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NEWLY LAUNCHED Sustainability Committee


3M and AmCham Dubai hosted a sustainability roundtable with an agenda to reiterate the urgency to collaborate and act on the dialogues for combating climate change The roundtable was hosted at the newly inaugurated 3M offices inDubai

As a partner of COP27, 3M is committed to showcasing sustainability within its business operations and achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. With Laszlo Svinger, Vice President & ManagingDirectorof3MMiddleEast&Africa,has been recently appointed as Chair of AmCham Dubai’sSustainabilityCommittee.

TheroundtablewasledbyDr.GayleSchueller,GlobalSVP&ChiefSustainabilityOfficerat3Malong with Laszlo Svinger, Vice President Managing Director Middle East & Africa at 3M, and Chair of the AmChamDubai’sSustainabilityCommitteeandCaraNazari,ManagingDirector

It was also attended by the key decision-makers and movers of the sustainability industry in the UnitedArabEmirates.ThisyearatCOP27,scienceisakeyfocusforallthepartners.

Members toured 3M’s Innovation Center and the committee will continue to explore and highlight businessinnovationcentersaspartofthecommittee’smandate.

Human Resources Committee

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