Summary Paper about Amman Plan 2025: The Metropolitan Growth Plan

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Amman Plan 2025, Metropolitan Growth Plan.

Amman Plan 2025 ‘Metropolitan Growth Plan’ Author: Al Zoubi, Abdel Rahman Technical University of Darmstadt “Mundus Urbano” International Cooperation in Urban Development Readings in Planning Theory Summary This paper talks about the capital city in Jordan and to explain the comprehensive in 2025 Keywords: Amman; Metropolitan; Comprehensive Plan; Jordan;

Introduction About The City Amman is the capital and most populous city of Jordan, and the country's economic, political and cultural center. Situated in north-central Jordan, Amman is the administrative center of the Amman Governorate. The city has a population of 4,007,526 and a land area of 1,680 square kilometers (648.7 square miles). Demographics Population of city reached 4,007,526 in 2015, Amman contains about 42% of Jordan's entire population. It has a land area of 1,680 km2 (648.7 sq mi) which yields a population density of about 2,380 inhabitants per square kilometer (6,200/sq mi). The population of Amman has risen exponentially with the successive







throughout the 20th century. From a population of roughly 1,000 in 1890, Amman grew to around 1,000,000 inhabitants in 1990, primarily as a result of immigration, but also due to the high birthrate in the city. Amman had been abandoned for centuries until hundreds of Circassians settled it in the 19th century. Today, about 40,000 Circassians live in Amman and its vicinity. After Amman became a major hub along the Hejaz Railway in AL ZOUBI, ABDEL RAHMAN.


Amman Plan 2025, Metropolitan Growth Plan.

1914, many Muslim and Christian merchant families from al-Salt immigrated to the city. A large proportion of Amman's inhabitants have Palestinian roots (urban or rural origin), and the two main demographic groups in the city today are Arabs of Palestinian or Jordanian descent. Other ethnic groups comprise about 2% of the population. There are no official statistics about the proportion of people of Palestinian or Jordanian descent. Because Amman lacks a deep-rooted native population, the city does not have a distinct Arabic dialect, although recently such a dialect utilizing the various Jordanian and Palestinian dialects, has been forming. The children of immigrants in the city are also increasingly referring to themselves as "Ammani", unlike much of the firstgeneration inhabitants who identify more with their respective places of origin. Contents of The Plan •

Amman Plan.

Metropolitan Growth Plan.

Metropolitan Growth Plan Implementation.

Identification of Problems Amman faces number of key demographic challenges as its population grows over the next two decades. This predominately young population will mature and require housing, employment, social facilities, transportation, other urban amenities.



Amman Plan 2025, Metropolitan Growth Plan.

Aim and Objectives of The Development Plan the Amman Plan’s main challenge is to accommodate Amman’s projected growth to 2025, and to do so it will: •

Provide a Vision of the future growth of the City.

Provide a Policy Framework to guide the physical development of the City to the year 2025.

Include multiple Component Plans at different planning levels. – Metropolitan, Planning Area, and Community.

Planning Norms and Standards Policy Implementation Framework Planning Scales •

Metropolitan Scale: Relates to the entire 1,662-square-kilometre Metropolitan Planning Area and is the scale of the Metropolitan Growth Plan.

Planning Area Scale: The Metropolitan Planning Area will be split into eight Planning Areas to provide a finer scale of planning detail. Area Plans, when completed, will be based on the Metropolitan Growth Plan and will include elements such as land use and major road alignments.

Community Scale: Occurs at the level of 228 existing neighborhoods, which can be broken into smaller planning blocks. Community Plans for these neighborhoods will provide the greatest level of planning detail, including detailed zoning and local road networks.



Amman Plan 2025, Metropolitan Growth Plan.

