The Obscure Alphabet Book Written, Illustrated, & Designed by: Abigayle Downs
The aye-aye has such a strange
their long, double-jointed finger to find
appearance that when it was first
bugs to eat. They do this by tapping
discovered it was thought to be a
and then listening for the bugs. Once
large species of squirrel. They have
they locate them, they use the finger
since been labeled as lemurs but are
again to scoop them out. Aye-ayes
still in a category of their own. Aye-
used to be thought of as bad luck by
Ayes live in trees and are nocturnal,
the native people of Madagascar
which means they are awake at night
where they live. This is part of why they
instead of during the day. They use
are endangered.
Habitat: Rainforest Location: Madagascar Lifespan: 10–24 Years Diet: Omnivore Scientific Name: Daubentonia madagascariensis Size: 12–15in Weight: 4–6lbs
A is for Aye-Aye Who has some strange eyes When he was first found He was quite the surprise
While babirusas are categorized as
The tusks aren’t used for fighting or
pigs, they are more closely related to
digging. The current theory is that
hippos. Babirusa means “pig deer” in
their main purpose is for attracting
Malagasy, a common Madagascar
mates. These tusks can grow up to 12
language. This name comes from
inches long and even curl back into
the resemblance of their upper tusks
the Babirusa’s skull! The tusks are so
to antlers. These tusks are the most
unique they have inspired art and
mysterious part of the babirusa and
masks in their home of Indonesia.
we have no idea why they have them.
Habitat: Rainforest Location: Indonesia Lifespan: 10–24 Years Diet: Omnivore Scientific Name: Babyrousa Celebensis Size: 3ft Weight: 220lbs
B is for Babirusa With wild tusks that grow We don’t know what they’re used for He’s not talking though
Coatimundis are clever animals
Most of a coati’s typical day consists
related to raccoons. While most of
of foraging for food. They eat
their life is spent on the ground, they
everything from bugs to fruit, some
are excellent climbers and sleep in
have even been found rummaging in
the trees. Tree are also their favorite
people’s garbage. Female coatis live
places to escape danger. Like their
in groups called bands that range
raccoon cousins, they are double-
from 10 to 30 individuals. Males,
jointed. This makes them able to
however, are solitary and are only
climb down from treetops head first!
found near others to mate.
Habitat: Jungles, Forests, Deserts Location: Central & South America Lifespan: 7–16 years Diet: Omnivore Scientific Name: Nasua Nasua Size: 13–24in Weight: 6–18lbs
Coatimundi starts with C And since her name is long Coati is a nickname To make sure we are not wrong
Dugongs are similar to manatees,
thought they were half human and
but they are smaller and have forked
half fish. Like their cousins, dugongs
tails like whales and dolphins. They
are often called sea cows because
are underwater mammals, which
of their size, gentle nature, and
means they have to come to the
herbivorous diet. Dugongs used to
surface to breathe air. Dugongs are
be hunted for their meat, oil, skin,
also thought to be the inspiration
bones, and teeth. Laws have since
for mermaids. The story goes that
been put in place to protect them
sailors saw them from a distance and
from this fate.
Habitat: Saltwater Location: Indonesia & Australia Lifespan: 50–70 years Diet: Herbivore Scientific Name: Dugong Dugon Size: 8–10ft Weight: 330–1100lbs
D stands for Dugong Swimming in the sea Less well known than his cousin The majestic manatee
Echidnas are part of the very unique
down. Another way they try to avoid
and very small family of mammals
danger is by curling up so their
that lay eggs. The only other member
spines face outward. The spines are
of this family is the platypus. When
made of keratin, the same thing our
their eggs hatch, the baby echidnas
fingernails are made of. Echidnas
are called puggles. The echidna’s
have no teeth, but they don’t need
long claws allow them to not only
them. They have long sticky tongues
dig for termites, but also to quickly
to eat bugs. Their tongues are so
escape danger by digging straight
sticky they sometimes eat dirt by
Habitat: Forest Location: New Guinea & Australia Lifespan: 15–40 Years Diet: Insectivores Scientific Name: Tachyglossus Aculeatus Size: 14–20in Weight: 9–15lbs
E is for Echidna A mammal who lays eggs! A scientific wonder With stumpy little legs
The pink fairy armadillo is the smallest
Fairy armadillos are sometimes said
armadillo in the world. It is also the
to “swim” through the sand. This is
only armadillo whose shell is almost
because of how effortless it is for
completely separate from its body.
them to dig. Their large claws are
The color of their shell is caused by
what helps them dig so easily. Fairy
their blood vessels showing through,
Armadillos are hard to find and study.
causing it to look pink. Most of their
Because of this, we are unsure whether
time is spent underground, only
they are endangered or not.
coming out at night to hunt for food.
