Programme - SUDSNet 20th Anniversary Conference 2024

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SUDSnet 20th Anniversary Conference 2024

11th & 12th September 2024. Coventry University, England. UK.

Programme. Day 1- Wednesday 11th Sept 2024

9.00 - 10.00 Registration & Coffee

10.00 - 10.20 Conference Welcome – Prof Sue Charlesworth

10.20 – 10.40 SUDSnet at 20 – Dr Rebecca Wade

Session 1 – SuDS in the City - Building Adaptive Capacity Through a Place-based Approach


11.00 Cardiff Canal Quarter, Churchill Way –surface-water removal transforming the public realm

11.20 Water Resilient Dundee - implementing holistic solutions at the city scale

11.40 Breaking silo’s - learning from a 20-year cross institutional water sector partnership for a resilient and adaptive Glasgow to manage crisis and mitigate climate change impacts.

12.00 SuDS DNA of Cities: Applying the ClimateScan toolbox to Nature-Based Solutions and urban water attenuation

Session end – additional discussion/ questions if time allows

12.20 - 1.40 Networking LUNCH & Posters


Reay T, & Ferguson B AtkinsRéalis

McBennett, D & Reid, A*

Scottish Water & *Dundee City Council

Duffy A, Gilmour D, Ncube S*, & Arthur S*

Abertay University and *Heriot Watt University

F.Boogaard, D. Meijer, M. Lamers, N. Schaart & J.Kondratenko

University Hanze, Nl, Daltonlaan, Utrecht, HNK, Nl, SWKO, Nl, Tech Unversityi Riga

Session 2 – SUDS & Society – Building Community & Ecological Resilience




Retrofitting Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) in UK Schools: Assessing the Impacts and Challenges

Croissants and Community Collaboration - Layering the 'Water Resilient Dundee' Strategy for St Mary's

2.20 Lessons Learnt Based on International knowledge exchange with the ClimateScan adaptation platform.


Wilding B, Burton E, Buckingham S, Kirsopp N AtkinsRéalis

Robson E, McBennett D, Wade R*, Haigh A**, Hall L** Reid A***.

Scottish Water, *Abertay University, **OPEN ***Dundee City Council

F.Boogaard, N. Schaart, J.Kondratenko, University Hanze, Nl Daltonlaan, Utrecht SWKO, Nl Tech University Riga


Where is SDG6 in Challenging Environments? SuDS in Slums and Refugee Camps

Session end – additional discussion/ questions if time allows

3.00 - 3.30 Break & posters

Session 3 – Workshop / discussion



S Charlesworth Coventry University


Bridging the gap between SuDS research, policy and practice Plenary discussion

5.20 – 5.30 Discussion and Close of Day 1

SUDSnet 20th Anniversary Conference 2024

11th & 12th September 2024. Coventry University, England. UK.

Conference Dinner - 7.00 for 7.30pm in the Undercroft, St Marys Guildhall, Bayley Lane, Coventry, CV1 5RN

SUDSnet 2024 organised by SUDSnet members from:

SUDSnet 20th Anniversary Conference 2024

11th & 12th September 2024. Coventry University, England. UK.

Programme. Day 2 – Thursday 12th Sept 2024

9.00 – 9.30 Registration

9:30 – 9.40 Welcome

9.40-10.20 KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Jo Bradley (Stormwater Shepherds UK)

SuDS and highway runoff – a match made in Heaven, or a toxic swamp?

Session 4 – Resilient Infrastructure - SUDS Performance

& Monitoring 1 – Water Quantity


10.20 The ‘Urban Green DaMS’ project –controls on retention and detention in bioretention cells


Bioretention Inlet Design: More than a bump in the road?

11.00 Bioswale infiltration rate variability in full scale infiltration tests. Case Studies from the USA, Canada, Latvia and the Netherlands.

