Ready Steady Go Mental Maths 1st Class

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Just Rewards Publications Letterkenny Co Donegal ISBN: 978 19 131 37038 Š Just Rewards 2019 Design: Nicolette Culloo

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HOW TO USE THIS BOOK Ready Steady Go Maths is a Mental Maths programme for 1st to 6th Class primary school pupils. The programme is unique in that it actually teaches pupils the strategies and skills required to calculate and to solve mathematical problems mentally, thereby enabling pupils to fully engage with the Primary School Mathematics Curriculum. Ready Steady Go Maths gives pupils a variety of approaches and strategies to make mental calculations using a step by step approach, appropriate to each class level and helps consolidate their problems solving skills. The Ready Steady Go Maths programme is laid out in an easy to follow structure. The programme contains 160 units for each class level. There are 5 weekly lessons (Monday – Friday) rolled out over a period of 32 weeks each school year. The Ready Steady Go Maths programme may be used as a warm-up ahead of existing daily Maths lessons. It may also be used as a stand-alone programme to teach Mental Maths or as assigned nightly homework. Whatever way Ready Steady Go Maths is used, the programme is the ideal complement to the Primary School Mathematics Curriculum.

Self-assessment At the end of each page there is a self-assessment section which gives pupils the opportunity to reflect on their learning and which provides useful feedback to the teacher on how each pupil is progressing. Mondays Monday lessons focus entirely on Target Board activities which are ideal for teaching the language of Mathematics in general and the language of Number and Problem Solving in particular, in a fun and stimulating way. Pupils are provided with opportunities to explore the relationship between numbers and to consolidate mathematical learning through a variety of easy to follow questions.

Tuesdays Tuesday lessons focus on the Counting Stick, Number Strips and the Hundred Square. Pupils are introduced to counting forwards and backwards and thereby exploring number patterns and the relationships between numbers.


Wednesday Wednesday lessons focus on problem solving. Pupils are introduced to the characters of Danny and Sarah through a series of interesting Mathematical stories and word problems based on these stories. They also learn strategies for problem solving and get the opportunities to practise these strategies through different types of problem solving such as Practical Tasks, Puzzles and Word Problems. In the 4th, 5th and 6th Class books, pupils are given a number of real life problems and investigations to research and solve online using information technology.

Thursday Thursday lessons develop pupils’ mental maths skills by teaching the pupils a variety of strategies for making mental calculations. The pupils are then provided with opportunities to apply these skills and strategies with structured questions based on the skill being developed.

Fridays Friday lessons focus on developing pupils’ all round mental abilities through a series of simple but challenging questions which consolidates work already done through the Ready Steady Go Maths programme.

Worked Examples Pupils are provided with worked examples throughout the Ready Steady Go Maths programme to demonstrate the skills and strategies being developed and which enables pupils to work independently of the teacher Supplementary Materials Large Class Target Boards incorporating the Target Boards in the pupil books are available to teachers in order to conduct class lessons. These Class Target Boards also contain a series of new Target Boards and activities not available in the pupil books which are extremely valuable in consolidating learning and in differentiating for pupils according to ability. There is also a supplementary Teacher Manual for each class level containing the answers to all questions in the respective class pupil books.


3 1 11

7 10 4

9 8 0

5. What is the biggest number on the second row?

2 6 5

_____________________ 6. What is the smallest number on the second row?

_____________________ 2. What is the biggest number on the first row? _____________________ 3. What is the smallest number on the first row? _____________________ 4. Put the numbers on the first row in order starting with the smallest: _____________________


_____________________ 9. Put the numbers on the third row in order starting with the smallest: _____________________ 10. What is the biggest number on the Target Board?

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6. Fill in the missing number.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

_____________________ 3. Colour the number three blue.

_____________________ 4. Colour the number nine orange _____________________ 5. Fill in the missing number. _____________________










_____________________ 7. Fill in the missing number. _____________________ 8. Fill in the missing numbers. _____________________ 9. Fill in the missing numbers.



TUESDAY: Counting Stick


_____________________ 2. Colour the number seven red.


_____________________ 8. What is the biggest number on the third row?


1. Colour the number four green.


_____________________ 7. Put the numbers on the second row in order starting with the smallest:

MONDAY: Target Boards

1. How many numbers are on the first row?

_____________________ 10. Fill in the missing numbers.






It is Saturday morning. Danny wakes up and looks at the clock. It is time to get up. Today his Dad is taking him to the beach.

5. How old is Danny? _____________________ 6. How many books does Danny put in the bag? _____________________ 7. How many books does Danny bring for Sarah?

Beach Trip

_____________________ 1. What day will it be tomorrow?


_____________________ 2. What day was it yesterday? _____________________ 3. What time does Danny get up?

At the beach, Danny sees 5 boys and 2 girls paddling in the water. Sarah and Danny go into the water too. The water is lovely and warm. They play ball games with the other children. When they come out of the water, it is 3 o clock. They have been in the water for 2 hours. They are tired but have had a great day at the beach.


_____________________ Danny packs his bag. His sister is coming too. His sister is 2 years older than Danny. She is called Sarah and is 8 years old. Danny and Sarah like reading. Danny puts 7 books in the bag, 3 books for himself and the rest are for Sarah. They will read the books in Dad’s car on the way to the beach.

8. How many children does Danny see paddling in the water? _____________________ 9. When Sarah and Danny go into the water, how many children are in the water then altogether? _____________________ 10. At what time did Danny and Sarah go into the water?

4. How old is Sarah? _____________________ _____________________


WEEK 1 6. Ann has 5 crayons and Mike has 2 crayons. How many crayons altogether?

4 + 2 = _____________________

_____________________ 7. Peter has 4 books and Kate has 3 books. How many books altogether?



















_____________________ 9. Maria has 5 flowers and Jess also has 5 flowers. How many flowers altogether?


_____________________ 10. Dara and Ben walk along the beach. Dara gathers 4 shells and Ben gathers 5 shells. How many shells do they gather altogether?

_____________________ 4.



_____________________ 8. Barry has 2 balloons and Harry has 4 balloons. How many balloons altogether?

_____________________ 3.



_____________________ 5.

6 + 2 = _____________________ 11 12 1 1. 10 2 9 3 It is O’Clock 8 4 7 6 5 _____________________ 2. comes just before 7 The number _____________________ 3. What number comes next ?

4. Dan has 3 pencils and Pam has 4 pencils. How many pencils altogether?


8. Who has more? BARRY


_____________________ 9.

5 + = 10 _____________________ 10. There are

dogs altogether.

_____________________ 5. Draw a circle around the person who has 10?

_____________________ 11. A rectangle has sides. _____________________ 12. Colour 6 circles

_____________________ 6. Circle the heavier one.

_____________________ 13. True or False. 8 comes just before 7?

_____________________ 7.

4+4= _____________________

FRIDAY: Challenge

5 6 7 8 _____________________

THURSDAY: Addition Activities


_____________________ 14.

2 + =8 _____________________ 8


MONDAY: Target Boards

4 2 0

8 11 5

10 9 1

3 7 6

1. How many numbers are on the second row? _____________________ 2. How many numbers are on the second column? _____________________ 3. What is the biggest number on the second column?

_____________________ 6. What is the smallest number on the third column? _____________________ 7. Put the numbers on the first row in order starting with the biggest: _____________________ 8. What two numbers on the fourth column add up to 10?


= 10


= 11



_____________________ 9. What two numbers on the first row add up to 11?

_____________________ 4. What is the smallest number on the second column?

_____________________ 10. Make a number sentence using 3 numbers on the second row:




2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. Colour the number five green.

TUESDAY: Counting Stick

5. What is the biggest number on the fourth column?

6. Fill in the missing number.


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

_____________________ 2. Colour the number eight red. _____________________ 3. Colour the number six blue.

_____________________ 4. Colour the number ten Orange _____________________ 5. Fill in the missing number.








_____________________ 7. Fill in the missing numbers.




_____________________ 8. Fill in the missing numbers.



_____________________ 9. Fill in the missing numbers.


_____________________ 10. Fill in the missing numbers.





5. How many more goals does Danny’s team score than the other team? goals _____________________ 6. If Danny’s team scored 2 more goals, how many goals would they have scored?


goals _____________________ After break the children go back into class. Teacher asks Sarah to give out the copybooks. There are 3 red copies, 4 blue copies and 7 green copies.


It is the month of September. Danny and Sarah are back at school. School starts at 9 o’clock. Danny and Sarah work hard until break-time at 11 o’clock.

1. What month is it?

At School

_____________________ 2. What month will it be next? _____________________ 3. For how long do Danny and Sarah work hard before break-time? hours _____________________ At break-time Danny plays football with his friends. Danny’s team wins by 6 goals to 4. Danny scores 3 of his team’s goals..

7. How many red and blue copies altogether? copies _____________________ 8. How many blue and green copies altogether? copies _____________________ 9. How many red and green copies altogether? copies _____________________ 10. What colour are the copies that there are most of?

4. How many goals are scored altogether in the match?


goals _____________________


WEEK 2 6.












THURSDAY: Count & Add

_____________________ 2.

_____________________ 3.













_____________________ 10.

= 11 12 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 7 6 5

It is O’Clock _____________________

2. The number comes just before 9 _____________________ 3. What number comes next?

FRIDAY: Challenge


_____________________ 9.

_____________________ 5.



_____________________ 8.

_____________________ 4.



_____________________ 7.


8. Make a number sentence using the following numbers: 9, 3, 6



_____________________ 9. Who has less?

7 6 5 4 _____________________

Pippa Zippy _____________________ 10. There are cones altogether.

_____________________ 5. Draw a circle around the person who has 10?

_____________________ 11. A triangle has sides. _____________________ 12. Colour the second box green

4. True or False. 7 comes just after 6?




_____________________ 6. Circle the lighter one.

_____________________ 13.


_____________________ 7.




_____________________ 14. Mandy has 5 crayons, Sam has 2 crayons and Jess has 2 pencils. How many crayons altogether? _____________________



5 0 2

6 8 11

10 1 4

3 9 7

_____________________ 2. What is the smallest number on the second column? _____________________ 3. Put the numbers on the second row in order starting with the smallest:






= 11


= 11



_____________________ 6. Make a number sentence using 3 numbers on the second row: _____________________ 7. What two numbers on the third column add up to 11? _____________________ 8. What two numbers on the first row add up to 11?

_____________________ 4. Put the numbers on the fourth column in order starting with the biggest:

_____________________ 9. Find three numbers on the Target Board that add up to 10:







_____________________ 7. Fill in the missing numbers.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 _____________________

_____________________ 8. Fill in the missing numbers.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 _____________________

_____________________ 9. Fill in the missing numbers.

3. Colour the number that comes just after 9 blue 4. Colour the number that comes just after 5 green

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

_____________________ 5. Colour the number that comes just after 7 brown










_____________________ 10. Fill in the missing numbers.




TUESDAY: Counting Stick

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6. Fill in the missing numbers.

_____________________ 2. Colour the number that comes just after 3 red


= 10

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. Colour the number that comes just after 6 orange


MONDAY: Target Boards

1. What is the biggest number on the second row?

5. Make a number sentence using 3 numbers on the third row:



2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10




Today is the 9th of September. It is Danny’s birthday. He is 7 years old today.

5. How many friends does Danny invite altogether to his party? _____________________ 6. How many children come to the party?




_____________________ 7. How many more boys than girls does Danny invite to the party? 1. What month is it? _____________________ 2. On what day of the week is Danny’s birthday? _____________________ 3. How many Mondays are in September?

_____________________ 8. How many more presents does Danny need to make 10 presents? _____________________ Danny’s Mum brings out the cake. There are 4 candles on the cake. Danny looks at the cake. “No…”, shouts Danny. “There should be 7 candles on the cake.”

_____________________ 4. What age was Danny yesterday? _____________________ Danny invites 9 boys and 3 girls from his class to his party. They all come except Luke. Luke cannot come as he is sick. 6 of the children bring presents. 9. How many candles are on the cake? _____________________ 10. How many more candles does Danny’s Mum need to put on the cake? _____________________









1. Write the first letter of car (box 1) _____________________ 2. Write the third letter of orange (box 2) _____________________ 3. Write the second letter of brown (box 3) _____________________ 4. Write the fourth letter of star (box 4) _____________________ 5. Write the second letter of box (box 5) _____________________ 6. Write the sixth letter of rabbit (box 6)




Amy Ben Jack Cora Emily 7. Who has the number that comes just after 1?


_____________________ 8. Who has the number that comes just after 9? _____________________ 9. Who has the number that comes just after 7?

THURSDAY: Number Work



_____________________ 10. Who has the number that comes just after 3? _____________________

1. What number comes between 8 and 10?

8. Draw a circle around the person who has 10?

_____________________ 2. Colour the sixth square blue. _____________________ 9. The number 6 comes between 5 and

_____________________ 6. What number comes just before 10?

_____________________ 10. A square has sides. _____________________ 11. In a race, Joe came 4th and Jan came 6th. Elsa finished between Joe and Jan. Where did Elsa come? th _____________________ 12. Draw a circle around the smallest number.

_____________________ 7.

13. Colour the shape that comes between the square and the circle.


7 6 5


_____________________ 5. John has 5 marbles. Maria has 2 marbles more than John. How many marbles has Maria?

5 +0+4= _____________________

FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ 2. 3 more than 6 is _____________________ 4. 11 12 1 2 It is O’Clock 910 3

10 6 7 5 _____________________




MONDAY: Target Boards

4 2 9

8 11 5

6 0 1

3 7 10

1. Put the numbers on the first row in order starting with the smallest: _____________________ 2. Put the numbers on the third row in order starting with the biggest: _____________________ My target number today is 10. Look at all the numbers on the first row. 3. What must I add to 4 to reach 10? _____________________ 4. What must I add to 8 to reach 10? _____________________

5. What must I add to 6 to reach 10? _____________________ 6. What must I add to 3 to reach 10? _____________________ My target number today is 10. Look at all the numbers on the second row. Add or Take Away? 7. What must I do to 2 to reach 10? _____________________ 8. What must I do to 11 to reach 10? _____________________ 9. What must I do to 0 to reach 10? _____________________ 10. What must I do to 7 to reach 10? _____________________

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1. Colour the number that comes just before 10 red

TUESDAY: Counting Stick

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

_____________________ 2. Colour the number that comes just before 7 orange

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

_____________________ 3. Colour the number that comes just before 9 blue

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

_____________________ 4. Colour the number that comes just before 11 brown

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 _____________________ 5. Colour the number that comes just before 5 green 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


6. Draw a circle around the number that comes just before 6:

3 7 5 4 _____________________

7. Draw a circle around the number that comes just before 9:

7_____________________ 8 10 6

8. Draw a circle around the number that comes just before 7:

8 4 5 6 _____________________

9. Draw a circle around the number that comes just before 4:

3 5 7 9 _____________________

10. Draw a circle around the number that comes just before 11:

8 6 10 9




4. How many monkeys do Danny and Sarah see altogether? _____________________ 5. How many monkeys are eating bananas? _____________________ 6. How many monkeys are not eating bananas?


_____________________ 7 giraffes are eating leaves. 3 more giraffes come to join them. 1. How much change does Danny get?



_____________________ 2. How many legs have the 2 lions? _____________________ 3. How many legs would 3 lions have? _____________________ Danny and Sarah go to see the monkeys. Danny sees 6 monkeys and Sarah sees another 5 monkeys. 7 of the monkeys are eating bananas.


Danny and Sarah go to the zoo. They arrive at 2 o’clock. It costs 12c to get in. Danny gives the lady 15c. When he gets his change, he puts it in his pocket. “Oh look”, shouts Sarah. “Look at the 2 lions”.