Habitat: Grasslands & Sandy Plains Location: Argentina Lifespan: 5–10 Years Diet: Omnivores Scientific Name: Chlamyphorus truncatus Size: 3.5–4.5in Weight: 4.2oz
Fairy Armadillos start with F And they’re pink! But why would this be? What do you think?
A gharial’s diet is mainly made of
on waterways. Males don’t begin
fish, but sometimes they’ll even eat
growing their bulbous “noses” until
small animals if they wander into their
they turn 10 years old. These noses
territory. Even though gharials have
are mainly used to vocalize and blow
many teeth, there is no reason to be
bubbles in a mating display. Their
afraid of them. This is because unlike
name comes from the word “ghara”
alligators, they rarely attack humans.
which is a Hindi word for a kind of pot
Gharials cannot walk on land as well
that resembles the male gharial’s nose.
as alligators either, and are dependent
Habitat: River Location: Northern India Lifespan: 20–30 Years Diet: Carnivore Scientific Name: Gavialis Gangeticus Size: 12.5–16.5ft Weight: 330–1500lbs
G starts off Gharial Who has a bulby nose But he’s a gentle giant And will not bite your toes
Unlike most species of birds, both male
Their stinkbird nickname comes from
and female hoatzin possess colorful
the way they digest their food. Unlike
feathers. Fossils have been found that
other birds, hoatzins live exclusively
suggest hoatzins may have been alive
on leaves. Because of this, they
up to 36 million years ago. Hoatzin
have multiple small stomachs where
chicks have claws on their edge of
the leaves sit and are digested by
their wings that help them climb back
bacteria. This process causes the birds
up the tree if they fall out of the nest.
to burp out methane gas and boy, are
These claws fall off once they grow up.
they stinky!
Habitat: Swamp Location: South America Lifespan: 15–30 Years Diet: Herbivore Scientific Name: Opisthocomus hoazin Size: 25.6in Weight: 2.2lbs
H is for Hoatzin And his colorful display But he’s also known as Stinkbird So you might want to stay away
The indri has a very short, almost
used to tell which part of Madagascar
non-existent tail. This is unusual among
they come from. The more white fur an
lemurs because most species have
indri has, the farther south they live.
tails the length of their whole body.
These lemurs are also known for their
Because the indri’s tail is so short,
loud voices which they use to establish
they have to have a better sense of
territory and locate other members of
balance than other lemurs, otherwise
their group. Groups consist of parents
they could fall out of trees! The amount
and 1 to 3 of their young and are led
of white fur on an indri can also be
by the adult female.
Habitat: Rainforest Location: Madagascar Lifespan: 15–22 Years Diet: Herbivore Scientific Name: Indri Indri Size: 25–28in Weight: 13–21lbs
I is for Indri The biggest lemur of all They live in Madagascar Where in trees they like to sprawl
Jerboas can leap up to 10 feet in
animal, the kangaroo. Like most desert
a single jump! This is even more
animals, Jerboas are nocturnal and
impressive considering the largest
only come out at night to hunt. Their
of them is only 6 inches long. Their
big ears also help keep them cool in
long tails are used for balance when
their hot desert habitat. Since water is
hopping around. They also use their
scarce in the desert, they hardly ever
tails for propping themselves up
drink any. This is not dangerous for
when they stand. This is similar to a
them though as they get enough water
much larger, more familiar jumping
from the food they eat.
Habitat: Desert Location: Europe & Asia Lifespan: 2–6 Years Diet: Herbivore Scientific Name: Euchoreutes Naso Size: 2–6in Weight: 0.13–2oz
Jerboa starts with J And though he’s very small His leaps are quite impressive Up to 10 feet in all!
The kinkajou has many nicknames
in their natural habitat. Their tails
from honey bear to night walker.
are prehensile, which means they
‘Honey bear’ comes from their love of
can grab onto branches with it. They
honey and fruit, while ‘night walker’
often hang upside down from their
relates to their nocturnal nature.
tails and it also helps them balance
Their scientific name literally means
while climbing. They are also able
‘golden drinker’ because of their
to turn their feet around backwards
golden fur and love of nectar. This
which helps them run and climb in any
makes them an important pollinator
direction easily.
