by Bríd O’Rourke & Denise O’Connor
Before Reading
Say the sounds
These are so unds that have already been covered in previous books. Encourage the child to point to each sound as they say it.

After Reading
Ask your friend a question about the book using one of these question words
Find a word in the book that rhymes with Look
Scavenger Hunt
Character Description How would you describe this character?
Written by Bríd O’Rourke & Denise O’Connor
by Phillip Cullen

Text © Bríd O’Rourke & Denise O’Connor 2021
Illustrations © Phillip Cullen 2021 www.phildrawsthings.com
by Lisa O’Mahony
All rights reserved
No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or transmitted in any form or b y any me ans, without written permission of the copyright owner
Olly the Owl lived next to a round tower.
He was proud of his house.
He had the best flowers in town.

“Harry, look at my crown!” Olly said out loud and he took a bow.
Harry the brown mouse had a big snout and a long gown.
“Wow! Will you come to my house?” Harry said, with a shout.

Harry lived down in the town.
Her house was not like Olly’s house. Her house was a mess. It was all wet.

The ground was wet, her cow was wet and the towel in the shower was wet.

“Harry, your flowers are about to drown,” said Olly.

“My pot fell and now the spout will not work,” said Harry, with a frown.
“What is that sound?”

“Sprouts! Sprouts! Come get your sprouts!” Sam the trout was on her rounds.
“Six pounds of the best sprouts! Do not crowd around me,” Sam said.

“Do not be sour, Harry. Will you allow me to help you?” Sam said.
“Put a sprout in the spout. Then what is in the pot cannot come out and you can fix it.”

“That put a stop to it,” said Olly.
“Now, I will get you a good spout.” He got his crown and took a bit off the top. He curled it around in his hand.

He got grout and put the spout on the pot. He left it on the ground to set. Then the spout worked!
“Now, let’s have a cup!” said Harry.
Get back to the start!
Olly’s house
Go to Harry’s house. It is about to drown.
Go down town to Harry’s house.
Go to Harry. She has a long gown.
Go back to Sam the Trout for a sprout.
Go to the crown.
Go back to Olly’s house now.
Get back to the start!
Go to Olly’s house.
You forgot Olly’s flowers. Go back to them.

Go back to Olly’s brown house.

Go back to Harry’s house.
Go to Olly’s flowers. The best in town!