7. How many giraffes altogether? _____________________ 8. Draw a circle around the tallest giraffe in the picture. _____________________ Danny and Sarah leave the zoo at 5 o’clock. They had a great day. 9. How long did Danny and Sarah spend at the zoo?







THURSDAY: Number Work

Sean Ann





Peter Conor

1. Who has the number that comes just before 5?

5. Who has the number that comes just before 8? _____________________ 6. Who has 10? Draw a circle around all the children who have 10


_____________________ 2. Who has the number that comes just before 10? _____________________ 3. Who has the number that comes just before 7? _____________________ 4. Who has the number that comes just before 3?










1. What number comes just after 10?

FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ 2. Colour the ninth square green. _____________________ 3. 5 more than 6 is _____________________ 4. Show 2 o’clock 11 12 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 7 6 5

_____________________ 5.

4 + = 11 _____________________

7. Draw a circle around the person who has 11

5 +5

8 +3

2 +8

_____________________ 8. Draw a circle around the biggest number

6 8 7 9 5 _____________________ 9. Write the missing number.

7 8

10 11

_____________________ 10. If I have 3 counters, how many more counters do I need to fill a 10 Frame?

6. Sean goes to school with 11 crayons. He comes home with 9 crayons. How many crayons are missing?

_____________________ 11. There are 7 children in a race. Tess finishes last. Ray finishes just in front of Tess. Where does Ray finish? th


_____________________ 12.


5 + 1 = 1 + _____________________ 17


2 5 11

4 9 6

1 12 7

3 8 10





_____________________ My target number today is 12. Look at all the numbers on the first row. 2. What must I add to 2 to reach 12?

_____________________ 6. Take away the smallest number on the second row from the biggest number on the second row: _____________________ 7. Take away the smallest number on the third row from the biggest number on the third row: _____________________ 8. Take away the smallest number on the fourth column from the biggest number on the fourth column:

_____________________ 3. What must I add to 4 to reach 12?

_____________________ 9. I am a number on the first row and on the second column. What number am I?

_____________________ 4. What must I add to 1 to reach 12?

_____________________ 10. I am a number on the third row and on the third column. What number am I?


MONDAY: Target Boards

1. Add all the numbers on the first row

5. What must I add to 3 to reach 12?


3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1. What number comes between 6 and 8?

6. Fill in the missing number.




_____________________ 2. What number comes between 3 and 5?

_____________________ 7. Fill in the missing number.

_____________________ 3. What number comes between 5 and 7?

_____________________ 8. Fill in the missing numbers.

_____________________ 4. What number comes between 10 and 12?

_____________________ 9. Fill in the missing numbers.

_____________________ 5. What number comes between 9 and 11?

_____________________ 10. Fill in the missing numbers.




TUESDAY: Counting Stick








& Gretel (Part 1)

Hansel and Gretel live in the forest. Hansel is 7 and Gretel is 6. They are very happy. They have lots of trees around their house. They have 8 trees in the front garden and 5 trees in the back garden.

5. How many stones had Hansel and Gretel dropped after 9 steps? _____________________ Hansel and Gretel saw 2 squirrels gathering nuts. One squirrel gathered 4 nuts and the other squirrel gathered 5 nuts. 6. How many nuts did the squirrels gather altogether?

1. Who is younger, Hansel or Gretel? _____________________ 2. How many trees do they have altogether?

_____________________ Hansel and Gretel got lost in the forest. They came to a house made of sweets. Hansel ate 4 red sweets and 4 yellow sweets. Gretel ate 3 blue sweets and 6 yellow sweets.

_____________________ 3. How many less trees are in the back garden than in the front garden? _____________________ Hansel and Gretel’s Dad took them for a walk into the forest. They dropped a stone after 1 step, after 3 steps, after 5 steps, after 7 steps, after 9 steps………

7. How many sweets did Hansel eat? _____________________ 8. How many sweets did Gretel eat? _____________________ 9. How many yellow sweets did they eat?

4. After how many steps will Hansel and Gretel drop the next stone? after steps _____________________


_____________________ 10. How many more sweets did Hansel eat than Gretel? _____________________

WEEK 5 2












Tom Cormac Pat Maria




1. Who has the number between 1 and 3?

6. Who is standing between Pat and Amy?

_____________________ 2. Who has the number between 2 and 4?


_____________________ 3. Who has the number between 5 and 7?

7. _____________________

_____________________ 4. Who has the number between 8 and 10? _____________________ 5. Who is standing between Luke and Tom? _____________________

Making 12



= 12


= 12


+ 6 = 12



+ 9 = 12

10. _____________________

1. What number comes just after 11?

8. Circle the person with the smallest number.

_____________________ 2. 3 more than 9 is _____________________ 3. How many?

_____________________ 9. Draw a circle around the biggest number.





_____________________ 10. Write the missing number.


12 =5+ _____________________

12 11 10 _____________________

5. Colour the fifth triangle.

12. Show 6 o’clock.

_____________________ 6. Daragh has 10c. A lollipop costs 12c. How much more does Daragh need?

_____________________ 13.

c 12c _____________________ 7. Draw a circle around the person who has 12?

14. Anna made a jump of 3 along her counting stick. Then she made a secret jump and landed on 9. How long was her secret jump?


11 12 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 7 6 5

4 + 5 + = 12 _____________________

FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ 4.

THURSDAY: Number Work


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 _____________________



MONDAY: Target Boards

6 12 5

4 1 7

8 3 11

2 9 10

1. What two numbers on the first row can you add to make 12?


= 12


= 12


= 12


= 12

_____________________ 2. What two numbers on the second row can you add to make 12?





= 12

_____________________ 6. Make a number sentence using all the numbers in the third column: _____________________ 7. Write a short number story for the number sentence in Q6:

_____________________ 3. What two numbers on the third row can you add to make 12? _____________________ 4. What two numbers on the fourth column can you add to make 12? _____________________

1 3+


_____________________ 2. Point to the number 2. How many do I count on to get to the number 6?



_____________________ 3. Point to the number 4. How many do I count on to get to the number 9?






= 10

_____________________ 4. Point to the number 5. How many do I count on to get to the number 8?

_____________________ 5. Point to the number 6. How many do I count on to get to the number 10? _____________________


_____________________ 8. Take away the smallest number on the first row from the biggest number on the first row: _____________________

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. Point to the number 3. How many do I count on to get to the number 5?

TUESDAY: Counting Stick

5. The numbers on one of the columns all add up to 12. Find the column and then finish the number sentence:

6. Point to the number 3. How many do I count on to get to the number 9?

3 + =9 _____________________

7. There are 3 balls on the 10 Frame. A full frame has 10 balls. How many more balls do you need to make 10? Complete the number sentence:

3 + = 10 _____________________

8. There are 5 stars on the 10 Frame. A full frame has 10 stars. How many more stars do you need to make 10? Complete the number sentence:


= 10

_____________________ 9. There are 9 pencils on the 10 Frame. A full frame has 10 pencils. How many more pencils do you need to make 10? Complete the number sentence:

9 + = 10 _____________________


The wicked witch made Gretel do lots of housework. She cleaned the floor at 3 o’clock, she did the dishes at 4 o’clock, she made the beds at 5 o’clock, she cooked the dinner at 6 o’clock and she washed the clothes at 7 o’clock. 5. How many jobs did Gretel do altogether? _____________________ 6. At what time did Gretel start the 2nd job?


1. How many burgers did the wicked witch give Hansel altogether?

_____________________ After 2 years, Hansel and Gretel escaped and returned home. Their Dad was so happy to see them.

& Gretel (Part 2)

_____________________ 2. When did the wicked witch give Hansel the most number of burgers? _____________________ 3. When did the wicked witch give Hansel the least number of burgers? _____________________ 4. If the wicked witch did not give Hansel any burgers in the morning, how many burgers would he eat in a day then? _____________________


The wicked witch put Hansel into a cage. She wanted to make him fat. She gave him lots of food. 3 burgers in the morning, 5 burgers in the afternoon and 6 burgers in the evening.

7. What age was Hansel when he returned home ? _____________________ 8. What age was Gretel when she returned home? _____________________ 9. What is the total age of Hansel and Gretel now? _____________________ Clue: Remember Hansel was 7 and Gretel was 6 when they were caught by the wicked witch.


WEEK 6 Draw a circle around the person with the smallest number in each group

THURSDAY: Addition Activities


_____________________ 2.





4+6 5+4


7+5 _____________________ 4.

3+6 4+7


1. What day comes just after Wednesday?

8. How many days are in a week?

_____________________ 2. How many?

_____________________ 9. Show 5 o’clock.

_____________________ 3.

2 +5+ = 12 _____________________

4. What season comes just before winter? _____________________ 5. A triangle has corners _____________________ 6. There are 12 flowers altogether in a garden. 5 are yellow and 7 are red. How many flowers are blue? _____________________ 7. 8 more than 6 is _____________________



Use the colour code to colour each of the fireworks the correct colour.

_____________________ 3.


FRIDAY: Challenge


11 12 1 10 2 9 8




3 4

_____________________ 10. What day comes between Friday and Sunday? _____________________ 11. What shape am I? _____________________ 12. A circle has corners. _____________________ 13. What month comes after April? _____________________



13 9 4

3 6 5

10 12 8

11 7 2

5. Make a number sentence using all the numbers in the first column:



_____________________ 6. Write a short number story for the number sentence in Q5:

MONDAY: Target Boards

1. What two numbers on the first row can you add to make 13?


= 13


= 13


= 13


= 13

_____________________ 2. What two numbers on the second row can you add to make 13? _____________________ 3. What two numbers on the third row can you add to make 13? _____________________ 4. What two numbers on the first column can you add to make 13? _____________________

_____________________ 7. Use the numbers on the third row to finish the number sentence






_____________________ 8. Add the smallest number on the third row to the biggest number on the third row: _____________________

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1. Fill in the missing numbers.

6 7


5. Pippa Ping Pong made a jump of five along her number strip and then a jump of two. Where did she land?


Where did she land?

12 10 8 7 _____________________ This is Pippa Ping Pong’s Number Strip. In this activity ahe always starts at 4. 3. Pippa Ping Pong made a jump of five along her number strip. Where did she land? Write this as a number sentence:





4. Pippa Ping Pong made a jump of six along her number strip and then a jump of three. Where did she land? Write this as a number sentence:





Write this as a number sentence:





_____________________ 6. Think of another question about Pippa Ping Pong’s number strip and write it in the box below: Pippa Ping Pong starts at 4……. She made a jump of

and then a jump of

Where did she land? Now write this as a number sentence:





TUESDAY: Counting Stick

_____________________ 2. Fill in the missing numbers.


= 24


It is autumn. The leaves are falling from the trees. Danny and Sarah go for a walk with their friends Kevin and Sally.

5. Who gathers the least conkers? _____________________ 6. How many conkers do the boys gather?




_____________________ 7. How many conkers do the girls gather? _____________________ 8. How many conkers do the children gather altogether? 1. How many children go for a walk? _____________________ 2. What season is it? _____________________ 3. How many seasons are there altogether?

_____________________ When they go back to Danny and Sarah’s house, the children play games of conkers. When the games are finished, the children only have 4 conkers left. The other conkers are all broken. They had great fun.

_____________________ “Look”, says Danny. “Look at all the conkers on the ground”. The children start to gather the conkers. Danny gathers 3 conkers, Sarah gathers 5 conkers, Kevin gathers 2 conkers and Sally gathers 4 conkers. 9. How many conkers got broken playing the games? _____________________ 10. What season will it be next? _____________________ 4. Who gathers the most conkers? _____________________


WEEK 7 Example: Complete the number sentances to balance the seesaw.

13 13












THURSDAY: Addition Activities




6. Who has the number that comes after 11?

_____________________ 2.

_____________________ 7. Who has the number that comes before 10?

_____________________ 3.

_____________________ 8. Who has the number that comes between 9 and 11?

_____________________ 4.

_____________________ 9. Who has the number that comes between 10 and 12?

_____________________ 5.

_____________________ 10. Who has the number that comes after 12?

13 13 13 13


6+6+ 5+5+


_____________________ 1. What day comes just before Tuesday? _____________________ 2. How many books? _____________________ 3. What season comes just after spring?


8. Show 10 o’clock

_____________________ 7.

6 +5+ = 13 _____________________

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

_____________________ 10. What month comes just after October? _____________________ 11. Who has 13?

FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ 6. How many months are in a year?

3 4

7 6 5 _____________________ 9. Pippa Ping Pong is standing at the number 2 on her number strip. If she takes a jump of 3 and then a jump of 5, on what number does she land?


_____________________ 4. A rectangle has corners _____________________ 5. Jenny is doing a readathon. She needs to read 13 books. She has already read 9. How many more does she need to read?

11 12 1 10 2 9 8

_____________________ 12.

6 + 7 = 7 + _____________________

13. What number goes in the box to balance the seesaw?






MONDAY: Target Boards

6 7 1

12 5 2

8 9 10

3 14 11

1. Put the numbers on the first row in order starting with the biggest: ____________________ 2. Put the numbers on the second row in order starting with the smallest: _____________________ 3. What two numbers on the first row can you add to make 14?


= 14


= 14

5. What three numbers on the third row can you add to make 14?




= 14



= 14

_____________________ 6. What two numbers on the second column can you add to make 14?

_____________________ 7. Make a number sentence using all the numbers in the fourth column: _____________________ 8. Write a short number story for the number sentence in Q7:

_____________________ _____________________ 9. The numbers on one of the columns all 4. What two numbers on the second row can add up to 14.Find the column and then you add to make 14? finish the number sentence:



= 14



5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1. Fill in the missing numbers.






TUESDAY: Counting Stick

_____________________ 2. Fill in the missing numbers.


_____________________ This is Pippa Ping Pong’s Number Strip. In this activity, she always starts at 5 3. Pippa Ping Pong made a jump of six along her number strip. Where did she land? Write this as a number sentence:




_____________________ 4. Pippa Ping Pong made a jump of eight along her number strip. Where did she land? Write this as a number sentence:

= 5 + _____________________ 27

5. Pippa Ping Pong made a jump of six along her number strip and then a jump of three. Where did she land? Write this as a number sentence:









_____________________ 6. Pippa Ping Pong made a jump of five along her number strip and then a jump of two. Where did she land? Write this as a number sentence: _____________________ 7. Think of another question about Pippa Ping Pong’s number strip and write it in the box below: Pippa Ping Pong starts at 5……. She made a jump of

and then a jump of

Where did she land? Now write this as a number sentence:






WEEK 8 The children in Danny and Sarah’s school are getting ready for Hallowe’en. Ms. Boyle puts up 6 toy bats on the windows and 8 toy bats on the walls.

5. How many pumpkins did Ms. Boyle have left?


1. How many bats does Ms. Boyle put up altogether? _____________________ 2. How many wings do 5 bats have? _____________________ 3. How many wings do the bats on the windows have? _____________________ On Thursday Ms. Boyle brought 12 pumpkins into school. She gave half of them to Mr. Bell’s class.


_____________________ On Hallowe’en night Danny and Sarah go trick – or – treating with Mum. They are dressed up for Hallowe’en. Danny and Sarah wear scary masks and hats. They knock on lots of doors and get sweets and apples.

6. What shape is the witches hat? _____________________ When they get home, they count the sweets and apples. Danny got 6 sweets and 3 apples. Sarah got 4 sweets and 6 apples. 7. How many sweets did Danny and Sarah get? _____________________ 8. How many apples did Danny and Sarah get? _____________________ 9. Who got more apples?

4.How many pumpkins did Ms. Boyle give to Mr. Bell’s class?

_____________________ 10. If Mum gives Danny and Sarah 5 apples, how many apples would they have then?

_____________________ _____________________




O I G A N P 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 9 + _______ 5 _______ ________ 2.