Habitat: Rainforest Location: Central & South America Lifespan: 20 Years Diet: Omnivore Scientific Name: Potus Flavus Size: 16-30in Weight: 3-10lbs
K stands for Kinkajou Who likes to eat honey and fruit He has lots of nicknames And is also pretty cute
Leafy sea dragons are called leafy
closely related to them. Like seahorses,
for a reason. They have fins and extra
the male leafy sea dragons are the
appendages that resemble seaweed.
ones that take care of their eggs. Leafy
These provide them with camouflage
sea dragons have no teeth or even a
that is so good, when they hang onto
stomach! Because of this they have to
plants predators often swim right by
eat constantly. They eat by sucking up
them. This camouflage also helps them
their food and swallowing it whole.
sneak up on their own prey. While sea dragons are not seahorses, they are
Habitat: Saltwater Location: Australia Lifespan: 2-10 Years Diet: Carnivore Scientific Name: Phycodurus Eques Size: 10-12in Weight: 4oz
L begins Leafy Sea Dragon A wonderful delight Predators can’t find him Even when he hides in plain sight
Mole Lizards look like snakes or
lizards are pink and turn white as they
earthworms at first glance, and their
mature. They are called mole lizards
name suggests they’re lizards. In fact,
because of their burrowing. This
they are none of these things. They
burrowing helps them regulate their
are actually amphibians. Like some
body temperature. This temperature
lizards, they can lose their tail if they
regulation combined with their warm
are attacked. However, this can only
habitat allows them to stay active all
happen once in their lives because the
year round unlike other amphibians in
tail will never grow back. Young mole
their group.
Habitat: Desert Location: Baja California Lifespan: 3 Years Diet: Insectivore Scientific Name: Bipes Biporus Size: 7-9.5in Weight: Unknown
M is for Mole Lizard Which at first seem like snakes But notice they have arms And don’t make that mistake
Nudibranchs are more commonly
influenced by the food they eat
known as sea slugs. They are an
because they absorb pigment from
essential part of their ecosystem as
their prey. Some of them even absorb
they eat decaying plant matter off the
toxins from their prey and use them
sea floor, cleaning it up. There are
as their own to defend against their
thousands of species of nudibranchs
predators. Similar to earthworms, each
that all come in different shapes and
nudibranch is male and female at the
colors. There are over 2,000 species
same time.
of nudibranch! Their colors can be
Habitat: Saltwater Location: Worldwide Lifespan: Up to 1 year Diet: Omnivore Scientific Name: Nudibranchia Size: 0.25-12in Weight: Up to 3.3lbs
Nudibranchs start with N And while they are called slugs They’re very beautiful, in fact Many want to give them hugs
Okapis may look like deer or horses,
reach leaves, the males also use them
but they are actually an older relative
to settle territory disputes. Like many
of giraffes. While they may be older,
other animals’ tails, the okapi’s tongue
they were not named their own
is prehensile and helps them grab onto
species until the 20th century due to
leaves easier. Okapis seem very quiet
their shyness. Before then they were
to us, but it has been discovered that
known as forest zebras since people
this is only because they communicate
only saw them from behind. While
with each other at a low frequency
their long necks are mainly used to
that humans can’t hear.
Habitat: Rainforest Location: Africa Lifespan: 20-30 years Diet: Herbivore Scientific Name: Okapia johnstoni Size: 4.9-6.5ft Weight: 440-660lbs
O is for Okapi The shy reclusive sort Hiding in the forest green Holding down their fort
Pangolins are often called scaly
Depending on the species, pangolins
anteaters because that’s pretty much
can live in either trees or burrows.
what they are. They have the same
Around 100,000 pangolins are
long tongues and diet as anteaters,
stolen from the wild every year. Some
but with the added protection of the
cultures consider their meat a delicacy
armadillo. Their scales allow them
and their scales are used in traditional
to curl up into a predator-proof
medicines. These actions have caused
ball. Their scales also keep growing
them to become endangered
throughout the pangolin’s lifetime.
