with 90% of all key building materials and 95% of all hardstanding and boundary materials achieving an A or A+ BRE Green Guide Rating. The building’s timber framed structure features Hemcrete external walling. A hemp and lime wall system, this innovative product locks in 110 kg of CO2 per m2 of wall. A total of 350 m2 of Hemcrete was used, making the Bright Building the world’s largest monolithic Hemcrete building, and this absorbed over 50 tonnes of CO2 in the curing process. The upper floors were created in Lytag concrete, a waste by-product that combines pulverised fuel ash from coal-fired power stations with void formers to reduce the concrete’s weight and volume of concrete. Additionally, 30% of all aggregates used on the project consisted of recycled aggregates sourced within 30km of the site. The building has no mains gas or mains electricity, although it is connected to the University’s self-generated private

electricity network for back-up purposes. Instead it features innovative passive solar design including south-facing trombe walls which exploit heat gain in winter via a glazed external face which heats an internal thermal mass layer separated by an air gap. In addition solar chimneys have been included to provide natural ventilation, heating and lighting. Active sustainable technologies include solar photovoltaic panels linked in a balanced manner to an air source heat pump. The non-standard aspects of the design saw the scheme secure four credits in the Innovation section of BREEAM representing exemplary performance. The BREEAM process itself provided a framework to co-ordinate the project team around meeting a wide variety of sustainability goals. Andy Hague, Project Manager, University of Bradford commented: “The project is a true testament to the way BREEAM can drive forward the sustainability aspirations of a large organisation. BREEAM provided a key measure against the estates team’s determination to achieve a high rating and was an essential tool for the project’s innovative and highly committed delivery team by breaking each goal into smaller and more manageable targets.” The Bright Building has been recognised in various awards, including picking up the Best Sustainable Project in the Local Authority Building Control (LABC) Building Excellence Awards 2013 and Highly Commended in the Green Gown Awards 2015. As well as being an inherently sustainable building in its construction and performance, the Bright Building is used as a resource by sustainable companies. This helped the project achieve its class-leading BREEAM score by showing how sustainability can be economically regenerative and productive. The project has embraced every aspect of BREEAM and as a result has harnessed all of the method’s benefits in reaching its goals.

Will you be a winner in 2016? Register now at

The 2015 Winners Most Sustainable Public Sector Organisation:

Most Sustainable Public Sector Project:

Platinum Award City & County of Swansea

Best Energy Management Project London Metropolitan University

Gold Award Glasgow City Council Most Sustainable Public Sector Organisation In: Government Environment Agency Local Authority City & County of Swansea Health/NHS Barking, Havering & Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust Education Coleg Cumbria

Best Waste/Recycling Project Oxford City Council Best Refurbishment Project City & County of Swansea Best Transport/Travel Plan Project Glasgow City Council Best Procurement Project Warwickshire County Council Best Water Management Borough of Lambeth

Emergency Services Kent & Essex Police Estate Services

Innovation Award Exeter City Council

Housing Association L&Q

For more information please visit

Modular/Portable Buildings



he Portakabin Group has completed its sixth project for the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Council (LBBD) – a £5.3 million school building constructed using a Yorkon off-site solution.

The Portakabin Group’s seventh project for the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham is now under construction – a pioneering £44 million three-school campus which is the largest ever off-site contract in the education sector.

The contract for LBBD via delivery partner Thames Partnership for Learning was the second phase of a primary school facility built by the Portakabin Group in 2013.

The Yorkon building solution was sufficiently flexible to allow both phases of the City Farm project to be used initially for secondary education provision, before being easily reconfigured to meet the needs of a primary school with five forms of entry. The Portakabin Group’s design and build contract included a full turn-key service, comprising design, planning, off-site building manufacture, ground works, fitting out, and provision of a multi-use games area, football pitch, and additional play areas. A multi-purpose hall was also constructed as part of the package and links the new building to the first phase.

Barking and Dagenham has one of the fastest-growing school-age populations in the UK and this project has helped to address the increasing pressure on education provision in the area. It has been predicted that in the region of 8,000 new primary and secondary school places will need to be provided in the Borough over the next five years. Designed by Surface to Air Architects, the latest scheme on the City Farm site has expanded the existing facility. Both buildings are now occupied by a free school operated by the multi-academy trust, Partnership Learning, and accommodate more than 500 primary, secondary and special needs children. It will then be converted into a five-form entry primary school. Commenting on the project, Roger Leighton, Chief Executive of Partnership Learning, said, “We have been really impressed with the performance of the Portakabin Group on this project and the advancements in off-site technology. The quality of the finished buildings is great and the speed of construction delivered the project on time despite a tight timescale, to help us meet the urgent demand for places in Barking and Dagenham.” “The project represents good value and we believe it has delivered more teaching accommodation for our budget, which includes larger than average classroom sizes. Staff and pupils are really happy with their new facilities.”


PSS Magazine • JULY/AUGUST 2016

A pre-installed Yorkon concrete floor minimised work on site and is providing enhanced acoustics and a high quality, robust finish for a demanding school environment. Externally, the scheme is finished in an abstract arrangement of colours from a palette of blue, anthracite grey, earthy gold and metal green giving it a strong identity and complementing the first phase. Facilities in the new two-storey building include 16 classrooms, a library and ICT suite, two specialist teaching rooms, dining room, new school entrance and reception lobby, and a PE store room. For further information about Yorkon off-site building solutions for primary and secondary education, call 0845 2000 123, email or visit

Modular/Portable Buildings



ortakabin, the UK’s leading modular building specialist, has launched a new design and planning service for interim science, design and technology classrooms. Portakabin has supplied science laboratories for short-term use for the past four years and has now expanded its services to offer further assistance to schools and colleges. Its specialist classrooms for hire are designed to academy standards and Department for Education guidelines for space, layout, safety and fittings. Bespoke designs can now be provided to meet each school’s specific requirements, as well as standard layouts which can be adapted to reduce procurement time. The Portakabin design team will work in close collaboration with teaching staff to develop the best solution for the school and the site. Specialist equipment, including furniture, can be provided for short-term use or Portakabin can fit out the teaching spaces with the school’s own equipment if required, for maximum flexibility. According to Robert Snook, Director and General Manager at Portakabin, “The design of learning spaces plays such an important role in children’s education. There should be no compromise on the quality of the teaching accommodation, whether the classrooms are for permanent or interim use. Our aim is to provide learning environments that encourage pupils and teaching staff to engage and interact. Science laboratories are also the most hazardous of all classrooms so it is vital that safety precautions and devices are designed in, to significantly reduce risk.” Levels of fitting out can be varied according to the type of laboratory – classrooms for chemistry, for example, require more specialist services and equipment. Options include: • Science laboratories for biology, physics and chemistry – benching, gas taps supplied from mains or LPG bottled gas, double electric points, non-slip vinyl flooring, air extraction and ventilation, hard-wearing work tops, stools, emergency eye wash

stations, fume cupboards, docking stations and preparation rooms • Design and technology rooms work benches with vices for metal or woodwork, extraction fans, laser cutting equipment, store rooms, pillar drills, 3D printers and interactive white boards • Food technology – hobs and ovens, sinks and drainers, fully-fitted cabinets and cupboards, microwaves, fridges, fume extraction, washing machines, dishwashers, tumble dryers, freezers and durable work tops. Newman Catholic School in Cumbria recently used the new Portakabin design and planning service and now has a full range of interim specialist classrooms in place. The teaching spaces include design and technology, ICT, food technology and science, which will be in use until a long-term solution is developed for the school’s flood-damaged buildings. Lisa Love, Head of Science at Newman Catholic School said, “The space in the science classrooms is incredible. The design of the laboratories makes it really easy for teaching staff to supervise and interact with students during lessons. The layout has been configured to make the teaching space really accessible so we can help students with their work and provide one-to-one guidance.” “From a safety perspective we really like the way the gas, electricity and water supplies have been separated in all of the rooms. We have more gas taps than before which makes lesson planning easier and students can now work in pairs. There is more storage space in the preparation rooms and the smart boards are very well used for interactive learning.” “The service from Portakabin has been exceptional from start to finish and has definitely exceeded our expectations. The students love their classrooms and we would absolutely recommend their services and buildings to other schools needing emergency accommodation or specialist teaching spaces for short-term use.” For further information visit or email

PSS Magazine • JULY/AUGUST 2016


sustainable environment

Are Sanitary Bin Liner Consumables Keeping Users Protected?


WARD-WINNING biosciences company Genesis Biosciences is asking for more in-depth scientific data to support claims made for ‘anti-microbial’ consumables used within sanitary bin services.