Planning Approach and Component Plans The Amman Plan is being developed in seven Planning Phases that define a range of Plan Components, each developed at one of the Planning Scales. The Amman Plan initially undertook bottom-up, community-level planning in response to immediate and critical pressures to develop tall buildings, urban corridors, industrial areas, residential compounds, and the Airport Road. Phase 1: Amman Plan for Tall Buildings. Phase 2: Corridor Intensification Strategy. Phase 3: Industrial Lands Policy. Phase 4-A: Outlying Settlements Policy. Phase 4-B: Airport Corridor Plan. Phase 5: Metropolitan Growth Plan. Phase 6: Area Plans. Phase 7: Planning Initiatives.

Planning and Development Principles The MGP reflects the following planning and development principles: •

Encourage compact urban growth in order to make the best use of existing services.

Direct growth to both existing built-up areas, in order to make the best use of existing services, and to new designated expansion areas that are located close to the urban core.

Promote mixed land use in general, and a mix of residential and employment uses in particular, in order to foster a diverse economy and to limit commuting times.

Promote clear distinctions between urban, suburban, and, traditional communities in order to protect valuable environmental and agricultural lands and to support traditional lifestyles and culture.



Amman Plan 2025, Metropolitan Growth Plan.

Focus GAM’s transportation policy on moving people and goods rather than moving vehicles.

Promote public transit and develop a transportation system that offers choice

Provide for a safe and convenient pedestrian environment that is integrated with other modes of transportation.

Conserve the cultural heritage of the City, including modern and ancient heritage.

Create a connected Natural Heritage System that protects and connects important environmental features - forests, wadis, highlands, deserts, and water aquifers - at the same time as it accommodates a network of public walking trails and urban parks throughout the City.

Forecasting Techniques for Population and Associated SubSystems Metropolitan Growth Scenarios o Scenario 1: The City continues to grow as it has for the past 10-15 years, primarily through outward expansion onto undeveloped land and at the current overall density of 5 persons per dunum. This scenario will fill most of the Metropolitan Planning Area by 2025 and will require the development of most of the existing agricultural land. o Scenario 2: The City grows through an equal combination of intensification of existing built-up areas and outward expansion onto undeveloped land, resulting in an overall density of 10 persons per dunum. Growth in this scenario is largely contained within the Amman Development Corridor, but ‘spills over’ this boundary in the Sahab-Al Mouwaqer area and a limited number of other designated areas. o Scenario 3: The City grows through a greater emphasis on intensification combined with densification, resulting in a further reduction in perimeter expansion and an increase in overall density to 15 persons per dunum. Development is fully contained within the Amman Development Corridor.



Amman Plan 2025, Metropolitan Growth Plan.




Amman Plan 2025, Metropolitan Growth Plan.

Metropolitan Growth Plan: Components

Metropolitan Growth Plan Implementation

Approach to Implementation and Growth Management

The Greater Amman Municipality (GAM) will use its regulatory authority to control the timing and sequence of development to achieve broad public goals as reflected in the Metropolitan Growth Plan (MGP). GAM will manage growth though the phased upgrading and extension of infrastructure and services, and through zoning limits on development potential.

Key Growth Management policies will include: •

Developer financing of infrastructure and services through development charges

MGP Phasing that determines GAM and public utility Capital Improvement Programs

Location and timing of growth determined by the phased extension of services

Increase in development potential through ‘up-zoning’ occuring in Primary Growth Areas only – ‘as-of right’ zoning limits will continue in Limited or Nogrowth Areas.

Implementation / Proposal: •

Implementation Tools

MGP Phasing Plan. Capital Improvement Programs and Service Extensions. Service Areas and Service Standards. Development Charges and Incentives. Development Agreements. Lower-Order Plans: Areas Plans and Community Plans. AL ZOUBI, ABDEL RAHMAN.


Amman Plan 2025, Metropolitan Growth Plan.

Phasing Plan

Near-Term (2008 – 2013) Medium-Term (2014 – 2019) Long-Term (2020 – 2025)

Reference: Greater Amman Municipality. 2008. The Amman Plan: Metropolitan Growth, Summary Report.



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