Add and see who is in the car




5+5= 10






________ 3.

________ 6.

________ 5+9=


_____________________ 2. Colour 14 bubbles yellow.



1 4


_____________________ 3. Fill in the missing number


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

_____________________ 8. What month comes just after November?


_____________________ 4. It is now 3 o’clock. Harry is going to Carla’s house in 2 hours. At what time is Harry going to Carla’s house?

_____________________ 9. A semi-circle has corners. _____________________ 10. Colour the triangles blue

o’clock _____________________ 5. The sixth letter of the alphabet is _____________________ 6. 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

+ 2 + 9 = 14



_____________________ 11. Put the numbers in order starting with the smallest. 14


FRIDAY: Challenge

14 7

7. Pippa Ping Pong is standing at the number 4 on her number strip. If she takes a jump of 5 and then a jump of 3, on what number does she land?



+ 8




1. What month comes just before July?


+ 10 14 ________ ______________

1 1 + _______ 3 _______ 2 + 1_______ 2 _______






THURSDAY: Addition Activities




9 14 7

11 4 10

6 8 15

13 12 5

1. What must I do to 9 to reach 15?

add _____________________

2. What must I do to 11 to reach 15?

add _____________________

3. What must I do to 6 to reach 15?

add _____________________


= 15


= 15





= 15



= 15

_____________________ 7. Find two numbers on the second column that add up to 15: _____________________ 8. Subtract the smallest number on the second row from the biggest number on the second row: _____________________ 9. Find 3 numbers on the target board that add up to 15

4. What must I do to 13 to reach 15?

_____________________ 10. Find another 3 numbers on the target board that add up to 15

5. Find two numbers on the first row that add up to 15:


add _____________________ +

MONDAY: Target Boards

My target number today is 15. Look at all the numbers on the first row.

6. Find two numbers on the third row that add up to 15:

= 15


6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 6. Point to the number 7. How many do I count on to get to the number 15?

_____________________ 2. Point to the number 9. How many do I count on to get to the number 15?

_____________________ 7. Fill in the missing numbers


= 12


= 15


= 14

_____________________ 3. Point to the number 8. How many do I count on to get to the number 14? _____________________ 4. Point to the number 6. How many do I count on to get to the number 15?


= 15

_____________________ 5. Point to the number 6. How many do I count on to get to the number 12?


= 12


= 15

10 11

_____________________ 8. Fill in the missing numbers


13 12

_____________________ 9. Point to the number 14. How many do I count back to get to the number 9?

14 -


15 -

= 12

TUESDAY: Counting Stick

1. Point to the number 7. How many do I count on to get to the number 12?

_____________________ 10. Point to the number 15. How many do I count back to get to the number 12? _____________________






Circus (Part 1)

It is Wednesday morning. The circus came to town yesterday. There will be 3 shows on Wednesday, 3 shows on Thursday and 3 more shows on Friday.

6. How much have Danny and Sarah altogether?

1. On what day did the circus come to town?

c _____________________ 7. How much money does Danny need to get in to the circus?

_____________________ 2. How many shows will there be altogether?

c _____________________ 8. How much money does Sarah need to get in to the circus?

_____________________ Danny and Sarah are going to the circus today. The 3 shows today are on at 2 o’clock, 5 o’clock and 8 o’clock. Each show will last for 2 hours. Danny and Sarah are going to the last show.

c _____________________ Dad gives Danny and Sarah the money they need to see the circus. As they walk in, they see a clown standing outside the tent.

3. At what time does the first show start? _____________________ 4. At what time does the last show start? _____________________ 5. At what time does the second show end? _____________________ Danny and Sarah need 15c each to get into the circus. Danny has 9c and Sarah has 7c.

9. What shape are the buttons on the clown’s jacket? _____________________ 10. What shape is the clown’s mouth? _____________________


WEEK 9 October Monday

4 11 18 25


5 12 19 26


6 13 20 27





7 14 21 28

1 8 15 22 29

2 9 16 23 30

3 10 17 24 31

_____________________ 2. What month comes before October?

_____________________ 7. Dolly Dancer goes to drama on Thursdays. On what dates does Dolly Dancer go to drama?

_____________________ 3. What month comes after October?

_____________________ 8. How many Tuesdays are in October?

_____________________ 4. Gran’s birthday is on the 3rd of October? What day is that?

_____________________ 9. How many Sundays are in October?

_____________________ 5. Billy Bunny’s birthday is on the 20th of October? What day is that _____________________ 1. What month comes between February and April? _____________________ 2. What number comes just before 14?

12 -


_____________________ 4. The fifth month of the year is _____________________ 5. It is now 2 o’clock. Billy Bunny is meeting Pippa Ping Pong at 6 o’clock. How many hours must he wait? hours _____________________ 6.

13 -6= _____________________

_____________________ 10. In what season is October? _____________________

7. Dolly Dancer is standing at the number 5 on her number strip. If she takes a jump of 5 and then a jump of 4, on what number does she land? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

_____________________ 8. There are 14 flowers growing in Milly’s garden. Milly picks 3 of them. How many flowers are left growing in the garden? _____________________ 9. Draw a line in the circle to make 2 semi-circles.


_____________________ 3. Cross out 4 crayons with an X

THURSDAY: The Calendar

1. How many days are there in October?

6. Billy Bunny goes swimming every Saturday. On what dates does Billy Bunny go swimming?

_____________________ 10. Put the numbers in order starting with the biggest. 12 14 13 11 _____________________



MONDAY: Target Boards

15 10 7

8 3 4

11 14 6

5. Find three numbers on the Target Board that add up to 15?

5 13 9


1. Add the numbers on the second column: _____________________ 2. What two numbers on the first row add up to 13?


= 13


= 15

_____________________ 3. What two numbers on the third row add up to 15? _____________________ 4. Make an addition number sentence using three of the numbers on the second row:





2 3 4 5

TUESDAY: Counting Stick

row and

My target number today is 10. Look at all the numbers on the first line. Add or Take Away? 7. What must I do to 15 to reach 10? _____________________ 8. What must I do to 8 to reach 10? _____________________ 9. What must I do to 11 to reach 10? _____________________ 10. What must I do to 5 to reach 10?

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2. I have 9. How many do I count on to get to the number 15?

I have 8. How many do I count on to get to the number 15? I count on 2 to get to the number 10: 8 + 2 = 10 Now work out how many more I count on to get to 15? 10 + 5 = 15. Altogether I counted on: 2 + 5 = 7 So: 8 + 7= 15

1. I have 7. How many do I count on to get to the number 15?


= 10 10 +

Altogether I counted on



= 15

so _____________________

= 15


= 10 10 +

= 15

Altogether I counted on




= 15

so _____________________ 3. I have 6. How many do I count on to get to the number 15?


= 10 10 +

Altogether I counted on




= 15

so _____________________


= 15





_____________________ 6. The number 14 is on the on the column. _____________________

= 15


Danny, Sarah and Dad take their seats in the second row. There are 7 red seats and 8 yellow seats in their row. The row in front has 9 red seats and 5 yellow seats.

5. How many clowns are there altogether?

_____________________ 7. If all the clowns had bikes, how many wheels would there be altogether?


1. How many seats are there in the front row?

_____________________ Danny and Sarah also see monkeys, lions and elephants at the circus. They see 5 monkeys, 5 lions and 4 elephants. Danny and Sarah have a great time.

Circus (Part 2)

_____________________ 2. How many seats are there in the second row? _____________________ 3. How many yellow seats in the 2 rows? _____________________ 4. How many more red seats are there in the front row than in the second row? _____________________ The clowns come out first. There are 6 clowns riding bikes and 3 clowns with no bikes.


_____________________ 6. How many wheels are there on 6 bikes?

8. How many monkeys, lions and elephants do they see altogether? _____________________ 9. How many arms have the 5 monkeys? _____________________ 10. Draw a circle around the heaviest animal:






WEEK 10 1. Colour the square blue:


_____________________ 2. Colour the circle yellow: _____________________ 3. Colour the rectangle green: _____________________ 4. Colour the triangle red: _____________________ 5. Colour the semi-circle brown: _____________________ 6. A

1. What month comes between September and November? _____________________ 2. What number comes just after 14?

FRIDAY: Challenge

corners _____________________ has 8. A sides corners _____________________ has 9. A sides corners _____________________ has 10. A sides

corners _____________________

_____________________ 3. Pete has 15 buttons in a jar. He takes out 3 buttons. How many buttons are left in the jar? _____________________ 4. Cross out 6 circles with an X

14 = _____________________ 5. June is the

has sides

has sides

month of the year.

third fifth sixth seventh _____________________ 6. It is now 10 o’clock. Pippa Ping Pong started reading at 6 o’clock. How many hours has she been reading? hours _____________________


7. A

corners _____________________

7. There are 15 cars in the car park. 7 of them drive off. How many cars are left in the car park? cars _____________________ 8.

3 +5+ = 15 _____________________ 9.

15 - 4 = _____________________

10. Dolly Dancer is standing at the number 3 on her number strip. If she takes a jump of 6 and then a jump of 4, on what number does she land? 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

_____________________ 11. What is the missing number in the number triangle? _____________________

15 9



6 9 5

14 13 12

4 11 8

5. What is the smallest even number on the Target Board?

10 15 2

_____________________ 6. Make an addition number sentence using some of the even numbers on the first row:

_____________________ 2. Put the even numbers on the third row in order starting with the biggest: _____________________ 3. Add the even numbers on the third column:









_____________________ 8. Find three even numbers on the Target Board that add up to 12

= 12

_____________________ 10. Make a subtraction number sentence using some of the even numbers on the first row:



2 3 4 5


_____________________ 9. How many even numbers are on the Target Board?

_____________________ 4. Add the even numbers on the fourth column:



_____________________ 7. Find two even numbers on the Target Board that add up to 8:

MONDAY: Target Boards

1. Put the even numbers on the first row in order starting with the smallest:



6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1. Fill in the missing even numbers






14 12

_____________________ 2. Fill in the missing even numbers

_____________________ 8. Colour the even numbers:


_____________________ 3. Colour in the even numbers only

















_____________________ 4. Colour in the even numbers only

_____________________ 5. Count in 2s and fill in the missing even numbers _____________________ 6. Fill in the missing even numbers _____________________

2 10 15

12 14







5 10

_____________________ 9. Colour the even numbers: _____________________ 10. Colour the even numbers only


15 12 4

14 8

_____________________ 11. What is the next even number on the counting stick after the number 8?


TUESDAY: Counting Stick


7. Fill in the missing even numbers

_____________________ 12. What is the next even number on the counting stick after the number 13? _____________________





Supermarket (Part 1)

Mum and Dad drive to the supermarket with Danny and Sarah. In the carpark they see 6 green cars, 4 white cars, 3 blue cars and 2 red cars.

5. If there are 8 biscuits in a packet, how many biscuits are in 2 packets? _____________________ 6. If there are 6 eggs in a carton, how many eggs are in 2 cartons? _____________________ 7. How much for 2 cartons of eggs? C _____________________ 8. What shape is a packet of biscuits?

1. How many cars do they see in the carpark? _____________________ 2. Take away the number of red cars from the number of green cars?

_____________________ Sarah puts 2 red apples and 2 green apples in the basket. The red apples are 5c each and the green apples are 4c each.

_____________________ 3. Danny and Sarah’s car is yellow. If it drives into the carpark, how many cars are in the carpark now? BISCUITS

_____________________ 4. After Danny and Sarah’s car arrives, 2 cars then leave the carpark. How many cars are left? _____________________ Sarah helps Dad with the shopping. She puts 2 packets of biscuits in the basket and 2 cartons of eggs. A packet of biscuits costs 9c and a carton of eggs costs 7c.



9. How much for the 2 red apples? C _____________________ 10. How much for the 2 red apples and 2 green apples altogether? C _____________________



2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

1. Point to the number 7. How many do I count on to get to the number 16?

4. Point to the number 9. How many do I count on to get to the number 16?

Altogether I counted on

Altogether I counted on

_____________________ 2. Point to the number 4. How many do I count on to get to the number 16?

_____________________ 5. Point to the number 5. How many do I count on to get to the number 16?

Altogether I counted on

Altogether I counted on

_____________________ 3. Point to the number 8. How many do I count on to get to the number 16?

_____________________ Make 10 first. Then make 16.


= 10 10 +



= 10 10 +



Altogether I counted on



= 16 5 +


= 10 10 +

= 10 10 + =

= 10 10 +


= 16

= 16


6. = 16 6 + + = 16 _____________________

THURSDAY: Addition Activities


= 16 9 +




3 + + = 16 _____________________ 8.

2 + + = 16 _____________________ 1. How much altogether? c _____________________ 2. Put 3 coins in the jar to make 14c?

7. Milly Monster is standing at the number 4 on her number strip. If she takes a jump of 7 and then a jump of 3, on what number does she land?

c c c _____________________ 3. Mags has 15 books on her shelf. She has read 9 of them. How many has she still left to read?

_____________________ 8. Max Monster went to bed at 7 o’clock and slept for 2 hours. What time did he wake up?

_____________________ 5. Cross out 8 circles with an X

15 = _____________________ 6. December is the

month of the year.

first fifth tenth last _____________________

2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

_____________________ 9. Complete the number sentence.

5 +6+ = 15 _____________________ 10. How much altogether?

FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ 4. Rory brings 8 football cards to school. John gives him 3 cards and Sam gives him 2 cards. How many football cards has Rory now?


C _____________________ 11. There are 14 buns on a plate. The children eat 10 of them. How many are left? _____________________



MONDAY: Target Boards

9 3 6

7 15 10

4 8 14

5. What is the biggest odd number on the Target Board?

11 5 16

_____________________ 6. Make an addition number sentence using the numbers on the first row:

1. Put the odd numbers on the first row in order starting with the smallest: _____________________ 2. Put the even numbers on the third row in order starting with the biggest: _____________________ 3. Add the odd numbers on the first column:



_____________________ 4. What is the smallest odd number on the Target Board? _____________________






= 16





_____________________ 7. Make a subtraction number sentence using the numbers on the fourth column: _____________________ 8. Find two odd numbers on the Target Board that add up to 16 _____________________ 9. Find three numbers on the second row that add up to 16

= 16

_____________________ 10. Make an addition number sentence using some of the numbers on the third row: _____________________


2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1. Fill in the missing odd numbers



7. Count backwards in 2s and fill in the missing odd numbers


15 13

TUESDAY: Counting Stick

_____________________ 2. Fill in the missing odd numbers



_____________________ 8. Colour the odd numbers:


_____________________ 3. Colour in the odd numbers only






_____________________ 4. Colour in the odd numbers only




13 14

9 15

_____________________ 5. Count in 2s and fill in the missing odd numbers




_____________________ 6. Count in 2s and fill in the missing odd numbers






5 10 15





4 14 11





6 13 15



_____________________ 9. Colour the odd numbers: _____________________ 10. Colour the odd numbers



_____________________ 11. What odd number on the counting stick comes just before 12? _____________________ 12. What odd number on the counting stick comes between 5 and 9? _____________________


5. How much change will Danny get? c _____________________ 6. What shape is a loaf of bread? _____________________ Danny likes Corn Flakes and Sarah likes Rice Crispies. A box of Corn Flakes costs 8c and a box of Rice Crispies costs 9c. Mum buys one box of each.

1. How much for 3 bottles of water?

c _____________________

Supermarket (Part 2)

c _____________________ 2. How much for 3 cartons of orange?

c _____________________ 8. How much for 2 boxes of Rice Crispies?

c _____________________ Mum gives Danny 20c to buy 4 loaves of bread and a paper. A loaf of bread costs 4c and a paper costs 3c.