With on-site liner exchange services, sanitary waste bin liners are often complimented with an antimicrobial consumable which acts as a disinfectant to protect users until the bin liner is replaced again. Other manufacturers combine these two elements with a liner with claimed anti-microbial properties offering a potential cost saving. To be recognised as effective an antimicrobial consumable needs to reduce pathogenic organisms sufficiently to reduce the risk to human health. However there are a number of anti-microbial bin liner consumables being sold on the market that lack credible scientific data to support their claims, raising serious concerns about end-user protection in washroom facilities.

Dr Phil Caunt, Research and Development Specialist at Genesis Biosciences, said: “We believe that every antimicrobial supplier should be able to provide a full set of scientifically verified data. This creates transparency within the market and assures buyers that end users will be protected. To prove its products’ disinfectant credentials we believe that every supplier should follow the principles of the EN 14885 testing standard.” The BS EN 14885:2015 standard – ‘Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics. Application of European Standard for chemical disinfectants and antiseptics’ – outlines that all disinfectants should be tested using a three-phase method, where each successive phase is harder to pass as it simulates in-use conditions more closely [1]. By following this three-phase testing process, Genesis Biosciences can prove with absolute certainty that its antimicrobial consumables can provide protection to

washroom users in representative end use conditions and the company is now calling on other antimicrobial suppliers to prove their claims.

Dr Caunt said: “Many manufacturers in the washroom hygiene sector in particular rely on data from a single, unrepresentative test method which does not reflect the performance of the product in the actual application. “If manufacturers cannot validate their disinfectant claims with thorough testing results there should be immediate doubt as to the efficacy of the product. “In the liner sector in particular, manufacturers appear to rely on laboratory data created for the anti-microbial additive used in the liner, with no data for the liner itself and no information on bacteria reduction in bins or waste. In other words the data collected isn’t from actual field conditions. “Ultimately, an anti-microbial product that doesn’t actually work puts end-users at risk so there needs to be greater scrutiny on manufacturers of anti-microbial consumables. Poor hygiene standards lead to illness, absenteeism and are unacceptable in terms of corporate social responsibility, so it’s important that bin liner consumables achieve the same standards of scientifically verified protection. “Quite simply, if suppliers cannot provide sufficient data then there should be big questions against the anti-microbial claims.” [1] Phase one methods are very simple tests generally used to screen for effectiveness of potential disinfectant active ingredients.


PSS Magazine • JULY/AUGUST 2016

sustainable environment

A breath of fresh air with LPG


ndoor air pollution should be a key concern for building managers in the public sector. A recent report from the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) revealed that poor indoor air quality could have potentially caused 99,000 deaths across Europe in the past year, which is undoubtedly an extremely alarming figure. Furthermore, the estimated cost of air pollution in the UK currently stands at £20 billion every year. Gregor Dalgleish, Commercial Sales Manager at Calor, explains why those responsible for a building’s indoor air quality need to be mindful of pollutants generated by faulty boilers and heaters, and discusses how these issues can be overcome.

The impact of air pollution Titled ‘Every Breath We Take: The Lifelong Impact of Air Pollution’, the report highlights the impact of air pollution, which includes CO2 emissions. The Building Engineering Services Association has welcomed the report, providing further weight to the fact that indoor air quality is an issue that needs to be addressed urgently by the industry. Potential health impacts from indoor air quality include asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and respiratory problems. Indeed, asthma alone costs the NHS an estimated £1 billion a year. These issues significantly impact personal health, while putting immense pressure on the NHS.

There are a range of contributors to indoor air pollution, including building materials, furniture, cleaning products, disinfectants and ventilation systems. However, tackling a building’s faulty boiler or heater can make a dramatic difference to an environment’s indoor air quality. While legislation and standards vary somewhat between different building environments in the public sector, indoor air quality is obviously an area where standards cannot and should not be compromised. Even moderate concentrations of indoor air pollutants within existing limits have been linked to various health conditions, which is why it is so important to minimise their impact.

A lesson in air quality With children and teachers spending so much of their time inside the classroom, indoor air quality in schools is a particularly pressing issue. Based on standards set by the Education Funding Authority and adhered to by the Priority School Building Programme (PSBP), maximum CO2 levels are set at 1,500 ppm for mechanical ventilation and 2,000 ppm for natural ventilation for no more than 20 minutes during the school day.

Dr Andrew Goddard, of the RCP, adds: “Taking action to tackle air pollution in the UK will reduce the pain and suffering for many people with long-term chronic health conditions, not to mention lessening the long-term demands on our NHS.”3

The source of the problem When it comes to ensuring boilers and heaters are operating correctly, routine boiler maintenance by a qualified engineer will confirm whether systems are operating reliably and safely. It is advisable to implement a scheduled service programme so any issues are addressed early on and minimise the likelihood of any sudden, unexpected problems arising. Implementing a good quality ventilation system in a building is another good way to tackle indoor air pollution.

A breath of fresh air with LPG

An increase above these levels has been associated with poor performance, potentially having an adverse effect on the productivity of children and teachers. Therefore, it is essential to check the reliability and efficient operation of heating appliances and devices installed in school environments.

For sites based off the mains gas grid, oil has traditionally been seen as the ‘default’ fuel. However, when it comes to specifying an efficient, environmentally friendly fuel that can significantly reduce indoor air pollution, boilers fuelled by LPG score highly against heating oil. Indeed, in terms of carbon emissions, LPG offers 20 per cent less CO2 per kWh than oil and emits fewer harmful nitrogen oxides (NOx) than oil, kerosene and coal fired heating systems. As a result, for those looking to upgrade to a cleaner fuel, or searching for a replacement to an old or inefficient boiler, LPG delivers a green and cost-effective alternative.

Professor Jonathan Grigg, from the RCPCH, comments: “There is clear evidence to suggest that long-term exposure to air pollution has a wide range of adverse effects in childhood, and exposure during early life can lead to the development of serious conditions such as asthma.”

Furthermore, one of the biggest factors that can impact on operational expenditure over the duration of a boiler’s lifetime is the choice of fuel. It is easy to overlook this, but spending time considering this expense can save valuable costs further down the line, and this is another area where LPG excels.

Air care

It is important that those responsible for a building’s energy efficiency take steps to ensure the impact of poor indoor air quality is minimised. Building managers need to do more to prevent indoor air pollution by limiting its sources. Routine boiler maintenance and switching to a boiler powered by a low carbon-emitting fuel are two key ways to achieving this.

Care and nursing homes are another environment where it is critical to ensure indoor air quality is of a suitable standard. The body’s ability to cope with harmful air pollutants decreases as we age. Naturally, care homes housing elderly or vulnerable individuals are particularly at risk from compromised air quality.

Please visit or call 0800 121 7827 for more information.

PSS Magazine • JULY/AUGUST 2016


sustainable environment



s a report co-funded by the European Union and the Product Safety Forum of Europe (PROSAFE) finds that more than half (52%) of the carbon monoxide (CO) alarms tested posed a ‘high’ or ‘serious risk’, John Stones managing director of GasSafe Europe Limited asks what can be done to mitigate the risks? PROSAFE, a non-profit professional organisation for market surveillance authorities and with officers from throughout the EEA, has published the findings of their report looking at the effectiveness of CO alarms across Europe. Alarms were tested across seven EU member states, with a primary focus of ensuring CO detectors on the market were safe and carried the appropriate warnings and instructions to consumers. The findings made uncomfortable reading. In total more than 81 models of CO detectors were inspected, with 25 tested in a laboratory. Of those laboratory tested, three models were found to be OK, four models alarmed early and 18 models were found to be non compliant with the relevant requirements. PROSAFE then undertook a risk assessment based on the risks posed by the product’s incorrect performance and found 9 detectors to give a ‘Serious’ risk, 15 models ‘High’ risk, 2 models ‘Medium’ risk and 12 models ‘Low’ risk. For 7 models no risks were detected and for 36, the Risk Assessment was not made available by members as they considered the model compliant. These findings come on the back of additional independent research by Trading Standards in the UK in October 2015 that highlighted that as many as 80% of CO alarms tested, some of which were Kitemarked failed British Standards tests.


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The collective results show that there is undoubtedly a serious issue with the quality of CO alarms on the market and more needs to be done to raise awareness of the issue. The seriousness of the issue is highlighted by figures that show as many as 40 people are killed by CO poisoning each year and a further 670 injured. Currently there are more than 30million alarms in the UK that could be providing consumers with a false sense of security and putting lives at risk. Recognising the issue, last year the UK government passed legislation requiring private sector landlords to test their smoke and CO alarms annually and before each new tenancy. Failure to comply would see landlords face fines of up to £5,000. Trading Standards is also advising consumers to check their appliances are in proper working order and to test their CO alarms in order to alert them to the ‘silent and invisible killer’. These reports are the most recent to highlight the serious issues there are with the durability and effectiveness of CO alarms in detecting Carbon Monoxide. The issue with the alarms is found to centre on the product’s sensor that is shown to erode over time, leaving many useless despite the warrantees provided by suppliers. Despite the fallibility of many sensors, in many cases alarm manufacturers are selling alarms with warrantees of between 5 and 10 years as a means of reducing the annual cost per unit for many housing associations or landlords. Despite the extended warrantees, many sensors used in CO alarms only offer a two year guarantee. However, in defence of the sensor manufacturers they do suggest that: “where life safety is a performance requirement of the product … it is recommended that all gas sensors and instruments using sensors are checked for response to gas before use”.