Session 5 - Resilient Infrastructure - SUDS

Performance & Monitoring 2 – Water Quality


11.40 Rural Sustainable Drainage Systems (Rural SuDS): Case Study of an Arable Field Runoff System in the Lunan Catchment, Angus, Scotland Moir SE Moir Environmental Ltd

12.00 Complexity of Optimal Control of Combined Sewer Systems and Potential Solutions from Artificial Intelligence


Stovin V & Deville S University Sheffield, University Liverpool

DeVille S, Ren S, Wickham B, Wilson F, Brewington J & Deeprose G.

Liverpool University, University of Sheffield Severn Trent, Arup

J. Kondratenko, J. Rubulis, F. Boogaard & K. Maļinovskis Riga Technical University, Latvia

University of Applied Sciences, Hanze University, Netherlands Bonava Latvia Ltd.

11.20 Session end – additional discussion/ questions if time allows

11.20 -11.40 BREAK

12.20 The impact of environmental conditions in SUDS ponds on the presence of amphibians

Rathnayake N, Rathnayake U & Hoshino Y

University of Tokyo; University Atlantic Technological, Sligo, Ireland & Kochi University of Technology, Japan

MacArthur K, Briers R, Dodd J Lancaster L, Louca V & O'Brien D Edinburgh Napier University University of Aberdeen & Nature Scot

12.40 Use of Digitally Enhanced Imagery to Gauge Stakeholder Preferences and Perceptions Towards Retrofitting Sustainable Drainage Devices in Residential Settings

1.00 Session end – additional discussion/ questions if time allows 1.00 -2.00 LUNCH

John Maggs and Colin A. Booth University of the West of England

Time for posters/ networking / fresh air & walk

Session 6 – SuDS & Novel Materials


2.00 Biomass waste-based sorbents for stormwater treatment

SUDSnet 20th Anniversary Conference 2024

11th & 12th September 2024. Coventry University, England. UK.

2.20 Embodied Carbon in Water Industry Infrastructure


N Tripathi, C..D Hills &K TotaMaharaj*

Indo:UK Centre for Environment Research and Innovation School of Engineering, University of Greenwich.

*Royal Agricultural University, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 6JS, England, UK

CD Hills, N Tripathi, K TotaMaharaj* & JE Hills**

Indo:UK Centre for Environment Research and Innovation School of Engineering, University of Greenwich.

*Royal Agricultural University & **Southern Water.

Session 7 – Emerging Challenges for Water Quality Management


3.40 Examining the ability of Sustainable Drainage Systems to retain New and Emerging Pollutants


2.40 Stormwater Quality Improvement Through Two-Stage Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) Filtration: A Pilot-Scale Study

Kiran Tota-Maharaj, Benjamin Kus, Jaya Kandasamy & Saravanamuthu Vigneswaran

RAU/WRC, Watercom, Centre for Technology in Water and Wastewater and School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Technology Sydney.

Can permeable pavements effectively retain microplastics from urban stormwater?

4.20 Session end – additional discussion/ questions


Hollings P, Charlesworth S, Bogush A & Griffiths P Coventry University & Aston University

García-Haba, E; HernándezCrespo, C; Martín, M & Andrés-Domènech, I. Universitat Politècnica de València.

4.40 - 5.00pm Day 2 Final Discussion and Close of Conference 5.00pm Depart

3.00 Session end – additional discussion/ questions if time allows

3.00 - 3.20 BREAK

SUDSnet 2024 organised by SUDSnet members from:


# Authors

SUDSnet 20th Anniversary Conference 2024

11th & 12th September 2024. Coventry University, England. UK.


1 Dr R Wade & Prof S Charlesworth Abertay University & Coventry University

2 S Ren, Prof V Stovin & Dr S De-Ville

3 F Wilson, Prof V Stovin, & Dr S De-Ville

4 N Krishnan Senthilkumar & Prof. K Tota-Maharaj

5 Mr G Legi Daniel & Prof K Tota-Maharaj

6 K Kunwar & Prof. K. Tota-Maharaj

7 O Ajayi & Prof. Kiran Tota-Maharaj

University of Sheffield & University of Liverpool

University of Sheffield & University of Liverpool

Royal Holloway-University of London, Royal Agricultural University & The Water Research Centre.