3. How much for 4 loaves of bread? c _____________________ 4. How much for 4 loaves of bread and a paper? c _____________________


7. How much for a box of Corn Flakes and a box of Rice Crispies?


Danny helps Mum with the shopping. Danny puts 3 bottles of water in the basket. The bottles are 5c each. He also puts 3 cartons of orange in the basket. The cartons cost 6c each.

Mum, Dad, Danny and Sarah put all the shopping in the car. Dad has 3 bags, Mum has 4 bags, Danny has 2 bags and Sarah has 2 bags. 5 of the bags are green and the rest are white. 9. How many bags of shopping altogether? _____________________ 10. How many of the bags are white? _____________________





2 3 4 5

6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 4.

2+2+8= ? 4 + 8 = 12 _____________________ THURSDAY: Doubles



1+1+7= ? 4 + 7 = 12 _____________________ 2.


8+3+3= ? 4 + 9 = 12 _____________________ 7.

4+4+9= ? 4 + 9 = 12 _____________________

c _____________________ 2. Put 3 coins in the jar to make 13c. c c c _____________________ 3.

12 + = 16 _____________________

4. Barry asks 17 friends to his party. 3 of them cannot come. How many friends come to Barry’s party? _____________________ 5. Draw a circle around the cheapest. 12c


4+5+5= ? 4 + 9 = 12 _____________________ 7. Cross out 9 circles with an X

1. How much altogether?

FRIDAY: Challenge

6+4+4= ? 6 + 7 = 12 _____________________ 6.

5+5+6= ? 4 + 7 = 12 _____________________


_____________________ 6. It is now 8 o’clock. What time will it be in 3 hours? _____________________


3+3+7= ? 4 + 7 = 12 _____________________

16 - 9 =

____________________ 8. Draw a circle around the dearest. 10c 14c 12c _____________________ 9. Fill in the missing number

13 14



_____________________ 10. Draw a circle around the Maths Monster in 4th place.

_____________________ 11. Cross out 6 triangles with an X

17 -


_____________________ 12. Fill in the missing number.


14 13





13 10 11 14

4 16 1 15

5. Add the odd numbers on the third row:

3 6 5 8




_____________________ 6. What are the even numbers on the second row?

1. List the odd numbers on the first row:

_____________________ 7. Make an addition number sentence using the even numbers on the second row:

_____________________ 2. List the even numbers on the second column:

_____________________ 8. What two numbers on the third column add up to 17?

_____________________ 3. Add the odd numbers on the first row:

_____________________ 9. What two numbers on the fourth row add up to 17?








= 17


= 17


= 17

_____________________ 4. Add the odd numbers on the first column:

_____________________ 10. What two numbers on the third row add up to 17?



MONDAY: Target Boards

2 7 12 9

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 7. I have 7. How many do I count on to get to the number 16?

2. Point to the number 12. How many do I count on to get to the number 16?


9 + = 16 _____________________ 12 +

= 16

8 + = 17 _____________________

4. Point to the number 11. How many do I count on to get to the number 17?

11 + = 17 _____________________ 14

16 15



= 16


17 11

= = 16

So _____________________ 8. I have 8. How many do I count on to get to the number 16?


5. Fill in the missing numbers

11 12

10 +

Altogether I counted on

_____________________ 3. Point to the number 8. How many do I count on to get to the number 17?

_____________________ 6. Fill in the missing numbers

= 10

= 10 10 +

= 16

TUESDAY: Counting Stick

1. Point to the number 9. How many do I count on to get to the number 16?

Altogether I counted on



= = 16

So _____________________





in the Snow

Danny looks out his bedroom window. “Hurray”, he shouts. “It is snowing”. He sees 4 robins sitting in one tree and 8 robins sitting in another tree. He opens the window and ½ of the robins fly away.

5. How many snowmen do Danny and Sarah make altogether? _____________________ 6. How many more snowmen does Danny have to make to have the same as Sarah? _____________________ Danny and Sarah have a snowball fight. Danny makes 9 snowballs and Sarah makes 8 snowballs. Danny misses with 5 of his snowballs and Sarah misses with 3 of her snowballs. They finish playing at 6 o’clock.

1. How many robins does Danny see altogether? _____________________ 2. How many robins fly away when Danny opens the window? _____________________ 3. How many robins are left? _____________________ Danny and Sarah play in the snow. Danny makes 6 snowmen and Sarah makes 8 snowmen.

7. How many snowballs do Danny and Sarah make altogether? _____________________ 8. How many times does Danny hit Sarah with snowballs? _____________________ 9. If Danny and Sarah started playing in the snow at 3 o’clock, for how long were they playing?

4. Who makes more snowmen?

hours _____________________ The next morning Danny looks out the window again. ½ of the snowmen have melted.


10. How many snowmen are left in Danny and Sarah’s garden? _____________________



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1. Point to the number 7. How many do I count on to get to the number 17?


= 10 10 +

= 17

4. Point to the number 6. How many do I count on to get to the number 17?


= 10 10 +

= 17

Altogether I counted on

_____________________ 2. Point to the number 5. How many do I count on to get to the number 17?

_____________________ 5. Point to the number 8. How many do I count on to get to the number 17?

Altogether I counted on

Altogether I counted on

_____________________ 3. Point to the number 9. How many do I count on to get to the number 17?

_____________________ Make 10 first. Then make 17.




= 10 10 +



= 17


= 10 10 +

Altogether I counted on





= 10 10 +


= 17


6. = 17 6 + + = 17 _____________________



THURSDAY: Addition Activities

Altogether I counted on


3 + + = 17 _____________________ 8.

2 + + = 17 _____________________ 1. How much altogether? c _____________________ 2. Draw a circle around the odd number.

8 5 6 10 _____________________

3. Point to the number 17. How many do I count back to get to the number 8? 2 3 4 5

6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

_____________________ 4. Put 3 coins in the jar to make 16c? c c c _____________________ 5.

11 + = 17 _____________________ 6. Finish the pattern








_____________________ 9. It is now 4 o’clock. What time was it 3 hours ago? _____________________ 10. Cross out 3 stars with an X

17 -


_____________________ 11. Draw a circle around the dearest toy.


FRIDAY: Challenge


7. Draw a circle around the even number. _____________________ 8. Draw a circle around the cheapest.



_____________________ 12. Fill in the missing number. _____________________







MONDAY: Target Boards


3 10 11 8

14 7 2 9

5 4 15 16

12 17 13 6

1. Make an addition number sentence using three of the numbers on the second column:

+ = _____________________

2. What is the sum of the even numbers on the second row?







_____________________ 3. What is the sum of the odd numbers on the first column? _____________________ 4. What is the sum of the even numbers on the second column? _____________________

5. What is the sum of the odd numbers on the second column?




= 17


= 17




= 17



_____________________ 6. What two numbers on the first row add up to 17? _____________________ 7. What two numbers on the second row add up to 17? _____________________ 8. Make a subtraction number sentence using three of the numbers on the second row: _____________________ 9. What two numbers on the fourth row add up to 17? _____________________ 10. Find three numbers on the Target Board that add up to 17: _____________________

= 17

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1. Fill in the missing numbers


TUESDAY: Counting Stick

_____________________ 2. Fill in the missing numbers



_____________________ 7.


8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

17 - 8 =

_____________________ 8.


8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

17 - 5 =

_____________________ 4. Fill in the missing numbers



_____________________ 5. Freddy the Frog stands at Number 17 and jumps back 4. Where does he land? -4

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

17 - 4 =



8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

17 - 6 =

_____________________ 3. Fill in the missing numbers


Use the Number Strip to help you complete the Number Sentences. 6.

_____________________ 9.

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

17 - 9 =

_____________________ 10.

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

17 - 7 =



It is the weekend. Danny and Sarah have no school. At half past one they leave home and walk to the library. It takes one hour to reach the library.

_____________________ 6. How many red and blue books are there altogether?


_____________________ 3. What shape are the windows of the library?


_____________________ 2. At what time do Danny and Sarah reach the library?

_____________________ Danny chooses 6 new books to take home and he returns the 4 books he has read from last time. Sarah chooses 8 new books to take home and returns the 5 books she has read from last time.


1. What are the days of the weekend?

_____________________ 7. How many green books are there?


Danny likes football books. There are 2 shelves with football books. There are 8 on one shelf and 9 on the other. Sarah likes books about animals. There are 16 books about animals. 6 are red, 6 are blue and the rest are green. 5. How many football books are there?

_____________________ 4. What shape is the glass above the door? _____________________ 8. How many books do Danny and Sarah take home altogether? _____________________ 9. How many books do Danny and Sarah return to the library altogether? _____________________ 10. Does Danny take home an even or odd number of books? _____________________




2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

THURSDAY: Number Work

1. Complete the number sentences and then draw a line to the correct answer.

8+9= 10 + 7 = 9+7= 8+8= 11 + 6 =

16 17

_____________________ 2. Brid has 17 sweets and she eats 10 of them. How many has she left? _____________________ 3. There are 17 birds sitting on a wire. 5 of them fly away. How many birds are left? _____________________

8 + 9 = 17 17 - 8 = 9

9 + 8 = 17 17 - 9 = 8




+ = 17 + = 12 5 = = _____________________ 4.


+ + -

17 3 14


= = = =

8 9 10 11 12 _____________________

8. Mary wants to buy tinsel for the Christmas tree. The tinsel costs 18c. Mary has 12c. How much more does she need to buy the tinsel?

14 + = 19 _____________________

c _____________________ 9.

1. Draw a circle around the odd numbers. 2.

3. Put more coins in the jar to make 18c altogether.

FRIDAY: Challenge

Make 4 number sentences from the following Number Triangles. The first one is done for you.


c c c _____________________ 4. 4 less than 18 is _____________________ 5. Draw a circle around the dearest.




_____________________ 6. Colour the triangle blue.

_____________________ 7. 4 more than 15 is _____________________




_____________________ 10. What is the total cost?


3c 8c c 7c _____________________ 11. Point to the number 19. How many do I count back to get to the number 12?

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 _____________________ 12. Santa feeds his reindeer every 3 hours. He feeds them at 1 o’clock, he feeds them at 4 o’clock and he feeds them at 7 o’clock. At what time will he next feed the reindeer? o’clock _____________________



12 7 15 11

17 2 6 13

5. Write the third row again by adding 2 to each number:

10 5 16 3


_____________________ 6. What two numbers on the first column add up to 18?


= 18


= 18





_____________________ 1. What numbers on the first row are less than 7. What two numbers on the second column add up to 18? 15? _____________________ 2. What numbers on the third row are more than 10?

_____________________ 8. What three numbers on the fourth column add up to 18?

_____________________ 3. What numbers on the third row are between 8 and 16?

_____________________ 9. Make an addition number sentence using any three numbers on the Target Board:

_____________________ 4. Write the first row again by taking away 2 from each number.



= 18

MONDAY: Target Boards

4 18 9 14

_____________________ 10. Write a short number story for the number sentence in Q9:

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 5.

1. Fill in the missing numbers

13 16 _____________________ 2. Fill in the missing numbers




_____________________ 4. Fill in the missing numbers



_____________________ +4

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 This number row represents the number sentence.

14 + 4 = 18

Now write the number sentences represented by the following number rows.

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18



_____________________ +7 6.

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18



_____________________ 7. +9

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18



_____________________ +6 8.

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


TUESDAY: Counting Stick


_____________________ 3. Fill in the missing numbers



_____________________ +8 8.

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18






Christmas Word Problems


1. Santa has 12 reindeer. 5 of them are sleeping.How many are awake? Write a number sentence to help you:

_____________________ 2. The elves are busy making toys? They put 9 toys into one sack and put 7 toys into another sack. How many toys altogether do they put into the sacks? Underline the key words and write a number sentence to help you: Write a number sentence to help you:

_____________________ 3. Mrs. Clause buys wrapping paper to wrap the toys. She buys 8 rolls in one shop and 11 rolls in another shop. How many rolls does she buy altogether? Underline the key words and write a number sentence to help you:

5. The reindeer are hungry. Santa gives them 19 carrots. The reindeer eat 14 carrots. How many carrots are left? Underline the key words and write a number sentence to help you:

_____________________ 6. Santa leaves the North Pole at 1.00 on his trip around the world. He arrives back at the North Pole at 9.00. How long does his trip around the world take? Underline the key words and write a number sentence to help you:

_____________________ 7. Sarah leaves out 7 biscuits for Santa. Ben leaves out 6 biscuits. How many biscuits do they leave out altogether? Underline the key words and write a number sentence to help you:

_____________________ 4. It is very cold at the North Pole. Santa buys 3 pairs of socks to keep him warm. Each pair costs 6c. What is the total cost of the socks? Underline the key words and write a number sentence to help you:



_____________________ 8. Tom finds 14 presents under th Christmas tree. He opens 6 of them. How many presents does he have left to open? Underline the key words and write a number sentence to help you:



12 - 4 H

15 - 6 R

13 - 3 C

_____________________ 2. How do I make 8?

11 - 2 D

11 - 4 16 - 10 14 - 5 16 - 8 A S T H _____________________ 3. How do I make 11?

14 - 3 18 - 6 15 - 2 19 - 5 R E L P _____________________ 4. How do I make 4?

7-2 A

12 - 9 C

10 - 6 I

12 - 5 N

16 - 4 B

18 - 4 S

18 - 3 O

17 - 4 R

_____________________ 5. How do I make 14?



_____________________ 2. Elf has 15c. He buys a new elf hat for 11c. How much change does he get?

_____________________ 4.



19 -8= _____________________


6. Draw a circle around the smallest number.

15 16 14 _____________________

16 - 5 D

15 - 6 T

18 - 7 F

16 - 9 M

17 - 8 G

15 - 7 K

18 - 6 A

18 - 5 R

15 - 2 I

17 - 6 H

16 - 4 T

11 - 6 U

13 - 7 S

15 - 5 N

_____________________ 7. How do I make 7?

_____________________ 8. How do I make 12?

_____________________ 9. How do I make 6?

_____________________ 10. Now put all the correct letters into the correct boxes to crack the code

1 C










5 + + 5 = 18 _____________________

9. Draw a circle around the star which shows the most.




_____________________ 10. Santa gets 5 letters on Monday, 3 letters on Tuesday and 8 letters on Wednesday. How many letters does he get altogether? _____________________ 11. Elf works hard. Santa gives him six 2c coins. How much does Santa give Elf altogether?

FRIDAY: Challenge

c _____________________ 3. Colour the next elf hats in the pattern.

_____________________ 5.

17 - 11 C


1. Cross out 9 trees with an X

16 -

14 - 4 W

THURSDAY: Help Santa Crack The Code

6. How do I make 9?

1. How do I make 10?

_____________________ 12. Draw a circle around the elf with the even number.






MONDAY: Target Boards


16 9 3 10

5 19 8 13

4 17 6 11

12 7 15 2

1. List the numbers on the first row from smallest to biggest: _____________________ 2. List the numbers on the second row from smallest to biggest: _____________________ 3. List the numbers on the fourth row from biggest to smallest: _____________________ 4. Write the first row again by adding 3 to each number:


10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

17 19 _____________________ 2. Fill in the missing numbers

TUESDAY: Counting Stick

6. What must I add to 3 to reach 19?

3 + = 19 _____________________

7. What must I add to 8 to reach 19?

8 + = 19 _____________________

8. What must I add to 6 to reach 19?

6 + = 19 _____________________

9. What must I add to 15 to reach 19?

15 + = 19 _____________________

10. What is the biggest even number on the fourth row?

5. Point to the number 7. How many do I count on to get to the number 18? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

1. Fill in the missing numbers

3. Fill in the missing numbers


_____________________ 4. Fill in the missing numbers




= 10 10 +

15 16


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Point to the number 8. How many do I count on to get to the number 19? First, point to the number 8 and work out how many I count on to get to the number 10 8 + 2 = 10 Now work out how many more I count on to get to 19? 10 + 9 = 19 Altogether I counted on 2 + 9 = 11

= 18

Altogether I counted on


15 16 _____________________



_____________________ My target number today is 19. Look at all the numbers on the third row




5. Write the second column again by taking away 3 from each number:


_____________________ 6. Point to the number 9. How many do I count on to get to the number 18? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19


= 10 10 +

= 18

Altogether I counted on



_____________________ 7. Point to the number 6. How many do I count on to get to the number 18? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19


= 10 10 +

Altogether I counted on




= 18

WEEK 16 Sphere




Name the following shapes 1.