To effectively test CO alarms its important to test the sensor and not rely on the so called ‘Test Button’ which just tests the battery, buzzer and electronic circuit. Testing the sensor can only be done by injecting a specific and safe level of test gas over the alarm. To help meet the new legislation, protect consumers and help landlords meet their obligations, GasSafe Europe has developed multi award winning, Detectagas® to check the battery and sensor in alarms in one test by injecting a specific and safe level of test gas into a specially designed transparent cover over the alarm. The safe and easy to use the test kit is now widely available. If an alarm is found to be faulty landlords should label the alarm with the availalable tamper-proof stickers that notify residents if an alarm is found to be faulty to help ensure that they are replaced and not used. By using alarm test pads and tamper-proof stickers, landlords are also able to evidence their testing and compliance to environmental health officers and avoid a fine. Alarms that are found to be faulty and that remain under warrantee should be returned to the manufacturers for replacement or refund to ensure that effective and working alarms are installed to protect tenants, residents or those working in environments where there is a potential risk of CO poisoning. It’s clear from the evidence that’s amassing that the quality and effectiveness of CO alarms in both the UK and Europe needs to be urgently addressed and that alarms need regular testing. Only then will we have an appropriate level of reassurance and peace of mind that such products should provide.


Making recycling cups easier


eafield Environmental has launched a new EnvirocupXL recycling unit to collect larger coffee cups (up to 103mmm), providing a solution to prevent huge amounts going to landfill for facility managers. Suitable for food serving areas and offices.

The unit is priced RRP £169.99 per unit. For further information Email: Web: Tel: 01225 816541 Facebook: Environmental Twitter:

The cups can be dropped through the circular apertures and easily stacked inside the collection tubes, making it extremely easy to empty and clean. It also features a new improved liquid hub, to hold up to 7.5 litres of liquid reservoir to avoid access spillages. Dimensions: H: 803mm, W: 444mm, D: 444mm. The unit is available in black and ivory with a boat blue liquid hub and comes with a recycling label as standard. Black unit is made from 95% recycled plastic. An A4 signage kit is available as an optional extra, as well as bespoke personalisation labels and unit colours.

World’s Most Environmentally Friendly Compactor has a Footprint of Just 52cm2


iltek has launched the XP100S - a stainless steel waste compactor that is being dubbed the ‘world’s most environmentally friendly compactor’. With a stainless steel frame and a low-energy long cylinder, the new XP100S has a footprint of just 52cm2. Aimed at hygienic environments like kitchens and food preparation areas as well as compact locations like shipping and

offshore environments, the XP100S is both practical and flexible in application.

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Key Benefits: Micro floor space footprint of just 52cm2 Low power usage Stainless steel frame Densely compacted waste Hygienic: No hydraulic oils Suitable for kitchens & food preparation sites

About the XP100S Waste Compactor All Mil-tek vertical balers and small footprint compactors are pneumatic, meaning they require less power to run than traditional hydraulic presses. In addition, the patented EcoDrive™ technology conserves power usage in each stroke. The elongated cylinder of the XP100S ensures that even less power is used with each cycle. The XP100S can run on as little as 2 bars of pressure, making it Mil-tek’s most environmentally friendly compactor. The longer cylinder also compacts waste more densely with each cycle, creating densely pressed bags of waste up to 50kg in weight

PSS Magazine • JULY/AUGUST 2016



Revealed: Britain’s best and worst recyclers Farmers top the list, with office workers at the bottom of the pile


he best workers in the country for recycling their rubbish are farmers, it’s been revealed - and they’re so good at it, they should be paid by the government to show the rest of us how it’s done. That’s the finding of a British waste and recycling company which surveyed various sectors across the UK economy to see which group produced the highest percentage of recyclable waste compared to waste sent to landfill or incineration. York-based found that sectors such as factories and farms, whose profits depend on reusing and recycling as much as possible came out on top, while office workers came bottom. “Office workers generally aren’t aware of the cost implications of throwing everything into their desk-side bin,” says spokesperson Mark Hall, “And in a large organisation that can soon add up to literally tonnes of rubbish.” looked a tallies from its own operators to find out which areas of the UK economy recycled the best and found:

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Britain’s top commercial recyclers: Farmers Factories Pubs & restaurants

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Retail Hospitals and clinics Schools Britain’s worst commercial recyclers: Office-based businesses Night clubs Takeaway food establishments

“Why are famers go good at recycling?” Hall asks. “The answer is simple – they’ve been doing it for centuries, and they have a waste-not-want-not ethic that has survived down the years. “From small family-run farms to giant agri-businesses, it’s the same – everything is collected, assessed and re-used where possible. “Only the absolute detritus is thrown away, and then only with reluctance,” says the spokesperson. say factory owners and operators have the same sort of ethic, but for entirely different reasons. “Every tonne of unrecyclable waste they produce costs them money to get rid of,” says Hall. “Industry has gone to great lengths to find alternative uses for its waste, often selling it on to another sector that finds it useful for their own products.” Waste rubber and glass going on to be constituent ingredients of low-noise

road surfaces is a fantastic example of this cooperation between industrial sectors, says. Offices, on the other hand, have little incentive to boost their recycling waste, and many simply can’t be bothered – or simply don’t have the time in a pressured environment - to move from their desks to find the bin for their empty drink can. And that’s why farmers should be employed by the Department of the Environment (DEFRA) as recycling ‘champions’ to pass on their knowledge to the slackers and refuseniks at the bottom of the survey. “They’ve got generations of knowledge that could and should be passed on to others,” says Hall, “And because it results in everybody saving money and resources, it’s a scheme that will easily pay for itself in the long run. “And the sight of a farmer telling a nightclub owner how to improve their business margins is something I dearly want to see.” For more information please contact mark on 07841779892 or

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PSS Magazine • JULY/AUGUST 2016


How effective waste management can lead to greater efficiency in the Healthcare sector


ou only have to read a newspaper or turn on the news to see the NHS is struggling to meet the balance between demand for healthcare services and funding. The NHS faces an unprecedented financial dilemma: the supply of funding is struggling to match the growing rate of demand for healthcare. The financial challenge for the NHS is immense, it includes funding variations, in terms of treatment areas, procedures and regions, differing approaches to budget management across the regions and the impact of rising demand for services on healthcare costs. All this is against a background of pressure to make progress and deliver efficiency. GPT Waste Management has published a whitepaper which aims to provide a reference tool for Healthcare Estates Managers and Finance Directors, the whitepaper will help to demonstrate the opportunities for cost savings through the implementation of effective improved waste management strategies. It is based on a simple example, a new approach and the impact it has had on a healthcare organisation’s bottom line. Spend in the NHS can be simplistically split into four main areas: • Drug Costs • Planned Care • Unplanned Care • Operational Costs These budgets are viewed often in isolation; however, there are financial, operational and environmental gains to be enjoyed by putting waste management higher on the management agenda. In this White Paper, GPT Waste explain using a strong example, that by changing the shape of the decision-making process for procuring waste services across the healthcare sector, valuable funds can be released from budgets to be re-invested where it matters most… on patient care and service improvement. The NHS spends in excess of £700m each year on waste disposal. How waste is managed within the healthcare sector has a direct impact on the bottom line for each healthcare organisation.

Poor management of medical waste potentially exposes hospital staff, health care workers, waste handlers, patients and the community at large to infection, toxic effects and injuries, and risks polluting the environment. The term “medical waste” encompasses all waste materials produced within healthcare facilities such as clinics, hospitals, dental practices, blood banks, veterinary clinics as well as medical research facilities, cleanrooms and laboratories. The Medical Waste Tracking Act of 1988 defines medical waste as “any solid waste that is generated in the diagnosis, treatment, or immunization of human beings or animals, in research pertaining thereto, or in the production or testing of biologicals.” Waste generated in the healthcare sector includes an extensive range of materials, from used syringes to soiled dressings, diagnostic samples, blood, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, medical devices and radioactive materials. There are a range of waste treatment technologies available to ensure the correct

disposal of medical or healthcare waste depending upon the size of the establishment and the waste produced. It is essential that the person responsible for managing the waste within each healthcare establishment, fully understands its waste streams and the correct methods of disposal for each stream. If waste is managed incorrectly, it can become extremely costly for the organisation. The amount of waste sent to landfill can be reduced through smarter procurement and improved waste management through increased recycling and routes to process. Download the whitepaper if you would like further information on the findings of GPT Waste, and information on how financial savings of over 20% can be achieved through more considered approach to the procurement of waste services and the management of the service.

