Component 2

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Component Two Mohammed Abdul Mubin

Design brief, specification and location Design brief I will be designing a museum so that artists can showcase their artworks and talent. I will make sure that the museum has space and that its not too cramped for space. My design idea for my museum will be inspire by architects like Zaha Hadid, Frank Gehry as they have designed some of the most unique and eye catching buildings and structures. This museum will be different to other museum as it will contain extra activity space so that the people do not get bored of just see artworks. Also having extra space for other activities will attract more audience to come and visit the museum.

Specification I will have to make sure that my design for the Museum must not harm the environment and it should contain different kind of shapes and curves. I will have to make that my museum building boosts the economy of the location. The museum must contain: • Café • Resting area • Library • Car park

Location My chosen location will be in North Greenwich near the o2 arena as it is one of the most populated area in London. And this will attract more people to come and visit the museum more. Also this is a perfect location for my museum to be built on as it fits all the requirements on my specification. Building a museum here will increase the awareness of the area more as people will come to visit the museum more often. Also building my museum here will allow me to make sure that there is a bigger car parking space so that the people can park their cars there while visiting the museum. And normally most museums don’t not have any car parking space for the visitors.

Chosen location for my museum. Also building my museum in this location will regenerate that area and make it more known to the people.

Zaha Hadid Zaha Hadid (born on the 31st October 1950 – and died on the 31st March 2016) was an Iraqi-British architect. She was described by The Guardian of London as the "Queen of the curve”. The architectural style of Hadid is not easily categorised, and she did not describe herself as a follower of any one style or school. Her work was also described as an example of parametricism. Zaha Hadid describing her own style: "The idea is not to have any 90degree angles. In the beginning, there was the diagonal. The diagonal comes from the idea of the explosion which 're-forms' the space. This was an important discovery.” Each of Zaha Hadid’s projects transformed notions of what can be achieved in concrete, steel, and glass; combining her unwavering optimism for the future and belief in the power of invention with advanced design, material and construction innovations

The Heydar Aliyev Center The Heydar Aliyev Center represents a fluid form which emerges by the folding of the landscape's natural topography and by the wrapping of individual functions of the Center. I have chosen to study this building due to its extraordinary shapes used. And the building is different to its surrounding which makes it stand out even more. Also this building is an museum which will help me even more as I will get a rough Idea on how a museum should look like. This will also help me find out how my museum should function without harming any of the people and making sure that the building has a minimal effect on the environment.

These are some drawing I have created to show how the building looks from different angles. I have also added people to the drawing to show a sense of scale of the building compared to humans. A very nimble two-layer space frame plays supportive bridesmaid to the double envelope that curves smoothly along the top and bottom of the exterior shell, hiding the skeletal frame and emphasizing surface rather than structure.

Frank Gehry Frank Owen Gehry, (born February 28, 1929) is a Canadian-born American architect. Frank Gehry is considered a pioneer of De-constructivism, a movement that exploded the tenets of Modernist architecture, replacing its geometry and rational order with fragmented forms and fluid, non-rectilinear shapes and he is known for his use of bold, postmodern shapes and unusual fabrications. Vanity Fair to label him as "the most important architect of our age“. the most famous being the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao and the Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles. Gehry's work has sought to escape modernist stylistic tropes while still remaining interested in some of its underlying transformative agendas. Continually working between given circumstances and unanticipated materializations, he has been assessed as someone who "made us produce buildings that are fun, sculpturally exciting, good experiences" although his approach may become "less relevant as pressure mounts to do more with less“.

Walt Disney Concert Hall

Dancing House This is an sketch if the Dancing house I have created. The Dancing House design style is known as deconstructivist architecture due to its unusual shape. The "dancing" shape is supported by 99 concrete panels, each a different shape and dimension. On the top of the building is a large twisted structure of metal nicknamed Mary'.

This is an sketch of the Walt Disney Concert Hall that I have sketched. The hall's sweeping, metallic surfaces have become associated with Frank Gehry’s signature style. The steel roof structure spans the entire space, eliminating the need for interior columns. The organ stands at the front of the hall, a bouquet of 6,134 curved pipes extending nearly to the ceiling.

Café research

These are some of the drawings I have done of existing café interiors so that I get some inspiration from my museum café.

One thing common with these café’s is that they all have a resting area for people which will allow them to rest and enjoy themselves.

Resting area research These are some of the sketches I have done of some existing resting areas so that I can get some inspiration for my museum resting area so the people can relax and enjoy their free time.

Library research These are some of the sketches I have created of existing library's for inspiration for my museum. This will help me with how the layout of the library should look like.

Primary research These are my primary images that I have gathered to help me with my design ideas for my museum. Theses primary images are of kitchen appliances in a bath tub that’s filled in with water. I did this because the water waves made it look like the shapes of the kitchen appliances have changed. I will be using these images to create design idea that fits my museum’s specification.

Design idea 1 These are some of the primary images I have taken. This was done by putting kitchen cutleries in water and then taking pictures when moving the water. Which allowed me to get different shapes and forms.

This is a sketch of the primary image I traced to get the layout. Which may help me on my design idea for my museum.

