Prizegiving Booklet 2020

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Prizegiving 2020 Thursday 10 December 2020

Congratulations Congratulations to all Abertay prizewinners for 2020! To be outstanding in your field is difficult at any time. Your achievement is all the greater because of the unprecedented circumstances and challenges of studying in 2020. The success of Abertay can be measured by such achievements – you make the University what it is. Prizegiving is the public recognition of your accomplishments. You have worked extremely hard and we could not be more proud of you. You are a credit to yourselves, your families and the University. To friends and family members, your support is an important part of our winners’ success, more so than ever this year. To our donors of the prizes, our students value their purpose and the stories behind them. Abertay is fortunate indeed to have such a community of friends and supporters.

Professor Nigel Seaton Principal and Vice-Chancellor

University Prizes and Awards Ashok Adya Memorial Prize The prize was established in memory of Professor Ashok Adya and is awarded to the outstanding fourth year student on the BSc (Hons) Forensic Sciences programme gaining the best grades in Chemistry modules. Axis-Shield Diagnostics Prize This prize has been provided by Axis-Shield Diagnostics Ltd and is awarded to the student on the BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences programme who achieved a high level of performance generally and was deemed to be the best student overall. BCS Chartered Institue for IT Award This prize is awarded by the British Computer Society to the student on the MSc Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security programme who achieved a high level of performance in the MSc project. British Psychological Society Undergraduate Award This prize is awarded to the best student in the honours year of a British Psychological Society accredited programme.足足足足 CIPD Mid-Scotland Branch Prize This prize is awarded to the student on the MSc International Human Resource Management programme who achieved the best marks in the practical assessments. The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences Prize This prize is awarded to the fourth year student on the BSc (Hons) Forensic Sciences programme who produced the most meritorious forensic science project. John Currie Award This prize is awarded to a third year student on the BSc (Hons) Forensic Sciences programme who achieved a high level of performance generally and was deemed to be the best student overall.

Dave’s Prize This prize was established in memory of David Carnegie who studied Computer Games at Abertay University and is awarded to a student on the BA (Hons) Game Design and Production Management programme who has produced the best proposal for an external project to be carried out by them over the following 12 months. David Carnegie Prize This prize was established in memory of David Carnegie who studied Computer Games at Abertay University and is awarded to the fourth year student on the BA (Hons) Game Design and Production Management programme who has completed the best dissertation. Andrew De Vries Memorial Prize The prize is awarded to the student on the MSc Computer Games Technology programme who achieved a high level of performance and is considered to be the best student overall. Warwick Dobson Prize Donated by the late Mr Warwick Dobson who was an eminent writer, consultant and educationalist in the field of accountancy. This prize is awarded to the student gaining the highest mark in the subject of Management Accountancy in year three of the BA (Hons) Accounting with Finance programme. Don & Low Prize This prize is awarded to the student on the MSc International Human Resource Management programme who achieved a high level of performance generally and were deemed to the best student overall. EQ Chartered Accountants Prize EQ Chartered Accountants are generously sponsoring this award. It is awarded to the student in the third year of the BA (Hons) Accounting with Finance programme who achieved a high level of performance generally and was deemed to be the best student overall. Family Law Association Prize This prize is awarded to the best student on the Family Law module, on the LLB (Hons) Law programme.

Sarah Fletcher Memorial Prize for Compassionate Practice Sarah Fletcher embarked on a degree in Mental Health Nursing at Abertay in 2013. It was here she was able to find the pleasure in contributing to the recovery of others that had been missing in her previous research focused studies. The prize is to celebrate the life of Sarah Fletcher - a much loved daughter, sister, partner, and friend - by rewarding students who display compassionate practice in mental health care. Sarah Fletcher Prize This prize is awarded to a final year MSc Counselling student who has shown to be committed to going above and beyond the expectation in theoretical, practical and personal aspects of the course. Graduate Women Scotland East Academic Prize This prize is sponsored by the Graduate Women Scotland – East and is awarded to a female student who, having achieved the highest marks among students participating in the AHEAD programme, goes on to continue their studies at Abertay. W Green Prize in Law This book prize is sponsored by W Green & Son Ltd, Scots law publishers, and is awarded to the student gaining the best overall performance in the ‘core’ Law subjects and who has recorded a high level of achievement generally in the first year of the LLB (Hons) Law programme. Honorary Fellows Prize for Innovation These prizes are donated by the Honorary Fellows of the University. They are awarded to the student, in each of the Schools, whose final year project is deemed to be the most innovative. IBMS President’s Prize The Institute of Biomedical Science had sponsored this annual prize to be awarded to a student in the honours year of a full-time BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science course achieving a high academic distinction.