PSS Magazine • JULY/AUGUST 2016



IoT (internet of things) Offers a Route to Efficient Waste Collection in Rotterdam


he Internet of Things, big data and analytics offer the promise of better business decision making. Utilising new technology, waste management and recycling by the municipality of Rotterdam (Rotterdam City Management, Stadsbeheer) is achieving tangible results through more efficient collections and route planning. Rotterdam, the second largest city in the Netherlands, considers itself to be an enthusiastic adopter of innovation and technology when it comes to meeting the challenges which many municipalities face. With a population of around 620,000 inhabitants, it is an important commercial and cultural centre, as well as being one of the busiest container ports in the world. However, where there are people, there is also waste. Consequently, the municipality of Rotterdam looks for innovative solutions to help drive efficiencies and utilise the city’s waste budget more effectively. Rotterdam is also engaged in the Netherland’s circular economy. As such it is highly focussed on recycling materials and waste. The city’s leaders have a strong


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Author, Charbel Aoun, Director of world-wide Sales, Enevo belief that clean streets are a major factor in fostering a positive attitude in their communities, and its proud boast is that less than one percent of its waste ends up in landfill. To facilitate this, Rotterdam has installed 4800 underground waste containers for residential waste, together with a further 650 for paper and cardboard and a similar number for glass.

Rotterdam’s Waste Management Challenge Multi-storey, residential apartment complexes which house up to 70 percent of Rotterdam’s inhabitants have made it practical to develop a range of community-centred, waste collection sites across the city. This has eliminated tens of thousands of individual household waste containers from the city streets. However, it has also created a requirement for the municipality of Rotterdam to ensure that the underground containers are emptied reliably, preventing the build-up of waste materials left in the streets. Joost van Maaren, manager of Waste Collection and Recycling in Rotterdam commented, “Since all waste has to be dealt with within the confines of the municipality, separation of waste fractions is important. However, to be able to make the most of the recycling and reuse opportunity, we need to make sure that waste collection is convenient for our citizens. That means optimising the waste value chain, from the number and placement of receptacles, to scheduling collections to ensure there’s always space in the containers.” Until recently, most waste containers for single stream fractions were collected based upon a static route plan. This meant fixed collection points on regular routes.

The Municipality of Rotterdam had identified fixed routes as a source of inefficiency, which had been partially rectified by manually monitoring fill rates for individual containers and adjusting collections accordingly. However, it was felt that collection efficiency could be further improved upon. In commissioning the pilot project, the municipality of Rotterdam set the target to increase the efficiency of waste collection by at least 20 percent.

Charting a Course to Improved Efficiency Joost van Maaren said: “Fill level measurement is a well understood principal in the waste industry. However, we believed that if we could combine this data with a dynamic route planning system, it could possibly be very beneficial. To achieve this, we needed to understand where and when containers reach the optimum fill level and needed emptying, and then target collections to those sites. We believed that dynamic route planning would be key to unlocking this advance in waste management efficiency.” After researching the market for the most appropriate technology for a pilot scheme the Waste Collection and Recycling Team one of the leading innovators in waste collection technology and its Dutch service company was brought in as the scheme’s development partners. During the approval process, a working group from Stadsbeheer Rotterdam visited three other Dutch cities where the company is operating similar waste collection projects. The development team for this project consisted of a steering group of senior managers, to establish the criteria and parameters for the project, and a working group. The working group included

Waste/Recycling members from various involved disciplines, including waste, finance, administration, ICT, and a member from the supplier. This team met every month during the pilot. Prior to the start of this project, the waste department had already improved the collection cycle for this waste stream through meticulous manual tracking of container fill levels. This information was recorded and created the baseline for the project. Paper and cardboard fraction waste was selected, due to its recycle value and the amount of fill level data already available for pre- and post-project analysis.

Adding Intelligence and Cloud-based Fill-level Monitoring The initial step for the pilot project was to install wireless sensors in 150 paper and cardboard fraction collection containers in South Rotterdam. These sensors continuously monitor the fill level within the containers and were linked to the waste department’s project office via the supplier’s cloud servers. As well as monitoring the fill level and rate of fill of the container, they also register location as well as temperature, which could indicate if the contents have caught fire - a rare but possible event. Another useful monitoring function was the ability to use the data to detect when a container had an obstruction in or near its opening. Understanding this kind of situation has allowed the team to develop processes that ensure fast response to these conditions. The agreed project area was serviced by a single collection truck operating five days per week. The truck is a single operator vehicle, which lifts the waste container out of the ground and deposits the waste directly into the storage area of the truck, a contained and efficient collection method. Each waste container has a 4 cubic metre capacity; during the pilot it was discovered the optimum fill level between collections was 70 percent, which ensured no container overflow. Although in some instances fill levels of 90 percent were recorded without incident.

Dynamic Collection Planning brings efficiency gains Key to the project was the installation of smart plans dynamic collection route planning system. Data is collated during the day from all the sensors in the pilot area. Fill levels and fill rates are compared to trend data to predict the future waste collection needs. The system then analyses millions of possible collections options and provides the most optimal collection route, maximising resource efficiencies while minimising distance travelled and avoiding any container overfill scenarios. The plan for the next day’s collections is downloaded to a tablet pc in the truck, for the driver to follow the route to the collection sites. Once the project was up and running a second working group, which included drivers, was established to feedback direct experience of operating to the dynamic collection routes. Driver input was found to be invaluable in developing the route planning element of the project with custom map layers being coded to tailor the routes to the collection vehicles. “The experience of our drivers – and their enthusiastic participation in the pilot scheme – was a vital factor in developing a solution which works effectively and efficiently for Rotterdam. Our drivers are very complimentary about the system and they say they don’t want to go back to the old ways of managing waste collections,” said Joost van Maaren.

Targets achieved and exceeded Commenting on the results of the pilot, Joost van Maaren stated, “We found by monitoring fill rates, we had the opportunity to reduce the number of collection days, we found that we were easily able to meet the target of a 20 percent reduction”. The Rotterdam pilot has demonstrated that by embracing technology and partnering with a leading waste and recycling systems specialist, a flexible waste monitoring, collection and recycling

process can deliver significant returns for the city. The pilot proved that using near real time data to predict fill level and fill rates coupled with dynamic collection route optimisation can achieve significant operational benefits across a spectrum of criteria including reducing overall waste collection costs, carbon foot print, traffic reduction, less vehicle maintenance, as well as providing high value waste collection data. In addition, the city of Rotterdam maintains a clean and pleasant environment for it’s residents and visitors. In March 2016, it was agreed to expand the pilot project to cover 40 percent of Rotterdam’s paper and cardboard waste collection containers. Summing up, Joost van Maaren said: “We’re very happy with the results of the initial pilot scheme. We feel that the combination of this technology and the knowledge and expertise of our waste collection team has resulted in an effective solution for the city. Using Smart Plans we’ve increased the mean fill level of container sites saving us time, fuel, service costs and emissions. Like Rotterdam, the solution is innovative, renewable, and efficient.”

PSS Magazine • JULY/AUGUST 2016



Clinical Waste Reduction in Theatres


s part of its sustainable development management plan (SDMP) objectives the Trust has been working on a Waste Improvement Programme and implementing waste reduction and recycling initiatives by engaging with a wide range of stakeholders.

What was the issue / problem being addressed? As part of the various audits it was identified that theatres waste management facilities required a full review. Most of the areas were using yellow bags (high temperature incineration) waste, which is expensive to dispose and harmful to the environment.

What action was taken to overcome the issue? As part of the Trust’s Waste Improvement Programme theatres have gone through a bins replacement programme changing all old metal models for new plastic labelled bins. This change provided an opportunity as bin types were mapped based on activity on a room-by-room basis. As a result theatres were provided with Mixed Recycling, Clinical Waste (orange bag) and Food Recycling and main operating theatres were provided with dedicated customised sack holders for clinical waste and recycling waste. Regular audits were carried out and appropriate actions were taken to raise awareness amongst staff.

What was the impact / result? Actions including the provision of appropriate bins by activity in rooms, conducting regular audits, raising awareness and education, and the dedication of staff - has enabled theatres to reduce their expensive and carbon producing, High Temperature Incineration (HTI) waste by 30% against 2012/13 and 9% in 2015/16, this represented a cost saving of approximately £33,000 and £9,000.


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Lessons learnt / success factors Theatres have been congratulated for their achievements and staff are proud to be exemplars in supporting the Trust’s sustainability agenda. Special cupcakes were produced to congratulate theatre staff for their good work. Building up on this success theatre staff are hoping to improve further on waste segregation and reducing the quantity of waste in their areas. The Trust’s Sustainability team is already working with other departments in rationalising the bin allocation and increasing staff understanding. The waste and recycling is highly promoted both by the Trust and Facilities Management contractor Sodexo and PFI partners.