9. A cuboid has

It has edges and corners. _____________________ 10. Look at the red face of the cuboid. What shape is the red face? _____________________ 11. A cylinder has

_____________________ 3.

It has edges and corners. _____________________ 12. Look at the yellow face of the cylinder. What shape is the yellow face? _____________________ 13. A sphere has

_____________________ 6.


edges and corners. It has _____________________ 14. A cube has faces. edges and corners. It has _____________________ 15. Look at the blue face of the cube. What shape is the blue face?

3D Shapes

_____________________ Look at the following objects and name the shape: 5.



_____________________ 4.



_____________________ 2.

Put the correct number in the boxes.

_____________________ _____________________ 7. _____________________ 8. _____________________

Yes or No? 16. A sphere can roll? _____________________ 17. A cube can roll? _____________________ 18. A cuboid can stack? _____________________ 19. A cylinder can stack? _____________________ 20. A sphere can slide? _____________________ 21. A cylinder can slide? _____________________


WEEK 16 Try to find two numbers that add up to 10 to make adding easier. 1.

5 + 5 + 8 =


9 + 9 + 1 =

6 + 4 + 8 = _____________________ THURSDAY: Addition Activities


5 + 5 + 9 = _____________________ 3.

4 + 6 + 9 = _____________________ 4.

1_____________________ + 8+ 9 = 5.

8 + 8 + 2 = _____________________ 6.

5 + 9 + 5 = _____________________

_____________________ 9.

_____________________ 10.

7 3 + 9 ____


9 1 +____ 8

_____________________ 12. 13.

8 3 +____ 7

5 8 +____ 5


7_____________________ + 8 + 3 = 1. 18 = ten and units _____________________ 2. Put a ring around the number that is less than 16.

14 17 19 _____________________ FRIDAY: Challenge


6 + 7 + 3 = _____________________

4. Mike has 13 toy cars. Shay has 4 toy cars more than Mike. How many toy cars has Shay? _____________________ 5. Clara’s Mum is buying a new car. She looks at 5 cars in one garage, 4 cars in another garage and 7 cars in another garage. How many cars does she look at altogether? _____________________ 6. 1 ten and 6 units = _____________________




12 -7 = _____________________

8. Put a ring around the number that is 3 more than 15.

12 17 18 _____________________

9. Draw a circle around the odd one out.

5 + 6 4 + 7 8 + 2 3 + 8 _____________________ 10.

14 = + 7 _____________________

11. Leah has 15c. She goes to the shop and buys a banana for 11c. How much change does she get? c _____________________ 12. What number comes between 16 and 18? _____________________


WEEK 17 is to the left of the

4. The cat

_____________________ 5. The is underneath the dog

1. The sun

is underneath the

_____________________ 2. The ball is to the left of the

_____________________ 3. The tree is on top of the



2 3 4 5

6 7 8

_____________________ 7. The is to the right of the fish _____________________ 8. The tree is the lamp _____________________ of 9. The ball is to the the cat _____________________ 10. The tent is to the of the fish _____________________










Making 8: There are lots of ways of making 8 using 3 numbers. For example, 1 + 1 + 6 = 8 Can you find other ways of making 8?

_____________________ 7.







_____________________ 2. _____________________ 3.





2 3 4 5


6 7 8 9

Making 9: Can you find ways of making 9? 4.







2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

Making 10: Can you find ways of making 10? 8.



= 10



= 10



= 10

_____________________ 9. _____________________ 10. _____________________

TUESDAY: Counting Stick


_____________________ 6.


MONDAY: Target Boards

_____________________ 6. The is on top of the pan





To School

It is a cold Monday morning. Danny wakes up in his warm bed at half past 7. It is snowing outside. “Hurray!”, he shouts. “I will be able to make a snowman at school”.

1. What day was it yesterday? _____________________ 2. What day will it be tomorrow? _____________________ 3. Show the time on the clock that Danny wakes up.

_____________________ After breakfast Danny and Sarah leave for school. They look at the numbers on the doors of the houses they pass…number 1, then number 3, then number 5, then number 7.

5. Are the numbers on the doors even or odd? _____________________ Danny also looks at the colours of the doors. He sees a pattern. The first door is yellow, the next door is green, the next door green, the next door yellow, the next door green. The doors are all in the shape of a rectangle and every door has a little glass window in the shape of a square. 6. What will be the colour of the next door that Danny passes? _____________________ 7. Draw one of the doors that Danny passes.

_____________________ Sarah stops at the shop to buy an apple and a sandwich for her lunch. The apple costs 7c and the sandwich costs 12c. She sees a little toy that she likes but she doesn’t have enough money. The toy costs 11c. She gives 5 coins to the shopkeeper to pay for the apple and the sandwich.

8. What is the total cost of the apple and the sandwich? 4. What number is on the next house they pass? _____________________


c _____________________ 9. How much dearer is the sandwich than the apple? c _____________________


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Complete the number sentences. Remember to try to make 10 first. 1.

7. Complete the number sentences and draw a circle around all the children who have less than 17.



8 + 10 =

6 + + = 17 _____________________ 3.

8 + + = 16 _____________________ 4.

5 + + = 14 _____________________







19 - 3 =

7_____________________ + + = 15



9 + + = 19 _____________________



THURSDAY: Number Work

4 + 6 + = 19 _____________________




1. ten and units 19 = _____________________ 2.

7. How much more money does Zara need to have the same amount as Ronan?

10 +8+2= _____________________

3. Sue draws a wall in a picture of her garden. Dan draws a wall in a picture of his school.

20 - 12 = _____________________ more bricks than Sue’s wall has Dan’s wall. _____________________ 4. Put a ring around the number that is more than 16.

9. Put a ring around the number that is 5 more than 14

16 17 18 19 20 _____________________

14 18 15 13 _____________________

10. What number comes just before 20?

4 + + 9 = 20 _____________________

_____________________ 11.


6. Max has 6 pairs of socks. How many socks does he have altogether? _____________________

20 =

FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ 8.


_____________________ 12. Finish the pattern.








MONDAY: Target Boards

7 15 4 9

1 18 8 11

13 20 2 5 12 10 6 14

1. What is the biggest odd number on the Target Board? _____________________ 2. What is the only even number on the first column? _____________________ 3. What is the only odd number on the fourth column? _____________________ 4. Make an addition number sentence using three of the numbers on the first row:

+ = _____________________

5. What two numbers on the third row add up to 20?


= 20

+ +

= 20 = 20



= 20



= 20



_____________________ 6. There are two pairs of numbers on the second row that add up to 20. What are they?

_____________________ 7. What three numbers on the first column add up to 20? _____________________ 8. What three numbers on the second column add up to 20?

_____________________ 9. Make a subtraction number sentence using three of the numbers on the third row: _____________________

TUESDAY: Counting Stick

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1. The number 12 comes just after the number

6. The number

_____________________ 2. The number 15 comes just before the number

numbers 14 and 16 _____________________ 7. The number comes 3 numbers

comes between the

after the number 15 _____________________ 8. The number comes 4 numbers

_____________________ 3. The number comes just after the number 16 _____________________ 4. The number comes just before the number 10 _____________________ 5. The number 16 comes between the numbers 15 and

before the number 19 _____________________ 10. The number comes 6 numbers


after the number 12 _____________________


before the number 17 _____________________ 9. The number comes 5 numbers


3. How many hours was Danny at school? hours _____________________ 4. How much change did the shopkeeper give Danny?

1. How many children are there altogether in Danny’s class?

girls in the class. _____________________ At 3 o’clock, just as school ends, Danny’s teacher gives Danny 15c for making the best snowman. “Hooray”, shouts Danny. “This is just the best day ever”. On the way home, Danny stops at the shop and buys the toy Sarah had been looking at. He gives the shopkeeper the 15c his teacher gave him and the shopkeeper gives Danny his change. Danny runs all the way home in the snow and gives the new toy to Sarah.

6. What is the number on the last door that Danny passes? _____________________ 7. What do the numbers on the last 3 doors that Danny passes add up to?

Home From School

_____________________ 2. There are more boys than


c _____________________ 5. Draw a circle around the toy Danny gave his little sister. _____________________ The numbers on the doors of the last 4 doors that Danny passes on his way home are numbers 7, 5, 3 and 1.


At school Danny sees his friends. When school starts at 9 o’clock, Danny’s teacher tells the class that she will give a prize to the boy or girl who makes the best snowman at lunch break. At lunch break, the 11 boys and 7 girls in the class are busy making snowmen.

_____________________ 8. What do the numbers on the last 4 doors that Danny passes add up to? _____________________ 9. The 2 doors with what numbers add up to 10? _____________________ 10 The 2 doors with what numbers add up to 12?






WEEK 18 Example: Fill the empty boxes on the 10 frames with blue circles and then make a number sentence to explain what you have done.

THURSDAY: Number Work

6 + 14 = 20 or 6 + 4 + 10 = 20 _____________________ 1.

8+ = 20 or 8 + + = 20 _____________________ 2.

5+ = 20 or 5 + + = 20 _____________________


9+ = 20 or 9 + + = 20 _____________________ 5.

7+ = 20 or 7_____________________ + + = 20

Finish the Number Triangle and write 4 number sentences. 6.

+ +


3+ = 20 or 3 + + = 20 _____________________ 1. Draw a circle around the tallest.

= 20 20 = 20 12

20 -

= 20 = _____________________

7. Mandy has 8 pairs of shoes. How many shoes does she have altogether? _____________________ 8. Draw an apple under the bed

FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ 2.

7_____________________ + + 3 = 20

3. Draw a circle around the shortest _____________________ 4. If you put 2 squares together what shape do you get? _____________________ 5. Put a ring around the number that is 4 more than 16.

19 18 20 17 _____________________

_____________________ 9. There are 18 books on Ellen’s shelf. She has read 11 of them. How many does she still have to read? _____________________ 10.

19 -6 = _____________________

11. Put a ring around the number that is 7 less than 20.

6. Draw a circle around the one longer than a bus.

12 13 14 15 16 _____________________




12. Finish the pattern.







3 25 20 12 24 14 28 6 13 8 11 23 21 27 30 17

5. List the numbers on the fourth row from biggest to smallest: _____________________ 6. Find the only odd number on the Target Board that comes between 12 and 16: _____________________ 7. Find the only even number on the Target Board that comes between 13 and 17:

_____________________ 2. What is the biggest number on the third column?

_____________________ 8. What number on the Target Board is positioned above 8?

_____________________ 3. What is the smallest number on the fourth row?

_____________________ 9. What number on the Target Board is positioned above 24?

_____________________ 4. List the numbers on the first row from smallest to biggest:

_____________________ 10. What number on the Target Board is positioned above 17?



MONDAY: Target Boards

1. What is the biggest number on the second row?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 17


_____________________ 2. Fill in the missing numbers

27 28

_____________________ 3. Fill in the missing numbers

24 23

_____________________ 4. Fill in the missing numbers

27 26

6. What number is ten more than 18?


_____________________ 7. What number is 2 tens more than 3? _____________________ 8. What number is ten less than 14? _____________________ 9. What number is ten less than 29?

_____________________ 5. What number is ten more than 7?

_____________________ 10. What number is 2 tens less than 26?



TUESDAY: Hundred Square

1. Fill in the missing numbers



Practical Activities: Length

WEEK 19 1

length My estimate Desk












My estimate
















WEEK 19 1 3. 10 Bottles

10 Bottles

I have 1 box of 10 bottles and 7 more bottles

= 1 ten + 7 units = 17 1.

I have

box of 10 bottles and

ten + units = _____________________ 4. = ten + units _____________________ 5. = ten + units _____________________ 6. = ten + units _____________________ How Many cubes? 7.


more bottles = ten + units = _____________________ 2.

18 11

10 Bottles

I have

THURSDAY: Tens and Units

more bottles =

10 Bottles

I have

box of 10 bottles and

box of 10 bottles and more bottles =

ten + units = _____________________ 1. Draw a circle around the shortest

ten + units = _____________________

8. Draw a circle around the 2 numbers that make 14.

9 4 _____________________ 2.



+ 9 = 9 + 7

3. Draw a circle around the number that is 5 less than 20.

_____________________ 10. Ann has 5c and Rory has 6c. If they put their money together, how much more do they need to buy the book.


20c c _____________________ 11. What day comes just before Sunday?

14 15 16 17 _____________________ 4 + 7 + 7 =

_____________________ 5. Draw a circle around the 2 numbers that make 10.

8 4 7 6 5 _____________________ 6.

8c + 9c =


_____________________ 7.


= 16


_____________________ 12. Yola uses spans to measure how far it is around her table. The length is 6 spans and the width is 3 spans. How many spans does Yola measure around her table?

FRIDAY: Challenge

4 + 5 + 4 = _____________________


_____________________ 9.

6 Spans 3 Spans

6 Spans

3 Spans



TUESDAY: Hundred Square

MONDAY: Target Boards


7 32 25 14 11 5 38 19 31 17 23 40 26 13 30 15

5. What number on the Target Board has 2 tens and 5 units? _____________________ 6. What number on the Target Board has 3 tens and 2 units?

1. What number on the Target Board is positioned below 38?

_____________________ 7. What number on the Target Board has 1 ten and 3 units?

_____________________ 2. What number on the Target Board is positioned below 31?

_____________________ 8. List the numbers on the third row from smallest to biggest:

_____________________ 3. What number on the Target Board is positioned below 14?

_____________________ 9. List the numbers on the fourth row from biggest to smallest:

_____________________ 4. What number on the Target Board is positioned above 5?

_____________________ 10. What numbers on the Target Board have the number 3 in the ‘tens’ place?



1 11 21 31

2 12 22 32

3 13 23 33

4 5 14 15 24 25 34 35

1. Fill in the missing numbers




_____________________ 8. What number is ten less than 22?

34 33

_____________________ 4. Fill in the missing numbers


_____________________ 5. What number is ten more than 26? _____________________


8 9 10 18 19 20 28 29 30 38 39 40

_____________________ 7. What number is 3 tens more than 1?

_____________________ 3. Fill in the missing numbers


7 17 27 37

6. What number is 2 tens more than 12?

_____________________ 2. Fill in the missing numbers


6 16 26 36

_____________________ 9. What number is 2 tens less than 35?


_____________________ 10. What number is 3 tens less than 40? _____________________

WEEK 20 Tallest and Shortest

7. Draw a circle around the shortest

1. Draw a circle around the tallest

_____________________ 9. The tallest pupil at my table is _____________________ 10. The shortest pupil at my table is

_____________________ 3. Draw a circle around the tallest

_____________________ 4. Draw a circle around the tallest


11. Length of my classroom My Estimate

_____________________ 5. Draw a circle around the shortest



Length Strides _____________________ 12. Width of a radiator My Estimate

_____________________ 6. Draw a circle around the shortest

Practical Activities - Length

_____________________ 2. Draw a circle around the tallest


_____________________ 8. Draw a circle around the shortest


Width Strides _____________________ 13. Width of a whiteboard My Estimate


Width Strides _____________________ 14. Width of a schoolgate My Estimate


Width Strides _____________________


WEEK 20 Count the dots and fill in the missing numbers.

