Europe Identity Reverse Design
During this project we are focusing on doing a reverse design for Erope Identity. I starting with designing the logos and symbles which related to Europe and/or the European Union by make numbers of different sketches to show how the process is and how I understand Europ from Chinese perspective.
When I was in China I thought EU is like a whole unit, but after I arrived Holland, I heard from lots of Europen complain that they don't feel "European" even thry are European. Base on the different understanding of "European" I am going to make a visualization to "help" European feel more like a union.
The outline The blurry the better.
The connection --Chinese perspective
In China there are 12 different signs in the astrology system, each sign is connected to a certain element for example animals or time, which defines peoples lives in different ways. Like we have seasons, the Chinese look to these symbols to start planting corn, rice or harvest their fruit. The Chinese connect their stars and put them together to form symbolic meanings rather than look at the stars individual.
The connection Can be Powerful
The connection can be the power of your body. In China, we believe that there are 12 main points with 2 other special points in human body. If you connect them all together, Your whole body will feel powerful and energetic.
The connection
Can be Powerful
Transfere the same concepture into a dress
The connection Can be Powerful
The connection can build up more connections. Idea sharing, culture inosculating, economic cooperation.
Souvenir for Europe New symbols for European identity
Project Introduction: Based on the final joint mission statement: a, design one or more souvenirs for Europe b, design a lettertype /font using as a starting point the existing EU font > PF square Sans Pro2 and contributing to your visual identity for Europe c, design a case movie3 in which the souvenir(s) is/are presented and the lettertype is applied. The maximum duration is 5 minutes. d, The identity should relate to one of the three perspectives researched in the first 4 weeks, Continent, Nation or Citizen.
1, Continent: Europe in relation to other world powers 2, Nation: Europe as a collection of various nations/ countries. 3. Citizen: ‘I am a European’ – or am I a European?
Background Introduction: During this project I work wirh two other designers, one is from the Netherland, another is from Brazil. Comparing the situations of Asia, south America and Europe we realized we have the same issues to deal: countries don’t feel united as a continent provinces don’t feel united as a country. We are focusing on the individuality within the countries of Europe. We want to celebrate each individual part, trough a combined identity.
Identity Diffferent prespective will shows up different view
MIssion Statement We feel that the current European identity does not celebrate the diversity of Europe. The current identity focuses on unity, harmony and solidarity among the people of Europe. We want to focus on the individuality of different identities. Celebrate each individual part, trough a combined identity. Europe is not carved in stone; there are still countries that want to join the Europe. Everyday non-Europeans become Europeans and refugees apply for asylums.
Europe is a place where different nationalities from all over the world connect, trough work, study or recreation, or other purposes. These non-Europeans are living in Europe shouldn’t they be able to identify themselves with the European identity even do they are not Europeans on paper? Shouldn’t everyone be able to identify themselves with Europe for different reasons? We want to design an identity that everyone around the world can connect to, European or nonEuropean.
Souvenir for Europe Inspiration
In China we have a toy which use for Childen play with, which can help kids thinking motivitive. We call this as KongMing Locker. Which stand for wise, connection, unite. Base on this myth, I think this "shape" can bring European connect to each other.
Souvenir for Europe Inspiration
Back to our mission statement, Europe is not carved in stone; there are still countries that want to join the Europe. Everyday non-Europeans become Europeans and refugees apply for asylums. Europe is a place where different nationalities from all over the world connect, trough work, study or recreation, or other purposes. Each brick stand for a country, when they group together then stand for a whole Europe. The shape of the group is changeable which considered about each year there are different countries which wants to join in Europe.
Each brick connected to the shape of the country map
Souvenir for Europe Jewelry
Non-Europeans are living in Europe shouldn’t they be able to identify themselves with the European identity even do they are not Europeans on paper? I am from China and I am living in Europe, study, meet Eurpean friends, eat Europe food, speak their language. Should I also identity myself as an European?