Scaling up Disposing clinical waste is nearly 8-10 times more expensive than mixed recycling. This means any recyclable items ending in Clinical Waste bins will cost more to get rid of and are more environmentally harmful. So segregation of waste at point of disposal is important. This can be achieved by providing tailored facilities based on activity in a room and through engaging local teams.

“Theatres are very enthusiastic and compliant with going Green. At theatres we have realised that we are high users of consumables that require a lot of packaging to ensure its safe use. We are so pleased to have a mixed recycling system. Our clinical waste has been reduced by this packaging going into the right disposal system. We are grateful to Sustainability Team who we highlighted this to and was able to implement a plan to reduce the amount of packaging that was going into the clinical waste bags.” - Lisa Awong, Sister Queen’s Hospital Theatres. sustainability


Why public sector organisations shouldn’t roll over on their recycling obligations


t can often be a difficult task for organisations within the public sector to remove, transport and dispose of mattresses and figures show that in the UK, only a small percentage of mattresses are recycled responsibly, with 7.5 million discarded to landfill sites – usually the cheapest, quickest option. From a policy point of view, end of life (EOL) mattresses have long been perceived as a problematic waste product, not least because of their size and cumbersome nature. Difficult to handle, mattresses fall under the category of bulky waste; awkward to manoeuvre, expensive to transport and breakdown. All in all, a chore to recycle and as a result, fewer than necessary are disposed of in this way within the public sector. Every year in the UK we throw out around 1,600,000 tonnes of what is defined as bulky waste. Approximately 19 percent of this falls into the textile category, largely made up of sofas and mattresses, with the majority of items being sent to landfill instead. Despite landfill tax having pushed up the cost of putting rubbish in the ground in the last 10 years, it remains arguably the cheapest and most straightforward option for bulky waste. However, the UK is experiencing an over dependence on landfill. Due to the worrying impact this over dependence has on the environment, bans have already been imposed in many EU countries, with Governments and policy makers realising that alternative, more environmentally friendly solutions are required if countries are to meet their carbon footprint reduction obligations. With regards to mattresses in particular, an on-going European Union Waste Management Policy Review Process may soon affect UK Government policy on mattress recycling, with the public sector and those connected with it, set to face - at some stage - a legislative requirement to dispose of EOL mattresses in an environmentally acceptable way. Headway is already being made, with statistics showing that in the UK 450,000 mattresses were collected for recycling in 2012 and just a year later, this had

Nick Oettinger, The Furniture Recycling Group, comments on obligations to recycle bulky waste and how the circular economy model presents an alternative to landfill increased by 30 per cent, but despite the increase, this still only accounts for a small percentage of the total mattress disposal in the UK. While on the surface, the reasons for this slow evolution and widespread acceptance of mattress recycling among the public sector is largely cost associated as there is no doubt that landfill remains the cheaper option, other barriers do exist. These include the lack of outlets and services that could help public sector organisations, managers and their teams dispose of mattresses, as well as the uncertainty around the design and composition of mattresses to recycle their components. There is a social and business case for public sector organisations to take notice of their responsibilities regarding mattress disposal. There are opportunities for groups to put in place a policy, ensuring they are best placed to respond to any new legislation that comes into force, or perhaps to be seen and credited as leaders and trailblazers in the industry – paving the

way for responsible and sustainable business practice and advocates of the circular economy. The Furniture Recycling Group is keen to work with partners in the public sector to draw on the principles of a circular economy – where resources are recovered and recycled back into new resources – to educate and inform on the benefits of making good on old mattresses. It is our vision that the UK’s end of life mattresses be turned back into the very products they were – increasing environmental sustainability and tackling the landfill problem. With over 700,000 mattresses recycled so far, The Furniture Recycling Group has an average recycling rate of 96 per cent, with the remainder going to energy from waste providing 100 per cent landfill diversion. For more information on recycling mattresses responsibly and efficiently, visit

PSS Magazine • JULY/AUGUST 2016



Revealed: Th excuses for “While initially appearing humorous, this is actually no laughing matter because fly-tipping has blighted our beautiful Buckinghamshire countryside over many years. The extraordinary arrogance of those who dump rubbish in our roads, parks and country lanes is sickening and we will do everything in our power to prevent it.” County Council Leader Martin Tett said: “We are proud of what has been achieved but we really do need to keep up the pressure and hope that the courts back us with appropriate penalties on conviction. I am amazed at the dumping I regularly see, and am aware of the damage this does to our environment. Stopping this scourge has to remain a priority for us.”


ouncillors leading a crackdown on fly-tipping have revealed the top ten excuses from people convicted of the offence. They range from the “The waste fell off the back of my vehicle as I drove along” to “I didn’t dump it – I was there, but I only stopped to do a wee…” Furious members of a waste partnership in Buckinghamshire published the list after bringing hundreds of fly-tippers to court in a ‘zero tolerance’ campaign over the last 13 years. ​Now they hope the catalogue of confessions will help prevent further offences by shining the spotlight on their fight against the illegal dumping of rubbish. “The excuses range from the banal to bonkers and the bottom line is – there is no excuse for fly-tipping,” said Mike Smith, Chairman of the Joint Waste Partnership for Buckinghamshire. “Fly-tipping is a hazard, it’s anti-social and an eyesore. It’s quite wrong to expect the taxpayer to pay for


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Enforcement Officer David Rounding said: “I am continually astonished at the type of excuses given. clearing away dumped items and I am delighted that as time goes on, the public and courts are coming on board and helping us achieve really effective prosecution results.” Since 2003, the partnership - an organisation comprising all the local authorities in the county - has secured more than 500 convictions through the “Illegal Dumping Costs” campaign. Officials estimate this has resulted in net savings of around £2m to the County Council over the period, and up to a further million for the district councils, principally through reducing removal and disposal costs. “Our officers compiled this list to show the type of excuses that people are making after being caught,” said Warren Whyte, Cabinet Member for Planning and Environment at Buckinghamshire County Council, which investigates and prosecutes the case on behalf of the partnership.

“There are some very odd ones, but the excuse that’s number one in our book is the plain ‘I paid a man to take it’. This is often an easy option but it can backfire as some businesses and householders do not realise that they have a duty of care to ensure their waste is disposed of properly; and they could therefore be prosecuted even if they innocently pay an unregistered trader to do it for them. The trick is to always check if the person they are paying is a registered waste carrier. “We do need people to keep a record of the man with van’s details or vehicle registration number so if the waste does turn up dumped illegally they can tell us who took it away.” To check whether someone is a registered waste carrier, go to http://epr. SearchRegisters.aspx If a person sees anyone dumping waste illegally in Buckinghamshire, they can report it online at







I know the person who works on the tip and they don’t like me, so when I saw them working, I drove on…

I sold my vehicle to some people who were quite intimidating actually…


It was my van, but I had lent it to this other man who is now not answering my calls… I think his name is Jim…


I saw other fly-tipped waste and thought the area was a recycling centre …

The waste fell off the back of my vehicle as I drove along …

I didn’t dump it – I was there, but I only stopped to do a wee…


I met a man at the ‘dump’ who said he wanted it – can’t think why he then dumped it rather than taking it back to the ‘dump…’


I paid a man with a van to take it…


My van was untidy and I needed to give my boss a lift so I cleared the rubbish out because I know he doesn’t like the van untidy…


I dropped my phone and there was so much rubbish in the car that I could hardly find it – I cleared the rubbish out so I could find the phone…

PSS Magazine • JULY/AUGUST 2016


sustainable Office

Tackling Employee De-hydration in Public Sector Buildings


ith research showing that a level of just 2% dehydration can cause a 20% reduction of cognitive and physical activities1, David Smithson, CEO of Eau de Vie - one of the leading providers of water filtration systems - speaks to Public Sector Sustainability about how sufficient hydration levels can be achieved in Public Sector Buildings across the UK. “With the quality of tap water in the UK being one of the best in the world, the question arises of why so many Britons are not consuming the recommended two litres per day2. With only an estimated 1% of adults sufficiently hydrated, many run a huge risk of becoming dehydrated3. When it comes to the wellbeing of workers within the Public Sector, Facilities Managers need to ensure that adequate hydration levels are being encouraged. “2% dehydration can result in fatigue, lack of focus and headaches - none of which are ideal for staff or visitors, as these conditions can potentially result in underperformance and other associated health impacts4. A percentage of 3% dehydration has been found to lead to even more serious illnesses such as heat stroke, low blood pressure, rapid heartbeat and even fever5. “Bottled water is one of the most common methods of water provision within


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the Public Sector, however, with new governmental green targets to be met, such as a packaging reduction of 70% by 20176, we are seeing a shift towards more sustainable options. When you consider that to produce a one litre bottle of water requires seven litres of water and 162g of oil - this is not an acceptable, sustainable water source. Ditching what has previously been thought of as a ‘necessary evil’ has never been more vital, and in order to meet sustainable goals, Facilities Managers now have the opportunity to invest in alternative water practices. “Therefore, installing sustainable water units which members of staff and the building’s visitors will want to drink from on a regular basis is highly recommended. Newer, modern water machines, such as filtration systems, will be far more appealing than traditional water fountains. Instant, aesthetic, modern and easy-to-use water sources can have a huge influence when it comes to reaching for the tap, rather than going thirsty, or buying from vending machines. “Making drinking water more exciting and easy-to-use stands a good chance of increasing staff and visitor hydration levels. “Filtered water systems – which can also use reusable glass bottles – not only encourage hydration but also increase a buildings’ sustainable statement and green credentials, as well as save energy and therefore, expenses. It has even been estimated that this switch away from bottled water to filtration systems could save businesses £60,0007. Installing a filtration system, which utilises the very latest innovations in heat transference, as well as energy saving techniques, ensures that Facilities Managers are investing in truly green products.