THURSDAY: Tens and Units


ten +

units =

ten +

units =

_____________________ 2.

_____________________ 3.

tens +

tens + unit = _____________________ 6.

tens +

units =

tens +

units =

tens +

units =

_____________________ 7.

units =

_____________________ 4.

ten +


_____________________ 8.

units =


_____________________ 1.


+ or -

7. Draw a circle around the 2 numbers that make 17.

5 = 7

FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ 2. There are 20 children on the school bus. If 6 of them get off, how many are left on the bus? _____________________ 3. Claire has Joe has Claire has more than Joe _____________________ 4. Write the numbers in order starting with the smallest 26 19 29 _____________________ 5.

tens +

units =

_____________________ 6.

19 = + 10 _____________________ 65






_____________________ 9.

6 + 8 + 6 =

_____________________ 10.

_____________________ 11.

7_____________________ + 5 + 5 =

12. It is Prize Week at school. 6 children get prizes for Maths, 7 children get prizes for Reading and 5 children get prizes for Writing. How many children get prizes altogether? _____________________ 13. Fill in the missing numbers

24 23

18 65


1. What numbers on the Target Board are more than 39? _____________________ 2. What numbers on the Target Board are less than 20?

5. Add 1 ten to all the numbers on the first row: 37 + 1 ten = 29 + 1 ten = 14 + 1 ten = 8 + 1 ten = _____________________ My target number today is 20. Look at all the numbers on the second column. Add or take away? 6. What must I do to 29 to reach 20? _____________________ 7. What must I do to 15 to reach 20?

_____________________ 3. What numbers on the Target Board are between 34 and 44? _____________________ 4. What numbers on the Target Board are between 16 and 30?

3 13 23 33 43

4 14 24 34 44

5 15 25 35 45

6 16 26 36 46

7 17 27 37 47

8 9 10 18 19 20 28 29 30 38 39 40 48 49 50

4. Fill in the missing numbers

25 45


27 47



_____________________ 5. What number is ten more than 32?


1. Fill in the missing numbers

37 38 _____________________ 2. Fill in the missing numbers

49 48 47

_____________________ 3. Fill in the missing numbers

12 13 14 17 22 25 26 27 33 34 35


_____________________ 6. What number is 2 tens more than 29? _____________________ 7. What number is 3 tens more than 20? _____________________ 8. What number is ten less than 34?

TUESDAY: Hundred Square

2 12 22 32 42

_____________________ 9. What must I do to 6 to reach 20? _____________________


1 11 21 31 41

_____________________ 8. What must I do to 24 to reach 20?

MONDAY: Target Boards

37 29 14 8 46 15 32 17 11 24 38 40 35 6 21 43

_____________________ 9. What number is 2 tens less than 47? _____________________




Three Little Pigs (Part 1)


Once upon a time there were three little pigs. Their ages were 5, 8 and 11. 1. How old was the oldest pig?

The oldest pig decided to build a house of bricks. He bought 6 loads of bricks in one shop and 7 loads of bricks in another shop.

_____________________ 2. How old was the youngest pig?

6. How many loads of bricks did he buy altogether?

_____________________ 3. How much older was the oldest pig than the youngest pig?

_____________________ The youngest pig spent 4 days building his house. The second pig then spent 3 days building his house and the oldest pig then spent 6 days building his house.

years _____________________ The youngest pig decided to build a house of straw. He bought 5 bundles of straw in one shop and 7 bundles of straw in another shop. 4. How many bundles of straw did he buy altogether?

7. Who spent the most days building his house? _____________________ 8. How many days did the pigs spend altogether building their houses?

_____________________ The second pig decided to build a house of sticks. He bought 4 bundles of sticks in one shop and 9 bundles of sticks in another shop.

_____________________ 9. How much longer did the eldest pig spend building his house than the youngest pig spent building his house?

5. How many bundles of sticks did he buy altogether?





13 – 4 is the same as 13 – 3 – 1 13 – 3 – 1 is the same as 10 – 1 10 – 1 = 9

14 – 6 is the same as

1. There are 16 balls on the 10 Frames. I want to take away 7 balls. I must remember to take away all the balls in the second 10 Frame first. There are 6 balls in the second 10 Frame so I take them away first and then take away one more ball from the first 10 Frame.

16 – 7 is the same as

16 –

My answer is

2. There are 14 balls on the 10 Frames. I want to take away 6 balls. I must remember to take away all the balls in the second 10 Frame first. There are 4 balls in the second 10 Frame so I take them away first and then take away two more balls from the first 10 Frame.


14 –

My answer is

_____________________ Number Triangles

3. Can you make up 4 number sentences based on the triangle









19 ?




7. Colour ½ of the stars yellow

2. Draw a circle around the 2 numbers that make 19.

_____________________ 9. Write the numbers in order starting with the biggest.

½ of 16 = _____________________ 9 12 10 11 6 _____________________

_____________________ 4. Jack has Orla has Orla has less than Jack _____________________ 5. + or -

9 6 = 15 _____________________ 6.

tens + units = _____________________

21 35 27 19

_____________________ 10. Show 11 o’clock on the clock.

_____________________ 11. Fill in the missing numbers

27 28

_____________________ 12. If 4 + 4 = 8 then ½ of 8 =


FRIDAY: Challenge

3. There are 18 flowers in the garden. ½ of them are daffodils. How many daffodils are in the garden?

THURSDAY: Subtraction Using Ten Frames

Example: There are 13 balls on the 10 Frames. I want to take away 4 balls. I must remember to take away all the balls in the second 10 Frame first. There are 3 balls in the second 10 Frame so I take them away first and then take away one more ball from the first 10 Frame.

_____________________ 13. Tom and Jerry are fishing. They catch 6 fish and share them equally. How many fish does Jerry get? _____________________


TUESDAY: Hundred Square

MONDAY: Target Boards


47 29 36 12

18 30 52 43

55 49 23 50

5. Subtract 1 ten from all the numbers on the first row:

31 44 56 19

47 - 1 ten = 18 - 1 ten = 55 - 1 ten =

1. What numbers on the Target Board are more than 49? _____________________ 2. What numbers on the Target Board are less than 25? _____________________ 3. What numbers on the Target Board are between 41 and 51?

31 - 1 ten = _____________________ My target number today is 20. Look at all the numbers on the second column. Add in or take away? 6. What must I do to 18 to reach 20? _____________________ 7. What must I do to 30 to reach 20?

_____________________ 8. What must I do to 52 to reach 20? _____________________ 4. What numbers on the Target Board have the same number of tens as units? _____________________ 9. What must I do to 43 to reach 20? _____________________ _____________________

1 11 21 31 41 51

2 12 22 32 42 52

3 13 23 33 43 53

4 14 24 34 44 54

5 15 25 35 45 55

6 16 26 36 46 56

7 17 27 37 47 57

8 9 10 18 19 20 28 29 30 38 39 40 48 49 50 58 59 60

47 48

_____________________ 2. Fill in the missing numbers

54 53


38 57





40 59

_____________________ 5. What number is ten more than 47?

_____________________ 7. What number is 3 tens more than 29?

_____________________ 3. Fill in the missing numbers

36 45 46



_____________________ 6. What number is 2 tens more than 38?

1. Fill in the missing numbers


4. Fill in the missing numbers

_____________________ 8. What number is ten less than 36?


_____________________ 9. What number is 2 tens less than 60 ? _____________________

WEEK 22 5. How many rooms were in the youngest pig’s house?

_____________________ For breakfast one morning, the youngest pig had 3 eggs, the second pig had 6 eggs and the eldest pig just had 5 sausages. 4. How many eggs did they eat altogether? _____________________ The wolf was nearby and could smell the cooking from the youngest pig’s house. The wolf knocked on the door of the youngest pig’s house and shouted, “Little pig, little pig, let me in”. “Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin”, replied the youngest pig. “I’m cleaning my 5 rooms upstairs and my 6 rooms downstairs and I’m very, very busy”. The wolf huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down. The youngest pig squealed and ran all the way to the second pig’s house.

Three Little Pigs (Part 2)

_____________________ 3. Which garden had more flowers – the front garden or the back garden?

_____________________ The wolf followed the two little pigs all the way to the house of bricks where the oldest little pig lived. The wolf knew he would not be able to blow the house of bricks down so he climbed up onto the roof. The oldest pig saw what was happening so he filled a big pot full of water and put it on a blazing fire. Just as the wolf was coming down the chimney, he took the cover off the pot and in fell the wolf. The oldest pig put the cover back on the pot, boiled the wolf and they ate him for supper.


_____________________ 2. How many blue flowers did he have altogether?


The eldest pig made a lovely garden. He had 7 blue flowers in the front garden, 2 blue flowers in the back garden and 8 red flowers in the back garden. 1. How many flowers had he in his back garden?

_____________________ The wolf followed the youngest pig all the way to the house of sticks where the second little pig lived. The wolf knocked on the door and shouted, “Little pig, little pig, let me in”. “Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin”, replied the second pig. “I’m washing 4 shirts, 7 towels and 5 trousers and I’m very, very busy”. The wolf huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down. The two little pigs squealed and ran all the way to the oldest pig’s house. 6. How many towels was the second pig washing?

The three little pigs then sent some emails to all their friends to tell them what had happened. The youngest pig sent 7 emails, the second pig sent 9 emails and the oldest pig sent 3 emails. 7. How many emails did they send altogether? _____________________ 8. Who sent the most emails? _____________________


WEEK 22 Paul


THURSDAY: Odd or Even




16 – 3 =

19 - 5 =


12 + 4 =





1. Name all the children who got an even number for their answer:

4 + 11 =



4. Who got the smallest odd number as their answer?

_____________________ 2. Name all the children who got an odd number for their answer:

_____________________ 3. Who got the biggest even number as their answer?

_____________________ 5. Name the children who got the same odd number as their answer?

_____________________ 6. Name the children who got the same even number as their answer?


_____________________ 1.

8. Fill in the missing numbers.

2. How much for 4 bananas?

_____________________ 9. Danny has 3 shirts each with 5 buttons. How many buttons altogether

18 + 20 = _____________________

FRIDAY: Challenge



10 15



c _____________________ 3. Draw a circle around the 2 numbers that make 20.






_____________________ 4. There are 12 sweets in a packet. ½ of them are red. How many red sweets are in the packet? _____________________ 5. Draw a circle around the odd numbers.

8 10 13 16 19 _____________________ 15 –3= _____________________



_____________________ 10. + or -

15 5 = 10 _____________________

11. Use near doubles to work out the sum.

4 +5+7= _____________________

12. Write the numbers in order starting with the smallest.

43 16



_____________________ 13. Colour ½ of the balloons green


7. 38 = tens and _____________________






1. What numbers on the Target Board are more than 55? _____________________ 2. What numbers on the Target Board are between 30 and 45? _____________________ 3. Put the numbers on the fourth column in order starting with the smallest: _____________________ 4. What is the only odd number in the first column?

3 13 23 33 43 53 63

4 5 14 15 24 25 34 35 44 45 54 55 64 65

6 16 26 36 46 56 66

7 17 27 37 47 57 67

8 9 10 18 19 20 28 29 30 38 39 40 48 49 50 58 59 60 68 69 70

57 58

_____________________ 2. Fill in the missing numbers


_____________________ 3. Fill in the missing numbers

10 20

_____________________ 8. What must I do to 57 to reach 30? _____________________ 9. What must I do to 24 to reach 30? _____________________ 10. What must I do to 46 to reach 30?

5. Fill in the missing numbers


48 58

_____________________ 6. Fill in the missing numbers

43 54

1. Fill in the missing numbers


7. What must I do to 32 to reach 30?



_____________________ 7. What number is 6 units more than 62? ___________________ 8. What number is 3 tens more than 40?

___________________ 4. What number is 2 tens less than 70?

___________________ 9. What number is 3 units less than 61?



TUESDAY: Hundred Square

2 12 22 32 42 52 62

_____________________ My target number today is 30. Look at all the numbers on the first row. Add or take away?



1 11 21 31 41 51 61

_____________________ 6. What is the only number on the Target Board with 0 tens?

MONDAY: Target Boards

32 57 24 46 18 48 15 64 54 9 68 56 19 60 38 21

5. What is the only number on the Target Board with 0 units?


WEEK 23 The pupils in Ms. Murray’s class chose their favourite fruit.

The pupils in Mr. Kelly’s class chose their favourite toy. 1. How many? 2. How many?

1. How many children chose a banana?



_____________________ 2. How many children chose a strawberry?

_____________________ 3. How many? 4. How many?

_____________________ 3. What did most children choose?

_____________________ 5. How many?

_____________________ 4. How many altogether chose an apple or a pear? _____________________ 5. How many altogether chose a banana an orange? _____________________ 6. How many children altogether are in Ms. Murray’s class? _____________________ 7. What fruit would you choose? _____________________ Find out what is the favourite fruit of the pupils in your class. 1. How many? 2. How many? _____________________ 3. How many? 4. How many?

_____________________ Draw the results on the chart 6 or

5 4 3 2 1

Draw the results on the chart 10 9 8 7 6

_____________________ 5. How many?




4 2 1


WEEK 23 1.

+ or –


7_____________________ 2 = 5 + or –


+ or –


+ or –


+ or –


+ or –

10 6 = 16 _____________________ Colour the correct box.

8 4 = 12 _____________________

10. How do I make 4?


12-6 _____________________

9 3 = 6 _____________________

13-7 15-8 17-11 _____________________ 12. How do I make 5?

15-11 14-9 18-12 10-7 _____________________

9 9 = 18 _____________________ 8.

+ or –

13. How do I make 8?

13 2 = 11 _____________________

14-7 16-10 17-8 19-11 _____________________

14 3 = 11 _____________________ 1.

8. Draw an X to the left of the dog.

half past _____________________ 2. 3. t u 8 + 3 1 +______ 6 ______ 15

43 42

_____________________ 6. Show half past 7 on the clock.

_____________________ 7.

38 + 10 = _____________________

_____________________ 9. Draw a circle around the 2 numbers that make 20.

11 16 8 4 7 _____________________ units.

10. Draw a circle around the even numbers.

6 14 15 17 18 _____________________ 11. Fill in the missing numbers

80 70

_____________________ 12.


FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ 4. 47 = tens and _____________________ 5. Fill in the missing numbers



5 12 = 17 _____________________ + or –


11. How do I make 7?

11 4 = 7 _____________________


THURSDAY: Making Number Sentances


+ or –

6 + 7 + 3 =

_____________________ 13. Put the following numbers in order starting with the smallest


50 40 20



MONDAY: Target Boards


19 63 30 20

37 24 71 68

76 50 44 27

52 47 12 70

1. Put the numbers on the second row in order starting with the smallest: _____________________ 2. Put the numbers on the fourth row in order starting with the biggest: _____________________ 3. What numbers on the Target Board are more than 65? _____________________ 4. What number on the Target Board is between 57 and 67? _____________________

5. What number on the Target Board is between 28 and 36? _____________________ 6. What is the biggest number on the Target Board? _____________________ 7. What is the smallest number on the Target Board? _____________________ 8. What numbers on the target board have 0 units? _____________________ 9. Round the numbers on the first row to the nearest 10: _____________________ 10. Round the numbers on the second row to the nearest 10: _____________________

TUESDAY: Counting Stick

4. Fill in the missing numbers

1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71

2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72

3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73

4 5 14 15 24 25 34 35 44 45 54 55 64 65 74 75

6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76

7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77

8 9 10 18 19 20 28 29 30 38 39 40 48 49 50 58 59 60 68 69 70 78 79 80

1. Fill in the missing numbers

67 68

_____________________ 2. Fill in the missing numbers



_____________________ 3. Fill in the missing numbers

30 40 50


54 75


_____________________ 5. What number is 12 more than 41? _____________________ 6. What number is 15 more than 52? _____________________ 7. What number is 16 more than 63? _____________________ 8. What number is 24 more than 33? _____________________ 9. What number is 25 more than 54? _____________________ 10. What number is 21 more than 43? _____________________



6. On how many throws does Danny miss knocking down a duck? _____________________ 7. On how many throws does Sarah miss knocking down a duck?