I have taken the main shapes that stood out the most in my eyes. I have done this using a tracing paper which allowed me to move around the previous sketch and trace over the main shapes.

This is the outlines I have sketches of the objects that in my primary pictures. I have developed the previous design by changing the shapes to make it look more attractive.

Design idea 1 development This new development isn’t as attractive and doesn’t look like a museum design. So to improve it I have doubled the same shape to create a new design that suits the purpose of a museum. I have laid out the two shape pieces in w way that they look like more of a museum building then a pavilion. Also this allows me to make sure that this building has two floors so that there's enough space for all the requirements on my specification.

I have developed the previous design by removing the circle and folding the shapes to create a new shape for my museum design. This building will be made using concrete, glass as these materials are really attractive to the public. However I also have to make sure that the building is well insulated so that the people don’t feel cold.

Design idea 1 development

I have added trees and human figures to this museum design model to show a sense of scale of the building if it was to be built. This will help me know if this building design needs any changes or not. Also this design idea may be a bit too simple for a museum. Also my museum needs to have enough space for the specification requirements to fit in and this design idea may not have enough space for that . But in order to change this I need to make sure that this museum model has different floor levels.

Front view of the museum building model.

Design idea 1 final

Plan view

This is the final design for design idea 1 and I have used sketch up to create this model as this will help me know what the museum may look like if it was to be built. And I have also done this because this allowed me to develop the model further more. Also by creating this model on sketch up allowed me to see what the model looks like with solid forms around it. And these images also show the sense of scale of the museum compared to an average humans and trees height . These are some of the pictures of the model showing the different views of the museum model. So that it is easier to see what the building looks like and the different features it may have like the windows on the roof of the model.


Design idea 2

I have developed this design idea by moving the shapes and making the design idea look like its curved.

I Developed this outline drawing of the primary image to get a design idea suitable for a building model.

This design idea may suit my specification as this design idea has a lot of space. And this may attract more people as they will be more space for more artists and space for more artwork. And having a lot of space would mean that the museum wouldn’t look too crumped up.

I have decided to develop this design idea further by cutting out the shapes and assembling the shapes to see what the design idea looks like. Also this will allow me to change around the shapes to create a new developed design if needed.

Design idea 2 development I have added triangular shapes to the roof of this design idea to make this museum design idea more attractive and make it look a bit less simple.

This buildings base is inspired by a semi circle.

I developed this design idea from the previous design as it didn’t look as attractive to me. To make this design idea more attractive I have made sure that the roof is lifted up and not flat. This will be benefitable in many ways such as when it rains the water will just go down and not stay on the roof.

This building will have three part to to it for different purposes.

I have come up with this design idea by developing the previous design using sketch up.

I have added people to this design model to show a sense of scale.

Design idea 2 development This is the roof of the design idea. And this building will have three parts to it that are joined together.

This part of the building will be used for cafĂŠ and library and resting area for the people to come and enjoy themselves.

This is the front elevation of the building showing the entrance of the museum. And this building will only have 2 windows at the front so that the people cant see what inside the building from the outside.

This part of the building will be used for the artists to showcase their artworks.

These two parts of the building will be used for the artists to showcase their artworks.

This is the back of the museum model. And I have made sure the there are no windows at the back as it wouldn’t look as attractive and it will allow people to see what inside.

This building shape is similar to the shape of a boomerang.

Design idea 2 final These are the different perspectives of the building that show what the building looks like all around. And the features it has that may attract more people to come and visit the museum. Back elevation view

Left side elevation view

Right side elevation view

This is my final design for design idea 2. I have created this design idea on sketch up to see what the model will look like if it was to be made. I have also added trees and humans to the design model to shoe a sense of scale of the building compare to the trees and human. Also this design idea fit the requirements on my design specification for the museum.

Design idea 3 I have cut these shapes in card to see what the design may look like from the plan view. And these are pictures of the 2D card design model. I have taken these pictures from different angles to show what the building may look like if it was to be made.

Developed the outlines of the primary image to get a design idea suitable for a building model.

On the down side this design idea may be a bit too simple for a museum.

I have developed the outline shapes by taking the main parts of that shape and assembling it together to create a new design idea as a part of its development.

This design idea is likely to have different floor levels for different purposes. And this will allow artists to have more of there artworks on display as well, which will attract more people to come a visit the museum.

Design idea 3 development

This is the plan view of the museum design idea 3.

I have developed this design idea by added more shapes to it to make it more attractive.

To develop this model further decided to create the design idea on sketch up to see what the building may look like if it was to be built.

I have added people to this design idea to show the sense of scale of the building compared to size of an average human.

This is the front elevation view of this design idea. Creating this design idea on sketch up showed me that this design idea is a bit too simple. And this also means that some of my specification may not fit in within this design idea.

Design idea 3 development As the pervious design idea wasn’t as attractive and unique I have decided to develop this design idea further more.

The roof will have glass so that sunlight can come though. I made this design idea on sketch up to see what the building will look like if it was to be made.

I have changed the middle shape of the building design idea.

I have used these shapes from before to improve this design further more.