“Whilst out-dated systems rust away, adding modern water dispensers, such as Eau de Vie’s multitaptm Colour Collection, can make a huge difference. Studies on how the condition and colour of a building provides pragmatic evidence that an aesthetically pleasing environment can dramatically change attitudes8. Through the clever use of colour, water systems can not only gain greater prominence and importance within a building – leading to increased water consumption – but better peoples’ mood and productivity levels. “As well as being colourful, the multitap™ uses a single dispense tap to provide filtered boiling and chilled water, both still and sparkling, offering a ‘third way’ between expensive, undesirable single-use bottled water and chlorinated tap water. Combining style, practicality and sustainability, the multitap™ Colour Collection adds a new, contemporary dimension to the water market, designed to increase the sustainability of any building. “We all know hydration levels are extremely important – so let’s act on that. Through the implementation of an effective water supply, Public Sector Buildings will experience benefits such as increased productivity, health and hydration, as well as a reduction in its environmental impact and greater financial savings – all in all making it a more enjoyable place to work or visit.” For more information please visit

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. packaging-consult-doc.pdf Based on operator using over 2700 bottles per week at the cost of 50p per bottle University of Texas, March 2015:

sustainable Office

VENDING - BOTH SIDES OF THE COIN Jonathan Hart, Chief Executive of the Automatic Vending Association (AVA), discusses the upcoming UK currency changes and how this will affect the thousands of vending machines in the public sector.


t is less than a year to go until the new pound coins are released into circulation in March 2017 and production of the brand new 12-sided pound coin has already begun.

The pound coin is being replaced for the first time in more than 30 years due to its current vulnerability to counterfeiters and the high volume of fake pound coins in circulation - up to three pound coins in every 100 have been found to be fake. On a similar note, the Bank of England has announced it will introduce new £5 and £10 polymer (plastic) bank notes to improve the security and quality of UK bank notes. The £5 note will be introduced in September 2016 and the £10 note will follow in 2017. From the very start of the consultation process on the new pound coin, the AVA has been working closely with the Royal Mint to ensure that the vending industry’s concerns about the cost and practical implications were heard and taken into consideration. It was through the AVA’s involvement that the coin now has soft edges rather than the harder edges that were originally proposed, enabling it to roll better as a result and therefore work better in vending machines.

Both sides of the coin At the AVA, we are all too familiar with the costs that currency changes incur to ensure that the estimated 500,000 vending machines in the UK can accept them. In 2011, the new 5p and 10p coins were introduced at a cost to the industry of £28.9m. It is estimated that the upgrades required for the new £1 coin and the news banknotes could be more.

At the same time, we fully understand and support the position of both the Royal Mint and the Treasury in wanting to protect the integrity of the UK’s currency and reduce the level of fake coins in operation throughout the UK.

How can FMs prepare There will be a six month period from March 2017 to September 2017 when both the old and the new pound coins will be in circulation. Thereafter the old pound coin will no longer be legal tender. So, the AVA recommends that FMs ensure that their vending machine operators start working with their coin mechanism suppliers now to ensure they are well prepared. For the majority of modern vending machines, upgrades to coin mechanisms and note readers can be done on site and operators can simply send out engineers to make the necessary changes to the machines. However, there are approximately 40 per cent of vending machines where the coin mechanism will have to be sent away for the upgrade to take place. When you put your £1 coin in a vending machines it goes down a ramp. If the machine recognises the coin, it goes into a cash box located in the machine. However if the machine has a note reader fitted it is allocated into a plastic tube where a number of the £1 coins are kept. If it is not accepted it just comes out again. During the initial dual coin acceptance period, the old and the new £1 will go into the cash box. At the end of the dual coin acceptance period, an engineer will need to revisit each machine to turn off acceptance of the old pound coin.

Contactless conversion Although the currency change will have a significant effect on vending machines, a growing number of vending transactions are now happening without any coins or cash at all. British vending machines selling snacks, drinks and phone chargers are rapidly adopting card and contactless technology with the number soaring by 20 per cent a year, according to Creditcall, a payments company. The barrier to the use of cards in vending has historically been the high charges imposed on operators by the banks and card companies. The advent of contactless payment cards and the recent lowering of the transaction charges has removed some of these barriers.

Still time While big changes are on the horizon for the UK currency, the vending industry is well prepared. The majority of upgrades required should be straightforward and there is still plenty of time for FMs to ensure that they are ready by next March.

PSS Magazine • JULY/AUGUST 2016


sustainable Office

Saville ThoughtZone – a culture change in AV furniture solutions


n the modern business environment there is a growing trend away from formal meeting rooms towards multiple smaller agile working zones and collaboration spaces.

AV integrator Saville Audio Visual has taken embraced this change launching ThoughtZone - a new range of attractive, contemporary furniture solutions with integrated, built-in AV technology. Saville ThoughtZone solutions are designed to foster more productive working by addressing the needs of a new generation of users who follow the ‘walk up and work’ ethic. Saville sales director Andy Dyson said: “Our objective is to provide flexible, functional workspaces where users aren’t hindered by technology, but are able to use it instantly - without even thinking about it!”


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The ThoughtZone range comprises four different styles of collaborative meeting environments, designed to meet the requirements of modern corporate companies, public sector organisations or higher education. Saville MindZone is a range of sofa-based booths from two to six seats, with integrated audio visual technology including an LCD screen and versatile signal connection options. The raised high back creates a distraction-free environment whilst the integrated work surface has plenty of space for presentation devices. With larger screens and more open plan seating, Saville TeamZone is perfect for group based brainstorming sessions, while Saville HotZone is ready for meetings on the go, combining versatile table space with contemporary design styling to create a ready-made ‘hot desk’ solution.

Ideal for group project and collaborative meetings, HotZone features a solid oak frame with steel support and integrated cable management. Available in an extensive range of laminate colours and three sizes, it caters for seating up to twelve. Saville TalkZone is equally at home in open or closed office environments, creating a more traditional, formal collaboration space. With contemporary styling and flexible seating options plus integrated screen and connectivity choices, TalkZone provides an agile, dynamic and interactive workspace solution that is fully AV integrated. Visit

Sustainable Transport

The Effect of Global Transport on Climate Change


lobal transport is now something we all take for granted whether it’s travelling for work or pleasure; or whether it’s the delivery of an item we purchase at the click of a button. If we take air travel alone, there are now more than 100,000 flights per day globally and according to the Air Transport Action Group flights accounted for producing 770 million tonnes of CO2 in 2015. That figure only scratches the surface of the emissions produced by jets, road vehicles and shipping combined.

is recognized that in the last two decades transportation emissions increased by 45%. More worryingly this shows no sign of slowing down. A clear sign of global warming on our environment is the melting of the polar ice caps and in May 2016 the arctic ice fell to a record low, 580,000 square kilometres below the previous May record which was set in 2004. Antarctica has seen the collapse of large sections of the Larsen B ice shelf and it is estimated the shelf will totally disintegrate by the end of the decade.

Climate Change

Reducing Emissions

Few scientists would now try to deny that our planet is warming and a big contributor to climate change is greenhouse gases such as carbon and nitrous oxide; and methane. The Center for Biological Diversity states that around 15% of manmade carbon dioxide can be attributed to global transportation, and it

The weight of aeroplanes is also an issue as the heavier the plane the more fuel it uses. Commercial aircraft companies have been experimenting with carbon-fibre and the A350 XWB Airbus has just been introduced to the Qatar Airways fleet. With over half of the frame made from carbon fibre-reinforced plastic this plane will use substantially less fuel on every flight. There is still a long way to go however, and it will take the concerted effort of both companies and governments around the world to ensure we make changes. Only time will tell whether these changes will be in time to reverse the damage we have already done to our environment.

