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ARevolutionaryDisruptiveinnovation!ATOMbringsan Americanpatentedexplosionpreventionsystemthat's hailedastheultimatedefenseagainstfuelandgastank explosions that could drive efficiency and safety agendascriticaltomankind.

Harnessing such breakthrough technology from Atom’s range of solutions, companies would benefit within their operations across Petroleum, Military, Security, Power, Automotive,Aviation,andMarinesegments

Companies can significantly cover their ESG risks related to explosions and rapid-fire enabling the industries to managetheenvironmentfarmoreefficiently Atomoffers complete protection from explosions in fuel tanks regardlessofanycompromisetotanksbeitinaccidents, natural disasters, or arson SAVING LIFE, ASSET & THE ENVIRONMENTPARAMOUNT.

Innovation Awards Finalist

Accelerating environmental sustainability in the food and beverage industry.

PepsiCo is at the forefront of the sustainable food supplychaingloballyandintheMiddleEast.Webelieve there is an opportunity to change how the world produces,distributes,consumes,anddisposesoffoods andbeverages

In line with the ambitious sustainability goals, in 2021, PepsiCo launched the first MENA edition of the UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environment and Food Tech Valley. The Program selected 10 start-ups from across the region and supported them with a $20,000 grant and a mentorship program to accelerate sustainable packaging and recycling, driving forward pep+ goals to help build a circular and inclusive value chain.Attheendoftheprogram,Nadeerawasselected asawinnerandreceivedagrantof$100k,inadditionto otherbenefits,tocontinueitsexpansion

Sustainability Awards Finalist

Weworkwithcompaniesandcommunitiestoachieve circularityinwastemanagementandprofitsareused to fund social impact activities 50% is kept as retained earnings to be utilized for expansion or to support social impact activities in the event of a bad financial year YFC started in Feb 2022 – 1 month beforecovid InApril,thelockdowncommenced Asa start-up, the business should have closed down However, it was the passion of the various team members and our clients who share the common belief of the guiding principles of incorporating people, planet and profits, as well as in the belief in ourmissionpurposethatresultedinthecompanynot onlysurvivingbutgrowingsubstantially

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