Royal Holloway-University of London, Royal Agricultural University & The Water Research Centre.

Aston University Birmingham, Royal Agricultural University & the Water Research Centre (WRc),

Aston University Birmingham, Royal Agricultural University & The Water Research Centre (WRc) & Household Energy Generation.

8 N Rastinifard & Prof. K Tota-Maharaj

9 M Shah, Prof. Kiran Tota-Maharaj, Prof. Azamathulla &

Royal Agricultural University & The Water Research Centre (WRc)

Royal Agricultural University, WRc, University of the West Indies, & The Environment Agency (EA).

Poster Title

SUDSnet – Celebrating 20 years of enhancing multiple benefits from water management.

Evaluation of SuDS Device-scale Simplified Modelling Methods in SWMM

Assessing the Cumulative Water Quantity Benefits of Intensive Retrofitting

Economic Feasibility of Vertical Farming and Sustainable Drainage Systems in India: A Cost-Benefit Analysis

Sustainable Water Resource Management in Urban Developments within GCC: Focusing on Bahrain, UAE, and Oman

Evaluation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Road / Highway Runoff Control: Permeable Pavement Systems (PPS) as SuDS for Stormwater Quality Improvement & Volumetric Reduction

The use of Bamboo in Constructed (Engineered) Wetland Systems as a Bioelectrochemical System for Stormwater Treatment

Enhancing Urban Resilience through Microplastic Mitigation in Urban Stormwater through Integrating Sustainable Drainage Solutions (SuDS) and Grey and Green Infrastructure (constructed wetlands)

Agricultural irrigation water and wastewater management strategies for reduction of environmental hazards and risks on agricultural lands in the Caribbean: A case study in the Caroni River Basin, Trinidad and Tobago,

SUDSnet 20th Anniversary Conference 2024

11th & 12th September 2024. Coventry University, England. UK.

Dr Surendran West Indies.

10 M Faruk Hossain & Prof. K. Tota-Maharaj

11 F Oluwarotimi & Prof. K. Tota-Maharaj

12 Prof Kiran Tota-Maharaj & R Brijgopal Vyas

Royal Agricultural University & the Water Research Centre (WRc)

Aston University Birmingham, Royal Agricultural University & The Water Research Centre (WRc).

Royal Agricultural University, The Water Research Centre (WRc), Aston University Birmingham, & JRL Midgard.

Sustainable Water Resource Recovery and Wastewater Technological Innovations: Study on Non-thermal plasma (NTP) as a New advanced technique for Agricultural Wastewater Treatment.

The Application of Sustainable Drainage Systems for Stormwater Management with Microbial Fuel Cells

Integration of Permeable Pavement Systems and Microbial Fuel Cells for Stormwater Treatment and Bioelectricity Generation

13 O Cyril Emereole & Prof K Tota-Maharaj

Royal Agricultural University & The Water Research Centre (WRc)

14 L Young & Dr R Wade Abertay University

15 A Duffy & Dr R Wade Abertay University

16 B Wickham, Prof V Stovin & Dr S De-Ville

17 Pauline Lokidor & Miho


Sue Charlesworth

Craig Lashford


University of Sheffield & University of Liverpool

Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University

Coventry University

Jacobs, Birmingham, B4 6BN, UK

Bio-Electrochemical Evaluation of Constructed/Engineered WetlandsMicrobial Fuel Cells for Agricultural Wastewater Treatment and Simultaneous Bioenergy Recovery

Enhancing Scotland’s resilience to climate change – a blue-green infrastructure inclusivity framework based on community-centred nature-based solutions.

SuDS Outreach and Engagement in School and Community Settings

The Feasibility of Estimating Evapotranspiration from A Vegetated Surface Using the Three-Temperatures Method: A Preliminary Study.

Nature-Based Solutions to control flooding in Kibera slum Nairobi, Kenya

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