Habitat: Rainforest, Grassland, Desert Location: Asia & Africa Lifespan: 20 years Diet: Insectivore Scientific Name: Pholidota Size: 12-30in Weight: 35-73lbs
P begins pangolin A friend with armored hide He can curl up easily So he’ll be safe inside
Quolls are nocturnal but do not
unnatural predators. They are known
hide themselves in burrows during
as opportunistic carnivores because
the day like most small, nocturnal
they will eat anything as long as it’s
animals. Instead they lay out in the
meat. They may look like a rodent,
sun. This is likely because, despite its
but they are actually marsupials like
small size, in their natural habitat the
koalas and kangaroos. Quoll’s have
quoll is at the top of the food chain.
naturally short lives, rarely surviving
With the introduction of foxes and
two breeding seasons.
cats, however, the quolls have new,
Habitat: Rainforest, Grassland, Desert Location: Austrailia Lifespan: 3–6 years Diet: Carnivore Scientific Name: Pholidota Size: 14–30in Weight: 3–15.5lbs
Q is for Quoll Who sleeps in the day He’s on top of his food chain Though small is his way
The ray shark is named because of its
and small crabs. They usually spend
resemblance in appearance to both
their time on the ocean floor where
animals. In reality, they are neither
this prey is found. Their coloration is
of these and their real name is the
adaptable and changes to help them
Bowmouth Guitarfish. They have 50
blend into their habitat. The ray shark’s
rows of teeth in both the upper and
skeleton is made of cartilage which is
lower part of their mouths! These teeth
the same stuff as our ears and the tip
pose no danger to humans though,
of our nose. This makes the ray shark’s
as their diet consists mainly of shrimp
skeleton very flexible and soft.
Habitat: Saltwater Location: Africa, Asia & Australia Lifespan: Up to 7 years Diet: Carnivore Scientific Name: Rhina ancylostoma Size: Up to 8.9ft Weight: 300lbs
R is for Ray Shark A prehistoric looking beast A strange mix of two creatures Who’s found in the east
The shoebill’s large beak is used to
communicate with its fellow birds.
catch its favorite prey, the lungfish.
They are solitary, meaning they live
These fish are long and slippery so
on their own most of the time. Even
their beak provides a bigger area
during mating season, the male and
to hold the prey. Shoebills are very
female pair will stay on opposite sides
patient and sit very still, waiting hours
of their territory. They usually lay three
for their prey. Instead of calling as
eggs, but most of the time only one
other birds do, the shoebill uses its
chick survives to adulthood due to the
beak to make clapping noises to
competitive nature of shoebills.
Habitat: Marsh, Swamp Location: Africa Lifespan: 36 years Diet: Carnivore Scientific Name: Balaeniceps rex Size: 3.8ft Weight: 1.5lbs
Shoebill starts with S His beak is large and broad He claps instead of calling So among birds he is odd
Although they don’t look much alike,
can also use their nose as a snorkel
tapirs are most closely related to
and go under the water for a longer
rhinos and horses. Their elephant-
amount of time. Tapirs have an uneven
looking noses are prehensile and used
number of toes with four on each front
to grab leaves off of bushes. They are
foot, but only three on each of the
even strong enough to help them pick
back feet. Young tapirs have stripes to
fruit. Tapirs are good swimmers and
help camouflage them from predators.
like to live near water where they will cool down or eat aquatic plants. They
Habitat: Forest Location: South America & Asia Lifespan: 20–25 years Diet: Herbivore Scientific Name: Tapirus Size: 39–59in Weight: 330–700lbs
T starts out Tapir A quiet forest dweller His nose can grab things for him Now that’s a funny smeller!
Uakaris are most known for their bright
comparison to other monkey species.
faces that can range from pink to red.
They have learned to balance without
It is believed the color is meant to be
the extra tail length. Female uakaris
attractive to mates. Their faces lighten
are considered adults at three years
if they are sick, so it is easy to tell how
old, but males don’t become adults
healthy an individual is. They may also
until age six. They live in groups of
change color based on excitement or
10–30 members, but some have been
emotion. While they are considered
found with as many as 100 members
monkeys, they have very short tails in
in one group.
Habitat: Rainforest Location: The Amazon Lifespan: 16–22 years Diet: Omnivore Scientific Name: Cacajao Size: 15–22.5in Weight: 6.5–7.75lbs
U is for Uakari Swinging in the trees His face is very colorful And his fur sways in the breeze
Viperfish live in the deep sea around
help camouflage them from predators
9,000 feet deep or sometimes deeper!
below because they appear similar
It is very dark down there since
to the light coming from above. Their
light from the sun has a hard time
fangs are too big for their mouths and
reaching that depth. Because of this,
stay on the outside when closed. The
the viperfish has a light that it uses
viperfish ‘s skull can rotate to swallow
like an anglerfish to lure in prey. They
large prey. They are also able to go
also have small lights on the sides of
without food for days if needed.
their body. It is believed these lights
Habitat: Saltwater Location: Worldwide Lifespan: 15–30 years Diet: Carnivore Scientific Name: Chauliodus sloani Size: Up to 13.5in Weight: 8oz
V is for Viperfish Living in the deep sea He glows so he can see down there Since its a very dark place to be
Walpurtis, more commonly known as
day! Since their diet is mainly termites
numbats, are marsupials but do not
they have no need to chew their food
have traditional pouches to carry their
and their teeth are shaped like blunt
babies. Instead, they are small enough
pegs. They rarely drink water because
to fit under wrinkles in their skin! Like
they get enough from the termites they
zebras, each numbat has its own
eat. Walpurtis are solitary animals
unique pattern of bands on its back.
who only meet during mating season.