ICAS Charles Scott Prize This prize has been donated in memory of Charles Scott, a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Scotland, by his wife. Mrs Scott’s generous donation has resulted in annual prizes in accountancy being awarded to a student from each accountancy department at Scottish Universities. The University decided that our annual prize would be awarded to the student in the final year of the BA (Hons) Accounting with Finance programme who achieved a high level of performance generally and was deemed to be the best student overall. Institution of Civil Engineers Prize Awarded by the Institution of Civil Engineers to the best student in the penultimate and final year of an Engineering degree programme based on talent in engineering design, impressive coursework and a strong examination performance. Institution of Structural Engineers Prize Awarded by the Institution of Structural Engineers to the most deserving fourth year student in structural engineering. Alexander D G Kydd Prize These prizes are presented in memory of the late Mr Alexander D G Kydd, a former Governor of the University. They are awarded to the best second year student in each of the four Schools, who achieved a high level of performance generally and was deemed to be the best student overall. John Wilson Lawson Memorial Prize This prize is awarded to the fourth year student on the BSc (Hons) Computer Game Applications Development programme who achieved a high level of performance and was deemed to be the best student overall. The Lothian Family Award These awards are made to the student, in each of the Schools, who in the opinion of staff has demonstrated the greatest positive impact within their School. Hannah Maclure Prize These prizes are awarded from a bequest by the late Myra Falconer in memory of her mother, Hannah Maclure. The prize is awarded to the first year student, from each of the Schools, who achieved a high level of performance in a mathematical component of their programme.

Management Prize Awarded from the Management Prize fund to the student in the honours year of the BA (Hons) Business Management programme who achieved a high level of performance generally and was deemed to be the best student overall. The Malcolm Prize Recognising the longstanding links with Abertay of the Malcolm family, as graduates and employees, this prize is awarded to the undergraduate student who produces the most creative artefact as part of their honours project. Mars Prize The Mars fund was established with income from the ‘Mars’ training ship fund and is used to provide prizes for students in areas related in some way ‘to the aims of the original Mars Training Ship Institution’. Since the withdrawal from service of the ‘Mars’ in 1929 these original aims have been modified. These prizes are awarded to (i) the second year student on the BSc (Hons) Ethical Hacking programme who achieved a high level of performance and was deemed to be the best student overall; and (ii) the third year student on the BEng (Hons) Civil and Environmental Engineering programme who achieved a high level of performance and was deemed to be the best student overall. A D D McKay Senior Prize This prize is awarded to the student in the second year of the BSc (Hons) Computer Games Technology course who achieved a high level of performance in a mathematical component of the programme. This prize is named after the late Mr Alexander D D McKay, a former Head of the Department of Mathematics and Physics. George McKenzie Memorial Prize Presented by the 1987/88 final year students on the full-time BSc (Hons) Nursing programme in memory of Mr George McKenzie, a former lecturer in the Department of Molecular and Life Sciences, and awarded to the third year student on the BSc (Hons) Nursing (Mental Health Nursing) programme who achieves a high level of performance in Mental Health Nursing Practice module.