The Fun Fair has come to town. There are lots of fun things to do and play. Danny and Sarah want to go on the Big Wheel. There are 19 seats on the Big Wheel and 4 of them are empty. It costs 9c each to go on the Big Wheel. 1. How many empty seats are on the Big Wheel?

_____________________ _____________________ 2. How many people are on the Big Wheel?


_____________________ 3. If Danny and Sarah get on the Big Wheel, how many people will be on it then?

c _____________________

“Let’s play the Darts game”, shouts Sarah. Sarah throws 3 darts and scores a 5, a 5 and a 7. Danny throws 3 darts and scores a 4, a 6 and a 9. 8. How much does Sarah score altogether?

Fun Fair

_____________________ 4. How much will it cost Danny and Sarah altogether to go on the Big Wheel?

_____________________ 9. How much does Danny score altogether? _____________________ 10. How many points does Danny win by? Danny and Sarah go to play ‘Knock the Ducks’. They have to throw a ball and knock a duck down off the shelf. Danny takes 10 throws and knocks 4 ducks down. Sarah takes 10 throws and knocks 7 ducks down. Sarah is the winner and wins a prize.


5. How many more ducks does Sarah knock down than Danny? _____________________


THURSDAY: Fractions

WEEK 24 1.


dots altogether. dots in each half. So ½ of = _____________________

dots altogether. dots in each half. So ½ of = _____________________

dots altogether. dots in each half. So ½ of = _____________________

12 dots altogether. 6 dots in each half. So ½ of 12 = _____________________

dots altogether. dots in each half. So ½ of = _____________________

dots altogether. dots in each half. So ½ of = _____________________






2. The king has 43 servants working in his palace. He needs 5 more to help in the garden. How many servants will be working in the palace then?

8. Put the following numbers in order starting with the smallest.

38 – 1 ten = _____________________

FRIDAY: Challenge


7_____________________ + 7 + 4 = 42

36 29 58

_____________________ 3.

_____________________ 9. Fill in the missing numbers


_____________________ 10. Draw an X to the right of teddy.

half past _____________________ 47 + 10 = _____________________ 5. t u 5 1 + 4 ______ _____________________ 6. 56 = tens and units _____________________

46 47


_____________________ 11. Draw a circle around the 2 numbers that make 16.

7_____________________ 8 8 6 7


12. Draw a ring around the one that weighs less than 1kg? _____________________




46 53 25 75

27 19 38 32

69 30 84 55

What Number Am I? Use the Target Board to help you work out the number. Clue I am on the first row…..

Numbers I Could Be?

I have 7 units…..

17, 27

I am between 20 and 30…..


17, 46, 27, 69

am 27 1. Add 2 tens to all the numbers on the first row: I_____________________ Clue I am on the first column…..

17 + 2 tens = 46 + 2 tens = 27 + 2 tens = 69 + 2 tens = _____________________

I have 1 unit….. I am between 45 and 55…..

2. Subtract 2 ten from all the numbers on the fourth row:

81 - 2 tens = 75 - 2 tens = 32 - 2 tens = 55 - 2 tens = _____________________ 2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82

3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83

4 5 14 15 24 25 34 35 44 45 54 55 64 65 74 75 84 85

6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86

7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87

I_____________________ am 8 9 10 18 19 20 28 29 30 38 39 40 48 49 50 58 59 60 68 69 70 78 79 80 88 89 90

82 83 84

_____________________ 2. Fill in the missing numbers

77 76

_____________________ 3. Fill in the missing numbers





Clue Numbers I Could Be? I am between 16 and 26….. I am on the second line….. I am less than 20…..

1. Fill in the missing numbers


I_____________________ am

4. What number is 12 less than 56? _____________________ 5. What number is 11 less than 75? _____________________ 6. What number is 14 less than 65? _____________________ 7. What number is 23 less than 58? _____________________ 8. What number is 26 less than 89? _____________________ 9. What number is 25 less than 76?

TUESDAY: Hundred Square

1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81

Numbers I Could Be?

MONDAY: Target Boards

17 24 51 81

_____________________ 10. What number is 37 less than 88? _____________________


WEEK 25 Add to help you finish the Puzzle Walls. 1.


10 4


_____________________ 2.


7. Write the numbers 2, 2, 4, 6, 6 in the correct box so that each side of the square adds up to 12. The total must be 12.


_____________________ 3.




_____________________ Triangle Puzzles


8. Write the missing numbers in the boxes by adding up the numbers in the circles that join them.






6 4 _____________________ 4.



_____________________ 9.







_____________________ 5.



_____________________ Square Puzzles




_____________________ 10.


6. Write the numbers 1, 2, 2, 2, 3 in the correct box so that each side of the square adds up to 6. The total must be 6.

3 1 1






WEEK 25 Count how many altogether; Colour ½


Finish the number sentence 1. cats altogether. I coloured

doors So ½ of = _____________________ 2.

cats So ½ of = _____________________ 5.

boots altogether. I coloured socks altogether. I coloured socks So ½ of = _____________________ 3.

hats altogether. I coloured hats So ½ of = _____________________


48 – 30 = _____________________

boots So ½ of = _____________________ 6.

½ of 8 = _____________________ 7.

½ of 18 = _____________________ 8.

½ of 20 = _____________________ 7. Fill in the missing numbers taken from a part of the 100 Square.

27 28

2. I am a number between 28 and 31. I have 3 tens. What number am I? _____________________ 3. Show half past 10 on the clock.

_____________________ 5.

64 + 30 = _____________________

6. There are 62 cars in a carpark. 5 more cars come into the carpark. How many cars are in the carpark now? _____________________


_____________________ 8. Put the following numbers in order starting with the smallest.


49 65 81

_____________________ 9. 10.

t u 8 5 - 3 ______

t u 7 3 + 6 ______

FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ 4. What number is 7 less than 89?

THURSDAY: Fractions

doors altogether. I coloured

_____________________ 11. Fill in the missing numbers





WEEK 26 5. If I have 20c, what change will I get if I buy a ball and a hoop?

MONDAY: Target Boards

c _____________________ 6. Name 2 things I can buy for exactly 15c. 1. What is the dearest thing in the first row? _____________________ 7. Name 2 things I can buy for exactly 20c.

_____________________ 2. What is the dearest thing in the third column? _____________________ 3. What is the cheapest thing in the second row? _____________________ 4. If I have 20c, what change will I get if I buy a teddy?

TUESDAY: Hundred Square

2 12 22 32 42

3 13 23 33 43

4 14 24 34 44

5 15 25 35 45

6 16 26 36 46

7 17 27 37 47

_____________________ 9. What is the total cost of the items on the first column? c _____________________

c _____________________

1 11 21 31 41

_____________________ 8. I want to buy the car . Draw the coins I need

8 9 10 18 19 20 28 29 30 38 39 40 48 49 50

Use the grid above to help you answer the following questions.

3. How much for a box of eggs and butter? c _____________________ 4. How much for cornflakes and a cupcake? c _____________________ 5. How much for 2 cakes? c _____________________ If i have











1. How much for a cupcake and a jar of jam?









c _____________________ 2. How much for a loaf of bread and a cake? c _____________________


I buy

Total Cost Change


It is the day of the big race. Danny and Sarah’s Dad is running. 84 runners are taking part. Dad puts on his number. It is number 69.


1377 1267

_____________________ As the runners come to the finish line, Dad sprints and wins the race. Danny and Sarah run to hug Dad. Dad is so happy. 10 runners did not finish the race. There were 20 women in the race altogether. The rest were men. Mike’s Dad finishes 6th, just after Mike’s Mum.


_____________________ 3. Can you round Dad’s number to the nearest 10? _____________________ 4. What is the sum of the digits on Dad’s number? _____________________ Dad is running very well. He is just behind Mike’s Dad as the runners pass the school. Mike’s Dad is in 4th. There is a big crowd cheering. There are 9 people on one side of the road and 10 people on the other.

Big Race

_____________________ 2. Can you round the number of runners taking part to the nearest 10?


1. How many runners are taking part?

_____________________ 6. How many people are at the school cheering?



5. In what place is Dad as the runners pass the school?

7. How many men were in the race? _____________________ 8. How many runners finished the race? _____________________ 9. Where did Mike’s Mum finish? _____________________ 10. At the finish, how many runners were between Dad and Mike’s Dad?


1263 1267




WEEK 26 Example: 3 + 4


6 + 1 = 7 Add the following near doubles


4 +5 4+4+1 _____________________



2 +3 2+2+1 _____________________



THURSDAY: Near Doubles

2. 3.

3 +4 3+3+ _____________________




6 +7 + _____________________ +



5 +6 + _____________________ +




Try to work out the following by making near doubles first. 6.

4 7. 3 5 4 + 1 ______ +7 ______


2 9. 2 6 6 + 3 ______ +7 ______


5 +6+3= _____________________ 11.

5 +6+2= _____________________ 12.

3 +4+6= _____________________ 1.

57 – 30 = _____________________

7. Fill in the missing numbers taken from a part of the 100 Square.


2. I am a number between 24 and 29. I have 6 units. What number am I?

FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ 3. Show half past 5 on the clock.

_____________________ 4. What number is 5 less than 96? _____________________ 5.

39 + 30 = _____________________

6. There are 48 sandwiches on a tray. Sam eats 5 of them. How many sandwiches are left on the tray? _____________________ 7.

10 +

= 18




_____________________ 8. Put the following numbers in order starting with the smallest.


79 89 74

_____________________ 9. 10.

t u 9 8 - 6 ______

t u 5 2 + 7 ______

_____________________ 11. Fill in the missing numbers





WEEK 27 2 o’clock

5 o’clock

half past 3

half past 7

half past 4

7 o’clock

12 o’clock

half past 1

3 o’clock

half past 5

half past 6

4 o’clock

5 o’clock + 1 hour =

4 o’clock – 1 hour = _____________________ 3. Write the times on the second row again if it was half an hour later:

half past 3 + 1 hour = half past 7 + 1 hour = _____________________ 2. Take away one hour from all the times on the fourth column: half past 7 – 1 hour =

_____________________ 4. Show the times on the third column on the clocks below:


1. Add one hour to all the times on the first row: 2 o’clock + 1 hour =

half past 1 – 1 hour = _____________________

2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82

3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83

4 5 14 15 24 25 34 35 44 45 54 55 64 65 74 75 84 85

6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86

7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87

8 9 10 18 19 20 28 29 30 38 39 40 48 49 50 58 59 60 68 69 70 78 79 80 88 89 90

1. Fill in the missing numbers

46 47 48

_____________________ 2. Fill in the missing numbers

67 68

_____________________ 3. Fill in the missing numbers

50 45 40


4. What number is 13 more than 59? _____________________ 5. What number is 16 more than 35? _____________________ 6. What number is 12 more than 69? ___________________ 7. What number is 27 more than 46? _____________________ 8. What number is 28 more than 15? _____________________ 9. What number is 24 more than 28?

TUESDAY: Hundred Square

1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81

___________________ 10. What number is 35 more than 48? ___________________



The book weighs the same as the pencil case.



The cat is heavier than the mouse. The mouse is lighter the cat. Draw a ring around the one that is heavier 1.

_____________________ 9. How many cubes balance the egg? _____________________ 10. How many cubes balance the ball?

_____________________ 2.

_____________________ 3.

_____________________ 4. __________________ Draw a ring around the one that is lighter 5.

__________________ 6.

__________________ 7.

__________________ 8.



_____________________ 11. What is the heaviest? _____________________ 12. What is the lightest? _____________________ 13. Which is heavier - the egg or the crayon? _____________________ 14. Which is lighter – the ball or the tub? _____________________ 15. How many cubes would you need to balance the egg and the ball together? _____________________ 16. How many more cubes are needed to balance the tub than the crayon? _____________________ Can you write a number sentence for this?


WEEK 27 1. Add 2 more.

4. Add 3 more.

t u 2 6 + 3 ______

_____________________ 2. Add 5 more.

t u 4 2 + 5 ______

_____________________ 5. Add 8 more.

t u 4 1 + 8 ______

_____________________ 3. Add 3 more.

t u 3 4 + 3 ______

_____________________ 1.

87 - 20 = _____________________

t u 3 2 + 7 ______

_____________________ 6. 7. 8.

t u 25 + 3 ______

t u 1 4 + 4 ______

THURSDAY: Tens and Units

t u 3 5 + 2 ______


6. Show half past 12 on the clock.

2. I am an even number between 10 and 13. What number am I?


_____________________ 7. Put the following numbers in order starting with the biggest.

62 69 87 79

_____________________ 8. 9.



_____________________ 4.

41 + 30 = _____________________

t u 8 9 -2 3 ______

t u 5 4 +______ 1 5

5. Mona measured the length of her garden at home. It was 14 metres long. Ian measured the length of his garden and it was 4 metres longer than Mona’s. How long was Ian’s garden?

_____________________ 10. Fill in the missing numbers

metres _____________________

½ of 14 =

45 55

FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ 3. Fill in the missing numbers taken from a part of the 100 Square.


_____________________ 11. _____________________



MONDAY: Target Boards

52 36 17 74

49 91 85 40

18 94 64 70 16 90 76 9

1. Add 2 tens to all the numbers on the fourth row:

74 + 2 tens = 40 + 2 tens = 76 + 2 tens = 9 + 2 tens =

TUESDAY: Hundred Square

3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93

4 5 14 15 24 25 34 35 44 45 54 55 64 65 74 75 84 85 94 95

I am

6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96

7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97

8 9 10 18 19 20 28 29 30 38 39 40 48 49 50 58 59 60 68 69 70 78 79 80 88 89 90 98 99 100

1. Fill in the missing numbers



_____________________ 2. Fill in the missing numbers

88 89

_____________________ 3. Fill in the missing numbers

97 98



Numbers I Could Be?

I have 9 tens....

49 – 2 tens = 91 – 2 tens = 85 – 2 tens = 40 – 2 tens = _____________________ 2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92

Clue I am on the fourth column….. I have 0 unit…..

_____________________ 2. Subtract 2 tens from all the numbers on the second column:

1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91


_____________________ 4. Clue I am on the third row…..

Numbers I Could Be?

I have 1 ten….. I am an odd number.

I am

_____________________ 4. Fill in the missing numbers

94 93

_____________________ 5. What number is 14 less than 32? _____________________ 6. What number is 17 less than 55? ___________________ 7. What number is 15 less than 63? _____________________ 8. What number is 26 less than 71? _____________________ 9. What number is 23 less than 82? ___________________ 10. What number is 38 less than 93? ___________________



Now hold the following objects in your hand(s) and say if they are heavier than 1kg; lighter than 1kg; or about the same as 1kg 1. My copybook is than 1kg _____________________ 2. My chair is

7. Which object is the lightest?

than 1kg _____________________ 3. My plastic ball is

_____________________ 8. Which object is the heaviest?

than 1kg _____________________ 4. My schoolbag is

_____________________ 9. The apple is

than 1kg _____________________ 5. My lunchbox is

than the copybook Give a reason for your answer.

than 1kg _____________________ 6. My coat is than 1kg _____________________



WEEK 28 Example t u 2 5 - 4 ______ 21 _____________________ 1. Take away 3

THURSDAY: Subtraction

t u 3 7 - 3 ______

3. Take away 4

t u 3 6 - 4 ______

_____________________ 4. Take away 5

_____________________ 2. Take away 5

t u 4 8 - 5 ______

t u 2 9 - 5 ______ t u 4 8 - 6 ______

_____________________ 5. 6. 7.

t u 24 - 1 ______


t u 1 9 - 5 ______


1. Show the time on the clock if it was half an hour earlier.


_____________________ 2. Fill in the missing numbers:

18 20


_____________________ 3. Joey, Anna and Donal have 10 marbles each. How many marbles altogether? _____________________ 4.