This is the new and developed design idea I have come up with for my museum design. This design idea is really unique as there 4 parts to the building with the middle p[art being the main part of the museum.

I have developed this design idea even more by making the building parts lower on one side and higher on the other side to make the building look more attractive.

To develop this design idea further more I have added triangles to the design to make the design more attractive.

Design idea 3 final This is my final design for design idea 3. I created this deign idea on sketch up to see what the building will look like if it was to be made. And this also show the feature the building has around it. I have added trees and humans to the model to show a sense of scale of the museum. Also this design suits the needs of my specification.

Design idea 4 I have changed the previous design idea as it may have been a bit too simple in terms of its layout. Which may not attract many people to come and visit the museum.

I have taken the main shapes of the primary image outline sketch to get a design idea that may suit my museum specification.

This design idea suits the specification as there are four different parts to this design idea. Which will be beneficial to the people as it would be easy for them to know where things are.

These pictures represent the plan view of the museum design idea.

Design idea 4 development I have developed the previous design idea by putting the shapes on top of each other to make this a much taller building the a flat building.

I have changed the previous design idea as it was a bit too simple for a museum and it may not attract to many people.

This design idea was inspired by spirals.

This design idea is very unique as many museum designs are not similar to spirals. Which may attract more people to visit it and also help boost the locations popularity. Having a building like this can allow me to have the different floor levels for different purposes. And this will make it easier for the people to find what there looking for.

design idea 4 development I created this design model sketch using sketch up so I have a rough idea of what the design may look like if it was to be built and see if it needs any changes or not. This is a plan view of the sketch up model to show what the museum building looks like from the top.

I have added people to this museum model to show a sense of scale and see if the building is too big or not.

I have developed this design idea by distorting the edges. Moving points to different positions. I have done this as I was inspired by one of Daniel Libeskind’s building called Royal Ontario Museum.

Theses are some of the pictures of the sketch up model from different perspectives to show its scale and layout of the different floor levels.

Widows allowing people to see the out side views from the inside of the museum. And this may attract more people to come and see the museum.

Design idea 4 development

I have decides to develop me previous design idea even more as the previous design wasn’t as attractive as I thought it would be. Also for a museum it may not be the right type of a design as the design looks very cramped up.

As this design idea was inspired by spirals, I have decided to look at snail as they have spirals on their shells.

I have taken the out line of the snail shell to create a design idea.

I have developed this design idea by added more details to the design idea that would attract more people. Also this design idea will have glass on the roof for the sunlight as the museum will not have any windows around it other then the roof. Also they roof windows have been inspired by Daniel Libeskind’s building called Royal Ontario Museum.

In-side the museum there will be having a octagon that will allow people to see the outside from its roof. This design idea will look really attractive once its made and this design idea fits the requirements of my specification for my museum design. Also this design will only have one floor for the artists and the specification.

Plan view

Design idea 4 development This is the final design I have chosen to create as my final product. I have chosen this design because of the fact that this design is the most attractive and look more like a museum then the other buildings. And this building will have one main entrance and 3 other exit points so that they don’t have to go all the way around to the front of the building to exit. I made this building using 3mm MDF stripes and gluing it onto carved cards. Also this building inspired by Zaha Hadid’s and Frank Gehry’s shapes and forms that they both use for their building designs.

this is the plan view showing the main entrance of the building.

This is where the people will be able to see the surrounding arena.

Design idea 4 final

Main entrance to the museum. These are the three different exit points other than the main entrance.

Roof the the museum model and this is where the people can see the surrounding views.

These are some of the other images of the model showing the different aspects also the sounding area of the museum model.

These are some of the images of the museum model that I have created showing the sense of scale of the museum compare to the height of an average human and trees. This gives us a rough idea of how big the museum is. and I have taken these pictures from different angles to show the sense of scale from different perspectives and people may see the building from different angles and heights.

Museum model from different angles showing the different features sand the surrounding location.

Evaluation To come up with a design ideas for my museum I have made sure that I made an specification which I can use to compare the building with and see if the design idea matches or suits the specifications I have made. And I come up with these design ideas by using my primary images that I took and used them to come up with design ideas for my museum model. And out of the 4 design ideas I have chosen ‘design idea 4’ as my final design for my museum. This is because of the fact that design idea 4 is the most complete out of all the other design ideas and it is really attractive compared to design ideas 1,2,3 which are a bit too simple. And some of the final design ideas look more like a holiday home front the outside even though it may suit the specification for the museum. Also this design idea ensures that there are enough space for the artists artworks, library, resting area and cafĂŠ to fit in this building. And with all this inside the building there are still space for people to walk freely around the museum. Also this design idea is unique compared to the other designs as this building allows you to see the surroundings landscape from the roof. So overall I think that this design idea for my museum has met the specification that was set for the museum design. But on the other hand if I was to built this museum model again I will make sure that I take my time and add acrylic to the roof to represent the windows instead of drawing the windows on to the roof. I will also make the interior of the museum so that I know what's inside the museum and how it will looks with the details. Also this will give me a rough idea of how big the inside of the building is. And to be able to see the interior I will need to make sure that the roof of the museum model comes off so that you can lift the roof up to see the interior of the museum model.

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