NCR Prizes These following prizes are sponsored by NCR Financial Solutions Group Ltd. NCR Prize Awarded to the student who achieved a high level of performance and is considered to be the best student overall from the MSc Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security programme. NCR Prize – Computing Awarded to the student in the honours year of the BSc (Hons) Computing programme who achieves a high level of performance and is deemed to be the best student overall. NCR Prize – Ethical Hacking Awarded to the student on the BSc (Hons) Ethical Hacking programme who has dem¬onstrated a high level of engagement with the subject area and raising the profile of the University. The prize is open to all students on this programme and the extra work they have done for example, outreach, promoting the University or being an ambassador. NCR Prize – Ethical Hacking Honours Project Awarded to a student in the honours year of the BSc (Hons) Ethical Hacking programme who has demonstrated the most original honours project in this area. NCR Prize – Network Security Awarded to an honours year student on the BSc (Hons) Ethical Hacking and Counter¬measures programme who achieved a high level of performance and was deemed to be the best student overall. NCR Prize – Software Engineering Practice Awarded to the best student on the Software Engineering Practice module, in the 3rd year of the BSc (Hons) Computing degree. The Sheila Nimmo Prize for Compassionate Practice The prize is awarded to an undergraduate Mental Health Nursing student who demonstrated exemplary professionalism in both university and while on clinical practice, across an academic year.

Nisbets Award for Food Studies Awarded by Nisbets, the largest supplier of small catering equipment in the UK, to the first year student in the area of Food Studies who was deemed to be the best student overall. Oxford University Press Prize This prize is awarded to the best third year student on the LLB (Hons) Law programme who achieves a high level of performance in the Law of Evidence module. The OUP Law Trove Prize Awarded to the first year student who produces the best essay in the criminal law module. David Potter Memorial Prize Awarded to the student in the first year of the BSc (Hons) Computer Games Technology programme who achieved a high level of performance generally and was deemed to be the best student overall. This prize is in memory of the late David Potter, and is kindly donated by Mr Edward Herron, a former classmate of David Potter. Queen’ s Nursing Institute (Scotland) Prize This prize is awarded to the student who has the best overall performance in the community based placement in the first year of their degree. QNIS Prize The prize is awarded to the student with the best dissertation on the MSc Mental Health Nursing programme. Rautomead Ltd Prize This prize is awarded to the fourth year student who produces the best engineering project. Scott Prize Awarded to the first year student on the BA (Hons) Marketing and Business programme who acheives the highest marks and is deemed to be the best student overall. This prize fund was established by Mr Hubert Scott of H & A Scott Ltd, Jute Spinners and Manufacturers.

Scottish Geotechnical Group Prize This prize is sponsored by the Scottish Geotechnical Group, a Specialist Group of the Institution of Civil Engineers, and is presented to the student in the honours year of the BEng (Hons) Civil and Environmental Engineering programme with the best performance in Geotechnical Engineering, Geoenvironmental Engineering and/or Engineering Geology. Society of Biology Top Student Award This prize is awarded to the honours year student, from across all bioscience disciplines, who achieved a high level of performance and was deemed to be the best student overall. Sociology of Culture and Civilisation Prize This prize is awarded to a student in their honours year, who achieved the highest grade on the Sociology of Culture and Civilisation module, which studies long-term social processes and recurring problems of human integration. Donald T Stewart Prize Awarded from a fund established by the late Mr Donald T Stewart, a former Chairman of the Board of Governors of Dundee Institute of Technology, to the student in the honours year of the BA (Hons) Accounting with Finance programme who achieved a high level of performance generally and was deemed to be the best student overall. Sweet & Maxwell Prize for Law This award is sponsored by Sweet & Maxwell Ltd, a firm of tax and law publishers, and offered to the student gaining the highest mark in Company Law module on the LLB (Hons) Law programme. Sword Prize for Sport This prize is donated by the Sword family and is awarded to the student, who in the opinion of the Sports Development Committee, has brought the greatest competitive distinction to the University and/or demonstrated exceptional achievement in competitive sport. Tayside Contracts Prize This prize is donated by Tayside Contracts, a commercial contracting organisation, providing logistical support and construction based services to the councils of Angus, Dundee and Perth & Kinross. It is awarded to a student in the second year of the Food and Consumer Sciences suite of programmes who achieved the best overall grade profile.