55 + 2 tens = _____________________ 5.

(6 + 4) + 5 = _____________________ 6.

6 + (4 + 5) = _____________________ 7.

½ of 18 = _____________________ 89


t u 6 2 +3 7 ______


t u 6 5 -3 0 ______

_____________________ 10. Orla has 20c A pencil costs 30c. How much more does Orla need to buy the pencil? _____________________ 11. Draw circles around the 2 numbers that make 22:

6 8 10 12 13 _____________________

12. Draw circles around the numbers that are less than 45:

37 75 48 29 51 _____________________

13. What number is 10 more than 42? _____________________ 14.

17 -6= _____________________



14 25 93 58

45 56 77 29

32 30 63 35

1. Put the numbers on the first row in order starting with the smallest: _____________________ 2. Put the numbers on the third row in order starting with the biggest: _____________________ 3. What numbers on the Target Board are more than 75? _____________________ 4. What number on the Target Board is between 86 and 96? _____________________

2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92

3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93

4 5 14 15 24 25 34 35 44 45 54 55 64 65 74 75 84 85 94 95

6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96

7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97

8 9 10 18 19 20 28 29 30 38 39 40 48 49 50 58 59 60 68 69 70 78 79 80 88 89 90 98 99 100

Count in 10s to fill in the missing numbers 1.




25 35


_____________________ 2. _____________________ 3. Fill in the missing numbers

34 44 54


_____________________ 6. If you count in fives, what numbers on the Target Board would you say?

_____________________ 7. Round the numbers on the second column to the nearest 10: _____________________ 8. Add 3 tens to all the numbers on the first row:

60 + 3 tens = 14 + 3 tens = 45 + 3 tens = 32 + 3 tens = _____________________ 4.

29 39 49

_____________________ 5. What number is 27 more than 19? _____________________ 6. What number is 52 more than 26? ___________________ 7. What number is 43 more than 45? _____________________ 8. What number is 15 less than 46? _____________________ 9. What number is 53 less than 96?

TUESDAY: Hundred Square

1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91

5. What is the smallest number on the Target Board?

MONDAY: Target Boards

60 47 79 21

___________________ 10. What number is 37 less than 88? ___________________


WEEK 29 Danny and Sarah are taking part in a school walk to raise money for the school. 46 boys and 32 girls are taking part.

5. How many children have water? _____________________ 6. How many children have apple juice?



School Walk

_____________________ 7. How many children have milk?

1. How many boys are taking part in the school walk altogether?

_____________________ 15 children took crisps, 17 children took apples, 12 children took bananas and 16 children took cereal bars.

_____________________ 2. Round the number of boys taking part to the nearest 10? _____________________ 3. How many girls are taking part in the school walk altogether? _____________________ 4. Round the number of girls taking part to the nearest 10? _____________________ During the walk, there is a stop for drinks and some food. 10 boys and 6 girls have water, 4 boys and 7 girls have apple juice and 5 boys and 7 girls have milk.


8. Which snack was most popular? _____________________ 9. Which snack was least popular? _____________________ 10. How many more children took cereal bars than bananas? _____________________

WEEK 29 Example: 34 + 25 t u 3 4 +2 5 ______

t u 1 6 +43 ______

_____________________ 2.

t u 2 1 +26 ______

t u 3 5 +2 1 ______

t u 4 7 +3 2 ______

_____________________ 8. 9. 10.

_____________________ 3.

t u 3 2 +2 4 ______

_____________________ 5. 6. 7.

t u 2 5 +5 2 ______ _____________________ t u 5 4 +2 3 ______

t u 1 4 +64 ______

THURSDAY: Tens and Units: Addition

5 9 _____________________ 1.

t u 1 5 +23 ______

t u 4 5 +2 3 ______



1. Jess, Martin and Marissa have 3 crayons each. How many crayons altogether?


_____________________ 2. Draw circles around the numbers that are more than 75:

67 82 59 96 77 _____________________ 19

19 23 19 27

_____________________ 4.

39 + 2 tens = _____________________ 5.

(8 + 2) + 9 = _____________________


t u 9 7 -3 5 ______

_____________________ 10.

½ of 16 = _____________________ 11. Match:

16 8 + 8 + 2 17 4 + 7 + 6 18 6 + 5 + 5 _____________________ 12. How many dots altogether?

FRIDAY: Challenge

3. Fill in the missing numbers:

t u 5 3 +2 5 ______


8 + (2 + 9) = _____________________

7. Show the time on the clock if it was half an hour later.


How many more dots to make 20? _____________________


MONDAY: Target Boards


7 1 3 6

4 11 15 10

2 14 16 8

5 12 9 13

1. Add all the numbers on the first row. _____________________ 2. Add all the numbers on the first column: _____________________ 3. What is the only even number on the fourth column? _____________________ 4. What is the only odd number on the fourth row?

TUESDAY: Counting Stick


1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91

2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92

3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93

4 5 14 15 24 25 34 35 44 45 54 55 64 65 74 75 84 85 94 95

6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96

7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97

8 9 10 18 19 20 28 29 30 38 39 40 48 49 50 58 59 60 68 69 70 78 79 80 88 89 90 98 99 100

Count in 10s to fill in the missing numbers 1.

46 56 66

_____________________ 2.




_____________________ 3. Fill in the missing numbers

63 53 43



5. Add the biggest number on the second row to the smallest number on the second row? _____________________ 6. Add the biggest number on the fourth row to the smallest number on the fourth row? _____________________ 7. Add the biggest number on the second column to the smallest number on the second column? _____________________ 8. Add the biggest number on the fourth column to the smallest number on the fourth column? _____________________ 9. Take away the smallest number on the third row from the biggest number on the third row?


88 78 68

_____________________ 5. Round 36 to the nearest 10? _____________________ 6. Round 59 to the nearest 10? ___________________ 7. Round 51 to the nearest 10? _____________________ 8. Round 83 to the nearest 10? _____________________ 9. Round 78 to the nearest 10? ___________________ 10. Round 12 to the nearest 10? ___________________




Write a number story for the number sentence above:

Complete the number sentence and then write a number story for it.

24 + 4 = 28

45 + 14 =

Write a number story for the number sentence above:

Complete the number sentence and then write a number story for it.

85 - 3 = 82

68 + 7 =

_____________________ 3.

_____________________ 7.

Complete the number sentence and then write a number story for it.

Complete the number sentence and then write a number story for it.

31 + 7 =

85 - 14 =

_____________________ 4.

_____________________ 8.

Complete the number sentence and then write a number story for it.

Complete the number sentence and then write a number story for it.

76 - 6 =


Writing Number Stories

_____________________ 6.


_____________________ 2.

59 - 27 =




THURSDAY: Tens and Units: Subtraction

Example: 36 - 12 t u 3 6 -1 2 ______

t u 4 5 -2 2 ______


24 _____________________ 1.

t u 2 6 -1 4 ______

_____________________ 5. 6. 7.

t u 67 -35 ______

_____________________ 2.

t u 4 7 -1 2 ______

t u 7 8 -3 2 ______

t u 5 9 -1 7 ______

_____________________ 8. 9. 10.

t u 9 6 -4 3 ______

_____________________ 3.

t u 3 8 -2 3 ______

t u 8 5 -6 5 ______

t u 7 4 -4 3 ______



7. Draw a circle around the shape that can roll.

1. Can you balance the scales?

kg 5kg





FRIDAY: Challenge

_____________________ 2. Fill in the missing numbers:


27 29 23 19 35

_____________________ 3. Draw a circle around half of the balloons. _____________________ 4.

47 - 3 tens = _____________________ 5.

19 - 10 = _____________________

6. Draw a circle around the one that holds more than 1 litre.



1 litre

_____________________ 8.

67 + 3 tens = _____________________

9. Draw circles around the 2 numbers that add up to 60:

10 20 30 40 45 _____________________

10. Adam counts the cars in the car park. He counts 63 cars at lunch time. He counts the cars again at 5 o’clock and there are 20 less than this. How many cars are in the car park at 5 o’clock? _____________________ 11. Match

7 8 9

12 - 4 14 - 5 13 - 6




14 2 16 9

11 8 4 13

5 17 12 7

5. Make a subtraction number sentence using three of the numbers on the fourth column:



_____________________ 6. Double the smallest number on the first row?

1. Add all the numbers on the first row. _____________________ 2. Add the even numbers on the first column. _____________________ 3. Add the even numbers on the third column.

_____________________ 7. Double the smallest number on the third column? _____________________ 8. Add the biggest number on the second row to the smallest number on the second row?

_____________________ 4. Add the even numbers on the second row.

_____________________ 9. Take away the smallest number on the first column from the biggest number on the first column?



2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92

3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93

4 5 14 15 24 25 34 35 44 45 54 55 64 65 74 75 84 85 94 95

6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96

7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97

8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98

9 10 19 20 29 30 39 40 49 50 59 60 69 70 79 80 89 90 99 100

Fill in the different sections of the 100 Square 1.


37 ___________________





___________________ 5. 6.

53 ___________________ 7. 8.


48 79

___________________ 9. 10.

TUESDAY: Hundred Square

1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91

MONDAY: Target Boards

6 10 15 3

19 75





How many egg-cupfuls

Estimate first.



My Estimate

egg cupfuls


egg cupfuls

egg cupfuls


egg cupfuls

egg cupfuls

How many cupfuls

Estimate first.




apples egg cupfuls



will it take to fill the following containers?

will it take to fill the following containers?

My Estimate apples cupfuls











For this activity, you will need a 1 litre container How many of the following objects will it take to fill a 1 litre container?

Estimate first.

Object Cup

My Estimate About

Actual Number

apples cups








Which object has the biggest capacity?

Give a reason for your answer.

_____________________ _____________________


WEEK 31 Example: 3 tens + 16 units = 4 tens + 6 units = 46

8. 4 tens + 3 units +____________________ 2 tens + 6 units tens +




units = units = units = units = 3 tens + 5 units 7. +____________________ 2 tens + 7 units tens + 9.



tens +





_____________________ 2. What month comes next? 3.

How many dots altogether? How many more dots to make 20? _____________________ 4. Draw a circle around half of the sweets.

20 =5 _____________________

6. What number is 6 more than 18? _____________________

units =

7. If you count back in 5s, what number comes next?






_____________________ 8.

94 - 3 tens = _____________________

9. There are 2 cars and 3 bikes in the yard. How many wheels altogether? _____________________ 10.

90 take away 30 =

_____________________ 11.

47 + 31 =

FRIDAY: Challenge

April, May, June, _____________________

_____________________ 5.

units =

3 tens + 4 units +____________________ 3 tens + 5 units

units =

1. Can you balance the scales?

THURSDAY: Addition: Regrouping

1. 4 tens + 12 units = 5 tens + units = _____________________ 2. units = 3 tens + 17 units = 4 tens + _____________________ 3. tens + 5 tens + 13 units = _____________________ 4. 2 tens + 13 units = tens + _____________________ 5. 7 tens + 19 units = tens + _____________________ 6. 6 tens + 14 units = tens + _____________________ Example 4 tens + 3 units +____________________ 1 ten + 8 units 5 tens + 11 units = 6 tens + 1 unit = 61

_____________________ 12. Match

10 18 - 7 11 20 - 8 12 19 - 9 _____________________ 98

MONDAY: Target Boards


49 73 85 14

38 50 72 29

47 16 90 22

5. What is the only number on the Target Board with the same number of tens and units?

31 91 74 86

_____________________ My target number today is 40. Look at all the numbers on the first row. Add or take away?

1. What numbers on the Target Board are more than 80? _____________________ 2. What numbers on the Target Board are less than 30?

_____________________ What must I do to 38 to reach 40? _____________________ 7. What must I do to 47 to reach 40?

_____________________ 3. Put the numbers on the fourth column in order starting with the smallest:

_____________________ 8. What must I do to 31 to reach 40?

_____________________ 4. What is the only number on the Target Board with 3 units?

_____________________ 9. Round the biggest number on the Target Board to the nearest 10. _____________________


TUESDAY: Hundred Square

6. What must I do to 49 to reach 40?

1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91

2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92

3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93

4 5 14 15 24 25 34 35 44 45 54 55 64 65 74 75 84 85 94 95

6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96

7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97

8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98

9 10 19 20 29 30 39 40 49 50 59 60 69 70 79 80 89 90 99 100

4. What number comes just before number 41? _____________________ 5. What number comes just before number 80? _____________________ 6. What number is 25 more than 24? ___________________ 7. What number is 34 more than 26?

1. What number comes between 54 and 56?

_____________________ 8. What number is 17 less than 79?

_____________________ 2. What number comes just after number 69?

_____________________ 9. What number is 31 less than 86?

_____________________ 3. What number is 37 more than 54?

___________________ 10. What number is 45 less than 66?





1. How many boys in your class?

_____________________ 3. What is the difference in the number of boys and girls in your class?

_____________________ 5. Write down the names of two other children in your class who are the same age as you. and

_____________________ 11. How many windows are in your classroom?

Maths Trail

_____________________ 4. What age are you?

_____________________ 10. Name something in your classroom that weighs less than 1kg?


_____________________ 2. How many girls in your class?

9. Name something in your classroom that weighs more than 1kg?

_____________________ 12. Name something in your class that is the shape of a rectangle? _____________________ 13. Name something in your class that is the shape of a square?

_____________________ 14. Name something in your class that is _____________________ 6. What is the sum of your age and the ages longer than 1 metre? of the other two children who are the same age as you? _____________________ 15. Name something in your classroom that is shorter than 1 metre? _____________________ 7. Name something in your classroom that holds more than 1 litre? _____________________ _____________________ 8. Name something in your classroom that holds less than 1 litre?



WEEK 32 Draw a circle around the correct answer.

t u 2 7 +3 4 ______

THURSDAY: Tens and Units

1. I have 3 tens and 7 units





_____________________ 2. I have 4 tens and 9 units




t u 5 7 +2 6 ______

_____________________ 4. I have 6 units and 7 tens




t u 4 8 +3 7 ______

_____________________ 6. I have 0 units and 5 tens

t u 5 6 +3 9 ______



1. If you double the number of skittles, how many skittles would you have? _____________________ 2.

8. Draw a circle around half of the flowers.

_____________________ 9. Look at the pattern. Draw and colour the shape that comes next.

20 = 9 _____________________

3. What number is 5 less than 23?


t u 6 4 +2 9 ______

_____________________ 11. 12.

_____________________ 5. I have 1 ten and 9 units


t u 3 9 +4 5 ______

_____________________ 9. 10.

_____________________ 3. I have 3 units and 2 tens


Addition: Regrouping 7. 8.

_____________________ 4. Fill in the missing numbers:

47 45 43 _____________________

5. There are 3 birds and 3 dogs in the yard. How many legs altogether?






13 12

August, September, October,





_____________________ 11. What month comes next?

_____________________ 6. Can you balance the scales? 5kg

_____________________ 10. Circle the odd numbers.


_____________________ 7. Which is heavier – the book or the banana?


_____________________ 12. How many edges has a cylinder?





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