Adult walpurtis mainly eat termites. They eat an average of 20,000 a
Habitat: Forest, Grassland Location: Australia Lifespan: 4–8 years Diet: Insectivore Scientific Name: Myrmecobius Fasciatus Size: 13–18in Weight: 10–19oz
Walpurti starts with W But that’s just a nickname His common name is numbat But we love him all the same
There’s not much known about the
been put on upside down because
xenop. They have a short, high-pitched
the lower part is bigger than the top.
call and there are three species. They
Xenops live in pairs, however, these
all make their homes in dead trees
pairs are found within flocks that
using their beaks to make a hole in
have many different species of bird in
a way similar to woodpeckers. They
them, not just other xenops. They have
also use their beak to dig into wood
been seen hanging upside down on
to find insects to eat. Some people
branches, probably to get a better
say the xenop’s beak looks as if it has
angle to dig for bugs.
Habitat: Forest Location: Central & South America Lifespan: Unknown Diet: Insectivore Scientific Name: Xenops minutus Size: 5in Weight: 4oz
X is for Xenop A little singing bird There’s not much that we know of him Except in forests he can be heard
The yeti crabs is a recently discovered
the yeti crabs find it a good place to
species that was first found in 2005.
live. Their furry claws are unique and
They live deep in the Arctic Ocean
also help protect them from the cold
at a depth over 7,500 feet. They live
artic waters they live in. This fur also
near what are known as ‘hydrothermal
attracts and grows the bacteria that
vents’. These vents are where the
they eat to survive. Yeti crabs have
earth’s crust splits because of lava
colorless eyes and it is believed they
underneath it. This lava then begins to
may be totally blind.
heat the water around it which is why
Habitat: Saltwater Location: Antarctica Lifespan: Unknown Diet: Carnivore Scientific Name: Kiwa tyleri Size: 6in Weight: 2–5lbs
Y begins Yeti Crab Whose discover isn’t old His furry claws protect him From his habitat that’s cold
Zebus are one of the smallest species
The hump was originally thought to
of cow and the only species able to
store water like a camel. However, it
survive in the tropical regions where
has been found to be made of mostly
they’re found. Their name comes from
muscle. Zebus are thought to be the
the word “ceba”, which is a Tibetan
oldest domesticated species of cow.
word meaning “hump”. This is due
In some countries, such as India and
to the large hump near the front of
Madagascar, zebus are considered
their backs. Ancestors of the zebu are
sacred and are only eaten on special
believed to have not had this hump.
occasion or sometimes not at all.
Habitat: Jungles, Plains Location: Asia & Africa Lifespan: 12–16 Years Diet: Herbivore Scientific Name: Bos Primigenius Indicus Size: 34–42in Weight: 331–440lbs
Z is for Zebu The smallest kind of cow Who lives in tropic climates And does work like plow
Glossary Amphibian - A class of animals that
Habitat - The kind of area where an
live both on land and in the water
animal is naturally found
Camouflage - A defense mechanism
Herbivore - An animal that eats plants
that helps animals hide from predators Carnivore - An animal that eats meat
Insectivore - An animal that eats insects Mammal - A class of animals that have
Ecosystem - The society surrounding an
hair, do not lay eggs, and whose babies
animal in its natural habitat
drink milk
Endangered - In danger of
Marsupial - Mammals that have a
disappearing completely
pouch for their young
Food Chain - The system of predators
Nocturnal - Awake at night and asleep
and prey that exists in an animal’s
during the day
natural habitat
Omnivore - An animal that eats both plants and meat Predator - Carnivorous animals that pose a danger to smaller animals Prehensile - Able to grab onto things Prey - Animals that are eaten by a larger, carnivorous animal
Information collected from: Animals, A. A-Z Animals - Animal Facts, Pictures and Resources. Retrieved from Explore Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from Home. Retrieved from Stories of Animals, Nature, and Culture. Retrieved from https://www. Smithsonian’s National Zoo. Retrieved from
The Alphabet is mysterious Animals are too This book is full of creatures You might not find in your zoo