It is imperative we reduce emissions and therefore major changes need to be made to how we travel. Electric and hybrid vehicles are increasing in popularity, however a recharging-point network needs to be put in place before their use is mainstream; and implementation of this has been slow.

3M Supports First Vehicle Wrap Using New Non-PVC Film


ehicle Graphics experts at Positive Design praise ease of use, printability and quality of advanced film, after project with long-term customer in the environmental services sector 3M, the science-based technology company, revealed details of the first vehicle wrap to be completed in the UK using its latest non-PVC vinyl film, Envision Print Wrap Film SV480Cv3. 3M provided on-site support to the team at Positive Design, a Tamworth, Staffordshire-based vehicle graphics, signage and digital printing specialist, to wrap a refuse truck taking advantage of the film’s environmental benefits. Local waste management and recycling business Wm. M Briers & Son (Tamworth) Ltd contacted Positive Design to help express its quality-of-service and environmental values including zero waste to landfill through the latest truck to join its fleet. The new Isuzu Forward F120.240 Euro VI, 12-tonne chassis combines reliability and fuel economy and is fitted with an 8m³ refuse compaction body and a trade approved weighing system. The resulting

wrap combines striking type and a vibrant, leafy graphical theme. “We have a long history of working with Briers, a company that seeks to continuously improve care for the environment in everything it does,” explained James Nicholls of Positive Design. “As a signage company we keep a close eye on new materials. We knew the latest Envision Print Wrap Film SV480Cv3 from 3M would be ideal for this and future projects with Briers and other environmentally-aware customers.” Non-PVC, phthalate-free Envision Print Wrap Film SV480Cv3 from 3M is manufactured with no added chlorine or halogens and 58 per cent less solvents than conventional films. At the same time, printability, ease of application and durability are equal to or better than the current range, thereby ensuring no performance trade-offs in exchange for improved environmental performance. “The film is just as easy to apply as the other 3M Vinyls we use regularly,” confirmed Nicholls. “Our newest and least experienced applicators have achieved first-class results with little assistance from

senior staff. 3M also supported us, as early adopters, by sending a product specialist to advise and help set up our printer for optimum colour and quality.” Envision Print Wrap Film SV480Cv3 from 3M is designed to be tough and colour fast, to look good throughout its lifetime of up to seven years when used with the recommended over-laminate. Positive Design is confident that the truck graphics will present a quality image for the long term by standing up to vigorous cleaning with broom and hose, daily wear and tear, and exposure to harsh environmental conditions such as intense sunlight, high summer temperatures, cold winters, rain, frost and snow.

PSS Magazine • JULY/AUGUST 2016


Sustainable Procurement

SUSTAINABLE PROCUREM Hasan Wazir joined Birmingham City Council in 2007 and has worked on a wide variety of projects and programmes across the City. He is currently working in the Sustainability Team where he has responsibility for a number of Public Procurement of Innovation projects. How is the City of Birmingham implementing sustainable procurement? Birmingham is the second largest city in the UK and has the youngest population of any city in Europe. It’s also one of the greenest cities in the UK and in Europe, thanks to its 571 parks. Sustainability has been a key issue for the City for a number of years and we recognise sustainable procurement as a powerful tool to move towards a more low carbon and resource efficient society. The city has significant buying power: our annual procurement budget is approximately £2billion. By taking social and environmental factors into consideration - alongside financial ones in our purchasing practices, we are using procurement as a mechanism to push towards sustainable development. We are currently updating our Sustainable Procurement Strategy. There are around 25 qualified procurement professionals working in the council. A Green Commission was set up as a collaborative structure in the area of procurement and energy. Sustainable procurement is also supported through the Birmingham Business Charter for Social Responsibility, by ensuring all contractors working for the City Council have considered sustainability


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as a bare minimum. One of the Charter’s six principles is ‘Green & Sustainable’, looking at how organisations aim to protect the environment, minimise waste and energy consumption, and use other resources efficiently. This amongst other tools will help us measure our impact on the environmental, social and economic indicators for the City. Birmingham is more and more committed to sustainable procurement and

we are trying to make as much progress as possible. This is why we have also joined the Procura+ European Sustainable Procurement Network, to exchange with other cities, discuss ideas, learn from others and share our experiences.

Are you also using procurement of innovation? Birmingham is involved in a number of public procurement of innovation (PPI) projects in order to stimulate innovation. By acting as a launch customer, we boost new markets. We have been one of the cities in the Smart Procurement European Alliance (SPEA) project that promotes the procurement of innovative solutions in municipal buildings. Birmingham is co-ordinating the CEPPI project, which aims to demonstrate how European cities can achieve energy-related objectives through strategic use of public procurement and specifically through adoption of proven innovation procurement methods.

Can you explain more about the CEPPI project and its expected outcomes? Coordinated Energy Related Public Procurement of Innovation Action for Cities, more commonly known as CEPPI, is a three-year H2020 funded programme which began in April 2015. The five cities involved in the project are Birmingham

Sustainable Procurement

MENT IN BIRMINGHAM (UK), Budapest (Hungary), Castelló & Valencia (Spain) and Wrocław (Poland). The cities will intervene in scheduled public tenders to achieve a more sustainable energy outcome. Our concrete objective is to save at least 33 GWh/year. Other expected outcomes are to increase the production of renewable energy, to create a market for innovative energy goods and services, to build capacities in smart, sustainable and innovation procurement, and to inform other public organisations in the CEPPI cities or regions so that they can replicate the actions and outcomes.

What steps have you taken so far? The cities have undertaken a Public Procurement of Innovation Gap Analysis to assess our current and potential capacity for PPI. This analysis will help in deciding which support actions can better contribute to our goals. The expert partners in the consortium – Jera Consulting, Optimat, Steinbeis-Trasferzentrum EGS and ICLEI European Secretariat – will deliver these trainings and guidance. By doing the analysis, we identified our strengths and weaknesses relating to PPI and set baselines for improvement Another step taken has been the identification of energy hotspots, that is, product and service sectors where PPI has significant potential to save energy. The energy opportunity reports highlighted a well-developed range of supporting policies and strategies already in place at the City level of the five CEPPI cities. These focused on low carbon, energy efficiency and renewable energy, very much aligned with the EU 2020 climate and energy agenda. Cities have also shortlisted some upcoming tenders in which PPI could be potentially introduced.

What possible areas of PPI intervention have been identified? Street lighting looks like an area of interest for most of the cities, including Budapest and Wrocław who are exploring optimum ways to reduce light pollution whilst ensuring safe and well lit urban areas. Birmingham City Council might likely intervene in procurement related to its waste strategy and Multi-Function

Devices contracts. Castelló will introduce PPI recommendations in its copiers and prints’ tenders. Valencia will focus on the fountain systems and the sports centres.

What are the main challenges of the CEPPI project? The main challenge for the CEPPI project is to leave a lasting legacy which will enable Cities to incorporate PPI methodologies/ principles as standard working practices. This will require a significant level of work to move individuals/

departments away from their usual modus operandi to a situation where they fully appreciate and realise the benefits of PPI. We are hoping that by intervening in real public tenders with expert involvement supporting, the procurers and commissioners coupled with bespoke PPI training sessions, will create a strong foundation which the Cities can then build upon.

PSS Magazine • JULY/AUGUST 2016


Exhibition news

Tackling Employee De-hydration - the answers to effective energy management at this year’s showcase event


n a sector marked by volatile pricing, changing regulatory frameworks and increasing financial and security risk, it is necessary for the industry to come together to safeguard and ensure the future of energy & resource efficiency, says Nicola Meadows, event director – Environment, i2i Events Group. With policy change amass and technological advances in abundance, there is now even more reason to visit RWM in 2016. This year the event, which takes place at the NEC, Birmingham from 13-15 September, promises to stimulate and attract the attention of the broadest cross-sector audience at the international showcase of resource and waste management innovation, RWM 2016 and its three co-located shows: The Energy Event, the Renewables Event and the Water Event.


PSS Magazine • JULY/AUGUST 2016

The Energy Event Organised in partnership with key associations such as, the Major Energy Users Council, Energy Institute and Energy Services & Technology Association, the Energy Event 2016 at the NEC, Birmingham, on 13th -14th September is a ‘must attend’ exhibition and conference. Not only is this an event for major energy users, it is also a key date in the calendar for decision makers as they grapple with energy supply, energy security and energy management concerns. The event is a key place for visitors to understand the latest policies, compliance requirements and find the latest technologies to drive a reduction in energy costs and improve their sustainability performance. Building on last year’s success, the Energy Event provides key opportunities for networking and professional development.