Tayside NHS Board Prize Awarded by Tayside Health Board to the student in the honours year of the pre-registration BSc (Hons) Nursing (Mental Health Nursing) programme who acheives a high level of performance generally and was deemed to be the best student overall. Technical Education Development Prize Awarded from the University’s Technical Education Development Fund to a student in the honours year of a Sports programme with the best profile of grades. Thorntons Law Prize An award provided by Thorntons Law, to the student gaining the best grade point average in the Law of Property module on the Bachelor of Laws Honours programme. University Prize These prizes are presented to the best postgraduate student from each of the Schools, who achieved a high level of performance generally and was deemed to be the best student overall. Wright Health Group Prize This prize is awarded to the student in year four of the BSc (Hons) Forensic Sciences programme who achieved a high level of performance generally and was deemed to be the best student overall. Young Prize Donated by Mr Frank G Young, a former Principal of the University, in memory of his father Mr Frank W Young, the first Director of Studies of the original Technical Institute. The prize is awarded to the student who achieved a high level of performance and was deemed to be the best student overall in the second year of the BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences programme.

Prizewinners Ashok Adya Memorial Prize Rebecca Coakley Axis-Shield Diagnostics Prize Michael Melvin BCS, the Chartered Institute IT Award Isabel Hoekstein British Psychological Society Undergraduate Award Amy Wright CIPD Mid-Scotland Branch Prize Kirsty Moss The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences Prize Pernille Andersen John Currie Award Giada Sei Dave’s Prize Sam Hodson David Carnegie Prize Mitchell Gibson Andrew De Vries Memorial Prize Marco Longo Warwick Dobson Prize Megan Brown Don & Low Prize Donna Clark EQ Chartered Accountants Prize Natalia Turcuman Family Law Association Prize Matthew Bruce Sarah Fletcher Memorial Prize for Compassionate Practice Graeme Gentles

Sarah Fletcher Prize Ingrid Campbell Graduate Women Scotland East Academic Prize Darlene Malone W Green Prize in Law Malcolm Marshall Honorary Fellows Prize for Innovation Lucy Berry Rutendo Mhonda Gabriel Lacey IBMS President’s Prize Michael Melvin ICAS Charles Scott Prize Darren Wyllie Institution of Civil Engineers Prize Kyle Dickerson Institution of Structural Engineers Prize Helen Monckton Alexander D G Kydd Prize Larisa Olaru Peter Emma Marie Connor Claypool John Wilson Lawson Memorial Prize Jamie Bankhead The Lothian Family Award Robyn Gee Daisy Bews-Ivins Niamh Loughran Hannah Maclure Prize Dan Caddell Junia Ohm Emira Karaibrahimova Management Prize Sokaina Jamraki

The Malcolm Prize Angela Zawitaj Mars Prize Jack Sampson Connor Claypool A D D McKay Senior Prize Matthew Stark George McKenzie Memorial Prize Lawrence Smith NCR Prize Paul Cox NCR Prize – Computing Angelo Caldeira NCR Prize – Ethical Hacking Jess Amery NCR Prize – Ethical Hacking Honours Project Paul Boyle NCR Prize – Network Security Prize Michael Kleinman NCR Prize – Software Engineering Practice Deyan Spasov The Sheila Nimmo Prize for Professionalism in Nursing Liam Mackie Nisbets Award for Food Studies Caitlin Granger Oxford University Press Prize Michael Davidson The OUP Law Trove Prize Malcolm Marshall David Potter Memorial Prize Justin Syfrig Queen’s Nursing Institute (Scotland) Prize Barry Moir

QNIS Prize Shauna Smyth Rautomead Ltd Prize Rachel Terrell Scott Prize Sami Kivinen Scottish Geotechnical Group Prize Christopher Starke Society of Biology Top Student Award Michael Melvin Sociology of the Culture and Civilisation Prize Paul Callaghan Donald T Stewart Prize Darren Wyllie Sweet & Maxwell Prize for Law Kerr McDougall The Sword Prize for Sport Katie Stott Tayside Contracts Prize Chin Yip Tayside NHS Board Prize Iain Lindsay Technical Education Development Prize Cora Meechan Thorntons Law Prize Michael Davidson University Prize Donna Clark Mathieu Guajioty Marco Longo Wright Health Group Prize Rebecca Coakley Young Prize Jamie Simpson

Abertay University is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC016040.

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