Apart from policy changes, there are also a number of issues which seem to be challenging the sector, including energy security which remains a thorny issue for UK businesses. With an early capacity auction anticipated in the winter of 2017/18, and energy suppliers not being allowed to delay payments, businesses could face higher than anticipated energy bills next year. But what will the implications be for your business? The show has two premium content hubs, Energy Leaders Theatre and the Energy Information Theatre. Key discussions from Keith Brierley, Environment and Business - Senior Advisor, Environment Agency, Maria Spyrou, Energy Efficiency Programme Manager, Marks and Spencer and Charlotte Calloway, Energy & Environment Analyst, Whitbread are just a small sample of the speakers at this year’s show. In addition, a keynote speaker from

Exhibition news

National Grid, Paul Lowbridge, will participate in a panel discussing – demand-side response, could capitalising on energy opportunities be the answer to the energy trilemma. A full speakers program is due to be released shortly.

RWM RWM 2016, which is taking place at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC) in Birmingham from 13th to 15th September, is the largest event in the UK for the waste and resource efficiency sector, with plenty on show for the quarrying, recycling and bulk materials handling industries. The three-day exhibition, organised in partnership with the Chartered Institution of Waste Management (CIWM), also provides a strong conference programme taking place across the Circular Economy Connect, Energy from Waste and Local Authority theatres. There are numerous networking opportunities for RWM’s visitors and exhibitors.

All the plant and equipment for the waste and recycling industry Throughout the exhibition, machinery and equipment designed to help keep materials in the loop and retain the value in resources will be centre-stage, as well as handling and logistics solutions that

minimise the environmental impact of recycling. RWM has always dedicated a large part of the show to machinery, equipment, handling, logistics, recycling and reprocessing, and energy recovery. New technologies are coming to market throughout the year, and RWM provides the platform to market them to the right audience.

Circular Economy Connect Theatre The Circular Economy Connect Theatre which is sponsored by Ricardo-AEA, with industry partners, Suez and Viridor, promises to be a key point for exploring how the principles of circular economy can be applied at an organisational or process level. Throughout the event there will be panel discussions on extended producer responsibility and designing out waste to enable greater resource productivity. Speakers in this theatre include: Kyle Wiens, CEO, iFixit, Tristram Stuart, award-winning author, speaker and campaigner. Ichin Cheng, director and co-founder, Sustainable Innovation Lab and advisor to EC Horizon 2020 and Dr Greg Lavery, Director, rype office.

future of energy from waste. Featuring speakers from Nandos, the Environment Agency, ESA & a case study from Lakeside EfW Plant. With new policies introduced into the sector, the theatre will provide further clarity for industry influencers on the role energy from waste plays in the long term. It will also provide businesses with insights on how to improve their bottom line.

Local Authority Theatre Influencers within the industry will debate, discuss and share what waste strategy works best in a local authority when stringent measures are in place, in 2016 and beyond. Discussions will include topics such as waste crime, 2020 recycling targets, food waste collections and driving behaviour change. Speakers from Devon County Council, Keep Britain Tidy and LARAC will feature on this theatre along with Keynote, Linda Crichton, from WRAP. Make sure you attend the co-located events; The Energy Event, The Water Event, The Renewables Event and RWM in September. It is the only place four industry leading events combine under one roof.

Energy from Waste Theatre The Energy from Waste Theatre is the central hub for key industry players to debate, discuss and share insights on the

PSS Magazine • JULY/AUGUST 2016


Product Showcase



he proven combination of Altro WhiterockTM hygienic wall cladding and Altro Stronghold 30TM safety flooring has been so successful in the kitchen at one of the world’s oldest schools, that after 15 years of service it’s been chosen again for a total refurbishment. The King’s School in Ely, Cambridgeshire, is a co-educational independent day and boarding school. It was founded in 970 AD. Fifteen years ago, the school’s ‘monastic barn’ kitchen was fitted with Altro Whiterock White and Altro Stronghold 30 to provide a high level of safety, hygiene and aesthetics. More recently, in 2014, Altro Whiterock was installed around the lift shaft of a dumb waiter in the kitchen. The school has been so happy with the long term performance of Altro Whiterock and Altro Stronghold 30 together that there was no hesitation in selecting the integrated system of compatible hygienic wall cladding and safety flooring again when the entire kitchen recently underwent a refit. As the system is fully integrated, it fits together perfectly to provide a hygienic, watertight solution for commercial kitchens. Shirley Jolly, the school’s catering manager, says: “This is a busy commercial kitchen, which produces 1,600 meals per day with three sittings, so the flooring and wall cladding has to be hygienic, tough, durable, practical, easy to clean and have superb safety credentials. Plus of course it needs to be suitable for use in a very old building — our kitchen dates back to 970 AD. “In addition, we are very proud of our Five Star food and hygiene rating from the Environmental Health Agency, so we are passionate about maintaining our excellent standards. Using the right products in our kitchen to help us achieve that is paramount.


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“Fifteen years ago we had Altro Whiterock installed three quarters of the way up the kitchen walls, and we have been delighted with it over that time. It’s hygienic and has been very easy to maintain, just needing a regular wipe down. It’s proven to be ideal for our busy commercial kitchen. For us it’s a tried and tested product. “So we definitely wanted to use it again for the refurbishment, but this time we wanted it floor to ceiling — giving total encapsulation. This meant that we could cover all the hard-to reach places around the doors and windows - and there are some tricky areas as this is a very old structure - to make cleaning as easy as possible and further improve hygiene.” Shirley continues: “The Altro Stronghold 30 safety flooring was also a very good choice for us 15 years ago. As a safety flooring it’s second to none, plus it’s incredibly hard-wearing and nice looking as well. It was still in very good condition, but we decided to upgrade it with new Altro Stronghold 30 for the refit.” Altro’s integrated floor and hygienic wall cladding system offers the best possible protection against bacteria, bugs and vermin. It makes cleaning easier too. Designed to address the issues commonly found in kitchens – slips, contamination, cleaning and maintenance, the Altro system doesn’t just protect the people who use it; it also protects the environment and those responsible for the health and safety of employees and visitors. The Altro wall cladding and flooring for the refurbishment were installed by Altro Whiterock Premier Installer Elite Interiors. Contracts co-ordinator Dave Barnard, says: “This school kitchen is the perfect example of how Altro Whiterock and Altro Stronghold 30 work together to create a long-lasting, safe and hygienic environment in commercial applications. “These products have really stood the test of time here at the King’s School, which is partly due to their quality, but also testament to the school’s excellent maintenance regime. After consulting with both Altro and the client, we all agreed that for the refurbishment these products were still the best choice.” Altro Whiterock White is the hygienic alternative to tiles that’s impact resistant, grout-free and easy to clean. Its smooth white surface and classical purity make it a timeless choice for any interior. The product is Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) approved and is

made from a high-quality, food-safe PVCu polymer that can handle temperatures up to 60°C. It meets all current European Union (EU) Directives on health and hygiene. This makes it particularly suitable for use in commercial kitchens especially combined with Altro Stronghold 30. Altro Stronghold 30 safety flooring achieves Altro’s highest rating for slip resistance, and is designed to minimise risk in wet and greasy conditions for the lifetime of the flooring. As well as helping to keep staff safe from slips, it also helps reduce their fatigue, thanks to its 3mm thickness which provides noise reduction and comfort underfoot. “The installation of the wall cladding presented some challenges, specifically because of the age of the building,” adds Dave Barnard. “The walls especially had no flat or true surfaces, and the church-style windows with 1ft-deep recesses meant very skilled fitting of the Altro Whiterock. We had a very tight three-week window in the summer in which to complete the installation of both flooring and wall cladding. Even though the school was in recess, there were a number of students who stayed behind for summer school, so the kitchen couldn’t close for any length of time. The installation was overseen by the school’s clerk of works, Fred Duffield. “I am a stickler for perfection, but I have every confidence in Elite Interiors,” he says. “They completed the work in a very professional, safe and controlled manner, but with the flexibility needed to meet the inevitable challenges that arise in a project of this type.” Shirley Jolly comments: “The new kitchen looks fantastic, and we are so pleased with the results. The whole area looks brighter, cleaner and fresher, and it’s taken our catering operation to a whole new level. “The Altro Whiterock wall cladding is so easy to maintain that the kitchen staff can take care of it themselves, with just a regular wipe down. The flooring is cleaned with a combination of a small rotary scrubber that can go up and down the aisles, and special mop — and it comes up like new every time. “I think the test of a happy environment is whether the staff are taking care of it, and that is certainly true here. They are thrilled with their new kitchen and very proud to be working there.”

BRINGING TOGETHER THE SUPPLY AND DEMAND SIDES OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY. • Free seminars and discussions • Take knowledge and critical insight from industry leaders and case studies back to the office • Networking and opportunities to learn from industry leaders • Make new contacts with industry leaders that can help drive your organisation forward • Discover the latest technologies • Find new products that will improve your energy efficiency • Meet energy suppliers and consultants • Get the best contracts for your energy supply and make savings for your business





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